Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 6 Secrets And Lies

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Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 6 Secrets And Lies


00:00Take this whole homecoming queen debacle.
00:04What was it, HQ?
00:06Uh, she was Miss Cape Cod, same difference.
00:09Who graduated from swimsuit competition to a life of cucumber sandwiches, high cheese, and junior league.
00:18What do you mean?
00:20Just that despite all my best efforts, I too have managed to reach the very pinnacle of capeside popular culture.
00:28Thus and I have sold my soul.
00:31I have become that false character who just follows their name around.
00:37Beat yourself up much, Chen?
00:40Only when I deserve it.
00:43Just another happy character flaw brought to you directly from mommy dearest.
00:47You know, I think you've got it backwards. I don't think anybody voted for you because you're like your mom.
00:50I think they voted for you because you're different.
00:53They voted for me because I'm blonde and I fill out my sweater.
00:57That too, but I think when the only kids voted for you, they voted for an outsider, you know?
01:03A provocateur, a messiah to lead them from the mainstream.
01:06There she is. Miss Lindley, may we interrupt?
01:10With good news, I hope, Mr. Milo.
01:13Allow me to introduce to you capeside highs, your finest.
01:18You are looking at half a century of homecoming queens.
01:23Ladies, may I present Miss Jennifer Lindley, 1999's proud addition to your number.
01:31My name is Constance Freckling of the Mayflower Frecklings, famous Frecklings candies.
01:38I'm the oldest living HQ.
01:41Now, Jennifer, if you'll extend your index finger along the inside of my wrist like this.
01:48Congratulations, you've just learned the secret handshake.
01:52Welcome to the club. I've heard all about you.
02:26Telling me to run like metal.
02:30Bowls and arrows, stars and sunsets.
02:34Hey, hey, hey, yeah. Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
02:38Every heartbeat, every kiss just makes me wonder what all this is.
02:47Suits of armor, parts and arrows.
02:51Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
02:57Guys, it's all so exciting.
03:01Now, tell me, whose brilliant idea was this again?
03:06Okay, it was your sister's idea to craft this place into a bed and breakfast,
03:10but I'm the one who told her how she could do it for next to nothing.
03:13And Pacey, be sure and thank your dad again for getting us the help.
03:16Please, I finally figured out what the police auxiliary in this town is for.
03:22Take a look.
03:28Okay, Potter, what's up?
03:31Well, considering that a lot of our insurance money is going to be swallowed up in this,
03:37I just hope it all works out.
03:40It'll work.
03:41That's better. Can't go back to the marina gig.
03:45Yeah, whatever happened with that creep anyhow?
03:48Long story. He was going out on a date with somebody that I know,
03:54and I was concerned about her, and I tried to warn her,
03:57and as a result, he fired me the next day.
04:00Oh, what a charmer.
04:03So who was the girl?
04:06No one you know.
04:10Yeah. Potter, do yourself a favor. Don't ever go into politics, okay?
04:15You're constitutionally incapable of lying with a straight face.
04:21So who was she?
04:29Sorry. I wasn't going to tell you, Pacey.
04:35I feel like I just got hit with a sledgehammer.
04:38If it's any consolation, it won't last.
04:41He's way too smart to fall for that jerk's acumen.
04:44Hey, it's okay. Whatever makes you happy, right?
04:54Hey, Dad. I'm home.
05:02Oh, honey, I have missed you so much.
05:05What are you doing home?
05:07A mother can't surprise her son.
05:09What are you planning?
05:10I can tell you why she's here.
05:12This year is HQ gala.
05:15Your father knows me too well.
05:18Being an HQ from a certain undisclosed year in the late 70s?
05:22Yeah. I thought I'd come home.
05:24Late 70s?
05:28Hello, Gal.
05:30Hi, Hutch.
05:33You know, Jen's planning it.
05:36The gala? Jen Little?
05:38Yeah. Capeside's newest homecoming quirk.
05:41Well, how on earth did that happen?
05:43Nobody's quite sure, although I'm interpreting it as an early sign of the Armageddon.
05:49Well, at the very least, that should make for a fun time for us.
05:56Have you developed a lazy eye, or were you actively looking in my direction when you said us?
06:01Honey, I need an escort.
06:08Oh, no.
06:29You know, I just remembered I got some French phone cab to study for.
06:32You don't take French.
06:34Well, all the more reason, right?
06:38You told him.
06:41Slipped out over breakfast.
06:46Yeah, Pacey's been helping Bessie and me with the addition.
06:49You know, the one we're investing every spare cent we have to build so we can hopefully open soon and financially barely scrape by?
06:57Look, Joey, it wasn't my fault that you got fired.
07:00And even if it was, which it wasn't, you can't stay mad at me forever, okay?
07:05Not forever, but...
07:08A few solid months.
07:10Okay, I don't know what Rob and I are.
07:14All I know is I can't help it. I like him.
07:18For now.
07:20But I can promise you this, Andy.
07:22You're going to get a big fat...
07:24I told you so.
07:54Don't slouch, young lady.
08:21Wear your shoulders and face the world.
08:24What do you think?
08:26Excuse me?
08:28The dress.
08:30It's nearly finished.
08:32I make a new one every year for tomorrow's gala celebration.
08:36Oh, see, that's what I wanted to say...
08:38One must remain modern, after all.
08:40I'm thinking of lifting the hem and softening the neckline a little.
08:45Softening would be good.
08:48Listen, Mrs. Freckling...
08:50Miss Freckling, I never married.
08:56What in the world was that?
09:04My handy boy.
09:07Lovely child. Lives right down the road.
09:10Presently he's hanging extra twinkle bulbs on my roof.
09:19About that party...
09:23I hope that you don't mind, but...
09:26It's just that I've been through all this before.
09:29With my mother.
09:31And she was constantly trying to turn me into a debutante.
09:34It's just not really my thing.
09:36Oh, but I do mind.
09:39You have a responsibility, young lady, as the newly crowned queen,
09:43to help me host this event.
09:46I never asked for any of this.
09:48Nor did I ask for you, Jennifer.
09:51Most girls who walk through the store are pleased as punch to be here.
09:56They're sweet, upstanding, enthusiastic girls who relish the chance to be role models.
10:03They tend to stand up straight, calm their hair, and...
10:12wear brassieres.
10:15Am I self-clear?
10:19Quick! Beans, run for your life!
10:45Just like the cops who disappear when the going gets tough.
10:56Well, some of them do have wives and children to get home to.
11:00Besides, we're almost done here.
11:02And you know, I was thinking, you're going to need a name for this edition when we do get finished.
11:06So, a suggestion, if I may.
11:10How does the Pacey J. Witter wing strike you?
11:15Keep talking and it'll be a memorial dedication.
11:19You know, Potter, sometimes your lack of gratefulness, it borders on unappealing.
11:27Joey, it's for you.
11:29Whoever it is, she sounds upset.
11:42Andy, is that you?
11:46Joey, please help me.
11:59Andy, what happened?
12:04I don't want to talk about it, I just want to go home.
12:07Andy, you've got to tell us what happened first.
12:10Please, please.
12:13Andy, what did he do? Did he try to hurt you?
12:17Andy, you've got to tell us, what did this guy do to you?
12:21Um, we were upstairs in the bedroom.
12:30And we were just kissing.
12:34And you started trying to.
12:39And I kept saying no and he kept trying and then I managed to get away before anything else happened.
12:45And that's when I came down and I called Joey and, can we just go now, please?
12:50Where is he?
12:52Don't worry about it.
12:53Is he in there?
12:55Pacey, let's just go.
12:56I'm not leaving until I talk to that bastard.
12:59Pacey, no!
13:19I told him, it is easy.
13:23You're with Andy, right?
13:26What the hell did you do to her, man?
13:29That's why she's outside, bawling her eyes out.
13:31Not where she should be.
13:33And then you were near her.
13:38If you so much as touch her again, I am going to nail you to a cross.
13:43Wait a minute, wait a minute, I didn't even lay a hand on her.
13:45Oh, hey, save it for when Jack's broken, huh?
13:47Get out of my house.
13:49Come with me, love.
13:52All right, all right.
13:54Whoa, no chicken.
14:02That's really beautiful.
14:05Isn't it?
14:07You're looking at over 200 plants.
14:10Bobophyllum virginalis.
14:15You're making that up.
14:17I swear, sometimes I get a little suggestive with the names.
14:23Okay, give me another one.
14:33And, uh, Vaginatina.
14:39Is it hot in here, or did you just make me blush?
14:44Relax, Henry, it's going to take a lot more than a flower to offend me.
14:50How did you learn so much about this?
14:53Ms. Merklin.
14:56What's the deal with her?
15:01She's wound so tight she's like a violin string.
15:05No, she's just sad.
15:10She's got no one in her life.
15:12No kids, no relatives.
15:14I've lived next door to her for ten years.
15:16I think I'm her best friend.
15:20I don't know who to feel sorry for, you or her.
15:28Henry, we're going to have to toughen you up.
15:31You keep wearing your heart on your sleeve like that and you're going to bleed to death.
15:35It's not me, it's her.
15:39You have no idea how much she was looking forward to meeting you.
15:43She was?
15:44I told her all about you.
15:46See, the thing is, she has exactly two events on her social calendar.
15:51The W.O.C. in Miami every spring.
15:55The W.O.C.?
15:56The World Orchid Conference.
15:58And in the fall, the Homecoming Queen Gala.
16:03It's what she lives for.
16:05Without them, she's got nothing at all.
16:14Look, um, you need to go to the station tonight.
16:20No, I can't go to the station.
16:23Andy, you have to, you have to talk to the police.
16:28Joey, it's not like he actually did anything.
16:34Well, then why don't you stay here?
16:35I mean, I really don't think you should be alone tonight.
16:39Thanks, but I can't.
16:49I can take care of this, Joe.
16:52You sure?
17:09Miss Freckling?
17:15She's got her aid turned off.
17:19A hearing aid.
17:20Sometimes she likes to tune out the world.
17:23Oh, Hank, you startled me.
17:28I, um, I ran into Jen outside.
17:33Miss Freckling, I know that we got off on the wrong foot, and...
17:38I just wanted to see if we could start over.
17:42He is persuasive when he wants to be, isn't he?
17:46Why, I...
17:49I'm just getting to know him.
17:52Well, if he likes you, it can't be all bad.
17:56You know, I was just thinking the same thing about you.
17:59So, should we wait for the waters to calm, or just dive right into the party planning?
18:07I say dive right in.
18:09Very well.
18:11Um, entertainment or food?
18:16Take your pick.
18:18Um, entertainment?
18:22Ah, surprise, surprise.
18:25Now, since it's my house, there are some rules.
18:30Surprise, surprise.
18:32No mimes, no magicians, no Barry Manilow, no Elvis lookalikes, no motivational speakers,
18:38no comedy troops, no breakdancing, no gangster rap, no animal tricks, no...
18:42Okay, no, nothing that you might possibly see on Letterman.
18:46What's Letterman?
18:50How does a string quartet playing Mozart strike you?
18:56Okay, I'll split the difference.
18:58I'm sure you will.
19:01Oh, and there's one more thing.
19:03What's that?
19:05Well, uh, he doesn't know it yet, but...
19:10Hank here...
19:15is going as my date.
19:24True love.
19:26It's ironic.
19:30Yeah, well, I figured since it didn't exist, I'd try and create it for myself.
19:39Why did you bring me here?
19:45You said you wanted to go someplace quiet.
19:49There's lots of quiet places, Pacey.
19:55Yeah, I guess they are.
20:03I guess I just wanted to show you that I've been okay since we ended things.
20:11I've found a way to turn what's been killing me into something potentially beautiful.
20:18I haven't, Pacey.
20:22I'm not over you.
20:24You will be, McPhee.
20:26See? Even that. Just you calling me by my last name.
20:30Do you know how long I've waited to hear that?
20:34I've been through a lot tonight ending us not going there.
20:37If it took what happened tonight to bring us together, then so be it.
20:42We're not together.
20:44I mean, I'm here for you, but we're not together.
20:48If we're not together, then...
20:51I'm not sitting beside you...
20:55staring into your eyes...
21:01and kissing you.
21:10I'm sorry.
21:13We just can't.
21:17We can't. For so many reasons, we can't.
21:22I'm not asking you what we can't do, Pacey.
21:27I'm asking you what you want to do.
21:29I want to know that you're okay.
21:33That's all that matters to me now.
21:35It's a shame because you still matter to me in every way.
21:44I want to be with you, Pacey.
21:46I know that's how you're feeling right now, but tomorrow could be an entirely different story.
21:50I'm not talking about tomorrow. I'm talking about right now.
21:56You and me together under the stars.
22:00Just like it used to be.
22:03I'm talking about a kiss.
22:06That's all I'm asking.
22:09Don't you want to?
22:33Without asking, babe.
22:43Without asking.
23:04Thanks for taking care of me.
23:07I bet I got you, Andy.
23:11I just want to say, for the record, about last night,
23:14whatever did or did not happen between us happened for a reason.
23:19And I, for one, am 100% okay with it.
23:22And you know, wherever it may lead, whatever new status may result, it's totally...
23:27I don't know, I'm like...
23:31Well, it's an awkward moment, Pacey, and I'm scared.
23:34And in scared moments, I ramble. I mean, some people do that sometimes.
23:37Sometimes they even ramble when they're...
23:38I don't know.
23:40Rambling again.
23:46I guess I just want to know that you're feeling what I'm feeling.
23:52I am.
23:57It makes me sad.
24:36Didn't you read the sign?
24:38No known sex offenders within 200 yards of my property.
24:42I didn't do it.
24:45Not bad.
24:47You could use a little work on the delivery, however.
24:50I suggest a less forceful interpretation.
24:54Tell me...
24:57Tell me that she hasn't gone to the police.
25:00You touch me again and I will scream faster than you can say William Kennedy Smith.
25:03You got it?
25:05Look, Joey, she was the one that wanted to go upstairs, okay?
25:09She practically dragged me up to that room.
25:12And when we started kissing, I swear, she just freaked out.
25:15You know what, Rob? You do not have a lot of credibility with me right now.
25:18Fine, I admit it, okay?
25:21There is a difference between an inappropriate workplace flirtation and some...
25:24And sexual assault?
25:26You draw your own line in this, Rob. They are both against the law.
25:34I've never forced myself on anyone.
25:38If you say so.
25:40You know, it's no secret that she's unstable.
25:44No secret that she spent some time in a mental hospital.
25:49I'm going to pretend that you never said that.
25:53Then why would she do this, huh?
25:56That's all it was for one possible reason.
26:03I wonder what time it is.
26:06Oh, don't look now. Here comes Marilyn Mendick and her husband.
26:09I haven't seen them in years.
26:12Stand up.
26:14Stand up.
26:16Stand up.
26:18Stand up.
26:20Stand up.
26:22Stand up.
26:24Stand up.
26:26Stand up.
26:28Stand up.
26:32Gail Dawson.
26:35Neil, Marilyn.
26:37I heard all about Philadelphia.
26:39I'm sure you did. Excuse us, we were just going to get a drink.
26:43Actually, I'm quite proud of my mom.
26:45Oh, we all are.
26:47Even if Philadelphia didn't quite agree with her.
26:50Honestly, I think it's perfectly absurd to fire an anchor because the public felt she was too old to identify with.
26:58You wouldn't hear them saying that about Diane Sawyer.
27:01Gail, I speak for the whole county when I say you'd be welcome back on our airwaves anytime.
27:08Thank you, Neil.
27:16Mom, is there something you want to tell me?
27:28You're late.
27:32The entertainment still isn't here.
27:35And that wardrobe is far from appropriate attire.
27:39I demand you return home and change this instant.
27:43I can understand why she would turn this into a travesty, but why you and...
27:48Relax, okay? I put him up to it.
27:51And you haven't seen anything yet.
27:54I swear it's hotter than a French prostitute.
27:57Just wait.
28:18How did they ever tell you that?
28:25I need to sit down.
28:28Andy, have you told your dad?
28:32Why should I? I mean, it's only going to upset him, and it's not like anything cataclysmic happened.
28:37Andy, this guy could have hurt you.
28:40You don't know that, Joey, and maybe I overreacted.
28:46Do you think you overreacted?
28:48Well, I didn't cry wolf, if that's what you're saying.
28:50Well, that's not what I'm saying.
28:52Then what are you saying?
28:57I have to tell you something.
29:04Rob stopped by my house this morning.
29:07He told me his side of this story, and he basically got down on his knees pleading his innocence.
29:14So that's why you're here.
29:17You, of all people, are going to believe that scum.
29:20I didn't say I believed him.
29:23No? You just stopped by for a friendly little chat.
29:26No, I stopped by to make sure that we were doing the right thing, Andy.
29:31Look, I should have reported the guy myself about his behavior towards me.
29:35I mean, maybe I could have prevented this whole thing.
29:41I think your water's boiling.
29:50Listen, Joey, maybe all of this happened for a reason.
29:59I mean, maybe something good came out of it.
30:02What do you mean?
30:04As of last night, Pacey and I are back together.
30:07And I can't tell you how happy I am, because now everything can just go back to the way it was.
30:21I'm sorry.
30:29Ladies and gentlemen, the moment that you've all been waiting for.
30:33Please help me in welcoming the awesome talents of...
30:38Amanda Reckenwith, Summer Clearance, Megan Whoopi, and Miss Christianity.
30:45Dangerous hiding.
30:48I'm feeling out of control.
30:51Out of control.
30:53Caught in the loose and I can't get loose.
30:56You're holding on to my soul.
30:59My soul.
31:01I was double-crossed the first time.
31:04You left me calling your name.
31:07Don't tell anyone, but I think I got the hots from Christy.
31:12I always knew you had excellent taste in women.
31:16Constance is going to kill me.
31:19I'm so sure.
31:21Down deep, buried somewhere, I think that she gets it.
31:25Gets what?
31:27Homecoming queens, drag queens, what's the difference?
31:31They're all just people dressing up, pretending to be something that they're not.
31:36Playing a role.
31:41Come on, Henry.
31:43What are we doing?
31:46Dancing, Henry.
31:49In hopes of performing a miracle and awakening the dead.
31:53Come back to you, baby.
31:57Come back to you, baby.
32:01Come back now, baby.
32:04Come back to you, baby.
32:06I'm coming back to you.
32:09Can you take it?
32:11I just know that we can make it.
32:15Oh, God, I'm gonna let you slip away.
32:23And if you treat me right, we can pull the cover tight.
32:28So you don't try to fight.
32:39I come bearing gifts.
32:49Hey, Andy.
32:53I thought that true love could use woman's touch.
32:55What do you think?
32:57Well, to tell you the truth, what she could use is a new rudder and a keel.
33:03Okay, would you settle for a skipper's cap and a pair of my dad's old top-siders?
33:17Very nice.
33:20To be honest, I'm really starting to wonder whether I'm ever going to finish her at all.
33:27Why do you say that?
33:30Well, because sometimes it's harder to rebuild something than it is to just start from scratch.
33:44That picture that you have in your mind of the way something was?
33:51It's never going to be that way again.
33:55Yeah, but it could be better.
33:58It could be.
34:02It's depending on how badly damaged it was in the first place.
34:09How badly damaged was it?
34:13It was pretty much totaled.
34:17Casey, could we please stop beating this metaphor to death and just talk about what we're actually talking about?
34:33I made a mistake last night, Andy.
34:37We both made a mistake.
34:40What did we do? Nothing.
34:42All I can tell you is how it made me feel.
34:47Like I went against what I know is right.
34:51That's funny because today is actually the first day that I've felt really happy since I left the hospital.
35:00It is funny.
35:04You know, there used to be a time when you and I were so in sync in everything that we did.
35:13Just connected.
35:16Look at us now.
35:18We have the opposite reaction to the exact same event.
35:22Casey, please don't do this.
35:25Not now.
35:26Don't break up with me.
35:28I never wanted to break up with you, Andy.
35:31I mean, all those months just waiting, secretly hoping.
35:37You're just...
35:39You're just punishing me.
35:41That's what this is about and you just need to stop being angry with me.
35:45I'm not punishing you, Andy.
35:47My punishment implies that you did something wrong.
35:50I slept with another guy six months ago.
35:57I knew what was wrong when I did it.
36:00I keep trying to tell you this and make you understand and how many times do I have to say it?
36:11If you wanted to sleep with him, even just for a second, then maybe it wasn't wrong.
36:22That was just your heart's way of telling you that I'm not the one.
36:32Because that's what my heart's telling me right now.
36:38It's telling me that you're not the one.
36:45You don't mean that, Casey.
36:51Casey, you can't mean that.
36:56Andy, I'm sorry.
36:58No, just...
37:03Just forget it.
37:28Well, Jennifer, the evening was a total disaster.
37:41I will say one thing.
37:44They sure do know how to dance.
37:47That they do.
37:52You know, Ms. Freckling, I believe that I owe you an apology.
37:57What did I have her for, besides the obvious, I guess?
38:01Well, the truth is that I intended to shock you tonight, but something unexpected happened.
38:11For the first time, I was able to see past the cliché and I actually enjoyed being a homecoming queen.
38:21It brings us to one small, unresolved item.
38:28He adores you, you know.
38:30It's just a crush. It's completely harmless.
38:32It's more than that.
38:34He talks about you nonstop.
38:37Your presence in his life has awakened him somehow. It's quite special.
38:43Though my concern is the sentiment's not mutual.
38:50That would be correct.
38:56I had a beau once, dear to a mattress fortune.
39:02Beautiful man.
39:05I was 17.
39:07We courted.
39:09He asked me to marry him.
39:12I remember it like yesterday.
39:15He took off his hat, got down on one knee.
39:19It was at his mother's gravesite on the anniversary of her death.
39:24But he proposed to you at a cemetery?
39:29Looking back, I should have run from there screaming like a woman from a burning house.
39:37But you didn't.
39:39No, I didn't.
39:41But the wedding never happened anyway.
39:45He led me on, Jennifer.
39:48Played me for a fool.
39:51And then he ran off to California with the girl who sold him his Cadillac.
39:59But the point is,
40:03the heart is a fragile thing.
40:07Break it too badly,
40:10and it might well never recover.
40:26I had a spotted heart.
40:29It's a most sacred blossom.
40:32It took her over 15 years to breed a crackling.
40:36It's older than you are.
40:39I'm old enough to pick things up.
40:51I thought we were having fun.
40:55We are.
40:58But not like that.
41:01You asked me to come with you, man.
41:05Yes, I did.
41:08Doesn't that count for something?
41:13It counts for us becoming friends.
41:16Jen, I'm...
41:19I think I'm in love with you.
41:27Henry, you're not in love with me.
41:31You can't say that. How do you know what I feel?
41:36You don't even know me. How could you possibly be in love with me?
41:39Because I... I just... I am.
41:44I wish it was that simple.
41:46It is that simple.
41:49If it's our age you're worried about, we're not even two years apart. It's nothing.
41:54Right now it's everything, Henry.
41:57But you know how much is going to happen to you in the next two years if you do them right?
42:01Your heart is going to swell and break a hundred times before you turn sixteen.
42:06How does that make me any less ready for you now?
42:11I can still care about you more than anyone ever has.
42:18No offense, but that's not saying much.
42:22Then give me a shot.
42:25What do you have to lose?
42:32Listen, Henry, what you need right now
42:36is somebody who can not only understand what you're going through,
42:40but who can also go through it with you.
42:45Believe me, everything that you haven't done that I have...
42:49Is that falling off?
42:52I haven't done that.
42:55I want you to have someone.
42:58But you don't.
43:01Which leads me to believe that everything you think you know about love is questionable.
43:08As long as it is, you can't tell me I'm not the one for you.
43:14Henry, what you need to know about me,
43:18and it's something that I'm just beginning to understand,
43:23is that I can tell I can look at myself without judgment or condemnation.
43:30I'm not ready for anyone.
43:34Not alone.
43:41You know what you just said about my heart breaking a hundred times?
43:49Well, there goes number one.
44:08I just want you to feel you can tell me.
44:11How does a mother tell a son whom she's supposed to be teaching to dream?
44:17And she failed at her own.
44:20Well, first of all, you didn't fail.
44:24And second of all, you don't look old.
44:27You look great.
44:30Thank you, honey.
44:32Now, thanks for coming home.
44:36Sweetheart, I have my reasons why I don't want to race back to Cape Side.
44:41And that's between you and Dad, and I don't want to get in the way.
44:47But you think that I should talk to him, don't you?
44:52I just think you could use a friend like him right now.
44:55It's not that easy, Dawson. There's way too much history there.
44:59But there's no loss saying that you can't lean on him a little.
45:04Just tell me the truth, Mom. What's the worst that can happen?
45:08You could help me. We could become friends again.
45:16God help us.
45:20You lied to me. You told me one thing to my face and then you went right behind my back.
45:24I thought you were supposed to be my friend.
45:27I am, Andy.
45:29Oh, and you have such deep feelings for me that you went straight to Pacey and sabotaged everything.
45:34Pacey? I haven't even talked to Pacey since you guys dropped me off.
45:39And I'm supposed to believe that?
45:41Well, it's the truth.
45:43Oh, okay, so it's just a coincidence that one minute we're together and the next he never wants to see me again.
45:50When did this happen?
45:52Tonight. An hour ago.
45:54Right after you went and told him that I made up the entire story about Rob just to get him back.
46:00Okay, Andy, I admit it did cross my mind, but I didn't believe it, not for a minute.
46:07Is that right?
46:09Look, I know you.
46:14I know that you're a good person.
46:18You would never do anything so hurtful and plainly wrong.
46:30What? What did I say?
46:37You can tell me, Andy.
46:39Look, you don't know me, Joey, okay?
46:41You don't know what I'm capable of when I set my sights on something.
46:46Andy, you're a stubborn and determined person. There's nothing wrong with that.
46:52It's more. It's like I've got blinders on and all I can see is what's right in front of me, what I'm after,
46:58and everything on the edge just gets blocked out somehow.
47:03What are you talking about?
47:07I'm talking about PC.
47:13I love him and I need him.
47:20And the truth is...
47:29I don't know what the truth is anymore.
47:50Fuck it all, my right to live, and let them throw it away.
48:00Fuck you.
48:05Fuck you.
48:10Fuck you.
48:15Fuck you.
48:20Fuck you.
48:25Fuck you.
48:30Fuck you.
48:35Fuck you.
48:40Fuck you.
48:45Fuck you.
48:50Fuck you.
48:55Fuck you.
49:00Fuck you.
49:05Fuck you.
49:10Fuck you.
49:15Fuck you.
49:20Fuck you.
49:25Fuck you.
49:30Fuck you.
49:35Fuck you.
49:40Fuck you.
49:45Fuck you.
49:50Fuck you.
49:55Fuck you.
50:00Fuck you.
