Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 14 Valentine's Day Massacre

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Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 14 Valentine's Day Massacre


00:00so I want to do it right about now wait okay remember when I said that thing
00:09about stepping on the clutch before you actually try and shift is that coming
00:14back to you that's it okay I don't want to learn to drive anymore it's too hard
00:26are we there yet
00:31come on kiddies we're barely halfway down the driveway what on earth have you guys been doing
00:36up here this is a shining example of why friends should not teach friends to drive stick not
00:41exactly lloyd dobler dawson what is that supposed to mean say anything john kuzak teaches ione sky
00:47how to drive yeah except if i remember correctly he was quite the patient tutor well as i remember
00:52she actually listened to his tutorial okay kids let's try and find the love up there shall we
00:57you know dawson what say you and i invite miss josephine potter to step out of the town with
01:04us tonight unless of course you've got prior valentine's day playing with the college bowl
01:09no massive midterm crisis excuse me what kind of moron would rather shove his nose in a book
01:17than take his girl out for valentine's day hey see i know it's a hard concept for you to grasp
01:21but some people are actually dedicated to the pursuit of academic excellence i'm pretty sure
01:27that why don't you just come with us it'll be fun depends on what goofus and gallen are up to this
01:33evening well as it happens matt caulfield is throwing a massive anti-valentine's day party
01:39why would you want to go to a matt caulfield party after everything we've heard about him
01:44i'm with you that surprises me dawson why matt caulfield i mean he's not exactly of your tribe
01:51he's a creep and his parties are infamous for complete and utter debauchery these early years
01:56why are you coming down on the guy for wanting to shed his skin and have some fun for a change
02:00you know and why are you dragging him into a seedy depraved world reserved for bottom feeders like
02:04yourself okay guys this tug of war over my morality is entertaining and all but we gotta
02:08get going we'll be late for school and much of the idea of watching the two of you make fools
02:12of yourselves is appealing to me i'm gonna have to pass on the whole party thing and make it a
02:17blockbuster night you know that sounds like a great idea joe who are you going to get to drive you
02:25my heart is in my hands my head is in the clouds
02:37my feet have left the ground my life is turning around
02:45and i know every voice inside my head is telling me to run like mad
02:55oh balls and arrows stars and sunsets hey hey hey yeah hey hey hey yeah every heartbeat every kiss
03:08just makes me wonder what all this is
03:14hearts and arrows hey hey hey yeah
03:32can you imagine the life that guy is leading urban legend has it he slept with six cheerleaders in
03:37one weekend i'm telling you man we gotta go to that party oh man maybe maybe he was right
03:44what is this is this doubt i'm hearing young skywalker i'm not exactly cut out for career in
03:49hedonism dawson pick up the phone already this is your call to action okay your hero's journey
03:55begins now my friend i can see the romanziota i've actually always seen myself more as the
04:03han solo type roguish good looks devil may care attitude guys guys wait up hey here comes my
04:12chewbacca what it's not important anyway you have any luck yeah i talked to some of the guys
04:19on the team and it turns out that the location is completely confidential i guess colfield and
04:25some of his buddies are afraid if you know if the cops get wind of it they'll bust it up
04:32but i did get the password nice what is it
04:42i know kung fu
04:46i told you yesterday henry you can only sell plasma every 72 hours but i feel fine i know
04:53that huge heart of yours could probably fill half the blood banks of new england but i'm sorry
04:59please i i've got a date with an angel tonight and everything is almost perfect i i've spent the
05:05last two weeks working at her favorite restaurant to pay for the meal i i have got a reservation at
05:11the best table now if i can just sell one more pint i'll have enough for a gift i can't bend the
05:17rules nurse nicole somewhere out there there's a guy who thinks about you every day and dreams
05:28about you every night a guy who would sells blood just to make you happy well he's late
05:38maybe he's stuck
05:42maybe someone won't gun the rules for him
05:52roll up your sleeve and promise me you'll get some rest before your big date
05:58so what do i owe this dubious honor that fella just want to hang out with his brother
06:15do i always have to have an ulterior motive and what is that satanic racket you got going in there
06:20oh listen to that voice is that not a cause for joy i mean is that not the voice of a diva
06:31if you continue in this manner you are going to force me to unleash your salvo of gay stereotype
06:37humor that will leave you breathless and quivering always a pleasure but i got somewhere to be well
06:42look maybe i could do a ride along with you and why would you want to do that because doug
06:48you're my big brother i'll come to you you'll call me crazy but i think it would be fascinating
06:52to spend a night in the life of butch super cop douglas winner not tonight okay why not
06:58because you would be bored tonight i have to suffer through the ignoble task of staking out
07:04the golf course golf course yeah a concerned citizen called in a heads up about some big
07:11party at the golf course so you know hey you uh haven't heard anything about a party have you
07:17at the golf course no no i did hear about this rager out on which island but that's not what
07:23you're looking for anyway thank you douglas wood okay so you take a left on dearborn and then we're
07:30the third house on the left so i'll see you around eight o'clock kate come on you have to come i mean
07:36it'll be so much fun besides you have to get your mind off things right okay great i'll see you then
07:42bye kate k2 kate douglas she's coming up from rhode island for the weekend and crash with us
07:50kate douglas as in my ex-girlfriend and as in a very good friend of mine i can't believe you would
07:56actually ask her up here without asking you first it's valentine's day and she just broke up with
08:02her boyfriend and she needs a change of scenery so did she mention me well yeah i mean it's only
08:09natural would you tell her that you're great and and and and no okay i didn't tell her that that is
08:18so your gig believe you jack look it's not that big of a deal okay she gets here you ask her if
08:27she wants a glass of water and then you you know kind of mention that you like boys
08:32what do you think red or black valentine's day red of course
08:41yeah yeah i thought so too all right you know it's perfectly natural to be nervous
08:47valentine's it's a very exciting day oh i'm not nervous all right it's just another day just
08:54another dinner it's not just another day it's the day saint valentine gave his life to the
09:00romans rather than stop marrying young christian lovers and feel his spirit all around us oh it's
09:09called a draft and it usually wafts through old doors around the middle of february jennifer you
09:14are far too young to be this jaded who's jaded i think it's great that we have a day that
09:20commercializes on our emotions not even the harsh jangle of the cash register can keep love at bay
09:31oh something's missing you look beautiful just beautiful something is definitely missing
09:39an unadorned neck is proper for the first date chaste pure that's so mean
09:51you know i've often found that the best thing for nerves is to simply breathe deeply
09:57in all right for the last time i'm not nervous i have absolutely nothing to be nervous about i
10:09i have been on plenty of dates with plenty of guys on plenty of days and this is just
10:13another one so so please don't make such a big deal out of it because it's not a big deal at all
10:18okay have fun on your date
10:33okay so the plan is is we're gonna meet our friend at the club
10:36and we're gonna try and find the senior party okay
10:38jackers you're pretty darn quiet for someone i haven't seen in a year
10:49it's just weird to see you that's all have you missed me yeah of course i'm a pretty
10:55missable kind of gal don't you think extremely missable so who's that special someone in your
11:04life um it's funny you should ask that um because i think there's something that you should know
11:19kate what's wrong my boyfriend when he broke up with me it started just like that
11:28funny you should ask and then he told me that he knew he was gay
11:39here we are the 18th queen of Augusta if pacey wetter can sink this butt he will become the
12:01youngest ever masters champion you can see the tension etched all over the face of his girlfriend
12:07acting sensation miss heather brown hey guys oh mcphee you just made me drop my butter
12:18tragic boston pacey i want you to meet my friend kate douglas meet you kate douglas
12:25any friends of jackers are instant friends of mine jackers i believe she just said jackers
12:32well kate and i go way back way back jack was my first boyfriend oh way back i'd uh i'd just
12:42like to put it out there that i've recently broken up with my gay boyfriend and i find
12:49myself in a highly charged emotional state okay thanks for your time wait a moment please
12:57thank you
13:01did you hear what she just said i know i felt bad for that jack that's not one but two gay
13:06boyfriends okay i wasn't really talking about so much what she said more like what she's saying
13:14the subtext is that she needs to overcome the memory of her lost love
13:20if only for a brief time she's looking to hook up man this night just turned into a teenage
13:26fairytale and you my friend are the big bright shining star wasn't quite looking at her from
13:30that angle well that's why i'm here a little buddy isn't it huh hey look who's here joey
13:37hey hey hey
13:42well that's odd i mean this couldn't possibly be miss josephine buzzkill in front of me because
13:48buzzkill in front of me because i'm pretty sure that she was boycotting tonight i came to make
13:52sure that i don't lose austin to the dark side joy i appreciate your concern but i'm really quite
13:59capable of taking care of myself someday you'll thank me dawson and if pacey insists on being
14:04the devil on your shoulder then the least i can do is be the angel on the other fine then
14:09come with me sweet little angel be my guest but you are not and i repeat not going to ruin this
14:16night for us
14:32i mean do you feel okay you look kind of peaked
14:38i've been dreaming about this for so long i'm afraid if i speak i'll wake
14:46you are awake
14:54so are you
14:57we're wearing the same color
15:04you know my my gramps would probably say that that was a sign of the spirit of st valentine
15:09of course it is i believe that oh this is
15:16all right thank you it's perfect this whole night's gonna be perfect ouch oh
15:24i'm sorry it's okay it's not okay you're bleeding no no it's fine really just a flesh wound
15:37well that was about as subtle as an oliver stone film what was shoving dawson on that girl what
15:43are you jealous no i'm worried about him pacey why because he's lost i mean can't you see that i
15:51wholeheartedly concur with you dawson is lost right now that's why he needs to acquire as
15:55much life experience as possible pacey why does life experience have to translate into these wild
16:02parties and random hookups what would you have the man do join a book of the month club i'm screwed
16:09you have to tell her i can't tell her now i don't want to give her a complex well you can't keep
16:14avoiding her all night either well if i tell her i'm just gonna end up hurting her all over again
16:19okay get over yourself jack what is there something hideously wrong with me i thought i could tell
16:27dave guy i just broke up with the guy that turned out to be oh so very much a homosexual
16:34he used to tell me i was an acquired taste is that just a nice way of saying i'm a filthy eyesore
16:41i'm not a filthy eyesore am i you're beautiful
16:46the way they're beautiful used to actually mean something
16:51what was your name again
17:18you know screen face playing at the realta we can still catch it easy father
17:23how do you think these guys are going to respond when they find out that we're crashing their party
17:27without an invite uh good question and one we probably should have considered before we got
17:33here so who wants to make it this far party people we might as well
17:40this is my party and i don't recall inviting any of you well you didn't our mistake so
17:48we'll be going now you know the password
18:00well okay okay
18:06not so fast kids you do know about the entrance fee don't you oh yeah of course it's uh what five
18:13bucks cover this right
18:20if you'd like to join us i need each of you to down one of these bad boys
18:27go on oh thank you mr cosby
18:54what about you don't attractive offer although i'm sure you're dying for the chance to hold
18:59back my hair when i inevitably vomit up that nasty keg beer that's like a reject
19:11you're actually considering participating in this nonsense
19:15why can't you just let the man make his own decisions awesome this isn't you you know
19:21your concern for dawson is starting to border on pathological modern guys we're not at the
19:25gates of hell and you're not arguing with my soul
19:49thank you
19:50you're just saying that
19:55all right well maybe i i had my doubts at first but um everything's turned out really really nicely
20:04we've got a fun place to eat and what's more important is that we can spend some time doing
20:10what i was hoping that we could do on valentine's day which get to know each other you know what i
20:16mean henry
20:28am i boring you no no i was i was just resting my eyes oh
20:38well feel free to put your head down and take a nap if you like
20:50how does he do it food awesome no hasty i mean how does he always manage to get us into these
20:56situations this is cocky charm cocky yes but i don't think the village idiot routine equals charm
21:06well he means well why is he so irritating if you think about it i mean he is just this big
21:14dopey dog you're right it's like he runs through the house destroying everything
21:19in its path and then he looks up to you like wait what'd you expect i'm just a dog
21:27you know who you sound like who me right before i started dating him
21:39you in the gold car pull over
21:52evening ladies
22:12okay hey dawson i was wondering you were wondering
22:20you can repeat everything i said you can repeat everything i said
22:26isn't that annoying i'm sorry you wondering uh i was wondering if if you wanted to take a walk
22:35with you yeah
22:49he'll be at st matthews later he'll be fine god henry i cannot believe that you sold your
22:54blood twice in a 48 hour period what were you thinking i wanted to make sure i did
23:01everything possible to make tonight unforgettable well you did and i wanted to buy you this
23:15it's a ring
23:18and and and it's it's orange it's hungarian red
23:23right on
23:28no henry henry please don't ruin it ruined everything no it's it's henry it's fine
23:35please don't worry about it i want everything to be so perfect it is this is this is perfect
23:43it's perfect
23:53i know what you're doing
24:06what's that you're the resident caretaker
24:14the gang's nice guy pretty friendly
24:18the one who volunteers to take highly emotional and progressively wasted types
24:25off of everybody's hands so the other boys can go and have fun don't worry about little old me
24:31dawson i will present you with no burden whatsoever it's a piece of chili oh wait wait a minute
24:39oh wait wait a minute
24:42why would you assume that assume what i'm a nice guy maybe i could be trying to
24:54take advantage of your situation
24:59and you find that humorous i may be drunk and i may hardly know you
25:04but that's not you it isn't no it isn't
25:12i mean first of all who in a million years that was trying to take advantage of my situation
25:20use the expression i'm trying to take advantage of your situation
25:26really too much to ask the universe to admit it once just just once just one single solitary time
25:37you conspire with my desire to have a good time quit whining there are people dying in the balkans
25:46quiet okay it's between me and the face call me loco but maybe if you just acted instead of
25:56hemming and hawing and debating and conversing then maybe you'd actually see some results
26:04what is that supposed to mean
26:06kiss her
26:09especially after you told her you were going to be kissing her
26:14you don't want to be a nice guy just because you don't want to be a nice guy
26:21for me
26:25i think i'm going to have to break up with you
26:28Kissing her.
26:31Kiss her.
26:33Especially after you told her that she was beautiful in the way that beautiful used to
26:39actually mean something.
26:40It's that simple.
26:41It's that simple.
26:42Hold that impulse.
26:43Hold that impulse.
26:44Hold that impulse.
26:46Just perfect.
27:15Go home early.
27:25Unfortunately, not early enough.
27:30The Hagrid girl that you're looking at now is straight from the date from hell.
27:37Something for you and Henry to laugh about on your second date.
27:41Sadly enough, I don't think there's going to be a second date, Gramps.
27:45Because of just one sour evening?
27:49This was our first real date.
27:51And to call it sour would be a kind review.
27:55Jennifer, you have got to get over your preconceptions about what a date is supposed to be.
28:01A date is...
28:02Even if it's a bad one, it's just another moment.
28:06It's just another pearl in a great wondrous necklace.
28:11Okay, before you wax geriatric, let me just cut to the chase.
28:18Henry is right now in the hospital because he oversold his blood in order to buy me a Hungarian red ring.
28:24Which, by the way, is too small.
28:28Sweet. Yes. Adorable. Sure.
28:33Grammar school, definitely.
28:36Henry never claimed to be the sophisticated sort.
28:39Which is exactly my point.
28:41I mean, why go through all this trouble? Why...
28:44Why plan a dinner? Why buy me jewelry if that's not who you are?
28:49Maybe he thinks that's who you want him to be.
28:52Oh, guys.
28:54Yo, guys!
28:57What, did I do it wrong?
29:02Oh, guys.
29:04Yo, guys!
29:07What, did I do it wrong?
29:29Do you guys party like this every weekend?
29:33Because I gotta say, this has been the most fun I've had in a really long time.
29:43I mean, I am just so over my ex-boyfriend right now.
29:50I am really glad to hear you say that, Kate.
29:54Because I think there's something you really need to know.
29:58You are not going to tell her in an enclosed space.
30:02Hey, I heard that. Tell me what in an enclosed space?
30:06Hey, look, I know this isn't the optimum time to do this, alright?
30:09But I...
30:11Alright, look.
30:16I know what this is.
30:18You're not over me, are you, Jack?
30:20No, no, that's not it.
30:22Not to suggest that you're easily get overboard or anything, but...
30:27The thing is, I...
30:30Oh, my God.
30:32You're gay, aren't you?
30:41But we had...
30:43Yeah. Yeah, we did.
30:45And you were good.
30:48But that doesn't really have any bearing on our current situation.
30:52I'm still gay.
30:57Are you gay, too?
31:04Are you sure?
31:05Because apparently only gay guys will kiss me.
31:10You kissed her?
31:13He started to, but...
31:16My less than iron stomach napalms the moment.
31:22Listen, what were you thinking?
31:25I wasn't.
31:28For a fleeting moment, I actually wasn't thinking, and it felt good.
31:32To take advantage of a girl who is drunk, vulnerable, and clearly on the rebound?
31:37I mean, is it just me, Dawson, or is this jaw-droppingly out of character?
31:41Out of what character?
31:43Joey, the little sketch in your head that you have labeled Dawson?
31:47Look, this might not be the me that you're used to,
31:49and I might make a complete fool out of myself,
31:51but you have to start letting me make some mistakes.
31:54Here we go again, kiddies.
31:56For the 476th time this hour,
31:59our number one billboard chart-topper,
32:03The Ballad of Dawson and Joey.
32:05Will those two crazy kids ever get back together again?
32:08Boy, I sure hope so.
32:10Look, Pasty, would you stay out of it?
32:11Oh, of course.
32:12Far be it from me, lowly creature that I am,
32:15to ever tread on the sanctity of the Dawson and Joey dynamic.
32:20Sorry, it's just that I find the way that you treat him so fascinating, Potter.
32:24And how is that, Dr. Witter?
32:26Like he's some weird, neutered, little virginal creature.
32:33What's your problem?
32:38I don't have a problem.
32:39I am but a Greek chorus, here to observe and interpret.
32:43Pasty, when did you adopt this mean streak?
32:48Come on, Joe.
32:49You and I, we've always been known for the snap, crackle, and pop of our repartee.
32:55The good-natured banter.
32:57But to the best of my recollection,
32:59I don't remember it ever being pointed,
33:02and it's never been hurtful.
33:04Or even being taken so seriously.
33:08But how could I not take it seriously, Pasty?
33:11And you've said one harsh, nasty thing after another to me tonight.
33:15What did I really do to deserve all of that?
33:20You didn't do anything to deserve this.
33:24The drunken loud in the corner just pleads sheer frustration.
33:29I mean, honestly, do you have any idea how exhausting it is to exist on your periphery?
33:35To witness this perpetual dance that you two have one week, your soulmates.
33:40The next week, you're giving each other up for the greater good.
33:44I mean, do you think it's possible that sometime soon you could make up your mind?
33:51And the reverence that you two treat this little saga of yours with,
33:55it's enough to make a guy want to puke.
34:15All right.
34:17Everyone out.
34:31Everyone that is.
34:34Except you, little brother.
34:36Dad thinks it might be a good idea if you spend the night.
35:02What is it about hospitals always serving Jell-O?
35:05Do they think it has some sort of miraculous healing power?
35:10I'm sorry I can't offer you more.
35:14No, I'm sorry.
35:19Henry, I think that I may have been a bit more anxious than I let on about this whole thing.
35:30Anxious, really?
35:37See, at the Chapin School, um...
35:41Valentine's was the day when the guy that I was dating would take out the girl that he really liked.
35:48Give her presents and chocolates.
35:50I don't believe that for a minute.
35:52Yeah, well, it's true.
35:54All right, I've never had a date on Valentine's Day.
35:58Let alone a first date, so...
36:02I think that my need to fulfill that experience is what got the better of both of us.
36:08That's one way to put it.
36:14If we're gonna continue dating, and...
36:18And I'd like that, um...
36:21What do you say that we start acting more like ourselves and less like a couple in our thirties?
36:28You mean you want me to return the ring?
36:30Not on your life.
36:32This is the best-looking Hungarian red pinky ring I've ever gotten.
36:37And besides, it reminds me of you, which...
36:40Makes it pretty invaluable.
36:48Mind if I do?
36:53Do you realize what we're doing?
36:56We're... having a date.
36:58Having a date?
37:00No floods, no earthquakes, no locusts...
37:07Let's just not think about what could go wrong, let's just...
37:11Eat the Jell-O.
37:15There's always room for Jell-O.
37:23So you okay?
37:27You know...
37:29I'm starting to realize that...
37:32There's something kinda cool about a relationship not working because the guy turns out to be gay.
37:39I mean...
37:41Sure, it's heartbreaking in its own way, but...
37:44It's not my fault.
37:46There's nothing I can do about it.
37:48Of course it's not your fault.
37:50It's not your fault either.
37:53I know.
37:55Do you?
37:57Why were you so afraid to tell me?
38:00I didn't want to upset you.
38:03Nope, not buying it.
38:05You're gonna have to do better than that, Jaggers.
38:11Okay, um...
38:15When you and I were seeing each other...
38:18I always thought there was something a little...
38:22I mean...
38:23I've come a long way, but when I saw you, it brought me back to a time when I thought that the feelings that I was having were wrong.
38:31And I guess I thought that if I told you...
38:35I'd be somehow disappointing you.
38:38In a million years, you could never disappoint me, Jag.
38:42Gay or straight.
38:45You're a world-class human being.
38:49That's why I wanted to see you.
38:52You take me back to this nice, safe place where...
38:58Crushes never end and hearts can't be broken.
39:03And I needed that this weekend.
39:07Good boy. I hope you found it somehow.
39:10I did.
39:13And I'm glad I get to go home knowing you really am.
39:21And I'm looking for you
39:26In each familiar place
39:29And I'm dreaming of you
39:39I thought the silent treatment was a tactic typically employed by kids.
39:43I'm not giving you the silent treatment.
39:47You're not talking to me either.
39:48I was thinking.
39:49I was thinking.
39:51About what?
39:52My son.
39:54It's been quite a year for you.
39:57What do you mean?
39:59Well, it all started out with a wrecked boat and a wild party.
40:04And I was angry.
40:10What I'm trying to do is get back to the basics of being a kid.
40:14I mean, I'm sixteen and it was a party.
40:18And those two things are inextricably linked.
40:20I have no problem with you going to parties.
40:23I have zero problem with you being sixteen.
40:26I do, I admit, have a problem with, oh, wrecked boats, strippers on the kitchen table,
40:32and fishing you out of the drunk tank on a Friday night.
40:35Fair enough.
40:38Can you chalk it up to youthful exuberance?
40:44Yes, I can.
40:47Dad, thank you. I really appreciate it.
40:50I'm not finished.
40:52Since you've suddenly decided to start acting like a kid,
40:55I guess I'm left with no choice but to start acting like a parent.
41:02Until you decide on a path for yourself, I've chosen one for you.
41:05What does that mean?
41:07Your mother's planning on buying a restaurant.
41:10And you're going to work there, doing whatever she needs you to do,
41:14after school, evenings, weekends, whatever, and you're going to do this
41:18until you begin to understand that suddenly deciding to be a kid
41:22doesn't give you license to be reckless and irresponsible.
41:28Good night, son.
41:44You were in rarer form tonight.
41:48How bad do I suck, huh?
41:52So what seems to be the problem?
41:56There's no problem, Dougie.
41:58Oh, come on, Pacey, I found you hanging from a tree, getting completely wasted.
42:04So what is it, a girl or something?
42:10Okay, so it's a girl.
42:14Who is she?
42:16You know what, Dougie, it's really not that important, okay?
42:25I'll tell you something, though, she is really, really annoying.
42:29Yeah, I mean, this girl is amazing.
42:31There is not a single subject on the face of the planet
42:34that she doesn't have an opinion about. It's mind-boggling.
42:37Well, that certainly sounds like a nightmare.
42:40Well, no, I mean, it's not quite like that. I mean, you gotta understand it.
42:45The girl's really smart, so she's usually right,
42:47and when she argues, it comes from this really beautiful, pure place,
42:51so, I mean, how can you fight against that, you know,
42:54especially if you're a smartass like me?
42:57Is she pretty?
43:02Yeah, she is pretty.
43:04She is pretty.
43:07She is very, very pretty.
43:15She's actually the kind of pretty that gives you butterflies,
43:18you know what I mean?
43:24Never lose the butterflies.
43:29You know, that's maybe what sucks most about getting older.
43:32Somewhere along the line, you just lose the butterflies.
43:38So the question is, little brother, what are you gonna do about it?
43:42Do? Yeah, do, as in do something. Take action.
43:46No, I don't think you're really properly grasping the gravity of this situation, Dougie.
43:52You see, if I was actually to do something about this,
43:55there is the strong possibility that the sun would cease to shine,
43:59that the tides would cease to rise,
44:01in fact, I'm betting there's a pretty good chance that the very earth would crack open
44:06and Capeside would become home to a huge hellmouth
44:09that would spew forth endless hordes of monsters and demons
44:14that would choke the denizens of this city,
44:16making them fall to their knees and pray for a return to the days before I took action.
44:24That's really what we're talking about here.
44:27Oh. Yeah, maybe.
44:35Look, Pacey, uh,
44:39in my experience, you don't come across that many people
44:44with the ability to give you butterflies.
44:47You just don't.
44:50And if you don't tell this girl how you feel,
44:52well, it'll be like spending the rest of your life in your own personal prison.
45:00Will you, Doug?
45:22Have you ever been so close that it blinds you?
45:27Do you lose your focus and the distance falls away?
45:34Have you ever been so lost that somebody finds you
45:41and brings you back in faith?
45:43I have.
45:46I've seen you cry.
45:52I've watched you sleep.
46:02Wait, hold on, please.
46:11What I said last night was way out of line.
46:15And yes, I was drunk,
46:18but more to the point, I was just plain wrong.
46:23And I want you to know that I'm really sorry.
46:28Well, I was worried about you too, Pacey.
46:45because, I mean, Satan himself could lead Dawson into the fiery pits of hell
46:51and he would still emerge with his moral code firmly intact.
46:54But you...
47:00Maybe I think that nobody's worrying about you right now.
47:07So then, what you're really saying then is that
47:11given the highly dysfunctional nature of our relationship,
47:14this is actually how you express concern for me.
47:19You gotta learn to read between the banter, Pacey.
47:40So are we all finished here?
47:44Actually, um,
47:47there's something else.
47:50Something else?
47:59It's just something I've been meaning to tell you.
48:08Look, uh...
48:20You're lingering on your clutch, okay?
48:22I know you think you're just easing into the gear,
48:24but it's not a good idea.
48:26You know, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow,
48:28but soon you're gonna do a lot of damage to your transmission.
48:31So what I was thinking is that if you wanted to, I could show you.
48:43Okay, Pacey.
48:53Now, ship.
48:57I did it!
48:58Yes, you did!
48:59Ha ha!
49:00Congratulations, Potter.
49:02We are finally getting somewhere.
