Rocky And Bullwinkle Starring In The Treasure Of Montie Zoom

  • avant-hier
00:30Oh, Bullwinkle the Moose, and a host of others.
00:37Hurry, Bullwinkle, the show's about to start.
00:40I'm coming as fast as I can.
00:43Wave to the people.
00:48Now what are you doing?
00:49Signing autographs. This is John Smith.
00:53But your name is Bullwinkle.
00:55I know, but that's hard to spell.
01:00We're going to have a lot of fun. Come on and join us.
01:06Sure. There's always room for one more.
01:20Minnesota, in the lower regions of the high country,
01:23in the middle of Lake Saldivane,
01:25Boris Baranov and his partner Natasha
01:27are enjoying the tranquility of unspoiled nature,
01:30the warm sunshine, the fresh air.
01:35Boris, why are you coughing?
01:37I'm used to breathing good old city smog, Natasha.
01:40This fresh air is killing me.
01:43Then why are we here in this silly boat?
01:45It's not a silly boat, it's a glass-bottom boat.
01:47Sounds pretty silly to me.
01:49Look down there, Natasha. What do you see?
01:51I see funny-looking nose, little mustache.
01:54Looks very familiar.
01:55It should. That's my reflection. I forgot to clean the glass.
01:58Wait. There. Now what do you see?
02:01I see great big X.
02:03Aha! We are in the right spot.
02:05Right spot?
02:06Of course. Look here at this treasure map.
02:09X marks the spot.
02:11Treasure map?
02:12This is map showing the lost treasure of Monty Zoom.
02:15You mean Monty Zuma, old Aztec Indian?
02:18No, Monty Zoom, the big race car driver.
02:21Was he rich?
02:22Was he rich? Just ask me.
02:24Okay, was he rich?
02:25Rich enough to bury a treasure at the bottom of this lake, that's all, honey-bone.
02:29Yeah, but how do we get it?
02:30Easy. We blow up the dam and let the water run out.
02:34But if we blow up dam, water will rush down on innocent people and frostbite falls.
02:39True, true.
02:41Oh, Boris, you are mean-speaking, no good Nick.
02:45I know. Mr. Wonderful, that's I.
02:49And so the two villains prepared to blow up the dam,
02:52never remembering that our heroes, Bullwinkle and Rocky,
02:55always arrive in the, ta-da, nick of time.
02:58Don't be silly. I want them to arrive in the, ta-da, nick of time.
03:01You do?
03:02And I'm ready. Observe.
03:04World's only patented Dreamsville moose horn.
03:07Dreamsville moose horn?
03:08Sure. When I blow it, moose will forget about everything else in the world.
03:12Including dynamite.
03:14Right. Bullwinkle really digs that crazy cool Northwood sound.
03:18But what about Squirrel?
03:19For him, I got a gun.
03:21Juste plain gun?
03:22Look, I can't be tricky all the time. I got other things to think about.
03:26Now let's put dynamite on them.
03:28Meanwhile, not too far away, here's the crow flies.
03:30That's me.
03:32Bullwinkle and Rocky, charter members of the Frostbite Falls Birdwatching and Pinnacle Society.
03:37Unfortunately, today is the day for birdwatching.
03:40Put down one crow, Bullwinkle.
03:42One crow.
03:43You spell that with a C, friend.
03:45Oh, thanks.
03:46No E on the end.
03:47Get out of here, you smart aleck crow.
03:49Bullwinkle, that's one of our little feathered friends.
03:51Friends, my eye. I joined the club to watch them. I don't have to like them.
03:55Well, here, it's your turn to take the classes. I'll write down all the birds you see.
04:00Okay. Let's see.
04:02One tufted titmouse.
04:05One black-capped chickadee.
04:07No, chick.
04:08Chick, check.
04:10No, chick.
04:11Forget it. Put down Robin Redbreast.
04:14One yellow-bellied sapsucky.
04:16No, cross that out. I can't stand a coward.
04:18Oh, come on, Bullwinkle.
04:20All right.
04:21Say, there's a big-nosed fuselighter.
04:23A big-nosed fuselighter? Male or female?
04:26There's one of each.
04:27Let me see those classes.
04:29Bullwinkle, those are saboteurs.
04:32One or two bees.
04:33We gotta stop them.
04:34And desert my bird-watching post, never.
04:37And Bullwinkle, our hero, mind you, refused to move.
04:40While on the dam, the fuse burned shorter and shorter.
04:44Don't miss our next episode.
04:45Floodwaters or drown in the valley.
04:51Last time you remember, Boris and Natasha were preparing to blow up a dam in order to find hidden treasure.
04:56Yes, it's the lost treasure of Montezum.
04:59Not now it isn't, darling.
05:00What you mean, Natasha, he said like a good straight man?
05:03Now it's the found treasure of Montezum.
05:06Oh, boy.
05:07And although our hero, Bullwinkle, spotted the villains while bird-watching, he refused to go after them.
05:12But this is more important than bird-watching, Bullwinkle.
05:15If they blow up the dam, think of what will happen to all those poor people and frost by fall.
05:20Those poor people will get mighty soggy.
05:22Well, let's go.
05:23Not so fast, Rock.
05:24We're the heroes, remember?
05:27So the heroes always arrive in the, ta-da, nick of time.
05:30I don't want to show up early and spoil the suspense.
05:33And I don't want to show up late and get blown up.
05:35You got a point there.
05:37Heck with the suspense.
05:38Let's go.
05:39But what Bullwinkle and Rocky didn't know was that Boris Baranov was waiting for them with not one but two weapons.
05:45A Dreamsville moose horn and a squirrel gun.
05:48I blow moose horn and moose forgets all about dynamite until kaboom.
05:53And what about squirrel? He also get kaboom?
05:56No, no. For him, it's poom poom with squirrel gun.
06:00And so as Bullwinkle and Rocky dashed onto the dam and reached for the fuse,
06:04Boris raised the fatal Dreamsville moose horn to his lips and
06:07and a one and a two and
06:12Natasha, I think I've lost my lip.
06:14I think you got a duck horn instead of a moose horn.
06:17Hmm, could be you're right.
06:20Kinda crazy sound, though.
06:23Real cool, daddy-o, but it doesn't stop moose and squirrel.
06:26Don't worry, I still got squirrel gun.
06:28So use it.
06:29Okay. Ready, aim, fire.
06:34What's that?
06:35Boris, we forgot. There's no violence allowed on television anymore.
06:39Well, Bullwinkle, we did it. We arrived in the ta-da nick of time.
06:43We always arrive in the ta-da nick of time.
06:46The ta-da nick of time.
06:48You said that.
06:49I know, I just love to go ta-da.
06:52Well, all is lost, Natasha. Might as well throw away the treasure map.
06:56Why not just pull the plug at the bottom of lake?
06:58Pull the plug?
06:59Yes, look.
07:03Sure enough, the treasure map indicated a large plug at the bottom of Saldabane Lake.
07:07See, the chain leads to this float in the middle of the lake.
07:10So a little later, Boris was at the float and tugging at the chain that would empty the lake
07:14and reveal the lost treasure of Montezum.
07:17A little later, he was still tugging.
07:19Much later, he was still tugging.
07:22Gee, I wonder what happened to the saboteurs who were trying to blow up the dam.
07:25Well, they wouldn't hang...
07:26Help! Besoras, help!
07:29What's that?
07:30Sounds like somebody in trouble on the lake. Come on!
07:33And within a few minutes, Bullwinkle had crashed his way to the side of Boris' boat.
07:37What's all the trouble?
07:39Allow me to introduce myself.
07:41I'm Spencer Traceback, the famous actor.
07:44Yeah, I saw you in that picture about the old man fighting with a great big fish.
07:48Keen picture.
07:50Thanks, kid.
07:51But I got a fish here that's even bigger and I need help to drag it in.
07:55Well, I'm your man.
07:57Yeah, Moose.
07:58Bullwinkle began pulling on the chain which would pull the plug,
08:01which would empty the lake,
08:02which would uncover the treasure,
08:04which would...
08:05Mister, you got a bad case of Witchwoods there.
08:07I know.
08:08Anyway, be with us next time for A Leak in the Lake,
08:12or The Drainmaker.
08:17In the last episode, Bullwinkle and Boris were trying to pull the plug
08:20out of the bottom of Lake Saint-Dubin.
08:22The reason is that at the bottom of the lake,
08:24in this waterproof casing, lies the treasure of Montezum.
08:27Yes, and I'm going to get it back or my name isn't...
08:30What's his name?
08:31Yeah, Spencer Traceback.
08:33Of course, Bullwinkle thought he was helping Spencer Traceback,
08:36the actor, drag in a big fish.
08:38Just like in the movies.
08:39Boy, he must be a whopper.
08:41No, he's a bluefin toonie.
08:43Is that anything like a piano toonie?
08:44But before Boris could answer with still another tired joke,
08:47the plug pulled loose and the water began to rush out of the lake.
08:50Uh-oh, I think we lost him.
08:52And small wonder you're not using a hook.
08:54It must have fallen off.
08:56I guess it's back to the salt mines.
08:58If someone would only dive down and find the hook.
09:01See, why don't I do it, Mr. Traceback?
09:04I couldn't think of asking you to do a thing like that.
09:07Then why are you pushing me?
09:08But if you insist...
09:09And Bullwinkle suddenly found himself in the water.
09:11Boris, if he dives down, he will find treasure.
09:14He'll also find the hole that's draining the lake.
09:16Sure enough, far beneath the water,
09:18Bullwinkle was struggling against the pull of the water,
09:20running out of the hole at the bottom of the lake.
09:22Fortunately, his plight had not gone unseen.
09:24Hold on, Bullwinkle, I'm coming.
09:26And Rocky, that plucky squirrel,
09:28launched himself into a fancy swan dive.
09:30But his luck would have it, at that moment,
09:32the last of the water drained out of the lake.
09:35So there was Rocky, out like a light.
09:37Boris and Natasha free to get the treasure
09:39and Bullwinkle Moose...
09:41Oh, good heavens, where is he?
09:43Right down there, poopsie.
09:45Yes, our hero had disappeared down the drain.
09:48But, gee, that means that there are no good guys left.
09:51Funny how that works out.
09:53Come on, Natasha.
09:54And with no one to stop him,
09:55the two villains went directly to the huge waterproof casing
09:58that shielded the treasure of Montezuma.
10:00Fortunately, the waterproof casing
10:02turned out to be villain-proof, too.
10:04Hold it, Natasha, I'm bushed.
10:07If I got to work this hard to get rich,
10:09I might as well get a job.
10:10Oh, Boris, what you said.
10:12Meanwhile, Rocky had come to his senses
10:14and was standing beside the hole
10:16where Bullwinkle had been pulled from sight.
10:18There's only one thing to do.
10:19I gotta fly down there after him.
10:21And adjusting his goggles,
10:22the plucky squirrel zoomed down into the hole.
10:25Oh, such loyalty, Boris.
10:27It kind of gets you right here.
10:30Yes, Natasha, and I'm going to do something about it, too.
10:34I'm going to plug up the hole.
10:35And the wily Boris slammed the plug back into place
10:38and stamped it down tight,
10:39trapping our heroes far underground
10:41where they were zooming through
10:42the water supply system of Frostbite Falls.
10:45Our scene now changes rather abruptly
10:47to the interior of an apartment house
10:49in the suburbs of Frostbite Falls, where...
10:52Nearly was a lady last night she died
10:56Told the bell for...
10:58Oh, rats, what happened to the hot water?
11:01Hey, super, let's have some hot water up here.
11:04You got all there is?
11:05Turn the tap on all the way.
11:07Oh, very well.
11:09Nearly was a lady last night she died
11:13Told the bell for lovely Nell
11:16My sweet virginy bride
11:20Oh, for cry I, it's a monster.
11:23No, I'm more of a second tenor.
11:25How'd you get in there?
11:26Never mind that.
11:27The real question is, how am I going to get out?
11:29Yes, Boomwinkle was jammed into a bend in the water pipe
11:32and what's more, it was a hot water pipe.
11:34Yeah, I'm getting the world's first instant hot foot.
11:36Instant hot foot?
11:37Take one foot and add boiling water.
11:40Don't miss our next episode,
11:42Boomwinkle Cleans Up, or the Desperate Showers.
11:48Last time you remember, Rocky was chasing Boomwinkle
11:50through the water system of Frostbite Falls.
11:53Little did he know that high above him,
11:54the moose was stuck in an irate citizen's shower nozzle.
11:58Fortunately, the irate citizen spun the tap wide open,
12:01shooting Boomwinkle out of the pipe entirely.
12:03Thanks a mil', friend.
12:05But you're over six feet tall.
12:06How could you get through a little skinny water pipe?
12:08I held my breath.
12:09Superintendent, help!
12:11Well, if you're going to act like that, goodbye.
12:13Now, what's the matter, what's the matter?
12:15You got enough hot water, haven't you?
12:17I just found a moose in my shower.
12:19A mouse in your shower?
12:20Not a mouse, a moose!
12:22Maybe you ought to switch to cold showers for a while.
12:24I never heard of anything so...
12:27Hey, either of you ladies seen a moose go by here?
12:31That way.
12:33Do you realize that a squirrel just came out of the shower,
12:35called us ladies, and acted as if a moose went by?
12:38And there's a good reason for it.
12:41His goggles were all steamed up.
12:44It was true.
12:45With his goggles all foggy,
12:46Rocky walked right past Boomwinkle without even seeing him.
12:49Hey, Rocky!
12:50Boomwinkle, is that you?
12:51It was when I got up this morning.
12:53I must be getting nearsighted.
12:54You sure look fuzzy.
12:56Well, let's face it, Rock.
12:57I am fuzzy.
12:58Meanwhile, at the dry lake bottom,
13:00Boris and Natasha were still trying to break into the enormous treasure chest.
13:03Oh, it's no use, Boris.
13:05We can't do it.
13:06Well, I guess we'll have to use a Potsilvanian persuader.
13:09A Potsilvanian persuader? What's that?
13:11Two pounds TNT in a one-pound bag with instructions.
13:16Let's see.
13:17Instructions say,
13:18Place bag next to object to be persuaded.
13:21Light fuse.
13:23Then it says,
13:25This persuader has...
13:27Has what?
13:28Just a minute.
13:29It's in small print.
13:32This persuader has...
13:35A quick-burning fuse.
13:37But though the explosive did a good job on Boris and Natasha,
13:40it didn't faze the treasure of Montezum.
13:42Perhaps we should ask ourselves, Natasha,
13:44is it worth all the effort?
13:47Is a cheesy million-dollar treasure worth getting blown up for?
13:51Is a million dollars really that important?
13:54Is money everything?
13:56I give up, darling.
13:57Is it?
13:58You're bad at this.
13:59Get back to work.
14:01But unbeknownst to the two eager villains,
14:03our heroes were dashing to the scene of the crime.
14:05Why are we dashing thusly?
14:06Because the criminal always returns to the scene of the crime.
14:09I don't want to destroy your childlike faith, Rock,
14:11but we're not the criminals.
14:12No, but when the real criminals do return to the scene of the crime,
14:15we'll catch them red-handed.
14:17Do you follow me?
14:18I have to.
14:19We're on the same bicycle.
14:20Meanwhile, the wily Boris had rigged up a primitive block in taco
14:23and dragged the enormous treasure chest to a high bluff
14:26overlooking the dry lake.
14:28Now, as soon as we cut the cable,
14:30chest drops down onto those rocks, splits wide open.
14:34Happy days are here again. Hey!
14:36Well, as luck would have it,
14:38our heroes chose that moment to pedal their bicycle
14:40across the bottom of the dry lake
14:42and right under the enormous chest.
14:44Natasha, do my eyes deceive me?
14:46They wouldn't dare.
14:48It's fantastical.
14:50We get to open up treasure chest
14:52and shut up Moose and Squirtle at the same time.
14:55Oh, you're such a lucky schnook.
14:57Well, you know what I always say?
14:59Somebody down there likes me.
15:02And Boris prepared to snip the cable
15:04and send the treasure chest hurtling down on our heroes.
15:07Don't miss our next rather unpleasant episode,
15:10Boris bashes a box
15:13or the flat chest.
15:20Well, the treasure of Montezuma may be worth a million dollars,
15:23but it doesn't look as if anybody's going to collect it,
15:25for the enormous treasure chest has so far resisted
15:28the efforts of Boris and Natasha to pry it open,
15:31chop it open,
15:34even blow it open.
15:37Let's face it, Boris, we need a safe cracker.
15:39We got a safe cracker.
15:42Me, that's whom.
15:43Boris, you know how to crack a safe.
15:45Sure, Mike.
15:46You just lift the safe up in the air like this
15:48and when you cut the cable...
15:52Oh, that's straight thinking, darling.
15:53And for me, straight thinking is tough.
15:56I got a crooked mind.
15:57Well, as luck would have it,
15:58our heroes chose that moment to pedal their bicycle
16:00right under the hanging chest.
16:02Gee, I don't see any sign of those two spies, Bullwinkle.
16:05Uh, what spies are those, Rock?
16:07The spies who drained this lake.
16:09This is a lake?
16:10Oh, boy, have you forgotten the plot again?
16:13In a word, you said it.
16:14That's three words.
16:15I'm a heavy tipper.
16:16Now, what's the plot?
16:17Here, I'll draw you a picture.
16:19And all unaware of the frightful fate
16:21hanging over their heads,
16:22Rocky began to draw pictures to bring Bullwinkle
16:24up to date on our story.
16:26We were birdwatching, remember?
16:29We saw two spies ready to blow up the dam.
16:33We put out the fuse.
16:34Good for us.
16:35One of them disguised himself
16:36as an actor named Spencer Traceback.
16:38My favorite.
16:39Then he slickered you into pulling a big plug
16:41out of the bottom of the lake.
16:43Shame, shame.
16:44Revealing a big treasure chest.
16:46This is the exciting part.
16:47And we went down the drain together.
16:50And now we're back here looking for the two spies.
16:52Well, that is a dandy...
16:54Hey, what did you draw above us there?
16:57That's the treasure chest
16:58that's hanging over our...
17:00Hanging over our...
17:02That's an odd place to...
17:03Bullwinkle, out of the way!
17:04I can't, Rock.
17:05Something happened.
17:06I can't move.
17:07Go on, Boris.
17:08Cut the rope.
17:09I'm trying.
17:10What's the matter?
17:11The snippers must be down.
17:12Here, darling.
17:13Try this.
17:14What is it?
17:15It's my switchblade nail file.
17:17And Boris leaped on top of the chest
17:19and began sawing at the rope.
17:22Run, Bullwinkle!
17:23I can't.
17:24I must be froze with fear.
17:26No, you're not.
17:27You're standing on your own foot.
17:29Doesn't everybody?
17:30I mean, your right foot
17:31is standing on your left foot.
17:33Okay, break it up down there.
17:35And our heroes dashed out of the way
17:37just as the rope let go.
17:38Good work, Boris.
17:39But unfortunately for Boris,
17:40he'd forgotten he was still on top of the chest.
17:43And what's more, as it fell,
17:44the chest turned over
17:45so Boris was underneath it.
17:48Don't worry, darling.
17:49Remember, this is just cartoon.
17:53Boris, are you all right?
17:55Natasha, I just found out what happens
17:57when a cartoon chest falls on a cartoon character.
18:01It hurts!
18:02And what's more, darling?
18:03What could be what's more?
18:04The chest still isn't open.
18:06Fooey and double fooey.
18:08That voice, Bullwinkle.
18:09Where have I heard that voice?
18:11I heard something like it once
18:12when I dropped a chicken bone in the garbage disposal.
18:15That does it, Natasha.
18:16Come on, we're going to get an A-bomb.
18:20A-bomb, come on.
18:21Did you hear that, Bullwinkle?
18:22Sure, they repeated it twice.
18:24Do you know what A-bomb means?
18:27A-bomb is what some people call our program.
18:29I don't think that's so funny.
18:31Neither do they, apparently.
18:33And while our heroes engage in airy perciflage,
18:35the two villains are on their way.
18:38Don't miss our next explosive episode,
18:40One, Two, Three, Gone,
18:41or I've Got Plenty of Nothing.
18:49Well, Boris tried to drop the treasure of Montezuma on our heroes
18:52but wound up hoist with his own petard.
18:55Hold it, hold it.
18:57What means this hoist with my own...
19:00It means you fell into your own trap.
19:03Why didn't you say so?
19:05Okay, let's go.
19:07Finally, in desperation, he and Natasha set out
19:09to find an A-bomb to blow up the chest.
19:12Gee, that must be a pretty valuable treasure, Bullwinkle.
19:15Big, anyway.
19:16Maybe we could get that chest open.
19:19Of course, those spies tried hammering it
19:20and chopping it, blowing it up, dropping it off a cliff.
19:24So how can we open it?
19:26What do you think, Bullwinkle?
19:28What's your considered opinion?
19:29If you'd stop talking, I'll kill you.
19:30Well, I was just trying to build up a little suspense.
19:33Why don't we just try turning the key?
19:36The key?
19:37Yes, right there in plain sight was a key.
19:40And when Bullwinkle turned it, the entire box flopped open,
19:43revealing at last the treasure of Montezuma.
19:47Wow! A 1903 Apperson Jackrabbit!
19:51That's a treasure?
19:52Isn't it, though?
19:53I must say, I'm disappointed.
19:55Well, then, go ahead.
19:57Say it.
19:58Okay, I'm disappointed.
19:59And I'm...
20:01Yeah, I know.
20:02Well, I guess the only thing we can do
20:04is drive it into town and turn it over.
20:07To the authorities.
20:09How do we start it?
20:10Well, it says right here on the instruction sheet, let's see,
20:12stand in front of machine, seize, crank, spin crank sharply.
20:20First, making sure car is out of gear.
20:23Hey, Rock, wait up!
20:24And so when Boris and Natasha returned to the scene...
20:27We couldn't find an A-bomb, not even a war surplus one.
20:30Boris, look, somebody beat us to the treasure.
20:34But at that moment, Boris' sharp eyes spotted the instruction sheet
20:37that Bullwinkle had dropped.
20:40I say, at that moment, Boris' sharp eyes had spotted the...
20:44I heard you, I heard you!
20:47I can't see it anywhere.
20:48It's right under your nose.
20:49You crazy, it's nowhere inside.
20:51Boris, darling.
20:52Invisible ink I can find.
20:55Invisible papers, no.
20:57What is it, Natasha?
20:58You are sitting on it.
21:01You said it was under my nose!
21:04What does it say?
21:05It says the treasure was really just an old car.
21:08Oh boy.
21:09Lucky we got a regular job to fall back on.
21:12What's that?
21:13Breaking windows at the UN building.
21:15Let's go.
21:16Oh, if those two villains had only seen the license plate of that car,
21:20they would...
21:21What's that whispering?
21:22What was that?
21:24Nothing at all.
21:25We got ways of finding out, you know.
21:28Ways of...
21:31We're on program backwards and forwards again.
21:33Like this.
21:39Oh, if those two villains had only seen the license plate of that car...
21:43That's what you said!
21:45Natasha, what's with the license plate?
21:47It's only a number, Boris.
21:48What number?
21:49One four K.
21:51One four K.
21:5414 karat?
21:55Natasha, 14 karat!
21:57That car is solid gold!
21:59Come on!
22:00Oh, what have I done?
22:01You have just signed death warrant for Moose, darling.
22:04Oh dear.
22:06And stretch the whole plot out for two more episodes.
22:09And we'll see one of them next time called
22:12All the Glitters, or
22:14Maybe It's Gold Outside?
22:20Last time you remember,
22:21Bullwinkle Moose outsmarted us all
22:23by finding a way to get into the treasure chest
22:25of Mata Zoom!
22:27We must turn the key.
22:31Lookie, Smoke, it's just an old car.
22:33Just an old car indeed.
22:34This here is a genuine 1903 Apperson Jackrabbit.
22:37How do you know?
22:38It said so in the last episode.
22:40Our heroes decided to donate the car
22:42to the Frostbite Falls Museum and drove it away.
22:45But when Boris and Natasha spotted the license plate...
22:48It says one four K, darling.
22:50Do you think...
22:51I don't have to think, Natasha.
22:52I know.
22:53This is a 14 karat solid gold automobile.
22:56Let's face it, Boris.
22:57These Americans really know how to live.
22:59Come on, Natasha.
23:00Let's take the shortcut.
23:01We're about to go into the used car business.
23:04On purpose?
23:05And so a little later
23:06as our boys wanted to turn a strange sight.
23:09Madman Morris, the Laughing Latvian, used car.
23:13Well, we might as well stop.
23:15How come?
23:16Madman Morris has put up a roadblock.
23:18It was true.
23:19An enormous tree truck lay right across their path.
23:21Well, ho, ho, ho!
23:22Howdy, friends and neighbors.
23:24That must be Madman Morris himself.
23:26Are you the Laughing Latvian?
23:28You were expecting the Angry Afghan?
23:31Can we get by here?
23:33The best buy in these parts.
23:34A late model, Aussie late.
23:36An Aussie late?
23:37And I can make you an unbelievable offer
23:39on this junk pile you're driving.
23:40Yeah, but we're not...
23:41$26, and that's top money.
23:43Take it or leave it.
23:45Without defender, $25.
23:47You were right.
23:48It's unbelievable.
23:49Sounds pretty good, Rock.
23:50But, Winkle, we were going to give this car to the museum.
23:53But 26 bucks.
23:55That's anti-histamine money, you know.
23:57Anti-histamine money?
23:58It's not to be sneezed at.
24:00Yeah, but we promised...
24:01You get it, Rock?
24:02Not to be sneezed at.
24:03Poor Winkle.
24:04A medical-type joke I threw in there.
24:06You get it?
24:07I got it.
24:08Thousands won't.
24:09You said it.
24:10Well, is it a deal?
24:11Uh, how much is the Aussie late?
24:13Now, never you mind about the price.
24:15I don't want you to clutter your little furry head
24:17with a lot numbers.
24:18That's kind.
24:19Just sign here, easy payments for next 20 years.
24:22Uh, what's it say way down here?
24:24Don't read the fine print.
24:26You want to ruin those beautiful blue eyes?
24:29They are kind of limpid pools, aren't they?
24:32Is the car in good condition, Mr. Morris?
24:34Of course.
24:35Only one owner.
24:36A little old lady in Pennsylvania.
24:38Hey, isn't that Pasadena?
24:40Far from it, darling.
24:42And she only used it on Sundays, didn't you, Granny?
24:45That's right, darling.
24:48You're the little old lady who drove this car?
24:50Actual, I didn't drive it, darling.
24:52I used to sit in it and listen to the radio.
24:56The radio?
24:58A.M. and P.M.
24:59Oh, I love that Merton Marge.
25:01Easy, Granny.
25:02You're dating yourself?
25:03Va-voom, darling.
25:05So how's it bad?
25:06Well, I don't know.
25:07Okay, you've driven me to the wall.
25:09I surrender.
25:11Have no mercy on me.
25:13All right.
25:14I'll pay you $30 cash as is.
25:17And I throw in two all-day suckers.
25:20See what you can do if you know how to bargain, Bullwinkle?
25:23Lucky you got a good head on you, Rock.
25:25Or you'd have to wear your hat on your neck.
25:28And in a twinkling, the papers had been signed
25:30and Boris and Natasha drove off on our hero's 1903
25:33Jefferson Jackrabbit.
25:35Hey, Man Man Morris, wait a minute.
25:37You forgot something.
25:38Yeah, where's the two suckers?
25:40Well, the answer to that is so obvious,
25:42we won't even wait around for it.
25:43But be with us next time for
25:45Boris Wheels and Deals
25:46or A Profit Without Honor.
