Voltron: The Third Dimension [1998] S1 E14 | The Trial of Voltron

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Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American animated television series produced by World Events Productions. It is a sequel to the 1980s animated series Voltron: Defender of the Universe and is set five years after the end of the series.[2] Neil Ross, Michael Bell, and B.J. Ward reprised their roles as Keith, Lance, and Princess Allura for the series. The show was animated by Netter Digital Entertainment, inc. and Mike Young Productions.[3] It departed from the original Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor (now voiced by Tim Curry, taking over the role originally voiced by Lennie Weinrib).

The story takes place in the Denubian Galaxy. Shannon Muir mapped the galaxy in the 1980s as a fan and posted it online. In 1996, World Events Productions became aware of the work and made it the official starmap for the show.[2]
With antagonist Prince Lotor's escape from prison, the heroic Voltron Force re-assemble against him, but must contend simultaneously with the various monsters and warships sent by Lotor (at times, captained by him) and with opposition on their own side, represented by the artificial intelligence "Amalgamus", a sophisticated computer who objects periodically to the Voltron Force's methods.


00:00The safety of the galaxy has been threatened again.
00:10Five space explorers and their five awesome lions are called upon to form Voltron.
00:16Keith, the leader, pilot of Black Lion, Allura, Princess of Aris, pilot of Blue Lion, Hulk,
00:26the Strongman, pilot of Yellow Lion, Pidge, the computer expert, pilot of Green Lion,
00:35and Lance, the rebellious daredevil pilot of Red Lion.
00:41These lions must once again battle Prince Lotor, Witch Hagar, and their forces of doom,
00:47who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good.
00:51The Galaxy Alliance, under the leadership of Amalgamus and the reformed King Zarkon,
00:57have called these great pilots and their robot lions together again to form Voltron, the
01:03third dimension.
01:07We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this special report on what is
01:12shaping up as the trial of the century.
01:15Charging insubordination and abuse of power, Amalgamus and other anti-Voltron factions
01:20have called upon the Voltron Force to defend themselves at an official tribunal.
01:26I'm Weep Weep Cherimoya for Galactic Action News here with the latest on the trial of
01:31the Voltron Force.
01:33And now let's go live inside Galaxy Garrison for opening statements by Amalgamus, prosecutor
01:38for the Alliance.
01:39I call this tribunal to order.
01:42We are assembled to rule on the fate of the Voltron Force, who stand accused of insubordination
01:48and abuse of power.
01:49I don't believe this.
01:50His circuits have got to be fried.
01:51This is just crazy.
01:52Silence in the court.
01:53You will have your say when you are called upon.
01:57We'll have our say now.
01:59We demand Amalgamus submit himself for an engineering diagnostic.
02:04This irrational behavior was expected.
02:06Therefore, upon my advice, the council has decided that, effective immediately, your
02:12defense will be handled by someone more reserved and dignified, Koran, guardian of the castle
02:18of lions.
02:20I am honored by your trust, but I must protest this trial.
02:26I haven't had proper time to prepare a defense.
02:29If the Voltron Force is truly innocent, then there is a 99% probability that preparation
02:35is unnecessary.
02:36The trial of the millennium is underway, and you viewers at home can literally keep track
02:42of the high council's response by watching the verdict indicators.
02:47Blue means the vote is for a verdict of not guilty, and red means the Voltron Force is
02:52in big trouble.
02:53Now back to the trial of the millennium.
02:58Let us view my data archives of the evidence against the Voltron Force.
03:04The Voltron Force resumed active duty directly following Lotor's escape from Bastille 12.
03:11Shortly thereafter, Commander Keith illogically requested reactivation of the Voltron lions.
03:18No robot lions.
03:20Is that clear, officer?
03:22Yes, sir.
03:24Yes, sir?
03:25Oh, that's just great, Keith.
03:27Let me tell you something, you glorified calculator.
03:30We were fighting Lotor before you were invented.
03:33I've appointed a committee to investigate the matter.
03:35Until I get a full report, there will be no robot lions.
03:41He's making a terrible mistake, Keith.
03:44My decision was based on probability logarithms that are 93% reliable.
03:50But Red Lion Pilot ignored mathematical logic and took matters into his own hands.
03:57You've been ordered to return to base.
04:00Lance, I know you can hear me.
04:03This is no joke, Lance.
04:04Turn that lion around.
04:06Sorry, Keith, but me and my kitty cat have a date with destiny.
04:10Come on, kitten, let's dance.
04:17Lance's illogical disobedience put the Alliance forces in danger from Lotor.
04:23Now let's try some spinning laser discs.
04:26Doom shield on.
04:32Now, I want that cat.
04:41You're falling down on the job, Lance.
04:47They've got us trapped.
04:50His defeat proved my reasoning correct.
04:53But in typical humanoid fashion,
04:57the rest of the Voltron force ignored my superior reasoning circuits
05:02and chose instead to emulate their comrades' rebellious behavior,
05:06using the robot lion to save their mutinous friends.
05:11As I will demonstrate, this was nothing but poor judgment.
05:16Lance, are you all right?
05:18I've been better.
05:20Sorry I dragged you into this.
05:23You love to drag us into tight spots, but we'll talk about that later.
05:27Hunk, Pidge, cut him loose.
05:37Thanks, guys. I'm back in business.
05:40All right, team. Now let's deal with public enemy numero uno.
05:44Dive bomb attack!
06:07That does it. Form Voltron.
06:11Let's go, Voltron force!
06:26And as is almost always the case with these wild hominids,
06:31they went too far, and rather than use reason to seek peace,
06:35they resorted to intemperate brute force.
06:39Lion head attack!
06:47A ball and chain!
06:52Can't get these chains loose. It's got to...
06:59Uh-oh. Watch out for those phasers.
07:02They're for tranquilizing prisoners.
07:06Oh, crap!
07:11I've always liked heavy metal. Now cage him.
07:17The way they caged me.
07:20I can't fight it. My systems are going down.
07:25Mine, too. The infra-cells are almost dead. I can't charge them up.
07:30Naturally, their failure to follow my orders resulted in their failure
07:36and put the galaxy in a Jeopardy probability rating of 7.8.
07:40That's not so, Amalgamus.
07:42I am incapable of being incorrect.
07:45I have been programmed to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.
07:50But apparently your program does not require you to tell all of the truth.
07:57Perhaps this is a minor flaw in your software.
08:00Select your words carefully, Koran.
08:03Questioning my honesty could adversely affect you.
08:06Do not accuse me of lying, Koran.
08:09That is a humanoid trait my system cannot duplicate.
08:12Perhaps not, Amalgamus, but you have not told the entire story.
08:18Voltron was not defeated in that encounter.
08:20The Voltron force never relapsed.
08:23The Voltron force never relented.
08:26And it was their bravery and concern for one another that turned defeat into victory.
08:34All right!
08:39Watch those grenades!
08:42Flip and form Blazing Sword!
08:51All right, team. Backhand Samurai Slash!
08:58Soundly defeated, Lotor gave in and ceased all of his terrible attacks on the galactic shipping lines.
09:05That may be true, Koran, but they nonetheless disobeyed my orders.
09:11According to the First Ambrose Treaty, they therefore countermanded the orders of the Alliance of Planets.
09:18Do you deny this, Koran?
09:20They did disobey the Alliance.
09:22That's right. These poor soldiers.
09:24I mean, how could you have been there and lose?
09:26If I could have the representatives' attention,
09:29I contend that if the Voltron force had followed orders,
09:34then most certainly Amalgamus itself would now be nothing but a pile of scrap metal.
09:43I am composed of nearly indestructible alloys that...
09:46Your frame is strong, but your memory chips fear you, Amalgamus.
09:51Or else you'd be recalling a different incident.
09:54Your capture and imprisonment by Lotor.
09:58And without you, the Alliance will fall apart.
10:02And I'll be there to pick up the pieces.
10:07You won't get away with this!
10:10The most advanced system in the universe,
10:13and that's the best line you can come up with?
10:17Who's gonna stop me anyway?
10:21Who did stop him, Amalgamus?
10:24Those facts are on file, Koran.
10:27We'd like to hear it from you.
10:31Who did stop him, Amalgamus?
10:34Those facts are on file, Koran.
10:37We'd like to hear it from you.
10:40The, uh, Voltron force.
10:42Lotor should be watching the fight now.
10:46Firing pulse field probe.
10:55It's a pulse field! They're trying to find Amalgamus!
11:00Got him!
11:01Launching rescue pod!
11:21Stop that thing!
11:26We pulled that off quick and clean.
11:29And because you were captured, Amalgamus,
11:32no one else had the authority to order your rescue.
11:36The Voltron force had to act of their own volition.
11:40The choice was theirs alone to save you.
11:43Yes, but it was their blundering that caused my capture in the first place.
11:48Hunk let his feelings of intellectual inadequacy get the better of him.
11:55I'd like to see how long they'd last if I wasn't there to work on the lines.
11:59Then we'd see who was dumb.
12:01They've made the big one feel small.
12:04They've set him up to take a fork.
12:07Haggar, you do that voodoo that you do so well.
12:12Past the planets, past the stars.
12:16Who once was theirs, now is ours.
12:25Hunk's capture allowed Lotor to infiltrate Galaxy Garrison.
12:31Lotor's captured Hunk and the Yellow Lion.
12:34They're under his control now.
12:36Impossible! Zarkon just brought Hunk in to me for a military briefing.
12:42Right, Zarkon?
12:45Amalgamus, get away from him!
12:48That's not Hunk!
12:55It's a Rune Beast! Stop it! Somebody stop it!
13:19Stop it!
13:25Let me go this nanosecond!
13:33I feel compelled to point out it was the human failings of the Voltron Force that allowed my capture.
13:39You don't like humans very much, do you, Amalgamus?
13:44That is incorrect. Some of my best friends are humans.
13:49You are anti-human, Amalgamus, and I can prove it.
13:54This grandstanding with legal matters is just what I'd expect from a...
13:59I am not anti-human. There isn't a prejudiced ship in my processor.
14:06Yeah, right. Nice try. I can feel the love.
14:08Are you circus moist or something?
14:10Your past actions prove otherwise.
14:13The Alliance has decided that until further notice, the Voltron Force is suspended.
14:19No way!
14:21Your piloting duties will be assumed by drones.
14:25Hey, no computer's gonna fly my Lion!
14:28And your decision to replace humans with robots turned out to be a mistake and put the galaxy in danger.
14:36Lions are losing the battle.
14:39That is an established fact at this point.
14:42We are about to form Voltron.
14:47Form feet and legs.
14:50Form arms and torso.
14:57What's wrong? Why can't I move?
15:02What's wrong? Why can't they link?
15:06I don't know. I'm trying.
15:15If the Voltron Force hadn't taken drastic action and disobeyed you, Amalgamus,
15:20the Alliance itself would have fallen that day.
15:25My poor Lion. They've hurt you.
15:32I was right. You need a human pilot. You need a soul.
15:38Let's get back into action.
15:46Look at that. They're glad to see us.
16:02Activate Electro-Claws.
16:15Time to form Voltron, team.
16:18And with their human pilots returned and their spirits restored, the Lions could do just that.
16:32Form arms and torso.
16:39And I'll form the head.
16:46Lion head attack.
16:57Form Blazing Sword.
17:02Slicing Robeast is so much fun.
17:09A heartfelt story, Koran.
17:12But that does not disprove the charge that the Voltron Force is guilty of disobeying orders.
17:18You miss my point, Amalgamus.
17:21I absolutely agree with you. They are guilty of disobeying orders.
17:28I absolutely agree with you. They are guilty of disobeying orders.
17:37Your orders, Amalgamus.
17:40But I contend that Voltron serves neither you nor the Alliance alone.
17:46And therefore does not have to answer to you as their commander.
17:53And therefore does not have to answer to you as their commander.
17:58What do you mean by such an outrageous statement, Koran?
18:02Voltron and its pilots serve the very life force of the universe.
18:06The five Lions represent the five forces of the universe.
18:12Blue Lion is a water force, the purest force in nature.
18:17Yellow Lion represents the forces of Earth, the elements that create the planets.
18:25Green Lion stands for the life force that inhabits all creatures.
18:31Black Lion represents air and the vastness of space.
18:36And Red Lion is the Lion of Fire and the light of the universe.
18:42The Lions are linked by this mystical life force.
18:46A connection beyond any science and understanding.
18:52And this force extends to the Lions pilots.
18:56Their inner strength, their spirits fuel Voltron when all else fails.
19:02We can overcome this. Feel the spirit of the Lions.
19:08All right, team. Prepare Lion Kick. Ready?
19:13Yellow Lion's ready. So is Green Lion.
19:16Red's all set. Blue Lion ready. Now!
19:20All right!
19:23Connected to the universe, the Voltron force has constantly sacrificed themselves for the lives of others.
19:31From the loftiest magistrates.
19:33All right, listen up, princess.
19:36Either you wed Lotor or I stop this pipsqueak.
19:40No judge, no peace treaty. And that means intergalactic war.
19:48You give me no choice. I must marry Lotor.
19:54To the most innocent of the galaxy's creatures.
19:57I claim it now and leave you weak.
20:04We've got to reach him. Dominus will die in space without his antimatter power.
20:23Voltron is a force embodying all that is good and true in the universe.
20:31If you're finished with your fairytale Koran, I will poll the planets of the Alliance and decide the fate of Voltron.
20:39At this time, the Garrison High Council is deliberating and will soon be ready to announce its fateful decision.
20:45Let's go back inside for this dramatic verdict.
20:49All data has been received and is now being tabulated.
20:54The Coral Quadrant votes 58% in favor of the Voltron force.
21:00The Cerulean Quadrant, 58% against the Voltron force.
21:08The Crimson Quadrant, 70% against the Voltron force.
21:14Well, it looks like you're going to lose.
21:17You're 30% down with only one quadrant left to hear from.
21:21My quadrant, the Azure Quadrant.
21:24The Cerulean Quadrant voted against Voltron because they are terrified of Loltor's raids.
21:29The Crimson Quadrant is even more frightened because they are the home of Zarkon's Doom Empire.
21:35But we of the Azure Quadrant know Voltron best, for he has protected us for centuries.
21:41Our planets, Pollux, Lyra, Norm, Ampharos, the underground worlds of Zol and so many others.
21:49Owe their very existence to the bravery and sacrifice of the Voltron force.
21:54We vote not guilty in favor of Voltron, 100%.
22:00Well, it appears that against the wisdom of my logic processors, the Alliance has decided...
22:07...Voltron will continue as guardian of the Alliance.
22:11We win!
22:13We're still in business.
22:16So it looks like Amalgamus will have to try to find another way to put an end to the heroic Voltron force.
22:22In this reporter's opinion, Voltron has proven over and over that he is this galaxy's only real defense.
22:29Why would anyone want to throw that away?
22:32For Galactic Action News, I'm Weep Weep Cherimoya, wishing you a great day.
23:16Galactic Action News
