Voltron: The Third Dimension [1998] S1 E5 | A Rift in the Force

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Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American animated television series produced by World Events Productions. It is a sequel to the 1980s animated series Voltron: Defender of the Universe and is set five years after the end of the series.[2] Neil Ross, Michael Bell, and B.J. Ward reprised their roles as Keith, Lance, and Princess Allura for the series. The show was animated by Netter Digital Entertainment, inc. and Mike Young Productions.[3] It departed from the original Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor (now voiced by Tim Curry, taking over the role originally voiced by Lennie Weinrib).

The story takes place in the Denubian Galaxy. Shannon Muir mapped the galaxy in the 1980s as a fan and posted it online. In 1996, World Events Productions became aware of the work and made it the official starmap for the show.[2]
With antagonist Prince Lotor's escape from prison, the heroic Voltron Force re-assemble against him, but must contend simultaneously with the various monsters and warships sent by Lotor (at times, captained by him) and with opposition on their own side, represented by the artificial intelligence "Amalgamus", a sophisticated computer who objects periodically to the Voltron Force's methods.


00:00The safety of the galaxy has been threatened again.
00:05Five space explorers and their five awesome lions are called upon to form Voltron.
00:12Keith, the leader.
00:14Pilot of Black Lion.
00:16Allura, Princess of Aris.
00:18Pilot of Blue Lion.
00:21Hunk, the strongman.
00:24Pilot of Yellow Lion.
00:26Pidge, the computer expert.
00:29Pilot of Green Lion.
00:31And Lance, the rebellious daredevil pilot of Red Lion.
00:36These lions must once again battle Prince Lotor, Witch Hagar and their forces of doom
00:43who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good.
00:47The Galaxy Alliance, under the leadership of Amalgamus and the reformed King Zarkon,
00:53has called these great pilots and their robot lions together again to form Voltron, the third dimension.
01:08The Diadem System.
01:11Where fabulously beautiful planets stand witness to new and violent disorder.
01:18Come on team, we've got to protect this mining operation.
01:21Our orders are to stop Lotor.
01:35Either Lotor's training better pilots or I'm just getting old.
01:39You're just getting old, Keith.
01:51We're taking the globe unit.
01:58We're clamping down on that sort of behavior.
02:13You can dish it out, but can't you take it?
02:21Launch Deep Target Bomber.
02:23This will make the mineshafts and everything in them radioactive.
02:31Just look how smoothly my drone ship planted its mutation bomb.
02:38That should keep the Voltron fools busy.
02:47Oopsie, you just blew it down.
02:58Had enough, huh? Go ahead, crawl back to Lotor.
03:07And absolutely infuriating.
03:10With Lotor ready to negotiate for peace, the last thing we needed was this unprovoked attack by the Voltron force.
03:17What? No way.
03:19I, too, am shocked. Shocked and appalled.
03:24We received a coded transmission that Lotor had entered the Azure Quadrant.
03:28We were instructed to engage him.
03:30Impossible. He had a guarantee of safe conduct.
03:34You've simply jumped to conclusions, Commander.
03:36Thankfully, that will not be a problem in the future.
03:40Your unauthorized missions and reckless disregard for authority are at an end.
03:45As of today, the Voltron force is permanently decommissioned.
03:52Bull Max 7 will conduct you to your new assignment.
03:56Planet Geo, where you are to restore in its entirety the mining operation you so recklessly destroyed.
04:04The Voltron Lions are to be retired and put on display at the Castle of Lions.
04:10Sorry, kids. I really enjoyed working with you.
04:14Yeah, right. Leave that.
04:19I sure would like to know who sent us that order to attack Lotor.
04:24This whole thing stinks.
04:26The work detail shall observe silence while the trans...
04:30Voltron force? I mean, Geo detail. This is King Zarkon.
04:36This is Geo detail. We copy.
04:39Well, so much for your gag order, sweet chips.
04:42Good news, kids. I've prevailed upon Amalgamus to grant you all a pardon if you succeed in putting the mines back online.
04:50I hope that lifts your spirits. Good luck to you. Signing off.
04:55Swell. We can get a pardon for doing a good job on a lousy job. That's punishment for doing a great job on a good job.
05:01We're getting jobbed!
05:03The work detail shall observe silence while it trans...
05:08You know any other tunes?
05:12Planet Geo. Where you are to restore, in its entirety, the mining operation you destroyed.
05:25Oh man, a real vacation spot.
05:29Hey, aside from the wreckage and toxic atmosphere, looks just like the brochure.
05:34Silence, work detail. Prepare to survey the mine system.
05:39The plan is going perfectly.
05:44Exiling the Voltron brats was a stroke of genius.
05:49We can thank our associate at Galaxy Garrison for that, and for his phony attack order.
05:58I'm pleased that you're pleased. Signing off now.
06:03Strange. The mine is structurally sound, but the equipment is completely corroded.
06:10Yet it's all still in place. Almost as if it wasn't bombed at all.
06:16Hey, check this out.
06:19Pidge, look out!
06:26You okay?
06:28Yeah, fine. Watch out for that hole, huh?
06:31Deep. Hey, something's moving down there.
06:36Oh man, space lice!
06:40I hate bugs!
06:42Our sensors indicate that the lice have been mutated by nuclear fallout.
06:46They are now radioactive and voracious.
06:51Your first assignment is to clean out these destructive bugs.
06:56And that would explain the corroded equipment.
07:00It's all been eaten!
07:02Let's get out of here!
07:04I'd lower my voice, Huck, but you don't want to find out by attacking...
07:11So much for that advice.
07:15What's it look like, Lance?
07:17We better get back to the ship, quick!
07:19Workforce detail on the double! To the left, quickly!
07:23Let's get out of here!
07:25Exit the mine, but do not attempt to escape!
07:31Keep moving! They're gaining on us!
07:38Space lice, this is the only warning you will receive.
07:43Halt now, or I will commence termination procedures!
07:57Move it! Move it!
07:59Emergency! Right arm corroded! Detaching right arm!
08:05Commencing retreat procedures!
08:15Give me a hand!
08:17Ready? Go!
08:21That'll distract them.
08:23Yeah, let him chew on that for a while.
08:27Work detail halt! Wait for me!
08:34Oh no!
08:37This'll cost us!
08:39No it won't! Look up!
08:41Escape to paradise, baby!
08:46I will not fit through that opening.
08:48Sure you will. That hole is an optical illusion.
08:51Come on, we'll help you through.
08:59Grab hold!
09:10Oops, I guess you were right. You don't fit.
09:14But don't sweat it. The lice are gonna like you a whole lot more than we ever did.
09:19Sorry to do this to you, pal, but we're gonna need these blasters more than you will.
09:24Get back here, work detail!
09:27The space lice! They've got me!
09:33Get back here, work detail!
09:36Get back or I'll...
09:39When I say we get off this rock, and fast...
09:44Leaving might be a bit difficult.
09:46Oh no!
09:49Well, difficult maybe, but not impossible. The engines are still intact.
09:53Good. We'll need them to neutralize the space lice.
09:56Come again?
09:57We're being tested, Lance. The Alliance sent us here to do a job.
10:01We're gonna do it.
10:03Hey, they can do their own pest control.
10:05I'm outta here as soon as I can find a ride.
10:08Who's with me?
10:10I am.
10:11Aw, come on, honk. You're not afraid of a couple of little bugs, are ya?
10:18Sip it, pipsqueak. My reasons are my own.
10:21Boys, boys, settle down.
10:24I'm sticking with Keith.
10:27Well, good luck. If you wanna come with us, Allura, you're welcome.
10:30Let's go, big guy.
10:32You're making a mistake, Lance.
10:36Princess? Where are you going?
10:38Somewhere I can calm down and think.
10:41I am really disappointed in you four right now.
10:49By now, the Voltron Force are hopelessly marooned.
10:53Soon to be lunch meat for the space lice I've mutated.
11:01What about Allura?
11:03I have something special planned for her.
11:08Right after I've destroyed the robot lions.
11:12You'll destroy nothing until I've learned the secret of the lions' magic.
11:18Just remember our agreement, Crone.
11:20You can have the Hocus Pocus.
11:22I get the real estate.
11:28Hey, if we find a craft, maybe the others will change their minds and come with us.
11:32I'll pigeon the princess, maybe.
11:35But forget Keith. He'll go by the book if it kills him.
11:39Hey, look, there's a spaceship down there.
11:42Could be our ride home if the space lice haven't lunched it.
11:50Well, we might be able to fly this thing if we could get a couple of engines for it.
11:54Sounds like a plan.
11:55My lion claw started glowing, but why?
11:59Unless it's trying to tell me something.
12:02I need to find a quiet place to see its message.
12:12That's right. Ease that engine into place so it's pointing right down the mineshaft.
12:18That's the only way we're going to get rid of those space lice.
12:22This show would have been easier if we had Lance and Hunk.
12:25I wish they would have seen things our way.
12:28Yeah, with Lance, there's only his way.
12:30And poor Hunk, he's going to learn that the hard way.
12:34I'm seeing something. It's...
12:38Planet Aris!
12:40No! No! Notor's headed for Aris!
12:45Planet Aris!
12:46No! No! Notor's headed for Aris!
12:58Polarity's reversed. Ion impulse is set negative.
13:02Alright, start the big chill, and we'll freeze those space lice for good.
13:15What now? They're using the engines against the bugs!
13:21It worked, Keith!
13:23They're in suspended animation. I'm shutting down.
13:27Perfect timing. When they turn in, we'll sneak down and take what we need.
13:31No, you won't!
13:33Hunk, what the...
13:43Hunk, what the...
13:44Those engines are staying right where they are.
13:50You don't need them anymore, and we do. I'm gonna get them.
14:02Sorry, Keith. I'll take those engines now.
14:08You're not taking anything!
14:13Don't make me use this!
14:25You gonna do something with that, Keith?
14:28Lance! Keith! Stop this nonsense!
14:32There's bigger trouble than your petty arguing.
14:35I captured a vision with my lion claw.
14:38If you concentrate, you can see it.
14:43Hagar! In the castle of lions!
14:50I'm all right.
14:52We must prevent Hagar from stealing the secret of the lions.
14:57It was all a set-up. How could I have been so stupid?
15:01Can't worry about that now.
15:03We have to work fast.
15:05If we can get this junk keep working, we might just make it back to Paris.
15:10If we can get this junk keep working, we might just make it back to Paris.
15:15I wish you guys hadn't used all our fuel chillin' these bugs.
15:21Hey, they make a great substitute. We're lucky Lotor turned them radioactive.
15:25You mean you're gonna use those things for fuel?
15:28All systems go.
15:30Tanker up.
15:32Cross your fingers we stay in one piece.
15:40We did it! Way to go, guys!
15:54What's taking you so long, Hagar?
15:57I'm getting an itchy jigger finger.
16:00Patience, whelp.
16:02The mystery of the jungle is not yet solved.
16:05Itchy jigger finger.
16:07Patience, whelp.
16:09The mystery of the lions is not so easily known.
16:13I think I found it!
16:17You will never possess the secret of the lions!
16:20Crime, you fool!
16:24Found what?
16:28Where did that ship come from?
16:30Come on, team. We gotta make it down to the castle.
16:33I don't like the looks of this.
16:35Pursue and destroy that craft.
16:37Hagar! I've waited long enough.
16:40I am launching a full-scale attack on Arras now!
16:50Hang on. This is gonna get ugly.
17:03You'll pay for your interference, little man!
17:17Notar! You impatient fool!
17:40We're going down!
17:47Hang on tight, guys. We have to get down to the castle of lions.
18:01We're going down!
18:05Steer for the lion monument.
18:07Thrusters, full reverse. Brace for impact.
18:19Quickly! To the lions!
18:31The Voltron force!
18:33I will not let this victory slip away!
18:37Deploy Robeast!
18:50Guys, we have a Robeast!
18:53Prepare to engage.
18:57Time to form Voltron.
19:00Activate interlocker.
19:04Dynatherms connected.
19:06Infra-cells up.
19:12Megathrusters are go!
19:16Let's go, Voltron force!
19:22Let's go!
19:40Form feet and legs.
19:42Form arms and torso.
19:48And I'll form the head.
20:12Let's go!
20:26Lion head attack!
20:28Let's go!
20:51We're paralyzed.
20:53It's up to you, Keith.
20:59Royal shield blast!
21:06Thanks, Allura.
21:08Okay, team. Form blazing sword!
21:28All right! Hit it again!
21:34I had the lions in my hands!
21:38I had their secrets in mine!
21:41It's all your fault!
21:53And so, since your actions saved the castle of lions
21:57and exposed Lotor's and Hagar's insidious deception,
22:01you are hereby reinstated.
22:04Oh, that's better.
22:05Right, my friends.
22:07Your escape from G.E.O. is nothing short of miraculous.
22:12I should never have underestimated you.
22:16Man, Amalgamus didn't even apologize.
22:19Well, we can at least apologize to each other.
22:23Partners in hardship bond deeper.
22:26A friendship tested grows stronger.
22:29Friends and partners are defined by faith and trust.
22:33Fly on, partner, friend, and valiant warrior,
22:37for this is Voltron!
