Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 8 Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

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Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 8 Guess Who's Coming To Dinner


00:00What's the matter, you don't like creamed onions?
00:02Oh, man, they creep me out.
00:04I'm being dead serious here, too.
00:06Just the thought of them makes me sick to my stomach.
00:08Oh, creamy.
00:10Okay, Pacey, how about this?
00:12I promise to keep all offending vegetables out of your line of sight at all times.
00:16You know, Jen, when I suggested that we hook up today,
00:18this is not exactly what I had in mind.
00:20Believe me, Pacey, I know.
00:22But, unfortunately,
00:24Graham's Thanksgiving feast takes precedence
00:26over our burgeoning sex life.
00:30Crack me if I'm wrong,
00:32but we don't actually have a sex life yet, do we?
00:36You think that that's my fault?
00:38Uh, yeah.
00:40I do actually think that that's your fault.
00:42I'm sorry, Pacey.
00:44I just find it difficult to...
00:46to watch you paw at me.
00:52Foreplay is no laughing matter.
00:54How do you expect a guy to do his best work
00:56in the face of scorn and derision?
00:58It's just that we're friends.
01:02And seeing as how we are friends,
01:04but now we're friends that...
01:06do that.
01:10It's just gonna take a little time
01:12getting used to it.
01:14Although maybe we could find
01:16a moment later?
01:18I can't.
01:20I think I have to go to my parents
01:22for Thanksgiving.
01:26I'm sorry, I have to.
01:28You know, I figure it's probably the right thing to do,
01:30seeing as they brought me into the world and all.
01:34Gee, you sound so excited.
01:36Well, it's such a joyous occasion.
01:38Just imagine it.
01:40The widow women slaving over a hot stove
01:42all afternoon just to be told
01:44that the butterball is too dry.
01:46And this, coming from a guy who's been sitting on his derriere
01:48all day getting drunk and watching football.
01:50Well, even despite the creamed onions,
01:52you gotta love Gramps for offering
01:54an alternative.
01:56You do.
01:58Speaking of, you never told me who else is coming.
02:02Don't worry, Pacey.
02:04Andy politely declined the invite.
02:06Yeah, I wouldn't go in there.
02:08And I think that she's making
02:10dinner for Jack at her dad's tonight.
02:14Sounds nice.
02:16It's good for her to have
02:18family on Thanksgiving.
02:20Come here.
02:30Oh, you smell good.
02:34What was that?
02:36Oh, come on.
02:38I'm sorry.
02:42I'm so sorry.
02:50My head is in the clouds.
02:54My feet have left the ground.
02:56My life is
02:58churning around and around.
03:02Every voice
03:04inside my head
03:06is telling me
03:08to run like mad
03:10on poles and
03:12arrows, stars and
03:16Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:18Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:20Every heartbeat,
03:22every kiss
03:24just makes me wonder
03:26what all
03:28this is.
03:30Suits of armor, hearts
03:32and arrows.
03:34Hey, hey, hey, yeah.
03:48Box to the
03:50foot away.
03:58is such a way.
04:02Time capsule.
04:06Now I feel
04:08time capsule.
04:10Now I feel
04:12time capsule.
04:14Now I feel
04:18It looks like that Carve In The Nivem
04:19reissued it me.
04:23So while those cool,
04:24I can now get started with this
04:25oyster stuffing.
04:29So how goes
04:30the apartment search?
04:32Oh it's it's coming.
04:35But you don't mind do you?
04:36I mean me taking
04:37up temporary residence
04:38in the guest room.
04:44It's starting to feel oddly familiar.
04:47What, your father watching football and me and my apron?
04:52Hey, Dawson, you're missing a great game in there.
04:55Ooh, check out these pies.
04:58Dawson, grab a knife. Let's see if they taste as good as they look.
05:00Uh-uh. Don't even think about it. Hands off.
05:03I cannot show up at Mrs. Ryan's with half-eaten baked goods.
05:07That hardly seems fair, does it, Dawson?
05:10She invades our kitchen, fills the house with the scent of pumpkin pie, and then tells us we can't have any.
05:16Fair or unfair, no one is going to spoil their Thanksgiving dinner on my watch.
05:21Why do I suddenly feel like I'm stuck in an episode of The Waltons?
05:30Honey, why don't you go change?
05:42Oh, there you are.
05:44Hey, Sam says hi.
05:46Who's Sam?
05:48You know Sam, the deli guy?
05:51One with the bad dentures, the liver spots, and all that nostril hair?
05:56I think he likes you.
05:58There's something I need to tell you.
06:01Grems, I know, I know. I won't eat any of the food before the meal is served.
06:05I will clean out my closet to hang up the guests' coats in,
06:08and I will think of something to be thankful for so I won't embarrass you in front of your prayer group.
06:14Yes. Actually, no. No, that's not what I want to talk about.
06:20Seriously, Grems, you've got to relax. It's only a meal.
06:22It's a meal with a long history.
06:25I'm sure it is.
06:28I've got to go get ready.
06:32Jennifer, I just want you to bear in mind that Thanksgiving is a holiday with a tradition,
06:38a tradition of people with differences, different ideas, different beliefs,
06:43coming together, sitting down together, breaking bread together in harmony.
06:49Well, despite the fact that I learned all that in kindergarten
06:52when we made those little Indian construction paper headdresses,
06:56I really do appreciate the refresh, of course,
06:58but don't worry, I plan to stay as far out of your way on this as humanly possible.
07:13Hello, Jen.
07:18I'm so stupid.
07:21Oh, my God, that reminds me.
07:24I totally forgot, I forgot that, you know, I forgot that thing that goes inside the bird.
07:32What's it called?
07:34The gizzard bug?
07:37Oh, yuck.
07:40I swear, I mean, if Mom were still alive,
07:43she would probably have her own cooking show on the Food Network by now, and look at us.
07:48The truth is, I'm glad we're having Thanksgiving at the Ryan's.
07:51Me too.
07:53I don't know, maybe it's just the holidays, but I just feel like any minute now,
07:58she's going to come walking through that door, and out of the kitchen, everybody.
08:09Coming in.
08:15Oh, you're wearing your new sweater.
08:23You know, honey, I didn't want to say anything earlier in front of your dad,
08:26but you're never going to guess who I ran into this morning.
08:31Helen Lindley.
08:34Jen's mom?
08:37So what do you think that means?
08:41What do you think it means?
08:43What, you think it's not possible at this very moment the two of them could be discussing a certain half-sister?
08:49Well, I think that's highly unlikely, considering Jen doesn't know she has a half-sister.
08:55You didn't tell her?
08:58Dawson, I'm impressed I had no idea that you had such self-control.
09:04I'd like to brag and say it was self-control, but I think it was more gutlessness than anything.
09:10Well, then it's just a coincidence.
09:13What's just a coincidence?
09:15Well, that one week you discover a skeleton in Lindley's closet,
09:20and then the next the aforementioned family just happens to get together for the first time in over a year.
09:41You've been down here for nearly half an hour now, Jennifer.
09:44You have to come up sooner or later.
09:46How could you not tell me that she was coming?
09:50I didn't know.
09:52She just arrived.
09:55It seems your father was detained unexpectedly in Europe on business.
10:02Now that I can believe.
10:05Probably tossing back a vodka martini about now, drowning in sorrows.
10:10As if he actually felt any.
10:12Be generous, Jennifer.
10:17My mother isn't here because she really wants to see me.
10:20She's here because she's got nowhere else to go.
10:22You don't know that.
10:26You know what, you're right, I don't.
10:28And how would I?
10:31The only contact that I've had with her in the past year was a phone call.
10:35You know what I think.
10:40I think that underneath all this, you're really pleased to see her.
10:46Well, maybe pleased isn't exactly the right word.
10:49Maybe it's more like prepared.
10:52You are prepared to deal with the past.
10:56You're prepared to start facing the problems between you.
11:04I can't even look at her.
11:08I won't talk to her.
11:11Well, maybe you can't find the right words because there's too much to say.
11:19Jennifer, for the past 14 months I've been watching you.
11:23I've watched you change.
11:25You're more serious now.
11:27You're more at peace with yourself.
11:29It's like you've crossed some kind of a threshold.
11:38It's more like a crossroads.
11:40Like I could just go either way.
11:44Well, I know that you will choose the right way.
11:55But in the meantime...
11:58In the meantime?
12:00One foot in front of the other.
12:03Starting in that direction.
12:13Come on, Jennifer.
12:15You can't stay down here all afternoon.
12:18People are starting to arrive.
12:20Besides, I'm going to bed.
12:22Your mother is just as nervous as you are.
12:26You think?
12:29In some ways the two of you are more alike than you know.
12:42Hey, Pacey. Have a nice evening.
12:45Yeah, you too, man.
12:49Have a nice evening, Andy.
12:53You too, Pacey.
12:58I, uh...
13:00I thought you guys were spending the afternoon with your dad.
13:04Well, that was Plan A.
13:06He got stuck in Chicago.
13:09You know, any other dad would find a plane, train, automobile...
13:13Anything to see his kids but not Joseph McPhee.
13:17You know what, Jack? I'm sure he did everything he could to get here.
13:24What'd you bring, Andy?
13:26Apple pie.
13:28Yeah, she made it herself.
13:30Yeah, it looks amazing.
13:32Uh, what'd you bring?
13:34It's, uh...
13:39It's cranberry sauce.
13:41In a can.
13:43A little on the lame side, I know, but it's about the extent of my culinary expertise.
13:48A little bit of cranberry sauce means the backbone of any good Thanksgiving dinner.
13:57So how you been, Andy?
14:01Fine. Why do you ask?
14:04Well, it's been a while since you and I touched base.
14:07I just want to check in and see how you're doing.
14:10Okay, can somebody please tell me why guys always do that?
14:14Can somebody please tell me why guys always do that?
14:17I mean, you want to be the nice, polite friend after the breakup.
14:20You know what, Pacey? You made a decision.
14:23So at least have the strength to believe in your convictions.
14:26You're right.
14:28You're absolutely right.
14:31Listen, Jack, I think I'm just gonna mosey.
14:35You know, I think I'm just gonna get off to my second stop on my capeside toward Thanksgiving.
14:40No, no. You know what? We were the ones who came at the last minute, so I really should be the one to...
14:46Andy, I wouldn't take it.
14:48...be the one to leave.
14:49Okay, look. You're not going anywhere, and neither are you.
14:52Okay? It's Thanksgiving.
14:54Now, I think it's pretty cool of Graham's to play host to this group of misfits, all right?
15:00If the two of you can't get over your history for just a couple of hours and enjoy the company of your friends,
15:06you should be home eating a TV dinner under a bear bulb, okay?
15:10So get over yourselves already.
15:32It's weird to see your parents together.
15:35Are they getting along?
15:37So would Peter.
15:39Oh, hi, everyone. Happy Thanksgiving.
15:43All right, everybody. Coats. Hand them over.
16:05Sorry I didn't realize you were still here.
16:07Oh, please. We can share.
16:09It is your room now, after all.
16:14No, I was just going to drop these coats off in bed. I'm sorry.
16:22Would you mind?
16:45My God, you're getting so beautiful.
16:51I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?
16:54No. No, I was...
16:58Tell me.
17:02I was just remembering.
17:05How I used to watch you in the mirror when I was little.
17:09Watching you put on your lipstick.
17:13Brushing your hair.
17:18I just studied your every move.
17:21Like I was the most important person in the world.
17:26Something like that.
17:30Here, I have something for you.
17:35Mom gave these to me when I was about your age,
17:38and I figured that it's about time to pass them on.
17:54They're beautiful.
17:57You know, I've always thought so.
18:01But I can't.
18:03Why not?
18:06Because where would I wear them?
18:09I mean, at home maybe, but...
18:14I mean, in New York maybe, but here?
18:19And this is where I live now.
18:22Save it for a special occasion.
18:26Mom, you're the one that taught me
18:28Girls lose their luster if you don't wear them.
18:34I guess that they're like people in that regard.
18:36You should keep them close to your skin.
18:39Chad, please.
18:40I need to go help Gramps in the kitchen.
18:54Is there anything we can help you with?
18:57Is there anything we can help you with, Mrs. Wright?
19:02Not anything in particular?
19:04General prayer would be fine.
19:11You know, how's it your mom's in town?
19:13Yeah, we're going to get a chance to meet her.
19:16I would love for you guys to meet her.
19:19It's just that we seem to be having a little failure to communicate right now.
19:23She's currently primping in the mirror.
19:25I'm sure that she'll be down shortly.
19:30Did you know she was coming?
19:35Big surprise.
19:38Guerrilla style.
19:42Seems my mom is a graduate of the Ho Chi Minh School of Parenting.
19:47Is she here for some reason other than Thanksgiving?
19:50Any news on the home front?
19:53What, you mean is she begging me to return home to the familial fold?
19:59I don't think so.
20:01What, did you talk to her?
20:03I mean, it's been a long time.
20:05She must have a lot to tell you.
20:08Like what?
20:09Like, maybe she misses you.
20:13Maybe she's sorry that she sent you away, you know?
20:16I mean, I know she hasn't always been there for you.
20:20Dustin, ever since I was 13 years old,
20:22that woman has done nothing but stare at me with a look of mild disregard
20:26like I was some stranger who spilled a cocktail on her carpet.
20:33Jen, um...
20:37We're all strangers to our parents.
20:40I mean, they love us, but they don't really know us.
20:44And sometimes, before we get the chance to know them,
20:47they're gone.
20:50And so we can't ask them all the things we want to know about
20:53turnips or turkey gizzards or...
20:58you know, what they were like when they were young.
21:04Jen, I'm sorry.
21:06No, it's okay.
21:08No, I am. I mean, I totally...
21:10No, look.
21:13What I'm trying to say is...
21:15What I'm trying to say is...
21:19Would you give her a chance?
21:23She's your mom.
21:25And, um...
21:27The reality is that she came here today to talk to you
21:31and to be with you.
21:36And I think you owe her that much.
21:46Mrs. Lindley.
21:48Hi, I'm Dawson.
21:50Dawson Leary.
21:52Oh, Gail's son. Of course.
21:55Hello. Pleased to meet you.
21:57Pleased to meet you.
22:01I don't think I could have imagined a more beautiful day.
22:05Sometimes I forget how magical this place can be.
22:15You should know that Jen and I actually dated for a little while.
22:20We're still very good friends.
22:23I care very deeply about her.
22:25Well, that's nice to hear, Dawson.
22:27I'm glad that Jen has a friend in you.
22:34There is also something else you should know.
22:40See, it's not going to be easy to say this, so I'm just going to say it.
22:42You can tell me if I'm out of line.
22:46I'm listening.
22:49A few, uh...
22:51Not too long ago, I met a girl who was just passing through Capeside.
22:56And, um, I got to know her a little bit.
22:59And it came out that she had been given up for adoption.
23:05She'd just recently discovered this and she was determined to find her birth mother.
23:11What does this have to do with me, Dawson?
23:17Mrs. Lilly, this girl is carrying a picture of you.
23:26I'm not...
23:28Where is she? Is she still here in town?
23:32No, she's not.
23:35By the time I realized who she was, she'd left.
23:41So it's true.
23:43Does Jen know anything about this?
23:47I wrestled with telling her, but I...
23:50I ultimately decided it wasn't my place, which is why I'm really glad you're here.
23:55This is a very difficult and a very personal issue.
23:59I'm sure it is.
24:00And as you said, the girl is gone.
24:04So I don't see any reason for Jen to know anything about this.
24:08So I don't see any reason for Jen to know anything about this.
24:13That's not entirely true.
24:15There's nothing to prevent Eve from coming back into town.
24:20That's her name.
24:22Eve Whitman.
24:25And for all I know, she could approach Jen herself.
24:32Something tells me that this information would be much better coming from you than from her.
24:39Remember when you asked me to tell you if you were out of line?
24:44Look, I'm...
24:46I'm not an authority on functional families.
24:51But I've seen what happens when families keep these kinds of secrets from each other.
24:59I just don't want to see Jen get hurt.
25:03Neither do I.
25:30It gets easier, you know.
25:32What does?
25:35Being in the same room with him.
25:40Did you ever ask about it?
25:43What do you think?
25:45I think I should probably hate me right about now.
25:48Eh, only every other day.
26:01As a veteran of multiple breakups with the same boy,
26:06I know what you're going through.
26:10I just wanted to let you know that the dark nights will pass.
26:15Eventually you will find peace.
26:22I wish I could believe you, Joey.
26:26Because sometimes it's just so unbearable and it's like
26:30this feeling of being uncomfortable in my own skin and
26:34it's like I have to keep busy because if I stop even just for one minute,
26:38all I can think about
26:42is how badly I hurt him and how badly I got hurt.
26:48Well, it's not a judgment, it's a fact.
26:51I broke my sister's heart.
26:54She broke mine.
26:57Okay, so imagine how much pain she's in.
27:04So, you guys have gotten to be pretty good friends lately?
27:10I mean, Pace is a doofus, but I know he has his moments.
27:16So, does he talk about me?
27:24Not really, Andy.
27:27I mean, you know Pacey.
27:29I mean, if he can't come up with a clever quip about something, then he goes stoic.
27:34The way he feels about you, he keeps that close to his heart.
27:42It's really precious to him, Andy.
27:51And now my favorite part of the meal.
27:53Shall we all stand and join hands?
28:01Dawson Leary, would you begin?
28:06I would like to give thanks for the wonderful food that was just on our table.
28:12Here, here.
28:13Great, great.
28:14Here, here.
28:15Great, great.
28:19I'd also like to give thanks for the opportunity to gather with friends and family,
28:24who in the best of all worlds are one and the same.
28:31Well, I'd just like to pass my thanks along to the ladies of the Ryan Brood
28:35for an outstanding meal and an afternoon of peace,
28:39both of which will be sorely lacking from the noisy, dysfunctional family feast
28:43I'll be having in about 45 minutes.
28:50First of all, I'd like to thank Mrs. Ryan for her kindness
28:55and for welcoming me into her home at the last minute.
28:58Of course, dear.
29:01But I guess what I'm most thankful for is my friends.
29:07All of you around this table have helped me in so many ways that you'll never know
29:13and without you I'd be lost.
29:18Uh, I'd like to give thanks for the kind of people that take strays into their life.
29:27The kind of person to whom it doesn't matter whether or not you're family.
29:33Just that you have a home.
29:37It's my turn, I guess.
29:41I guess I would just like to give thanks to all the people we love
29:46who aren't necessarily with us today for whatever reason.
29:54Just because they're not here doesn't mean we love them any less.
29:58This is what can save, though my body may fail me.
30:06It's your turn, Jennifer.
30:09What do you think?
30:14Well, I came with a theme, I guess I'd like to give thanks for second chances.
30:23For the opportunity to try and rebuild bridges that were once thought beyond repair.
30:32And for the promise of many more Thanksgivings to come.
30:40It's lovely, dear.
30:43Excuse me.
30:50Oh, God.
31:06Mom, wake up.
31:08I didn't mean to upset you about what I said, I was just being honest.
31:12You didn't upset me. I was just thinking.
31:16About what?
31:18Oh, maybe I did something right for a change.
31:23What do you mean?
31:25Sending you to live with Grams.
31:31Sending isn't the way I'd put it.
31:34Fair enough, Jen.
31:36But I don't think you realize how lucky you are.
31:40I've been searching in vain for friends like that all my life.
31:49I'm glad that it makes you feel better, but...
31:53Let's go to friends as they are, they're not family.
31:58No, you're right, Jen.
32:03This past year has been anything but easy for me.
32:11I've stumbled and picked myself up, and stumbled and picked myself up.
32:17Over and over and over with no safety net.
32:20I know I should have been there for you. I should have written or called.
32:26So why didn't you?
32:28I wish I could tell you that.
32:30For a thousand different reasons, I kept wanting to.
32:38You have no idea how much that hurts.
32:41I know.
32:47What did I do that was so bad? What was so wrong?
32:51Nothing, Jen, nothing was so wrong.
32:54Then what?
32:59Let me try and explain this.
33:13Is one enough for joining?
33:16Well, of course not.
33:18Sweetheart, I was very proud of what you said at the table today.
33:23Austin, check out your mom's pie. It's well worth the wait.
33:30Guys, that's enough.
33:33What's wrong?
33:35You two acting like Rob and Laura Petri.
33:39One more moment of false sitcom-y good cheer, I'm gonna throw up your oyster stuffing.
33:44We're just trying to become friends again, Dawson.
33:48Friends are more than friends.
33:50Mom, you move back into town and you take up residence in our guest room.
33:56What is that supposed to mean? Are you part of the family or are you a tenant?
34:02It's not that simple, Dawson.
34:07Remember it is what you do.
34:15Alright, look.
34:17I'm obviously out of the loop here, but maybe that's for the best, okay?
34:22Because the last thing that I want to do is get caught in the middle of your drama, but...
34:28Guys, if there's something going on that affects me, then I need to know about it.
34:34Okay, you guys have to be honest with me.
34:44Okay, let me see if I understand.
34:47Mother finds daughter in compromising position,
34:51and instead of sharing her own experiences as a teenager,
34:55when she actually got pregnant and had a child,
35:00mother instead turns into a hypocrite and sends her daughter into exile?
35:06It wasn't only me, there was also your father to consider.
35:10But I forgot about him.
35:13Just for a minute, try to put yourself in my place.
35:20Why didn't you tell me this earlier?
35:23Didn't you once think that maybe it would help me with what I was going through?
35:27That you would make something easier on me?
35:30Instead of pushing me away and turning your back?
35:33It was a shameful secret.
35:35A secret I've had to carry for over twenty years.
35:38The answer was then to make me feel dirty and ashamed.
35:41That was never my intention.
35:45You know what I think?
35:50I think that you were just afraid of dad finding out about your indiscretion.
36:00The story of my life just waiting for the day that you decide to take my story for once over his.
36:06You can think what you want, Jen.
36:08But I was not and am not prepared to wind up alone.
36:12And that's the difference between you and me, mom.
36:15Because I would rather be alone than in a pathetic, loveless marriage.
36:20Don't go.
36:27Mom, you are the most intensely selfish person that I have ever known.
36:34God, look at you. You can't even cry.
36:38Something's taken that away from you. You're numb and you know it and you're grateful for it.
36:44I know why you're so afraid of being alone.
36:47Because the day you are, you're going to have to look inside of yourself and you're going to see what I've known for a long time.
36:53There's nothing there.
37:09Well, he's had it. It's definitely time for us to go.
37:15Let me just say goodbye to them, alright?
37:17It's just us, not you.
37:18Stay. Be with your friends.
37:24I better see you leaving.
37:25Bye. Oh, yeah.
37:27I'll see you later.
37:34So, I saw you huddled up with your parents over there. What's going on with them?
37:39Well, it's the final chapter of the Miss Gale saga.
37:46What do you mean?
37:48Your worst is final.
37:50And the reason it came to that, it officially finished as a family.
37:58Oh, sorry, I am.
38:02I know.
38:12So, what did you say to them when they told you?
38:18I really loved them at this time. I looked them both in the eye and I said, congratulations.
38:32Good for you, Dawson.
38:37But, you know, I figure after a year of if-ing and but-ing, any decision is a good decision. Right?
38:46I mean, besides, the only homes we ever have are the ones we make for ourselves.
38:55I know what you mean.
38:56I know what you mean.
39:01So, what do you see we really cut loose tonight?
39:08Acting out our teenage ennui in flawed and destructive ways.
39:15What do you have in mind?
39:19Sex, drugs, back and low.
39:27Or we...
39:31We could just sit right here and have a mind-blowing three-hour conversation.
39:46Come here.
39:48Uh, where are we going?
39:51To the gardening shed to plant the enriched potting soil.
39:54Did I miss something here?
39:56No. We agreed to be available at a moment's notice. Besides, don't you like getting dirty?
40:00I do, but you see, I don't want to sound like a prude here, Jen, but I actually, I really can't do this right now.
40:07Come on, Bessie, I can say with absolute certainty that there will be no giggling right now.
40:11You just need to give me a second to catch up here.
40:16Bessie, our arrangement precludes any sort of emotional foreplay.
40:19Yes, it does. Which, by extension, also precludes the idea of angry sex.
40:27You want to tell me what just happened with your mom?
40:41Okay, long story short, like mother, like daughter.
40:46Seems that I'm not the only girl in the Linley family who can't say no.
40:51Well, wake up and smell the sanctimony, Mom.
40:54My sentiments exactly. I plan to file it under a wish I never knew.
41:04I wouldn't be so hasty.
41:08What, Bessie?
41:10What, Bessie?
41:16For what it's worth, as a guy who's just gone through this himself, what just happened to you is a defining moment.
41:26You come to see your parents as human beings with their own problems.
41:33It is oddly kind of liberating.
41:39And when you realize they're way more messed up than you ever had, it's not worth your time or energy to go on despising them for it.
42:09Even if I got the thumbs down
42:18That I would be good
42:22If I got and stayed sick
42:28Leaving so soon?
42:30I think I've wreaked enough havoc for one holiday, don't you?
42:33I'd be good
42:36Even if I gave up
42:39If you're worried that I'm going to spill your little secret to Dad, don't.
42:45I won't get in the middle.
42:48It's your marriage and your lack of Jennifer.
42:51But I don't regret saying any of the things that I did. I won't take them back.
42:56I deserve them.
42:58I deserve everything that happens to me.
43:03What do you mean?
43:06Don't marry a cold man, Jeff.
43:10Don't wake up at 40 and realize that one false move and everything you've built your life around could be pulled out from under you.
43:22Why don't you just divorce him?
43:27I can't.
43:29Why not?
43:30Because do you realize what happens to women like me when their marriages fail?
43:37The charity events stop.
43:40The social register inexplicably loses your address and you disappear.
43:47You just disappear.
43:49I love you.
43:58Since you put me on that plane, I always thought that you hated me.
44:03But you never did, did you?
44:09If anyone, you just hated yourself.
44:20God, if I had realized that earlier, this past year would have been so much easier for me.
44:27I'm sorry, Jeff.
44:33I know.
44:38I guess now I have to stop worrying you'll turn out like me.
44:44Because you're already so much stronger than I ever was.
44:50I guess I should be going.
44:54Goodbye, Helen.
44:56Bye, Mom.
45:00Bye, Mom.
45:07Call me sometime.
45:13I will.
45:35You all right?
45:45I'll be fine.
45:49I'll be fine.
45:52Even if I went bankrupt.
46:01That I would be good.
46:05If I lost my head and my head.
46:14What are you doing here?
46:16Oh, I just couldn't do it.
46:18I got right up to my front door and I thought to myself, what the hell am I doing here?
46:26I mean, honestly, who would I rather spend my time with?
46:28My family who thinks I'm an idiot or my friends who think I'm an idiot?
46:36Well, I'm glad that you're here.
46:42No hard feelings for this afternoon?
46:44Except for ones of utter embarrassment.
46:48No, I'm sorry about what happened.
46:52There's no need for you to apologize to me.
46:54I know this may be a little hard for you to believe, but it's actually not every day that a beautiful woman throws herself at me.
47:03And, and thank you.
47:07For what?
47:09Conduct above and beyond.
47:10Conduct above and beyond?
47:12I was not in it.
47:14I see you're a sixteen year old boy that must have taken superhuman restraint.
47:18Oh, Jen, you have no idea.
47:21That I would be good.
47:26Even if I was lagging.
47:33Is this you taking?
47:35It is now.
47:36Me too.
47:41You know what I'm thinking?
47:43It's been kind of a while, you know, since we've all ended up in the same spot together.
47:49I'm gonna say, it's nice.
47:51You know what's awesome? You're right.
47:53I feel like I'm in the middle of a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special.
47:57Oh, I love that one! That's where they all eat on the ping pong table, but it keeps collapsing and then they end up baking the popcorn?
48:02Yeah, well, I think the group hug is a little premature, however.
48:06I'm sure we'll find a way to be estranged again in no time.
48:11Before we do, I would just like to say that in a world where people who raise you end up letting you down, it's an honor and a privilege to have you guys to turn to.
48:32I can't wait for the Oscar speech. I mean, there's not gonna be a dry eye in the house.
49:03You know what I'm thinking?
49:05It's nice.
49:07You know what I'm thinking?
49:09It's nice.
49:11You know what I'm thinking?
49:13It's nice.
49:15You know what I'm thinking?
49:17It's nice.
49:19You know what I'm thinking?
49:21It's nice.
49:23You know what I'm thinking?
49:25It's nice.
49:27It's nice.
49:29It's nice.
49:30It's nice.
