Dawson's Creek Season 1 Episode 11 The Scare

  • 2 days ago
Dawson's Creek Season 1 Episode 11 The Scare
00:01Bite me, Pacey.
00:03The neighbor girl dumped you.
00:05No one died.
00:06Just get over it.
00:07It's 48 hours ago.
00:09So what do you think, Joey?
00:11Is there any way we can keep Dawson from coming between us?
00:16He's only in love with one of us, so...
00:20A lot easier than just being the object of his infatuation, huh?
00:47Open the door, please! Please!
00:53You're such a wuss.
00:57You rot!
00:58That's it. It's over.
01:00You know you don't.
01:01You're too good.
01:02You're too good.
01:03You're too good.
01:04You're too good.
01:05You're too good.
01:06The movie sucks.
01:07Don't you dare! That movie rules!
01:09Yeah, right.
01:11Max, I mean, I don't like watching these stupid horror movies that are loaded with cheese whiz, okay?
01:16Forgive me, Roger Ebert, but I figured in honor of Friday the 13th tomorrow, a little horror marathon was mandatory.
01:22It's tired, Dawson. Just like these movies.
01:25I mean, you have this fascination with the dark side.
01:28You enjoy scaring people, in particular me.
01:31I love the adrenaline rush.
01:33Besides, the horror films provide positive examples of ordinary people overcoming their worst fears and conquering evil.
01:39Save it for film class, Dawson.
01:41I mean, these movies are unnecessarily violent and exploitive and completely pointless to society.
01:51There's enough fear of death and evil in the world without having to recreate it on film, okay?
01:56I mean, I don't need to watch some stupid man in a mask slice up girls.
02:00The world's already a scary place.
02:04Authorities fear the Lady Killer has struck again.
02:07The body of 18-year-old Amanda Ferris was found in Boston this morning,
02:12believed to be now the fifth victim of the serial killer that's been terrorized...
02:16Mm-hmm. See? See what I mean?
02:19Case in point.
02:21I mean, why do we need to have these horror movies to remind us of how sick and demented the world really is?
02:27Talk big, Joey.
02:29And your argument is solid.
02:31But it's merely deflecting the real issue.
02:33Which is?
02:34You are a grade-A, 100%, scaredy-cat wuss.
02:42Does that make me a bad person? Huh?
02:46Look, all I know is that I found someone and he was popular and charming and not so nice to me and he died, okay?
02:53So why should I let this guy go? Why?
02:56Everything in my body says that this one is fell.
03:03Okay, Dawson. Where are you? Where'd you go?
03:07Why didn't you say something?
03:08Dawson? You're not scaring me here. You're not.
03:13Dawson? Dawson, you're so predictable, I swear.
03:18You're just like your movies.
03:22No, Joey, I think your other one is pretty cool.
03:26Come on, Dawson.
03:28Come on!
03:55I need to run like metal
03:58Balls and arrows
04:00Stars and sunsets
04:02Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:04Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:06Every heartbeat
04:08Every kiss
04:10Just makes me wonder
04:13What all this is
04:15Suits of armor
04:17Parts and arrows
04:19Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:25Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:29Alright, you can tell me, Dawson. What's your evil plan?
04:32What are you talking about?
04:33It's Friday the 13th. It's your favorite night of the year and your parents are out of town.
04:37So what movie villain are you going as, huh?
04:39Michael Myers or Norman Bates' mother?
04:42It's not going to happen tonight. No more life-imitating movies for me.
04:46Wait a minute. What did I just hear?
04:49That's right.
04:50I'm done trying to turn my life into some exciting movie because you know what?
04:54I only end up getting disappointed.
05:00When I started seeing Jack, I thought, okay, you know what?
05:02From now on, everything's going to be some big, epic romance.
05:06Tortured and passionate and romantic.
05:09Some big, happy ending.
05:11Wasn't that at all.
05:14Characters were flawed and uninspired.
05:17The love scenes were amateurish, to say the least.
05:22And the ending was definitely not happy.
05:26It wasn't even tragic. It just ended.
05:29What are you trying to say here, Dawson?
05:31I mean, it's Friday the 13th and we've got a serial killer within striking distance of Capeside.
05:36You just going to treat this like every other night?
05:39Come on. No midnight seance. No corpses falling out of the cupboard.
05:47Well, I don't know.
05:58Hey, Jen.
05:59Hey, Cliff. What are you doing here? This isn't your club.
06:02Yeah. You want to go out tonight?
06:06That's abrupt.
06:07I'm gonna ring the bell here.
06:12Cliff, I don't know. I'm kind of down on the whole dating thing after what happened last time.
06:17I suppose the guy you dated wasn't any fun.
06:21What are you talking about? Dawson's fun.
06:24He is.
06:25He's probably the most original and imaginative date on the planet.
06:30If that's how you feel, how come you're not going out now?
06:35Long story, Cliff.
06:38What about tonight?
06:40Oh, well.
06:43Yeah, why not? I mean, I...
06:45I guess my social life has been a little depleted lately, so...
06:50So what time?
06:51I'll pick you up at seven.
06:53Oh my God! Oh!
06:57Yeah. Let me guess.
06:59Dawson, huh?
07:02Dead Dawson.
07:04You gotta admit, though, the guy does have a sense of humor.
07:06Wait, I have humor?
07:09I... I know. I know you do.
07:12Oh, I'm never late. Uh.
07:15I'm sorry. I'll see you later?
07:17Yeah. Yeah.
07:26My brother's in the know because he's a cop.
07:29He says the victims are all young girls around your age, Joey.
07:32Listen, this killer apparently stalks his victims with letters and phone calls
07:35before he takes a knife to their throat and cuts out their heart.
07:38No way.
07:40I'm not joking. The killer collects hearts, okay?
07:42They don't talk about it in the news because it's a little morbid, but it's true.
07:45That's sad. I mean, the guy's really just looking for love.
07:49I'm sure that'll be his defense when they find him, too.
07:53If they find him, Joey.
07:56You know, Ducky says this guy attacks a hundred-mile area
07:59so that makes Capeside the next likely target.
08:01You never know where it could be, Joey.
08:03He could be behind you right now.
08:07Austin, stop it.
08:10You're gonna send me to the river, I swear.
08:12Oh, you love it, you know it.
08:15Say it's tonight at my house.
08:17This one is gonna blow your minds.
08:20What about no more life-imitating movies, Dawson?
08:22Well, it's just so that old habits die hard.
08:25I don't friends die in the harbor.
08:28So what have you got planned?
08:30Don't worry, I think your heart can handle it.
08:35So is everybody in?
08:36Oh, actually, I kind of made plans with Cliff tonight.
08:40I can't come.
08:42Oh, really?
08:44Does that bother you?
08:46Should it?
08:47I don't know.
08:49No, it doesn't bother me.
08:51Should it?
08:52I don't know.
08:54No, it doesn't bother me.
08:55Does it bother you that it doesn't bother me?
08:57Should it?
08:59I don't know.
09:03No, it doesn't bother me.
09:05Well, I'm glad nobody's bothered.
09:10Oh, God!
09:12Thanks, Dawson.
09:14Thanks for giving me a break.
09:17That was sly, you dog.
09:19Well, what, don't I get a scare?
09:22What do you mean?
09:23I mean, you scared Joey and Pacey.
09:26We're still friends, right?
09:29I just figured you weren't into scary stuff.
09:32Well, I mean, I'm not, really.
09:34It's just that I...
09:39Um, have fun tonight.
09:41We will.
09:42See you later.
09:50Pacey, you're such a jerk.
09:53So gross.
09:57John Carpenter's use of light and dark
09:59was very reminiscent of early...
10:03In Halloween, he would always fill the frame
10:06so that you were always on guard.
10:08He would frame the actors
10:10so there was always something in the frame with them.
10:13Sometimes it was only a tree branch.
10:15Then again, that was the master...
10:18That concludes our special Friday the 13th discussion.
10:21We return to David Lean on Monday.
10:24Until then...
10:28Dawson, hey, wait up.
10:30What's up?
10:31Well, quick question.
10:32I hate to do this, but I need a favor.
10:35Actually, I need some advice.
10:37I'm taking Jen out tonight.
10:39I kind of feel like this is my last shot
10:41and I really want to go for it.
10:43Where do you think I should take her?
10:45You know, I'm going to stay out of this.
10:47No, no, come on, help me out, man.
10:49I want the evening to be incredible.
10:51You know Jen.
10:52What is she like?
10:53I want it to be imaginative and original.
10:56And according to her,
10:58you're the expert on all that junk.
11:00She said that?
11:01What exactly did she say?
11:03Come on, dude, I need your help.
11:05Where should I take her?
11:06What does she want?
11:07What does anybody want?
11:08Cliff, I mean...
11:09She wants to have a good time.
11:11She wants to have fun.
11:12No, that's too broad.
11:13I mean, fun, I know my definition of fun,
11:15but I'm not so sure of Jen's.
11:19Let me think.
11:21We like to think.
11:22Think is good.
11:23Think is good.
11:43Oh, God.
11:44You scared me.
11:47Hey, look at this.
11:49Where'd you get that?
11:50I don't know.
11:51I think...
11:53You know what?
11:54You know, I bet that Dawson put this in my locker.
11:57Well, how do you know it was Dawson?
11:59Oh, come on.
12:00I mean, this reeks of Dawson.
12:02Well, don't worry.
12:03I'll protect you.
12:04All right, I'll see you later?
12:06Where are we going tonight?
12:07Oh, it's a surprise,
12:08but I promise it's going to be incredibly original
12:10and unpredictable.
12:36Who is this?
12:38You tell me your name,
12:39and I'll tell you mine.
12:44Okay, Dawson.
12:46Dawson, I got your note.
12:48I feel very part of.
12:49Thank you very much.
12:50Now you can stop.
12:52Who's Dawson?
12:55All right.
12:56Yeah, I saw this movie.
12:58So, tell me your name.
13:00Drew Barrymore.
13:02Look, you want to play this game?
13:04Let's cut right to the chase.
13:05What's your favorite scary movie?
13:08The front of the 13th.
13:10What's yours?
13:11Ten Commandments, don't ask.
13:14So, are you the famed lady killer?
13:17Are you waiting outside on the cellular
13:20to cut my heart out?
13:26Yeah, well, free advice, all right?
13:27Find a better heart.
13:29Mine's a little dented.
13:31Oh, did somebody hurt you?
13:36It's completely self-inflicted.
13:38I'm sorry.
13:40Me too.
13:42Well, maybe I can help.
13:44All right, you know what, Dawson?
13:46This is as far as we need to go with this one, all right?
13:48Once again, who's Dawson?
13:53All right, where are you, outside?
13:56That would be too predictable.
13:58I'm far closer than that.
14:01That's enough.
14:03All right.
14:04Why don't you search the house?
14:05Dawson, you didn't sneak into the house, did you?
14:07Because you are lucky my grams isn't here.
14:10This guy Dawson sounds like a real loser.
14:14Yeah, well, he's not, all right?
14:16Just a little out there, but in a good way.
14:19How's your grandfather?
14:24You know, Dawson,
14:26hiding in my grams' bedroom is really, really low.
14:35Okay, all right, you got me now.
14:37Okay, Dawson, I'm officially scared you can come out.
14:48Where are you?
14:50Whatever you do, Jennifer,
14:52don't look under the bed.
15:05Okay, all right, you know what, Dawson?
15:07This is no longer funny, okay?
15:10Stop calling me Dawson.
15:13Who are you?
15:22Who's there?
15:25I said, who's there?
15:38It's only me.
15:40Wouldn't find my front door key.
15:42Who's on the phone, dear?
15:46Who is this?
15:48Soon, Jennifer.
16:06Too late. It's hot.
16:08For what?
16:10What do your shady pranks you have in store for us tonight?
16:13I don't know what you're talking about.
16:15If you're referring to my childhood fascination with fear,
16:18you'll be happy to know that I've matured in the last year.
16:21Right. So what's behind the couch?
16:33So what's behind the couch?
16:36Come on, let me see.
16:37No, it's nothing.
16:38Don't push me.
16:40And don't think for one second you've fooled me
16:42with your innocent puppy-dog-who-me-am-Richie-Cunningham act.
16:46I know it's a con, Dawson. I'm on to you.
16:49Then you're nothing to fear.
16:53Here's Pacey. Come on, let's go.
16:56The store. We're at the kid of the evening.
16:59I don't like riding with him. He's a menace on the road.
17:03Nah, you ain't hallucinating. Pacey's got the jeep.
17:06Can I hear you say, yeah, yeah?
17:08Can I hear you say, oh, yeah, yeah?
17:11I am so against this.
17:13Seriously, I'm a good driver. You got nothing to worry about.
17:16Just get in the bus, Gus.
17:29If you want me to drive you to the city
17:36Now that I've known you my whole life
17:40Once in my life
17:42Congratulations, you are the world's worst driver.
17:45I'm not hearing that, Dawson.
17:47Can you watch the car, Jo?
17:49Well, I can't really turn it off.
17:53I mean, I can, but it's a hassle, you know, because I don't have the keys.
17:56Oh, yeah. I forget. You steal it.
17:58Hey, you're borrowed from family.
18:01You never steal.
18:06Who do you think you are?
18:08Shut up. Shut up.
18:09You do not own me!
18:10Don't touch me. Don't touch me.
18:12You're crazy, you know that? You're crazy!
18:15Get out of my face, wench!
18:16Oh, I'm not your face, wench!
18:18Should we do something?
18:19Stop it!
18:20Domestic squabble back home.
18:21Let go of me!
18:23Hey, let go! Stop it! Let go of me!
18:28Hey! Hey! Hey!
18:30Where do you think you're going?
18:31None of your damn business.
18:33I'm gone.
18:34You're puke, you know that?
18:36You two cent lowlife, I hate you!
18:47Hi, boys.
18:53Having a party?
18:55Uh, yeah, we are.
18:57Is it a milk and cookies kind of a party?
19:01It doesn't have to be.
19:03Oh, don't tell me you're not 21.
19:06Almost. You know, just another couple weeks.
19:09You want me to score you a bottle of wine?
19:14Uh, yeah, that'd be great.
19:23Not gonna pay for that first.
19:25And take all the fun out of it?
19:28I'll see you outside.
19:53Hi, there.
19:56What's your name?
19:59Hi, Joey, I'm David.
20:01I'm a little lost.
20:03I was on my way to Providence, and I think I took a wrong turn somewhere.
20:07Providence? Uh, you're more than a little lost.
20:10Maybe you can point me in the right direction.
20:14Um, you just take Elm Street, which is this street right here,
20:18and you take it a few miles until you hit the highway.
20:24I'm sorry, was I staring?
20:27It's just that you have the most intense eyes.
20:30Has anyone ever told you that?
20:33They're really piercing.
20:38I'm so tired.
20:40I've been on the road all day.
20:42Is there a hotel around here?
20:44Um, yeah, actually, not too far.
20:46I don't know this area at all.
20:49How about you?
20:51Do you live nearby?
20:53What's going on?
20:57You need something?
20:59No sport.
21:05Thanks for your help, Joey.
21:08Good luck.
21:17Didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers?
21:21That guy could be the lady killer.
21:24He was lost. He needed directions.
21:26Oh, please, Joey, that's the oldest trick in the book.
21:30Next thing you know, you're in the woods,
21:32caving about with a rope around your neck.
21:34You are so paranoid.
21:36Serial killers are typically white males in their 20s.
21:40Hello? It's the 90s. You gotta be careful.
21:50Here you go, sweetie.
21:52Excellent. Cabernet Sauvignon, my favorite.
21:56You know, my buddy's having a seance over at his house,
22:00and I was just wondering if you'd like to come along.
22:06I'd love to.
22:08Get in the car, Ursula.
22:10Where are your wheels?
22:18Where do you think you're going?
22:20There's no place to lock the door!
22:26Get out of here!
22:36Cliff, 7 o'clock, right on the dot.
22:38I never keep a lady waiting.
22:40Are you Clifford Elliot?
22:42Hello, ma'am. I found this mail on your porch.
22:44Oh, thank you, Clifford.
22:46Oh, I've heard a lot about you.
22:48Quarterback, top of the Honorable,
22:50and I see you every week at the First Church of the Nazarene.
22:54Gramps, you're drooling.
22:56Oh, and doesn't our little Jennifer look pretty tonight?
22:58Yes, ma'am, she does.
23:00Goodbye, Gramps.
23:02You two kids have fun now,
23:04and have her home by midnight,
23:06or she'll turn into a pumpkin.
23:08Okay, I will. I promise I'll take good care of her.
23:14She likes you.
23:16Not a good sign.
23:18Oh, really?
23:22You know, it's kind of chilly.
23:24Maybe I should go get my jacket.
23:26Well, actually, we're not going that far.
23:28Just about 100 feet.
23:30Really? Where are we going?
23:32Dawson's. He's having a seance.
23:34Won't that be killer?
23:38It's a nice house.
23:42Oh, caramel corn.
23:46Oh, my God.
23:52Who did that?
23:54Dawson, too easy.
23:56Oh, it's all right.
23:58I love to be scared.
24:00My boyfriend, Eddie, scares the goop out of me.
24:02I can imagine.
24:04I need a drink.
24:06Can you help yourself?
24:12So, uh, thanks for the phone call.
24:14What phone call?
24:16Was I supposed to call you?
24:18Yeah, in the note in my locker. Nice touch.
24:20You know, it was a bit harsh,
24:22but you do strive for realism.
24:24What note? What phone call?
24:26Oh, come on, Dawson. Don't play dumb with me.
24:28I know you're trying to scare me.
24:30No, no. Why would I do that?
24:32Because it's what you do.
24:34It's Friday the 13th.
24:36Yeah, but, Jen, this is it.
24:38Fake snakes.
24:40I'm sorry I didn't plan anything specific for you.
24:42I didn't think you'd get into it.
24:50Okay. Nothing here.
24:52Got a corkscrew.
24:54It's not cold, so we'll have to add some ice.
25:04It's like a funhouse in here.
25:14Joey, could you get the science book?
25:16It's in the hall closet.
25:22Hey, man, thanks for having me over.
25:24This is perfect.
25:26It's the most original first date I can think of.
25:28I mean, how many guys would bring a girl
25:30to their ex-boyfriend's house?
25:32It's classic.
25:34I think she's really warming up to me, man.
25:40Joey, is it just me,
25:42or is this too weird for words?
25:44I mean, I'm on a date, and I end up here.
25:46I mean, whose idea was this?
25:50No, no, he's not that inventive.
25:52This is definitely the work of Dawson.
25:54You think?
26:12are you with us?
26:18come to us.
26:20First of all, you like a spirit, goddess?
26:22Well, I channel from time to time.
26:24I have a couple sister spirits
26:26that occupy my body occasionally.
26:28Tiana Latoya?
26:30You know what we should do?
26:32We should channel the victim
26:34as a lady killer.
26:36Maybe they'd ID the guy.
26:38We could get that reward money.
26:40That'd be sweet.
26:42Did you guys know he likes to stalk his victims?
26:44Usually come in and contact first
26:46through notes and phone calls.
26:50He sent her notes and then followed her home
26:52from school one day.
26:54He would peep through a window.
26:56And then he called, pretending to be
26:58somebody else.
27:00That's creepy. You got a call, didn't you?
27:02Somebody called you?
27:04Yes, and his name is Dawson.
27:06I swear I didn't call you.
27:08You know, why don't you finish the story?
27:10But you don't like scary stuff.
27:12I have a
27:14contradicting personality.
27:16Let's continue.
27:20So anyway, he called her
27:22and learned that she was going to be home alone that night.
27:24She lived in a town where
27:26nobody locked their doors.
27:28He disconnected her electricity,
27:30cut off her phone,
27:32walked right through the front door,
27:34up her stairs, into her bedroom while she was
27:36sleeping, and cut out her heart in one
27:38clean sweep.
27:42He uses a long lacerating scalpel,
27:44so they think he might be a doctor or something.
27:46You know what makes that story so scary?
27:48It's true.
27:50You know, you think stuff like that never happens,
27:52but then it always does.
27:54I've got a story.
27:56It's true, too.
27:58A woman with a newborn goes out
28:00to the country to pick blueberries.
28:02She leaves the baby in the back
28:04in his little car seat with the door
28:06open so that she can hear him if he cries.
28:08She goes out picking in the
28:10blueberry patch, and after about a half an hour
28:12she realizes she hasn't
28:14heard a peep from the baby.
28:18She runs back to the car, looks in the back.
28:20A huge snake has crawled down
28:22the throat of the baby,
28:24its tail wagging out.
28:28So in major shock,
28:30she reaches and yanks the snake out.
28:32Along with it
28:34comes all the babies inside.
28:36That's not scary.
28:38That's disgusting.
28:40That's nasty.
28:42I have a scary story.
28:44There's this young kid,
28:46this boy,
28:48who goes to this convenience store
28:50and picks up this woman.
28:52She's wild, you know, a little crazy,
28:54but pretty.
28:56And he takes her back
28:58to his friend's house
29:00where they're having all these, like, fun and games.
29:02And what none of them know is
29:04that this woman
29:06is a little ill.
29:08You know, like, in the head.
29:10The result of years of abuse.
29:14And that in her purse,
29:16she carries this great,
29:18big knife.
29:20Because sometimes,
29:22just for fun,
29:24she likes to slice open throats
29:26and see how far
29:28the blood will spurt.
29:50What the hell?
29:52This freaks me out!
29:54Dawson, turn the lights back on!
29:56That wasn't me. I didn't do it. It must be a blackout.
29:58Really? A blackout during our stand?
30:00How coincidental, Dawson.
30:02Yeah, I think I'll call the electrical company.
30:08We'll imagine that the phone's dead.
30:12Don't look at me.
30:13Great, no phones, no electricity.
30:15Maybe it's the lady killer.
30:17Maybe it's doofus Dawson.
30:19Okay, joke's over, because I'm getting a little spooked here, all right?
30:22The door's locked?
30:23Yeah, we should check the door.
30:24Okay, Joey and Pacey, check the front door.
30:26Jen, you and Cliff get some flashlights from the upstairs closet.
30:32Hey, where are you going?
30:33I'm going to check the fuse box outside. You can stay right there.
30:35No, no, no, I'm coming with you.
30:40He's got you. You're so scared.
30:42No, I'm not.
30:44Oh, please.
30:45Quit tripping out.
30:46This is just Dawson up to his old, tired tricks.
30:49There's no psychopath in this house.
30:51Yes, there is.
30:52And you brought her.
30:53Pacey, don't you remember what happened with Tamara?
30:55This could end up even worse.
30:57I mean, your bizarre mother complex is going to get us all killed.
31:00Well, I don't know. I think she's kind of sexy.
31:02She's into me, don't you think, huh?
31:04She's a nutcase.
31:05I mean, the story about the knife in her purse?
31:07Face it, Pacey, you have the worst taste in women.
31:11Oh, and the coming from you, that really hurts.
31:14And what's that supposed to mean?
31:16Well, what about your taste, Joey?
31:18You're going to go to your grave pining away for your best friend,
31:21a guy who's so oblivious he doesn't have a clue that you lust after morning, noon, and night.
31:26I don't lust after him.
31:28All right, denial, denial.
31:37Should we check it out?
31:40Yeah, go for it.
31:55You're not scared, are you?
32:17God, you scared me.
32:19I'm sorry.
32:21Oh, man.
32:23For a second there, I thought you were that psycho woman.
32:26Oh, she's a trip, isn't she?
32:30You know, I think we're being set up.
32:32What do you mean?
32:34What do you mean?
32:36Oh, come on, I'm sure that something's going to come flying out of the closet.
32:39Snakes, a bloody corpse.
32:57Thanks so much for your theory.
33:04See, what did I tell you?
33:06I mean, Dawson has been doing this to me all day.
33:09First that note in my locker, the phone calls at my house, I...
33:13How do you know it was him?
33:15Who else?
33:17Well, what if Dawson had nothing to do with it?
33:19I mean, what if...
33:21What if there really is some psychopath phony around trying to kill you?
33:30It's cold in here. Here, take this.
33:54What, did you think I was going to pull a knife on you?
33:59Of course not.
34:01I don't stab people.
34:03I take a pistol and I shoot them in the head.
34:07I'm just playing with you, sweetie.
34:12You're a good actress.
34:14It's funny you say that. For a while I thought I might go out to Hollywood.
34:18Then I met Eddie.
34:24The guy from the parking lot?
34:26Yeah, he's a lunatic, that guy.
34:28He's been in the pen.
34:30What for?
34:33He took this guy's head and shoved it into a wall.
34:36The guy's eyeball was dangling from its socket.
34:39He's a monster.
34:43He's my monster.
34:45You know, love is a really complicated bitch.
34:50You can say that again.
34:52See, I knew you had an issue.
34:54I have this extra-circular sensory thing.
34:58Like, you just broke up with a certain girl that's inside.
35:02I felt the emotion.
35:04Don't you worry. She loves you back.
35:07What do you know about it?
35:09I know that she wants you.
35:11And you have been scaring her all night, so it's obvious you want her.
35:15I haven't scared her once tonight. I've been scaring Joey.
35:18Yeah, the brunette. Cute, feisty.
35:21The two of you will work out.
35:23Jen's my ex-girlfriend, not Joey.
35:25Then there's your problem. You're dating the wrong girl.
35:28No. Joey and I have this intense friendship.
35:31Nothing more.
35:33We've got that extra-sensory canal thing you were talking about.
35:41You know, I don't get this.
35:43I set it on a timer so that it would go off right at 11.
35:46So the blackout was all a big stun?
35:48Yeah, but the fuse box. It's like someone's come along and jammed it.
35:52What was that?
35:56Let's get back inside.
36:02Where you been? Trying to get the lights on.
36:04Where's Joey?
36:06She went that way to look for you.
36:08You let her go by herself?
36:10Hey, Joey!
36:31Oh my God, Joey!
36:33Joey, talk to me!
36:51Funny. Very funny.
36:53Gotcha, Dawson.
36:55That was lame.
36:57That was really lame.
36:59Come on. You can dish it out, but you can't take it.
37:02The level of the scare here is different.
37:04I give you rubber snakes, not Joey dead.
37:06I mean, there's a difference.
37:08Boo-hoo. It was Jen's idea, and quite frankly, a good one.
37:11Jen, that was your idea?
37:13Hey, your notes and phone calls were a little more than rubber appliances, all right?
37:17They were very real. And very scary, I might add.
37:20Jen, I don't know what you're talking about.
37:22I didn't send you any notes. I didn't call you.
37:25Are you serious?
37:35All right. You look me straight in the face and tell me that you didn't try to spook me.
37:40I didn't try to spook you.
37:42Say honest to God.
37:44Do you believe in God?
37:46Well, then who did?
37:49The lady killer. I don't know, Jen.
37:52And why didn't you?
37:55Why didn't you try to scare me? I mean, what, don't I rank with you anymore?
37:59Jen, you broke up with me.
38:01You clearly don't want me or anything that has to do with me.
38:04So, yeah, I kind of crossed you off the list.
38:07Well, then why'd you invite us to your house?
38:12I don't know.
38:14Helped Cliff out.
38:20May I attempt to get over you?
38:22Or watch over me?
38:29I really don't like the way things are, Jen.
38:45Not a good idea. No.
38:48No, I should go.
38:52But, you know, Dustin, whatever's going on between us, I...
38:56I don't want you crossing me off any more of your lists, okay?
39:01Consider yourself uncrossed.
39:04So don't scare me next time, all right?
39:07Don't worry. I got you covered.
39:19Sorry you're scared.
39:21I am paying in my pants.
39:27You know, I may look young, but I have been with older women before.
39:35Did you hear that?
39:38There's someone in those bushes.
39:48You bitch!
39:50Stay away from me!
39:51Pacey, get him!
39:52Get him, Pacey!
39:53Come on, get him!
39:54I'm gonna kill you!
39:55Let me see him, Jen.
39:56Get him!
40:00I'm gonna kill them both!
40:01Promises, promises!
40:03Pacey will tear you apart!
40:05He's my new man, and he'll protect me!
40:07I don't know what the hell's going on.
40:10I've got a real boyfriend outside.
40:12He's really pissed!
40:13I'm gonna call the police, Eddie!
40:15No, you won't!
40:16Yes, I will!
40:17I'm gonna call those right now!
40:19No can do.
40:20I disconnected the phone line out back.
40:28He's lost it. I'm getting out of here.
40:33He's looking for a way in.
40:34The doors.
40:46What's he doing?
40:47Climbing the walls?
40:48Eddie's stronger.
40:49He's no Spider-Man.
40:50The ladder.
40:51He's climbing the ladder.
40:52He's gonna climb through your window.
40:53Go to Jen's.
40:54Call Doug.
40:55Get help.
41:01The window's open.
41:03He's in.
41:10Are you trying to take away my woman?
41:12No, sir!
41:13Say goodbye!
41:17You're dead!
41:22Stop it!
41:23Stop it!
41:25Get off of him!
41:26Get off of him!
41:27Eddie, talk to me, sweetie.
41:30I'm sorry, babe.
41:31Eddie, are you okay?
41:33I'm gonna take you home, sweetie.
41:37I love you, Arslan.
41:39I love you.
41:40Let me get us the hell out of here.
41:47These kids are weird.
41:51Sorry about the damage.
41:53I work down at the bowling alley in Daleman.
41:55If you come down, I'll give you a discount on your shoes.
42:05Well, that was a complete nightmare.
42:08I thought you liked to be scared, though.
42:12There is nothing I like less.
42:14Are you sure?
42:15I mean, it's just not what Dawson said.
42:18What do you mean?
42:20You know how I feel about you, right, Jen?
42:23I mean, do you know how I feel about you?
42:28I like you.
42:29I think you're great.
42:31Thanks, Cliff.
42:33I think you're great, too.
42:36No, you don't.
42:38No, I do.
42:39I think you're a really sweet guy.
42:41I just kind of get the feeling that you like Dawson because he's so creative,
42:45and maybe you think I'm too stiff or unimaginative or not unique enough.
42:49No, no, I don't think that at all.
42:52Well, so I went to Dawson and I asked his advice.
42:55What, you asked Dawson's advice?
42:58And he told me you really like to be scared,
43:00and if I got you all worked up, I don't know, you'd be impressed.
43:05Wait a minute.
43:07You're the one that called me this afternoon,
43:09and the notes, you're the one that sent the notes.
43:13Okay, and Dawson told you to do this?
43:15No, no, I came up with that all on my own.
43:18It's pretty cool, huh?
43:21Cliff, um, you know what?
43:25To be honest with you, Cliff,
43:27I'm not really in the market for a boyfriend right now, okay?
43:30I mean, my love life has kind of crashed and burned,
43:33and I'm just picking up the pieces.
43:36But if I were, I'd want you to be yourself, okay?
43:39Not some Dawson knockoff.
43:42Yeah, I guess that's pretty stupid, huh?
43:44Me trying to be original by copying somebody else.
43:54I'm straying too far.
43:58I want what I need.
44:04Shaking this sensitive heart.
44:09I've lost all control.
44:19Well, it looks like we're here.
44:25You think I could give you a goodnight kiss?
44:29Uh, um, you know...
44:36Uh, that's okay, that's okay, Gramps.
44:38No, no, no, no, no.
44:39Go right ahead.
44:40Didn't mean to interrupt.
44:41Hello, Clifford.
44:43Hello, ma'am.
44:44Oh, I'll be right in.
44:46No, no, don't hurry.
44:47Take your time.
44:53You know, I think my Gramps has the hearts for you.
44:56Are you interested?
44:58Well, I kind of have a crush on somebody else.
45:04Goodnight, Cliff.
45:18Goodnight, Gramps.
45:20I really like that Clifford Elliot.
45:22Good stock.
45:24Yeah, he's very nice.
45:26Um, I'm just gonna go hit the sack, okay?
45:28Oh, you have some mail, dear.
45:46What is it, dear?
45:49Oh, um...
45:53Actually, Gramps, it's for you.
46:06I scared you pretty bad with this baby.
46:09Yeah, but not as bad as I scared you.
46:13I wasn't scared.
46:14I saw the look on your face when you saw me tumble out of the closet.
46:21I don't know.
46:24I thought maybe for a second you might even be sad if I died.
46:32Joey, that's ridiculous.
46:35You wouldn't be sad?
46:41Are you kidding?
46:42God, that would be inconsolable.
46:46Joey, if you died, God, I don't know what I would do.
46:56That's the worst possible thing I could imagine.
47:08What about me?
47:14Would you shed any tears if I died?
47:28So you're sleeping over?
47:32Do you mind?
47:34I don't know, all this mayhem has really spooked me out.
47:38It was fun though, wasn't it?
47:40But Friday the 13th is over, so no more brushes with death, okay?
47:46Can we just go to sleep and pretend the world is a safe and happy place to live?
47:52Okay, Joey.
48:09The authorities believe they have arrested the multiple murderer known as the Lady Killer, identified as David Blanchard.
48:16The suspect was found prowling a residential neighborhood in Capeside.
48:20When officers inspected his car, they found evidence linking him with the murderers that have terrorized the Eastern Seaboard for the past few months.
48:29We'll bring you more information on the Lady Killer arrest in our full report coming up.
48:34This is Bob, and now another local news.
