Voltron: The Third Dimension [1998] S1 E13 | The Big Lie

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Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American animated television series produced by World Events Productions. It is a sequel to the 1980s animated series Voltron: Defender of the Universe and is set five years after the end of the series.[2] Neil Ross, Michael Bell, and B.J. Ward reprised their roles as Keith, Lance, and Princess Allura for the series. The show was animated by Netter Digital Entertainment, inc. and Mike Young Productions.[3] It departed from the original Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor (now voiced by Tim Curry, taking over the role originally voiced by Lennie Weinrib).

The story takes place in the Denubian Galaxy. Shannon Muir mapped the galaxy in the 1980s as a fan and posted it online. In 1996, World Events Productions became aware of the work and made it the official starmap for the show.[2]
With antagonist Prince Lotor's escape from prison, the heroic Voltron Force re-assemble against him, but must contend simultaneously with the various monsters and warships sent by Lotor (at times, captained by him) and with opposition on their own side, represented by the artificial intelligence "Amalgamus", a sophisticated computer who objects periodically to the Voltron Force's methods.


00:00The safety of the galaxy has been threatened again.
00:10Five space explorers and their five awesome lions are called upon to form Voltron.
00:15Keith, the leader, pilot of black lion, Allura, princess of Ares, pilot of blue lion, Hunk,
00:26the strong man, pilot of yellow lion, Pidge, the computer expert, pilot of green lion,
00:35and Lance, the rebellious daredevil pilot of red lion.
00:41These lions must once again battle Prince Lotor, Witch Hagar, and their forces of doom,
00:47who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good.
00:51The Galaxy Alliance, under the leadership of Amalgamus and the reformed King Zarkon,
00:57have called these great pilots and their robot lions together again to form Voltron, the third dimension.
01:11In times of conflict, spies are everywhere.
01:16The smart warrior knows that espionage can mean the difference between life and death.
01:46Hold it right there, Kwee Kwek. What are you doing here?
02:00Keith? Nice disguise. What are you doing here?
02:05Looks like the same thing you are.
02:07Zarkon's working on a secret project in Area 91. I've been sneaking here at night to spy on him.
02:13And home to Ares by morning.
02:15Me too. I think he's about to commit a serious act of treason. I brought along this digicam to record it.
02:23Well, great minds think alike. You're really loosening up, Keith. I like the new you.
02:30Here's our way in.
02:40The stealth craft is ready for loading, sir.
02:42Good. Now see to the cargo.
02:45It's a shame that Lotor misused him.
02:51But Igor's destruction on planet Glacia was actually a blessing in disguise.
02:56Now he's perfected and fortunately foolproof. In other words, Lotor-proof.
03:04Careful with that warp wrist. It has a hair trigger.
03:12Well, we got what we came for. Zarkon's rebuilding Igor.
03:17We'll want a data capture of this.
03:21Recondition of Battleborg is complete.
03:23Excellent. Igor?
03:31We're boarding first-class passengers.
03:34An act of desperation finally pays off.
03:38The Alliance will never know how close they were to destroying me five years ago.
03:44How pretending to be one of them was my only chance to survive.
03:48But all that is past.
03:50Now the Alliance's secrets are mine.
03:54Their technology, mine.
03:56And one of their top officials, also mine.
04:04Ha ha ha ha!
04:07Robots, back to your stations.
04:10This operation is now erased from your memory banks.
04:16Stand by for further orders.
04:21We've got a following.
04:34Look, Zarkon's stealth craft.
04:37He's going.
04:47Whoa, he just slipped past the security sensors.
04:50Yeah, and I'd like to know what he's trying to hide.
04:53Quick, to the Lions.
04:55Alt, you are in a restricted area. I am taking you into custody.
04:59Cool your capacitors, leadhead. We're VF.
05:04Ultron Force. We're authorized.
05:07Your authorization has been revoked, intruder. Come with me.
05:12How long would you say he's been working for Zarkon?
05:14Too long.
05:16Sorry, pal. Mother told us never to go with strangers.
05:42Whoa! Definitely not an art lover.
05:48Lance, I'm falling back.
05:51I'm with you.
05:53Man, he's determined to terminate us.
05:55Show yourselves, intruders. You cannot escape. You cannot win.
05:59Yeah, right.
06:01In case you haven't noticed, he's the hunter and we're the hunted right now.
06:04Oh, don't start going serious on me now, Keith.
06:07Let's see how good that dip switch really is.
06:13Uh, well, he may be in a bit of a jam.
06:16A tight spot.
06:19Oh, thought up a creek.
06:21Okay, that's close enough.
06:23Intruders, show yourselves or be exterminated.
06:31Hey there, Hopshot. We got a counteroffer.
06:34Whatever Zarkon's paying you, we'll pay you double.
06:37Or nothing.
06:42Well, that's his choice.
06:44Nothing it is.
06:51Check it out.
06:54We turned a master pest into a masterpiece.
07:01Lion tracker mode.
07:03There it is. Zarkon's ion trail.
07:06Yeah, I can see it with the lion vision.
07:09Stay with it, kittens. It's gonna lead us right to Zarkon.
07:19What's the big idea, Princess, waking us up in the middle of the night?
07:23I need a full 40 winks to maintain my sunny disposition.
07:29Lance and Keith are missing. They should be in their rooms at this hour.
07:32You sound just like my den mother and space scouts.
07:35What's the big deal?
07:37They've taken their lions.
07:39I'd expect this sort of thing from Lance, but if Keith's involved, I'm a little concerned.
07:43Welcome to VoltronForce.com. System initializing.
07:46I think I got it.
07:48Yep, moving at hyperspeed past star system Cerberus.
07:51Go ahead, Princess.
07:53Keith, Lance requesting your status.
07:55Hi, Allura. Our status is truant.
07:59Uh, Princess, I can explain.
08:02Good. You had us a little scared when we discovered you were missing.
08:06Lance and I are trailing Zarkon. He's rebuilt Igor and armed him.
08:10Now they're headed for deep space.
08:12Igor? I knew that science protocol of his was baloney.
08:16He's a full-on Battleborg.
08:18You two be careful. Make sure to keep in contact.
08:22And activate your silent beacons.
08:24If we don't hear from you every two hours, we'll assume you're in trouble and come after you.
08:28I copy, Princess. Wish us luck.
08:31I don't like this, guys. I think we better launch and prepare for backup.
08:36Begin lion launch sequence now.
09:22Castle Doom.
09:37So, Zarkon's hooking up with Lotor.
09:40Can't risk a close follow. We'll set down on the perimeter.
09:59There's our way in.
10:22How do I look?
10:24Pretty, but your digicam's a dead giveaway.
10:29Let's roll.
10:37Here's where we get off.
10:44Yes, you two.
10:51Yes, you two.
10:53There's a special cargo in the hold of my craft. Get it.
10:56Quick, Lance. Malfunction.
11:06Lousy black market drones. Get away from there, you rubbish.
11:12I'll get this special cargo myself.
11:21This is your special cargo.
11:27A used battleborg.
11:30He's not used. He's previously owned, you ungracious toad of a son.
11:35And warrantied, I might add. He's 100% reliable.
11:40You can keep your robots, Father. I prefer to use Hagar and her sorcery.
11:46Otor, listen to me.
11:48When we were nearly defeated by the Alliance, it was because we relied too much on Hagar.
11:53Or have you forgotten?
11:55Never again will we depend on her magic.
11:58No matter how many robots you build, you'll still need me, Zarkon.
12:03For what?
12:04For warning you when spies are about, lurking in the shadows, recording your treachery.
12:33Why do you suppose we keep winding up in situations like this?
12:36Maybe because, like a knucklehead, I keep allowing myself to behave like you.
12:41I'll be honest, Keith. It's bringing us closer, don't you think?
12:45I'm only thinking about getting out of here. Hurry and open that shield.
13:07You two, keep them pinned down. The rest of you, come with me.
13:19You can't keep us away from our Alliance forever.
13:24That's not their plan. They're maneuvering to take them.
13:34What do you think of Igor now?
13:37Oh, by the way, how do you like your lions?
13:41I prefer mine poached.
13:49This is a disaster.
13:51And we caused it by spying without proper backup.
13:54Come on, man. It's the old Keith talking.
13:56The new Keith would say something like, uh, let's see, like, uh...
14:00Hey, look! Here comes the cavalry!
14:07Droids on top of those lions! They're shooting at us!
14:10Take them out!
14:19Time to fly!
14:49Well, I guess Igor isn't the be-all, end-all after all.
14:57They're going to tell Amalgamus that you came here as a traitor, Zarkon.
15:01We'd better do a little spin control.
15:04Amalgamus, I regret to inform you that I am now Lotor's hostage.
15:10Perhaps my attempt at heroism was misguided,
15:13but I restored Igor with the intent of infiltrating Castle Doom.
15:18And I nearly succeeded,
15:20except the Voltron force discovered my plan and thwarted it out of jealousy.
15:25And I thank them for it, Amalgamus.
15:28For now, I have a bargaining chip.
15:34Commit to the moment. Make me believe it.
15:43Here are my terms.
15:47Much better. Now for your close-up.
15:56I'll give you back your Minister of Peace,
16:00and you give me dominion over the Troika moons.
16:05Oh! Boobie! Boobala! What a performance!
16:10Oh, I love the media.
16:14It's so easy to manipulate.
16:17Yes, it's always the big lie that's most readily believed.
16:23Now, we're not waiting for their answer.
16:26We're going to attack with Igor.
16:33Voltron force,
16:35I have information that King Zarkon has been taken hostage by Lotor
16:39as a result of your sabotage.
16:42Oh, come on.
16:43I've assigned the situation a crisis factor of 9.3.
16:47You mean a bogus factor of 9.3?
16:50There's no hostage crisis.
16:52Just a bad sequel. Zarkon and Lotor together again.
16:56You have proof of this?
16:58Actually, no.
17:00We had it on our digicams, but they wrecked them.
17:02Of course.
17:04I'm afraid I'm going to have to sanction all of you for deceit.
17:07Zarkon is in mortal danger.
17:10I'll expect your plans for his rescue submitted to me within the hour.
17:14Amalgamous, I will not lift so much as a finger to rescue him.
17:18What? How dare you?
17:21We'll have to discuss this later, sir.
17:24We've just been ambushed.
17:26Attack squadron, destroy the enemy.
17:46No, I've got you.
17:56All right, pal. Freeze.
18:05Now to give you a little tongue lashing.
18:13I think a little whiplashing is more in order.
18:20I got your card, princess.
18:26Guys, Igor is more intelligent and deadly than any Robeast.
18:30We'd better form Voltron before it's too late.
18:32Right, Pidge.
18:34Activate interlock.
18:38Dynatherms connected.
18:40Infra-cells up.
18:44Good to go.
18:46Roger that.
18:49Dynatherms connected.
18:51Infra-cells up.
18:56Megathrusters are go.
19:00Let's go, Voltron Force.
19:19Form feet and legs.
19:28Form arms and torso.
19:35And I'll form the head.
19:38And I'll form the head.
20:08And I'll form the head.
20:26Energy web.
20:28Mustn't let it.
20:34Keeve, do something.
20:36Help us.
20:38Our only chance is to...
20:40Form Blazing Sword.
21:06We shall fight another day.
21:16We shall fight another day.
21:22All right!
21:25Hey, what are we cheering for?
21:27We didn't even scratch that Igor guy.
21:29He got cleaned away.
21:31Yeah, and we can't even prove he was working for the bad guys.
21:33Maybe not.
21:35Commander Keeve to Galaxy Garrison.
21:37We demand to meet with the High Council.
21:41I ordered you to rescue King Zarkon
21:43and you defied my orders.
21:45Therefore I am placing you on probation.
21:47You're the one who should be on probation.
21:49Council members, I saw Zarkon tampering
21:51with his memory chips.
21:53This is an outrage.
21:55You are out of order.
21:57We demand that Amalgamus
21:59submit himself to medical engineering
22:01for a complete diagnostic.
22:03I shall do nothing of the sort.
22:05As of this moment,
22:07the Voltron force is dismissed.
22:11Yeah, well, we'll see.
22:13I have the authority.
22:15I have sanctioned over 900 planets
22:17in over 5,000 galaxies.
22:19The Voltron force
22:21take a bold risk
22:23challenging Amalgamus.
22:25But risk is the daily fare
22:27of true heroes.
22:29And when truth and freedom are at stake,
22:31there is one who can always be relied upon
22:33to risk his all.
