Voltron: The Third Dimension [1998] S1 E9 | Voltron Vs. Dracotron

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Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American animated television series produced by World Events Productions. It is a sequel to the 1980s animated series Voltron: Defender of the Universe and is set five years after the end of the series.[2] Neil Ross, Michael Bell, and B.J. Ward reprised their roles as Keith, Lance, and Princess Allura for the series. The show was animated by Netter Digital Entertainment, inc. and Mike Young Productions.[3] It departed from the original Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor (now voiced by Tim Curry, taking over the role originally voiced by Lennie Weinrib).

The story takes place in the Denubian Galaxy. Shannon Muir mapped the galaxy in the 1980s as a fan and posted it online. In 1996, World Events Productions became aware of the work and made it the official starmap for the show.[2]
With antagonist Prince Lotor's escape from prison, the heroic Voltron Force re-assemble against him, but must contend simultaneously with the various monsters and warships sent by Lotor (at times, captained by him) and with opposition on their own side, represented by the artificial intelligence "Amalgamus", a sophisticated computer who objects periodically to the Voltron Force's methods.


00:00The safety of the galaxy has been threatened again.
00:04Five space explorers and their five awesome lions are called upon to form Voltron.
00:11Keith, the leader.
00:13Pilot of Black Lion.
00:15Allura, Princess of Aris.
00:18Pilot of Blue Lion.
00:20Hunk, the strongman.
00:23Pilot of Yellow Lion.
00:25Pidge, the computer expert.
00:28Pilot of Green Lion.
00:30And Lance, the rebellious daredevil pilot of Red Lion.
00:36These lions must once again battle Prince Lotor, Witch Hagar, and their forces of doom,
00:43who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good.
00:46The Galaxy Alliance, under the leadership of Amalgamus and the reformed King Zarkon,
00:52have called these great pilots and their robot lions together again to form Voltron, the third dimension.
01:22Peace. So simple, yet so precarious.
01:31It's a final salute in a week-long intergalactic media event.
01:38A tribute to the winner of the Medal of Peace, Zarkon.
01:43The Amalgam is registering a 30.9 approval rating, a tremendous honor for Zarkon.
01:49Yeah, after he spent years terrorizing the galaxy.
01:53You are living in the past, Commander.
01:56Zarkon is a trustworthy friend of the Alliance.
01:59Permission to return to Aris?
02:02Permission granted.
02:19What in the galaxy is that?
02:37I've finally found something more powerful than your robot lions.
02:41This is what I'm going to use to rule the skies, lion boy.
02:46Time to do a little fishing.
03:00Hagar! I need reinforcements! Conjure more dragons! More dragons!
03:08Precious stone to conjure by! Carved to look like dragon hide!
03:19Whirl the winds from west to east and summon forth thy fiery beast!
03:37Looks like this dragon's at the end of his rope.
03:55About time!
04:07You see, Commander Keith, whatever I do, they must obey me. I could get used to this.
04:23Well, here's one warrior who won't be obeying you, Lotor.
04:28If they scratch any deeper next time, I'm history!
04:38Mayday! Mayday! Black Lion requesting backup! And I'm kinda in a hurry!
04:45Keith's in trouble! Get to the lions! Begin lion launch sequence now!
04:57I'm in a hurry!
05:00I'm in a hurry!
05:03I'm in a hurry!
05:06I'm in a hurry!
05:09I'm in a hurry!
05:12I'm in a hurry!
05:15I'm in a hurry!
05:18I'm in a hurry!
05:21I'm in a hurry!
05:25I'm in a hurry!
05:28Insert Keith!
05:54I'm in a hurry!
06:00One more round ought to do it!
06:02So I'll give him two!
06:15Proton lasers, intercept!
06:20Someone call for help?
06:22Trouble slaying the dragons, St. Georgie?
06:25You think you could possibly cut it a little closer next time, guys?
06:30You're welcome.
06:31What are those things, anyway?
06:33Lotor's taming a fleet of dragons to attack in formation.
06:43Well, we'll just have to untame them, won't we?
06:46Watch this.
06:47Lance, what are you doing?
06:49It's called follow me, you big lizards!
06:59Pretty smart, making them turn their backsides so we can sneak up behind and pull them out of formation.
07:19I'm in a hurry!
07:22I'm in a hurry!
07:25I'm in a hurry!
07:28I'm in a hurry!
07:31I'm in a hurry!
07:34I'm in a hurry!
07:37I'm in a hurry!
07:40I'm in a hurry!
07:43I'm in a hurry!
07:47I'm in a hurry!
07:50A shame these dragon bad boys aren't on our side.
07:53They're really cool.
07:55Yeah, Pidge, they're cool, all right.
07:57Now let's heat them up.
08:02This was a good test run, but five to four are bad odds.
08:07Follow me, my savage friends.
08:09There's still one more of you to tame.
08:17Follow me, my savage friends.
08:30I have this awful feeling I know where they've gone.
08:33Come on, guys, back to the archives on Eris.
08:36If I'm right, we're in big trouble.
08:47Hagar, victory is so close I can taste it.
08:51The Voltron force is mine.
08:53All I need is one more dragon.
08:55I need Draco.
08:58Absolutely not.
08:59Draco is a hundred times more powerful and unpredictable than the others.
09:04I will not unleash him.
09:06You won't?
09:07Oh, you can't.
09:09You powerless, weak magic coward of a witch.
09:12Very well.
09:14But I warn you,
09:15freeing Draco will release his enormous dark powers,
09:19which may be too much for you to handle, Lotor.
09:23I'm handling these four, aren't I?
09:26How bad could the fifth one be?
09:55My family's ancient archives confirm my worst fears.
09:59Just as there are five lions, so once were there five dragons.
10:04When the five dragons united to form a single being,
10:08they were more powerful than all of the Erusian space knights.
10:12I used every ounce of my ancestors' powerful magic
10:15to chain Draco the Black Dragon.
10:19This star map shows the location of his lair.
10:22Draco could destroy half the galaxy if he were ever set free.
10:25And that's just what Lotor is planning to do.
10:27You can count on that.
10:29We've got to intercept him.
10:31Let's go.
10:43This is a bad idea, Lotor.
10:46You're not going to be able to tame Draco, the fifth dragon.
10:50Quick, Greg.
10:51Yes, Lotor?
10:53Scan the witch down to the planet's surface.
10:56I'm only doing this because Lotor asked me to.
10:59It's nothing personal. I...
11:01Just get on with it.
11:14Now, Hagar.
11:16Work your magic and unchain Draco.
11:21Oh, it would serve you right, Lotor.
11:23If I succeed, this thing eats you.
11:27It would serve you right, Lotor.
11:29If I succeed, this thing eats you.
11:34Hagar's already down there.
11:36We've got to stop her.
11:37I'll take care of these lions, Hagar.
11:39Just deal with Draco.
11:41And hurry!
11:54Whirl the winds from south to north.
11:58Oh, Dragon Master, now come forth.
12:05Too powerful.
12:17Join the others, Draco.
12:19Join me now.
12:30After all these years, it is I, Lotor, who tamed all five dragons.
12:47It's transforming.
12:51We can't let this happen. They're uniting.
12:54Voltron Force, blitz attack.
13:03It's got the other two.
13:05Use everything we have, now!
13:33Nice dismount. Landing needs work, though.
14:10He thinks we're the ones who enslaved him.
14:13He won't stop until he's destroyed us.
14:16Quickly! The thing! Stand on top!
14:22Well, we could risk our necks and try to rescue them.
14:26Or, we could just steal the wickedest warship in the galaxy.
14:31Tough decision?
14:39Miserable cowards.
14:41I hate traitors.
14:43This will hold us.
14:52For about 90 seconds.
14:55Not so good.
14:57Allura? Come in, Allura.
15:00What are you doing?
15:02Saving my skin.
15:05You know I always cared deeply for you.
15:09Well, right now I'm in need of a little... assistance.
15:14Hey, Lotor's begging. Cool.
15:18Cool. I say we leave him in the hot seat.
15:21That's not what the Alliance stands for, Lance.
15:24Who's standing? I'm sitting.
15:26Lance is commander of the Voltron force.
15:28Yeah, yeah. Spare us the lecture, Keith.
15:30Let's just save his sorry skin and get it over with.
15:40He's digging through the mountain to get home.
15:43In we go.
15:54Running out of time, guys.
16:28Defeat. I'll make this very clear.
16:31Either you rescue me, or I detonate the Revenge's self-destruct bomb by remote.
16:38We never get to have any fun.
16:43The self-destruct bomb doesn't have a remote.
16:49They don't know that.
17:13Thanks, guys. I don't know about you, but I think it's time for...
17:20Activate interlock.
17:24Dynatherms connected.
17:26Infra-cells up.
17:31Mega-thrusters are go.
17:35Let's go, Voltron force!
17:42Let's go!
18:00Form feet and legs.
18:04Form arms and torso.
18:11And I'll form the head.
18:20Fire missiles.
18:49Oh, we were worried about you.
18:51Oh, you poor things. We're so relieved you're...
18:57Knock it off. You're not fooling anyone.
19:04All right. We're getting out of here.
19:07No. Bad idea.
19:13I told you. He'll hunt us down until he destroys us.
19:17There's only one option.
19:19Oh, no.
19:20That's right.
19:22We have to get out of here.
19:25We have to get out of here.
19:28We have to get out of here.
19:31Oh, no.
19:33That's right. Join with the Voltron force and defeat Dracotron together.
19:42Okay. Maybe not never.
19:45Allura, darling, this is your friend, Lotor.
19:50I was just thinking...
19:52We know, Lotor. We'll have to work together to stop this thing.
19:56Now listen to me.
19:58According to the Lion Archives,
20:00dragons have one weak spot under the scales on the back of the neck.
20:04Right. So, Lotor, you've got to get him to bend his neck down to expose the weak spot.
20:10Yes. I'd be happy to do that.
20:13Just get these dragon claws out of my ship.
20:22You've got to do it, Lotor. It's the only way.
20:26Join forces with Voltron.
20:31I hate this.
20:46Now down. Down.
20:51There it is. Fire now, Keith.
21:01Form Blazing Sword.
21:27Good one.
21:31Lotor, we've proven something today.
21:34We don't have to be enemies.
21:36We could do great things together.
21:39Join us. Join me.
21:42Tempting. Very tempting.
21:45You'd let me command Voltron, of course.
21:48No, but you can change the oil.
21:51Oh, could I?
21:53And Allura, would you be my bride at last?
21:58Uh, that's a negative, Lotor.
22:01In that case, it was fun while it lasted,
22:04but I'd rather be on my own and live to fight another day.
22:12I don't know. I thought for a sec there.
22:15Oh, maybe, Pidge. Maybe one day.
22:19There will always be those who cannot resist the lure of evil.
22:24That is why the good must stay strong,
22:27and the strong will always find an ally in Voltron.
