Dawson's Creek Season 1 Episode 10 Double Date

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Dawson's Creek Season 1 Episode 10 Double Date
00:00Nah, I'd kiss that cretin.
00:01I've got to try life on my own.
00:04Look, we can make this work.
00:05I know we can.
00:05No, it's over.
00:07You've never tried swinging or spouse swapping.
00:09Wouldn't that be more appealing to your recreational taste?
00:13When are you going to stop punishing me?
00:15When it stops hurting.
00:17Trust me, there's a difference between friendship and love.
00:20Joey is one thing.
00:22Jen is completely different.
00:25Yeah, well, whatever you say, Dawson.
00:28Do you realize it's been nearly two weeks since Jen and I broke up,
00:32and now once has she made an effort to get together?
00:34Just spend some time.
00:36Go to the movies.
00:37Do you think that's odd?
00:39Because it seems a little odd to me.
00:40Dawson, you are aware that she broke up with you, right?
00:44Of course I am.
00:45It's just, there's a certain way to handle these things, you know?
00:49And I thought Jen would hold herself to that standard.
00:52Look, Dawson, you don't sound like a guy who's disappointed in Jen's breakup etiquette.
00:57You sound like a guy who can't face the reality that it's over.
01:06You know, and not to sound harsh,
01:09you can't live in the past.
01:10You have to start preparing for life after Jen.
01:13Something tells me Joey has a theory.
01:20There are three main areas to focus on.
01:22First, public perception.
01:25Such as?
01:26Well, from now until the end of the semester, you'll be known as the guy Jen dropped.
01:30Most girls will view you as tainted goods,
01:32and of course there'll be the few who will feel incredibly sorry for you
01:36and offer this certain kind of sympathy.
01:38And my advice?
01:40Avoid them.
01:42That's easy enough. What's next?
01:44Other guys.
01:47Other guys?
01:48Look, Dawson, you have to be prepared for the possibility that Jen will begin dating again.
01:52You know, seeing her around school with her new boyfriend,
01:55watching her from this very window as she pauses coyly by her garden gate
02:00and accepts a goodnight kiss from a guy you feel physically and intellectually superior to
02:06in every way and you can't possibly-
02:08Okay, Joey, I get the point. What's the third thing?
02:13You and Jen.
02:15Me and Jen?
02:17The inevitable conversation, which, frankly, I'm surprised you haven't had yet.
02:21You know, she'll ask you if you think the two of you can be friends again
02:27because she'd really like that if you could,
02:29and you say-
02:33Come on, Dawson, you have to have an answer.
02:36You say-
02:42I don't know. I-
02:45I want to be her friend.
02:47But then again, I don't. I mean, how-
02:50How can you simply be friends with someone when every time you look at them
02:54all you think about is how much more you really want?
03:00Well, you know, I'm no expert at this, Dawson, but I think it can be done.
03:20My heart is in my hands
03:23My head is in the clouds
03:27My feet have left the ground
03:30My life is shuddering around
03:36Every voice inside my head
03:40Is telling me to run like mad
03:44On poles and barrels
03:47Stars and sunsets
03:49Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:51Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:53Every heartbeat
03:55Every kiss
03:57Just makes me wonder
03:59What all this is
04:02Suits of armor
04:04Hearts and arrows
04:06Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:16Yeah, hold on, she's right here.
04:22Hello, this is Gail.
04:26You know, this is probably-
04:28Yes, why don't we talk about this in the office?
04:37Was that Calvin?
04:39I wish I'd known. I haven't talked to him in a long time.
04:42No, it wasn't Calvin.
04:45His voice sounded familiar.
04:48Who was it?
04:58It was work-related.
05:00It isn't what you think it was.
05:02He has a nerve to call here.
05:04He had a simple question.
05:06Oh, well.
05:08You tell Bob that the next time he calls here,
05:11the next time he interrupts my breakfast
05:14to call my wife,
05:16the first question he'll need an answer for
05:18is, do you have health insurance?
05:20He didn't mean anything.
05:22You don't have to be angry with him.
05:24Yes, wonderful.
05:26No greater way to start the day
05:28than hearing my wife defend the innocent motivations
05:30of her former lover.
05:32You know what, Gail, you're right.
05:34I'm angry.
05:36It just doesn't happen to be at Bob.
05:54Hi, Jen.
05:56Hi, how you doing?
05:58Great, great, you?
06:00Great, great, Dawson?
06:02Uh, look, I know that
06:04sometimes after a breakup,
06:06well, there's that awkward period
06:08where, you know,
06:10where two people who used to have so much to say
06:13suddenly plan their conversations
06:15reduced to the mirrors of small talk.
06:17So what are you saying?
06:19I'm saying
06:21what somebody always says
06:23and what somebody else never wants to hear,
06:27do you think it's possible
06:29in any conceivable way
06:31that we could still be friends, Dawson?
06:35So she asked you if you'd be her friend.
06:37What do you say?
06:39I didn't say anything, really.
06:41I'm gonna stir it up.
06:43You know, I told her I needed time to think about it.
06:47That's okay, Dawson.
06:49We still got some work to do here, but I think we can salvage this.
06:51What are you talking about?
06:55just between you and me,
06:57we have no interest in simply being Jen's friends.
06:59I mean, you're still carrying around
07:01this huge torch for her that has no hope
07:03of distinguishing itself any time too soon, correct?
07:07The last person who needs to know about this
07:09claim is Jen.
07:11What serves your purpose here is to let her know that you're completely over.
07:13Okay? It's yesterday's news.
07:15That's the quickest way to the ultimate goal of getting Jen back.
07:17But how do I do that?
07:19Hey, Dawson.
07:21Hey, Mary Beth.
07:23So here we're getting our midterms back today.
07:25Yeah? Can't wait.
07:29Now, okay.
07:31Upgrading Jen to girlfriend status
07:33is really a two-pronged attack,
07:35but the first thing you gotta do
07:37is let her know that you're completely cool
07:39with the idea of being her friend.
07:41Okay? The quicker you can feign some sort of indifference,
07:43the less special she's gonna feel.
07:45And the less special she feels,
07:47the more she's gonna crave that very special feeling
07:49that comes from being Dawson Leary's girlfriend.
07:51Okay? And it's a feeling that's not included
07:53in the friend package.
07:55I can do that.
07:57So what's the second thing?
07:59Slow down, my friend. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
08:03The rumor is true.
08:05You're gonna be getting your midterm exams back today.
08:07Good news is,
08:09most of you did quite well.
08:11But before I hand them back,
08:13I'd like to see the following people after class.
08:15Those people are
08:17Pacey Witter.
08:21I guess that's it.
08:35Look, Pacey,
08:37I know you're a bright kid.
08:39You know what I did first thing
08:41after I finished grading your exam?
08:43You stopped laughing.
08:45I went to the guidance office
08:47and looked at your standardized test scores.
08:49You have an aptitude for this stuff, Pacey.
08:51So when a student who's really bright
08:53makes a 32 on a midterm,
08:55you know whose fault that is?
08:59Of course not. It's entirely yours.
09:01Look, look.
09:04Science and biology's not your thing.
09:06All right, fine. I'm not offended.
09:08But I'm gonna make you an offer
09:10that I highly recommend you accept.
09:12I want you to complete an extra credit project for me.
09:14Show me that you understand
09:16everything that we're learning here
09:18and I'll pass you by the skin of your teeth.
09:22Sure. What do I have to do?
09:24Well, first, you have to wait
09:26for a student from my sixth period class to arrive.
09:28Great. Another rocket scientist, I presume.
09:30And then I'm going to assign a project
09:32that the two of you will work on
09:34after school and on free periods.
09:36Hi, Dr. Ran.
09:38Oh. Um, I can come back,
09:40you know, in your free time.
09:42No! No, no, no. You're right on schedule, Joey.
09:44I'd like you to meet your new lab partner.
09:52Dr. Ran, I'd like to launch
09:54a formal protest.
09:56You never told me I was going to be working
09:58with a repressed control freak.
10:00I was dependent upon
10:02some remedial underachiever.
10:04Well, wonderful.
10:06I see no introductions are necessary.
10:12Jen, hi.
10:14Oh, hi.
10:16Um, I'm a little embarrassed.
10:18You asked me a very simple question earlier
10:20and I really should have given you a very simple answer.
10:22Jen, I would love to be your friend.
10:28To ease any of your remaining doubts,
10:30I'll prove it to you.
10:36let's have a friendly conversation.
10:38How was your day?
10:40Not too bad, yourself.
10:42Excellent, thank you.
10:44Any exciting plans for the upcoming weekend?
10:48Look, Dawson, you're...
10:50You know, your friendship means a lot
10:52to me, but...
10:54maybe this isn't such a good idea.
10:56Come on, we're friends now, okay?
10:58Whatever it is, I think I can take it.
11:02Okay, well then,
11:04in the name of friendship
11:06and however misguided,
11:08I have a date
11:10with Cliff this weekend.
11:12Uh, we're going to the carnival
11:14on Saturday.
11:18Is that what you didn't want to tell me?
11:20I mean,
11:22quite frankly, I'm relieved.
11:25You're relieved?
11:27The truth is, I also have a date this weekend,
11:29and we're going to the carnival.
11:31Another coincidence?
11:33Yeah, it is.
11:35You know,
11:37if you want us to go someplace else
11:39so we can easily change our plans...
11:41Change our plans?
11:43We shouldn't run away from these things.
11:45We should look at them as opportunities.
11:47Opportunities for what?
11:49Um, a double date.
11:51Are you serious?
11:53Of course I'm serious.
11:55What do you say, the four of us?
11:57Well, I'd say
11:59it's a little unexpected,
12:03but hey, if you're okay with it...
12:05Completely, yeah.
12:15So I will see you Saturday.
12:20She breaks
12:22She loves you
12:25But then she takes it away
12:30She bends, and...
12:41It's not even all that bad.
12:43You remember how I told you getting Jen back was a two-part process?
12:46Well, this is the second part.
12:48What, humiliating myself at an amusement park?
12:51No, man. Dating other women.
12:53Alright, this is your chance, Vax, to let Jen see an action with other girls.
12:58Now, I'll admit that going on a double date with DX is kind of an advanced maneuver.
13:03High risk, high reward. This could be exactly the thing you're looking for.
13:07Except for one thing.
13:08What's that?
13:09My companion for Saturday is at this point fictional.
13:12It's not really a problem.
13:14I mean, I admit it's kind of short notice,
13:16but there's a lot of young ladies who would give up their very uneventful plans for a date with Dawson Leary.
13:24In fact, I think I have the perfect candidate right there.
13:29Mary Beth.
13:30Oh, hi, Dawson.
13:31Do you mind if I join you?
13:32Oh, no, no, that would be nice.
13:36Look, I was...
13:38Maybe this is short notice, and please, I apologize,
13:41but I was wondering if you wanted to sort of go out with me on Saturday.
13:47Like, go on a date?
13:49Yeah, of course.
13:53Is there something wrong?
13:57Yeah, well, yeah, um, it's just I, I, um,
14:01I know that you just broke up with Jen.
14:03And no, while I don't know the particulars of it all,
14:06I do know that it's a common mistake made by many people to begin to date before they're really ready.
14:12I'm ready.
14:14Completely ready.
14:16Could not be more ready.
14:29Boy, this is fascinating.
14:32I'm sorry there are no cartoons to make this interesting for you, Casey,
14:36but it's not designed to be fascinating.
14:38It's designed to be educational.
14:40Thank you, Dr. Schweitzer.
14:43Now, refresh my memory as to why we're here again.
14:46We're observing the reproductive process of punananda snails.
14:50And Dr. Rand said that they reproduce more when they're happy,
14:54so by varying the contents of the tank,
14:56we can determine which factors are most conducive to reproduction.
14:59Why didn't you just say that?
15:01We'll buy them a couple drinks, turn off the light, and they'll just come back in a couple days.
15:05Honey, you never fail to disappoint, do you, Casey?
15:08I mean, why did I actually think that the very real prospects of repeating marine biology next summer
15:14might cause you to take this project seriously?
15:17What, you mean summer school?
15:20It'll never happen. Only morons go to summer school.
15:23Yeah, well, the last time I checked, you were pulling a stellar F-minus.
15:27So without this extra credit project, Casey,
15:30I'm very well certain that your grade will not only place you squarely among the morons,
15:35but you may very well be their leader.
15:46Sorry to interrupt. I was just wondering if anyone had called that I should know about.
15:53No, nothing.
15:58Uh, what about yesterday? Um, any calls yesterday?
16:04Hey, come on. I always think your message is a little patterned after the answering machine.
16:09Forgive me, Dawson, but maybe I'm not being clear.
16:14I didn't ask if anyone had called for me personally.
16:21I asked if anyone had called that I should know about.
16:31No. He didn't call.
16:36Ah, well then. Very good.
16:47Thank you, Dawson.
16:50You're welcome.
17:00Casey, it was your responsibility last night to check on these snails, and now look at them.
17:04They're dead. Their shells are completely empty.
17:07Listen, I know. I'm sorry. I really am.
17:09Ridiculous. I mean, yesterday we had a science project, and today we have, what, two-thirds of a charm bracelet?
17:20I'm just going to tell Dr. Ren that this experiment within an experiment just isn't working out.
17:25Hey, before you go running off to Dr. Ren, there is an explanation for this. There is.
17:31Alright, you know how you said this experiment was all about seeing which environment was best for these snails, right?
17:37So, I did come in last night, and I was watching the snails, and I'm watching the snails, and there's nothing happening.
17:43So, I added some food, and I added some water, and there was still nothing happening in there.
17:49I thought maybe the problem wasn't the environment. Maybe these snails, they just didn't like each other.
17:54Right? Maybe they just needed to loosen up a little.
17:56Casey, I told you yesterday. Pomanana snails are single-sex. They don't need another organism to reproduce.
18:02Right. And I would have remembered that if I actually listened when you talked to me.
18:05But I just thought that maybe snails are just like guys.
18:09You know, that their ultimate fantasy is to be with two female snails at the same time.
18:14Right? Maybe that's what this project needed to get moving along.
18:19Let me get this straight. You tried to create some sort of a snail menage a trois?
18:25Well, it sounds stupid when you say it out loud, but I just saw this really pretty snail in the tank over by the window, and I don't know.
18:36Last night, it just seemed really brilliant.
18:38Let me fill you in on something here.
18:40You know this pretty little snail over here by the window?
18:43It's what you call a carnivorous snail, and do you know what carnivorous snails eat?
18:49Other snails?
18:51Yeah. Other snails.
18:53Other snails such as our snails, such as the snails we're desperately relying on to raise our marine biology grades.
18:59Okay. I'm sorry, okay?
19:02I know how important this project was for you.
19:06Okay. To us. Okay.
19:10So, whatever I need to do, okay?
19:13However I can make this up to you, Joey.
19:19I'm disappointed in you, Dawson. I mean, it's obvious that you're just using Mary Beth to make Jen jealous.
19:24No. You think I don't know that, Joey? I'm a hero of the worst kind.
19:28The kind that preys upon a missing young girl with some inexplicable crush on me and convinces her to go out with me for my own personal gain.
19:35Well, if you know that, then don't do it. Just call her up and say you have to stand and wash your hair or something.
19:44I can't, Joey. I...
19:47That's just it. I know if I was really the person I thought I was, I would have enough consideration for Mary Beth's feelings and cancel the date, but I...
19:54I don't know. I just...
19:57I don't feel like myself lately, you know?
20:03Anyway, Pacey says I should look at this as an opportunity.
20:06Wait a second. You're taking romantic advice from a guy who spent his evening trying to get three snails to sleep with each other?
20:15Well, put it that way.
20:16Look, Dawson, your little departure into jerkdom is understandable, perhaps, but it's nothing to be proud of.
20:23Just promise you won't make a habit of it.
20:25Joe, I won't. I promise.
20:31Because, despite current evidence to the contrary, you're one of the good ones, Dawson.
20:38And the other side is populated enough, trust me.
20:42You know, Joe, all things considered, I really wish I was taking you with me today.
20:53All things considered, I...
20:55I kind of wish you were, too.
21:02Come on, Joey. Let's get a move on.
21:04I see my deviant lab partner has arrived.
21:09Pacey's graciously volunteered to transport me to the tidal pool so we can find a pair of suitable replacement snails.
21:18See ya.
21:19See ya.
21:37We're back. Hi.
21:44So, is it too forward if I tell you that you look really nice?
21:47No, it's not, thanks. So do you.
21:50Oh, no, you shouldn't feel obligated to say that.
21:53I mean, uh, I mean, I'm, uh...
21:57Let's just start over again.
22:00Hi, I'm Mary Beth.
22:05Looks like we're just in time for introductions, huh?
22:08Yeah, um, Mary Beth.
22:10This is Jen Lidler.
22:12And Cliff.
22:13Good day.
22:14Good day.
22:15Hi, Mary Beth. Nice to meet you.
22:17Uh, same here, I think.
22:19Um, Dawson, a word, please?
22:23Uh, we'll catch up.
22:27This wasn't a free coincidence, was it?
22:29Word? No.
22:31Look, maybe on your planet, taking an ex-girlfriend on a double date is a good idea, but where I come from, it's not.
22:40In fact, it's a decidedly lousy idea, especially when you fail to inform your evening's companion who it is.
22:48It's not what you think.
22:50Well, before you tell me what I think, let me tell you.
22:54I think it's pretty obvious that you're still hung up on her.
22:57Mary Beth?
22:58Please know that I am not often wrong about these things.
23:03So now?
23:06Humor me.
23:08Okay. Here's the absolute truth.
23:24I've often regarded trolling for snails as one of the more underrated ways to spend one's leisure time.
23:29You know, despite what you may think, this isn't my first choice for Saturday afternoon either.
23:35But then again, I wasn't the one who tried to turn our aquarium into Plato's Retreat, nor was I.
23:43You know, actually, Joey, I've been really curious about something.
23:48I thought you were this great student, so, uh, what happened to you on this midterm, huh?
23:53What do you mean, what happened?
23:56What grade did you get?
23:58Was it a massive failure like mine, or just one of those near misses? I'm dying to know.
24:02Look, we're almost there, and we don't have a lot of time, so let's just save the chit-chat for later, okay?
24:18So you're really doing this for Jen?
24:21I don't know, it's one of her first dates with Cliff.
24:24She probably doesn't want to be alone with him.
24:27She probably doesn't even know if she really likes him.
24:30So in order to take the pressure off, she asked you to make it a double.
24:35God, Dawson, that is really very sweet of you.
24:39Really, don't mention it.
24:41You know, I can imagine some of these guys even trying to sabotage their ex-girlfriend's date.
24:46Really? That's terrible.
24:50Yeah, I know. So anyway, what should we do now?
25:00Little lady.
25:03I think I have an idea.
25:07All right, Pacey, the water's getting kind of high, so we should probably get...
25:14Can you tell me that you tied our boat up and the one that's floating downstream isn't ours?
25:20All right, Pacey, the water's getting kind of high, so we should probably get...
25:27Can you tell me that you tied our boat up and the one that's floating downstream isn't ours?
25:37I tied our boat up and the one that's floating downstream isn't ours?
25:49Ooh, tough luck, demon.
25:52I say we got a winner.
25:55All right, which one?
25:56Go ahead. You decide, I trust you.
25:59Great. Uh, we'll take...
26:03That one.
26:04Big cat for the little lady.
26:06You know what, I think the ferris wheel's working again, so if anybody wants to take a ride...
26:10What's pouring? You and me.
26:12What's that?
26:13You heard me.
26:14Whack him.
26:15Look, Dawson, there's no shame in losing here.
26:18All right, I mean, I did come in third, and they shouldn't run regionals last summer in Boston, so if you don't want to get...
26:26Your turn.
26:48Classic pissing contest.
26:54After you.
27:09Oh, Dawson, no pressure, man.
27:21We got a winner.
27:24So, my friend, who's the lucky lady?
27:37We need to talk.
27:43Look, it's no big deal. The boat will wash ashore eventually.
27:46You know, believe it or not, the boat isn't my first concern right now.
27:50You know, I should have known that once you did in our snails that I wouldn't be far behind.
27:57God, I'm freezing.
27:59Listen, it's just a little cold water. How are you going to survive?
28:03It's a prediction I made with all due regret at this point.
28:06Oh, clever.
28:08You know, speaking of survival, I thought creatures with your level of brain power went extinct a few years back.
28:14You know, it's amazing. A personality like yours, you still can't get any days.
28:18Even more amazing, a personality like yours, and you can.
28:33We'll get some dry clothes when we get over to your house.
28:36Right now, let's change into this.
28:40A blanket? You want me to change into that?
28:43Yeah, take off your wet clothes, wrap this around you just like I'm going to do.
28:47Wait a second, you want me to get naked?
28:49Please, this is not for my enjoyment, so you don't get sick.
28:52But if you've got your heart set on pneumonia, then feel free.
29:03No peeking.
29:06Oh yeah, the idea of seeing you in your birthday suit is really my idea of a thrill.
29:11You know, a lot of people would consider you a very lucky woman.
29:14And many people would consider you a very deluded man.
29:21Okay, I'll sit over here. How are you doing?
29:26If you take one more step in this direction, I can almost guarantee you a permanent disability.
29:32Tell you what, why don't I just start the car?
29:36Good idea.
30:01Let me be your bed, baby, when you climb in.
30:11I want to be the sheets when you sleep.
30:14Let me be the secrets that you keep.
30:17I got to be the spoons to your cream.
30:21I want to be the one that really makes you scream.
30:33What? What's that smile of yours?
30:36Is it because I look ridiculous?
30:40Or is it that my misfortune amuses you?
30:42Or maybe it's something you just enjoy putting me in the most awkward situations and just watching me swim past you.
30:47No, it's none of that.
30:49I was just thinking to myself that when you loosen up, you're not half bad to be around.
30:57You're not awkward and not funny, either.
31:00Your underwear.
31:06Oh, yeah.
31:09Home, James.
31:12Yes, Miss Stacy.
31:15I got to be your razor when you shave.
31:18Let me be the hammer that really makes you crave.
31:24Oh, yeah, I want to be your hot dog.
31:29Mary Beth?
31:30Oh, God.
31:32I'm so embarrassed.
31:35Good old Mary Beth.
31:37Creating scenes wherever she goes.
31:39Please, Mary Beth, I'm the one that should be embarrassed.
31:41I owe you an explanation.
31:42This time, I owe you the truth.
31:45You have every right to be upset with me because everything that you said before,
31:50everything that I convinced you wasn't the truth, well, it was.
31:54You're right, I'm not over Jane.
31:56Not nearly.
31:58And I'm on this date not to help her, but to get her back.
32:02Dustin, you're a nice guy.
32:04I like you.
32:06Do I like you like you?
32:09You're a little too neurotic for that.
32:16Well, why did you go off with me?
32:18Well, first, I felt sorry for you.
32:20I mean, it was clear you were still hung up on Jane, but, I don't know, you seem harmless enough, and
32:27my Saturday wasn't exactly action-packed.
32:32So if it wasn't my feelings for Jane that upset you, what was it?
32:39Mary Beth?
32:45Do you ever notice the way Cliff's eyes sort of smile when he talks to you?
32:53Oh, God, you have a crush on Cliff?
32:58And it was at that moment that I fully processed that he has absolutely no interest in me.
33:03He's totally hung up on Jane.
33:06He is.
33:08She's pretty hung up on him, too.
33:13She is?
33:15Afraid so.
33:24Here you go, Alfred.
33:33Of course.
33:35This doesn't mean that we still can't help each other out.
33:56You having a nice time, Jane?
33:59That's great.
34:03All right, you ready?
34:05Let's do it.
34:06Well, it looks like we're finally next, huh?
34:09So, Cliff, why don't you ride with me?
34:11Because we've hardly chatted all night.
34:13All right, Cliff.
34:23Thanks for the clothes, Joe.
34:27Thank me.
34:28Thank Bodie.
34:29There is.
34:30You know, Joey, we are in dry lining.
34:33You never did answer my question.
34:36What question was that?
34:37Your midterm grade.
34:39Listen, I know you're a little embarrassed, so let me just remove the stigma.
34:43I got somewhere in the neighborhood of a 32.
34:45You see...
34:47Come on, Joey.
34:48Just toss it out there.
34:52Okay, then let me guess at it.
35:03Which one was it?
35:04A nine or an eight?
35:05Both of them.
35:12I assume there's a suitable explanation for that story, right, Joe?
35:16What an explanation.
35:19Look around you, Pacey.
35:20I mean, look at what my life is.
35:22I mean, I'm a boarder in my sister's house.
35:24I share my bedroom with the living room,
35:26and my social life consists of a part-time job.
35:30As far as I can tell, there are only two ways to make my life better.
35:33The one that doesn't involve waking up and discovering it's all been a dream
35:36involves a college scholarship.
35:38When I apply, I better have the grades that don't give them a choice,
35:41because a scholarship is pretty much my only way out of Capeside.
35:45And if I don't get out of here, Pacey, well...
35:49it'll be a sadder story than I can imagine, okay?
35:54You don't have to worry, Joe.
35:56You're going to make it out of here.
35:58You're going to go to some great school and send me postcards back here.
36:02I'll be tending a bar pumping gas.
36:05Come on, Pacey, look at how cute.
36:08The circus is higher.
36:12I'll tell you what, though.
36:15I'm going to bet against that Potter girl.
36:25So you having fun tonight or what?
36:30Is that a yes to the fun or a yes to the what?
36:33The fun.
36:35Oh, great.
36:39I'm sure they'll have it fixed in a minute.
36:48You know what I find fascinating?
36:52Is that the word flammable and inflammable mean the exact same thing.
36:57Isn't that bizarre?
37:02So you and Cliff seem pretty together.
37:04I wouldn't exactly say that.
37:07What would you say?
37:11I would say it's only a date.
37:14I would say we're just getting to know each other.
37:18And I would also say that I don't think I want to talk about this with you anymore.
37:26Listen, I know I made a big deal out of remaining friends with you.
37:31And at the risk of sounding rude, I think I should retract my offer.
37:38What's that supposed to mean?
37:41It means you shouldn't be here.
37:44I don't know why you wanted to come or why I let you.
37:47But at this point in time, I really don't think that a seamless transition into friendship is in the cards for us, Dawson.
37:55Well, I'm not sure you'd have time for me anyhow.
37:57What with your active dating schedule and whatnot.
38:03You know, I would love if we could get off this Ferris wheel without insulting each other any further.
38:08Am I insulting each other?
38:10Is that what I'm doing?
38:11Because, you know, that's not my intent.
38:12My intent, since we suddenly seem to have the time for it, is ask for one small clarification.
38:19And what's that?
38:21When you broke up with me, among the many questions that I asked you was why.
38:26Do you remember that?
38:29And do you remember your response?
38:31Your very convincing, very heartfelt response was you needed to be alone.
38:37That there were too many men in your life and that you needed time away from those men.
38:42Dawson, I didn't mean to...
38:43And correct me if I'm wrong, Jen, but Cliff Elliot isn't exactly what the women's auxiliary is.
38:48It's a date.
38:50All right.
38:51It's not like I'm planning our engagement party.
38:55Well, then why didn't you just tell me the truth?
38:56Why didn't you...
38:59Why didn't you just say what I'm only now, much to my dismay and embarrassment, beginning to realize?
39:07Jen, that you weren't tired of men.
39:09You were just simply tired of me.
39:13That is not true.
39:15Dawson, all right.
39:16That is not true.
39:18Prove me wrong.
39:19Jen, look at me and tell me that I was wrong.
39:22That I've completely misread this situation.
39:25Jen, look at me.
39:30Dawson, I don't want to do this right now, all right?
39:35You asked me two questions a minute ago and I'd like to answer them.
39:43First of all, why am I here?
39:45For all the obvious reasons, Jen.
39:51All the cliches about the ex-boyfriend who's still hung up on his ex, who doesn't want to say goodbye, who can't let go.
40:00Now, why did you allow me to come?
40:07Could it be, could it possibly be that your reasons are the same as mine?
40:14Do you need me just as much as I need you?
40:31When I cry, there is no love, no goodness.
40:41Okay, just...
40:42You can comfort me now.
40:47Just don't tell me that I was wrong.
41:29What are you guys doing here?
41:31Just checking out some of the famed gigs I met with.
41:35Actually, I need to talk to you, Dawson.
41:41In private.
41:45All right.
41:46It's hard to not go for you.
41:53I'm pretty disappointed.
41:58It's not so bad, actually.
42:01Um, and that's why I'm here, to talk to you about it.
42:05I gotta ask your permission for something.
42:09Yeah, you know that Joey and I have never particularly liked each other, right?
42:14That's why it seemed like such a bad idea when we got stuck together on that marine bio thing, but...
42:20The funny thing is, it wasn't.
42:24And somewhere, somehow in there, I not only stopped disliking him so much, I actually came to sort of like him.
42:34As a friend.
42:36At first.
42:39At first implies that your feelings for Joey have somehow grown beyond the friendship stage.
42:43That's good.
42:44Because that's exactly what I meant to imply.
42:47You're a bot for Joey?
42:51Basie, what are you, like...
42:55You've been inhaling too many lab chemicals?
42:57You and Joey are mortal enemies.
42:59Do you mind keeping your voice down?
43:00This is not exactly public knowledge at this point.
43:03Are you serious?
43:12So you like Joey.
43:15What do you need my permission for?
43:19I don't know how to say this, but...
43:23I know you two have this long, tortured subtext together, I just...
43:28I wanted to make sure that if I was to do something about this, like kiss her or whatever, that I wouldn't be stepping on any toes.
43:37You're my friend.
43:38Joey's my friend.
43:41I don't care who she kisses.
43:43But if it's you, so much the better.
43:47We're two best friends, kissing.
43:49What could be better than that?
43:52Great, so you're cool with this, then?
43:56All right, Dawson.
43:57See you later.
43:58All right.
44:01No, wait, I'm not cool with this.
44:07You're not.
44:15So what do we do now?
44:23You know what?
44:24Because I am fine with it.
44:26A momentary lapse there.
44:30I couldn't be more fine with it.
44:32Yeah, go for it.
44:33Kiss her.
44:34Go ahead.
44:35You have my blessing.
44:36You're sure this time?
44:39Definitely, yeah.
45:10I'm going to have to fail another midterm or we can do this again sometime.
45:21Well, we still have a report to finish today, seesaw.
45:24I'm pretty sure we're going to be spending a lot of time together.
45:27Actually, that's not what I was talking about, Joey.
45:31Then what did you mean?
45:34Well, I put it to this way.
45:40What the hell was that for?
45:43Well, if I have to explain myself, it clearly didn't have the desired effect.
45:50Why in the world?
45:51I mean, I guess I know why you would.
45:53Why would you?
45:56Why I would is because I had a really nice time today.
46:00A nice time that exceeded my wildest expectations.
46:03I was confused and surprised.
46:06Surprised and attracted.
46:18Well, confused and surprised.
46:29It's okay.
46:31I can deal with the rejection pretty effortlessly.
46:37Just so long as we don't extend this really awkward moment any longer than we have to.
46:48Good night, Casey.
46:50I had a nice time too today.
46:54See ya.
47:02If by some slim chance you would actually kiss me back,
47:09you'd have probably been thinking of somebody else, right?
47:32I'm sorry.
47:34I'm sorry.
47:36I'm sorry.
47:38I'm sorry.
47:40I'm sorry.
47:42I'm sorry.
47:44I'm sorry.
47:46I'm sorry.
47:48I'm sorry.
47:50I'm sorry.
47:52I'm sorry.
47:54I'm sorry.
47:56I'm sorry.
47:58I'm sorry.
48:07Don't worry.
48:22Figured you'd be here.
48:26So listen, what we talked about before, what you asked me, I changed my mind.
48:29I don't want you to do it.
48:32First off, you're gonna have to refresh my memories.
48:35We're on the same page here.
48:37You know what I'm talking about, Casey.
48:41You don't want me to kiss Joey?
48:44You seem a little worked up here, Dawson.
48:47I don't know how to break this to you.
48:50Break what to me?
48:52Well, you're a little late.
48:55You kissed her.
48:57Oh, yeah.
48:59Not only that, she kissed me back.
49:01Right there in the front seat of the Witter family truck.
49:04Played tons of hockey for about an hour.
49:07She invites me in, but I was a little late, so I didn't.
49:11But she's cooking for me tomorrow night.
49:13She said she always wanted to cook for the right man.
49:16I guess she found him.
49:18What do you think about heading up to this cozy little B&B off the coast?
49:21Kind of a quality time this weekend.
49:26You're so full of it.
49:28Yes, I am.
49:32And so are you.
49:35You know, it's time you start asking yourself some serious questions, Dawson.
49:40Because you exhaust way too much time and energy on a girl you call your friend.
49:45So, you know what? Let's just set the record straight here.
49:48Who's it going to be? Is it Jen or is it Joey?
49:51Do you like the blonde or do you like the brunette?
49:55These questions are not going to go away, Dawson.
49:59It's time that you provide some answers.
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