Voltron: The Third Dimension [1998] S1 E10 | Descent into Madness

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Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American animated television series produced by World Events Productions. It is a sequel to the 1980s animated series Voltron: Defender of the Universe and is set five years after the end of the series.[2] Neil Ross, Michael Bell, and B.J. Ward reprised their roles as Keith, Lance, and Princess Allura for the series. The show was animated by Netter Digital Entertainment, inc. and Mike Young Productions.[3] It departed from the original Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor (now voiced by Tim Curry, taking over the role originally voiced by Lennie Weinrib).

The story takes place in the Denubian Galaxy. Shannon Muir mapped the galaxy in the 1980s as a fan and posted it online. In 1996, World Events Productions became aware of the work and made it the official starmap for the show.[2]
With antagonist Prince Lotor's escape from prison, the heroic Voltron Force re-assemble against him, but must contend simultaneously with the various monsters and warships sent by Lotor (at times, captained by him) and with opposition on their own side, represented by the artificial intelligence "Amalgamus", a sophisticated computer who objects periodically to the Voltron Force's methods.


00:00The safety of the galaxy has been threatened again.
00:04Five space explorers and their five awesome lions are called upon to form Voltron.
00:11Keith, the leader.
00:13Pilot of Black Lion.
00:15Allura, Princess of Aris.
00:18Pilot of Blue Lion.
00:20Hunk, the strongman.
00:23Pilot of Yellow Lion.
00:25Pidge, the computer expert.
00:28Pilot of Green Lion.
00:30And Lance, the rebellious daredevil pilot of Red Lion.
00:36These lions must once again battle Prince Lotor, Witch Hagar, and their forces of doom,
00:43who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good.
00:46The Galaxy Alliance, under the leadership of Amalgamus and the reformed King Zargon,
00:52have called these great pilots and their robot lions together again to form Voltron, the third dimension.
01:05There is a clear line dividing man and his machines,
01:09but that line is blurred by the most spectacular machines in the universe, the robot lions.
01:18Blasted Amalgamus, Allura's theories about the lions merit more research.
01:23We all know that the princess believes the lions have spirits,
01:27but honestly, on a viability scale, her fanciful notions merit a mere 0.001%.
01:35Add all the zeroes you want.
01:37There's still a chance she's right, and we should be checking it out.
01:40All they want is a little more flight time.
01:43It's out of the question.
01:45Among the 900 Alliance members,
01:47there is a consensus that the lions should be flown as seldom as possible.
01:52You can't be a leader by following the consensus.
01:55My programming is consensus.
01:57Consensus is policy, and policy is no-lion research.
02:11Oh, my patience algorithms are in overdrive.
02:14I tell you, King Zarkon, there's a 7.97% probability
02:19that I shall soon have to mothball those lions.
02:22They and their pilots are unquantifiably troublesome.
02:29I guess I better tell the others how the meeting went.
02:32Handprints accepted.
02:35I hate being the bearer of bad news.
02:40I'll be right there.
02:41I just need to stop at the communications annex to send a peace message.
02:49This is Old Block calling Chip.
02:52If you're there, respond on the following frequency.
02:56I'm here.
02:57I'm here.
02:58I'm here.
02:59I'm here.
03:00Respond on the following frequency.
03:03I'm here.
03:05What's with the code name and scrambled signal?
03:08The time has come for a long-awaited strike against the Alliance.
03:14I was beginning to believe you had truly gone over to their side.
03:17Lance was right.
03:19Zarkon is a traitor.
03:21I gotta warn the others.
03:23Proceed with Operation Ambush.
03:26It will be my pleasure.
03:29Well, well, the walls have ears.
03:32Let's find out whose.
03:41Tsk tsk, Commander Keith.
03:44Mother should have told you.
03:46Snooping can be very unhealthy.
03:59Just my luck.
04:01I catch Zarkon selling out the Alliance, and I have no way to document it.
04:06Keith, come in.
04:08Lotor's attacking Planet Theta.
04:10We're on our way to stop him.
04:14I'll meet you there.
04:17So, Operation Ambush begins.
04:21What was that, Keith?
04:23Uh, nothing.
04:27I made an extremely important discovery at Galaxy Garrison.
04:30But I'll have to tell you in person.
04:32It's far too dangerous to broadcast.
04:34This is Old Block.
04:36Chip, are you there?
04:38Come in, Chip.
04:40Come in, Chip.
04:42You miserable excuse for an offspring.
04:45Must you use that insipid code name?
04:48It's repellent.
04:49Oh, son, indulge a proud father for once and put a sock in it.
04:54Now listen.
04:55The Voltron Force are on their way.
04:57Commander Keith knows all about our plan to attack the Alliance.
05:00You must destroy him before he can tell the others.
05:03I'm counting on you, Chip.
05:06I'm out.
05:11I have a way to finish Commander Keith.
05:14Something I've been working on in the Dream Dimension.
05:17Knock him to the ground and leave the rest to me.
05:21Doomfleet, suspend all attacks.
05:24New target, Black Lion.
05:31Castle Doom dead ahead.
05:34Looks like they're expecting us.
05:36Let's form Voltron.
05:38Activate interlock.
05:42Dynatherms connected.
05:44Infra-cells up.
05:47Mega thrusters are go.
05:52Let's go, Voltron Force.
06:00Keith's hit.
06:02Ready counterattack. Go.
06:28Doomfleet, return to base.
06:30The rest is up to Hagar.
06:44Let's find Keith.
07:05Claw of poison.
07:08Tainted mane.
07:10Afflict this one with fevered brain.
07:13Let him no peace nor rest in joy.
07:16But render him a lion boy.
07:30This doesn't look good.
07:32There's still a chance.
07:38The cockpit's intact.
07:45Oh no.
07:52Truthfully, I don't know how he even survived.
07:56But his condition has finally stabilized.
08:05Oh Keith, you really gave us a scare.
08:08We thought we were going to lose you there for a...
08:23Keith, it's us.
08:27Stop him.
08:38Stand clear.
08:43Quickly, get him on the bed.
08:45I know it looks cruel, but he'll be fine.
08:48It's for his own safety, princess.
08:51Do you suppose this has anything to do with Keith's important discovery at Galaxy Garrison?
08:56I can't think about that now.
08:58I just wish there was something we could do for him.
09:01There is. We can restore Black Lion so it's ready when he gets better.
09:06I need to run some tests, and you four should leave.
09:10Your presence here might only make things worse.
09:13Now don't be upset.
09:15I'm sure it's just a delayed reaction to the crash trauma.
09:19Yeah, let's see if Black Lion's back up to speed.
09:22She's essentially the old kitty with some serious supercharging under the hood.
09:27Go ahead, Lance.
09:31Oh, my...
09:44All that's left is reattaching the outer shell.
09:47You guys are the best.
09:49I'll be relieved when Black Lion's fully functional again.
09:52How's Keith?
09:53His vital signs are stronger than ever.
09:56He sleeps peacefully all day long.
09:59At night, he awakens.
10:01Then the violence begins.
10:07We've tried every treatment we know. Nothing works.
10:30It's like a caged animal.
10:49Operation Ambush is a success!
10:52Planet Theta is mine!
10:54Now for phase two of our plan.
10:57Is the Voltron force out of commission?
10:59Of course they are!
11:01What, you think my curses are cut rate?
11:04Just to be safe, I plan to verify Keith's condition.
11:09Well, get on with it!
11:11I'm ready to conquer the galaxy!
11:15If we are to have any hope of checking Lotor's aggression,
11:18this test must register a success factor of 8.27.
11:23Even if it does, the pilot isn't ready to fly.
11:27As cold as it sounds, Princess, Keith is replaceable.
11:32Impulse drives are online.
11:34All systems green.
11:36Let's go, big kitty.
11:45What happened?
11:46It just refused to run.
11:48Like it was fighting me.
11:52Black Lion is just a mechanism.
11:54I am 99.9% certain that its problem is faulty circuitry.
11:59Sir, we've checked everything.
12:01The Black Lion is mechanically and electronically perfect.
12:05Now I know you have trouble with this idea, Amalgamus.
12:09But according to the ancient lore,
12:11each Lion has a special and powerful connection with its pilot.
12:16Black Lion will not function without Keith.
12:19I know it's true. We can feel it.
12:22Well then, what are we to do?
12:24Lotor has never mobilized this much firepower.
12:27The only solution is to leave Black Lion in its resting place.
12:31Prepare to battle Lotor with just four Lions.
12:38And pray that Keith recovers soon.
12:47Hello, Commander.
12:49How are we feeling tonight?
12:54Oh, my.
12:55Haggar outdid herself this time.
12:58You really are behaving quite beastly.
13:01What's the matter, boy? Not getting enough kibble?
13:07Zarkon to Lotor.
13:08The reports were correct.
13:10Keith is just lying around.
13:13Launch Operation Vortex.
13:15That's our little code for the destruction of the Alliance.
13:23After which I'll move into the Castle of Lions and give Princess Allura to Lotor.
13:32Sorry we didn't have more fun.
13:34Next time I'll bring my chair and lash.
13:48Stop him! He's escaping!
13:52We've got to find Keith before he hurts himself.
13:55All right, everybody. Search everywhere.
14:11Any luck?
14:12No sign of him.
14:13And we're running out of time.
14:26What's he doing up there?
14:27That's what will heal him.
14:29He needs the power of Black Lion's heart.
14:34I'm sure he'll be fine.
14:36That's what will heal him.
14:37He needs the power of Black Lion's heart.
14:41We've got to help him. Come on!
14:58Where'd he go?
14:59He couldn't have just disappeared.
15:04Voltron Force, Lotor is attacking Galaxy Garrison.
15:08There is no time to lose. You must leave at once.
15:11But what about Keith?
15:12Just hope that wherever he is, he's okay.
15:15Come on!
15:18Begin Lion launch sequence now.
15:59Insert Keith.
16:02Insert Keith.
16:05Insert Keith.
16:08Insert Keith.
16:11Insert Keith.
16:14Insert Keith.
16:17Insert Keith.
16:23Insert Keith.
16:26Insert Keith.
16:29Insert Keith.
16:32Insert Keith.
16:35Insert Keith.
16:38Insert Keith.
16:41Insert Keith.
16:44Insert Keith.
16:47Gee, I hate it when they start the party without us.
17:21Lion Jaw, attack!
17:28Tail Ash!
17:32Finally, some competition.
17:35Release, Robeast!
17:54That thing's tough.
17:55And without Black Lion, we can't form Voltron to fight it.
17:58Look out, Princess!
18:02I'm coming!
18:10Guys, do something quick, or I'm an appetizer!
18:16Eat this, you glorified calamari!
18:24We gotta do better!
18:26We're giving it all we got!
18:28Guys, look! I think I'm seeing things!
18:39How'd you...
18:40No time for Q&A. Let's form Voltron.
18:43You were supposed to make sure he was out of commission.
18:47It's not my fault.
18:49He must have been healed by the power of his lion.
18:52Activate interlock.
18:58Dynatherms connected.
19:00Infracells up.
19:05Megathrusters are go.
19:09Let's go, Voltron Force!
19:31Form feet and legs!
19:41Form arms and torso!
19:47And I'll form the head!
20:01It's trying to short-circuit us!
20:07Lance, give this thing something to chew on.
20:16Way to go, Lance!
20:19Form arms and torso!
20:24And I'll form the head!
20:30Blazing Sword!
20:56Samurai Slash!
21:00Samurai Slash!
21:09All right!
21:11Now to go after Castle Doom.
21:14It's too late! They're jumping dimensions!
21:19Well then, back to Aris.
21:30We're reviewing all the data.
21:32There's only one explanation for what happened to Keith.
21:35He must have been under a potent spell cast by Hagar.
21:39Only by the power of Black Lion's Heart could it be reversed.
21:44Princess, I will lobby the Alliance to win full approval for your proposed lion research.
21:49Clearly there is something more to the lions than mere circuits and data processors.
21:56Keith, before your accident, you mentioned a big secret you were going to share with us.
22:01I did? That's strange. I don't remember. I just don't remember.
22:07Good fortune smiled on both sides this time, preserving the benevolent order.
22:17Protecting dark secrets.
22:21But good fortune has a way of running out.
22:24Fly on, noble warrior. Fly on, Voltron.
22:29May you forever be fortune's friend.
22:50To be continued...
