Voltron: The Third Dimension [1998] S2 E1 | The Voltron Force Strikes Back

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00:00The safety of the galaxy has been threatened again.
00:11Five space explorers and their five awesome lions are called upon to form Voltron.
00:16Keith, the leader.
00:18Pilot of Black Lion.
00:21Allura, Princess of Aris.
00:23Pilot of Blue Lion.
00:26Hunk, the strong man.
00:29Pilot of Yellow Lion.
00:31Pidge, the computer expert.
00:34Pilot of Green Lion.
00:36And Lance, the rebellious daredevil pilot of Red Lion.
00:42These lions must once again battle Prince Lotor, Witch Haggard, and their forces of doom,
00:48who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good.
00:52The Galaxy Alliance, under the leadership of Amalgamus and the reformed King Zarka,
00:58have called these great pilots and their robot lions together again to form Voltron, the third dimension.
01:09Dark times have come to the Danubian Galaxy.
01:13The robot lions have been destroyed.
01:16Voltron is no more.
01:21Only one thing stands against this evil tide.
01:25A small band of space explorers, alone, isolated, hurtling across an unimaginably vast universe,
01:32attempting to achieve the impossible.
01:37On course for planet Aris, Commander.
01:41All right. Hold her steady.
01:51Fellow citizens of the Alliance.
01:53Though 80% of Galaxy Garrison has burned to the ground,
01:57I assure you that I have everything under control.
02:00Since Amalgamus was injured in this outrageous attack by the Voltron force,
02:05I am helping out by controlling...
02:07I mean, governing the Alliance.
02:10Of course, I'm doing everything I can to get our great leader, Amalgamus, back online.
02:21Insert token.
02:23Game over.
02:2555,000. High score.
02:34Well, how do his circuit boards look?
02:41There's an alien microchip here.
02:44Of course. I implanted that ages ago.
02:48Why do you think his super brain was always coming to such super ridiculous conclusions?
02:53Why, he tried to disband the Voltron force five times.
03:01Zarkon, my sector of the Amalgam is very concerned.
03:05We're unable to reach Amalgamus.
03:07He's experiencing technical difficulties, Judge Armistice.
03:11But we'll have him back online soon.
03:14I'm afraid he was damaged in that awful raid by the Voltron force.
03:19We read your email about that, Zarkon.
03:21But we find it very hard to believe that the Voltron force would...
03:25I couldn't believe it either, but see for yourself.
03:30The Voltron force attacked Galaxy Garrison and destroyed our armada.
03:35Fortunately, my son, Lodor, has provided us with a new fleet, as promised.
03:40They're patrolling the skies now, so the Alliance is safe.
03:44But I'm afraid the Voltron force got away.
03:47I've got ships hunting for them in all four quadrants.
03:50I'll keep you posted.
03:53Press button to start play.
03:55One player or two.
03:58You know, he was such a tedious commander.
04:01But as a video game, he's quite them today.
04:05This is Alliance robot squad Terra Five. Identify yourself.
04:09Who was? Oh, well, let's see.
04:11I'm the Easter Bunny, and I'm here with Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.
04:16Those IDs are not authorized. Lower all shields and prepare to be boarded.
04:20As if.
04:22You know, we keep hearing how robot pilots are better than human pilots.
04:26Why don't we test it out?
04:27Point taken.
04:29Boys, if you can catch us, you can have us.
04:40Bang, bang, bang.
04:43Bang, bang, bang.
05:08All right, guys, see if you can follow this.
05:12Here we go.
05:18Couldn't cut it any closer, huh?
05:20See, now, I would have shaved off at least another millimeter.
05:23This from the guy who's crashed more ships than any other pilot in the Alliance.
05:27Oh, well, if you're going to get technical on me.
05:29Hey, I didn't say you didn't have a badge.
05:31Gee, thanks.
05:33Back on course, everyone.
05:35Next stop, Planet Eris.
05:42There's no one here to take your call at this time.
05:45If you'd like to leave a message.
05:47This is Lotor.
05:49Let me speak to Allura.
05:51The princess does not wish to be disturbed.
05:56How disturbed would she be by a ten-megaton bomb blast?
06:01Listen to me, you little ruffle-sleeved, powder-puffed sycophant.
06:06You tell your princess she has two hours left to be my bride, or else!
06:12She's never going to marry you, Lotor.
06:16Never say never to me, old witch.
06:19They said I'd never live after Voltron shot me down.
06:23They said I'd never get out of that Alliance hospital.
06:27And I'd never escape from Bastille 12.
06:31You see, the impossible is what I do best.
06:37We're under attack!
06:39Must you always state the obvious?
06:41Who is it?
06:43All so obvious.
06:45The Voltron force.
06:49Honk, you realize this is a symbolic gesture?
06:52I mean, this little bucket can't do any real damage to the Revenge.
06:55Maybe not, but it's doing wonders for my morale.
06:58What if we take out some of those Skull ships, Honk?
07:01What would that do for your morale?
07:03I think we ought to find out.
07:41The lions have always been with you, Allura.
07:52And we are still with you today.
07:55For your destiny is our destiny.
07:59Through your whole life, we have watched over you and guided you,
08:04as you learned the way of the lion, which is the way of the heart.
08:24The lions were with you when you were growing up all alone in a bombed-out castle.
08:30They were with you when you were in training, learning to be an Alliance pilot.
08:40The lions have pledged to protect the royal house of Eris whenever it is in need.
08:46And you are the heir to that royal line, Allura.
08:54We're sorry to disturb you, Princess, but we're getting ready to fly a mission.
08:58Oh, I'm so glad you're here, so you can see the lions with your own eyes.
09:03Isn't it amazing?
09:05Isn't it amazing?
09:09Where'd they go?
09:11Where'd who go?
09:13The lions. The real lions of Eris.
09:17They were here. Queen Ariella was here, too.
09:21Queen Ariella lived a thousand years ago.
09:25You're under a lot of stress, Allura. I think your imagination...
09:29It was not my imagination.
09:32At least I don't think it was.
09:35We're taking off, Allura. There's only an hour left now before Lotor attacks.
09:40Yeah, so we're going to retaliate first. We're taking the castle's defense squadron.
09:45Those old ships against the Revenge? That's a suicide mission.
09:52Yeah, we know. I... we wanted to say goodbye.
09:58Oh, Keith.
10:01Castle Control to Voltron Force. Lotor has begun the attack.
10:13Lotor is attacking the castle. Voltron Force, report to Castle Control at once.
10:19Let's go.
10:21I'll be right there.
10:23Queen Ariella, you said the lions would protect us if we were ever in need.
10:28Well, we're in need now. The boys will never make it alone.
10:32And the castle of lions, the castle that you built, will be destroyed.
10:37I'm asking you with all my heart, please save planet Eris.
10:44I see my little blast got your attention.
10:48But where is Allura?
10:50You said we had one more hour.
10:53I lied. I'm deploying my attack ships now.
10:56It will take five minutes for the launch sequence to be complete.
10:59Tell Allura to contact me before then, or it's bye-bye, Miss Erusean Pie.
11:09We're under siege and we can't call on Galaxy Garrison for help.
11:13We're in this all alone.
11:15Are we?
11:16Princess, what is it?
11:18Nothing. For a minute there, I was hoping...
11:21But it looks like you were right, Coran. We are in this alone.
11:28No. No, we're not. They're here. I can feel it. It's them.
11:33Them who?
11:35I think the princess is losing it.
11:37Don't bet on it, Lance.
11:41You're here, aren't you? I know you are.
11:47We've never let you down before, Allura.
11:53Hurry up, boys. Look over there at the moat.
11:56There's something down there. But that's where Blue Lion used to be.
12:00Hey, check out the volcano.
12:02It looks like it's going to erupt soon.
12:05There's something down there. But that's where Blue Lion used to be.
12:09Hey, check out the volcano.
12:11That's Red Lion's place. And look at the statue. Black Lion.
12:16Haven't I always told you that the lions are more than machines?
12:23Blue Lion!
12:27Red Lion!
12:30Black Lion!
12:33Green Lion!
12:37Yellow Lion!
12:40It's them!
12:42And they're flying on their own. They've never done that before.
12:46Yeah, but, I mean, they were destroyed.
12:49Their spirits can never be destroyed, Hunk.
12:52Those spirits are what created the robot lions long ago. And now they've done it again.
13:06Welcome back, big guys.
13:08Yeah, we're glad to see you.
13:11All right, there's no time to lose. Meet us down at the airfield.
13:15Yellow Lion, ready for action, Commander.
13:28Green Lion, ready to do some damage.
13:30Red Lion, ready to heat things up.
13:32Blue Lion, awaiting your orders, Commander.
13:35All right, let's do it.
13:39Insert keys.
13:45Let's go, Voltron Force!
13:58When Allura feels the power of my attack, she'll have no choice but to be my bride.
14:07The robot lions!
14:11What? I saw them demolished with my own eyes. This is impossible!
14:18Well, I thought you liked the impossible, Lotor.
14:21Yeah, it looks like they out-impossibled you this time.
14:25Silence! All units, attack the robot lions. Obliterate them. Again.
14:33Now you're getting smart, Lotor. Those beast-bashers will destroy the robot lions once and for all.
14:43Whoa, look out! Lotor's pulling out the heavy artillery.
14:47They've got Pidge cut off. Release the proton mines. Hurry!
15:05Dip under those mines, Pidge. Now!
15:33Ready? Now!
15:37I want those lions!
15:48Hey, look! It's them!
15:51They're coming into close range. Just floating there. It's like they're daring you to shoot them.
15:57That's a dare I'll take.
15:59Agar, load all the condensed lason we've got. Hit them with five direct lason blasts. One for each lion.
16:08Oh, that's too much lason, Lotor. You could destroy a whole planet with that.
16:16This is pretty risky, Allura. I hope you know what you're doing.
16:20Actually, I have no idea what I'm doing. But the lions do.
16:25Switch your controls on automatic. We've got to trust them.
16:44Agar, are your special cargo holds still intact?
16:49Yes, my prince.
16:52Then open them up and release the rogue beasts.
16:56Which ones?
16:58All of them.
17:22All right, team. It's time to form the new Voltron. Activate interlock.
17:52Dyna-therms connected. Infra-cells up.
17:59Mega-thrusters are go.
18:03Let's go, Voltron Force!
18:22Form feet and legs.
18:37Form arms and torso.
18:44Now form the head.
19:02Turning them back. That's it.
19:07Form blazing sword.
19:14Now let's really make blazing sword blaze.
19:25That explosion almost hit the castle.
19:27You're right, princess. We need to take this battle away from the planet.
19:42Careful. They're both getting ready to shoot.
19:45That's right, Pidge. Prepare Vector. Now!
19:59Nice Vector job, Pidgeot.
20:06Attach royal shield.
20:25It's yours.
20:33All right. Let's show them what the new Voltron can do. Blazing blasters.
20:51Head for the escape pod.
20:53Your father's not going to like it when he hears you wrecked the revenge lotor.
20:58Yeah. I hope he doesn't suspend your driving preferences.
21:03Just can it, all of you.
21:09This is Zarkon, your minister of peace, with an official State of the Galaxy update.
21:15I'm sure we'll have Amalgamus back online soon, but until we do, I've offered to help out by running things for a while.
21:26I'm glad to report that the conflict has stabilized and peace reigns once again.
21:32But one horrible menace still threatens the galaxy.
21:36Voltron. I hereby officially declare the Voltron force to be outlaws.
21:42As of now, the prime mission of all 900 Alliance planets is to hunt down Voltron and annihilate him.
21:50That is all.
21:53How are my ratings?
22:04Yes, planet Aris is safe, but Galaxy Garrison has fallen into evil hands.
22:11The space explorers are now outlaws in their own galaxy, hunted in every quadrant by Doom ships and Alliance ships alike.
22:20To win back Galaxy Garrison, they will have to fight as they have never fought before.
22:25This is the challenge of Voltron, the third dimension.
22:49Thanks for watching.
