Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 21 Ch Ch Ch Changes

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Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 21 Ch Ch Ch Changes


00:00with someone else, someone you respect, and clearly I am not that person.
00:05I want you to move out.
00:06What's the sense in trying to support a family that you don't even care about?
00:09Sorry, that's it. Goodbye.
00:12You have your father now. You have a family again.
00:15And you'll always have me.
00:18I'm not like mom, I'm not!
00:20I see Tim and he is here!
00:22Go away!
00:24Go away, you're not real!
00:30I know that I'll never have the strength to leave you again.
00:34But Laszlo...
00:36You'll help him now, Richard, won't you?
00:38You'll see that he gets out.
00:40Then he'll have his work, all that he's been living for.
00:44I'll accept one.
00:47He won't have you.
00:49Compare and contrast Jeffrey Bogart's character arc in Cast a Blanket to one of your own life.
00:54Use examples.
00:55Example one.
00:57Miss Kennedy.
00:59The character starts out as a sadistic film teacher slash father's new girlfriend
01:03who maliciously counters up a finals assignment
01:05for the sole purpose of slowly torturing her helpless nemesis,
01:09Clayton Dosimieri, to death.
01:12An example of a purely evil character
01:16with absolutely no arc whatsoever.
01:19Why is it that we're so ridiculously intent on pleasing the people who dislike us the most?
01:26Why are you making such a big deal out of this, Dawson?
01:29I mean, it's your film final.
01:30This should be a no-brainer for you.
01:31I know.
01:36It's a matter of time before I get to the point where I'm satisfied.
01:40I understand.
01:41I understand.
01:42I'm sorry.
01:43I'm sorry.
01:44I'm sorry.
01:45I'm sorry.
01:46I'm sorry.
01:46I'm sorry.
01:47Why don't you just, I don't know, interview somebody?
01:52On camera. That's it. I'll present my film final on camera. I'm bound to get points for ingenuity if nothing else, right?
02:02There you go.
02:03So, tell me. Talk to me.
02:07Forget it, Dawson.
02:08Come on. You've gone through changes this year. You have a character arc.
02:12No, you've already immortalized the likeness of my character on screen. Without my signed consent, I might add.
02:18Find another sucker.
02:22Fine, just a few questions.
02:24Camera loves you.
02:27Okay, Dawson.
02:30Being the overly generous, kind, loving, caring girlfriend that I am, I will say something.
02:41Good luck.
02:47See you tomorrow.
03:07My feet have left the ground, my life is turning around.
03:16Every voice inside my head is telling me to run like mad,
03:24on poles and barrels, stars and sunsets.
03:29Hey, hey, hey, yeah. Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:33Every heartbeat, every kiss just makes me wonder what all this is.
03:42Suits of armor, hearts and barrels.
03:46Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
04:11Hello, Andy.
04:14What are you doing here?
04:17I came to see you.
04:19Funny, um, I seem to remember that you're not welcome here.
04:24I know you and I have a lot of things to work out, and we will.
04:30But right now I'm here because I'm worried about you.
04:35I know about Tim and everything else that's been going on with you.
04:39Well, you don't need to worry about me, because I'm fine.
04:47Pacey and Jack were here, and they helped me through my rough week, so I don't really need you here.
04:55Andy, this is serious.
05:00So why are you here?
05:03I called him.
05:07How could you do that to me?
05:10I'm sorry. Your brother was concerned, as am I.
05:14I had no idea that your situation was this extreme.
05:20My situation?
05:23What is that, another vague description of events so that you can deal with it?
05:30When we get home, we'll discuss all this. You should start packing.
05:36You didn't say anything about leaving.
05:38It's a decision I've come to.
05:41I don't care about your decision. We have finals. We can't leave.
05:46Jack will stay one more week. As for you, I'll call the school and arrange for make-ups.
05:50No! You can't take me away. I'm not going to let you.
05:54You need perpetual supervision right now. Your mother does, too.
05:59I've spoken to your current doctor about our options.
06:04We'll get through this.
06:07So we have no choice.
06:09Andy, I'm not asking.
06:15I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't know.
06:29What in the world am I supposed to say?
06:32Just talk about some of the changes you've gone through in the past year.
06:35Oh, God. What is this? America's most hideous video moment?
06:38Come on.
06:40Let me guess. Candid camera?
06:42No. I'm serious.
06:44Well, if you're serious, then by all means, let me reveal my deepest, darkest, most intimate secrets of the past year for your homework assignment.
06:53Lookit, this is all offensive. You can have it.
06:55No. No, actually.
06:59No, actually, it's probably a good thing.
07:04I should talk about it, so...
07:08I guess it all began that day.
07:11How am I ever going to be able to forget that all this drama began to unfold?
07:18I don't know. All of a sudden, I just...
07:22I just did it.
07:24You what?
07:25Cut it off.
07:26Cut what off?
07:28My hair.
07:32Oh, I'm serious, Dustin.
07:34Making a major hairstyle change like that is a very traumatic event in a young girl's life.
07:43Dustin, any other day but today, I'd be glad to tell you about my well-publicized life changes, but today's kind of a disaster.
07:51I'm sorry.
07:52Oh, yeah. No problem.
08:01Come on, Troy, I'm desperate.
08:03Stalker paparazzi is not a flattering occupation, Dustin. Give it up.
08:15I've been trying to figure out how people grow and change.
08:18Well, for just three easy payments of $29.95, you two can go from town prior to find an upstanding citizen in just six months.
08:30So, seriously, I mean, how'd you do it?
08:37I didn't do anything, Dustin.
08:39You and I both know that left to my own devices, I would be repeating the 10th grade.
08:45At best.
08:46Worst, I'd probably be living under a highway somewhere right now.
08:50You break-face, Abby.
08:52Yeah, you had some outside inspiration, but, you know, you wouldn't grab your life by the balls and turn things around.
08:59Dustin, my only accomplishment this year was to find an inspiration like Andy.
09:04Everything else just stemmed from her.
09:06Classic hero who changes for the love of a woman.
09:10Not exactly, but every day I wake up, I'm holding my breath, just waiting for somebody to expose my fraudulent act.
09:20Lock me up for it. Figure out that this whole thing was just a big lie.
09:27We can do this later.
09:32Are you all right? What's going on with you?
09:40Ever since me and Andy, well, I mean, literally collided,
09:48She mistook me for someone else.
09:51And she gave me somebody to be and now that she needs my help, there's not a damn thing that I can do for her.
10:00I'm failing her, Dustin.
10:05You're gonna have to find yourself another hero.
10:13Oh, Casey.
10:15Andy, what happened? You weren't in class this morning.
10:17Yeah. My dad came back into town and he's gonna make us go home.
10:23He's taking us back to Providence.
10:28Okay. All right. I'll go. Come on.
10:40God, he wants me to get help.
10:44Okay, he wants us to be a family again, but he's been absent for over a year, Casey.
10:49And now that I'm finally starting to make a life for myself here, he just wants to wrench me away.
10:55God, I just, it makes me so angry.
10:59Okay, listen. Can't he just get you your help here? You already have a therapist in town, so...
11:05No, Casey. He's the most stubborn man in the world. If he even thinks that I should leave, then I may as well start packing.
11:12Andy, what is it that you want to do?
11:15What do I want to do? Casey, I want to stay here.
11:19Get help here. I want to be with you. I mean, the thought of us not being able to be together is...
11:27So, Andy, we fight him on this. Okay? This ain't over yet.
11:33He wants to leave tomorrow, Casey.
11:41Okay. That's fine.
11:49That's fine. Andy, it's fine. It's fine.
11:53Because when he hears what we have to tell him, he's not taking you anywhere.
12:12Inviting my subway for your troubles?
12:21My dad's back.
12:27Believe it or not, I called him. Andy's not doing well, and...
12:33I didn't know what else to do. You did the right thing.
12:36No, I did, because I thought he was going to stay and help, but instead he wants to take us back to Providence.
12:45You know what, Jack? There's a bright side to this. Maybe Andy's going to get better.
12:51Maybe if you and your dad move back in, there's a chance for reconciliation.
12:56Yeah, right. Us in the Middle East.
13:06So what's your deal, anyway? Are you going to stay at the Leary's forever?
13:10Oh, ouch. I don't know. The situation's kind of dire.
13:16What about your mom and dad?
13:18They made it pretty clear how they felt about me when they sent me here.
13:21Well, you're different now. You know, you're not the same girl that they sent away.
13:26After what happened with Grimms, I'll never believe that anything's changed.
13:29Well, give them a chance. I mean, who knows? Maybe...
13:34Maybe you're not the only one who's changed.
13:41Here you go.
13:47Come here.
13:49What's this place?
13:50Oh, it's the lounge. Music nightly featuring East Coast's finest entertainers.
13:55Am I going to need a tie to get in here, though?
13:57I think you may have some trouble with the owner.
14:00That is not my father.
14:02Me's turned into this Mr. Saturday Night Sitcom Father of the Year.
14:06And the man I knew was this grumbling, dejected mass of negativity.
14:10You mean a relative of yours was grumbling and negative?
14:13That's not possible.
14:15I'm happy so soon.
14:18Trust me, I love this new happy-go-lucky Joey Potter.
14:28I'll be back. I have work to do.
14:35Hey, Dawson.
14:37This is an old friend, Pete.
14:39Hey. How you doing?
14:40Nice to meet you.
14:41We were just talking about our days in the Merchant Marines together.
14:44Not exactly the good old days.
14:48I have a question.
14:50Actually, what I need is a subject for one of my final projects.
14:55I need somebody in my life who's demonstrated a major character change.
14:58If you mean me, I'm flattered, Dawson.
15:01So you wouldn't mind if I interviewed you?
15:03Not at all.
15:04Great. Great.
15:06In return, though, I got something for you to do.
15:19This is due.
15:39Hey, Pacey.
15:41Look on your face.
15:42Looks like you've had bad news.
15:46So what's the rush, Jack?
15:47I mean, why now?
15:48Tomorrow morning?
15:50My family's flair for histrionics.
15:52You know, it would be a McPhee departure if we weren't doing it in the early dawn with, like, a few hours to prepare.
15:57Okay, so how do we stop this?
16:00I don't think we can.
16:01I mean, my father's decisions, they're final.
16:03There's no point in arguing them.
16:04I know how that is.
16:06Okay, believe me, I do.
16:08Tomorrow is not the time to give up.
16:09There's too much at stake here, Jack.
16:11Which is precisely why she's leaving now.
16:13Mr. McPhee, I'm Pacey Witter.
16:17I know all about you, son, and I appreciate your vehemence regarding my daughter's situation.
16:23Because I'm sure you appreciate my own concern.
16:26I do, absolutely.
16:27I'm just wondering why you're making her leave now.
16:30Like this.
16:31Because her doctors in Providence suggested that we waste no time getting her the proper care.
16:36Okay, so why not here?
16:38Because I'm not here.
16:40But she has friends here, a whole support system.
16:43Are you suggesting those things are more important than family?
16:45No, sir.
16:46I'm just suggesting that Andy's built a family here, one that I'm a part of, and I can help her.
16:52She is my responsibility.
16:58But with all due respect, sir, you knew of Andy's condition when you left her and Jack here.
17:03To take her home now because you've suddenly developed some sort of guilty conscience is not fair.
17:08Not fair to whom?
17:09To my daughter or to you?
17:11Because you're just too selfish to let her go.
17:22You're absolutely right.
17:24I'm not just here on Andy's behalf.
17:27Because if she left me, I don't know what I'd do.
17:31So I guess I'm begging you for both of us, sir.
17:35Please, let Andy stay.
17:40I'm sorry.
17:41My mind's made up.
18:04Hey, it's Jennifer.
18:11Yeah, I figured that she might have called you.
18:15I'm just staying next door with the Leary's.
18:19They've been really great.
18:24No, they don't seem to mind at all.
18:27Actually, that's what I'm calling about.
18:31I was wondering if the...
18:35I mean, I know it's been a while since we've talked about this, but I was just...
18:42curious as to what the situation is with me coming home.
18:53To stay.
18:56With you and Dad.
19:15Oh, God, I suck at this.
19:24You know, I've decided that...
19:27You know, I've decided that...
19:30this whole new macho working man thing,
19:33definite turn on.
19:38I was thinking, however, that maybe you need a makeover.
19:41With a rebel look.
19:43Tight T-shirt, denim, leather jacket.
19:47You know, grease the hair back.
19:51I can do that.
19:54I'm ready.
19:56Oh, okay. I'll, uh...
19:58I'll just say it.
20:00I'll just set things up.
20:07That's not gonna work.
20:10I know.
20:12Don't say anything.
20:16I guess everybody makes mistakes.
20:19Some of us are just better at it than others.
20:23But you were able to overcome your mistakes.
20:25Well, at first,
20:28I thought I would die of shame.
20:33I just...
20:35I lost everything that I loved.
20:38And as much as I didn't want to think it,
20:40Dawson, deep down, I was a weak man.
20:43It felt hopeless.
20:45And even if I could turn things around,
20:49would my daughters ever forgive me?
20:52Could they ever forget what I did to their mother?
20:56How could...
21:11This will be good for your mother,
21:13and Andy, and you.
21:15Put our family back together.
21:19What if, um...
21:24What if you stayed?
21:27Move here with us?
21:29I can't leave my business.
21:31Then start up a new one.
21:33Or move it here, or take day trips. I don't care.
21:36If you really loved us, you'd stay.
21:39There's no one here to help Andy.
21:42There's Pacey.
21:44I have never seen two people that have what they have together.
21:47I can only offer what I've offered.
21:49You haven't offered everything.
21:51Yes, I have.
21:52You haven't offered her a choice.
21:54But I can't do that.
21:57It's best for everyone if we all leave.
22:04Your mother and your sister need serious medical attention.
22:08And you're certainly not going to get the help you need here in Capeside.
22:13Help exactly what kind of help do I need?
22:16If you could talk to someone about your problem.
22:19You know what?
22:21Just don't even go there.
22:23Just hear me out.
22:26I understand that you're confused with these gay ideas.
22:33The only problem that I have is the problem that you have with me being gay.
22:37Look, this isn't about me anyway, or you.
22:40It's about Andy and what's best for her.
22:43Let her make the choice.
22:46Let her make the decision.
22:48You know how damaging it would be to take her away now?
22:51Away from Pacey?
22:53I hardly think a teen romance is the solution to her medical problems.
22:57Her solution will come from the people that love and care for her.
23:03I know that's not your specialty, Dad.
23:08Okay, this is ridiculous, Andy.
23:12For the two of us to be sitting here, passively awaiting our inevitable doom...
23:17You could use this time to start studying for your finals.
23:21Forget about my finals.
23:23I'm not going to do it.
23:25I'm not going to do it.
23:27I'm not going to do it.
23:29I'm not going to do it.
23:31I'm not going to do it.
23:33I'm not going to do it.
23:35Forget about my finals.
23:38Listen, I got a much better idea.
23:41You and I, we have no idea what tomorrow brings, but tonight is ours, so...
23:45So what do you want to do?
23:47Well, I'd like to get the hell out of here if we could.
23:52Where are we going?
23:54Well, Andy McPhee, I'd like to take you on a date.
23:59One where I can come over and pick you up,
24:02take you out to dinner, maybe a movie, some moonlight, a little romance.
24:09Believe me, this is exactly what you and I need.
24:12You see, it's just that there's so much that needs to be done, and...
24:20I, um...
24:22I just...
24:25You know what?
24:27You're right.
24:29A night out on the town, just the two of us, that's exactly what we need.
24:35Now, are you talking?
24:37We'll deal with tomorrow tomorrow.
24:40But tonight is...
24:43Tonight will be magical.
24:48I'll see you later.
25:00What drove you to your lowest point?
25:06Joey's mom was getting worse.
25:09Bills were mounting.
25:11Why else would someone make the idiotic decision to risk everything for the almighty buck?
25:18I found myself in what seemed at the time to be an impossible situation,
25:24I found myself in what seemed at the time to be an impossible situation,
25:29so I began trafficking marijuana.
25:34Dad, didn't you promise Bessie you'd bring her an Alexander dinner?
25:38Austin, can we continue this later?
25:49What's the matter?
25:52Look, this whole Dawson Leary investigative reporter at large thing, it's intrusive.
25:58Why are you making my father relive such an excruciatingly painful time in his life?
26:03That's the heart of the piece, John.
26:05I'm trying to get a complete picture of a man who's changed so completely and so heroically.
26:10But don't you understand?
26:12I don't want to live in the past.
26:14We've worked so hard to close those doors and move on.
26:19John, I'm sorry.
26:21If you're so bent on making this assignment about something real,
26:24then why are you basing it on another person?
26:27Why don't you just do the obvious?
26:30Turn the camera on yourself.
26:33I can't.
26:35Why not?
26:37Because I'm afraid, okay?
26:41I'm afraid that I'm not enough for you and that I never will be, alright?
26:44And if I do this, you're just going to realize that you've grown way beyond me and that I'm...
26:50I'm just going to lose you again.
27:15Let's talk to Dad.
27:18And why are you smiling?
27:20Because he said that if I wanted to stay, he'd try to work it out.
27:25What? Well, that's great news then, huh?
27:29I guess.
27:32Andy, what...
27:34Wait a minute, you can't actually tell me that you're thinking about leaving.
27:38I don't know.
27:39Come on, I think the decision here is pretty obvious.
27:43Is it?
27:50I mean, most days I feel fine, Jack.
27:54I do, but I'm not fine.
27:57In fact, I'm getting worse.
27:59And I think that whole Tim thing is just a clear indication of that.
28:05And the ironic thing is, is that the more time I spend here with everybody and with Pacey,
28:12the more I want to get better.
28:14You know, because I don't want to drag him down with my problems.
28:17I don't think Pacey feels burdened by you, okay? I know I don't.
28:21But I do.
28:23I feel burdened by the knowledge that I know how hard it must be for you guys to have to take care of me.
28:28And that's why I've decided that I think that if I leave, you should stay.
28:33No way.
28:36You're my family, okay? You go, I go.
28:39What about what you want?
28:42I mean, you're always so selfless, Jack.
28:46Will you promise me that you'll think about yourself this time?
29:12You'll know that you've got me.
29:19Now that we've both grown up,
29:22I know that we've got each other.
29:28Bye, Gramps.
29:30All he wants to find is me.
29:36I'm out of hands.
29:39That's it?
29:41You're getting the hang of it. Good work, son.
29:46I, uh...
29:48Mr. Potter, I'm really sorry if I made you dredge up some painful memories today.
29:54Oh, don't worry.
29:56It's not like something I don't think about every waking moment.
30:01You asked me why I changed.
30:04Truth is, I'm not sure how much I've changed.
30:08But I keep trying.
30:10Every day to be a better person for my family.
30:15To put someone else's needs before your own because you love them.
30:21It means everything.
30:30I'm gonna take a walk.
30:40I probably shouldn't have laid it all out there like that.
30:45I'm a little embarrassed.
30:49Dawson, you have it all wrong.
30:53I mean, can't you tell by just looking at me?
30:56My life is perfect right now.
30:58I have just about everything I've ever dreamt of.
31:01I mean, my dad is back.
31:03My family is together again.
31:05Business is good.
31:08But best of all, I...
31:12I have you in my life.
31:17I had a white picket fence to this little scenario and a fairy tale would be complete.
31:23I just want to make you proud of me.
31:28I love you.
31:31And I believe in you.
31:35I'm so proud of you.
31:38And I'm not just proud of you.
31:44I'm proud to be with you.
32:06Maybe we can be a great carpenter someday.
32:09Who knows?
32:12Are you mocking me?
32:16I'm staying.
32:37And your sister?
32:40I don't know her decision.
32:45Whatever it is, I'm not going.
32:49So you want me to leave you here alone at 17?
32:53I don't think so, Jack.
32:55I'm going to be selling the house.
32:57Dad, I don't care about the house.
33:00I can't live with you not the way things are.
33:10With your mother's illness and Andy's problems, and even with Tim's death,
33:16those I could find reasons for.
33:19But with you, I feel like I'm to blame.
33:24But you aren't.
33:26If I'd just been around more...
33:28It wouldn't have made a difference.
33:30I'm gay for the same reasons that Tim wasn't.
33:33Gay just happened that way.
33:35But there are people who change.
33:40They go back.
33:44I'm hardly the encyclopedia of the gay experience,
33:47but I'd wager to say that their change is skeptical.
33:50How do you know?
33:52You should try.
33:54I don't want to try.
33:56You want me to try.
33:58Because I cannot understand how anyone would choose that kind of life.
34:03I didn't choose it.
34:06The only thing I chose was just to be happy.
34:12I can't go back with you because slowly but surely,
34:16I'm going to sacrifice my happiness for yours because I want you to be proud of me.
34:23I do.
34:25But not under your terms.
34:28It's just homework.
34:34Good job.
34:58Good job.
35:19Do you know where we are?
35:22We're by the water.
35:25You don't remember?
35:31Of course I remember.
35:33This is where we first danced.
35:35And where we had our first kiss.
35:39I remember my knees were shaking like crazy.
35:42I know.
35:43My heart, it was like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
35:47I was deliriously happy.
35:50I thought it wouldn't happen that day.
35:54That was a long, long time ago.
35:57Seems like yesterday.
35:59Who was I back then?
36:03That's what you thought, isn't it?
36:05You thought I was a lazy brat.
36:07And you thought I was a spoiled princess.
36:09And you didn't let me get away with anything back then.
36:13Yeah, and your favorite pastime was making me miserable.
36:17Oh boy, I hated you.
36:19I hated you more.
36:20Oh, Andy, I don't really think that's possible.
36:25It's been a while, right?
36:27It's only just begun.
36:33May I have the pleasure of this dance, Miss Murphy?
36:36Yes, Mr. Ritter, you may.
36:53I'm so sorry.
36:59I'm just so happy to be with you.
37:02And, um, I'm so sad, too.
37:10Because I love you so much, Casey.
37:15And I can't hide from the truth anymore.
37:18I'm not getting any better.
37:25Also, because I'm going to leave tomorrow.
37:34I have to.
37:37I know.
37:50No goodbyes, okay?
37:53No goodbyes.
38:06Do you find you can so simply un-
38:13Care for what you wish and on one star
38:21Your star will sound just the same
38:31Care for what you wish and just how far
38:39You let it lead you
38:42Do you find you can so simply go on
38:50Go on
39:21Hello, good morning.
39:23Nelson, what are you doing here?
39:25I've been here all night.
39:26Here, shut your eyes.
39:27Look, it's seven in the morning.
39:28Shh, shut your eyes.
39:29I have my pajamas on.
39:30Close them.
39:31You look beautiful.
39:32Come on.
39:33What are you doing?
39:34Come on with me.
39:36Keep your eyes shut.
39:49Okay, stairs coming up.
39:51I got you.
39:53There's one, two, three.
39:55You're on the ground, okay.
39:58Great, stop, stop, stop.
40:00Okay, now open them.
40:13A white picket fence.
40:17Why did you do this?
40:19It took me all night.
40:21It was a little quicker down at the end there, but uh...
40:25You know.
40:32Figured it would probably take me the rest of the summer to finish the thing, but...
40:36Were you hanging out in my front yard all summer?
40:40I think I could handle that.
40:43Maybe it's time I started climbing through your order for a change, huh?
40:46Change could be good.
40:55Okay, I'll be right back! He's on it!
40:59Don't worry.
41:15You didn't think you were going to get away without a set off, did you?
41:19Oh, well, we missed the parade. It just left.
41:24Thank you!
41:27Well, it looks like your parents said yes.
41:30Not quite.
41:33Called my mom.
41:37And she casually informed me that now is not a very good time for me to re-enter her life, and...
41:47And my dad said that he's still getting over my last stay with them.
41:52I told him I was different, and that I wouldn't be a worry this time.
41:58He wanted to know if this was just a play to get more money every month.
42:03Jackie, I'm sorry.
42:04I just figured, screw it, right?
42:07Look, I don't need them as my destination. If I'm going to leave Capeside, then what's holding me back?
42:13You don't have any other place to go?
42:15I've got every place to go. There's just nobody there.
42:23Look, I often wonder how my mom would react if she was aware of what was happening with me.
42:35If she was mentally capable of comprehending it.
42:39I don't think she'd have a problem with it, because my mom loves me for the best reason possible.
42:45No reason at all.
42:49See, that's how our parents should love us, Jan. Unconditionally.
42:54As it sounds, most don't.
42:57But as much as it hurts, it's worse for them.
43:04It is worse to be incapable of loving than to not be loved.
43:19Wait. No, Jack.
43:24Well, I am, uh, I'm taking you back to my place.
43:29It's pretty empty.
43:31And, uh, the keys are all right.
43:35What do you say?
43:48Hey, wait for me!
44:19Mr. Barber?
44:23Get your tools.
44:48Good girl.
45:38What's wrong?
45:44Nothing's wrong.
45:58I'll see you soon.
46:17I'm not the best father. I know that.
46:22But I do want you to be happy.
46:39Eddie. Eddie.
46:44Easy. You said no goodbyes.
46:47I don't want to say goodbye.
46:50I just want to look at you.
46:55I wish I had some eloquent parting words for you, but...
47:00all I could think of was this.
47:06Thank you for everything you've done for me.
47:09Thank you for forcing me to be the man that you've made me.
47:13Just thank you.
47:17I'm so grateful to you, Eddie.
47:23Oh, I don't want to let you go, Pacey.
47:33Just remember your promise, okay?
47:37You and me are together again.
47:40Happy. Healthy.
47:44And we'll love each other.
47:48I'll remember.
47:50Go get better, okay?
47:55And you hurry back to me.
48:02It's me.
48:15My knees are shaking.
48:19My heart.
48:21Go home. Go home.
48:28Go on.
48:32Go on.
48:39Care for what you wish and onward star.
48:47Your soul will sound just the same.
48:52Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
48:56Care for what you wish and just how far.
49:05You let it lead you till you find you can so simply go on.
49:16I'm taught to believe that in the movies the main character goes through an arc and changes.
49:21But what if that's not true?
49:25By the end of Casablanca, Bogart's the same lonely tough guy that he always was.
49:34His decisions didn't change him.
49:36Nor did his actions.
49:39They simply revealed what was always there.
49:42A man who wanted to change but feared he couldn't.
49:48If Bogart really wanted to change, he wouldn't have sent his love away.
49:51He would have held on to her for dear life.
49:54Because I think love is change.
50:12Or at least I hope so.
