Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 8 The Reluctant Hero

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Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 8 The Reluctant Hero


00:00After everything we've been through, you just want to go back to being friends?
00:04Joey, you don't understand why that can't happen. You don't get that. You don't get me.
00:09Your mother and I have decided to spend some time apart.
00:13This is the conclusion that we've reached.
00:16Well, I conclude that your conclusion sucks.
00:19I mean, you're aware that his goal is to sleep with you tonight.
00:22Are we on the same page?
00:24Same page.
00:27Well, I guess the gentlemen are in a pretty tall hurry to get me out of here.
00:33The way that the evidence has piled up against me, I can't say I blame them much.
00:37And I'm quite willing to go, sir, when they vote it that way.
00:41Do you know if I have these extra pepperonis?
00:43Shh! It's intense time.
00:45Are you best when they're crushed pepper?
00:47You're driving me crazy.
00:49Listen, I'm a hungry person.
00:51You're an annoying person.
00:52I'm a bored person.
00:54All right, Mr. Smith goes to Washington, Dawson?
00:56Come on, it's in black and white.
00:57It's a Frank Capra classic.
00:59There's a bunch of dead people in it.
01:01Everybody in this movie is decomposing somewhere.
01:03It's morbid.
01:04You know, we got this whole section at the video store.
01:06It's called New Releases. You should check it out.
01:08You see, this is a timeless tale about a man faced with his heroic nature.
01:12Yeah, I can't really connect to the wholesome and morally grounded.
01:15That's more your style, Dawson, who you are.
01:17Are you insulting me?
01:19You're an endangered species, my friend.
01:23The last of a dying breed.
01:25And this movie is killing you softer with its song.
01:27You are assaulting me.
01:29No, I'm stating the obvious.
01:31You take in stray dogs, Dawson.
01:33You help old women across the street.
01:35You just say no. You are Jimmy Stewart.
01:37What does that make you?
01:41The needless waste.
01:43Born to walk in the shadows of greater men.
01:45Somebody's having self-esteem crises.
01:47No, no, no. On the contrary, my friend.
01:49Knowledge is power.
01:52I'm quite happy with my blow-over status.
01:56I dropped my purse in your head.
01:58It should remind me tomorrow.
02:00I'm so right in the ear, Betty Pacey.
02:06Looks like you got company.
02:08Third time this week.
02:12Come here. Help me out.
02:16Once again, you're Dawson to the rescue.
02:18Sit up.
02:20It's not exactly the ideal situation.
02:22Too bad for you.
02:26I think I'm going to be sick.
02:28We should just quit.
02:48I don't know what to do about her.
02:50She's spiraling.
02:52Maybe we should just finish watching the movie.
02:54Jimmy Stewart would know what to do.
03:18I don't know what to do.
03:20I don't know what to do.
03:22I don't know what to do.
03:24I don't know what to do.
03:26I don't know what to do.
03:28I don't know what to do.
03:30I don't know what to do.
03:32I don't know what to do.
03:34I don't know what to do.
03:36I don't know what to do.
03:38I don't know what to do.
03:40I don't know what to do.
03:42I don't know what to do.
03:44I don't know what to do.
03:47I don't know what to do.
03:49I don't know what to do.
03:51I don't know what to do.
03:53I don't know what to do.
03:55I don't know what to do.
03:57I don't know what to do.
03:59I don't know what to do.
04:01I don't know what to do.
04:03I don't know what to do.
04:05I don't know what to do.
04:07I don't know what to do.
04:09I don't know what to do.
04:11I don't know what to do.
04:13I don't know what to do.
04:17What are you doing here?
04:19I was just, uh,
04:21packing up some more stuff.
04:23Moving out.
04:25Moving out.
04:29Well, have fun.
04:31Actually, I was gonna see if you'd give me a hand later.
04:33Then I thought we could, uh,
04:35go grab a bite to eat,
04:37spend some time,
04:39do like a friend thing?
04:41Um, sure.
04:44Why don't you skip on the friend thing, though?
04:46I kinda have real friends for that.
04:48Look, Dawson,
04:50I know this isn't easy for you.
04:52And that you're disappointed in me.
04:56believe me,
04:58I wish that things could be different, but
05:00they're not.
05:04I'm trying here, Dawson.
05:10See you after school, then?
05:15Oh, before I forget,
05:17I grabbed this by accident
05:19when I was picking up my mail yesterday.
05:21I don't really know what you expect from me,
05:23but this isn't a transition I'm particularly thrilled to make.
05:25If you really want what's best for this family,
05:27I don't see how you moving out
05:29is a step in the right direction.
05:31Yeah, but it's my decision to make,
05:33not yours.
05:39I see.
05:43I see.
06:09Oh, my God!
06:11What a pacing.
06:13Grade point average 1.7,
06:15currently failing biology
06:17and U.S. history.
06:19Extracurricular interest, none.
06:21Tendency to be disruptive
06:23in class.
06:25Difficulty with tests, requiring a number two pencil.
06:27Let's see here.
06:29Career aptitude test.
06:33I didn't realize it was possible
06:35to fail an aptitude test.
06:37This shows
06:40that you have absolutely zero
06:42career objectives.
06:46Most people with your academic
06:48record can't walk upright.
06:52What are my options?
06:54Summer school,
06:56followed by
06:58a return engagement of your sophomore year,
07:00and if by some miracle
07:02you make it to graduation,
07:04a life of leisure.
07:06Until welfare
07:08reform kicks in, that is.
07:14No way to come back?
07:16Now I'm really disappointed
07:18in you, Pacey.
07:26Joey, wait up! Joey!
07:28Hey, we won.
07:30We won, you and me.
07:32What are you talking about?
07:35We won the jurors' prize for the best short film
07:37in the junior division.
07:39Listen to this.
07:41Your clever send-up of the horror genre shows a profound
07:43understanding of the traditional Hollywood
07:45machinations and turns them upside down
07:47in an entirely refreshing and entertaining way.
07:51Writer-director Dawson Leary
07:53and producer Joey Potter have been allotted
07:55a budget of $2,500 towards your next project.
07:57Here's a check
07:59for $2,500 to finance your next movie.
08:01We've already been pre-accepted
08:04for a workshop.
08:10I mean, I, you know,
08:12I understand that
08:14we said we'd give each other space
08:16and I totally respect that,
08:18but I mean, it was wonderful.
08:20I've been hoping that you would still produce.
08:22And think about it.
08:24We could actually rent equipment.
08:26Say goodbye to hollering in the lighting
08:28or shopping cart dollies,
08:30and if we move fast, we could get it finished by the summer,
08:34I'm really sorry,
08:36but I don't think
08:38I can do it.
08:40I mean, I don't think I have the time right now.
08:42I mean, I just signed up for some
08:44art classes in between work and school.
08:46I mean, it's such a great team.
08:58Yeah, I understand.
09:03this is amazing.
09:05I mean, you should be thrilled.
09:07It's incredible.
09:09Yeah, it is.
09:11I am. I am.
09:13I'm thrilled.
09:15All right.
09:17See you.
09:27you got a second?
09:29I'm kind of late for second period.
09:33I'd really like to make things right between us.
09:35So just give me a second, okay?
09:37There was a full moon.
09:39I know that's no excuse,
09:41but I'm really sorry.
09:43Just tell me what I gotta do
09:45to get our friendship back on track here
09:47because this whole silent treatment thing is killing me.
09:49Jack, I'm not giving you the silent treatment.
09:51It's just
09:53I'm trying to figure things out.
09:55Yeah, but you've been avoiding me like I have some kind of disease.
10:00I've just had a lot on my mind lately.
10:04Okay, so
10:06you're not mad at me?
10:12I mean, actually
10:14I think you had it right the night of the dance.
10:18More than anything,
10:20I guess I was
10:22mad at myself.
10:25Oh, well then,
10:27get over it already.
10:29I mean, this whole interpersonal turmoil thing
10:31it just kind of
10:33wrinkles up your forehead.
10:37Besides, I miss hanging out with you.
10:43Gotta go.
10:45Yeah, see ya.
10:55Hey, you.
10:57How's the thing going?
10:59Oh, post-Advil.
11:01It's fine.
11:05So, what are you writing?
11:09A script.
11:11Really? That's great.
11:13Yeah, great and.
11:15It's fun to do.
11:19You know,
11:21I've been thinking about
11:31Dawson, you won.
11:33You actually won?
11:35Yeah. Yeah, I did.
11:39I am so proud of you.
11:43So, how does it feel to be the star of an award-winning film?
11:45An honor.
11:49Although, next time, I would like to request
11:52to extend my dialogue beyond
11:54help and
11:58That's a deal.
12:00And then he tells me that I've got no future that doesn't involve
12:02the fast food industry.
12:04And he's called a guidance counselor?
12:06Yeah, amongst other things.
12:08Just because a student doesn't fit
12:10into some cookie-cutter mold
12:12that the public school system deems
12:14acceptable, they're ready to write him off?
12:16I mean, Einstein failed the second grade
12:18and not because he was stupid
12:20but because he was bored.
12:22And the incompetency of an inferior public school system
12:24failed to recognize it.
12:26They'd rather just dismiss someone
12:28who is in obvious need of some guidance
12:30rather than reach out to him.
12:32I mean, if someone along the way
12:34had just taken two seconds to notice,
12:36take care, they would have realized
12:38that you needed to be rescued, not ridiculed.
12:42Ladies and gentlemen,
12:44Andy McPhee.
12:53Hey, you guys. I was looking for you earlier.
12:55Impressive showing last night.
12:57I'm surprised to see you again.
12:59Well, I recuperated well.
13:01Hey, Dawson.
13:03What's up, Chris?
13:05So listen, gotta confess.
13:07I am on a mission.
13:09Todd here is having a P-A-R-T
13:13Eggs and eggs. Party till breakfast.
13:16Yeah, we're just getting the word out.
13:18Well, you know that you can sign me out.
13:20Excellent. See you there.
13:26what's your deal with it?
13:28We've just been hanging out.
13:32Well, I...
13:34Come on, Dawson, save me the character dissection.
13:36And while we're at it,
13:38why don't you come with me?
13:42Well, let's see.
13:44That's a tough call.
13:46Don't judge me, Dawson.
13:48You don't want to go, don't go.
13:50That's fine, alright?
13:52But just because I'm finally enjoying myself,
13:54you don't have to treat me like I've been lost
13:56to the other side, okay?
13:58And I'm not out of control.
14:00All I'm doing is having fun, alright?
14:02It's a simple three-letter word.
14:04Fun. F-U-N.
14:06I didn't say a word to you.
14:09I didn't say a word to you.
14:16This isn't funny, Pacey.
14:18It's just that your entire future
14:20is on the line here, and I think you should be
14:22a little more nervous. I mean, you're so not nervous
14:24that you're making me nervous.
14:26Well, now that all my posturing as the village idiot
14:28has been duly documented, I kind of feel like a weight's
14:30been taken off, you know?
14:32If that's the way that you perceive yourself,
14:34then that's the way people are gonna look at you.
14:36If you act like a joke, people are gonna treat you like one.
14:38I finally figured it out.
14:40I'm not Luke Skywalker.
14:42I'm not even Luke Perry.
14:44There's no hero here, Andy.
14:46I am a joke.
14:48I'm not coming to your pity party.
14:50You know I don't think
14:52you're a joke, Pacey.
14:54It's too late.
14:56I've spent so long being a screw-up.
14:58I'm kind of past the proverbial point of no return.
15:00Well, change your course.
15:02Break the chain.
15:04Anyone can reinvent themselves.
15:07Madonna does it every week.
15:11But I don't know how.
15:17I don't know where to start.
15:19Try starting from the inside.
15:21I mean, anyone can change their fate.
15:25Heroes are made, not born.
15:37Welcome to Chez Cafeteria.
15:39One of our specials tonight
15:41is a Chateaubriand for two
15:43with a side of
15:45braised baby carrots
15:47on a honeyed bed of
15:49spring lettuce,
15:51which I highly recommend.
15:53Now, we have some other specials tonight
15:55which include some
15:57reddish-yellow stuff
15:59and some
16:01reddish-yellow stuff
16:03and some
16:06reddish-yellow stuff down there.
16:08And, of course, we have this
16:10green gelatine dessert
16:12of a highly
16:14suspicious nature.
16:16You're such a freak.
16:20Hey, um, what are you up to tonight?
16:22Oh, I don't know.
16:24Probably just the usual.
16:26You know,
16:28have my driver pick me up around 8,
16:30go for a massage before my
16:32catered dinner aboard my yacht,
16:34and then go to Paris to see the Matisse exhibit at the Louvre?
16:36Actually, that exhibit was moved to the Met
16:38last week.
16:40However, I'm pretty sure I could get a
16:42reservation, say,
16:448 o'clock
16:46at Williams.
16:50You know Billy, that
16:52hot dog vendor guy?
16:54You know Billy's work?
16:56You mean like
16:58a date?
17:00No, no, of course not.
17:03It's more like a
17:07Oh, a dad.
17:09Yeah, you just take the E off a date
17:11and you have a dad.
17:13And what do people do on dads?
17:15Well, there's really no
17:17code of conduct, and etiquette is
17:19definitely optional.
17:21So, just kind of make up
17:23our own rules.
17:25The only requirement is that
17:27you have a great time.
17:29Oh, and
17:31don't worry, because I checked out the lunar calendar.
17:33No full moon for weeks.
17:37You know, Jack,
17:39you do have a certain charm.
17:41But don't worry, I'm gonna
17:43ignore it and hang out with you anyway.
17:45See ya.
17:47See ya.
17:59David Joey.
18:01That's great.
18:07Look, I'm sorry. I know Dawson's a friend of yours.
18:09It's okay.
18:11Just let me out of this, right?
18:13So look, Andy,
18:15I know that it's my night with mom, so
18:17you don't want me to go out?
18:19No, no, no. I have to stay in and study anyway.
18:21We have to stay in and study.
18:25Right. I can't believe I'd forgotten.
18:27Look, Jack,
18:29don't worry about mom. I mean,
18:31she's not entirely your responsibility,
18:33okay? There's two of us.
18:35And besides, with this new medication she's on,
18:37she's doing so much better.
18:39Andy, come on.
18:41I mean,
18:43mom pulled another civil last week.
18:45Let's just be honest with each other.
18:47Look, just go out with Joey, okay?
18:49Everything's under control.
18:51I've got it all under control.
19:09Dawson, um, what are you doing here?
19:11Um, this is for you.
19:15What is it?
19:17It's half the price of money.
19:21You can use it for art classes or
19:25This is awesome. I mean, this is for your movie.
19:27Joey, I want you to have it. You deserve it.
19:31You know, my intentions
19:33here are honorable. I'm not asking for anything
19:35in return.
19:37Except that you be happy.
19:39Well, I could
19:41use the money. I mean,
19:43thank you.
19:45I believe in you, Joey.
19:47I always have.
19:55So, um,
19:57are you going somewhere?
19:59Oh, no. I'm just hanging out with a friend.
20:01All right.
20:03So, um,
20:05I guess I'll
20:07see you around. Okay.
20:15Do you think
20:17things could get back to normal between us
20:19and we could just be friends
20:23I'd like that.
20:35And, um,
20:39you know,
20:41whatever kind of movie you
20:43decide to make, I
20:45know it'll be great.
20:47I'm thinking of
20:49doing a love story.
20:51You know, boy meets girl,
20:53boy gets girl,
20:55boy loses girl,
20:57boy gets girl back.
21:05You know me.
21:07I'm a sucker for happy endings.
21:19Well, thank you.
21:47Everything okay?
21:49Yeah, I'm fine. Just, um,
21:51I don't know. Say hi.
21:55We should go inside.
22:11All right.
22:13Last box.
22:15So I guess
22:17I'll see you later.
22:19Whoa, Dawson.
22:21What's the rush?
22:23Stick around.
22:25Hang out.
22:27Working that friend angle?
22:31I was trying.
22:35I was trying.
22:37I was trying.
22:41Talk to me.
22:45Look, Dawson,
22:47we've always been able to talk freely and openly.
22:49I don't want that to change.
22:51Okay, let's talk.
22:53Okay. Good.
22:55So, um,
22:57how's Joey?
22:59Joey dumped me.
23:01And is falling for another guy.
23:05And, uh,
23:09Probably drunk and stuck to a sidewalk somewhere.
23:13Jed, this isn't gonna work, okay?
23:15I need to go.
23:17You don't have to like my decisions, Dawson.
23:19I just ask that you respect them.
23:21You know what?
23:23All I ever do is respect other people's wishes, okay?
23:25I'm sick of it.
23:27It makes everybody else feel better.
23:29It makes me feel like hell.
23:31Well, maybe that's because you're only considering the outcomes
23:33and not the intentions.
23:37Nobody's out to get you, Dawson.
23:39It's only not me.
24:03I want
24:05you to think of this place
24:07as yours.
24:13Not if you need anything.
24:19You want me to open an office, right?
24:23Well, here goes. I don't want another friend or a buddy.
24:27I want a father.
24:29Can you respect that?
24:33Guess I'll have to.
24:37All right.
25:05Hey, Dawson, what's up?
25:07Um, I was just wondering if that invitation
25:09to go out with you tonight was still open.
25:13Yeah, I think that's exactly what I need this year.
25:15Running with Joey, huh?
25:19Quick, I'm waiting on that.
25:21Yes, Dawson, you can come with me.
25:23But you cannot bitch or moan
25:25about my partying habits.
25:27You've got to keep an open mind
25:29and no judging.
25:31I can do that.
25:35To some degree.
25:37And this is not a date.
25:41You're way too far gone as a rebound case
25:43for me to be even remotely interested.
25:47Is it that obvious?
25:49Dawson, you're so on the rebound, you're practically bouncing.
25:55All right, well, then tonight will be exactly what I need.
25:57What time should I pick you up?
25:59Actually, uh, why don't I pick you up?
26:01Seven o'clock.
26:03That'll work, too.
26:07This could be good, Dawson.
26:09You, me, together again.
26:11This is not a date, remember?
26:13And I'm not interested, remember?
26:29Don't judge, Dawson.
26:31I'm not, I'm not judging.
26:33I'm just observing.
26:35Destruction of young America.
26:37Fun, remember?
26:39That's what this is going to be all about.
26:41It's fun.
26:43I think I miscalculated.
26:47Hello, you guys.
26:57Hello, you guys.
26:59Hey, you guys made it.
27:01Hey, Dawson.
27:03You're a surprise, dude.
27:07Hey, wanna dance?
27:09Huh, no.
27:13Dawson, come on.
27:15No, no, go on, have fun.
27:17Enjoy yourself, okay?
27:43It's nice to see you again.
27:45Okay, um, we're gonna be upstairs studying
27:47if you need anything, okay, Mom?
27:49Would you kids like something to eat?
27:51I could make a sandwich.
27:53Uh, no thanks, I just ate.
27:55Tonight's double feature includes
27:57U.S. history and biology.
27:59If Tim were here, you could get some help.
28:01U.S. history is one of
28:03Tim's favorite subjects.
28:15I thought you said your mother
28:17was getting better.
28:19She is, she just slips sometimes.
28:21Well, I don't mean to be insensitive, Andy,
28:23but she still talks about your brother
28:25like he's still alive.
28:27Well, she has her good days and her bad days.
28:29And what day is this?
28:33I'm sorry.
28:43You know the only thing
28:45I ever won came out of a cereal box?
28:49How do you do all this?
28:51I'm a type A personality,
28:53but my God, Andy.
28:55On top of everything,
28:57you take care of your family and you still find time
28:59in the day to try and rescue a guy like me.
29:03Aren't you tired?
29:07You do what you gotta do.
29:11let's get started.
29:13Now, I always
29:15build in for myself a march and a bear
29:17for any of those occasional
29:19unforeseen roadblocks.
29:23you have no margin of error.
29:27You are what we in
29:29studious circles refer to as
29:31up Crapola Creek
29:33without a paddle, hanging on to the
29:3510th grade by a thread,
29:37one cliff note away from...
29:39From complete and utter disaster, I get it.
29:53Heat lightning.
29:55You know,
29:57I almost got hit by lightning once when I was a kid.
30:01We were playing freeze tag in the park
30:03and I froze and
30:07I mean, I could smell the brown burn.
30:09Oh my God, did you freak?
30:13I got freaked out.
30:15Oh my God, did you freak?
30:19I got fascinated.
30:21What if I...
30:23Hey, lightning's amazing.
30:25See, it's
30:27opposite charges attracting
30:29until the force just gets so
30:31great that the air just kind of breaks down.
30:33It's like
30:35nature's version of
30:37performance art.
30:43do you know all these things that normal people
30:45don't know when you don't know things that normal people
30:49Don't you ever get bored and watch the Weather Channel?
30:57when we were kids, Doss and I did try to
30:59replicate Ben Franklin's experiment
31:01with the kite and the key.
31:03We almost electrocuted
31:07You and Doss.
31:13I'm sorry.
31:15I don't know why I brought him up.
31:17I mean, it's just that we've known each other
31:19for such a long time.
31:21It's okay. I understand. You guys have a history.
31:23He made that pretty clear
31:25when he punched me.
31:29See, you have to understand, Doss.
31:31I mean,
31:33life is a movie to him.
31:35And in the movies, the hero
31:37always punches out the bad guy.
31:39I mean, not that you're a bad guy.
31:41It's just...
31:43He was upset.
31:49I'm sure I would be too
31:51if I let you slip through my fingers.
31:59I saw the look he gave you outside of my house tonight.
32:03You know, you were right about that movie thing.
32:07He made me feel like I was in the middle of a western
32:11he was John Wayne, you know,
32:13challenging me to a duel at sunset.
32:19I'll be up for that challenge, though.
32:25Some things are worth fighting for.
32:41It's so cool.
32:47It's here, bro!
32:49What's up?
32:51What are you two doing here?
32:53Getting some post-Joey action or what?
32:55He's a friend.
32:57Now, Jen's a good friend to have.
32:59She's a good friend to have.
33:01She's a good friend to have.
33:03She's a good friend to have.
33:05She's a good friend to have.
33:07Now, Jen's a good friend to have.
33:09You should have more than just like her,
33:11you know what I mean?
33:13You're about as subtle
33:15as you are genuine, huh?
33:19What you see is what you get.
33:43After you've read through the chapter once,
33:45you want to go back through and highlight any of the passages
33:47that seem important enough to appear
33:49on any given standardized test.
33:51Well, how do you know what's important?
33:55If it's not important,
33:57why would you bother to write it down?
33:59Whose job, whose right is it
34:01to decide which passages in U.S. history
34:03are important enough to serve the attention
34:05yellow felt-tip marker, huh?
34:09You're giving me a headache.
34:11I need a break.
34:14Phone rings.
34:18Phone rings.
34:23Yes, this is Andy.
34:28Oh, oh my God, okay, um,
34:31please don't call the police.
34:32Uh, I can be there in five minutes, okay?
34:35Just give me five minutes.
34:37Okay, thanks, bye.
34:39Who's that?
34:40Um, it's my mother.
34:41She's at Molly's Market again.
34:53Hi, I didn't call the cops
34:55because I think you and your brother are really nice
34:57and I really do feel sorry for you,
34:59but this is the third time.
35:01I know.
35:01If you can't keep her out of here.
35:03I know, I know, thank you, really.
35:04Look, I guess I don't have to tell you,
35:05this is not good for business.
35:08A husband usually takes care of things.
35:13You should call my husband.
35:17He takes care of things, you know?
35:22Let's go, Mom.
35:23No, I can't, I'm sorry, honey.
35:26I can't go home.
35:28I'm sorry, honey.
35:30Please, let's just go home now, okay?
35:32No, I can't.
35:33Mom, stop it, please.
35:36It's all over, it's all gone.
35:42Hey, Mr. McPhee, remember me, Pacey?
35:49Yeah, yeah, it's me.
35:51What are you doing here?
35:52You picking up some groceries?
35:54I don't know where I'm, I don't know.
35:58Hey, don't worry about it, you'll be fine.
36:01I'm just happy to pick out a couple things.
36:04Hey, check it out, marshmallows.
36:07It's a food group calling us on you.
36:11You don't want that.
36:14I have some turkey and some roast beef in the fridge.
36:22You know, that sounds to me
36:23like a triple-decker club sandwich.
36:27Can you make me a sandwich, Mr. McPhee?
36:33Yes, I can make you a sandwich, Pacey.
36:42You, Mrs. McPhee, are my savior.
36:45Shall we?
36:48It's a little red.
36:51It's all right, don't worry about it.
37:04♪ This time I'll be on fire
37:08♪ This time lead me on
37:11♪ I like you better when you're not around
37:15♪ All you do is bring me down
37:18♪ But whenever I'm near you make a sound
37:22♪ And I'll be alive with you
37:26♪ Whenever I'm near you
37:32♪ Sometimes you make me feel like your best friend
37:35♪ You don't have a clue
37:39♪ Nag, nag, nag, it never ends
37:43♪ I can't wait for you
37:46Hey, Dawson, you wanna play?
37:53Excuse me.
37:55Oh my God, Dawson, Dawson, put me down!
37:59This is not a joke.
38:00What the hell are you doing?
38:02Dawson, put me down now, put me down!
38:05Dammit, Dammit, Dawson, put me,
38:07no, I cannot even believe you.
38:11Look at yourself, you're drunk,
38:12you're hooking up with two guys, where are you going?
38:15I'm going home.
38:16You're going the wrong way.
38:23It's all right.
38:25Jen, stop.
38:26Why, so you can explain this?
38:29And so that we can talk this out and you can explain to me
38:33why you are so determined to pull the plug
38:34on anybody who's having a good time.
38:36This is not having a good time.
38:38Oh, maybe not to you, because I was-
38:40Not to anybody, Jen, you're hiding,
38:41you're avoiding dealing with the fact that you're unhappy.
38:44Frankly, it's disgusting.
38:45Oh, you really want to talk, Dawson,
38:47I mean, look at yourself, okay?
38:49You don't drink.
38:50And you don't mess around with anybody or anything,
38:52but you are the unhappiest person that I know.
38:55You're absolutely right, and you know what,
38:57I would take my melancholy over this any day
38:59because it's real.
39:00I'm not fighting to pretend like I'm having a good time.
39:03I'm not pretending, Dawson, I was having a good time.
39:07Dawson, I was having a good time.
39:10That's enough for irony, huh?
39:41Bad girl throws up on a white picket fence.
39:50Don't be disgusted by me, Dawson.
39:54But deal with me, okay?
39:58Accept me.
40:03And accept the fact that there are people
40:06in this world who don't need saving.
40:11Jenna, you're drunk.
40:13No, listen to me.
40:20I have tried.
40:25I have tried to live my life just like you.
40:33I just don't have that sort of...
40:49But if everybody did, then people like you
40:51wouldn't be so special, so...
40:59You're special.
41:03No, I'm not, you just want me to be.
41:07I don't agree with that.
41:10Jenna, if you weren't so special,
41:11you wouldn't be so miserable.
41:18Come here.
41:30I can't go home.
41:34I know sometimes you're right, I can't go home.
41:40All right.
41:45Can I go?
41:47All right.
41:48All right.
42:05Well, Jackie McPhee, that was a unique evening.
42:10Unique weird or unique good or...
42:14Unique fun.
42:19So, um...
42:21I guess I should get inside.
42:35You're not gonna stop speaking to me again, are you?
42:40No, I think you're safe.
42:42Crescent Moon.
42:47So, um, maybe we could hang out again?
42:52I mean, I think it's a distinct possibility.
42:54I mean, unless, of course, I get engrossed in the weather channel,
42:57which is likely, so...
42:58Don't knock it until you try it.
43:03All right.
43:11Hey, Jack.
43:17I had a really nice time tonight.
43:23See ya.
43:54She went out like a light, huh?
43:57She goes way up in the grass.
44:03You'll be all right, Andy.
44:05I'm worried about you.
44:08Taking care of my mom and saving me.
44:12It's pretty funny, huh?
44:15Don't you see?
44:16I mean, you just proved yourself wrong, Pacey.
44:20You can be anything you want.
44:23What you did for me tonight was nothing short of spectacular.
44:37I'm proud of you.
44:41What's so funny?
44:44I'm really used to hearing those words.
44:46I'm proud of you.
44:48At least, not when they're directed at me, you know?
44:53Come on.
44:54Where are we going?
44:55Upstairs to your bedroom.
44:57Oh, really?
44:58And what did you have in mind?
45:00What do you think?
45:05I still got three chapters to read.
45:08Let's go.
45:28How's Jed?
45:30He should be okay.
45:33I think.
45:45Dad, I know I've been really hard on you lately.
45:48It's just...
45:51You've always been this larger-than-life Harrison Ford ideal to me, you know?
45:58No one can live up to that, Dawson.
46:01Not even Harrison Ford.
46:05You know, that screen image doesn't exist.
46:11In reality, people are flawed.
46:18I can be your father, Dawson.
46:22And if you let me, your friend...
46:29You're cool.
46:34That's done.
47:13Are you there, Tiger?
47:19Dawson Leary, you're my hero.
47:23No, not a hero, just a friend.
47:34What's it about?
47:37Your movie.
47:40Oh, it's a romance.
47:43Star-crossed lovers, that kind of thing.
47:49So how does it end?
47:52I don't know yet.
47:55Dad finished writing it.
48:01I mean, you want some editorial advice, Dawson.
48:05No happy ending.
48:07No happy ending.
48:11The bogus and pat and totally unrealistic endings never end happy in real life.
48:22Just get some sleep.
48:25You'll feel better in the morning.
48:31I really wish that were true.
48:53No happy ending, Dawson.
49:21Hey, Dawson.
50:07The world gets in your way.
50:11What's the point in all this dreaming?
50:16You're not listening anymore.
50:37You're not listening anymore.
