Voltron: The Third Dimension [1998] S1 E15 | The Troika Moons

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Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American animated television series produced by World Events Productions. It is a sequel to the 1980s animated series Voltron: Defender of the Universe and is set five years after the end of the series.[2] Neil Ross, Michael Bell, and B.J. Ward reprised their roles as Keith, Lance, and Princess Allura for the series. The show was animated by Netter Digital Entertainment, inc. and Mike Young Productions.[3] It departed from the original Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor (now voiced by Tim Curry, taking over the role originally voiced by Lennie Weinrib).

The story takes place in the Denubian Galaxy. Shannon Muir mapped the galaxy in the 1980s as a fan and posted it online. In 1996, World Events Productions became aware of the work and made it the official starmap for the show.[2]
With antagonist Prince Lotor's escape from prison, the heroic Voltron Force re-assemble against him, but must contend simultaneously with the various monsters and warships sent by Lotor (at times, captained by him) and with opposition on their own side, represented by the artificial intelligence "Amalgamus", a sophisticated computer who objects periodically to the Voltron Force's methods.


00:00The safety of the galaxy has been threatened again.
00:10Five space explorers and their five awesome lions are called upon to form Voltron.
00:17Keith, the leader.
00:19Pilot of Black Lion.
00:21Allura, Princess of Aris.
00:23Pilot of Blue Lion.
00:26Hunk, the strongman.
00:29Pilot of Yellow Lion.
00:31Pidge, the computer expert.
00:34Pilot of Green Lion.
00:36And Lance, the rebellious daredevil pilot of Red Lion.
00:42These lions must once again battle Prince Lotor, Witch Hagar, and their forces of doom,
00:48who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good.
00:52The Galaxy Alliance, under the leadership of Amalgamus and the reformed King Zarka,
00:58have called these great pilots and their robot lions together again to form Voltron, the third dimension.
01:13The Troika moons.
01:17The most populous place in the galaxy.
01:29Each moon is completely covered by one giant city.
01:35Fifty billion inhabitants in all.
01:38And today, they're witnessing the opening of a special new theme park.
01:43This is Weeb Weeb Cherimoya at Voltron Land, where visitors can see real scale models of Voltron,
01:49the Castle of Lions, and even Voltron's enemies.
01:53And here come the lucky contest winners who will meet our celebrity guests, the Voltron Force in person.
02:00You saw it here on Galactic Action News.
02:04Oh boy, this is going to be so great.
02:07Hi, kids.
02:14Does anyone want my autograph?
02:17Oh, Hagar.
02:19No? The old witch never gets invited to the party.
02:24Pity, since I know so many entertaining tricks.
02:28Like this!
02:34The rubies! They're alive!
02:46We have to leave these things away from the park.
02:49Yes, by all means, go away.
02:52Far away!
02:58Let's try the in-your-face approach.
03:25I'm outscoring you, bitch.
03:28Rely on lock on target.
03:38I think they're a little ticked off.
03:53Welcome to the party. You guys okay?
03:56Yeah, everyone back at the park is safe. But now we got to take out these raptors.
04:01Roll over it, Keith.
04:05Five-eam attack. Target the one on the left.
04:15Got him. Where'd that other one go?
04:18He's not on the radar.
04:20Only one way to catch him.
04:22Voltron, activate interlock.
04:28Dynatherms connected.
04:30Infra-cells up.
04:34Megathrusters are go.
04:38Let's go, Voltron Force!
04:42Hold it!
05:03Form feet and legs.
05:12Form arms and torso.
05:18And I'll form the head.
05:31There he is. He's heading into an asteroid belt.
05:34Let's go.
05:40According to my sensors, there's a singularity nearby.
05:43A black hole. Flip on the gamma visor.
05:47You're right, Pidge. I can see the gamma rays at the event horizon.
05:52I think they're just what we need.
05:55These gyro mags will draw the gamma rays.
05:59Here they come. Let's get out of here.
06:06Let's finish him off. Form blazing arrow.
06:22What a way to go. Swallowed by a black hole.
06:26What a way to go. Swallowed by a black hole.
06:30The important thing is, we got him away from all of those people.
06:34I'm not so sure, Allura.
06:36I mean, what if those raptors were trying to get us away from there?
06:40You mean someone didn't want us on Troika-1? But why?
06:44This is an urgent Alliance transmission.
06:47Proceed at once to Planet Xol for a top secret meeting.
06:50Code 18 Epsilon. Over.
06:53Planet Xol? That's a desert planet. Why do they want us there?
06:58I don't know, Princess. We'd better find out.
07:14We got here as fast as we could, Amalgamus. Why'd you call this meeting anyway?
07:19Me? I thought you called it.
07:22We were alerted at Media Central, so someone must have called it.
07:26I called the meeting.
07:31White flag. I know you good guys love this kind of thing.
07:36Don't count on it. Back off, Lance. It's military protocol.
07:41All right. What is it you want, Lotor?
07:44I came to offer you a little bargain.
07:47You see, I have a captive that I know you're very fond of.
07:54Behold, your Minister of Peace.
07:59Zarkon, I have been doing everything possible to win your release.
08:04You are Alpha-1 priority.
08:06I think he looks great like that.
08:08But I'm in agreement with Blue Boy here.
08:13Treating your own father like this, it's shameful. Let him go.
08:19Oh, I will. That's part of the bargain.
08:22I hand over Zarkon, my entire fleet of Doom, and all the territory I've conquered.
08:29And I only ask one small thing in return.
08:33Destroy the robot lions!
08:37You're insane!
08:39Really, little man? Did you just notice that?
08:51The Amalgam will be outraged. How could you do this?
08:55Oh, it's easy. After what I've been through.
09:00Four years in Bastille 12, dreaming of revenge.
09:04Since I escaped, I wrecked convoys.
09:09Destroyed whole planets.
09:12And taken over half the Cerulean quadrant.
09:18And since I've proven my superiority, I'm ready to retire.
09:22But I can't do it with these hotheads running around in those robot lions.
09:27So, I'll destroy a thousand of my Doom ships in exchange for five measly lions.
09:36You touch those lions over my dead body.
09:39Oh, that would be sweet.
09:41I believe there should be a news report coming in about now.
09:47He's right!
09:49And we interrupt this broadcast for a late-breaking story.
09:52Cue the hologram.
09:54The fleet of Doom has surrounded the Troika moons with one thousand ships in attack formation.
10:01The moons are completely cut off.
10:03I thought you might need some convincing, so I sent my fleet to the Troika moons.
10:09If you don't accept my offer, I'll destroy them utterly!
10:15Lotor, there are innocent civilians living there, including children.
10:20So true, my love.
10:22And wouldn't it be a shame to lose them over those obsolete junkheaps you call robot lions?
10:30You have forty-eight hours.
10:32Destroy the robot lions, or the Troika moons are dust!
10:37Let me waste them now!
10:39You have consistently behaved in an undisciplined manner, spying and disregarding orders.
10:45That is what brought on this crisis.
10:47Now I shall ask the nine hundred planets to consider Lotor's offer, including the destruction of the robot lions.
10:57Get out of here!
11:05Hostage crisis, day two.
11:08The fleet of Doom is holding a deadly vigil as the Troika moons tremble in terror.
11:13If Prince Lotor attacks, it will be the worst massacre in the history of the galaxy.
11:19It seems it's all up to Galaxy Garrison's cybernetic honcho, Amalgamist,
11:23whose circuits are an amalgamation of the leaders of all nine hundred Alliance planets.
11:28His thoughts, decisions, even his emotions are an amalgam of the entire Alliance leadership.
11:37Right now, inside this building, Amalgamist is consulting directly with the nine hundred planets.
11:44For such an important decision, he must have total accord.
11:49Will the Alliance leaders decide to destroy the robot lions?
11:54The future hangs in the balance.
11:57We have had our chance.
11:59The robot lions must kill.
12:01We cannot allow the Troika moons.
12:03The Alliance must be strong.
12:04We must make this sacrifice.
12:09I say we go after Lotor now!
12:12It's not that easy, Lance.
12:15There are fifty billion lives hanging in the balance here.
12:19Lotor chose the Troika moons precisely because there are three of them.
12:24You see, even if Voltron could save one, the other two would be destroyed before he could reach them.
12:31Don't we have any other options?
12:34There must be something you can do, Koran.
12:36I am just a royal counselor.
12:39A decision of this magnitude can only be made by the princess.
12:43Even now, she is seeking guidance from the ancient ones.
12:48Father, this is the most difficult decision I've ever had to make.
12:52So many lives will be lost if I don't give in.
12:55Yet the lions are a sacred trust.
12:58You've always come when I needed you, Father.
13:01Please show yourself now.
13:03Help me.
13:06Why have you abandoned me now?
13:13A message from Galaxy Garrison.
13:19The Alliance has made its decision.
13:21Your orders are to bring the Robot Lions to the Galaxy Garrison airfield.
13:26In your dreams, Wonkhead.
13:28Every time we follow your orders, Lotor scores and we end up twisting in the wind.
13:33In any way, the Robot Lions don't belong to you.
13:36They belong to Planet Eris.
13:39If there's any other way to save them, please tell me.
13:45A message from Troika One?
13:49That is true, Amalgamus.
13:51Only the princess can make this decision.
13:54I have made a decision.
13:56I received this message from Troika One.
14:00Princess Allura!
14:01There's big spaceships in the sky!
14:04They're gonna blow us up!
14:05Please don't let them!
14:07Don't let them hurt us!
14:08Please, princess!
14:10I don't want to die!
14:13I've always turned to my father for help.
14:16Now these children are turning to me for help.
14:19I can't let them down.
14:21I'm turning over the Robot Lions.
14:24If their destruction is the only way to save these children,
14:27then we must make that sacrifice.
14:30No! No one's taking Red Lion!
14:33You're not getting past me, Lance.
14:35I know how you feel about Red Lion, but you can't do this.
14:38Oh, is that how it is?
14:41Oh, okay, fine.
14:43Then I quit.
14:44I don't want anything to do with you anymore.
14:46Any of you!
14:48You have betrayed the Lions!
14:52You'll all have that on your conscience forever!
15:03Hostage Crisis, Day 3.
15:06This is Weep Weep Cheramoya live at Galaxy Garrison
15:09where the Robot Lions are scheduled to be dismantled.
15:14When Lotor, Koran, and Amalgamus have signed their treaty,
15:17the hostage exchange will begin.
15:22Here is your Minister of Peace.
15:27You already have my Doom Controller.
15:35We have tested this thoroughly, Amalgamus.
15:38It is fail-safe.
15:39It will give you irrevocable control of Lotor's fleet of Doom.
15:44And once the fleet withdraws from the Troikaboons,
15:47Alliance defense satellites will move into place,
15:50permanently protecting the populace.
15:57I hereby command the fleet of Doom
16:00to withdraw from the Troikaboons at once.
16:04They're... they're going away!
16:07We're going to be okay!
16:10Hooray for Princess Amalgamus!
16:15As soon as the defense satellites are in place,
16:18I am setting the fleet on course for the center of Red Giant.
16:22As soon as the defense satellites are in place,
16:24I am setting the fleet on course for the center of Red Giant Prime,
16:27a huge star which will burn all 1,000 ships to ashes.
16:33There. I've kept my part of the bargain.
16:36Now let's see if the Volchon Force will keep theirs.
16:41Princess Allura follows the way of the Lion.
16:44She always keeps her word.
16:48And Red Lion is being towed to the airfield.
16:50Our sources tell us that its pilot, Lance,
16:52has refused to cooperate with the plan.
16:59I have to do this, Blue Lion.
17:01I have no choice.
17:03I hope you can forgive me.
17:05Deactivating all protective shields
17:07and commencing final shutdown.
17:15Yes, these wrecking machines were specially created
17:18to obliterate the Robot Lions
17:20with demagnetizers, dismantlers, compressors, compactors,
17:25and million-degree heat warps.
17:27We will continue our live coverage
17:29of the impending destruction of the Robot Lions
17:32after this intergalactic message.
17:37We're back with our continuing live coverage
17:39of the destruction of the Robot Lions.
17:41The Troika moons have been saved
17:43thanks to the great sacrifice of the Volchon Force.
17:46Now the price must be paid.
17:51I think my heart is going to break, Keith.
17:53I just can't believe it's really happening.
17:56I keep thinking somehow someone's going to stop it.
18:03Is it possible?
18:04Are we really witnessing the end of the Robot Lions?
18:08Apparently the answer is yes.
18:31Hang on, Kitty Cat. I'm coming for you.
18:42This is betrayal!
18:44Amalgam us to defense forces.
18:46Deploy robot tanks.
18:48Shoot that craft down, now!
19:10Time to blow this pot stand.
19:39I'm coming, Red Lion.
20:00Halt! You have no jurisdiction here,
20:03former Volchon Force.
20:05But he's our friend.
20:08I don't want help from you, any of you.
20:11You betrayed the Lions.
20:20They're really doing it.
20:22Well, you saw it all right here on Galactic Action News.
20:26This is the end of the Robot Lions.
20:29The end of Voltron.
20:31Keep taping.
20:32The reporter's done it.
20:44What have I done?
20:47I've paid for this.
21:03That's it. The end of an era.
21:08As head of Galaxy Garrison, how do you feel at this moment?
21:12I'm elated.
21:14The loss of the Lions is regrettable,
21:16but billions of lives have been saved.
21:19We shall have peace in our time.
21:21Right, Zarkon?
21:22Of course, Amalgamus.
21:26You see, I have total control of the Fleet of Doom,
21:30which I am sending to Red Giant Prime,
21:33where it will burn itself up in exactly 42 minutes and 23 nanoclicks.
21:40The Fleet of Doom is changing direction,
21:42but that is impossible.
21:47Doom Fleet Command, I have not instructed you to alter course.
21:51These are your destination coordinates for Red Giant Prime.
21:56It won't accept my input.
21:59I thought this was fail-safe.
22:03Where is Lotor?
22:05He seems to have vanished.
22:14Igor, my friend.
22:16Set a new course.
22:18Destination Galaxy Garrison.
22:25Without Voltron to defend them, they are helpless.
22:32Can the universe survive without Voltron?
22:35Only time, fate, and destiny hold the answers.
23:05To be continued...
