Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 5 Full Moon Rising

  • 2 days ago
Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 5 Full Moon Rising


00:00Is there anything more beautiful than a full moon that looks close enough to touch but is only a million miles away?
00:08It's actually only 240,000 miles away, Dawson, and it won't be completely full until tomorrow night.
00:16Whoa. It's still romantic.
00:23How did the moon become the state flower for romance? I mean, it's just a natural satellite that reflects the sun's light.
00:30Well, casting its peaceful and silent glow over a chaotic world. I love a full moon.
00:38Not a peaceful, Dawson. I mean, a full moon throws everything off kilter, turns everything upside down.
00:44Weird things always happen during a full moon.
00:48Is joy part of being superstitious? No. Scientific.
00:53How do you figure that? Human beings are made up of 70% water, right? Yeah.
01:00And the moon controls the tide, pulling great bodies of water back and forth.
01:06It does the same thing to us, pulls us in different directions, disrupting the normal flow of things.
01:12And, Dawson, I'm telling you, weird things always happen during a full moon.
01:18You're scary.
01:24Very funny.
01:42Very funny.
01:44Very funny.
01:46Very funny.
01:48Very funny.
01:50Very funny.
01:52Very funny.
01:54Very funny.
01:56Very funny.
01:58Very funny.
02:00Very funny.
02:02Very funny.
02:04Very funny.
02:06Very funny.
02:08Very funny.
02:10Very funny.
02:12Very funny.
02:14Very funny.
02:16Very funny.
02:18Very funny.
02:20Very funny.
02:22Very funny.
02:24Very funny.
02:26Very funny.
02:28Very funny.
02:30Very funny.
02:32Very funny.
02:34Very funny.
02:36Very funny.
02:38Very funny.
02:40Very funny.
02:42Very funny.
02:44Very funny.
02:46Very funny.
02:48Very funny.
02:50Very funny.
02:52Very funny.
02:54Very funny.
02:56Very funny.
02:58Very funny.
03:00Very funny.
03:02Very funny.
03:04Very funny.
03:06Very funny.
03:08Very funny.
03:10Very funny.
03:12Very funny.
03:14Very funny.
03:16Very funny.
03:18Very funny.
03:20Very funny.
03:22Very funny.
03:24Very funny.
03:26Very funny.
03:28Very funny.
03:30Very funny.
03:32You know, I've been here a week now, and you are the first breath of fresh air that's blown through.
03:40And you probably think I'm flimsy, don't you?
03:43And you're not.
03:44I am.
03:46But I thought I would acknowledge it and smooth things out a little.
03:50It helps.
03:52A little.
03:57I'm not very good at this, so please bear with me.
04:01I have been at sea for the last 18 days with ill-mannered, drunken idiots,
04:06and I would really love to reacquaint my brain with the simple pleasures of life.
04:12Which are?
04:13Well, conversations that don't offend my mother's virtue, with four little words,
04:18and an exotic cup of brown rice coffee.
04:24So, uh...
04:27Please, if you have any compassion for the working man,
04:32say you'll show me the gentler side of things.
04:36Well, I suppose that it would be my civic duty.
04:4822 Seafair Drive.
04:50I'll be there.
05:12Well, there's little Miss McPhee.
05:15I'm just here to get a video, PC.
05:17Can I help you?
05:18Don't bother, I can help myself.
05:20Why don't you just go back to your Debbie Does Dallas?
05:24It's, uh, Jacuzzi Floozies, actually.
05:30You ever notice how the most interesting part of a porn movie is the title?
05:34I mean, think about it.
05:35You've got Disperminator, Romancing the Bone, Little Oral Annie...
05:39I don't know why they bother being clever.
05:42I mean, they're all the same, they should all have the same title.
05:45Women, PC will never do.
05:50You know, McPhee, we really should just bite the bullet.
05:54All this verbal sparring we're doing is getting a little dangerous,
05:57so we should just go out on a date before somebody gets hurt.
06:00Forget it.
06:02Come on, you know you want to.
06:06Well, maybe if I was asked politely.
06:18Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?
06:23Well, don't sound too enthused.
06:25I'll try to restrain myself.
06:27So where are we going?
06:29Uh, how about the movies?
06:31You know, that way we don't have to talk to each other too much,
06:33less chance of punches being thrown.
06:36Good idea.
06:39I pick you up at 7.30.
06:40You live on Windsor, right?
06:42Um, I'll meet you there.
06:45No, it's okay, it's a date.
06:46I can pick you up.
06:47Okay, well, um, how about we meet at the Ice House?
06:49I mean, neutral ground.
06:51Andy, it's fine.
06:52Really, your house is on my way.
06:54Um, well, maybe we shouldn't do this.
06:58Come on, Andy, don't work so hard on me now.
07:02Well, okay, um, 7.30.
07:04See you there.
07:05Don't be late.
07:35So you're not still mad at me, are you?
07:38What, for calling me a desperate loser?
07:41Gee, where should I be?
07:43I didn't mean that, I'm sorry.
07:45I'm just a little wiggy around this time of the month.
07:51Look, let's never let a guy come between us again.
07:54Men will come and go, but you and I are kindred spirits.
07:58We're rebels bound together by the common need to break out of this small town abyss.
08:08All right, are you sure that you're okay with this whole guy thing, though?
08:16Okay, good, because I've been dying to tell somebody I've got a date with Vincent.
08:22You bitch.
08:26After everything I've done for you, how could you go and steal him from me?
08:31Are you out of your mind? He doesn't even know that you exist, Abby.
08:36You might want to stop and pick up some condoms.
08:39You're in the big leagues now, babe.
08:41I mean, that guy probably has illegitimate kids scattered all up and down the eastern seaboard.
08:45Shut up, Abby.
08:47Yeah, he probably likes a kinky.
08:49Oh, oh, oh, but that's right, you're the girl from New York City, right?
08:52I'm warning you, back off.
08:54Yeah, well, Vincent probably knows an easy lay when he sees one.
08:58Don't you ever talk to me again, ever.
09:02Don't you ever talk to me again, ever.
09:21Hey, guys.
09:23Hey, Doug.
09:25What is with the Betty Crocker routine?
09:29I'm playing ambassador to a visiting reporter from the city.
09:33Happens every couple of months.
09:35This time, rather than going out, I thought I'd have him over here for dinner.
09:40Yeah, him.
09:41Gary Summers.
09:42He's going to be our New York Romer and Affiliate.
09:46Saturday, Joe.
09:48That sounds more like a Thursday night excursion.
09:51What are Thursdays?
09:52It's work, Mitch. It's free work.
09:55Somehow, the fact that he's a co-worker doesn't provide me much comfort.
09:59I wonder why.
10:01At least I have co-workers.
10:06Meaning, I work, therefore I have co-workers.
10:12You can do better than that.
10:14You know what, I've got to go to work.
10:15I'll go with you.
10:18What do you want me to have?
10:20That Thursday night stuff.
10:23I can't believe my parents are scaring the hell out of me.
10:25Don't worry about it, Dawson.
10:26It's just the phone.
10:27It puts everyone on edge.
10:30I've got to go.
10:32Go back to play.
10:33Okay, goodbye.
10:41Not now, Dawson.
11:11You sure you don't want to come to Bible study, dear?
11:14It's the book of John.
11:16Tonight he baptizes the sinners.
11:19I'll pass, Gramps.
11:22If you ignore the religious ramifications, you might find it simply entertaining.
11:28Nice try, Gramps.
11:32Well, I won't be late, dear.
11:46I cannot believe that you would hit me.
11:48Me, your best friend.
11:53Well, need I remind you that in the past two days, you've called me a bitch, a slut, and a loser?
11:59Yeah, but I would never hit you.
12:02You're warped.
12:03You know what, why don't you just go home?
12:05Oh, why?
12:06Is the dork from the docks coming to call in?
12:09Yes, he is.
12:10See you later.
12:17The Atlanta Convention?
12:20Total disaster.
12:21Six hundred reporters without reservations.
12:25Imagine that chaos.
12:29Um, excuse me, Gary, I'll be right back.
12:40Hi, I'm here to see Mitch.
12:43Oh, uh, really?
12:46Yes, I'm...
12:48I'm in.
12:49Hi, Mitch.
12:50Uh, I'm leaving tomorrow, so I thought you might want to take another look at the blueprints for the warehouse while you're making your decision.
12:57Sorry to sound so desperate.
13:00No, let's take a look.
13:01Gail, you bet, tomorrow.
13:05PTA meeting.
13:13PTA meeting.
13:44Two dollars and eight cents.
13:50Saturday night.
13:51Where is everyone?
13:53Enjoy the quiet.
13:54Mr. Bottomless Cup of Coffee would leave.
13:56I closed the place.
14:01I'm sorry.
14:02I'm sorry.
14:03I'm sorry.
14:04I'm sorry.
14:05I'm sorry.
14:06I'm sorry.
14:07I'm sorry.
14:08I'm sorry.
14:09I'm sorry.
14:10I'm sorry.
14:11I'm sorry.
14:13You really don't like being a waitress, do you?
14:15What gave you the first clue?
14:17Your utter disdain for our customers.
14:20You find this new location stimulating?
14:25Come on, at what other time in your life are you ever going to be exposed to so many different walks of life?
14:30So many different people you know that just randomly cross your path, each with a different story, different set of hopes, different set of dreams.
14:36Who used to blame you for their food being cold or not enough clams in their chowder?
14:42Why are you so angry?
14:45It's just the full moon.
14:46It's got me freaked.
14:47Not just tonight.
14:50All the time.
15:07Here you go.
15:09Just a touch of milk.
15:18It's nice being off the boat for a night.
15:21You enjoy that?
15:23I mean, being out at sea for such long periods of time?
15:29Same enough for law school.
15:31My uncle owns the marina over in Bayboro.
15:35He hooked me up for the job.
15:38You're going to be a lawyer?
15:40I know.
15:41You wouldn't ever guess, would you?
15:47I'm sorry.
15:48No, I didn't.
15:49I don't mean to be rude.
15:50I just...
15:51I know.
15:52Appearance isn't everything.
15:54Unfortunate, isn't it?
15:56Not from where I'm sitting.
16:02Are you flirting with me again?
16:04I didn't start.
16:09Well, where would the fun be in that?
16:13That's a good point.
16:22Okay, well, with the entrance here,
16:24and this area has excellent ventilation,
16:26I think that'd be a good place for the kitchen.
16:30How high are the ceilings back here?
16:32What does that say, 17 or 20?
16:36We were trying to get...
16:37Get a statement from him in the middle of the worst snowstorm
16:40New England had seen in 40 years.
16:43And he was on the next plane.
16:45Out of here.
16:47What are you doing?
16:52Would you like another glass of wine?
16:54Yeah, sure.
16:55What is your mom up to?
16:58Same as you.
17:00Same as who?
17:02Oh, nothing.
17:05So, Mitch, you really think that you are going to buy
17:08this condemned building to open up a restaurant?
17:11Yes, I do.
17:13Who are you fooling?
17:14It's clear what's going on here.
17:16You chomped down my throat for having over a guest
17:19when it is obvious that your Thursday night escapades
17:21are overflowing into the weekend.
17:23All right, what's going on?
17:24What are Thursday nights?
17:25Go to your room, Josh.
17:27Honey, now.
17:31I'm planning on opening a restaurant.
17:33Now you know this.
17:34And how are you going to buy the building?
17:37I got a loan, Gail.
17:39Well, that's good because I am getting tired of indulging
17:42in the dreams of a man who can hardly look me in the eye.
17:46Well, I am screwed.
17:47I've been such a burden to you.
17:48But while you've been in there playing with Gary or Bobby
17:51or whoever it is this evening, I've been indulging
17:53in some of my own dreams.
17:55And those dreams, they involve Dawson?
17:58Those dreams, they involve Dawson's English teacher?
18:01They involve a damn restaurant.
18:04Not everything is about sex, Gail.
18:06At least not to me.
18:23Oh, my God.
18:26What the hell are you doing in my room?
18:35Hi, I'm here for Andy.
18:36We have a date tonight.
18:38You must be Pacey.
18:41Come in, please.
18:47She's not mad at me.
18:49I got kind of mixed up between Ice House, Movie House,
18:52your house.
18:53It's confusing, really.
18:55I'm sure she'll be along soon.
18:59You know, we're going to miss the movie now.
19:01She's going to annihilate me.
19:03I'm sure you could talk her out of it.
19:05She's very taken with you.
19:07She is.
19:08She talks about you all the time.
19:11And Will, that's Andy's father.
19:14He'll be home any minute.
19:16I'm sure he wants to give you the third degree.
19:19And Tim.
19:21You should meet Tim.
19:30He's got those darn headphones on.
19:33Who's Tim?
19:34Andy and Jack's older brother.
19:36Goes to Columbia.
19:37Comes home some weekends.
19:40I'll tell you what.
19:42You can stay for dinner.
19:44You finish the table.
19:46Include Andy and yourself.
19:55This just became a bizarre first date.
20:17How's that alone customer?
20:28Oh, my God.
20:29The pump's down.
20:30Jack, if the lobsters die, we're going to lose a fortune.
20:32Yeah, I didn't touch it.
20:34No, no, no.
20:35We have to remove these from the tank and put them into some ice.
20:37Can you go get that tub over there?
20:43Hey, why don't we just throw them back in the ocean?
20:45You know, give them another chance at life, liberty, and freedom.
20:47Yeah, if you do that, you can just jump right in with them.
20:52Hurry up.
21:04Is he here?
21:08I haven't seen him.
21:10Well, I was supposed to meet up with him tonight,
21:12and so I went to the movie theater,
21:13and I thought that the show started, and he never showed up.
21:16What are you guys doing?
21:19So anyway,
21:21and then I remembered that we were supposed to meet here,
21:23but now he's not here either.
21:27So that must mean that he's either totally blowing me off
21:34Oh, my God.
21:37What's the matter?
21:38Jack, the house.
21:40He said he wanted to pick me up.
21:42He's close to the house.
21:43Good, it's about time Pacey showed some attitude.
21:46Oh, Annie, look, don't worry about it, all right?
21:48It's okay, just...
21:49Are you crazy?
21:50He shows up, and she's...
21:53Oh, my God.
21:54Annie, Annie!
22:15Okay, all right.
22:17My turn, my turn, my turn.
22:19Okay, most embarrassing sexual encounter.
22:28Okay, I can tell you this because I'm a secure male.
22:33One night in New Orleans,
22:36I got so drunk, I couldn't see straight.
22:39This woman, she was beautiful.
22:43Went back to her place,
22:45and, you know, we start getting closer and closer to...
22:49The moment.
22:50The moment.
22:52And she tells me she's a he.
22:59100% knockout beauty, crying game, drag queen.
23:05So what'd you do?
23:07Well, nothing, you know.
23:08I mean, he or she or whatever, you know,
23:12was actually really great about.
23:16We stayed up all night drinking and laughing.
23:20Turned out to be a really nice guy.
23:22I heard his whole story, abusive father, and...
23:26So now, whenever I'm in New Orleans,
23:29I have a free couch.
23:37You cut.
23:52Now your turn.
23:55Most embarrassing sexual encounter.
24:02Well, um...
24:09I got caught doing it on my parents' bed.
24:13With an axe.
24:16Right on my dad's 300 thread count.
24:19Did not go over well.
24:22And plus, I completely spoiled the moment.
24:30My dad can be kind of harsh sometimes.
24:33I guess me and your drag queen friend have got something in common.
25:08I hope that's still the thing you two have in common.
25:20Oh, my God.
25:27Okay, Abby, one more time.
25:28You're in my room because...
25:32Cute room, Dawson.
25:33I'm not asking again.
25:35All right.
25:36But you can't tell anyone.
25:39Jen is on a date with this older guy.
25:42And quite frankly, I'm concerned.
25:46So you're spying on her?
25:48Of course.
25:52Go away, Abby.
25:56Parents getting you down?
25:58I heard the screaming.
26:01I think the dad heard.
26:04Well, don't stress.
26:06Just let them fight and soon they'll wise up, get a divorce, and everything will get better.
26:12Divorce is better?
26:15It's certainly a home improvement.
26:18My dad has never been happier.
26:20My mom went out and got herself a life and my allowance has quadrupled.
26:30You're so tense, Dawson.
26:47You smell good, Dawson.
26:52No offense, Abby, but this isn't gonna happen.
26:57Joey doesn't have to know.
27:01All right.
27:04Well, then can we just kiss in front of the window so that Jen can see?
27:09All right, all right.
27:11Well, can you just tell Jen that we made out?
27:13Jen would never buy it.
27:16Well, you can make it sound clever so she'd believe you.
27:19Just tell her that you and Joey have decided to have an open relationship and that you and I hooked up.
27:25Very legit.
27:38Well, I have to talk to my lender.
27:41Dad, can I talk to you for a second?
27:44Yeah, sure.
27:45Excuse me.
27:47Yes, all the reporters prefer it.
27:49Mom, can I talk to you for a second?
27:50It's very important.
27:53Excuse me.
28:02What is this all about, Dawson?
28:04Yes, honey, we have guests.
28:05We're being rude.
28:07You two don't have an open marriage.
28:42Thanks, Mom.
28:47I think that we've taken it far enough.
28:56I mean, don't you think?
29:06You know what, I think it's kind of getting late.
29:08What happened?
29:09I just came to the good stuff.
29:12You're not serious.
29:19Luke, I'm 16, okay?
29:22Second look on your law school application.
29:25You're what?
29:2616 years old.
29:28Oh, my God.
29:29Not even God will be able to save you if you don't get your hands off my granddaughter right this instant.
29:56Hey, you're here.
29:58Hi, what are you doing here?
30:00Listen, I'm sorry, I kind of got confused where I was supposed to pick you up, but don't worry, your mom's being real cool about it.
30:05Okay, good.
30:06Let's just go.
30:07Actually, I kind of told your mom that we'd stay for dinner.
30:10Okay, well, we'll just sneak out.
30:13They'll never miss us.
30:14Don't you think we should tell her first?
30:16She said she'd be right down.
30:18Look, you have no right to be here, okay?
30:21You were not invited.
30:23My family is none of your business.
30:25And what did my mother, what did you say to her?
30:28Calm down a little bit.
30:29What's the problem here?
30:30What did she say to you?
30:33Okay, she just invited me into this Norman Rockwell painting better known as your home and politely invited me to dinner.
30:39Seems that unlike her spoiled, rich society girl of a daughter, I'm actually worthy in her eyes of meeting the country club father and the Ivy League brother.
30:47Okay, let's just go then.
30:49No, we're not leaving, okay?
30:50That's rude.
30:52Please, Pacey, please.
30:54What, are you so ashamed of me you don't even want me to meet your own brother?
30:58No, just not now, okay?
31:01Andy, Andy, what?
31:03What's the problem?
31:05Tim died.
31:06He's dead, okay?
31:18Eric, hold down here.
31:19Look, we have about ten minutes before these lobsters take a back swim.
31:23I'm screwed.
31:24No, I'm dead.
31:25Okay, all right, all right.
31:27All right.
31:28Eric, I think we got it.
31:34Nice going, Einstein.
31:36Try unplugging the power source and then plugging it back in.
31:51Thank you, mister.
31:58Okay, that's weird.
32:01Full moon, remember?
32:02Yeah, right.
32:04I just wish you'd leave.
32:05I mean, how much coffee can a person consume?
32:10Joey, I don't think he's really here for coffee.
32:13Well, he didn't order any food.
32:16I think he just doesn't have any other place to go.
32:21Or, you know, maybe he doesn't have a family.
32:27You know, maybe he did, but they're gone now.
32:31I really don't know anything about him.
32:35Maybe he lost his wife or something.
32:41Or child.
33:04That was weird.
33:06It's like you just...
33:14No tip?
33:34I heard the pox.
33:36Oh, my God, Jack, you're a bitch.
33:40Oh, my God.
33:44Hey, look at this.
33:50Kudos to Lut.
33:54By moonlight many years ago, my true love did I know.
33:58And by that moon I begged her wake, but that night did she go.
34:04As young lovers heed my words, don't squander love away.
34:07The moon is changing ever still, soon comes the light of day.
34:52It's not what you think, Dawson.
34:55But I'm thinking that you two have completely lost your minds.
34:59When were you planning on telling me?
35:02When you had the revolving door installed?
35:04What were you thinking?
35:05Did you hear that, Mitch?
35:07Our son wants to know why we're having an open marriage.
35:11You know what, sweetheart?
35:12So would I.
35:14Talk to your father.
35:16Look, it's complicated, all right?
35:19Your mother and I were attempting to heal some areas in our marriage.
35:24And you thought an open marriage was the answer.
35:27Okay, I admit it was a mistake.
35:29It doesn't take a degree in psychobabble to figure that one out, Dad.
35:33My thoughts exactly.
35:35Now exactly where do you get off being angry?
35:38You did this, Gail, I didn't.
35:40We wouldn't be in this position if you hadn't put us here.
35:44I give up, Mitch.
35:45I can't apologize anymore.
35:47I've got a colleague in the other room.
35:50Mom, stop.
35:51You have to stay here and you've got to fix this.
35:53No, I have to get back to work if I'm going to continue to support your father and his pipe dream.
35:59You have never supported me.
36:03I have been supporting you for years.
36:07There's more than one way to support someone, Gail.
36:11You stand behind them.
36:13And you encourage them and you believe in them.
36:15You don't turn your back on them and jump into somebody else's bed.
36:22I'm sorry, Todd.
36:29You can't just let it go, can you?
36:33Look, she made a mistake, alright?
36:34I know that.
36:35You know that.
36:36She knows that.
36:37She's been trying to get you to forgive her and you just won't let her off the hook.
36:42You've got to...
36:44You've got to get beyond your own ego and just forgive her.
36:53Make the decision.
36:56Alright, commit.
36:57Forgive her and then go in there and fix this family.
37:04Dad, you've got to fix this.
37:08I don't know how to fix it.
37:11I don't know what to do.
37:14I don't have any answers.
37:17I thought I did, but I don't.
37:23My dad...
37:25My dad...
37:31Your granddad had answers.
37:36Every question.
37:40He taught me so much.
37:45He taught me how to shave.
37:46He taught me...
37:50How to drive a car.
37:51Save money, build a house even.
37:52But you know, he never...
37:57Told me what to do if my wife cheated on me.
38:07I didn't know to ask.
38:14I didn't know.
38:16I didn't know.
38:26Oh, God.
39:00I do not know what to do with you anymore, child.
39:04Please, don't preach to me right now.
39:06Oh, there'll be no talk of God.
39:08I'll leave him out of it.
39:09This is between you and me.
39:12What I witnessed tonight is something I never want to see again.
39:16I had that situation under control, okay?
39:19You don't have to get upset at me.
39:20Oh, I am not upset, child.
39:23I am sick.
39:26I will not allow you to slide back into your reprehensible New York behavior.
39:32Not while you're under my care.
39:35You will not disrespect me.
39:37Wait a minute, that's not...
39:38No, you wait a minute, Jennifer.
39:40This behavior will not be tolerated.
39:43You will treat me with respect, and you will act like a lady.
39:48You will not degrade yourself.
39:50Not under my roof, and not in my lifetime.
39:58Have you no respect for yourself?
40:31Lawson, what are you doing here?
40:34I need to get out of that house.
40:40Hey, Jack.
40:43Hey, Joey, why don't you take off? I'll finish up.
41:10Columbia had just beaten Cornell.
41:14It was homecoming almost exactly a year ago.
41:18Dad had had one too many tailgate martinis, so Mom was driving.
41:25Jack and I were fighting for Tim's attention.
41:29We were always fighting for his attention.
41:36And, um, she didn't see the truck.
41:40And, um...
41:46Please don't say anything to anyone, Pacey, because I don't want my mom to become the town gossip.
41:52Don't say a word.
41:58Is your mother getting any help?
42:00We've tried. She was in the hospital for a little while.
42:05Dad kind of bailed, and, um...
42:08He checks in once a week.
42:11Um, he lives in Providence with the business, which is going under, so he's hurting too.
42:20So it's basically just me.
42:23I mean, Jack helps, you know, some, but...
42:28He kind of lives in this fantasy world where if you don't think about it, then it just didn't happen.
42:38I mean, she's not always like this.
42:41I mean, sometimes she's fine.
42:44But you just never know.
42:46And I'm the only one who can handle her.
42:51And sometimes that just gets really hard.
43:00No. Don't pity me, okay?
43:12It's okay.
43:16It's okay.
43:39You were so right about that, Ruan.
43:44Hey, can we just sit outside for a couple minutes?
43:49Are you okay? You seem a little spooked.
43:51I just... I don't want to go back in that house. It's like the house of despair.
43:57Dawson, um...
44:02I had a really weird night, too.
44:04You know, let's just forget about everything, okay?
44:09All I want to do for the rest of this God-forsaken night is just stare at your face in the moonlight,
44:16because that's the only thing that matters to me.
44:19All I want to do for the rest of this God-forsaken night is just stare at your face in the moonlight,
44:25because that's the only thing that matters to me.
44:55Hey, look up at the sky.
45:00What do you see?
45:06The moon.
45:07I don't know. Look up at the moon.
45:11Now close your eyes.
45:16Now, what do you see?
45:20It's the man.
45:26The man, remember?
45:29Oh, right, right, right.
45:32The man in the moon. I get it. I get it.
45:36Oh, but wait.
45:39It's not a man, Dawson.
45:42It's a woman.
45:45It's a woman.
45:56Hey, Dawson.
45:59Look, I...
46:08I think you're right.
46:11It's a...
46:13It's a really beautiful moon.
46:34Our guests have jumped ship.
46:43It's time, Mitch.
46:48I know.
46:52So, do you want me to...
46:59I'll go.
47:12I love you.
47:42I love you.
48:14Stole your golden shoes
48:17It didn't steal your laughter
48:22And heartache came to visit me
48:25But I knew it wasn't ever after
48:30We'll fight
48:32But not out of spite
48:34For someone must stand up for what's right
48:39Cause where there's a man who has no voice
48:43There I shall sing
48:48My hands are small, I know
48:51But they're not yours, they are my home
48:56But they're not yours, they are my home
49:00And I am never broken
49:06In the end
49:09Only kindness matters
49:15In the end
49:18Only kindness matters
49:25I will get down on my knees
49:30And I will pray
49:33I will get down on my knees
49:38And I will pray
49:42I will get down on my knees
50:03And I will pray
50:05I will get down on my knees
50:09And I will pray
50:11I will get down on my knees
50:15And I will pray
50:17I will get down on my knees
