Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 12 Uncharted Waters

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Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 12 Uncharted Waters


00:00Since before the dawn of time, I have been designated the black sheep of my family.
00:05I could bring home the Nobel Peace Prize and it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference.
00:09Let me pose for you.
00:10You want to pose for me naked? I should just give you this and go.
00:16Tell her I was overwhelmed by your talent.
00:20So was I. I can be your father, Dawson.
00:23And if you'll let me, your friend, you're a call.
00:31You know, I think darts may be my destiny, Dawson.
00:36Travel around the world as an internationally renowned master of the darts.
00:41And you found my calling.
00:44What are you doing over there?
00:46You know, I've re-watched a bunch of movies I think really delve into some complicated relationships.
00:51I'm trying to find some complexities in my character in that movie.
00:55I'll be there in a little bit.
01:01What's the Great Santini?
01:05Classic dysfunctional father-son relationship.
01:08The father who thinks his sons are screw-up, huh?
01:12Yeah, pretty much.
01:14You can skip the blockbuster, my little Dawson.
01:17You're going to get plenty of insight into that on our little fishing trip this weekend.
01:21Oh, come on.
01:23Granted, your father's a little intense, but you tend to exaggerate just a little bit.
01:28The Great Santini bouts his basketballs off his son's head to make a point.
01:32Your brother respects him enough not to do that.
01:34Ah, yes, respect.
01:37Do you respect your father, Dawson?
01:39I'd hate to live in a world where I do.
01:42That's not an answer.
01:43Do you respect your father?
01:45Well, I mean, you know, John Witter.
01:48Most well-known, well-respected man in Cape Side.
01:51Provides safety, fights crime, locks up the bad guys, helps little old ladies across the street.
01:57How could you possibly not respect a man like that?
02:00Not an answer either.
02:04Good old-fashioned father-son fishing trip.
02:10Why do I sense disaster?
02:14Tell you what, I don't want to let the darts do the talking, huh?
02:17If I can hit a bullseye with this dart,
02:20you and I are in for a weekend of good fun, big fish, good old father-son bonding.
02:35That's two out of three.
02:50I've left the ground, my life is turning around.
02:57Every voice inside my head is telling me to run like mad.
03:05Oh, balls and arrows, stars and sunsets.
03:10Hey, hey, hey, yeah. Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:15Every heartbeat, every kiss just makes me wonder what all this is.
03:23Suits of armor, hearts and arrows.
03:27Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:44You said there's no forgiveness.
03:48That we're born without a witness.
03:52And it's through the ground.
03:56Uncle Larry!
04:03You aren't going to go forgetting this when you become a big wig out in Alabama, are you?
04:07Wouldn't worry about that, Mr. Larry.
04:09Sure you'll come back and visit Pacey and whatever fast food joint he's flipping burgers at.
04:14The winners all come from a long line of illustrious professions requiring uniforms, right, Pop?
04:19Dawson, I spoke to you, Pop. I expect both of you on the dock at 0600 hours.
04:24Now, come prepared, both physically and mentally, because you are going to be fishing in the presence of greatness.
04:31We are going to bring back the tournament trophy, Dawson, or we are going to end our lives at sea.
04:38Pursuit, the big one to cut away.
04:40Well, I don't want to disappoint you. My father and I are not exactly accomplished fishermen.
04:44Dawson, I have no doubt with your brain and commitment to excellence, you'd make a first-rate first mate.
04:51See you tomorrow. In the meantime, keep Pacey out of trouble for me, will you?
04:56All right.
05:05Aye-aye, Capitan.
05:08Your father's a classic, Pacey.
05:10Oh, yeah, he's a classic, all right. Man thinks my IQ matches my age.
05:14You hear that crack about flipping burgers?
05:16Pacey was obviously kidding.
05:24How's your mother feeling?
05:25We're in hell right now.
05:26I mean, scout locations, cast supporting roles, scrounge for props and wardrobe.
05:30Realizing that the budget isn't really as big as I first thought it was.
05:35Sounds like your typical pre-production chaos.
05:37Actually, it's really not even chaotic, and it's everything under control.
05:42She's like this troubleshooting dynamo. She goes around putting out fires before they even ignite.
05:49She's never worked in a film in this capacity. I mean, how does she even know what to do?
05:53I don't know. She's got this innate talent for it.
05:55And it's causing me to step up my game as a director. It's great.
05:59Oh, that's great. It's too bad she didn't work on your last movie.
06:02I mean, think how much better it would have turned out.
06:04I'm not comparing her to you.
06:07Working that movie with you was one of the best periods of my life.
06:11I'm just saying it's a surprise, that's all.
06:14Yeah. Who would have thought?
06:18Are your ears burning? We're just talking about you.
06:20Oh, is that where I ask?
06:22I was just singing your praises, telling Joey what an incredible job you're doing producing.
06:29Oh, yeah. I'll just leave you two professionals alone and collaborate.
06:34No, actually, Joey, it's you that I was looking for.
06:36Great. I gotta go anyway. See ya.
06:38See ya.
06:40Joey, I need your help.
06:42Okay. I promised Gail that I'd give her a hand in this news report that she's doing.
06:46Gail? Mrs. Leary?
06:48Mrs. Leary?
06:49Yeah. Yeah, she's doing a news report on teenage girls as the new consumer phenomenon.
06:55You know, what they think, what they like, what makes them tick, blah, blah, blah.
06:59Oh, so now in your spare time you're helping produce news reports for Gail.
07:04Hardly. I mean, I wouldn't exactly say that.
07:06She's just letting me watch her in action and, you know, pick up a few tricks of the trade.
07:13Anyway, we really need girls to come by Dawson's house tomorrow to, what, spill their guts on local television?
07:20No. No. Just answer questions about what it's like being a teenager.
07:25Joey, we really need girls who are thoughtful and articulate and nobody that I know speaks their mind more eloquently and honestly than you do.
07:43Look at this. All these people with profound connections to the sea.
07:49I mean, the idea of the ocean, you know, boundless, mysterious.
07:54I tell you, life at sea is as romantic as love.
07:59Kind of makes you want to chuck it all and become a fisherman, you know?
08:02You think fish is a viable current option for you now?
08:04Oh, maybe.
08:05What's next, out of firemen?
08:07Permission to come aboard, sir.
08:09Oh, hey, matey. Permission granted.
08:12How are you, Mitch?
08:13How you doing?
08:21Oh, God damn it.
08:24Dawson, I completely forgot to tell you something yesterday. You are just going to kill me for it.
08:30Look who's being melodramatic all of a sudden.
08:32Hey, guys. I'm sorry.
08:36I'm sorry I'm late.
08:40Casey, start lining.
08:42Yes, sir.
08:49All right. She's clear.
09:10Hey, guys. Thanks for coming. I'm glad that you could make it.
09:15Couldn't resist seeing the hot new producer in action.
09:18Well, I like that cameraman's angle, if you know what I mean.
09:22Oh, God. Not you.
09:24Rude. Where's the love?
09:28We're going to get started in a minute.
09:30This was a great idea, Jen.
09:33This is going to be fun. Don't you think?
10:05Guess my little secret's out.
10:09Exactly. Call me Ishmael.
10:13Get it? Ishmael? Moby Dick?
10:16No. Reddit.
10:22Yeah, well, this is going to be a fun week.
10:25So what did you come, Jack?
10:28Look, Dawson, I didn't realize you were going to be here.
10:32It's a little late for me to make an exit now and survive, so...
10:38Why don't you and I try and deal with a little problem here?
10:40It's no problem, Jack.
10:42I'm just...
10:45amazed at your confidence.
10:49Did you leave your girlfriend alone this whole weekend?
10:53This early on in your relationship while things are still new and vulnerable.
10:57You're still trying to figure things out because it's right about now.
10:59It's some new guy, some bumbling, naive, artsy type
11:03who's going to come along and steal away right off the top of your nose.
11:08And trust me, that sucks.
11:12Okay, what do you think is the most important issue facing teenagers today?
11:49Anyone else?
11:57Jen, could I talk to you for a second?
11:59Yeah, sure, Gal.
12:06We've been at this all afternoon and we've still got nothing.
12:10Do you think the formality is making everybody uncomfortable?
12:15I think that just having everybody in one room is making everybody uncomfortable.
12:20That camera equipment looks really heavy.
12:22You must be built rammed tough.
12:24No, it's really not that heavy.
12:28Okay, everyone listen up.
12:30Jen has this great idea.
12:33Instead of doing this interview right out of the gate,
12:35why don't we spend a little time bonding?
12:38You know, make it a ladies' night.
12:40Ladies' night? How long are we going to be here?
12:42Yeah, Abby's got to make the rounds on her room.
12:45And Andy's mom might start roaming the city foaming at the mouth.
12:48Hey, hey, hey, let's just get to know one another a little bit better.
12:52Connect with one another as women.
12:54Oh god, I'm going to need a drink.
12:56No alcohol.
12:58But I do have enough junk food in that kitchen to fulfill anyone's cravings.
13:04And it's all yours, if you bear with me.
13:17Gentlemen, this is not a pleasure trip.
13:20You are not on a carnival cruise.
13:22We've got a job to do.
13:24We need to work together like a well-oiled machine.
13:28You are out there as a fish.
13:30A very big fish is going to hitch a ride with us back to Cape Side.
13:34Mitch, you and Dawson can work for four drinks.
13:37All right, skipper.
13:40Jackie Onassis there can handle the starboard poles at night.
13:44That makes me the odd man out.
13:49You know, dad, I may not be a charter member of the National Brain Trust,
13:52but I think I know how to handle a fishing rod.
13:58Casey, I need you to do everything else.
14:01Rig the baits, raise and lower the anchor.
14:03Back up the anglers, your job is most important.
14:07Who do you think raised the flag at Iwo Jima? General MacArthur?
14:10Nose to grunts.
14:12Dad, we're fishing, not storming the beaches of Normandy.
14:16This sucks.
14:19A lot of things in this life sucks.
14:21It's my job to prepare you for that inevitable.
14:38I'm bored.
14:39I think it's time for a field trip. Upstairs.
14:43Here's your opportunity to bruise the contents of Dawson's room.
14:46Don't even try to pretend you're not interested.
14:49I'll have to have him come up with the most obnoxious pastime imaginable.
14:54Fine. I don't mind flying solo. Catch you later.
15:08I don't need you anymore.
15:33You know, Dawson, it's not imperative that you and I become friends.
15:41I just thought it might be nice, that's all.
15:49Know this, alright? I didn't steal Joy away from you.
15:53I mean, you of all people should know that she's got a strong will and the intelligence of a Rhodes Scholar.
15:58She's not the kind of girl that lets herself get stolen.
16:01You don't know anything about her.
16:02And secondly, if you think that things are over between Joy and me and done with, then they're severely delusional.
16:12In fact, the matter is, Joy and I have something.
16:16And you're not gonna like it.
16:18If you have any respect for Joy, you better respect me.
16:33I think I'm on the verge of uncovering scandalous content.
16:37Yep, I think I've hit payday.
16:48Uh, guys, guess what I found tucked behind jaws?
16:52Good. Will. Humping.
17:06Whoa, whoa, guys!
17:08I think I got one!
17:26Where's your new pole?
17:28It's on the stalker's side.
17:30It doesn't matter what side the pole's on.
17:33This is what I mean, Casey.
17:35It's the same thing with you over and over again.
17:38The simplest instructions in the world and you find any excuse not to follow.
17:43How do you expect me to give you more responsibility if you can't even adhere to the most rudimentary directions?
17:53When I speak, you listen. Don't think, just do.
17:56Please, I'm not asking that much.
18:07I've been probably shaking Jack for two seconds.
18:10Can you tell me what the hell were you thinking inviting him?
18:13Listen, man, I'm sorry, okay?
18:15Andy's just been nagging me incessantly about including the guy.
18:18He doesn't know any guys in town.
18:20My mother just keeps on getting worse and worse.
18:23I guess I have no pity on him, yeah?
18:25All right, that's fine. How could you forget to tell me?
18:29Come on, I mean, I could use a little bit of preparation time before facing my adversary.
18:33You know what? Screw you, Dawson.
18:35Not all of us can be the fair-haired embodiment of perfection, all right?
18:39Not everybody gets wunderkind and genius attached to their name.
18:42Some of us are just simple-minded folk trying to make it through the day without breaking something.
19:13You are aware that where this tape begins, Dawson finished.
19:18Finished what?
19:20Shaking hands with the unemployed?
19:23Boxing the bald-headed victim?
19:25Test-firing the missile?
19:27Okay, I got your point, guys.
19:31How does she do that?
19:34I'm not that one.
19:39Where do these women come from?
19:43What sort of career is this?
19:46Hey, getting paid for something you're good at, something they love?
19:50Hey, Jen, in a couple of years, that could be you.
19:53You know what? That's really not funny.
19:55I didn't say anything.
20:05Hey, ladies.
20:09Whatcha watching?
20:11Um, nothing.
20:13Uh, we're watching an educational video for school.
20:17It's, um, we're studying human anatomy.
20:19No, it's a porno we borrowed from Dawson's video collection.
20:22Mrs. Leary, you have to face the music.
20:25Your son is a pervert!
20:28What? I'm not gonna lie.
20:30Unlike some people, I do have morals.
20:32I think we should leave poor Dawson's room, don't you?
20:34Don't you?
20:54Um, I've played armchair psychologist for so many hours,
20:59trying to analyze why you're so consistently hostile to me
21:04in your actions and in your attitudes,
21:06and the only theory that I've been able to come up with
21:09is that you somehow felt threatened by my relationship with Dawson,
21:14but that theory just doesn't stand up anymore.
21:17I mean, you won in that rivalry, Joey, hands down,
21:21and I just want to know why you're still treating me like I'm this vixen
21:25that came into town and stole away your one true love.
21:29You are so disingenuous.
21:34Look, you want a relationship to change, Jen,
21:37then stop encroaching on what's mine.
21:39I mean, you systematically continue to recast yourself in my role.
21:43I mean, every time I turn around, I've been replaced by you in some form,
21:46and then you feign shock and surprise when I resent you for it.
21:49How have I replaced you, Joey?
21:51Oh, well, first you were Dawson's girlfriend,
21:53and now you're his producer, his collaborator, his best friend.
21:57I mean, you've adopted his interests and his dreams, and now his mother.
22:01I mean, what's next?
22:03You gonna get a job at the Ice House and take up watercolors?
22:05I love how you demonize me, Joey,
22:07instead of recognizing your own rampant insecurities.
22:13Maybe I am slightly insecure,
22:15but maybe you just won't own up to your own motives.
22:18See, when Dawson chose me, I think your ego was bruised.
22:21And deep down, you still want to win.
22:23You still want him back.
22:35All right.
22:37Now, although today's display of angling ineptitude
22:42reached a new low, we'll put it behind us.
22:45Oh, hear that?
22:48There's a dartboard calling my name.
22:50Who's man enough to go toe-to-toe with the master?
22:52I'm not making sure of me, buddy.
22:54Give it a try.
22:56Got bankers there, boys.
23:06My dad doesn't have too much fun.
23:08Otherwise, by tomorrow,
23:10I'll have drawn up plans to open a seedy dockside tavern.
23:14That's what I would do for a living.
23:15That's what I would do for a living.
23:17Can you possibly find justification
23:19to criticize a man like your father?
23:21I'm afraid his midlife crisis isn't going to end,
23:23and he's going to wind up on the street.
23:27What the hell is your problem?
23:29You don't see what's going on, Dawson?
23:32Come on, nobody's that oblivious.
23:34Not even you.
23:36All right, well, why don't you tell me
23:38whatever it is you have up your ass, all right?
23:40Because you're about to rip the film.
23:42If you're mad at your dad, tell him.
23:43It's just that simple for you, isn't it, Dawson?
23:46You can just go up to your dad and say,
23:48gee whiz, Pop, I have a problem.
23:50Let's talk about this heart-to-heart, man-to-man.
23:52That's your wonderful life, not mine.
23:55You've gotten a glimpse into the hell that is my life.
23:58So then why is my mere presence
24:00suddenly a detriment to your happiness?
24:02Because Mr. Witter has put you up
24:04on such a towering pedestal
24:06that you're a what, mere presence, Dawson?
24:08Come on, it's an icon
24:10a piece he can't possibly live up to.
24:12It's your shot.
24:21Adults idealize their childhood
24:23and that leads to censorship.
24:25Thank you, Abby.
24:27So, Andy, why do you think
24:29teenage girls are such trendsetters?
24:31Well, it's not because they're so cutting-edge.
24:33It's because they're insecure.
24:35And popular culture capitalizes on that.
24:38Girls are so insecure
24:39that it capitalizes on that.
24:41Girls think if I go out
24:43and buy this lipstick
24:45or if I watch that TV show
24:47or listen to this music,
24:49I'll be popular.
24:51I mean, look around this room.
24:53Every one of these girls
24:55is incredibly insecure.
24:57I mean, I can't even speak my mind anymore
24:59without stomping on somebody's feelings.
25:01I make a cancer joke
25:03and Joey gets upset.
25:05Or I make a crazy joke
25:07and Andy gets upset.
25:09Or Jen starts humping the couch.
25:11Oh, screw you, Abby.
25:13See what I mean?
25:15Okay, stop rolling, Perry.
25:17Um, Abby, I think that we've heard
25:19enough of your opinions, so
25:21thank you for coming.
25:23You're asking me to leave?
25:26You, uh,
25:28you can't be kicking me out
25:30because what about sisterhood
25:32and all that funk about female bonding?
25:34Good night, Abby.
25:36What kind of journalist are you?
25:37Oh, I know, a trashy one
25:39that sleeps around.
26:08Hey, Dad?
26:12What are you gonna do?
26:14Well, I thought I'd just sleep
26:16right out here under the stars.
26:18No, I mean with, you know,
26:21the restaurant and, um,
26:24your life.
26:29I wish I knew.
26:32Are you okay for money?
26:33Yeah, for now.
26:48I gotta be honest.
26:50I mean, I'm as glad as I am
26:52that we can have this
26:54father-son bonding moment.
26:58I think a weekend fishing trip
27:00would be great.
27:01I think a weekend fishing trip
27:03would be the least of your priorities.
27:06Shouldn't you be out trying to
27:09procure some kind of employment
27:11or at least establish a game plan?
27:14I'm sorry you're disappointed in me.
27:17I want to be the kind of man
27:20that you can respect.
27:25But I don't know, I mean,
27:27there must be something
27:29out there, mustn't there?
27:31Something for me.
27:33Something that I can put my heart
27:35and my passion behind.
27:40And I can't stop looking for that
27:43until I find it.
27:52Good game, Pete.
27:56Everybody go.
27:58Back to the boat.
28:00Come on, Pace, you and me.
28:02You're old father and son,
28:04one on one.
28:05You're drunk, Dad.
28:12Look, Pace,
28:14I know you think I'm being hard on you,
28:16but it's my job to protect you.
28:19Come on.
28:21Show me what you got.
28:22Let's go.
28:24Let's see what you can do.
28:26It's youth against the master,
28:29You ready?
28:30The master, huh?
28:32Watch this, you.
28:34Watch this, you.
28:38How's that?
28:40Let's just warm you up a little bit.
28:42Warm me up?
28:43Watch this, guys.
28:45Shake out that arm, you know?
28:47Come on.
28:54Don't try anything here, Pace.
28:55We can get it.
28:56Come on.
28:59Watch how it's done.
29:01Beat that.
29:12I was better off losing to your second wife, huh?
29:15Watch this.
29:16It's done very simply.
29:21Beat that!
29:25Beat that!
29:49There's nothing wrong with losing, Pace,
29:51as long as you do it gracefully.
29:53Give me a drink!
29:54I won!
30:23I think that Abby was right.
30:27I mean, about the fact that
30:29that the reason that teenage girls are such consumers
30:32is the fact
30:34I mean, it stems from insecurity.
30:36I, um,
30:38have this
30:39need to
30:41look and be perfect.
30:44My home life is in total chaos,
30:47and I feel like if I get straight A's
30:49or if I'm involved in every activity, then
30:54you know, people won't know that I'm this
30:57fraud, and
30:58that I have no idea
31:01what I'm doing and where I'm going.
31:03I mean, when I first came here from New York,
31:05I felt relief.
31:08Trying to compete in that
31:11hyper-accelerated world.
31:13I mean, I was in the fast lane to self-annihilation.
31:17And then when I got here, I figured
31:20that maybe I didn't have anything to prove,
31:22and then that I could finally slow down.
31:25But having all that experience just came back to haunt me.
31:27I mean, in New York, I was the
31:30precocious ingenue.
31:34And on Cape's side,
31:36all I'll ever be known as
31:38is the New York wild child
31:41and town slut and the bad girl.
31:44And so when somebody comes along who has
31:47seen things that I've never seen or
31:50experienced things that I've only dreamed about,
31:54my defenses go up because
31:57you know, I can't compete with that.
32:00I don't know, I just, I think
32:03I'm just Joey Potter, you know,
32:05the small-town girl who will live and die on the creek, and
32:09you know, as much as I completely
32:11disdain that identity,
32:15you know, that's all I've got.
32:19And I don't know if, so,
32:21if I ever feel like, you know,
32:24somebody is going to steal that
32:26measly bit of self that I have, or
32:30you know, that
32:33small amount of love that I've
32:36somehow managed to accumulate.
32:41I feel threatened, and
32:44and I go for the jugular, I admit it.
32:50I admit it.
32:58Hey, Doss.
33:02Whatever it is, I'm tired.
33:04I've had enough drama for one day.
33:06I think I'm going to be nauseous.
33:08You're sick?
33:11Yeah, I just,
33:12my pulse is still rocking.
33:15I've been trying to play it cool, but
33:19ever since I stepped foot on this boat, it's just
33:21a little dwarf.
33:23I know the feeling.
33:26That's exactly how I envisioned this whole father-son outing.
33:30I wouldn't know.
33:31I haven't had a father-son weekend in a long time.
33:35Where is your dad, Jack?
33:37I'll tell you where he's not.
33:39He's not here.
33:41Of course, he is.
33:42My mother, my sister, they'll tell you he's up in Providence taking
33:46taking care of the business.
33:50Truth is, he's up in Providence because he left us.
33:54You know how that feels.
33:56Dawson, your father moved up the street.
33:59My father's gone.
34:03Try and put that perspective on it.
34:09I'm sorry.
34:19I'm on the ground.
34:29So I guess this is as good a time as any to have that father-son talk.
34:36how you doing in school, Pacey?
34:40actually, Dad, I'm doing all right.
34:43I'm really turning things around.
34:45Turns out I'm pretty smart.
34:47Maybe even college bound.
34:49Good man, Pacey.
34:50I always knew you'd turn out to be something.
34:53How are the ladies treating you?
34:57I met this woman.
35:00Isn't she cute?
35:03Cute, right?
35:04Cute, right?
35:07And she's beautiful.
35:11She's smart, she's funny.
35:18I tell you, this girl's really something special, Dad.
35:22For whatever reason, she seems to think I'm pretty special, too.
35:29So why can't you see that?
35:32Why can't you see me, man?
35:34When did you give up on me?
35:36When I was five?
35:38Ten? Twelve?
35:40I'm sixteen years old, Dad.
35:45And I'm here, and I'm not perfect.
35:47And I've tried so hard for you.
35:50But it doesn't...
35:55And it's your job.
35:57It's your job.
36:00And it's your job to love me.
36:04No matter who I am or what I become.
36:07Because you're my father.
36:17You're supposed to love me so much.
36:24I can't do this by myself.
36:45Woah, hey!
36:51What are you doing?
36:52Get your hands off the rod!
36:57Ha, ha, ha. That's it.
36:58All right. Going down on three. One, two, three.
37:02Don't panic.
37:04Keep your back straight and that's good.
37:05Hold on for a second.
37:06Slow down. Pull up the tip.
37:13Now, when you go down, reel.
37:14Reel, reel, reel, reel.
37:16All right. Big-ass fish you got on there, Jack.
37:18Come on.
37:19All right. Reel it, reel it, reel it, reel it, reel it.
37:20Let me do it. You do it.
37:22You do it.
37:23Come on.
37:24Get in there, fishy.
37:26Come on.
37:31All right. Come on.
37:33You got a king mackerel out there the size of Texas.
37:36Ha, ha, ha.
37:39Keep him coming. Keep him coming.
37:43Come on. Come on. Come on.
37:45Good, good, good, good.
37:48All right.
37:54All right.
38:13Ha, ha, ha.
38:18Ha, ha, ha.
38:19I will never die.
38:26Joey, I...
38:28I want to thank you for everything.
38:29I just...
38:30I can't tell you how much you meant to me.
38:32No problem.
38:36I'm gonna go home now.
38:39Um, honey,
38:41I, uh...
38:43I have a confession.
38:45As I was listening to you girls
38:47talk so beautifully about your fears
38:50and your dreams,
38:53I started feeling a little bit sorry for myself.
38:59I don't know.
39:01I think because I've always wanted a daughter.
39:05I mean, I love Dawson more than life,
39:08but, you know, men are men,
39:10women are women.
39:14Right. Great divide.
39:17But then I realized
39:19I have you.
39:21You're my surrogate daughter, Joey.
39:24I have always felt that way.
39:27And, honey, I am so proud
39:29of the woman you've become.
39:35Come here.
39:46You're welcome.
40:08What are you still doing here?
40:11I'm sorry.
40:12I'm waiting for my mom.
40:14She thought I was spending the night.
40:17Have you been out here all night?
40:21What do you care?
40:22I don't care.
40:23I bet you don't.
40:24Well, Abby, what do you expect?
40:27I mean, your favorite pastime
40:28is making my life a living hell.
40:30That's not what I do.
40:32I play such a crucial role in this little circle
40:35and you guys are just too unimaginative to notice.
40:39I'm the girl everyone loves to hate.
40:42I'm the scapegoat.
40:44I'm the one you can take out
40:45all your anger and aggression on
40:47and never lose a moment's sleep over.
40:51You have it mixed up, Abby.
40:53You trash us.
40:55You're mean.
40:56Well, being sweet is boring.
41:00I don't have family lives like you guys.
41:04My mom isn't a lunatic.
41:06My dad isn't in prison.
41:09I'm not the prodigal daughter from New York.
41:13My parents' divorce is boring.
41:17My house is boring.
41:19There's no intrigue, no drama.
41:23So you know what?
41:26I create drama.
41:29And I think it's a valid extracurricular activity.
41:34Abby, you don't even realize how lucky you are.
41:39I mean, what you have, I've always wanted,
41:41I've always dreamed of.
41:44A normal life with regular parents
41:46and regular problems.
41:50Grass is always greener, right?
41:57Yeah, whatever.
42:01Well, my mom's here, so
42:04I guess I'll see you in school.
42:09Do you need a ride or something?
42:20Thanks, Abby.
42:44You know, Joy, there's a couple things...
42:46No, let me talk.
42:48Look, I've been thinking...
42:50I know, I've been thinking too...
42:52No, I've been thinking more, okay?
43:03I've been thinking that...
43:05It kind of sucks that
43:08the people who I respect the most
43:10are the people who I've become most competitive with.
43:16And, um...
43:18I wish there was some way to...
43:23kind of be...
43:24You know, for all your thinking,
43:26you're not being very articulate.
43:29I'm trying to apologize here.
43:31I know, I know, I know.
43:34And I'm kidding.
43:36Joy, I'm sorry.
43:37I mean, I totally understand what you're trying to say.
43:39And, um...
43:41And I think that you're right.
43:42I think that...
43:44that we have been locked at a stalemate
43:46for way too long.
43:47And, um...
43:49And I think that there's
43:51room in Dawson's life
43:53for me
43:56without replacing you.
43:57No, listen, Jen.
43:59You know, we can sit here and
44:02rehash all of our old problems
44:04and psychologically deconstruct
44:06all of our petty rivalries,
44:10I guess what I'm trying to say is
44:12is that...
44:18I respect you.
44:22I respect who you are.
44:29Thanks, Joy.
44:34You too.
45:05See you, Joy.
45:08See you, Dawson.
45:11You put up a hell of a fight, didn't you?
45:15I will never, as long as I live,
45:17forget the feeling of adrenaline
45:19that I got when I got that good, solid tug on the line
45:22and I knew that that fish had surrendered to the greater power.
45:27Here, you take this, baby.
45:32Be proud of yourself.
45:34Enjoy this moment.
45:36You probably won't have many more like it.
45:39Jimmy, don't worry. It's all right.
45:41Congratulations, man.
45:57Do you have any idea how many times
45:59I set myself up for that one?
46:02I mean, over and over and over again.
46:06I just can't seem to stop myself
46:08from trying to get one unqualified good job son out of that bastard.
46:14I really must be a simpleton.
46:17I know it's not the same, but...
46:21There are people in your life who
46:24recognize and respect your talent and intelligence.
46:30One of them is standing right in front of you.
46:33The other one is probably
46:36sitting in her bedroom right now
46:37having a perky coronary in anticipation of your return from the sea.
47:00Let's do this.
47:20Listen, Dawson.
47:21Father, son.
47:22Relationships are excruciatingly complicated.
47:27And I've spent my entire life trying to figure out
47:29the dynamic I have with my own father.
47:33But I keep trying.
47:36Until the day I die
47:39to do the best I can
47:43to be the best father to you.
47:47Dad, I know how.
47:48Dad, I know.
47:55For what?
48:00allowing me to make a multitude of mistakes
48:04and never making me feel inadequate.
48:08I mean
48:09I know that my
48:11ability to dream without boundaries comes from you.
48:16you've never disappointed me.
48:19I mean, I worry about you, but
48:22I respect you more than
48:24anyone I've ever known.
48:29And I know especially after
48:32today how lucky I am to have you for a father.
48:41Come here.
48:42Don't get all sappy.
48:43I know.
48:48There he goes.
49:02Good night, son.
49:04Night, Dad.
49:31Good night.
