Voltron: The Third Dimension [1998] S1 E8 | Dominus

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Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American animated television series produced by World Events Productions. It is a sequel to the 1980s animated series Voltron: Defender of the Universe and is set five years after the end of the series.[2] Neil Ross, Michael Bell, and B.J. Ward reprised their roles as Keith, Lance, and Princess Allura for the series. The show was animated by Netter Digital Entertainment, inc. and Mike Young Productions.[3] It departed from the original Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor (now voiced by Tim Curry, taking over the role originally voiced by Lennie Weinrib).


00:01The safety of the galaxy has been threatened again.
00:05Five space explorers and their five awesome lions are called upon to form Voltron.
00:12Keith, the leader.
00:14Pilot of Black Lion.
00:16Allura, Princess of Aris.
00:19Pilot of Blue Lion.
00:21Hunk, the strongman.
00:24Pilot of Yellow Lion.
00:26Pidge, the computer expert.
00:29Pilot of Green Lion.
00:31And Lance, the rebellious daredevil pilot of Red Lion.
00:36These lions must once again battle Prince Lotor, Witch Hagar, and their forces of doom,
00:43who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good.
00:47The Galaxy Alliance, under the leadership of Amalgamus and the reformed King Zargon,
00:53have called these great pilots and their robot lions together again to form...
01:20No monster from deep space is as frightening as a villain who will use the innocent to carry out his evil plans.
02:04Uh, Pidge, you'd better check this out.
02:09Look at the radiation level!
02:11It's Plant Geo. It was evacuated because of high radiation levels.
02:16This high?
02:27Black Lion! Blue Lion!
02:31We're just heading back to the castle, Lance. What's up?
02:34We've got some unusual radiation readings coming from Planet Geo.
02:37We need a live eyeball on what's going on.
02:42These readings aren't just high. They indicate a new, unknown form of radiation.
02:47That's good enough for me, Princess.
02:50Plotting new course for Geo. ETA one solar click.
03:00Come in, Galaxy Garrison.
03:05Greetings, Lance. How can I help you?
03:08Get me Amalgamus, Zarkon. We have a situation on Planet Geo.
03:12Stay away from there! That's an order!
03:15Guy, it's dangerous. We haven't contained the radiation.
03:19You haven't sent anyone to investigate, have you?
03:23Us? Take matters into our own hands?
03:26No, sir. We live to follow orders from fine leaders like yourself, King Zarkon.
03:34Why, thank you, Lance. Coming from you, that's high grace indeed.
03:43But I don't believe you for a second.
03:54What a pity. Totally uninhabitable. Wasted from radiation.
04:01Yo, Keith. Keep an eye out for anything unusual.
04:05One of your hunches?
04:07No. Direct communication from King Zarkon.
04:11You actually asked Zarkon for mission approval?
04:14He doesn't want you guys anywhere near that place. And that makes me suspicious.
04:19You mean we're disobeying a direct order from...
04:22Keith! Over here! Quickly!
04:25Keith! Allura! Come in!
04:28Something just blocked all transmissions from Planet Geo.
04:33All mining was shut down by order of the Alliance.
04:36Then why is that drilling rig working?
04:39Where is it going?
04:45That's what we'd better find out.
04:52All right.
05:03Stay close and watch out for anything...
05:11Somebody doesn't want us down here.
05:16Radiation levels are increasing.
05:18I'm betting the source is up ahead.
05:23What in the galaxy is happening here?
05:34I've never seen anything like it.
05:37I have a...
05:38Welcome, Voltronez.
05:41Should have known you had something to do with this, Lotor.
05:44You wound me. I had everything to do with this.
05:50In fact, you are just in time to see my latest, nastiest plan hatch.
05:59I call it... Dominus!
06:04Forgive my rude departure, but I'm sure the three of you will want to get acquainted.
06:50Keith! Keith, are you all right?
07:06That creature, Dominus, it caused a cave-in.
07:09I expanded my protective shield as far as possible, but it's not designed to take this much force.
07:14We're running out of time. It doesn't look good.
07:18Locators, have them below the surface.
07:20No problem for this cat. Remember, Yellow Lion is the Lion of Earth.
07:33This force field won't hold much longer, Keith.
07:38Can you say, pick-up time?
07:42We've got some major trouble, team.
07:47Lotor has created...
07:54Whoa! Big lizard time!
08:00Well, you know what they say, the bigger they are...
08:04The bigger they are...
08:10The bigger they are...
08:22What's this lizard time made of?
08:26It's as hard as your skull, honk.
08:42What was that?
08:44It isn't good. That lizard's spitting pure antimatter. If he hits us, we're history.
08:50All right, reprogram all shield systems. Reconfigure to antimatter defense.
08:56Until then...
08:59Stay away from him!
09:05Whoa! Good advice.
09:48Impressive, isn't he?
09:51But that wasn't always the case. At one time, he was just a harmless little shonga waiting to hatch.
10:03Now, he can kick the Voltron force all over planet Geo.
10:08Give me the Coral Quadrant, and I'll put Dominus on a leash.
10:13Since I'm the one who activated his growth cycle, I'm the only one who can stop him.
10:21Granted, your lizard is giving the Voltron force a fight, but he's on a dead planet.
10:27What threat is he to the Alliance?
10:33I thought you'd never ask.
10:36Are you ready, witch?
10:38At your command, Fritz Lodore.
10:42Then you do that voodoo, and you do so well.
10:51Now is the time for you to consume.
10:55Look to the skies and swallow the moon!
11:05All shield circuits have been reconfigured, Keith. They'll nullify Dominus' blasts.
11:16They're holding me. Let's go get us a...
11:19Huh? What's he looking at?
11:23The moon of Geo.
11:25It's glowing, just like Dominus' antimatter.
11:28And it sure got the big guy juiced.
11:32Take cover!
11:39It can fly!
12:09I don't believe it! It's eating the moon!
12:13Voltron force, stop! The moon! It's about to...
12:30Yes! Yes! Yes! Let's see someone talk!
12:39Holy cow! It destroyed that moon!
12:42And itself with it! Well, so much for Dominus.
12:46Dominus wouldn't have done any harm if it wasn't for Lodore.
12:49He caused the death of an innocent creature.
12:51That innocent creature just blew up a moon.
12:55Dominus was not responsible.
12:59Hate to break up a fight, but Dominus ain't done for.
13:07And he's bigger than ever!
13:10This is bad. It looks like every time Dominus chows down, he grows.
13:17He went right past us.
13:21What's the deal with that?
13:23Oh, it's so obvious. But his size blinded me.
13:27Dominus was only born minutes ago. It's just a baby.
13:31It didn't attack us because it isn't hungry anymore.
13:35For now.
13:37I have a plan.
13:40I need you to make me a capsule.
13:42One that's big enough for me to ride in,
13:44but small enough for Dominus to swallow.
13:52Now, you're going to give me ultimate rule of the Coral Quadrant,
13:57and I won't turn Galaxy Garrison into lizard.
14:01You're going to give me the ultimate rule of the Coral Quadrant,
14:06and I won't turn Galaxy Garrison into lizard chow.
14:12Never! My programming will not permit bargaining with terrorists.
14:17Amalgamus, perhaps you should rethink this.
14:21I don't need an answer immediately.
14:24Take your time. Take until...
14:28dinner time.
14:37That's it. You sure this is what you want?
14:40It's perfect.
14:42Princess, do you know what you're doing?
14:44If we can discover how Lotor makes Dominus hungry, we can stop him.
14:49Then let's do it.
14:54Begin Lion Launch Sequence, now!
15:07Lion Launch Sequence, now!
15:12Lion Launch Sequence, now!
15:19Lion Launch Sequence, now!
15:25Lion Launch Sequence, now!
15:36Lion Launch Sequence, now!
15:52Insert Keys!
16:06Insert Keys!
16:30Got a lock on Dominus, Pidge?
16:33Piece of cake, Keef.
16:35His energy trail is so unique, it's like a flare in a dark closet.
16:40How does he breathe in space?
16:42I'm guessing he lives on antimatter energy, like Hunk lives on hot dogs.
16:47Hey, I only had six today. Good thing the big guy's asleep, huh?
16:52I knew it would be. Babies always take a nap after a big meal.
16:56Wish me luck.
17:18I'm going into its stomach.
17:35And I think I found what we're looking for.
17:39Get out as soon as we got company, Keef.
17:45Wake up the beast. I hate for him to miss his midnight snack.
17:54They're gonna wake it up!
18:04Evasive Action!
18:20We've got to get the princess out of there!
18:22Hunk! Double Team!
18:42Computer, analyze and synthesize. I think we can stop Dominus, but I need some more time.
18:47And we're gonna need some more power. Prepare to form Voltron!
18:53Activate interlock!
18:58Dinotherms connected! Infra-cells up!
19:05Mega-thrusters are go!
19:09Let's go, Voltron Force!
19:23Let's go!
19:35Form feet and legs!
19:44Form arms and torso!
19:48And I'll form the head!
20:00Anti-matter shield!
20:18Material analyzed and synthesized.
20:22Keef, I'm ready. We'll need the Blazing Sword.
20:26Form Blazing Sword!
20:31No! Dominus is not the target. The revenge is.
20:40Rerouting synthesized radiation to Blazing Sword.
20:53It didn't work. Brace for impact!
21:03Get us out of here now! Back to Castle Doom!
21:07Are you mad? Don't come here! He'll follow you!
21:15Damn it!
21:21No! It's gonna eat us!
21:26The food of power that you eat, I claim it now and leave you weak!
21:45We've got to reach him. Dominus will die in space without his anti-matter power.
22:03We've lost the revenge.
22:05Too bad. But Lotor won't be trying that trick again, now that we know how to deal with it.
22:10So how's Dominus doing, Princess?
22:12I think the threat of Dominus is over. The universe can rest easy.
22:17However, all potato chips in the galaxy are in grave danger.
22:24Once again, Voltron has defeated the evil plans of Lotor.
22:29And once again, the good and innocent are saved.
22:40To be continued...
23:10To be continued...
