The Arctic Bird Giant - Clutch Cargo - Ep. 02 52 - 1959 [English]

  • il y a 2 semaines
00:00Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot in another exciting adventure, the Arctic Bird Giant.
00:12Our story opens at the Shady Rest Hotel, where Clutch and company have taken a room.
00:20And in room 12 of the Shady Rest Hotel, Clutch and company are busy writing another chapter in his logbook about their last adventure.
00:28This quiet hotel is made to order for writing, Spinner, after what we've been through.
00:32I'll say, Clutch, and Paddlefoot is almost rested up.
00:36I'll get it, Spinner.
00:38Oh, why, it's my old friend Snowshoe Slednick!
00:41Ooga Looga, Clutch.
00:43I'll get it, Spinner.
00:45Oooooga looga, Clutch.
00:48Ooggah, Clutch.
00:50Oogah, Oogah
00:54Oooogah, Ooggah
00:57Ooggah, Ooggah
00:59Oogah, Ooggah
01:01Ooggah, Ooggah
01:02Oh, great!
01:03Oogaloogle, Clutch Cargo!
01:05Oogaloogle to you, Snowshoe. Come on in.
01:08Spinner, I want you to meet Snowshoe, Slednick and his dog, Snowball. You heard me speak of them.
01:13Yeah! I've always wanted to meet you, Mr. Snowshoe.
01:16Do you really have days and nights that are six months long, Mr. Snowshoe?
01:22What does oogaloogle mean, Mr. Snowshoe?
01:24Later, Spinner. What's all the excitement, Snowshoe?
01:27What brings you so far from the North Pole?
01:29Much, much trouble, Clutch Cargo.
01:32Our old friend, Captain Low-Tide, who once saved my life in big, bad danger.
01:40His plans for giant igloo housing project, with TV in every igloo, have gone poof!
01:48His big ship's frozen solid in ice. Big mysterious bird giant after him.
01:54Sounds like the same bird giant I wrote about in my Arctic Adventure book.
01:59This doesn't sound good. We'd better hurry.
02:03Not a moment to lose. Step on the driver.
02:08Clutch and company, anxious to help Snowshoe solve the Arctic mystery,
02:13arrive at the airport to begin their northern flight.
02:17Almost loaded, Spinner. All aboard, everybody!
02:21But where's Mr. Snowshoe? He... he's disappeared!
02:25Oh, and his dog's missing, too.
02:28It's Paddlefoot! He's... he's telling us something.
02:32Snowshoe, he's over this way. Follow Paddlefoot, he's got the scent.
02:36He knows where Snowshoe is.
02:38An ice cream truck? What are you stopping here for, Paddlefoot? We haven't got time.
02:43Yeah, time's a-wasting, Paddlefoot.
02:47And Snowball, what are you two doing in there?
02:50Too much excitement for Snowshoe.
02:53Too much excitement for Snowball and me.
02:56We crawl inside this igloo to cool off.
03:00If we're going to save Captain Lowtide, we've got to get moving.
03:03Come on, fellas, back to the plane.
03:08Gee, I hope all your igloos up north have ice cream cones like these, Mr. Snowshoe.
03:13Yum, yum.
03:15You fellas are going to get cooled off soon enough.
03:18Temperature dropping fast.
03:20Time to put on your Arctic clothes.
03:22Oh, very good joke on you, Clutch Cargo.
03:25Snowball and me never take ours off. We never take chances.
03:29Weather getting rough. Hang on to your hats.
03:34Your plane worse than my sled on mountain peaks, Clutch Cargo.
03:38Hey, it's snowing.
03:40Oh, we've got to march ahead to save Captain Lowtide.
03:44Engine's icing up. We've got to fly lower for warmer air.
03:47Clutch, look. Look ahead.
03:55Can Clutch and Company avoid hitting that mountain of ice?
03:59Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
04:11You remember last time Clutch Cargo and Company with Snowshoe Slednick and his dog
04:17were on their way by plane to solve the mystery of the Arctic bird giant
04:22who had been stealing Captain Lowtide's cargo.
04:26All was going well when suddenly...
04:28Hang on. We're going to thread a needle with an airplane.
04:38You made it, Clutch.
04:41Phew. Ice cubes, anybody?
04:44How come, Clutch Cargo, flying through iceberg make you so hot?
04:50Getting deep into Arctic territory, fellas.
04:52Won't be long now before we see the real land of the midnight sun.
04:56Uber, Uber. Snowball and me keep eyes open.
05:00We know we home when we see pole.
05:03Pole? You mean the North Pole, Mr. Snowshoe?
05:06Hi, hi, hi. No, totem pole.
05:09That landmark. Captain Lowtide not too many snowdrifts away.
05:14Our home very happy until mean old bird giant frighten everybody away.
05:20Seems to me that bird giant really gets around.
05:23Keep a sharp lookout for him.
05:25There totem pole, Clutch Cargo.
05:27We home. We home.
05:33Oh boy, look at that snow. Where's my ski?
05:36There's your totem pole, Snowshoe.
05:40Oh boy, snow feels so good.
05:44Sled's almost loaded.
05:46I'm going to try my ski.
05:47Just one spinner. We've got to hurry.
05:49Don't know how long Captain Lowtide can hold out.
05:51I won't be long, Clutch. I just want to see if they work.
06:00Hi, hi, hi. Oh, that paddle foot.
06:03He funny city dog.
06:05He think totem pole alive.
06:08Hi, hi, hi. He arctic tender foot.
06:11Ho, ho, ho. That totem pole been here forever.
06:17One more thing to put on the sled and we'll start for Captain Lowtide's ship.
06:20Snowshoe, call Spinner.
06:22Ho, ho, ho, ho. Spinner. Spinner.
06:27You come back now.
06:29We got to must fast.
06:31Going to save Captain Lowtide.
06:33Come on, Spinner.
06:35Whee. This is great.
06:39Clutch Cargo, help, help.
06:42Bird tracks. Giant bird tracks.
06:45Steady, Snowshoe. Steady, boy.
06:47By golly, they are giant bird tracks.
06:50And they lead right up to the totem pole.
06:58Look, Clutch.
07:00They come from over that hill.
07:03Maybe we better follow them.
07:05We got to follow them, Spinner.
07:07They go through avalanche country right to Captain Lowtide.
07:11Clutch and company knowing that Captain Lowtide is in grave danger
07:16and in need of their help
07:18eagerly tie down their plane to protect it against the cold north wind
07:23and continue their journey.
07:26Something very strange has been watching their every move.
07:30Look, bird feet.
07:33Giant bird feet.
07:36Only very short distance now to Captain Lowtide's ship.
07:40Good. I hope everything's all right.
07:43Hey, what's that rumbling noise?
07:45Uh-oh. Right above Clutch and his pals,
07:49the bird giant is starting the Arctic's most feared killer, a snow slide.
07:55Look out, everybody. Avalanche.
07:58Can Clutch and company survive being buried under tons of ice and snow?
08:03Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
08:16Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
08:20and the Arctic bird giant.
08:23You remember last time Clutch Cargo and company
08:27started across the frozen north country by dog sled.
08:31A deafening roar developed.
08:33Looking up, they saw tons of snow and ice tumbling down upon them.
08:38Wow. If it wasn't for that rock ledge, we'd be goners.
08:42I wonder if that avalanche was an accident or on purpose.
08:47Well, can't let a little thing like an avalanche stop us.
08:52Look, Clutch. Somebody's sitting on the snow up there.
08:55I'll ski on ahead and ask him if he's seen Captain Lowtide.
08:59Pardon me, sir. Have you seen...
09:04Oops. Pardon me, sir.
09:08What did he say, Spinner? What did he say?
09:13He didn't know.
09:16Everybody stay close now. We're here.
09:18Look, there's the ship.
09:25Look, Stosher's got a gun.
09:27Oh, don't worry. Captain Lowtide give me this for signal.
09:33Is that you, Snowshoe?
09:35Ooga looga, Captain. I bring friends of yours.
09:39Clutch Cargo, Little Spinner, and City Dog Paddlefoot.
09:45Thought you'd never get here. Hurry aboard. There's no time left.
09:50We're coming, Captain Lowtide. Lower the ladder.
09:53Clutch boy.
09:55I was never so happy to see anyone in my life.
10:00Oh, if only you could have gotten here sooner.
10:04There now, Captain. Don't give up.
10:06I'm not giving up.
10:08Though I must admit, my friendly penguin Tuxedo and I just about had it.
10:14Tuxedo and Snowshoe are certainly a comfort to me.
10:18And Tuxedo, he's my guard.
10:23It's that bird giant, Clutch.
10:25Little by little, my cargo of precious gold and valuable furs has been stolen.
10:31And whenever anything has disappeared,
10:35the snow around here has been covered with bird cracks.
10:39And I've got to be careful.
10:42Bird cracks? Giant bird cracks?
10:45Oh, me much afraid!
10:49Steady, Snowshoe. Don't go to pieces now. We need you, boy.
10:53I will try.
10:56Clutch Cargo?
10:58I've got an idea for a trap.
11:01We'll catch that bird giant tonight, and he'll never bother you again.
11:07First, we'll place this cargo net and we'll swing it over the railing in front of the ladder.
11:13Now, I'll hop over the side of your ship,
11:17and there, the net's flat on the ground,
11:20and I'll just cover it with snow, like that.
11:24There isn't a matter of being caught,
11:26but of being caught.
11:28Now, I've got to be careful.
11:32I'll take the upper bunk, Clutch.
11:35You sleep down here.
11:37The boys can have the hammock.
11:44It looks like they've already got a good night's sleep.
11:47I'll go to bed.
11:50Good night, Snowshoe.
11:53Good night, Snowshoe.
11:56Good night, Snowshoe.
11:59It looks like they've already got the idea.
12:07It's the bird giant!
12:09We've got him! We've got the bird giant!
12:12How will Clutch and company deal with the dangerous bird giant?
12:16Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
12:30Clutch Cargo with his pal Spinner and Paddlefoot
12:34and the arctic bird giant.
12:40Do you remember last time Clutch Cargo and company
12:43arrived at Captain Low Tide's ship?
12:46Clutch set a trap to catch the dangerous bird giant.
12:50Realizing how tired they were after their journey,
12:53they had just settled down for a sleep.
12:57Come on, everybody, on deck.
12:59We've caught the bird giant.
13:03Bird giant?
13:07Back off the floor, fellers.
13:09This way to the bird trap.
13:11Follow me.
13:13I'll turn off the whistles.
13:15You grab him with the gaff and hook, Clutch.
13:18I'll set the trap.
13:20I'll set the trap.
13:22I'll set the trap.
13:25I'll take him with the gaff and hook, Clutch.
13:28I'll swing the net over to the rail.
13:30Drop him on deck.
13:32I'll fix that mean old bird giant.
13:35Me put salt on his tail.
13:37Pull off the net, boys, and let's see what this critter looks like.
13:41It's a bird, all right.
13:45But, but it's Tuxedo.
13:47Look! There goes the real bird giant.
13:50Le critère a emporté plus de mon matériel.
13:53Il a dû mettre le tuxédo dans la trappe.
13:56Il y est. Allez, on va suivre ses cours. Il ne s'en va pas cette fois.
14:00Je vais rester ici avec mon vaisseau, comme un bon capitaine devrait.
14:05Paddlefoot a le sentier. Va le chercher, garçon.
14:11Paddlefoot ne peut pas perdre ces cours. Ils sont à des milliers de mètres.
14:20Le bateau se déplace.
14:40Bon sang, l'ice a arrêté.
14:43Sans doute. C'est de l'acide réel.
14:45Oh-oh! Qu'est-ce que c'est?
14:47Un pont d'ice. Le géant de poissons l'a probablement traversé.
14:51Oh mon dieu! J'ai vraiment peur de traverser un pont d'ice.
14:56Si nous le faisions facilement, Snow Shoe, ça devrait le tenir.
14:59Ce n'est pas ce qui me fait peur, mais sur l'autre côté du pont, il y a un géant de poissons.
15:05Je ne peux pas arrêter maintenant.
15:07Passe légèrement. Ces ponts d'ice s'éloignent comme de l'acier.
15:12Oh mon dieu! Qui est-ce?
15:17Légèrement. Pas facilement. Juste la pression de l'ice.
15:25Le géant de poissons!
15:27Le géant de poissons!
15:29Le géant de poissons!
15:31Le géant de poissons!
15:33Le géant de poissons!
15:35Le géant de poissons!
15:37Le géant de poissons!
15:40Le géant de poissons!
15:41Le géant de poissons!
15:42Le géant de poissons!
15:44Il nous met des poissons d'ice!
15:50Nous sommes à l'intérieur, Ford. Attendez!
16:04Est-ce possible que Clutch Cargo trouve un moyen de les sauver?
16:08N'hésitez pas à vous abonner pour le prochain épisode d'Excitement avec Clutch Cargo!
16:29Clutch Cargo avec son copain, Spinner et Paddlefoot.
16:32Et le géant de poissons de l'Octogone.
16:35Vous vous souvenez, la dernière fois, Clutch Cargo et son compagnon ont quitté le vaisseau
16:39et ont commencé à suivre le géant de poissons.
16:42Ses coulisses les ont emmenés vers une brèche d'ice.
16:45Lorsqu'ils ont commencé à croiser...
16:51Nous avons une bonne vitesse!
16:53La seule chose à faire, c'est de l'écrire comme un toboggan.
16:56Faites attention!
16:57Nous devons faire le mouvement!
16:59Le mouvement!
17:04Très bien!
17:05Tout le monde va bien?
17:10Je pense que je vais bien, Clutch.
17:15Très bien!
17:16Préparez-vous et allons-y.
17:18Suivez ces coulisses, Paddlefoot.
17:20Ce géant de poissons n'est pas trop loin.
17:23Voici le lieu où il nous a emmenés avec cet iceberg.
17:26Ses coulisses sont plus profondes dans le géant de poissons.
17:29Il vaut mieux aller-y!
17:31Plus profond et plus profond dans le géant de poissons, allez-y, Clutch et son compagnon.
17:36Il s'est mis derrière cet iceberg.
17:38Oui, et ses coulisses sont bien au-delà de cette vieille mine abandonnée.
17:42Quel endroit parfait pour un cachotage.
17:46Faites attention, on ne peut pas dire ce qu'il y a à l'intérieur.
17:48Oh mon dieu, regardez le géant d'ice!
17:50Faites attention!
17:51Un bruit fort pourrait les faire tomber sur nos têtes comme un millier de pierres.
17:55Oh mon dieu, vous avez l'air drôle, ce géant d'ice.
17:59Vous devriez voir vous-même.
18:03Si vous ne vous arrêtez pas à ce bruit, nous aurons tout le ciel en dessous.
18:07Clutch, regarde!
18:09Pas de géant de poissons, mais regardez tout ça!
18:12Oh mon dieu, il doit vivre ici!
18:15Tout ça, c'est des trucs de Capitaine Lowtime.
18:17On les ramène à la navette.
18:19Oh non, vous ne le faites pas.
18:21Tout ça m'appartient maintenant.
18:23C'est tout pour moi.
18:25Vous avez l'air d'un oiseau, mais vous parlez comme un homme.
18:28Je sais que tout ce temps, vous étiez un oiseau.
18:32Peut-être, mais je ne m'arrête pas.
18:34Un pas plus loin, et j'enlève ce sac de papier.
18:38Enlève ce sac, et ça nous ramènera plein d'icicles.
18:41C'est l'idée.
18:43Je suis protégé.
18:45Vous êtes dans la ligne de feu.
18:49Bien sûr.
18:50Sauvé par un sac moche.
18:53Il a un oiseau pointu.
18:55Non, je vais vous tuer.
18:57Heureuse que j'ai eu un entraînement de commande.
18:59Vous pensez ça?
19:00Je sais.
19:02Un géant de poissons, hein?
19:03Pas du tout qu'il soit si grand.
19:05Il a des pieds de poissons.
19:07Enlève cette tête de poisson, les garçons.
19:09Voyons qui est vraiment notre bon ami.
19:12C'est Pierre Amuse.
19:14Le plus gros poisson de l'Arctique.
19:18C'est le Capitaine Lothar, chef.
19:21C'est lui, bien sûr.
19:22Je suis sûr que le Capitaine sera heureux de nous voir.
19:24Ah, là-bas, cargo de poissons.
19:27Avez-vous attrapé le géant de poissons?
19:29Le géant de poissons était Pierre Amuse.
19:32Le criminel le plus dangereux dans le nord froid.
19:36Il ne va pas faire peur ou harcer quelqu'un d'autre.
19:38Nous l'avons éloigné depuis longtemps.
19:41Blessez-vous, poisson de poissons.
19:45Merci beaucoup, cargo de poissons et poisson,
19:48pour l'attraction du géant de poissons.
19:52Bien reçu, Snowshoe.
19:53Oogaloogle à vous.
19:55Maintenant, je sais ce que Oogaloogle signifie.
19:57Ça signifie tout ce que vous voulez que ça signifie.
20:12Et ainsi finit la histoire du cargo de poissons et du géant de poissons arctique.
20:17N'hésitez pas à vous abonner pour la prochaine aventure excitante
20:20avec le cargo de poissons et ses amis, Spinner et Paddlefoot.
