Voltron: The Third Dimension [1998] S1 E3 | Building the Forces of Doom

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Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American animated television series produced by World Events Productions. It is a sequel to the 1980s animated series Voltron: Defender of the Universe and is set five years after the end of the series.[2] Neil Ross, Michael Bell, and B.J. Ward reprised their roles as Keith, Lance, and Princess Allura for the series. The show was animated by Netter Digital Entertainment, inc. and Mike Young Productions.[3] It departed from the original Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor (now voiced by Tim Curry, taking over the role originally voiced by Lennie Weinrib).

The story takes place in the Denubian Galaxy. Shannon Muir mapped the galaxy in the 1980s as a fan and posted it online. In 1996, World Events Productions became aware of the work and made it the official starmap for the show.[2]
With antagonist Prince Lotor's escape from prison, the heroic Voltron Force re-assemble against him, but must contend simultaneously with the various monsters and warships sent by Lotor (at times, captained by him) and with opposition on their own side, represented by the artificial intelligence "Amalgamus", a sophisticated computer who objects periodically to the Voltron Force's methods.


00:00The safety of the galaxy has been threatened again.
00:05Five space explorers and their five awesome lions are called upon to form Voltron.
00:12Keith, the leader.
00:14Pilot of Black Lion.
00:16Allura, Princess of Aris.
00:18Pilot of Blue Lion.
00:21Hunk, the strongman.
00:24Pilot of Yellow Lion.
00:26Pidge, the computer expert.
00:29Pilot of Green Lion.
00:31And Lance, the rebellious daredevil pilot of Red Lion.
00:36These lions must once again battle Prince Lotor, Witch Hagar, and their forces of doom,
00:43who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good.
00:47The Galaxy Alliance, under the leadership of Amalgamus and the reformed King Zargon,
00:52have called these great pilots and their robot lions together again to form Voltron,
00:58the Third Dimension.
01:00The Crimson Quadrant.
01:02Prince Lotor has escaped from Bastille 12, vowing revenge.
01:06If he brings back Hagar from the Dream Dimension,
01:09if he recovers Castle Doom and its Robeasts,
01:12he will have overwhelming power.
01:15That is why the Voltron force must stop him now,
01:18while he is still carrying out raids on weak Alliance positions.
01:23Fire Lason Beam!
01:28Destroy everything!
01:35Qui-Gregg, Lafitte, increase Doom Blasters.
01:39Aye, Captain Lotor, as you command.
01:43Come on, team, we finally got a fix on Lotor's position.
01:47I don't get it.
01:49Lotor's new ship is armed with ten times the arsenal we've got on this tub.
01:55So why did he agree to split the spoils of the raids with us?
01:59What's he need us for?
02:07That's why! The Voltron force!
02:11Blast them!
02:13All right, team, let's take out Lotor and his little pirate friends.
02:18Iron Claw!
02:25Whoa, put on the brakes, kitty.
02:36That put a dent in it.
02:38Tail Lash!
02:48Pull us out!
02:50Time to slice and dice.
02:56Qui-Gregg, Lafitte, come in.
02:59Aye, we're in it deep this time.
03:02You're forgetting the Doom weapons I gave you.
03:05Just use them to lure the lions away from the revenge, so I can take them out.
03:10Hurry, we're nearly done for.
03:26Okay, team, time for a five-lion counter-attack. Go!
03:48Abandon ship!
03:50Where's Lotor?
03:52Abandon ship!
03:54Where's Lotor?
03:56The scalawag escaped, leaving us high and dry.
04:00Curse that pirate.
04:03That was an easy escape.
04:05Did they really think I'd stick around to protect them?
04:09I'm so touched that they believed in me.
04:12Gullible fools.
04:17I'm trying to get a fix on Lotor.
04:19Got him right here, Keith. He's headed for the Azure Quadrant.
04:22Good work, Lance. Let's go after him.
04:24This is Galaxy Garrison.
04:26Discontinue aggression against Lotor at once.
04:30That is an order.
04:32Based on an accord ratio of 8.6.
04:36Lotor has just agreed to meet with his father, Zarkon, to discuss a peace treaty.
04:41Get real.
04:43Zarkon's as big a pirate as Lotor.
04:45Zarkon is the Minister of Peace.
04:48I'm going to accompany him to the peace conference, Commander Keith.
04:52Copy that, Amalgamus.
04:54I am heading to join Zarkon.
04:57Good luck, Keith.
04:58Let's head to the Castle of Lions, guys.
05:00That means you too, Lance.
05:03Yeah, yeah, I copy.
05:05I don't have to like it.
05:07Look, at least Lotor isn't the threat he used to be.
05:10He doesn't have Castle Doom, the Robeasts, or Hagon.
05:15Lance, you're lagging.
05:16I hope you're not planning to ditch us.
05:19What? You don't trust me?
05:21She knows me too well.
05:25It's getting a little toasty with those two suns.
05:28I'll just make it a little toastier.
05:35I can't see!
05:37I got a real flair for diversions.
05:40Lance, did you do that?
05:43Lance ditched us.
05:45He's probably headed for the peace conference.
05:49Ooh, ooh, it's starting.
05:51I'll bet everybody in the galaxy is watching.
05:53This is Galactic Action News Live from this historic peace conference.
05:57Today, if the stars are with us,
06:00may be the beginning of a lasting peace.
06:04News pods, keep taping. Go to camera one.
06:07And that was King Zarkon's opening address.
06:10He and Commander Keith are now awaiting the arrival of Lotor himself.
06:14Hey, Keith.
06:15Wondering if you can make it to Black Lion in time if Lotor pulls a fast one?
06:19Lance? What are you up to?
06:22Where are you?
06:23Oh, hiding in this nice little asteroid.
06:25Keeping an eye on you.
06:27And Lotor.
06:29Prince Lotor is just emerging from his ship.
06:32Though he is a wanted criminal,
06:34it is Lotor who called this peace conference.
06:37Hello, father.
06:39Son, I implore you.
06:42Give up peacefully, and the Galaxy Alliance promises to be lenient.
06:47I want to believe in Zarkon, but it's not easy to forget.
06:52Lance sure doesn't trust him.
06:54I wonder why he hates Zarkon so much.
06:57Oh, it began when Lance was just a boy.
07:00He grew up in a small mountain village on a remote planet.
07:05Oh, no!
07:11When he was little, Zarkon destroyed his village.
07:23Lance has never forgotten.
07:26He can fool everyone else, Zarkon, but not me.
07:30Peace is the only solution.
07:33Keith, he's pulling something out of his belt!
07:37A recording device, hothead!
07:40I have documented your peace offer.
07:43But I need a few days to decide.
07:46We will be waiting, son.
07:48Shake hands is a sign of goodwill.
07:50Will Commander Keith shake hands with his mortal enemy?
07:55You know what Lotor has done to us!
07:57All right, Lotor.
07:59This is for the cameras.
08:02I would rather touch Martian pond scum than one of the Voltron Force.
08:09Lotor has refused to shake hands.
08:12A very embarrassing moment for the leader of the Voltron Force.
08:15What a farce!
08:17Why can't anyone see Zarkon and Lotor running a scam?
08:20Smile for the camera, Commander Keith.
08:23The entire galaxy is watching.
08:25Don't be embarrassed, Commander.
08:27Commander, the important thing is that we find out where Lotor put Castle Dooku.
08:31Now we're one step closer.
08:33Listen, Zarkon. I went along with this because it was a priority one order.
08:37But don't think I'm not watching you. And Lotor.
08:40I hope that Lotor will see the light.
08:43Then you'll know I'm on your side, friend.
08:48Lotor's not getting away that easily.
08:51Come on, kitty cat. Let's stay right on his tail.
08:54Find out what the pirate is really up to.
09:01Keith, we're down here in the archive chamber.
09:04Lance didn't return with us. He took off in Red Lion.
09:07I know. I was hoping he would have come back by now.
09:10I'm worried he might do something foolish.
09:16Ah, the portal to the Dream Dimension, where Hagar awaits.
09:23She gave me this magic stone to let her know when I was ready to join her.
09:27I hope it works.
09:35Yes, the portal is opening.
09:38Next stop, the Dream Dimension.
09:46I don't know where Lotor is going.
09:48But wherever it is, we're gonna be right there with him.
09:55The Dream Dimension.
09:57A place where thoughts can become real and reality can be more frightening than anything you ever dreamed of.
10:10Hagar! Hagar!
10:13Leave it to that old witch to hide out in some grotesque place like this.
10:17Hagar! It's me, Prince Lotor!
10:21Well, well, it's about time, Prince.
10:27Come out with your ship and let me see you.
10:38I was beginning to think you'd rot in that prison.
10:42How did you escape?
10:44With no help from you.
10:46You owe me, Hagar, and it's time to pay up now.
10:49Where are all the rogue beasts you promised?
10:52Don't just sit there, old witch!
10:54No roles, Lotor. I no longer take orders from you.
11:01Do as I command, Hagar, or I'll...
11:03Nothing! You're in my world now.
11:06I have the power here.
11:08The power to make your desires and fears become real.
11:16Princess Allura! My beloved!
11:20In your dreams, fool!
11:24You're nothing, Lotor.
11:26How did I ever get you for a son?
11:28I will erase you from existence.
11:31What kind of nightmare is this?
11:34It's only a sampling of what I can arrange in the dream dimension.
11:40All right, Hagar. I get the idea.
11:43Now stop this!
11:44All right!
11:46There, are you happy?
11:48Now here are my terms.
11:50I will help you defeat the Galaxy Garrison and the Voltron Force.
11:55And take Princess Allura for my bride?
12:00But in return, I get the castle of lions.
12:04And all the hidden magic the lions possess will be mine.
12:10Well, well, Lotor and Hagar together.
12:13I've got them just where I want them.
12:15Let's go, kitty cat. Take them out!
12:19Shields up!
12:20Red Lion! How did he get in here?
12:23I thought you had this place protected.
12:25Relax, Lotor.
12:27The Voltron Force just entered his own worst nightmare.
12:34As I recall, Red Lion's pilot is Lance.
12:38Just give me a moment to delve into his mind and I'll find his deepest fears.
12:43Ah, yes. They go all the way back to his childhood.
12:49It's... it's me.
12:56I sense Red Lion trying to warn me.
13:05King Alphen!
13:08You are right, daughter.
13:10Lance and Red Lion are in mortal danger.
13:15What can we do?
13:17Allura, listen to your heart and you will hear the lions' roar.
13:26Red Lion!
13:31Lance and Red Lion are trapped in the Dream Dimension.
13:38Without Red Lion, there's no more Voltron.
13:41And no more Lance.
13:43The magic we need is here.
13:49That stone is marked by a lion claw. It wasn't like that before.
13:54The claw is the magic key to opening the portal to the Dream Dimension.
14:07Let's go!
14:09Begin lion launch sequence, now!
14:23All right, insert lion keys!
14:54Okay, team. Destination, the Dream Dimension.
14:58Mission, bring back Lance.
15:04All systems at full power. Ready? Let's do it!
15:09That phony peace conference bought me all the time I needed.
15:13Now Lance can wallow in his own fears while I return to the real world.
15:20Return to the real world? Soon we'll be gone.
15:24And Red Lion will be trapped in this nightmare for eternity.
15:28Voltron is finished!
15:35This is it. Portal to the Dream Dimension.
15:42I call upon the ancient lion spirit.
15:50It's open. Let's hit it.
15:55Whoa, this place is finally bizarre.
15:58Concentrate on your flying. Remember, any stray thought can turn into a nightmare.
16:04Snake monsters? Who thought of those things?
16:06I don't know. I'm trying to steer clear, but I can't. What's happening?
16:12It must have something to do with the claw and this magical dimension.
16:16The more you fight it, the stronger it gets.
16:19So just let go and trust in the lions.
16:23There, we're flying right through them. They're just mystical illusions.
16:28I'm back in my village, just like when I was a kid.
16:31This can't be real.
16:34Lance, it's Keith.
16:36Keith? It can't be. I'm imagining things.
16:39Listen, what you're seeing are your own fears.
16:41You can overcome them. Think about something you care about.
16:44But those ships are going to blast me.
16:47They're not real, Lance. Concentrate.
16:50All right. I'm thinking about the robot lions and my friends, the Voltron Force.
17:00You did it, Lance.
17:03We're a team again.
17:05I'm sure I'm glad to see you, kittens. Nice to know who your real friends are.
17:12All right, team, let's go after Lotor.
17:15Good call, Keith. But remember, he's got Hagar with him now, so watch your backs.
17:21There's Lotor. Follow him.
17:38Follow Lotor into the portal. As soon as we're through it, start blasting.
17:45All right. If you take out the Revenge, Lotor's finished.
17:49Right. But watch out for those Doom Weapons.
17:53They're more powerful than ever.
18:01Do something before they destroy the Revenge.
18:04How's this?
18:15Now, look what I've been hiding in the Dream Dimension.
18:20Castle Doom. We searched everywhere for it, and it was hidden in the Dream Dimension all this time.
18:28I've been preparing the new and improved Castle Doom for years.
18:33Lion Claw, open a rift in the Doom Shield.
18:36Lion Claw, open a rift in the Doom Shield.
18:38Lion Claw, open a rift in the Doom Shield.
18:40Lion Claw, open a rift in the Doom Shield.
18:42Lion Claw, open a rift in the Doom Shield.
18:48Nice work, Princess. Now let's hit the castle.
18:51My new Realm Beasts will enjoy tearing those lions to shreds.
19:04Looks like we've got a greeting party, and they look serious.
19:07All right.
19:12Look out.
19:17All right, that's it. Playtime's over. Let's make the big move, Keith.
19:20Right. Time to form Voltron.
19:24Activate interlock.
19:28Dynatherms connected.
19:30Infra-cells up.
19:34Mega-thrusters are go.
19:38Let's go, Voltron Force.
20:04Warm feet and legs.
20:08Form arms and torso.
20:14Claw form the head.
20:22Now let's see if we can make these eels squeal.
20:26Giant leap.
20:32Giant leap.
20:38Nice. Now lion head attack.
20:48Yeah, red lion likes it hot.
20:52Three more to go.
20:54Form Blazing Sword.
21:00Here they come.
21:08There's one more, and he's coming quick.
21:21Voltron has destroyed all the Realm Beasts. Do something.
21:25Do something. Do something. All right, then. I will.
21:38Castle Doom. Looks like it's disappearing.
21:41Hunk's right. Castle Doom's gone. Lotor and Hagar ditched us.
21:46Voltron Force, this is Amalgamus coming in on your comm line, and I am very displeased.
21:51You have wrecked my peace process by fighting Lotor.
21:55Your error margin was below .09.
21:58Amalgamus, it's not.
22:00You must be taught discipline.
22:03That's it.
22:04How about I teach you something, Amalgamus?
22:06Forget it, Lance. All that really matters is that we're together again.
22:11That's right. Now that we're back in action...
22:13Nothing can stop us!
22:18Today, the Voltron Force has learned to trust the spirits of their mighty lions.
22:24In time, they will uncover the deepest mysteries of the lion magic.
22:28Fly together, Voltron Force.
22:32Fly together, Voltron Force.
22:34Fly strong, for this is Voltron, the Third Dimension.
