Voltron: The Third Dimension [1998] S1 E16 | Biography The Voltron Force

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Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American animated television series produced by World Events Productions. It is a sequel to the 1980s animated series Voltron: Defender of the Universe and is set five years after the end of the series.[2] Neil Ross, Michael Bell, and B.J. Ward reprised their roles as Keith, Lance, and Princess Allura for the series. The show was animated by Netter Digital Entertainment, inc. and Mike Young Productions.[3] It departed from the original Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor (now voiced by Tim Curry, taking over the role originally voiced by Lennie Weinrib).

The story takes place in the Denubian Galaxy. Shannon Muir mapped the galaxy in the 1980s as a fan and posted it online. In 1996, World Events Productions became aware of the work and made it the official starmap for the show.[2]
With antagonist Prince Lotor's escape from prison, the heroic Voltron Force re-assemble against him, but must contend simultaneously with the various monsters and warships sent by Lotor (at times, captained by him) and with opposition on their own side, represented by the artificial intelligence "Amalgamus", a sophisticated computer who objects periodically to the Voltron Force's methods.


00:00The safety of the galaxy has been threatened again.
00:10Five space explorers and their five awesome lions are called upon to form Voltron.
00:16Keith, the leader, pilot of Black Lion, Allura, Princess of Aris, pilot of Blue Lion, Hunk,
00:26the Strongman, pilot of Yellow Lion, Pidge, the computer expert, pilot of Green Lion,
00:36and Lance, the rebellious daredevil pilot of Red Lion.
00:42These lions must once again battle Prince Lotor, Witch Hagar, and their forces of doom,
00:48who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good.
00:52The Galaxy Alliance, under the leadership of Amalgamus and the reformed King Zarkon,
00:57have called these great pilots and their robot lions together again to form Voltron, the
01:03third dimension.
01:07Don't shoot my profile and keep my tusks in focus.
01:11We're rolling?
01:12Oh, we are interrupting our regular programming to bring you this special galactic action
01:17news report.
01:19Because of the turmoil currently surrounding Voltron, we are broadcasting this Voltron
01:24Force retrospective on these interstellar stations.
01:28Tonight's one billionth episode of Intergalactic Biography, with your host, Weep Weep Cherimoya.
01:35Tonight's subject, Let's Go Voltron Force!
01:38Yes, the heroic Voltron Force.
01:41Our guest tonight, our only guest tonight, is Amalgamus, leader of the Alliance.
01:47Good evening, Amalgamus.
01:48Good evening, Weep.
01:49May I call you Amal?
01:51I am a construct.
01:53I do not have a nickname.
01:55Oh, sorry about that.
01:57So Amal...
01:59Sorry again, Amalgamus.
02:02Why didn't the Voltron Force themselves want to appear tonight?
02:05I cannot speak for all of them, but Commander Keith called your show... what was the word
02:10he used?
02:11Oh yes, cheesy.
02:12We've won awards!
02:14This is ludicrous!
02:17An entire hour of mindless drivel dedicated to those wimps, instead of me!
02:26Uh-oh, Lotor's throwing a hissy fit.
02:29He did the same thing when they cancelled Rocket Boy.
02:33Never mind the 18-to-34-year-old demographic.
02:35Let's begin our program with a look at the leader of the pack, Commander Keith, pilot
02:40of Black Lion.
02:42Time to form Voltron.
02:45Keith is a born leader.
02:47Time to take the teeth out of Lotor.
02:57A fearless pilot, willing to sacrifice himself for the safety of his team.
03:02Brace yourself, Pidge!
03:14That was close.
03:18He is the epitome of a cool-headed, logical leader.
03:22He's a wimp!
03:24But wasn't there an unfortunate incident when Commander Keith lost his mind?
03:29Oh, right.
03:30That stupid lout was foaming at the mouth!
03:34How did you know about that?
03:36That was highly confidential, and...
03:38I understand he was incoherent, growling, and had to be caged like a wild animal.
03:43Well, it was a bit embarrassing.
03:46We have some footage.
03:48You have?
03:53Mega thrusters are go!
03:57Let's go, Voltron Force!
04:05Keith's hit!
04:06Ready counterattack!
04:27Well, this was at a time that Commander Keith was separated from the rest of the Voltron Force,
04:33which made him easy prey for Lotor's witch, Agar.
04:38Claw of poison, tainted mane!
04:41Afflict this one with fevered brain!
04:44Let him no peace nor rest in joy, but render him a lion boy!
04:53Why are they giving you all the credit?
04:55It was my brilliant idea!
04:58Mine! All mine!
05:00Don't get angry with me, Lotor.
05:03I don't write that drooling creature's lines.
05:06Once infected by that foul witch's magic, Keith was not the man we all knew and respected.
05:12Is this where he growls and foams at the mouth?
05:14Well, yes.
05:19Oh, Keith, you really gave us a scare.
05:22We thought we were going to lose you there for a...
05:37Keith, it's us!
05:42Stop him!
05:51Stand clear!
05:56Quickly, get him on the bed!
05:58I know it looks cruel, but he'll be fine.
06:01It's for his own safety, Princess.
06:04Do you suppose this has anything to do with Keith's important discovery at Galaxy Garrison?
06:09I can't think about that now.
06:11I just wish there was something we could do for him.
06:14There is! We can restore Black Lion so it's ready when he gets better.
06:19And Pidge's plan to aid in Keith's recovery worked, didn't it?
06:23Personally, I recommended electroshock therapy.
06:27Keith's cure, if you can call it that, was something I, as a thinking, logical machine, could not totally accept.
06:36What was it? Some wild alternative medical treatment like leeches?
06:41You know, Mr. Weep, I find you very annoying, and I am a machine.
06:50No, it is my understanding that... well, his lion cured him.
06:55The lions appear to be more than mere mechanical marvels.
06:59Logically, that is impossible, but Princess Allura believes them to be somewhat alive.
07:05Which is our segue to the next member of the Voltron force.
07:09Allura, Princess of Iris, home of the Voltron lions.
07:14A woman who appears to be in touch with the more mystical elements of nature.
07:19At last, I've been waiting for this.
07:24Yes, we know. It's always Allura this and Allura that.
07:28It's enough to drive an old witch straight to the lunatic planet.
07:32In your case, that'd be a short trip with fuel to spare.
07:36Now shut up and listen.
07:38It has been rumored for some time that Princess Allura has the power to communicate with the spirit world.
07:45I have been told she talks to King Alfor, her late father.
07:51Father, I feel so alone.
07:54But there is so much to learn, so many battles to fight.
07:59I don't know if I have the courage to be a true princess.
08:06My daughter, you will rise to your destiny, Allura.
08:13Not through your weapons, but through your will.
08:21Lance told me she has even spoken with the first queen of Iris, Ariella.
08:26Allura, your weapons are of no value now.
08:30Huh? Who is that?
08:32Shed your armor. Throw aside your weapons. Have courage.
08:39Hmm. Spirits appear to think alike, don't they?
08:42Yes, they are rather redundant.
08:44My father said he heard a voice like that. A guardian spirit.
08:56But that Robeast is so huge. How can I face it alone?
09:00You will rise to your destiny, Allura. Not through your weapons, but through your will.
09:06I'm so afraid. I have to do this.
09:13Keith, look at the princess.
09:20Hagar doesn't have the power to turn your heart dark.
09:28I know your spirit is in there, father. Come out.
09:33This gemstone is from your monument. Let it guide you back.
09:56That's it. Form up fast.
10:03Allura, my daughter.
10:06But what I would like to know is where on earth you got that footage.
10:10I never reveal my sources.
10:13But on to another matter. One cannot speak of Princess Allura...
10:17Without bringing up Lotor, that poor lovesick villain.
10:22You'd think he'd get a clue and try dating others.
10:27Try dating others?
10:32All hands to battle stations. We're going to destroy the network.
10:41I'll show those broadcasting fools not to make fun of Lotor.
10:47Let's see how they like being cancelled permanently.
10:53Has Lotor's obsession with Princess Allura ever gone, shall we say, too far?
10:59Almost on a daily basis. A prime example was when Lotor kidnapped Judge Armistice of Amfrose.
11:06Part of an elaborate plan to get the princess to marry him.
11:10We've come to take the not-so-high-and-mighty Judge Armistice.
11:15Sorry, but I simply must refuse. You see, I have a peace treaty to sign tonight.
11:22The next shot will make this the shortest marriage on record.
11:28Point made. I will go with you.
11:37Behold, your beautiful boyfriend.
11:44Welcome, my darling Allura.
11:48Lotor! Your face! You look...
11:52Handsome again? Dashing? Irresistible?
11:56Hopelessly conceited?
11:58I knew you'd be impressed, Allura. My only wish is to please you. You are my one true love.
12:06I've got to play along with him. Stall for time. But what is he planning?
12:12This is the big moment, Allura.
12:15I don't understand.
12:17Cut the theatrics, Lotor, and let's get on with it. There's no time for playing lovey-dovey.
12:23The Judge is here to marry us, my darling Allura.
12:28What? You can't be serious. I won't marry you, Lotor.
12:32I don't understand. I'm handsome again?
12:36It's not your looks that matter. It's who you are inside.
12:40You kidnapped me and the Judge? You're still as evil as ever, Lotor.
12:44Hagar! What kind of a lousy spell did you cast? I thought you were supposed to fall for me.
12:50Hey, I made you look handsome to her. The rest is up to you.
12:55Allura, you must marry me. You must!
12:59Not if you were the last deranged despot in the galaxy.
13:03Not if you were the last deranged despot in the galaxy. Very clever. And speaking of clever...
13:12These scenes you have accumulated are startling. We may have to have you investigated as a spy.
13:19Forget it. I'm a member of the press. Now, let's talk about the brains and brawn of the Voltron Force.
13:26You are talking about Hunk and Pidge, of course. Two inseparable friends.
13:31Pidge, the computer genius, and Hunk, the mechanic extraordinaire.
13:36Has there ever been a rift between these two?
13:39My memory chips recall only one incident. I am sure you have footage to support it.
13:48Look out!
13:53You sprockethead. I was almost Pidge the Human Pancake.
13:57This little thing gets serious.
14:00Your muscles must have invaded your brain, Hunkhead.
14:04It just slipped, Pidge. I didn't do it on purpose.
14:08Of course not. You'd have to take some serious think time for that.
14:15The dumb jokes are getting old, Pidge.
14:17Unfortunately, that little disagreement was all which Hagar needed to take advantage of Hunk.
14:24Past the planets, past the stars. Who once was theirs, now is ours.
14:36She magically turned Hunk against the rest of the Voltron Force.
14:40Had it not been for Pidge, he would have destroyed them.
14:44And what did this young genius do? Build a ray? A universal panacea that cured his muscle-bound buddy?
14:51Uh, no. He let Hunk attack him.
14:56It ain't. I'm down. He's got me.
14:59Got you good this time.
15:03If I have learned anything from the Voltron Force, it is that human friendship is one of nature's most powerful forces.
15:11Tell me I'm stupid.
15:13Aw, come on, Hunk. You're the best mechanic in the universe. And that takes major brain power.
15:19I'm telling you the truth, Hunk. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
15:22I'm sorry, Hunk. Real sorry.
15:25I'm gonna blast my... buddy?
15:33Come on, Hunk. Fight it.
15:35Lest you think you're free again.
15:40He's breaking the spell!
15:43Come on, Hunk. You can do it.
15:55What was I doing?
15:57Shaking off Hagar's spell, Hunk. Welcome back, buddy.
16:01Speaking of buddies, what about the wild card of the Voltron Force?
16:06Oh, dear. We are going to talk about him.
16:10I was afraid of that.
16:11Get us to the network before they get to him-bo.
16:15I don't see how we can do a decent biography of the Voltron Force without talking about Lance.
16:22I think he's kind of cute.
16:24Oh, shut up.
16:29I will destroy all broadcasts for this travesty of good taste.
16:35Hey, what's a Voltron show without Lance?
16:38Yeah, television's a subjective medium anyhow.
16:42Here we are at the Voltron theme park, where by far the most popular attraction is Lance's plan.
16:49But Lance seems to, well, upset his superiors. Why is that?
16:55Lance has a slight problem with authority figures.
16:59No computer's going to fly my lion.
17:02Let me tell you something, you glorified calculator.
17:05We were fighting Lotor before you were invented.
17:08Yes, I see what you mean.
17:10But you must admit, he is an incredible pilot.
17:13An incredible pilot?
17:15Yes, it is incredible that he survived.
17:19We've had a crash. Lance is in free fall.
17:27That's the fourth ship you've wrecked. You're through.
17:31Oh well, it was getting stale anyway. No challenge.
17:57Keith! Lance! It's you!
18:01Still crashing into everything, huh?
18:06I've got to get out of here while there's still a hair to get out of.
18:09Come on, baby. Power up!
18:15Come on!
18:24Shields up!
18:28Come on, baby. Level out!
18:37Oh man! Did I blow it or what?
18:41Are you showing these scenes just to embarrass me?
18:44If he's such a loose cannon, why is Lance so valuable to the team?
18:49Because of his devotion to the Voltron force.
18:52As a child, Lance's planet was attacked by Zarkon and Lotor.
19:03Lance has devoted his life to stopping this from ever happening again.
19:08He is a true crusader.
19:10Kwee Kwek, Lafitte, how much longer?
19:13Five parsecs to target, Lotor sir.
19:18Contact the network. Tell them I'm their new programming director.
19:28Think he's going to get a rocket boy back?
19:30I'd rather see one of those bass fishing shows.
19:33I believe Lance's greatest moment was his mano a mano battle with Lotor.
19:39A remarkable fight and a huge ratings winner for this network,
19:43which is reason enough to run it again.
19:50What's this?
19:52What the heck was that?
19:57Who cares? It's nothing compared to what's in store for you.
20:02Lance, we need you.
20:05I'm kind of busy, Allura.
20:07Zarkon is trying to break down the dimensional wall.
20:10This contest was nothing but a diversion.
20:12We have to stop him before there's a break.
20:18I'll catch you later, Lotor.
20:21I've got to save the universe.
20:25Get ready to fly, red lion.
20:29Sorry, pretty boy.
20:32You're not going anywhere until we finish this.
20:36Okay, I'm conceding, Lotor.
20:40My team needs me more than I need to beat you.
20:43They can have you when I'm done with you.
20:47You're crazy.
20:49Can't you see this is more important than you and me?
20:52The entire universe is in danger.
20:55The universe is in danger.
20:57I don't care.
21:01I will defeat you.
21:05Is this how Keat sees me?
21:07Out of control, thinking only of myself and my battles?
21:16Wise up, Lotor.
21:18Zarkon's just using you.
21:21You're just his fall guy.
21:23He's pawned.
21:25I am no one's pawn.
21:37That won't stop me.
21:44No? But I'll bet that will.
21:48You realize, of course, you lose.
21:54Has the network responded to their impending doom?
21:58They say they want to negotiate with you, Lotor.
22:01They say they're willing to offer you your own show every Saturday.
22:05My own show?
22:07What exactly do they have in mind?
22:09What else? A cartoon series.
22:12Destroy them!
22:14Our thanks to Amalgamus.
22:21And now it's time to bid a fond farewell to...
22:30That cannot be good.
22:32I presume the Voltron force has another little job to do.
22:44To be continued...
23:14To be continued...
