Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 20 Reunited

  • 2 days ago
Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 20 Reunited


00:00About a bunch of teenagers who talk too much.
00:02Hey, Dawson, have you seen your father?
00:04No, I haven't.
00:08You should be living with someone else.
00:10Someone you respect.
00:12I want you to move out.
00:14Abby! Abby!
00:18Mrs. Morgan asked Andy to give a eulogy,
00:20extolling Abby's virtues.
00:22It's kind of sad, Andy, on average.
00:30Okay, move and break.
00:37Somebody else struck by the humor of this moment
00:39that we're all in the same room at the same time.
00:41Yeah, it is, uh, bizarre.
00:43The way we all started the school year
00:45and we actually all managed to come out to be friends.
00:47Yeah, like St. Elmo's.
00:49Yeah, St. Elmo's from hell.
00:51That would be a negative spin.
00:53I just think it's important and true
00:55that we're all in the same room at the same time.
00:59I just think it's important in times of muddling reflection
01:01to incorporate a little honesty.
01:03You know what, I happen to agree with Joey.
01:05I mean, sure, we've all grown to tolerate each other,
01:07but I still think that we're a long shot off
01:09from 90210 land of best friends forever.
01:11I don't know.
01:13I kind of think Andy's got a point.
01:15I mean, there has been a lot of hanging out lately.
01:17Like when?
01:21Right now, for instance.
01:25Have we even stopped to consider
01:27if not our need to cohabitate
01:29in dare I say it, a clique?
01:31Oh, scary.
01:33Yeah, Pacey, when you say it like that...
01:35Wait a minute, though.
01:37I mean, no offense to anybody here,
01:39but I'd call up Pacey to invite him over
01:41to watch a couple movies.
01:43It hardly qualifies as group hanging out.
01:45Yeah, but then I invite Andy.
01:47I invite a Jack.
01:49Well, I better not need an invitation.
01:51And I live here now.
01:53Let's face it, guys.
01:58Kill him.
02:08Say you're dead.
02:10Oh, my God.
02:12Hey, man.
02:18Get your head down.
02:22Oh, God.
02:54The sun in my head
02:56is telling me
02:58to run like mad.
03:00Oh, balls and arrows,
03:02stars and sunsets.
03:04Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:06Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:08Every heartbeat,
03:10every kiss
03:12just makes me wonder
03:14what all this is.
03:16I'm so far from
03:18hearts and arrows.
03:20Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:22Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:52I love it.
03:54Well, beautiful.
03:58Um, anyway,
04:00about tonight, I was thinking maybe
04:02a movie, dinner,
04:04nice romantic stroll down by the pier.
04:06Think again.
04:08I've got a study for finals.
04:10Not to mention, take care of Mom.
04:12Andy, it's Friday night.
04:14You have plenty of opportunity
04:16to hit the books over the weekend.
04:18Who say we take tonight off?
04:21You know,
04:23good idea. You should.
04:25I mean, you should take tonight off.
04:27I would love it, but I'm gonna study.
04:29Do I deserve this?
04:31Oh, geez! How could I do this?
04:33Damn it! What's the matter?
04:35I have the wrong book for pre-calc.
04:37Mrs. Sanders is gonna kill me.
04:39Maybe it's in your locker.
04:41Yeah, well, it better be. I'll see you later.
04:43Okay, so...
04:45It's the hair, okay? She's extra sensitive.
04:47She did it herself.
04:49Well, ain't love great?
05:19So, what's the plan for tonight?
05:21Eh, I don't know.
05:23Maybe we're in a movie.
05:25Dawson, do you know what we've done
05:27for the past four Friday nights?
05:29Here's the hint.
05:31Be kind, be warm.
05:33This is the way we're all in a movie.
05:35Watch movies dead.
05:39It's like I prefer this situation.
05:41And I do try to make our lives
05:43a little bit easier,
05:45but I don't know.
05:47And I do try to make our...
05:53Nothing against you, Dawson,
05:55but I think because
05:57we've been friends for so long,
05:59we know each other so well
06:01that our chemistry, the only thing
06:03it doesn't produce is spontaneity.
06:05Ah, well, that's me.
06:07I've got a humdrum.
06:09I said us.
06:11Yeah, but you meant me.
06:13Well, I have to admit,
06:15I am a little surprised that you're okay with this,
06:17considering that it is
06:19our one-month anniversary
06:21for whatever we are,
06:23or were,
06:25or are.
06:27Julie, we are boring,
06:29trite people.
06:31We're absolutely incapable
06:33of spontaneity.
06:35We do things like plan
06:37and organize and make
06:39reservations weeks in advance
06:41at top-notch restaurants to celebrate
06:43the anniversary of whatever it is we are,
06:45or were, or are.
06:49It was going to be a surprise
06:51until you got all persnickety on me.
06:53I didn't get persnickety.
06:55It's okay. You're very cute persnickety.
06:57I did not get persnickety.
07:03Okay, that was persnickety.
07:13You could call her.
07:17What do you think?
07:21I just don't think
07:23I'd have much to say to her.
07:25I mean, at this point,
07:27I don't think she'd really have a lot to say to me either.
07:29No, I don't believe that.
07:31I mean, I think
07:33they don't want to talk to her,
07:35but where would it lead?
07:37I don't know.
07:39I don't know.
07:41Where would it lead?
07:43I mean, maybe I'd move back in,
07:45a few weeks of moral reconciliation,
07:47and then
07:49the inevitable ideology clash.
07:53I just accepted
07:55that there are certain people
07:57who aren't meant to fit in your life,
07:59no matter how much
08:01you want them to be.
08:05I'm intimately familiar with that predicament.
08:09I am so sorry.
08:11I didn't mean to imply you.
08:13No, it's okay, honey.
08:15What do you say we just have
08:17a night of good food,
08:19good music, good conversation,
08:21and put the past on the back burner
08:23for a few hours?
08:25I'd have to say
08:27that's the best offer I've gotten in quite a while.
08:29Oh, boy.
08:37Art for New.
08:39I wonder what that means in French.
08:41Oh, it means just between us.
08:43Like a secret.
08:45I guess.
08:53Well, that was
08:55slightly unexpected.
08:57It was?
09:01Well, we've been spending a lot of time together at school,
09:03been on a few dates.
09:05It's clear that we enjoy
09:07each other's company.
09:09It's only natural that things progress.
09:11You're right.
09:13I'm just kind of a teenager
09:15about all this.
09:17I'm a little out of practice.
09:19Ah, see, the key is not to think about it.
09:21You have to keep your mind up
09:23and think about how beautiful the evening is,
09:25how quaint the restaurant is we're about to enter,
09:27and even how romantic
09:29a street lamp can be.
09:35After you, Marjorie.
09:37Ah, merci.
09:47Entree New,
09:49that's where we're going?
09:53That's too expensive.
09:55The market was high.
09:57I had a little extra to throw around.
09:59No, seriously.
10:01It doesn't matter where we eat.
10:03It doesn't matter where we eat.
10:15Yeah, I figured.
10:33I made reservations two weeks ago.
10:35I'm sorry, I didn't realize there were two Leary parties.
10:37Two Leary parties?
10:41Excuse me.
10:47Great idea.
10:55It's possible
10:57you're experiencing symptoms
10:59of what's called complicated
11:03Your medical history makes you susceptible
11:05to this sort of anxiety
11:07following the loss of a loved one.
11:11This doesn't have anything to do
11:13with my brother.
11:15I'm talking about Abby Morgan.
11:17Her death seems to have upset
11:19you a great deal, which
11:21ultimately may have triggered
11:23unresolved issues with your
11:25brother's passing.
11:27It's critical we stay on top of this.
11:32Have you seen Abby
11:34any other times besides the
11:36incident you spoke of a month ago?
11:40Just that one time.
11:44Now that I think about it,
11:46I may not have seen her at all.
11:49It's okay if you did, Andy.
11:53No. No.
11:55I don't think I did.
12:02This is my home number.
12:04I want you to call me
12:06if you feel your anxiety
12:08getting worse.
12:12Also, I want you in here early
12:14next week, and we can decide
12:16then if you're in need of any
12:18kind of medication.
12:22But you said that
12:24I wouldn't have to go back on.
12:26It's different now.
12:28What's going on?
12:30What's going on inside you,
12:34may not be healing itself
12:39The sooner we confront
12:41this, the better.
13:19I like your hair.
13:27Did you tell her about me?
13:33I couldn't.
13:36That's good.
13:39What we have is a secret.
13:44Not for long.
13:46They're gonna find out, Brown,
13:48and then we're gonna have to leave each other.
13:50I'm not going anywhere.
13:53Promise me.
13:55Because I can't lose you.
13:57I don't have this with anyone else.
13:59I mean, no one listens like you do.
14:01I know.
14:07I'm so scared.
14:22Why is this happening to me?
14:24Why me?
14:49Hey, Gail.
14:51Um, can I ask you a question
14:53that sort of breaks our back-burner rule?
14:56Of course.
15:00What kind of hope do you hold
15:02for you and Mr. and Larry getting back together?
15:05You know, I'd be lying to you
15:07if I said I didn't think about it every day.
15:10I mean, have you... have you tried to get him back?
15:13Well, a few pathetic attempts here and there.
15:15attempts here and there but it's pointless Jen you can't connive or
15:22entice love by definition it has to find its way to you
15:27Dustin said that you you got a job offer to go to Philadelphia I don't know I'm
15:34waiting for that sign sign you know one of those small moments in life that
15:41provides clarity a little occurrence that lets you know where you need to go
15:45we need to be with smoke I think that's a little extreme no no no I mean I smell
16:25yes your father mentioned the possibility of you interning in
16:28Hollywood you know I have plenty of contacts there I'm sure I could set you
16:32up with a summer job at an agency or a production company isn't that the city
16:39that you said would and I quote eat me for breakfast look I'm sorry if I was
16:46hasty in my analysis apology not accepted
16:52yes I do spent months working from that you gave two seconds I thought to before
16:57annihilating after which you proceeded to steer me away from the business as
17:00much as possible but now that you're dating my father also not worthy of an
17:04internship in Los Angeles you asked me to be truthful Dawson now I may not be a
17:10fan of your work but I'm certainly a fan of your enthusiasm I mean there are
17:15plenty of other opportunities in the film business not just creatively
17:19speaking ah so I'm not creative enough no you're misunderstanding me I don't
17:24think I am all right everyone ready to order yeah you guys go ahead Dawson I
17:33will be right back
17:38this is your idea of a romantic you trashed my movie came this close to
17:43crushing every single one of my career hopes and how she's doing my father was
17:46supposed to do talk about the weather Dawson I know I realized this but by
17:52letting her get the best of you you're putting a petty little battle before us
17:55and our night it's upsetting
18:00I'm sorry I'm sorry okay the sake of everything I will rise above
18:14Oh No
18:23French restaurant or French farce
18:33I'm gonna go get something to drink
18:48you're late I thought you'd come earlier you okay look we can't talk right now
18:56okay Pacey is upstairs and I don't want him to find out I don't care about him
18:59Andy I care about you and I hate seeing you like this look you know what it's
19:06just too hard having you both here at the same time okay
19:44I can't just tell him there are too many repercussions that I'm not ready to deal
19:52with besides why do I have to tell him in the first place would you understand
19:57if you were him
20:04then there's nothing I can do there is something
20:16you can choose I won't do that Brown
20:30I can't
20:37Joey what are you doing here I'm here with Gail yeah we saw we I'm here with
20:46Austin and his father and miss Kennedy
20:57or maybe not so bad
21:04when you pull go to the bathroom
21:08I don't know if you watch the issues just now but your mother I saw her and you're not
21:15stressing out about this why should I stress about it she see me with Nicole
21:20before that were you choose to ignore it about
21:24mama's moments away from deciding whether or not to leave Cape Cider
21:27definitely her decision to leave or not has nothing to do with me is everything
21:31you do with your dad she's not just leaving for a great opportunity she's
21:34running away from you from your relationship and on your unfinished
21:38business unfinished business is only a matter of paperwork and signatures
21:45and I know that you don't either and I'm telling you if there's even the smallest
21:49part of you that wants to work things out with her don't let her leave for
21:56your sake
21:58I'm sure you were you wouldn't by any chance be here with yes I'm sorry
22:27well I just got here maybe I should call it a night maybe I mean it would
22:33only be fair to Mitch on second thought I think I'll let Mitch decide what's
22:41fair for Mitch enjoy your meal
22:49you were listening to me right I was listening to you Andy what's going on
22:54here I don't know what you're talking about don't pull that with me okay who
22:57are you on the phone I wasn't on the phone are you talking to another guy I
23:04don't want to talk about this okay will you just please leave tell me are you
23:08seeing somebody else who are you talking to it's none of your business can we
23:13please just leave me alone oh I'm not leaving I mean it this time
23:17they see any ever since Abby died your moods have been completely
23:23unpredictable look at me okay I mean one minute you're all over me and the next
23:27you don't even want to see me so if it doesn't have anything to do with
23:30somebody else I can't I can't help but think what what say it I'm just
23:38wondering if it's maybe some kind of medical situation you had to go there
23:51what's the logical place to go Andy you know what if you don't like having a
23:56wacko for a girlfriend then why don't you do us both a favor and just break
24:00up with me I just want to help you Andy no you don't want to help me Paisley you
24:04want explanations for things I can't give you explanations for okay well can
24:09you at least explain these it's a photo album no it's pictures of you and your
24:16family I've never seen before all right you had him out and you're going through
24:20him why it's none of your business Andy you changed your hair back to look like
24:24it does in these photos of you and your brothers and and coming on the heels of
24:31a month when you have been acting anything but normal I just find it a
24:34little odd that you would all of a sudden revert back to a hairstyle you
24:36had three years ago okay so that's what this is all about you're freaking out
24:43because I went back to an old hairstyle okay which one of us has the problem
24:47here just tell me that your hair has nothing to do with these pictures
24:57why are you acting like I said
25:01you know what you can stay here if you want but I'm really tired and I'm going
25:19to bed
25:54thank you for squeezing us in at the last minute pleasure compliments of the
25:59house you're officially on to news favorite thank you look at all those
26:06happy people I never thought romance could be so nice try again but once
26:13romantic always romantic oh you think so I would be willing to bet that if that
26:22band started playing a song that struck a chord in you your eyes would well have
26:27well I guess there's three songs with extra meaning do you and Mitch have a
26:37just out of curiosity
26:45sorry to interrupt this wine is sent from another table who wishes to remain
26:50named I just feel that the quality and films these days you know it's just the
26:54story is lacking promise me when you're Hollywood bigwig you won't spend your
26:59time trying to make big money pictures you don't really mean that miss Kennedy
27:06excuse me well since you already made it perfectly clear that Dawson shouldn't
27:11have anything to do with film it's it's a little persnickety you don't play that
27:15he may someday be a Hollywood bigwig isn't it
27:28what happened
27:32it's your sister man got into a fight and this is what happened
27:41Jack something is wrong I mean really really wrong last night I caught her
27:53talking to herself I mean she said she wasn't but I heard her so did I tonight
27:59I mean she was in the kitchen and I thought she was talking to somebody on
28:03the phone talking with who I didn't hear the whole
28:07conversation but it sounded like she was talking somebody brown you know who that
28:14is it's my name Fritz and I asked that I can pronounce Timothy so I called him by
28:25my favorite color
28:34you think I'm crazy but I'm not nobody said that I know what you're thinking
28:42and I'm not I'm not crazy I'm not like mom I see Tim and he is here
29:04I wanted to have the commerciality of a one Harry met Sally but with a drier more
29:10ironic tone of it you know Nichols and me miss Kennedy just out of curiosity
29:15exactly was the most lacking thing about Dawson's film we have to go through this
29:21again no I think we should I'm sorry mr. Leary but there's obviously a serious
29:29undercurrent of tension between Dawson miss Kennedy and it seems to me that the
29:33only way that they can have peace is to confront the issue that is Kennedy finds
29:37your son to be completely and totally without talent or ability in any way
29:41shape or form no no I didn't say that what was that you did say yeah what
29:45exactly did you say look I believe that the key to success is not only having a
29:55dream but having the right dream there are plenty of people who aspire to be
29:59writers and directors but very few actually have the potential would you
30:03did be judging anybody's potential you spent a couple years in Hollywood before
30:07disappearing some small East Coast time to teach high school their success you
30:12had in Hollywood couldn't be much well then it really shouldn't matter what I
30:15think of your ability should it well he's a kid with a dream Nicole I mean
30:20this is your job as a teacher to encourage him to follow it that's a
30:24really cozy fantasy Mitch but life has a meaner point than that you know there's
30:28a name for individuals who focus on life's meaner bites and it's called
30:32bitter well I'm that note if you look excuse me
30:43do we got to talk to you or something excuse me
30:54is everything all right
31:02what are you talking about exactly what I'm talking about not ten minutes after
31:07you want to start practicing with the decorum start pushing every button at
31:11that table you'll find out momentarily I can't Operation Reunited has begun
31:17Operation Reunited what is going on don't worry you'll find out ladies I see
31:24you received the wine you asked for thank you
31:29meet her dinos and I don't know just wait
31:41familiar song not familiar enough you're not here with me
31:50one dance never killed anybody
31:59I don't believe that maybe there's more romance in the end or maybe we're just
32:05really good
32:09thanks for one
32:13the wine yes mature of you I appreciated the gesture
32:23oh well you know more is maturity
32:32so what's up with Philadelphia considering this evening seating
32:39arrangements that doesn't seem to be a concern of yours anymore point taken but
32:45as Dawson's father
32:54like his father he's not very good at expressing himself I just don't know how
33:00well he's gonna get along
33:04at first maybe but eventually you'll be
33:11still if I know Dawson he's never gonna let on just how much
33:18she's missing
33:21he could ask me to stay ever see that wouldn't be fair
33:26you deserve the opportunity too much
33:31well I'll miss him too
34:31please Andy stop crying go away I'm not going anywhere Andy
34:48is he in there right now is Timmy in there with you
34:54oh what was that we're broke are you all right
35:15they don't believe you Andy they think you're crazy but you're not
35:24who said you're crazy Andy I don't think you're crazy and Jack doesn't
35:29think you're crazy either okay yes you do no we don't I believe you Andy
35:37okay I believe that you're seeing Tim right now and that he's there and you're
35:42talking to him but you know what it's not fair that Tim can see me and I can't
35:48see him so I need you to do me a favor I need you to tell me what he's saying
35:53I'll take care of you okay you can't trust anyone else they don't understand
35:59he says you don't understand you tell Tim that he's wrong I may not understand
36:09everything that's going on with you right now Andy but I understand you you
36:14hear me you tell Tim that you have to choose Andy let me take care of you I'll
36:22make you better I can't I can't choose no Tim's right Andy you do you have to
36:37choose no I don't want to I can't you have to Andy you have to choose and I'm
36:53begging you from the bottom of my heart to please choose me
36:59open this door come out here and choose me please you are so special and you
37:14give so much to everybody around you you know what Andy I need you more than Tim
37:22does so does Jack that's not true yes it is my life began when I met you Andy
37:31and you never gave up on me so I'm not gonna give up on you so please Andy
37:43love of God please come out here and choose me please
38:43come here come here it's ok you're alright it's ok
39:13it's ok
39:17it's ok
39:33she's down for the count
39:35so what do we do now
39:37for starters
39:39call my dad
39:41come on Jack
39:43think about what you're saying
39:45he's less happy about the idea than I am
39:47but he needs to know
39:49your father wasn't there for your mother
39:51what makes you think he's gonna be there for Andy
39:53she needs help more than you or I
39:55or any one person can give her
39:57but my father he can afford that kind of help
39:59maybe she just needs time to heal
40:01time could heal her
40:03with this
40:05it makes things worse
40:07you don't know that Jack
40:09what should happen to my mother
40:19you know at first it was just like this
40:23a few minor episodes
40:25here and there
40:27before anybody
40:29wanted to deal with it
40:31she was too far gone
40:33the doctors
40:35they gave us this
40:37this clinical explanation
40:39they said that
40:41she had repressed her grief
40:43over my brother's death
40:45to the point where
40:47she couldn't experience it with anyone
40:49so she had to
40:51her subconscious had to create someone
40:53to experience it with
40:55someone to experience it with
41:03I remember feeling so small
41:05and helpless when I heard that
41:13I wanted so badly to believe
41:15there was something that I could do
41:17but there wasn't
41:39I'll call you dad
41:47thank you Jennifer
41:51my sign
41:53I got it tonight
41:55though the shenanigans
41:57were a little paratrapesque
41:59for my taste
42:01hey I had short notice
42:05does that mean that you're going to stay
42:07in Capeside
42:09I never thought I would
42:11every part of me
42:13wanted to flee this town and rebuild
42:15but when I was holding him
42:17on the dance floor in my arms tonight
42:19I realized
42:21that I could move 10,000 miles
42:25I'd never let Mitch go
42:29he felt it too
42:31I'm as sure of that
42:33as I am of anything
42:45I don't know
42:47I don't know
42:49but I hope so
42:59I don't know
43:01I don't know
43:03but I hope so
43:15if I don't eat another
43:17French meal as long as I live
43:19it won't be too soon
43:23what I thought was a pretty successful evening
43:29so far
43:45confession time
43:49by any chance did you think
43:51by planning this romantic dinner
43:53that we would end up
43:55closing the deal
43:58Joey Potter
44:02you vulgar little thing
44:06see I prefer the term
44:08consummating their ultimate desires
44:16I didn't realize the notion was that preposterous
44:24it's not
44:28I've thought about it too
44:34but the night is still young
44:38so are we
44:44but you said you thought about it
44:48thought Dawson
44:50did you actually consider
44:52to thought about it or have you just
44:54plain ordinary thought about it
44:56what difference does it make
44:58Joey I'm a teenage guy
45:00it makes all the difference in the world
45:12I considered
45:14and thought about it
45:16well that's good
45:20considered's very good
45:36let's go turbo
45:46just be careful
45:56so when you say you've considered it
45:58you've like really considered it
46:00or like you just thought about it
46:02would you just shut up and row
46:06holy horse fuck
46:27does the shore
46:29belong to the sea
46:36hey there
46:43I'm so sorry PC
46:48aren't you supposed to still be asleep
46:50what's gonna happen to me
47:02you'll go see some more doctors
47:04you'll get the right medications
47:06and then you'll be fine
47:12but what if I'm not
47:16sorry pal that's just not in the cards
47:20all we want
47:22is everything
47:28everything in the world
47:30I'm so scared Andy
47:34I know you are Andy
47:36I am too
47:40does the shore
47:42belong to the sea
47:46I don't wanna miss you
47:50you're not gonna lose me
47:52not now
47:54and not ever
48:00I love you
48:02so much
48:08love you too
48:14love you too
48:20I don't know
48:22but I hope so
48:30I don't know
48:34I don't know
48:36but I hope so
