Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 9 Four To Tango

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Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 9 Four To Tango


00:03God, this is weird.
00:04It really is.
00:05It's the damnedest thing.
00:06I mean, how are we supposed to have some lurid, purely sexual affair every time we get together?
00:20There's no sexual tension.
00:22If it's me...
00:23No, it's not you.
00:24It's me.
00:25No, no, I mean, we're both two highly sexually charged people.
00:36Absolutely, look at our track records.
00:38Oh yeah.
00:39We're all that and then some, thank you very much.
00:41And look at the measures that we've gone through today.
00:44We come properly equipped.
00:46And we pick the perfect locale.
00:50You know, Dawson and Mr. Leary, both at school for the afternoon, windows always open.
00:55This was sheer genius on your part.
00:58Graham's always said that that letter was an invitation to sin.
01:15It's really starting to get depressing.
01:17Alright, I'll tell you what.
01:19Why don't we give it a week, keep trying,
01:22in the hopes that whatever sexual spark once flickered will burn again.
01:36Oh, did you just hear somebody come into the house?
01:48What is it?
01:50Hey, man!
01:52What's happening?
01:54What are you doing in my room in the middle of a school day?
01:58I'm just playing some Crash Bandicoot.
02:01What are you doing home?
02:03I'm at the desk supplying it.
02:05I came out to get my books.
02:07You, uh, have any cavities?
02:11How did you get in?
02:13Is that clock right?
02:15It is, man, I should really be getting to school.
02:18Aren't you forgetting something?
02:20I don't think so.
02:22You sure?
02:23Pretty sure, yeah.
02:25Because you're only wearing one shoe.
02:46My head is in the clouds.
02:51My feet have left the ground.
02:54My life is turning around and around.
03:00Every voice inside my head is telling me to run like mad.
03:08Oh, balls and arrows, stars and sunsets.
03:13Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:15Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:17Every heartbeat, every kiss just makes me wonder what all this is.
03:26Suits of armor, hearts and arrows.
03:30Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:35Oh, my God, I hope that is not your report on Man's Best Destiny,
03:39because mine is only corporate crap.
03:41No, no, remember when Dawson put that story about me joining the football team on the web?
03:47These are emails from people who saw it.
03:49Oh, Jack, this is amazing.
03:53I mean, look how many people you reached.
03:55No, look, I don't exactly reach everybody.
03:58Check this out.
04:02Dear Homo, too bad Capeside didn't make it to regionals.
04:09Our linebackers are looking forward to playing smooth queer.
04:12Oh, my God, that's so sad.
04:14I mean, some poor, dumb cheerleader is wasting all of her prime boy-chasing years on this closet case.
04:23Okay, this one looks good.
04:25Dear Jack, saw the story about you on the web.
04:28Have you been deluged with letters addressed Dear Homo?
04:32If not, I'm sure they'll come soon.
04:35That's what happened to me when I took another guy to the prom last year,
04:41and the story got picked up by the AP Wire.
04:43Who's that from?
04:45Uh, some guy named Ben, Ben Street.
04:49If you ever need to talk to someone who's been there and lived to tell,
04:53you can find me in the pink pages under OutTeens.
04:58Gimme that.
05:02You should write him back. Sounds like a nice guy.
05:04Yeah, I'm gonna write this guy back, man. He's a little strange. What would I say?
05:09I don't know. Say anything. Works for John Cusack.
05:14Okay, gotta go. Bye.
05:19Alright, whatever it is, I didn't do it.
05:22But if I did do it, I just want you to know that I take full and complete responsibility for all of my actions.
05:27This isn't a disciplinary matter, Pacey. Please.
05:32You're here because when Mr. Milo sent your file over to me,
05:36you jumped immediately to the top ten of my most in need of guidance list.
05:43And when I started talking to your teachers...
05:48You're failing math, Pacey.
05:51I'm failing?
05:52I'm afraid the only other grades you've got going here are four D pluses and one very lonely C minus.
06:03You wanna tell me why that is?
06:07I'm just lazy, I guess.
06:10Just lazy, I guess.
06:13Has there been some trouble at home? Any sort of change in your family situation?
06:18No, it's nothing like that.
06:21Mr. Milo mentioned something about a girlfriend being sick.
06:24She's not my girlfriend anymore.
06:27I'm sorry to hear that.
06:28Yeah, you and me both, but life goes on, doesn't it?
06:31Listen, you think I could get out of here? I'm probably missing a film strip or something.
06:35You seem like a good kid, Pacey.
06:40Whatever's eating at you these days, don't let it win, okay?
06:48Maybe it already has.
06:57Okay, 40,000 hits. I must be doing something wrong.
07:03Well, you can't do a search on such a broad topic like democracy.
07:07I mean, you gotta decide what you want, what you don't want, and, you know, establish some restrictions.
07:14Okay. Oh, so it would be like if I were searching for, say, a boyfriend?
07:22Then I'd wanna meet a lot of people and get to know them and eliminate the truly incompatible ones.
07:29You know, you really should have your own website.
07:36Uh-huh, uh-huh, Jack. Okay, I really think that you should write this guy Ben back.
07:41I mean, he seems super nice, and, you know, he only lives two towns over.
07:45I mean, you guys could end up being friends, or...
07:48Or what?
07:50Or whatever.
07:54What? You're worried that he has a boyfriend?
07:57Come on. Let me assure you, a lot can happen between May and November.
08:03I mean, Prom Guy could be completely out of the picture right now.
08:05Andy, stop it.
08:08Jack, you have to seize the day. If you don't, I'll do it for you.
08:14I know your password.
08:21What? Someone just instant messaged you. You just hit...
08:26Oh my God, it's Ben Street. It's him. It's him.
08:28Yeah, I know. I know. What do I do here? How do I make this thing go away?
08:30You don't make it go away. He's talking to you. Say something.
08:36Yeah, he's waiting.
08:37Yeah, but I...
08:39I don't know what I'm...
08:43Come on.
08:48Okay, well, you have to hit send.
08:50Give them in case of the white gang blues.
08:54So listen, I don't care if we started last night.
08:59Hey, Joey. Joey.
09:02What are you doing?
09:03Hi, you are looking absolutely ravishing today.
09:07Is that new hair thing with Jake you got going on?
09:09You need my notes from today's class that you missed.
09:12You missed me, huh?
09:13Oh, how could I miss you? It's so much easier to see the board without your big fat head in the way.
09:18Meet me back by tomorrow morning.
09:28What's a cosign?
09:31You don't know what a cosign is?
09:34You're never gonna catch up on midterms.
09:38You're absolutely right. I'm not. Not unless, of course, you...
09:41Look, I'm not going to help you, Pacey.
09:43I've been busting my butt all semester while you've been...
09:47Well, who knows what the hell you've been doing lately.
09:49I've been busy.
09:51Busy, right.
09:52Pacey, you have a very undemanding part-time job.
09:55Your only familial obligation is to feed the dog every day,
09:58and your social life is basically a triangle consisting of you, me, and Dawson.
10:03Okay, listen.
10:05Truth be told, I'm failing math right now.
10:11So if you could find it in your heart to explain all this trig stuff to me,
10:15I'd do anything you want.
10:23Slow, quick, quick.
10:28Good footwork, people.
10:33I think you should probably tell me what I'm doing here
10:35before the other nine suffer the same fate.
10:38Oh, you expect me to believe that you actually have control over the foot feet of yours?
10:43Oh, Pacey.
10:49Every year, the Starlight School offers a $1,500 scholarship to the high school student
10:53who best exemplifies the spirit and grace of ballroom dancing.
10:56Now, if you look around, there are about six people here
10:59who wear their teeth a bit low and go to high school with us.
11:02Which would make you want to shoo him?
11:05Well, I do have to complete at least one of the two-week courses.
11:09Why didn't you get Dawson to do this with you?
11:12Or Jack, for that matter?
11:14Because they don't know me like you will.
11:17After I performed CPR on your math grade.
11:20So that's the trade-off.
11:22One study session for one dance class.
11:24That's the trade-off.
11:26Yeah, excellent.
11:27What did I say about root cages, Tetris?
11:30And refresh my memory, who's leading here?
11:33I'm trying, but Janet Reno here doesn't exactly make it easy on a fellow,
11:36you know what I'm saying?
11:37Like you even know how, Pacey.
11:40You're late.
11:41Well, let's give it the old college try, shall we?
11:46Don't get too close.
12:20Here, this is your assignment for study hall.
12:23I want you to do all the evening problems on page 107 and show your work.
12:26Don't just copy the answers out of the back of the book.
12:28You know, if I had known the sadistic pleasure that you were going to take out of tutoring me,
12:32I never would have let you have such free reign.
12:34Look, we're going to spend an hour after school doing math, and then we're going to go back to...
12:38I know. I know. The Starlight Foundation.
12:41Another afternoon's torture at the hands of Miss Penny Pretty.
12:45You do realize, don't you, how absolutely imperative it is that no one,
12:50and I mean no one, find out about our after-school activities?
12:54Because on the sliding scale of embarrassing and decidedly non-butch activities
12:58for a teenage male to be involved in,
13:00Walton, try to deal with me in your own pottery.
13:03Macy, do you really think I'm eager to have this information disseminated to the general public?
13:08Perfect. No one agrees. Yeah?
13:11No one needs to find out.
13:12No one.
13:14Find out what?
13:19No, don't tell him. It's Dawson, right?
13:22It's Dawson, right? We were just discussing the fact that I am really awful at home improvement and decor.
13:33How are you with a roller?
13:36I can hold my own.
13:37Fantastic, because the Pacey J. Witter Memorial Edition to the Potter Family Home
13:41is in desperate need of painters and plasters. All union wages.
13:46Count me in. It's good to hear.
13:48Alright, so, Joey.
13:52Yeah, okay, let's do that.
13:53Hold on, Pacey, I want to talk to you in private.
13:56I can't talk at all right now. I'm really trying to stay off of Mr. Milo's top ten most tardy list.
14:03Can I get you after school?
14:10Have you asked about Prong guy yet?
14:16No, I didn't.
14:18They were never really dating, okay? They just did the whole Prong thing as a statement.
14:23Oh, political commitment. I like that. In moderation, of course.
14:28Oh, what else?
14:31He's a saxophonist. Huge Charlie Parker fan. All-conference track.
14:37Sounds hot. What's he look like?
14:39Come on, it's not important.
14:41Well, yeah, but he saw you on the web in uniform. That's only fair.
14:46We're just writing here, okay? It's not like we're going on a date.
14:51You know, I dated a guy from the internet once. Hideous.
15:00I'm gonna get that picture, yeah.
15:02Two. One formal, one casual. No baseball hats, baggy sweaters, or other articles of deceiving clothing.
15:26Hey. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out camping? Any problem for you?
15:31Very funny, Dawson.
15:33No, actually, I'm working on a project with Pacey. It's a human growth and development thing. Is he here?
15:40Um, he's not until Tuesday.
15:43But he told me that he was working today. Must have gotten him confused.
15:49It's not surprising, considering what a flake he's been lately.
15:53There aren't any especially doable new faculty members I don't know about, are there?
15:59Well, I lost that Pacey was acting this weird. I ended up with taped outtakes of him as Jacob's performing tree surgery at the ruins.
16:08Wait, you don't think that Pacey's older woman fetish has returned with a vengeance, do you?
16:14I don't know what to think.
16:17You're definitely thinking something.
16:24You see, I came back to my house in the middle of the day and I found Pacey sprawled out on the bedroom floor.
16:32Wow, was he alone?
16:34Yeah, he was playing Crash Bandicoot.
16:37Dustin, I hope that's not one of your clever euphemisms.
16:41No, it's just a video game.
16:46But here's the weird thing, alright? Later that night I found a condom on my floor.
16:52And then when I asked Pacey about it this morning, he and Joey were huddled together like it was some sort of conspiracy.
16:59Has he said anything to you? I mean, have you talked at all with him yet?
17:04No, he took off and he's been dodging me ever since.
17:12Can we take a break, please?
17:14We just took a break. It's no wonder you're so far behind. I swear, Alexander can sit still longer than you can.
17:20You don't understand.
17:23It's just that recently, whenever I crack a book to study, it's like I automatically want to be doing something else.
17:30Anything else.
17:32I mean, it seems to me that under the previous regimes in my life, every time I was studying, I was given a reward.
17:41I offered you Chex Mix.
17:43And I'm not talking about Chex Mix. I'm talking about tomorrow. And I'm talking about Andy.
17:49Let's just say that those two ladies, they trained me to equate studying with...
17:59With what?
18:00Sex. I equate studying with sex. Sex with studying. Now, I get to studying, but no sex.
18:07You understand? So it's a little hard to get motivated these days.
18:10So, what you're saying is that you're merely the innocent victim in some behavioral psychology experiment gone horribly awry.
18:23And that you're desperately in need of some able-bodied female to help you provoke those preconditioned Pavlovian homework responses.
18:36That is the worst pickup line I've ever heard, Pacey.
18:40Thanks, Toots. But I wasn't hitting on you. I'll have you know, I have my own prospects. Thanks.
18:51Like who?
18:53Like you.
18:56For right now, they would prefer to remain anonymous.
19:00But let me tell you, they've made it clear to me in no uncertain terms should the mutual desire occur,
19:05that they will be more than willing to take care of all my physical needs. You understand?
19:10So is this a potential relationship, or are we talking a free trade agreement?
19:17Alright, listen.
19:20If you had the opportunity to be with somebody, no questions asked, no strings attached,
19:28no awkward first dates, no waiting by the phone, no any of that,
19:34totally on the surface, 100% casual, what would you do?
19:40Would you go for it?
19:42A totally empty, emotionally unfulfilling sexual experience? That sounds great.
19:47You're not listening to me. I'm being serious, but it's kind of a limited time offer.
19:52So I just thought I'd ask you. What do you think?
19:58Pacey, I think that if you really wanted to be having casual sex with someone right now,
20:05you'd be doing it instead of sitting here having a hypothetical discussion about it.
20:11That's what I think.
20:17Oh, come on already.
20:22Okay, alright. Alright, it's happening.
20:28Ooh, not bad.
20:33You're not kidding.
20:35Jack, did you actually express attraction to a member of the male species?
20:40Come on, this is completely empirical. I mean, anyone would be attracted to that extremely attractive guy.
20:49And I sense a blush.
20:52So what do you think? You want to know what I think?
20:56Okay, so you tell him that you think that he should travel two towns over.
21:01No, I can't do that.
21:03You can and you will.
21:04Andy, come on. This is way, way too fast.
21:07So you tell him that you want to meet for coffee. I mean, I can go with you if you want.
21:12Yeah, that'll be a lot of fun.
21:14Okay, Jack. Agree to meet at some very safe, very well-lit public place.
21:20I mean, it's not like we haven't done an extensive background check on the guy to know that he's for real.
21:25Look, I can't, alright? Look at me, I'm shaking.
21:29Fine, Jack. You're just nervous. Here.
21:32Um, the picture was great.
21:37What can I say?
21:40You want to meet tonight for coffee?
21:48I thought you'd never ask.
22:00I don't know how the hell you suckered me into helping you with your Centennial Hitchcock window display.
22:07I needed a woman's touch.
22:09Oh, I suppose that's where Pacey usually comes in, huh?
22:12No, Pacey's usually in the back sleeping when I'm doing that.
22:20Well, maybe he's rediscovered his work ethic.
22:24We'll give him a hint.
22:27Pacey, two o'clock.
22:38Is that Joey?
22:48Dawson, do you have one of those little signs that says back in five?
23:03Okay, so Joey and Pacey are auditioning for Capeside Dinner Theatre's version of Strictly Ballroom.
23:10Let's get out of here, Dawson.
23:12Excellent. Two more young people eager to learn the sophisticated art of ballroom dancing.
23:18And people say kids these days have no appreciation for their finding things online.
23:23Actually, we just looked for your person.
23:25Okay, good. Well, while you look, you dance, okay?
23:28Attention, everybody. Looks like we have yet another set of delightful young people joining our class.
23:35Must be something in the air.
23:51And what pray tell are you two doing here?
23:55Just enjoying the fine art of ballroom dancing.
24:00Didn't I say you two would be naturals?
24:03Much better than these two, and they've been here all week.
24:07But you used to date, didn't you?
24:10No, okay. I'm right, aren't I?
24:13You dated, it didn't work out, but then you got past all your issues, and now you actually trust each other.
24:20Right? See, you can see that in the dancing.
24:24You can see that the trust is there.
24:28Now these two, on the other hand, whole different story.
24:33I mean, look at them. Look at their form.
24:37Look at the tension in their arms.
24:39Okay, is there some sort of problem here?
24:41Well, what did I say about ribcages touching?
24:44Can we do that?
24:45No. Sorry.
24:46It's just not gonna happen, all right?
24:47Right. You see what I mean?
24:49See the hostility, the way they're wary with each other, not to mention the constant bickering and name-calling.
24:56Now these two clearly are in the early stages of some screwball mating ritual.
25:05Okay, you got it all wrong, lady.
25:08I do.
25:09Oh, completely.
25:10Actually, you could not be more wrong.
25:12There's enough sexual tension here to power a kiss reunion tour.
25:17I can't remember the last time I saw dancing this bad.
25:23Wait a minute, just because they can dance, you think that they're...
25:26Well, it's this theory that I've developed based on years of experience.
25:30If people dance that badly, then they're usually hot for each other.
25:35Who doesn't lie?
25:38All right, people, let's take it from the top.
25:48Mrs. Ryan, let me in.
25:50Is that what you're wearing?
25:52Good night, Andy.
25:53Oh, no, I just like you better in blue.
25:55I mean, you look fine, better than fine.
25:57You always look fine.
25:58I mean, Marky Marky.
25:59Yeah, all right, I sense a pep talk coming on.
26:02Okay, check.
26:04I'm your sister, and I love you.
26:06And your romantic future is vitally important to me.
26:11Because if I wind up an embittered old maid, I'm coming to live with you and your boyfriend.
26:15So you're fairly certain that I'm actually going to have a boyfriend?
26:19Has it occurred to you that this whole online thing could be a complete disaster?
26:23Okay, Jack, worst case scenario.
26:27You show up, you meet each other, you hate each other,
26:30you drink your mochaccinos, and you go your separate ways.
26:33I mean, that's not going to happen, Jack.
26:36I have a really good feeling about this.
26:38I'm glad someone does.
26:40Jack, there's no need to be nervous.
26:42I mean, Ben obviously likes you.
26:44I don't even know Ben.
26:45You know, Ben doesn't know me.
26:47Thus, the reason for having coffee.
26:50Andy, this is different.
26:53This is a whole new level in my life that I don't even know if I'm ready for.
26:59When I walk through that door and I say hello to this guy, my entire life is going to be different.
27:08I'm not just going to be telling the world that I'm gay.
27:15I'm actually going to be gay.
27:18Jack, you'll be gay anyway.
27:26I mean, if you don't go, you'll be gay and without a boyfriend.
27:40Okay, people, we're going to play a little game.
27:43I want you to consider this musical partners instead of musical chairs, okay?
27:48I want you two.
27:49You two.
27:50You two.
27:51You two.
27:52You two.
27:53You two.
27:54You two.
27:55No, I think you must have made some sort of mistake here.
28:03Come on, children.
28:04Play nice.
28:05Okay, we are going to dance happily, joyously, enthusiastically because we love to dance.
28:13Now, when you hear the music stop and I yell switch, I want you to stop dancing and reach for the nearest available partner.
28:21All right?
28:22So, when did you and Pacey discover you and Rachel have a ballroom dancing?
28:28Obviously, just moments before you and Dawson did.
28:37I can't get over how weird it was to see you in my room the other day.
28:42What's going on?
28:43Not everybody's got the dazzling array of electronics available to them in their bedroom that you do.
28:48That's the only reason that you were in my house when I wasn't there.
28:52No, I don't know.
28:53There's always the lure of the leery kitchen, which I have to say has kind of lost its luster in Mitch's reign of terror.
28:58So, what was the condom for?
29:01The condom I found in my room.
29:04Excuse me for a second.
29:08We're dead.
29:09He found the condom.
29:10I know.
29:11I've already talked to him about it.
29:12I wouldn't worry.
29:15You don't think Dawson's going to mind that we've been mapping out each other's erogenous zones between the sheets?
29:19The question's both.
29:20He's not on to us.
29:21He's not?
29:22No, well, at least he's not on to me.
29:25He's cast somebody else as the female lead.
29:29So, when did you discover your love for ballroom dancing?
29:34I read about some scholarship that they were having.
29:38And I knew it was a partner, so...
29:41So, why'd you ask Basie? Why didn't you just ask me?
29:49Basie came to me first.
29:51He needed help with math, I needed help with this.
29:54That's what friends do, Dawson. They help each other.
29:58That's how you guys are as friends.
30:00And switch!
30:02Excuse us for a second. I need to talk to you.
30:08What is wrong with him?
30:10Uh, nothing really. It's just, um, Dawson seems to think that we're doing it.
30:18Well, you know, having sex, getting to know each other in the biblical sense, uh...
30:25Basie, that's impossible. And he would never think that.
30:30No, not under normal circumstances, but in this case I think certain events were, uh, perhaps misconstrued.
30:37What events?
30:39Well, I just...
30:43Okay. So, do you want to just tell me what's going on?
30:48It's not what you think, Dawson. Not even close.
30:51How do you know what I think?
30:52Well, because, man, it's written all over your face, okay?
30:55Yes, me and Joy have been spending a lot of time together recently,
30:58because we've been here trying to learn how to ballroom dance,
31:01and then she's teaching me a little trigonometry.
31:03You know, what's much more interesting to me is that,
31:05out of all the possible blonde or brunette combinations of women that you and I both know,
31:09the first one that popped into your mind is Joy.
31:11Now, why is that the event?
31:12Because you're not going to get out of this by attempting to psychoanalyze me.
31:15I'm just asking a simple question.
31:17I mean, Dawson, you and Joy, she's not your girlfriend anymore.
31:22Right, she's not.
31:23Right. So then why are we having this conversation?
31:29Do you see where I'm going with this?
31:30I mean, you're the same guy who told me a couple weeks ago
31:32that the two of you just needed to go your separate ways.
31:34Yeah, we do need to go our separate ways.
31:36It just never occurred to me that...
31:37That what?
31:38That she would actually go her separate way, too.
31:41Or perhaps it didn't occur to you that her separate way would include a stopover at me.
31:45Is that what it is?
31:49God, man, this is the way it always is with you.
31:51You talk and talk, but you don't listen to yourself.
31:54I mean, you say you're over her, but you're not.
31:56They're just words. They don't mean anything to you.
31:58You don't know what you're talking about.
32:01Look at that girl, Dawson.
32:04Just take a good look. She's a freaking goddess, man.
32:07How long did you think it was going to be before some guy comes along and is interested in her?
32:12I mean, really, dude?
32:13And when that happens, what are you going to do?
32:16I'm just going to take it all as it comes.
32:18You're going to take it as it comes, hombre.
32:20Well, perhaps you should start figuring out right now.
32:22Because the guy that comes along is not going to be your best friend,
32:24and he's not going to ask for your permission.
32:26The guy that comes along is going to take one look at that woman
32:28and just cut right in on you.
32:31What are you hiding, Pixie?
32:34Because all this analysis of my love life doesn't change the fact that you haven't answered my original question.
32:38Why did I find that condom?
32:40Why am I bothering you?
32:42I've been there before.
32:46I've come to find that sometimes love's just a state of mind.
32:55God, I don't believe that guy.
32:57Pixie, chill out.
33:03Here we are again.
33:04Though I have to say, this storyline is starting to stretch the limits of believability.
33:10Meaning what?
33:12Meaning that we're two red-blooded American teenagers who weeks ago made the enlightened decisions
33:17not to keep our bodies to ourselves, and what do we have to show for it?
33:25How is that possible?
33:27I've spent a lot of time trying to figure this out, and frankly, I'm just drawing a blank.
33:34Pixie, it's for about a million different reasons.
33:40Well, do you think you could hit me with a couple?
33:42Just to make me feel better?
33:47Okay, how about the fact that our mothers teach us to be embarrassed about sex?
33:55Or that we live in a country that thinks violence is cool,
33:58but gets squeamish whenever two people under legal voting age start using the correct terms for each other's body parts.
34:23You see, is this a not-so-subtle way of telling me that you're ready for a return to Witch Island?
34:31Maybe it was the dancing, or perhaps it's just the romantic side of this cold war,
34:38but I am definitely guessing how much you're feeling.
35:00How many nights?
35:04The pretty babies aren't smiling
35:08We were there last night
35:13And I had the courage to amaze them
35:17With all my inside and out
35:21How many nights?
35:23To drink your memory away
35:30How many nights?
35:33I'm sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you of anything, but something really strange is going on here.
35:37Pixie's not sleeping with you, he's definitely sleeping with somebody.
36:01Well, what do we have here?
36:04It's nothing, right?
36:10Yeah, nothing.
36:12Doesn't look like nothing.
36:14Believe me, man, we've done exhaustive research in this area.
36:18It's nothing.
36:22Pixie and I are just friends.
36:24Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
36:27You guys are so stupid, you're both gonna get hurt by this.
36:30Nobody's gonna get hurt by this.
36:34We both agree that neither of us have our emotions in it.
36:38And you're proud of that fact.
36:40Joey, we were just messing around.
36:45They lost me at nothing.
36:47Pacey, this isn't you.
36:50I mean, Jen, maybe you're trying to prove something to somebody about-
36:55Whoa, hey, slow down.
36:57This was as much my decision as it was hers, okay?
36:59So is that why you named your boat True Love?
37:02Because you think it's okay for casual acquaintances, or even friends, to just, you know, use each other as scratching posts?
37:09I knew you weren't gonna understand.
37:11You know what? I understand.
37:14I understand just fine.
37:26I've never in my life seen somebody so worked up over just a kiss.
37:33I don't think it was just a kiss.
37:36What do you mean?
37:39I mean that Joey knows about our arrangement.
37:48How could she possibly know?
37:52How could she possibly know, Pacey?
37:56Because I went to her for some hypothetical advice, but when she saw us kissing, I'm pretty sure she figured out that it wasn't so hypothetical.
38:11You went to Joey for advice about us?
38:15Yeah, I know. Not so smart, huh?
38:18Smart or not smart, it's just funny you went to her.
38:25Well, I wouldn't say that I went to her. I mean, she just kind of happened to be there when we were studying.
38:31Can I ask you something, Pacey? What is it about her?
38:36She's obviously got something that makes boys and emotional turmoil just flock to her.
38:41Come again?
38:42Come on, Dawson's the same way.
38:45Whatever small problem got to him, he went straight to Joey.
38:49So who else would you have me talk to?
38:52Well, I can't exactly go to Andy with something like this, so I guess I'm supposed to commune with Deputy Doug, then.
38:58Dawson? Why couldn't you just go to Dawson?
39:02Unless, of course, you now feel uncomfortable talking to her about your sex life, considering...
39:07Considering what?
39:10That your current girlfriend used to be his.
39:13Oh, okay. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but Dawson Leary didn't actually know about you and I until, what, two minutes ago?
39:20You're talking about us.
39:23What, Joey? This has nothing to do with Joey!
39:27Pacey, I saw the way that you overreacted to Dawson. I saw the way that Joey overreacted to us.
39:32I know that you're having trouble on math these days, but it doesn't take Einstein to get the sum total of these two overreactions.
39:39You're gonna have to explain this one to me, because I gotta be missing something here.
39:43You're talking about Joey Potter, right? The one who can't walk into the same room with me without gagging?
39:48Huh? That Joey Potter? There was nothing going on between us.
39:51No, Pacey, there's nothing between us.
39:57No matter what we do, it's not gonna work out between us.
40:02No, it's not, is it?
40:10Are you disappointed?
40:15Yeah, I'm disappointed.
40:21And, uh, at the same time...
40:24I think I'm also a little relieved.
40:30Me too.
40:36I'm gonna go.
40:40See you, Pacey.
40:43I'm gonna go.
40:46See you, Pacey.
41:00You know what, Pacey?
41:06Thanks for nothing.
41:26What are you still doing here?
41:28Anxiously waiting to be regaled with first date stories.
41:32Well, they tell me in order to have first date stories, you actually have to have a first date.
41:38What happened?
41:40I can't get into this with you. You're just gonna get on me about how I handled it.
41:43Chuck, that's not fair. You're always the one who's scraping me off the concrete.
41:48Can't I return the favor?
41:55I didn't even go in, okay?
42:00I panicked.
42:02I panicked.
42:07I got there, looked through the window, and I saw him sitting there waiting for me.
42:17And then I saw this couple.
42:21This girl in the sky, and when I saw them, it...
42:32When I saw them at that moment, I didn't want to be me.
42:40I wanted to be them.
42:47I got so upset that I just left.
42:54So I guess when it comes right down to it, I'm just not brave enough to walk through the door.
42:58Chuck, you are so brave. I mean, your entire life, you've been nothing but brave.
43:04Yeah, but not this time. I mean, I keep taking these baby steps, but I'm not getting anywhere.
43:10You know, I'm not getting any braver.
43:12Don't be so hard on yourself. I mean, that's what fear is for.
43:17It's life's way of telling us that we're not ready for certain things.
43:23Aren't you the same girl who spent the past week dragging me, kicking and screaming towards my romantic destiny?
43:30Yeah, but I know when to push and when not to.
43:34It's a little something I picked up from AnnoyingSister.com.
43:41Anyway, Chuck, when it's right, you'll know it.
43:46And that's when you'll walk through that door.
43:49When you're ready.
43:53If it makes you feel any better, what happened was inevitable.
43:58What was?
44:00You just saw.
44:03Look at it from a storytelling perspective.
44:06Pacey's brooding, disillusioned, tough-guy persona was destined to collide with Jen's fake sexual bravado.
44:15It's inevitable.
44:18Tosin, you're the ultimate romantic. How can you not be more upset about this?
44:25Jen and Pacey want to mess around in a courtroom. That's their business.
44:29Tosin, you don't understand what's going on. They made some sort of casual sex pact.
44:33They're just using each other.
44:35Joey, we're all guilty of that.
44:37At least for being upfront about it.
44:40So you buy into this whole raging hormones theory.
44:43You think it's okay for two people who are in love to just let their sexual impulses run wild?
44:49No, what I'm saying is if Jen and Pacey made some sort of agreement, I don't think they made it because they wanted sex.
44:55I think they wanted comfort.
44:58I'm sure that's all they were doing in your bed, Tosin. Providing each other with comfort.
45:03It's not impossible. I mean, it's all you and I ever did.
45:08I want to give him a break, Joe. I'm just lonely.
45:13Tosin, being lonely is no excuse to just throw yourself at the first available warm body.
45:20I mean, could you sleep with someone that you didn't love?
45:23No. Neither could you.
45:27But I do understand the impulse.
45:30What impulse?
45:32The impulse to put your hand out and want someone there at your reach.
45:40To want someone to be closer. To want a kiss or a touch. Even if it's wrong.
45:45That's just it, Tosin. It's wrong.
45:49If a kiss is just some purely physical thing and if there's nothing else behind it, what's the point?
45:56The point is you can't control those feelings, Joe. Even if they're wrong, they're there.
46:01They're always there. You can understand that, can't you?
46:13You know, I forgot my coat. I better go inside and get it.
46:27Good night, Joy.
46:31Good night.
47:01Good night.
47:11I forgot my coat.
47:13Well, yeah, you ran out of there in a bit of a hurry, didn't you?
47:19Look, if it makes you feel any better, we never actually slept together.
47:25I mean, not even close.
47:28It's none of my business what you guys did or didn't do.
47:34I'm sorry I overreacted.
47:37Yeah, you did overreact, didn't you?
47:39Don't act so smug. I'm not saying you're right or that I approve of what you guys are doing.
47:45We're doing. I'd say the time limit on the limited time offer has probably run out now.
47:53So you got your coat.
47:56What made you come in here?
48:01He convinced me to take pity on your poor misguided testosterone-impaired self.
48:07He did that, did he?
48:10Afraid so.
48:11Man, guess they owe him another one, huh?
48:14You do.
48:16Come on. Let's go.
48:23Hey, what's up, Astrid?
48:26There's a class about to start.
48:29I think we've done enough dancing for a lifetime.
48:33Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not be too hasty here. We still got a scholarship to work for, right?
48:38Oh, um, about that scholarship.
48:41Things have been kind of tight here at the Starlight.
48:45There's no scholarship?
48:51But what I can offer you is six months of free dance lessons.
48:55What would we do with those?
48:57The cha-cha, the rumba, the merengue, um, when you're ready, the tango.
49:02It's the dance of love.
49:04Thanks, but no thanks.
49:06Oh, come on. Think about this for a second. Don't be too hasty.
49:09We may have found our calling in this dance studio.
49:13Give it up, Pacey. You definitely were not that good.
