Alaskan Pilot - Clutch Cargo - Ep. 33 52 - 1959 [English]

  • il y a 2 semaines
00:00C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:30C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:32C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:34C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:36C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:38C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:40C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:42C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:44C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:46C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:48C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:50C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:52C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:54C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:56C'est parti pour l'Alaska Spinner !
00:58Quelqu'un nous a appelé.
01:00Quelqu'un qui se trouve là-bas sur la route, Clutch.
01:02Ça doit être notre homme.
01:04Allons-y en taxi.
01:12Allons-y en taxi.
01:14Allons-y en taxi.
01:16Vous avez fait une très rapide voyage.
01:18Bienvenue à Walrus Cove.
01:20Merci. Je pense que vous êtes Walrus Smith,
01:22un homme qui nous a envoyé.
01:24C'est vrai.
01:26Vous n'êtes pas loin, Clutch Cargo,
01:28de l'image dans votre livre d'aventure.
01:30Vous aussi, Spinner et Paddlefoot,
01:32vous faites une grande équipe.
01:34Quel est le problème, Mr. Smith ?
01:36Appelez-moi Walrus.
01:38Allons-y à la boutique générale,
01:40et je vous remplacerai.
01:42Pendant ce temps, dans les ombres,
01:44en regardant Clutch et son compagnon,
01:46nous trouvons Gumboot Hogan et Moose Nose Mac,
01:48les deux plus dégueulasses
01:50dans le pays nord.
01:52On dirait qu'on a plus de soucis.
01:54C'est Walrus qui nous a appelé
01:56pour trouver Klondike et Sourdough.
01:58Oui, nous devons les éliminer.
02:00Nous ne pouvons pas les aider
02:02à s'occuper de Klondike et Sourdough.
02:04Allons à Snowbuggy et vers le nord.
02:06Depuis des années, j'ai été
02:08à la recherche de Klondike et Sourdough Mike.
02:10Ils viennent toujours une fois par an
02:12pour des surprises.
02:14Cette année, ils ne sont pas venus.
02:16Et franchement, je suis inquiet.
02:18Je sais ce que tu veux dire.
02:20Personne ne peut survivre à l'hiver dans ce pays
02:22Tu as une idée d'où ils pourraient être?
02:24Oui, de la manière dont je le comprends,
02:26Ike et Mike ont découvert de l'or
02:28il y a longtemps dans la forêt.
02:30Est-ce qu'il y a un pont d'atterrissage
02:32près de leur mine?
02:34Non, mais je pense qu'il y a
02:36un petit passage près de leur cabine.
02:38Mais personne n'a jamais lancé un avion là-bas.
02:40Peut-être que nous pouvons.
02:42Au moins, nous allons essayer.
02:44Clutch Cargo et son compagnon
02:46commencent leur voyage dans la forêt
02:48en recherche de Klondike Ike et Sourdough Mike
02:50les deux prospecteurs perdus.
02:52Mon Dieu, Clutch!
02:54Qu'est-ce que nous voyons?
02:56C'est la vallée fumée que M. Walrus nous a racontée.
03:00Au moins, nous savons que nous sommes sur le bon chemin.
03:04Qu'est-ce qui cause cette fumée, Clutch?
03:06Un grand feu de forêt?
03:08Oh non, cette fumée est causée
03:10par des ficheurs volcaniques
03:12ou des trous dans le bas de la vallée.
03:14Cette fumée, vous voyez,
03:16c'est vraiment du sable chaud qui s'écoule.
03:18Hé, ça vous ferait plaisir, n'est-ce pas?
03:20Ça vous ferait un vrai chien chaud,
03:24Eh bien, je n'aimerais pas
03:26particulièrement tomber là-bas,
03:28mais je pense qu'il vaut mieux qu'on regarde plus proche
03:30en cas que Mike et Ike soient là-bas.
03:36Clutch, tu es en train d'être très proche.
03:38C'est la seule façon
03:40de voir.
03:42Je ne vois rien.
03:44Oh non, une montagne!
03:46On va l'entendre!
03:48Qu'est-ce qui peut arrêter Clutch et son compagnie
03:50de tomber sur cette montagne?
03:52N'hésitez pas à vous abonner
03:54pour l'épisode suivant
03:56avec Clutch Cargo!
04:08Clutch Cargo avec ses amis
04:10Spinner et Paddlefoot
04:12dans une autre aventure excitante,
04:14le pilote alaskien!
04:16Vous vous souvenez de la dernière fois
04:18que Clutch et son compagnie sont arrivés à Walrus Cove
04:20où Walrus Smith leur a raconté
04:22de Klondike Ike et de Sourdough Mike.
04:24Ils n'étaient pas retournés pour des affaires
04:26comme ils l'ont toujours fait.
04:28Deux personnages, Gumboot et Moose Nose
04:30ont regardé tous les pas de Clutch.
04:32Plus tard...
04:34Oh non, une montagne!
04:36On va l'entendre!
04:38C'est une montagne!
04:42Wow! On l'a fait!
04:44L'air chaud qui sort de la montagne
04:46nous a aidés à nous enlever.
04:48Cette montagne est le dernier endroit
04:50où je veux emmener un avion.
04:52Tu l'as dit, Spinner.
04:56Il y a Clutch et ses amis.
04:58Il vaut mieux nous courir.
05:00Ils vont nous tuer pour Klondike et Sourdough.
05:02On va trouver un moyen de les retrouver
05:04et un jour le moins prévu.
05:06On y va.
05:14Ce sont les piques intermédiaires
05:16que M. Waller nous a dit.
05:18C'est ce qu'ils sont.
05:20Les cabins de Klondike et de Sourdough
05:22doivent être à la base du pique sud.
05:24C'est là, Clutch. Je vois la cabine.
05:26C'est la clé devant la cabine.
05:28Si je suis lent, je peux la mettre là-bas.
05:32C'est facile.
05:36Réfléchis, Spinner.
05:38On est là.
05:40Je me demande s'il y a quelqu'un à la maison.
05:42Il doit y avoir quelqu'un.
05:44Il y a de la fumée qui sort de la chimnière.
05:48Ne touche pas à ça ou je vais te mettre
05:50ce café chaud sur ta tête.
05:52C'est trop mal et je n'ai pas les pièces
05:54de la pierre de Brardy ici.
05:56Je vais te tuer avec ça.
05:58Bonjour. Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un à la maison?
06:02L'ensemble de la nation se fait
06:04Put that thing down.
06:06We're friends.
06:08Sent here by Walrus Smith to find you.
06:10Why didn't you say so?
06:12Golly, mister. We didn't have a chance.
06:16Who are you?
06:18I'm Spinner. And these are my pals,
06:20Clutch Cargo and Paddlefoot.
06:22Clutch Cargo. We've heard of you.
06:24We've read your adventure logbook.
06:26Come in.
06:28Thanks, fellas. Don't mind if we do.
06:30Sure nice and warm in here.
06:32But what's that line for?
06:34Everything on that side of the line is Mike's.
06:36And everything on that side of the line
06:38is Ike's.
06:40Gee, that's a funny way to live.
06:42Not so funny.
06:44Sourdough would etch me clear out of the cabin
06:46if I didn't watch him.
06:48Why, you old skin flint, what about you
06:50trying to take off with the last bean in the pot?
06:52It was on my side of the pot.
06:54If you hadn't dumped our barrel of beans
06:56in the stream, we'd be panning for gold
06:58instead of for beans.
07:00You did. I didn't.
07:02You did. I didn't.
07:04Cut her out, you two,
07:06and tell us what this is all about.
07:08He's been doing the darnedest things.
07:10He fed all of our hardtack to the squirrels
07:12and dumped our barrel of beans
07:14in the stream.
07:16I did. You did, you old geezer.
07:18Now, why would I do a thing like that?
07:20To starve me to death, that's why.
07:22Then you would get all the gold.
07:24Starve you?
07:26Why, you old fool, I'd starve myself to death, too.
07:28And you're just ornery enough to do it.
07:30Well, I've got good news for you.
07:32We brought your supplies and food
07:34for the winter. Gee, I'd sure like to see
07:36how you pan for gold.
07:38Uh, beans.
07:40Well, come out to the diggings and we'll show you.
07:42There's Cargo's plane in the clearing.
07:44He probably brought the old coot's supplies.
07:46When we dumped their food,
07:48I thought they'd have to leave.
07:50How are we going to get them off the land now?
07:52We'll just jump their claim.
07:54I've got a plan.
07:56What nasty plan
07:58does Gumboot have to stop them?
08:00Be sure to tune in
08:02for the next exciting episode
08:04with Clutch Cargo.
08:16Clutch Cargo with his pals
08:18Spinner and Paddlefoot
08:20in another exciting adventure,
08:22The Alaskan Pilot.
08:24You'll remember last time, Clutch and company
08:26started in search of Bondike and Sourdough.
08:28After almost crashing
08:30into a mountain, they headed on.
08:32As they landed, a violent
08:34argument between Pike and Pike
08:36was in progress. Moose Nose
08:38and Gumboot arrived on the scene.
08:40How are we going to get them off the land now?
08:42We'll just jump their claim.
08:44We do our mining with this loose box,
08:46Spinner. How's it work?
08:48Give me that shovel, Sourdough,
08:50and I'll show him. Sure, I'll give it to you.
08:52But it'll cost you five beans.
08:54Why, you old bandit?
08:56I only charged you four beans to use my pickaxe.
08:58You charged me ten beans
09:00to use your can opener.
09:02I didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't.
09:04Cut it out, you two.
09:06We brought you enough beans to last you all winter.
09:08It ain't the beans we're arguing about,
09:10it's the principle of the thing.
09:12Quiet, you old hoot owl.
09:14What do you know about principles?
09:16Those two old coots are still fighting.
09:18Fine. The more noise they make,
09:20the less apt they are to notice us.
09:22How much gold do you get out of these diggings?
09:24We struck it rich.
09:26We're getting three ounces to the shovel full.
09:28Yeah, but the beans are sure dropping off.
09:30We're only getting two or three to the shovel full.
09:32Speaking of beans,
09:34let's get back and unload those supplies.
09:36I'm hungry.
09:41They're leaving. Now's our chance.
09:43We'll go down and drive our claimed stakes,
09:45then head for the land office.
09:47Looks like Walrus Smith sent you enough grub
09:49to last you through two winters.
09:51Yeah, but Sourdough stacked all the canned goods
09:53on his side of the room.
09:55You bet I did.
09:57And it's going to cost you two ounces of gold
09:59for every can I give you.
10:01You forgot. I got the can opener.
10:03And it'll cost you four ounces of gold
10:05every time you use it.
10:07I won't pay it.
10:09You won't eat.
10:11I will. You won't. I will. You won't.
10:13Will. Won't. Will. Won't.
10:15Hold on, you two.
10:17I'll divide everything up.
10:21Wait a minute.
10:23Cargo's plain.
10:25Yeah, if they discover our claimed stakes,
10:27they could fly to the land office ahead of us.
10:29Right. You sneak over there
10:31and train his gas tank.
10:33Leave just enough gas
10:35to get a good start.
10:39Everything is all divided 50-50.
10:41There's no cause for further argument.
10:43Yeah, but Klondike's still got
10:45the only can opener.
10:47And it's still going to cost you plenty to use it.
10:49You'll forget. I own the flapjack flipper.
10:51Wait till you want to use that.
10:53You boys can settle that between you.
10:55You've got all winter to argue about it.
10:57The first blizzard's about due too.
10:59I can feel it in my bones.
11:01Listen, a motor.
11:05It's a snow buggy with two men in it.
11:07Why, that's Moose Nose Mac
11:09and Gumboot Horgan.
11:11They're the orneriest claim jumpers
11:13in the whole North Country.
11:15I'll bet they've staked out our diggings.
11:17Let's go down and see.
11:19Soon as we get our prior claim located
11:21at the land office,
11:23we'll come back and throw them off legal life.
11:25They've replaced your claim marker
11:27with their own.
11:29It says, this here gold belongs to
11:31Gumboot and Moose Nose.
11:33Ha, ha, ha.
11:35Didn't you fellas ever register your claim
11:37at the land office?
11:39Heck no, too far to go.
11:41We couldn't spare the time.
11:43Spinner and I'll fly back and register it for you.
11:45We can beat those crooks at their own game.
11:47Okay, Clutch, but you'd better get going.
11:49That storm's gonna break any minute.
11:53We've got to keep ahead of that storm.
11:55I'd sure hate to be caught
11:57in a blizzard way out here.
12:01Golly, what's wrong, Clutch?
12:03We're out of gas.
12:07Out of gas and a bad storm approaching.
12:09What will happen?
12:11Be sure to tune in
12:13for the next exciting episode
12:15with Clutch Cargo.
12:25Clutch Cargo with his pals
12:27Spinner and Paddlefoot
12:29in another exciting adventure,
12:31The Alaskan Pilot.
12:33You'll remember last time
12:35Clutch and company reached
12:37Klondike Hike and Sourdough Mike
12:39only to find them in a violent argument.
12:41Then Clutch and company decide
12:43to fly to the claims office
12:45and stake a claim
12:47before Gumboot and Moose Nose.
12:49They start out.
12:51What's wrong, Clutch?
12:53We're out of gas.
12:55Those crooks must have drained our tanks.
12:57Oh, no.
12:59There's a thousand smokes.
13:01I hope we can find that updraft.
13:11Clutch, look.
13:13We're starting to rise.
13:15We're in luck.
13:17We've hit the updraft.
13:23I think we can make it over the ridge.
13:25Look, Clutch.
13:27It's snowing.
13:35Do you see any place where we can set her down, Spinner?
13:37Nothing but trees
13:39and a little river.
13:41A river?
13:43It's bound to be frozen over.
13:45We'll land there.
14:01What do we do now, Clutch?
14:03We'll never get to the claim office
14:05before those crooks.
14:07This river runs right through the town.
14:09Did you bring our ice skates with you, Spinner?
14:11Yeah, Clutch.
14:13In the back.
14:15But we can't skate that far.
14:17No, but we can sail.
14:19We have wood from the trees,
14:21ice skates and a tarp.
14:23Put them all together
14:25Oh, boy!
14:27Let's get to work.
14:39We're stuck again.
14:41The snow's getting deeper.
14:43Get out and put the front skis on.
14:45It looks like winter's here to stay.
14:47Pretty sneaky, the way we fixed Clutch Cargo's plane,
14:49eh, Gumboot?
14:53We can take it easy from here on.
14:57That's keen, Clutch!
14:59She's all rigged and ready to sail, Spinner.
15:01Let's go.
15:03We're set, Clutch.
15:05Okay. Here goes.
15:15Whee! Look at this thing go!
15:19At this speed, we should beat those crooks
15:21to the claim office.
15:27As the ice boat carrying Clutch and company
15:29steadily picks up speed,
15:31not much farther ahead
15:33are Dead Man's Rapids,
15:35a dangerous, unfrozen, deep stretch of river.
15:39This is more fun than ice skating!
15:43We're really moving.
15:45Must be going 50 miles an hour.
15:47Oh, no, that roar!
15:49Must be a waterfall.
15:51How do you stop an ice boat?
15:53With a brake.
15:55Only we don't have one.
15:59Sounds like open water
16:01rushing over huge boulders.
16:05They're headed right for the dangerous rapids.
16:07Will they get through?
16:09Be sure to tune in
16:11for the next exciting episode
16:13with Clutch Cargo.
16:17See you next time.
16:47With a brake.
16:49Only we don't have one.
16:51Sounds like open water
16:53rushing over huge boulders.
16:57Hold tight.
16:59We're going up over the river bank.
17:05Whee! We did it!
17:07Should be easy sailing from here on.
17:11Not far to go now.
17:13A few minutes and we'll have our claim filed,
17:15and we'll be frozen.
17:17Look, Clutch, we're almost there.
17:19There's Walworth Smith's store.
17:21Drop the sail and we'll coast in.
17:25Boy, that was quite a ride.
17:27Come on, gang.
17:29Let's go over to the general store.
17:31Boy, am I glad to see you.
17:33I was worried.
17:35So were we at times.
17:37Where can we file a claim
17:39for Klondike and Sourdough?
17:41Right here.
17:43The postmaster and the land agent.
17:45Come on in the store.
17:47There's the village just ahead.
17:49We made pretty good time.
17:51Pull up in front of the general store.
17:53We'll go in and file our claim.
17:55So Moose Nose and Gumboot
17:57are up to their old tricks again, huh?
17:59Shh! They're coming in.
18:03We want to file a...
18:05Why, you!
18:07Clutch Cargo!
18:09Let's get out of here.
18:11After a man.
18:17Quick, Walrus.
18:19Do you have a snow car?
18:21Sure do, Clutch.
18:23And it'll outrun that rig any day.
18:25Let's go.
18:27Clutch and his friends are soon underway.
18:29Their tracks are clear enough.
18:31We can't lose them.
18:37Oh, they're coming after us
18:39I'll stick to the steep slopes.
18:41We can outrun them that way.
18:45Hour after hour, the chase continues
18:47over the mountains.
18:49Finally, they hit the downgrade,
18:51leading to the old prospector's diggings.
18:53I know a way to stop them.
18:55Hand me that rifle spinner.
18:57Only to just bounce off on that tractor of theirs.
18:59I don't intend to shoot at them.
19:01Watch this.
19:05Quit shooting, Clutch.
19:07Let's get out of here.
19:37Hold it, Klondike.
19:39Now hold on there, Klondike.
19:41I'll keep that deed.
19:43Oh, no you won't.
19:45I got it and it's mine.
19:47Taint neither.
19:49Tis too. Taint, tis, taint, tis, taint, tis.
19:51Hold it, you two.
19:53Why don't you tear it in two pieces
19:55and each of you keep half?
19:57Good idea, Clutch boy.
19:59It's a wonder I didn't think of it meself.
20:01Those two coots couldn't get along
20:03if they didn't argue all the time.
20:05I've been at it for 50 years.
20:09And so ends the story of Clutch Cargo
20:11and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
20:13and the Alaskan Pilot.
20:15Be sure to tune in for another
20:17exciting adventure with
20:19Clutch Cargo.
