Voltron: The Third Dimension [1998] S1 E12 | Dark Heart

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Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American animated television series produced by World Events Productions. It is a sequel to the 1980s animated series Voltron: Defender of the Universe and is set five years after the end of the series.[2] Neil Ross, Michael Bell, and B.J. Ward reprised their roles as Keith, Lance, and Princess Allura for the series. The show was animated by Netter Digital Entertainment, inc. and Mike Young Productions.[3] It departed from the original Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor (now voiced by Tim Curry, taking over the role originally voiced by Lennie Weinrib).

The story takes place in the Denubian Galaxy. Shannon Muir mapped the galaxy in the 1980s as a fan and posted it online. In 1996, World Events Productions became aware of the work and made it the official starmap for the show.[2]
With antagonist Prince Lotor's escape from prison, the heroic Voltron Force re-assemble against him, but must contend simultaneously with the various monsters and warships sent by Lotor (at times, captained by him) and with opposition on their own side, represented by the artificial intelligence "Amalgamus", a sophisticated computer who objects periodically to the Voltron Force's methods.


00:00Memorialis Pax, one of the most sacred places on planet Aris, for it stands as a memorial
00:17honoring the fallen King Alfor.
00:20I, King Alfor, pledge all that I have, my kingdom, my fortunes, my very life, in defense
00:37of planet Aris, against all evil.
00:40Father, I feel so alone, but there is so much to learn, so many battles to fight, so many
00:50I don't know if I have the courage to be a true princess.
00:56My daughter, there was a time when I had the same fears.
01:03These glyphs tell of the day I faced the most savage of enemies.
01:10No weapon could master it.
01:14Then, I heard a voice, a guardian spirit.
01:20Listen to your heart, shed your armor, throw aside your weapons.
01:25I looked the dragon in the eye, and with only my will, I tamed it, and left it in chains.
01:36You will rise to your destiny, Allura, not through your weapons, but through your will.
01:52Wahoo! Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, wahoo!
01:59Whoa, I didn't know you were here.
02:03This is my father's memorial.
02:06Sorry, princess, I was investigating a warning signal.
02:09We think someone breached our airspace.
02:33Take heart, my daughter. I will protect you.
02:50Who will protect you, Alphorn?
02:58I knew you'd show up here, your highness.
03:02I was counting on it.
03:07Heggar, what are you doing?
03:09Don't think of me as your friendly ghostbuster.
03:15Your father once stole my heart. Now I'm stealing his spirit.
03:21All right, everyone, I got what I came for.
03:26Aye, aye.
03:33See you later, lion boy.
03:42Are you all right, princess?
03:44My father's spirit. Heggar stole it. She took it away.
04:03Ah, you were so dashing when you were young, Alphorn.
04:07I could never quite win you over then.
04:10But I've got you now.
04:23Heggar! Heggar!
04:27Heggar! Heggar!
04:34Where's the new rogue beast you promised me, old wench?
04:38Down, boy. I'm working on it. With a special new ingredient.
04:43Alphorn Ghost!
04:45Once it's inside the rogue beast, the Voltron force won't dare to attack it.
04:57Uh, princess?
04:59Shh. She's using the lion power.
05:09That's the exact spot where Heggar disappeared with my father's spirit.
05:14The lion claw will lead us to it.
05:16That's our cue, guys. Come on.
05:19Begin lion launch sequence now.
05:57Heggar! Heggar! Heggar!
06:18Insert keys.
06:27Insert keys.
06:29Insert keys.
06:31Insert keys.
06:33Insert keys.
06:35Insert keys.
06:37Insert keys.
06:39Insert keys.
06:41Insert keys.
06:43Insert keys.
06:45Insert keys.
06:47Insert keys.
06:49Insert keys.
06:51Insert keys.
06:54Insert keys.
06:56Insert keys.
06:58Insert keys.
07:00Insert keys.
07:02Insert keys.
07:04Insert keys.
07:06There it is. Like breadcrumbs in the woods, eh, Allura?
07:09Permission to be the first to blast Heggar, Keith.
07:13Not yet, Lance. I need to go down there alone first to find my father's ghost.
07:18Negative, princess. We do this as a team.
07:20Lance, Hunk, Pidge, Allura, attack formation.
07:25Allura, where are you going? I just gave you a direct order.
07:29Half an hour, Keith.
07:36She's such a rebel, you know. Now me, I always follow orders.
07:40Yeah, right. You know, we need to have a discussion about discipline around here.
07:45Ah, better put that on hold, Commander. We've got incoming.
07:51Laser harpoon. I love blowing stuff up.
07:55What are we shooting at this time, anyway?
07:58The robot lions.
08:01Come on, team. Let's take these pirate boys now.
08:21I think we've got this under control. I just hope the princess is going to be okay.
08:29Show me the way.
08:51I did love you, Alphor. I've never forgotten.
08:56But we are not alone, my love.
09:04You are so predictable, princess.
09:10Release my father's spirit. You have no right.
09:13I have every right to do so.
09:16Release my father's spirit. You have no right.
09:19I have every right. We used to be, how do you young people say it, an item.
09:28That was when I was as young and beautiful as, well, as you, Allura.
09:37Your father was falling in love with me. I could see it in his eyes.
09:42But our planets were preparing for war.
09:45Our families hated each other. When they found out, they forced us apart.
09:55He could have come for me. I waited, but he never came. He rejected me.
10:03In time, I had another suitor. A king, just like your father.
10:08He offered to share his kingdom with me.
10:13And only asked one small favor in return.
10:18To prove my love.
10:21By helping him destroy the castle of lions.
10:25That was the end of your father.
10:32Of course, Zarkon didn't quite deliver on his promises.
10:38For what I had done, my heart turned dark.
10:45If your father had come back for me, this would never have happened.
10:49He could have possessed me. Now, I will possess him.
11:02In a most unusual way.
11:08Now, Alphorn, you will see what it's like to have your heart turned dark.
11:27For your first assignment, show how much you love me.
11:32For your first assignment, show how much you love me.
11:36And destroy your daughter!
11:48Don't let her get away!
11:50Go after her! Destroy her!
11:57Wreck all of her weapon systems!
12:02Neither of you say, unconditional surrender?
12:06Commander Keith, I'm picking up something.
12:09I'm picking up something.
12:11I'm picking up something.
12:13I'm picking up something.
12:15I'm picking up something.
12:17I'm picking up something.
12:19I'm picking up something. It's Blue Lion!
12:24Allura, she's in trouble. Let's go.
12:46Hit him, team!
12:49Hit him, team!
12:59It's got me!
13:08Hey, big, ugly, and transparent!
13:12They're shooting at my father!
13:16Disengage! Repeat, stop all firing!
13:19My father's ghost is trapped inside that Robeast.
13:22If it's destroyed, his spirit will be destroyed with it.
13:42You heard the princess. Abort! Abort!
13:50What if we can't shoot at it? How are we going to stop it?
13:55What if we can't shoot at it? How are we going to stop it?
14:16I can't maneuver. Instrument's frozen.
14:19Princess, we're trapped. Get away while you can.
14:22I can't run away, Keith. But what can I do?
14:25Allura, your weapons are of no value now.
14:29Huh? Who is that?
14:31Shed your armor. Throw aside your weapons.
14:35Have courage.
14:37My father said he heard a voice like that.
14:40A guardian spirit.
14:43But that Robeast is so huge. How can I face it alone?
14:47You will rise to your destiny, Allura.
14:50Not through your weapons, but through your will.
14:54I'm so afraid. I have to do this.
15:01Keith, look at the princess.
15:04Allura, this is a dirty trick.
15:10Allura, this is a direct order.
15:13Get back in Blue Lion and throttle out of here.
15:21Father, I have no weapons to fight with.
15:24I only have my love for you.
15:42Hagar doesn't have the power to turn your heart dark.
15:50I know your spirit is in there, father. Come out.
15:59This gemstone is from your monument. Let it guide you back.
16:21That's it. Form up fast.
16:25Allura, my daughter.
16:28No! This is not how it ends.
16:39You may have released our spirit, but this Robeast will still destroy you all.
16:49You heard her, kids. Hagar's playing our song. We're gonna need you for this one, Allura.
16:54My spirit is free now, Allura.
16:58And you are free to join your comrades.
17:09This is Princess Allura reporting for duty.
17:13All right, team. Let's do it to it.
17:16Activate interlock.
17:20Dynatherms connected.
17:23Infra-cells up.
17:27Mega-thrusters are go.
17:31Let's go, Voltron Force!
17:56Form feet and legs.
18:01Form arms and torso.
18:08And I'll form the head.
18:57We're stuck!
18:59Not for long. Detach Royal Shield.
19:10Now let's finish this puppy off.
19:19Lion wing attack!
19:29Way to go!
19:32That's it for the Robeast. It looks like Hagar got away.
19:36Well, let's go after her.
19:38No, Lance. Let her be. Let's head back to Planet Eris.
19:42I need to rebuild my father's memorial.
19:46Alphor, if our families hadn't been at war,
19:50perhaps things would have been different between you and I.
19:54But things aren't different.
19:56And the House of Eris will pay for this day.
20:02Allura, what gave you the crazy idea to face that Robeast outside of Blue Lion?
20:07I heard a voice. A guardian spirit.
20:11It must have been the same one my father heard so many years ago.
20:15Her voice was so haunting. I wish I knew who she was.
20:19Perhaps it was Queen Ariella herself, the first queen of Planet Eris.
20:25Do you think?
20:27Father, I can feel your spirit here with me.
20:30I no longer fear my destiny. I embrace it.
20:34We embrace it.
20:37I no longer fear my destiny. I embrace it.
20:41We, the Voltron Force, pledge all that we have.
20:46Our fortunes.
20:47Our lives.
20:49In defense of Planet Eris and the Alliance.
20:52Against all evil.
21:08Alphor, a fallen king.
21:12Ariella, an ancient queen.
21:17Allura, a young princess.
21:20And four space explorers seeking their destiny.
21:24This is the legend of Voltron.
21:37The Legend of Voltron
21:42The Legend of Voltron
21:47The Legend of Voltron
21:52The Legend of Voltron
21:57The Legend of Voltron
22:02The Legend of Voltron
22:07The Legend of Voltron
22:12The Legend of Voltron
