Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 9 The Election

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Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 9 The Election


00:00guy. He was upset. Yeah. I'm sure I would be too if I let you slip through my fingers.
00:06Your mother and I have decided to spend some time apart. Don't worry about mom. With this
00:11new medication she's on, she's doing so much better. Mom put another Sybil last week. Let's
00:17just at least be honest with each other. You're special. No I'm not. You just want me to be.
00:29We can't prove it. Watch it, you're killing me. But you're not even trying. Hang on now.
00:34You're taking the easy way out. That's why this world is in such a mess. Honey,
00:39I can destroy this world. All right. Dawson, you can unclench. I'm done. Okay. So
00:48what do you want me to say? The truth. Okay, the truth's truth or the what Dawson wants to hear
00:56truth. So in other words, you hated it. No. Hey, Dawson, Dawson. No, I didn't hate it.
01:01Okay. I just thought that it was, I don't know, for lack of a better word, uh, fluff. Fluff.
01:12Fluff? How could it be fluff? Did I break your heart and soul into that script?
01:16I'm just saying that, that, that you, you know, your, your heart and soul depicting the
01:22lives and loves of these teens in a small town just seems like it comes from a
01:28naive sort of point of view. It's supposed to be naive. It's about the magic of
01:36age of innocence, you know, on sexual awakenings, the magic of first love.
01:42Listen, your script is good. Okay. It's, it's funny and it's timely and it's smart and it's,
01:52and it's well-written. It's, it's just lacking relevance for today's society. And I mean,
01:59you go out of your way to comment on human life and then you end up saying very little about it.
02:04If you, if you move that knife just a hair to your left, you might get the joke.
02:14Come here. Come here. I am not sending you spiraling into a depression here. All I'm
02:18saying is that it's just lacking a little oomph, you know, the anger and the edge and that
02:27just that raw, dark pain that comes with being young. I'm raw and dark.
02:32Okay. In theory, maybe in theory, maybe all I'm saying is that you just lack the
02:41proof and facts to back that up. What do I need to prove? The fact that I'm raw and dark,
02:47where I need to like take a gun to school, put my parents in their sleep? What exactly?
02:51No, you just need to loosen up a little bit. Okay. Move on. Start writing from the gut.
03:00Stop responding from such an adult perspective. How would you suggest that?
03:08Teenage 101. Maybe it's time that you start pretending like you really are 15.
03:15I think that I think that I could actually show you how to reclaim those missing hairs.
03:19Come on, Dawson. What do you say?
04:20Joey, I was hoping I'd see you today. I mean, I see you every day, but you know,
04:26this is different. It's 7am, so you're down. Okay, um, well, let me explain. See,
04:31last night I had a hard time sleeping, which is really strange for me, because usually I'm out
04:35like a light. But anyway, I was laying there and all of a sudden I had this epiphany. And I know
04:40this is gonna sound really strange, but it involved you. It's kind of early in the day
04:45for epiphanies, Andy, but thanks for sharing. Let me explain. This is important. See,
04:50student council elections are right around the corner, and I was thinking I could make a lot
04:53of positive changes as sophomore class president. And? And a really great presidential candidate
05:00needs a really great running mate. And that's where you come in. No way. Forget about it,
05:06Andy. I don't do student government. No, Joey, look, I checked your GPA. You are in the top
05:123% of the class. You have a responsibility to let the academically less fortunate benefit from
05:18your wisdom. Maybe you haven't heard, Andy, but I'm not exactly Miss Congeniality of Capeside,
05:23okay? And adding my name to your ticket would only assure you a loss. Everybody here knows
05:27my sort of family history, and... Look, in the high school chronological chart, it's ancient
05:32history. And your average teenager has an attention span of just under two seconds.
05:38You've got a clean slate, Joey. So will you at least think about it?
05:45Look, Andy, I'm flattered, but I don't want to scrub your chances, trust me. I gotta go.
05:58Hey, you. It's Jacob McPhee. Hey, man, people are questioning me on election day.
06:02Wherever you go, Pacey, the slacker vote inevitably follows.
06:06Once again, out of your naturally irrepressible charm shines its way.
06:11Fabulous. James Bond and Pussy Galore are gonna rule our class.
06:15Not necessarily. Who's gonna beat them?
06:18Me. Yeah, right.
06:20No, I'm serious, Pacey. What sane person would want to waste their time on school politics when
06:25they could be spending oodles of quality time with me? Because it all falls into my master plan.
06:31Yeah. School politics looks great on college applications.
06:36Who's your running mate gonna be? Still working on that one. But
06:39you're gonna be my campaign manager. I am?
06:43Yes. Because I wouldn't want us to miss out on our oodles of quality time.
06:48Hey, Dawson, what's up? Oh, just living the same old
07:02painless, fluff-filled, irrelevant existence in a dome. No age of darknessness.
07:06Okay, so why don't we do something about that? What?
07:10Cut class. What?
07:13Ditch. Bail. Leave the premises without permission.
07:16Something that normal students do at random. Not even in the realm of possibility.
07:22Why not? Well, first of all,
07:24I don't believe that cutting class is a missing experience that will unleash all the answers of
07:28the universe to me. And secondly, I have a quiz in history.
07:32Okay, so you can make that up tomorrow, Dawson. In order to write about being a teenager,
07:36you actually need to experience being one. Next week, I promise.
07:41Life is composed of moments, just like your script. And you have to take those moments as they come.
07:49Impulsively. Okay, let's do it.
07:53Really? Yeah, let's cut impulsively.
07:55All right!
08:11I'm sorry, Mitch. I just didn't know who else to call.
08:19It's finished. Go ahead. Turn it on. Turn it to rinse.
08:40You think this is real funny, don't you? I think it's hilarious.
08:52I'm sure you do. I'm sure you do.
08:55Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, look at you. You're not so dry yourself, all right?
08:59Uh-huh. Well, look at you.
09:10Uh-huh. Well, look at you.
09:40So, did you hear your clumsy jing from your mother or your father?
10:06I mean, Andy's not clumsy. She's a little high-strung, but she's not clumsy.
10:15All right, best two out of three. Loser cleans the deep fryer.
10:19Seriously? I mean, I take after my mom.
10:22Who do you take after, your mother or your father? I'm guessing it's your mom.
10:26Okay, all right, you win. I'll clean the deep fryer.
10:29But I'm a little fuzzy on the process, so you might have to, you know, stay late and, uh...
10:35You want the proper procedure?
10:39How do you do that?
10:42Well, every time I ask you a question about something personal,
10:44you somehow manage to change the subject and not answer.
10:47Are you suggesting that I purposely tanked the coffee creamer tower?
10:52Joey, I'm insulted.
10:54Seriously, Jack. I mean, we talk all the time, but whenever it starts to get a little deep,
10:59you get all weird and vague. You know, I have asked you six questions tonight,
11:03and you haven't answered one.
11:05Well, that's because you have to ask me seven. See, seven is the magic number.
11:10There you go again. Why do you make light out of everything?
11:14Because I'm aloof, introverted, and unsociable. So there, I answered one.
11:19Excuse me. Could we get a couple of menus over here, please?
11:23Uh, preferably a couple without yesterday's special rotting on them.
11:40So why'd you bring me to this dive?
11:42Because we have to discuss strategy in private,
11:46and you can always count on this place to be deserted.
11:50This service here is even worse than the food.
11:54So, you're content on letting those two represent your class?
12:00They're not the only ones running, Jack.
12:01Oh, please. Kenny Reiling? That guy has no chance. What's your sense of civic duty?
12:09I don't know. I guess I've just never really been the type to
12:12get involved in school activities.
12:15Well, I mean, you weren't really into art until recently. People change.
12:19Yeah, but student government is a huge leap, Jack. I mean,
12:23putting yourself out there for public scrutiny...
12:25Yeah, but you should run, Joey. Andi needs you. You know, she's new. It's going to be
12:30hard for her to get votes, but you, you have this amazing girl-next-door quality.
12:36Besides, this is your chance to make a difference, for your talents to rise to the occasion.
12:40Don't limit yourself, Joey. You're a born leader.
12:47More like born loser. You actually think that you'd have any chance running against me?
12:53Get real. You throw the trash out, you don't vote it in.
12:57Abby, back off.
12:58Why? The truth hurts? Well, if you want to embarrass yourself and your entire family
13:02even further than nature intended, by all means, throw your amazing girl-next-door
13:08quality into the ring. Hey, what's one more disappointment in an already meager, depressing
13:21You're dead.
13:29Tell Andi I'm in.
13:38Okay, I need you to finish passing out these flyers and get these posters up. I want them
13:57all over Caveside, not just the high school. You know, in this book I picked up on the Clinton
14:01campaign, they said this thing's going to get ugly, so we're really going to have to start
14:07You've actually been doing some research.
14:10Yeah, you've been a bad, bad influence on me.
14:16Oh, you know, I want this campaign to take a high road. I still believe that a candidate's
14:21virtue and integrity is normal and to be expected, not just some character perk or bonus.
14:29My goal is to make government good and safe again.
14:33Thank God. You know, the way that these soundbites just flow out of your mouth,
14:37you don't really have a future in this stuff. Your sincerity is so appealingly sexy.
14:44And your sexiness is so appealingly sincere.
14:48I think I'm sexy, huh? So sexy about me.
14:52How smart you are.
14:53Did you get a glimpse of Chris and Abby's smear campaign? This is exactly what I was
15:05worried about. Fine, we'll just hit them back harder. There's a whole chapter in my book on
15:09mudslinging. No, we are not stooping to their lows. Government is about balance and order.
15:16We cannot let their petty ways usurp us.
15:19That's another good one. I should be writing this stuff down.
15:21Don't you think we should at least fight back and let Chris and Abby and the entire school know
15:26that we respond in a emotional knee-jerk fashion? It's not a good signal to be sending out to our
15:32voting constituents. Okay, forget fighting, but I think we should stand up for ourselves. I mean,
15:37look, Joey, I know they got you, but let's not let them get the best of us.
15:42I mean, those were just words. They carry no weight whatsoever.
15:47No, let's just look at our debate issues and figure out our game plan.
15:52Winning will be our best revenge.
15:57She won my vote a few bumper stickers ago.
16:07All right, Dustin, I've decided to take matters into my own hands
16:12and that what you need is a regression sponsor.
16:17What sponsor?
16:18Somebody who can walk you back through the steps of progressing into your teen years.
16:25I'm very humored by your insight into my personal being, but I am a teenager, okay? I mean,
16:30I've got no driver's license to prove it. And regardless of any adult self-perception,
16:36I might possess myself to face all the trauma of being my age, so
16:39I will respectfully decline your offer.
16:41Okay, all right, resistance is expected. Plus, Dustin, the entire reason that I brought you
16:47to this place is because I figured that we would just start with something simple.
16:53Do you remember when you were 10 and your mom wouldn't get you that candy bar that you really,
16:59really wanted? Didn't you ever just swipe it?
17:04Do you want me to steal something?
17:10I'm not talking Grand Theft Auto here, I'm just talking Snickers bar.
17:16Come on, Dustin, every kid does it at least once.
17:22Put this in your pocket, Dustin.
17:24No, no way.
17:27Dustin, come on, this is your symbolic candy bar.
17:30Why is my symbolic candy bar crimson passion lipstick?
17:34Well, because we may as well both benefit from your little foray into adventure. Besides,
17:38look, that's not the point. What's important is that you experience the rush of walking
17:43out with it, Dustin.
17:45It's an illegal rush that I don't have any interest in, okay?
17:49Dustin, you're overanalyzing again. Just take said object and place it in your pocket.
18:00Dustin, you actually did it. Oh my god, I didn't think you were capable.
18:12That makes two of us.
18:13God, don't you just feel so exhilarated?
18:17Yeah, on this amazing natural high.
18:21All right, hand it over.
18:23No, I'm the one who risked incarceration, I get to keep it.
18:28Come on.
18:29Oh my god, you put it back, didn't you?
18:34You put it back, huh?
18:36Okay, look, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I like my perspective on life,
18:41regardless of how middle-aged I might be.
18:43Okay, but how are you going to reach your audience with that perspective?
18:48Dustin, I've read your script, okay? Your hyper-awareness is disarming.
18:53You've got to start responding like an adolescent and stop hiding behind that
18:58psychology degree that you don't have.
18:59What is wrong with being mature for my age?
19:03Because it's going to trap you, Dustin.
19:06Because you're going to wake up one morning and you're going to realize that the reason
19:09you're not growing is because you never allowed for the process.
19:14There's a reason that we go from infancy to old age.
19:17Just think about that.
19:48Unlike our opponents, we haven't lost sight of the issues in order to concentrate on a
19:52malicious character.
19:57It's about trust.
19:59Let's talk issues.
20:01Walkmans and study hall is a great idea.
20:05I'm a man of the people.
20:07I've probably partied with everyone here at least once.
20:13Look, this all comes down to one simple question.
20:17Who do you want to run your class?
20:19Us, the geeks, or little Miss Perky and the convict's daughter?
20:25That is so not a relevant issue, Abby.
20:27You would say that considering no one here knows your background.
20:31Just to bring everybody up to speed on an issue that is relevant,
20:35Andy McPhee, your prospective president,
20:40has a mother that's about one shock treatment away from a permanent residence in the looning bin.
20:47You know, for once, Abby, let's stick to the issues.
21:03You know, Andy's personal life has no bearing on her ability to
21:06handle the job as sophomore class president.
21:10We have hard evidence that Andy's mother was responsible for the death of Andy's
21:15older brother in a car crash less than a year ago.
21:18So, the fact of the matter is, Mommy McPhee is a whacked out nut,
21:24and we all know that mental illness is hereditary.
21:28So, you do the math.
21:30Abby, that's quite enough.
21:35Hey, I was just trying to ascertain the truth for the safety of my fellow students.
22:51I can't find any of you.
22:52Have you seen him?
22:54Has he heard about the assembly?
22:59I feel really stupid.
23:01I mean, grilling you about your family,
23:03pressuring you for answers.
23:05I'm really sorry.
23:06I'm looking for my sister, not your sympathy, right?
23:10I haven't seen her since the debate.
23:17Is there anything I can do to help?
23:18Our family situation is complicated, Joey, all right?
23:21It's just not something I feel comfortable talking about, so I'll see you later.
23:25No, Jack, don't push me away, okay?
23:27I want to help.
23:28Look, I've been through something like this with my own family, and I understand.
23:32All right, don't you get it?
23:34I didn't want to talk to you before, and I don't now.
23:39All right.
24:00Doing that?
24:04All right.
24:06Listen, I'm coming in there, and just so there's no confusion,
24:08I am a man, so if there are any objections, please speak now.
24:17Andy, I know you're in here.
24:21Listen, you know, there's a whole chapter in my book on what to do when scandal breaks.
24:27This is not such a big deal.
24:30I mean, you and I, we can get through this.
24:37What do you say?
24:39You and me, Andy.
24:48Did you know that it's exactly 60 feet, six inches from pitching mound to home plate?
24:56Are you okay, McPhee?
24:59Tim taught me that.
25:02He tried to teach me a curveball, too.
25:06Turns out I throw like a girl.
25:09Come on.
25:11Let's get you out of here, Andy.
25:16Oh, God, PC.
25:19I don't know.
25:19I mean, everybody knows about my mom and about Tim.
25:25How am I supposed to go out there in the hall?
25:28I mean, everybody's going to look at me, and they're all going to laugh.
25:32No one's going to laugh at you, Andy.
25:35Everybody comes from a dysfunctional family.
25:36It's the 90s.
25:38The only happy families are in TV syndication.
25:41That's all ruined.
25:44I mean, politics used to mean something.
25:50Now we've just become such a lessened society.
25:58Andy, this is high school.
26:01Trust me, me of all people, this will all blow over tomorrow.
26:04Everything goes back to normal.
26:12Oh, God.
26:15That's all I ever wanted, you know?
26:16A normal family with a normal life.
26:20Balance and order.
26:20Order and balance.
26:21But, you know, that just doesn't exist.
26:23I mean, not anywhere.
26:24Not here.
26:25And it never will, because, you know, it was all just this big false hope.
26:31Don't you think you're being a little hard on yourself?
26:35Normal never existed.
26:38It never did.
26:46Look at me.
26:49I'm a mess.
26:52I'm a total and complete mess.
26:56I hate this.
27:15I really hate this.
27:26I hate this.
27:32Hey, Dad.
27:32Hey, look.
27:34Can you believe somebody threw this out?
27:37I think it's an antique.
27:38Thought maybe I'd clean it up a little, sell it.
27:44Brought you mail.
27:46You didn't have to do that.
27:47No, no.
27:48Thought I'd stop by, say hi, see what was new.
27:53If anything.
27:56Mom told you, didn't she?
27:58She didn't have to.
28:00Saw it for myself.
28:02Not the main attraction, just the previous.
28:12It's complicated.
28:13And actually, I don't know exactly how comfortable I am talking to you.
28:21No problem.
28:21That's totally fine.
28:23I just want to let you know that I'm okay with it.
28:25I mean, it's fine if you want to, you know, stay over every once in a while.
28:30It won't mess with my head if you're worried about that.
28:34I mean, I know that reconciliations have their strain and varied paths.
28:39There is no reconciliation, Dawson.
28:42It was a slip.
28:45A sex slip and a mistake and it won't happen again.
28:51Now I don't understand.
28:54Well, we just, we fell back into what was comfortable and easy and used it to cover
29:06our problems.
29:07And helped your problems?
29:12No, worse than them.
29:15Because I realized that it's insane to keep taking the same action, expecting a different
29:25I mean, it changes nothing.
29:31It's the action that must change.
29:40You're right.
29:41I do have a perception disorder.
29:44What about this one?
29:46Let's just say I'm, I'm geared to respond to life in a certain way.
29:51And you said that I don't respond like a typical adolescent.
29:54And you're right.
29:54I don't.
29:55But emotionally, I do.
29:58I always have.
29:59I'm, I'm very much my age emotionally, maybe even younger.
30:02And my feelings are in constant conflict with my overachieving self-aware brain.
30:10And I, it's constant battle.
30:13And I'm, that's what's driving me crazy.
30:16I'm, am I making any sense?
30:21Thank God.
30:22So I keep on waiting for my feelings to catch up so that maybe, you know, I can finally
30:29grow up and I can finally get over Joey or accept that my parents may or may not work
30:35things out or just, but I think I have it backwards.
30:43In order to change my feelings, I first have to change my actions because that's the only
30:49way somebody can change how they feel.
30:52You are too smart for your own good, Dustin.
30:58Right now, Jen, I feel incredibly stupid.
31:06Is there, is there anything I can do to help or?
31:10I don't know.
31:11I think I need a sponsor.
31:15I need to go out and engage in some incredibly appropriate teenage behavior.
31:23That sounds like something right up my alley.
31:27Did you have anything specific in mind?
31:29Um, just something, you know, nonsensical, completely spontaneous.
31:34The good, the bad, the ugly.
31:35I, you are the expert.
31:37I will follow your lead.
31:38Well, you know what?
31:40By all means, Dustin, let the revelry begin.
31:51I feel like I'm on the bed.
32:21Who scares her to see you so upset?
32:33Look, Andy, this hasn't been an easy year for any of us,
32:37but we all do what we have to, to hold it together, to cope.
32:45Your highs and lows are becoming really intense lately.
32:53I'm fine, Jack.
32:55You're not fine, Andy.
32:58You're one minute you're laughing and the next year you're in tears.
33:01Please just leave me alone.
33:12I think maybe it's time you went back to your medication.
33:15It might make things a little easier for you and for everyone.
33:25I said I'm all right, okay?
33:27I just had a rough day.
33:30That's all.
33:34I don't need any medication.
33:42I'm fine.
33:45And I'm really sorry.
33:48I'm fine.
33:54I'm really sorry.
33:55Just leave me alone, Jack.
34:00I'm really sorry.
34:01I'm fine.
34:14I just smoked out something out of my friend's frisbee.
34:19We just TVed in Milo's house.
34:21I've always wanted to do that.
34:23And now you have, see? And very well, I might add.
34:28Aside from the fact that you forgot to drop the evidence.
34:35Alright, so that's Rebellious 13, I would say.
34:38What's next?
34:40You ready for something really bold?
34:42I'm up for anything.
34:44Well, what did you have in mind?
34:46Drop your pants.
34:50Well, I just mean that you can't very well go skinny dipping with your clothes on.
34:54Skinny dipping? Do you have any idea how cold the water is?
34:57Oh, well, I mean, if you're too embarrassed about...
35:02I'm not embarrassed, I'm just...
35:06You think I want to do it, don't you?
35:09Well, I'm not going in alone.
35:11Doss and I never intended for you to do it alone.
35:15Oh my god, are you serious?
35:20Well, maybe we should think about this.
35:22What if somebody walks by?
35:25You know, I mean, then...
35:40You're naked.
35:46And all wet.
35:49Doss, come on in, the water's great.
35:58Doss, is that a tree branch, or are you just happy to see me?
36:02Inspired. Now, turn around.
36:04All right, I am.
36:09Here I come.
36:29I've got you!
36:32Oh, Matisse, it must have been like the worst nightmare.
36:36Thanks a lot, swimming naked with me.
36:39Would have been your worst nightmare.
36:41You know what I mean?
36:51Okay, okay, okay, Doss.
36:52Doss, you're a...
36:53You're a...
37:02Let me ask you something.
37:05Nightmares aside, um...
37:08Have you ever...
37:10Dreamt about me?
37:15I mean, everyone I know, you know, has dreamt of my dreams at one point or another.
37:21What do you mean? I mean...
37:22I mean...
37:26Have you ever woken up...
37:32Blanket in a little pub tent?
37:34You first...
37:36Dreamt about me that way?
37:50Crossing the line.
37:52You said a line you don't want.
37:54I thought you wanted this, Jen.
37:57You hinted.
37:59Implied, offered.
38:02I know, Doss, it's just...
38:04I was just taking your advice.
38:06I mean, don't think, do.
38:07This is something totally spontaneous, you know?
38:10Look, I'm glad that you've embraced the philosophy, you know?
38:14It's just that...
38:16We're finally friends now.
38:18And I don't want this set up.
38:22You know, I thought I'd take your lead on this one.
38:26Hoping that...
38:28Different actions might create different results.
38:34So the different action is...
38:37Taking an action?
38:40No, the different action is...
38:42Being your friend.
38:47I thought Joey was my friend.
38:50There's lots of ways to be someone's friend, Doss.
38:54We'll just have to figure that out.
39:06I brought the Eastern Section Championship to Cape Side
39:09and I'll approach my presidency with the same drive.
39:12So let's face facts.
39:14There's only one true choice here.
39:16I mean, people.
39:18Do you really want those other losers running your school?
39:21Look, Andy, we can walk out right now.
39:23I mean, there's still dignity in this.
39:26No, I'm fine.
39:28I can do this.
39:29So get off your butts and vote Chris and Abby.
39:32You'll enjoy the ride.
39:35It's as locked up as Joey's father.
39:39Schedule says the cuckoo bird and the convict's daughter are up next.
39:46I can do this.
39:48I'm sorry.
40:06I can't do this.
40:07I'm sorry.
40:08I just can't.
40:12Gosh, I hope it wasn't something I said.
40:15In the name of good old-fashioned politics.
40:17I'm out of here.
40:18I'm gonna go kiss some babes.
40:20It's babies, you idiot.
40:23In my ways, a lot more fun.
40:33You know, what's the deal here?
40:37I mean, why are you slumming as vice president for this guy
40:40when you were so obviously the brains behind this campaign?
40:45I won't let you in on a little secret there, sport.
40:48I'm just using that walking penis for his popularity.
40:51And ultimately, I'll destroy him.
40:53Just like I destroyed your little girlfriend.
40:56It's just so easy.
40:58And victory's so much sweeter when you have to walk on top of other people to get it.
41:04I'm gonna rule this school.
41:06And you and all those other half-wits are too stupid to stop me.
41:12Yeah, you're probably right.
41:14I mean, I'm so stupid that I didn't know when I pressed this button on this little thing
41:20that your annoying nasal whine was broadcast over this entire school.
41:27Oh, no, God, wait a minute.
41:29No, that's exactly what I meant to do.
41:31Sorry, my bad.
41:32School's yours, pal.
41:41Uh, be careful, honey.
41:42I just mopped the floor.
41:43It might still be a little damp.
41:46Oh, um, if you want a snack, I made oatmeal cookies and a cake.
41:51All right.
41:53Oh, will you look at this?
41:54There are dust bunnies the size of small children on this windowsill.
42:01Mom, what are these?
42:07Uh, divorce papers.
42:11Your father had me serve this morning.
42:17Are you okay?
42:20Uh, yeah.
42:24It's gonna be all right, honey.
42:25I'm moving on.
42:56Can I walk you home?
43:08Joey, I owe you an apology.
43:13It's been a tough couple of days, but I know there's no excuse for me acting like an ass.
43:19I wanted to be there for you, Jack, but you kind of shut me out.
43:25When things get rough, I tend to go on autopilot, you know?
43:28It's like a family.
43:29Nobody else matters.
43:30It's kind of like second nature.
43:32I understand.
43:33It's just...
43:35I wish you'd let me help you.
43:39Joey, I, uh...
43:42I can't allow myself the luxury of opening up.
43:49I mean, with my brother gone and my father missing in action,
43:55my mother and my sister, they depend on me, you know?
43:58To be the rock.
44:00And I don't know.
44:01Sometimes I just...
44:03I feel like...
44:06I can't...
44:12It's like my whole life is just one big secret.
44:21You know, when my mom was dying,
44:25I had this friend who was amazing.
44:28And, you know, a lot of times, I didn't feel like talking.
44:34And so we would just sit, you know, sometimes for hours and never say a word.
44:40And you know what had helped?
44:43It did.
44:45Because being in the same place, I knew that everything was going to be okay.
44:53And towards the end, when things got really bad,
45:00he would just reach out and hold my hand.
45:22The hurt
45:26I'm trying hard to be your
45:31Tower of strength
45:36But I can't hold on
45:55Hey, Basie.
45:58Yeah, um, I'm feeling a lot better now.
46:12No, um...
46:18I don't think so.
46:25Yeah, it's not a good time.
46:33I'll be back to my old self tomorrow, though.
46:39I promise.
46:41Okay. Bye.
47:09And I love you
47:14Yes, I love you
47:22Because you love me
47:34Dawson, what are you doing here?
47:45My parents are getting divorced.
47:55I just needed to talk to my sponsor.
48:00Yeah, because I'm in a bit of a quandary.
48:06All this perception in psychobabbles left me with quite a dilemma.
48:15And what do I do with this news?
48:19I knew it was over. You know, all the...
48:24All the signs pointed to it. I guess I just kept hoping that...
48:31They wouldn't go there.
48:34But now they have.
48:38So now, um...
48:41Do I have a self-aware, adult reaction to it?
48:45Or should I allow myself to feel the hurt and the...
48:51And the shock that a kid in my position would feel?
48:56You know what I mean? Should I...
48:59What should win here? My...
49:02The head or my heart? My...
49:06Emotions or my brain? What would win out?
49:10What always wins out, Dawson.
49:28Come here. Come here.
49:32Shh, shh.
49:38Thanks for being here.
49:42Thanks for letting me.
49:47It's okay.
50:01It's okay.
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