Voltron: The Third Dimension [1998] S1 E7 | Bride of the Monster

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Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American animated television series produced by World Events Productions. It is a sequel to the 1980s animated series Voltron: Defender of the Universe and is set five years after the end of the series.[2] Neil Ross, Michael Bell, and B.J. Ward reprised their roles as Keith, Lance, and Princess Allura for the series. The show was animated by Netter Digital Entertainment, inc. and Mike Young Productions.[3] It departed from the original Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor (now voiced by Tim Curry, taking over the role originally voiced by Lennie Weinrib).

The story takes place in the Denubian Galaxy. Shannon Muir mapped the galaxy in the 1980s as a fan and posted it online. In 1996, World Events Productions became aware of the work and made it the official starmap for the show.[2]
With antagonist Prince Lotor's escape from prison, the heroic Voltron Force re-assemble against him, but must contend simultaneously with the various monsters and warships sent by Lotor (at times, captained by him) and with opposition on their own side, represented by the artificial intelligence "Amalgamus", a sophisticated computer who objects periodically to the Voltron Force's methods.


00:00The safety of the galaxy has been threatened again.
00:05Five space explorers and their five awesome lions are called upon to form Voltron.
00:12Keith, the leader.
00:14Pilot of Black Lion.
00:16Allura, Princess of Aris.
00:18Pilot of Blue Lion.
00:21Hunk, the strongman.
00:24Pilot of Yellow Lion.
00:26Pidge, the computer expert.
00:29Pilot of Green Lion.
00:31And Lance, the rebellious daredevil pilot of Red Lion.
00:36These lions must once again battle Prince Lotor, Witch Hagar, and their forces of doom,
00:43who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good.
00:47The Galaxy Alliance, under the leadership of Amalgamus and the reformed King Zarka,
00:53have called these great pilots and their robot lions together again to form Voltron, the third dimension.
01:06The Castle of Lions, a place of dreams and beauty.
01:14Planet Ampharos, a sister planet, a place of dreams and beauty.
01:21Yet there is no peace. An attack has just begun.
01:27Do you, Tilbar of Planet Caspia, take Marib, a planet noob, to be your lawfully wedded wife?
01:38I do. Uh, well...
01:41I do too, but, Judge Armistice, shouldn't we run for our lives?
01:46First, let me say, I pronounce you husband and wife.
01:51Now, you may run.
01:56Oh, cut the dramatics, dearie. We're not here for you, saps.
02:01No, we've come to take the not-so-high and mighty Judge Armistice.
02:08Sorry, but I simply must refuse. You see, I have a peace treaty to sign tonight.
02:16The next shot will make this the shortest marriage on record.
02:21Point made. I will go with you.
02:24Uh, thank you, Judge.
02:27It was a pleasure. There is no greater joy than a happy union.
02:32Oh, how true.
02:34Now, say goodbye to your planet, Judge.
02:48Ahoy, Revenge!
02:51So, did you get the loot you was after, Lotor?
02:56All this trouble for that puny runt?
02:59The Judge shall serve his purpose.
03:03Arrgh! The Voltron force is attacking!
03:11Okay, team, this is it. Pidge, Hunk, you take out the pirate craft.
03:15The rest of us will handle the Revenge.
03:17Let's do it!
03:25I wouldn't do that if I were you.
03:27I order you all to back off, immediately!
03:31Not on your life, Lotor!
03:33How about on his life?
03:39Retreat, or Judge Armistice will suffer a tragic accident.
03:45We have to do what Lotor says. We can't risk the Judge's life.
03:53I knew that goody goodies would see things our way.
03:58So long, fools!
04:03This is unacceptable. How could you let Judge Armistice be kidnapped?
04:08Amalgamus, we didn't.
04:10If Judge Armistice isn't present at the peace treaty tonight,
04:13my probability tables indicate galactic war.
04:16And we will have only you to blame.
04:20Us? Zorkon's got to be the one behind this.
04:23Amalgamus, you...
04:24Easy, Lance.
04:26Listen, Amalgamus, we'll do everything we can to get the Judge back.
04:30Succeed in this mission, or your commission may be revoked, permanently.
04:36The question is, why did Lotor kidnap the Judge, and where is he taking him?
04:51I don't get it, Lotor. What do you want the Judge for, anyway?
04:55Aye, what's the little swabby good for?
04:58The Judge is here to perform a ceremony.
05:01I am getting married.
05:04To her? Not to me, you mindless twit!
05:10I am going to marry Princess Allura, thus killing three birds with a single stone.
05:17One, I possess the Princess.
05:20Two, I get the Castle of Lions.
05:23And three...
05:26I start an intergalactic war!
05:31Well, shiver me timbers, a wedding!
05:34But how are you going to make Princess Allura marry you, Lotor?
05:38Yeah, seems like she hates you.
05:40Princess Allura will do what she is told.
05:43Terribly sorry, but I only perform weddings between couples who are deeply in love.
05:49Why, you pompous little squeak!
05:56Oh, relax! I have ways of making him do my bidding.
06:02I must possess Princess Allura!
06:10Oh, who am I kidding?
06:12How can Allura ever want to marry me now that I'm a bionic monster?
06:20I've thought of that, too.
06:22I will put a spell upon you so you look the way you used to.
06:27You'll make me handsome again?
06:30Yes, and no!
06:39Lotor, you're not ugly anymore!
06:43Oh, yes he is. That sure didn't last long.
06:48Why, you worthless old crone!
06:51Watch it, Lotor, or I'll make you even uglier.
06:55If that's possible.
06:57The spell only affects Princess Allura.
07:00She will see you the way you were.
07:03The rest of us are stuck with that mug.
07:06You pirates fly to Arras in search of me?
07:10You pirates fly to Arras' moon and start firing photon missiles into it.
07:16Have you flipped? The Voltron force will be on us like barnacles in a hole.
07:21Exactly. They will chase you right into our trap.
07:27Oh, yeah, right. Lotor gets his princess, but what do the rest of us get?
07:33You get to stay healthy!
07:37Oh, no way!
07:40Once Allura is Lotor's wife, I will control the magic of the ancient lions,
07:46which will make me the most powerful sorceress in the galaxy!
07:55It's time. Start firing photon missiles.
08:08An identified craft. An identified craft.
08:14Begin lion launch sequence. Now!
09:07Insert keys.
09:56We never should have hooked up with that madman Lotor.
09:59What are those space pirates up to?
10:01They had to know we'd pick up on them the instant they neared Arras.
10:05I'm not sure, but be ready for anything. Remember, Lotor's been traveling with these pirates.
10:13What's that light down there?
10:14I don't know, but the pirate ship's picked up speed. Everyone gun it or we'll lose them.
10:19You go ahead. I want to check this out.
10:22Be careful, Allura.
10:35Castle Doom!
10:38Keith, come in. I've got Castle Doom in my sights.
10:41Something's blocking the transmission.
10:43I can't wait for the others. The Judge must be in there. I have to try and rescue him.
10:50Lion Claw, open a rift in the Doom Shield.
10:55Doom Shield!
11:01Allura, come in. Allura, do you read?
11:05She's disappeared.
11:07We lost the pirates, too.
11:09The whole thing must have been a trap.
11:12Oh yeah, perfect setup and we flew right into it. Now Lotor has the Judge and Allura, too.
11:25Voltron Force, come in.
11:27Activating tracking device.
11:29If Keith and the others get near, they should be able to pick it up. I hope.
11:45Now I've got to find Lotor and Hagar before they find me.
11:50Welcome to Castle Doom, princess.
11:54I wouldn't do that.
11:58Allura, do you read?
12:00She's disappeared. Now Lotor has the Judge and Allura, too.
12:10Judge Armistice, are you all right?
12:13Oh, he's just fine.
12:15Are you all right?
12:17Oh, he's just fine. For the moment.
12:20But I suggest you do exactly as I say or his mini-honor may end up even smaller.
12:26Okay, Hagar. You win.
12:30Blue Lion, I need you now.
12:33If you can hear my thoughts, feel my heart.
12:37Send a signal to the others before it's too late.
12:42What's going on, Hagar? Why have you brought us here?
12:46Patience, princess, or you'll spoil your surprise.
13:00Behold, your beautiful boyfriend.
13:07Welcome, my darling Allura.
13:12Lotor! Your face! You look...
13:15Handsome again? Dashing? Irresistible?
13:19Hopelessly conceited?
13:21He still looks like a freak to me.
13:24Even uglier than you.
13:28I knew you'd be impressed, Allura. My only wish is to please you.
13:33You are my one true love.
13:37I've got to play along with him. Stall for time.
13:40But what is he planning?
13:42This is the big moment, Allura.
13:45I don't understand.
13:47Cut the theatrics, Lotor, and let's get on with it!
14:01This is not my day.
14:04There's no time for playing lovey-dovey!
14:07The judge is here to marry us, my darling Allura.
14:11What? You can't be serious. I won't marry you, Lotor.
14:15I don't understand. I'm handsome again?
14:19It's not your looks that matter. It's who you are inside.
14:23You kidnapped me and the judge? You're still as evil as ever, Lotor.
14:27Hagar! What kind of a lousy spell did you cast?
14:31I thought you were supposed to fall for me.
14:34Hey, I made you look handsome to her. The rest is up to you.
14:39Allura, you must marry me. You must!
14:43Not if you were the last deranged despot in the galaxy.
14:48All right, listen up, princess.
14:51Either you wed Lotor, or I stop this pipsqueak.
14:55No judge, no peace treaty. And that means intergalactic war.
15:01You give me no choice. I must marry Lotor.
15:06I just hope the Voltron force can find me in time.
15:14It's the tracking signal from Blue Lion.
15:17Let's move!
15:31Do you, Lotor, take Princess Allura for your lawfully wedded wife?
15:37I do! I do!
15:39And do you, Princess Allura, take...
15:42Wait, wait, wait! I can't do this. It's wrong.
15:46She obviously doesn't love this man.
15:49Forget love. She doesn't even like him.
15:52What's love got to do, got to do with it? I love that.
15:56What's love got to do, got to do with it? I love that.
15:59Just do your job, judge. Or else...
16:02It's okay, Your Honor. We must do as they command.
16:06But go slow. Stall.
16:10Do you, Princess Allura, take this fiend, Lotor...
16:20The Voltron force! Yes!
16:22Grab the princess!
16:24Oh, yeah. They won't shoot at her.
16:30Be careful. Allura and the judge are down there.
16:37Do something!
16:39I am, you fool! I'm saving my skin!
16:48Got her!
16:50Oh, I don't think so.
16:55Come on, Judge Armistice. We're getting out of here.
16:59Charming idea, my dear.
17:10Anna! Release the rogue beasts!
17:17You okay, Allura?
17:19That was a close one.
17:22But the judge and I are safe.
17:24Not for long. Get ready. Rogue beasts coming at us.
17:41Anna! Release the rogue beasts!
17:52We can't take any chances with our precious cargo.
17:56Allura's right. Time to form Voltron team.
18:00Activate interlock.
18:04Dynatherms connected.
18:06Infra-cells up.
18:11Mega-thrusters are go.
18:15Let's go, Voltron force!
18:21Let's go!
18:42Form feet and legs.
18:51Form arms and torso.
18:57And I'll form the head.
19:15Lion head attack.
19:21Lion head attack.
19:39Lion head attack.
19:52Enough messing around.
19:54Okay, team. Form blazing sword.
20:32Time to finish off Castle Doom once and for all.
20:36Commander Keith, you must return to Galaxy Garrison at once with Judge Armistice.
20:41He cannot miss the signing of the peace treaty.
20:44But we just need a few more minutes to...
20:46Negative. That does not compute.
20:49The treaty could lead to galactic war.
20:52Orders or no orders, I say we take out Voltron now while we've got the chance.
20:57Let's go for it.
21:10I must have the princess for my bride.
21:14Stop whining. We'll be lucky if we escape with our lives.
21:18I have an idea.
21:27Look! What's going on?
21:29The castle!
21:32Oh, great. They're gone.
21:35So much for disobeying orders.
21:42My dear, I would have thought you'd be happy to see him go.
21:46I can't help feeling sorry for Lotor. His soul is tortured.
21:54No one will ever love this.
22:12The Voltron force flies on.
22:17Bringing home the voice of justice and peace.
22:24Soar high, gallant warrior.
22:27And stay strong for all those who depend on you.
22:31Mighty Voltron!
22:46Voltron, the third dimension.
22:48Lotor is up to his usual tricks.
22:50Only this time he's got Dominus.
22:52A giant planet-eating monster to help him.
22:55Will planet Aris and the rest of the galaxy survive?
22:58Or become a space cupcake?
23:02Be sure to watch.
