Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 19 Stolen Kisses

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Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 19 Stolen Kisses


00:00Spring break, that's how most kids our age go visit some exotic sun-drenched locale.
00:06Non-skimpy bathing suits and ingest mass quantities of liquor.
00:10What do we do? We go visit my aunt.
00:13It's a ritual. It was our ritual. I'm glad we're going. I love Aunt Gwen.
00:18And she loves you.
00:20I can't believe she's selling her house.
00:22I know. It's like the end of an era.
00:27Do you think we can rope Jack and Amy into one of our famous late night karaoke sessions?
00:31Okay. I thought we had agreed to go on living the rest of our lives as if it never happened.
00:38Dawson Leary. Ashamed of his own moves. You loved that karaoke.
00:43Hey guys. Look what I found.
00:48This can't be who I think it is. Will Krudski?
00:53Last time I saw you was third grade.
00:55Chicken face, he's better on the playground.
00:57Yeah, what was I supposed to do? He was calling me Will Kruddy.
01:00It's a good thing you moved to New Raleigh, pal.
01:02Because without you to worry about, I became king of the playground.
01:06So what brings you to campsite, Will?
01:10Thought I'd surprise an old friend.
01:13And in the spirit of friendship, I took the liberty of telling Will here
01:17that maybe you guys have room for two more on your little impromptu journey.
01:22I don't have a problem with that. I'm not intruding.
01:25Not at all.
01:26The list of things to do in Camp 716 is woefully short.
01:29Hey guys.
01:30Whoa. Beware of McPhee's bearing too much luggage.
01:36Where's Jackers?
01:38He bailed in favor of spending quality time with Dad.
01:41Oh, this is a kind-hearted gentleman.
01:44Nice to meet you, Will. I'm Andy.
01:46Let me help you here.
01:47Great, thanks.
01:56So, um, I thought you were setting this one up, AC.
02:02I was, until Will showed up at my front doorstep.
02:07And, uh, I just thought I should show him a good time.
02:21And I could probably use a hand up there somewhere.
02:47Turning around, around
02:51Every voice inside my head
02:55Is telling me to run like mad
02:59Oh, balls and arrows, stars and sunsets
03:04Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:06Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:08Every heartbeat, every kiss
03:12Makes me wonder what all this is
03:16Scoops of armor, hearts and arrows
03:20Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:26Once in a dream, all the teamwork was mine
03:31Under my command
03:34Okay, you have got to stop trying to impress me, Henry.
03:38It was the coach's idea.
03:40He said if I was going to be hanging around here so much, I might as well help out.
03:47I was just wondering how many guys would spend their spring break in a fish eatery just to be in close proximity to their girlfriend.
03:57You're a saint.
03:59Well, you know what they say.
04:01There's a fine line between a saint and a moron.
04:11Oh, no.
04:15Who's the new b-boy?
04:18Oh, that's Henry. He's a funny little creature.
04:22Make that a yummy little creature.
04:25He's so my type. Tall, lanky, a branch right off the DiCaprio family tree.
04:31Yeah, you think?
04:33I definitely think.
04:35He's got that cute little ragamuffin with a dream look.
04:39Makes you want to take him home and give him a bath.
04:42And then maybe hop in the tub with him and, um...
04:46Okay, Shelly, I think that table 19 needs their check.
04:50Oh, they just got their check.
04:52Then I'm sure that somewhere out there, somebody is in dire need of a dessert menu, huh?
04:58Okay, Will, quick get-to-know-you quiz.
05:02Favorite movie?
05:04Well, when I was about five years old, my dad took me to a revival of Planet of the Apes,
05:10which, if you knew my dad, is a really big thing, so I'd have to say that ranks as my favorite.
05:17But I'm really more of a book guy.
05:19Favorite movie doesn't star Adam Sandler or Superman,
05:23Favorite movie doesn't star Adam Sandler or Steven Seagal, and he likes to read.
05:29You sure it's your friend, Casey?
05:33Okay, favorite book.
05:35Well, that's easy, Catcher in the Rye.
05:37Salinger is a god.
05:39What do you want to be when you grow up?
05:41I don't know.
05:43Just happy, I guess.
05:45You're gonna get all great with Lanquin.
05:47She's another Salinger freak.
05:50So what's your friend like?
05:52She's an artist.
05:53A painter.
05:54She's incredibly talented.
05:56She paints, and she reads great books, and she does yoga, and she lives life on her own terms.
06:03Is she married?
06:05She was once to this uptight lawyer.
06:08She had this picture-perfect suburban life, and then she met Richard,
06:12who is this crazy bearded painter, about 20 years older than her.
06:17She left her husband for him and never looked back.
06:19You ever get to meet this wife, Steele and Picasso?
06:22Unfortunately, their happily ever after only lasted a couple years.
06:26Richard died about a year ago of a heart attack.
06:31Uh, sad.
06:33I don't know.
06:34I mean, isn't it better to have a short time with somebody that you really love
06:37than a lifetime with somebody who's basically a roommate?
06:44It's just thought.
06:47Hey, you two.
06:49Time to go see?
06:51Oh, my God.
06:53What are you doing at Gabe's side?
06:56Where's Tom?
06:57Is he outside?
06:59We should talk.
07:01I am so sorry, honey.
07:05He was a wonderful guy.
07:08He was, wasn't he?
07:11You know, I mean, sure, we had our problems,
07:13but looking back now, it just all seems so stupid and petty.
07:17He was one of the good ones.
07:19I guess that makes me one of the lucky ones.
07:25Let me segue out of this grieving widow routine.
07:29How the hell are you guys?
07:32We're actually...
07:34Oh, we're great.
07:36We're doing just great.
07:39Dawson's 16 now and a big bundle of precocious angst.
07:44But he's a terrific kid.
07:46We see you follow through and make the restaurant a reality.
07:50It's inspiring, really.
07:53So many dreams never come true.
07:57I almost forgot.
07:58I was rummaging through some of Tom's stuff.
08:03You should have this.
08:04It's the toast from your wedding.
08:07I can still see Tom staying up till four in the morning the night before.
08:11I'm just trying to get up.
08:33Oh, Dawson!
08:35Baby, you made it!
08:37Oh, hi!
08:41How gorgeous did you turn out?
08:46And this must be Paisley.
08:49I assume my reputation precedes me.
08:51Actually, we've met before.
08:54We have?
08:55Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to remember it.
08:57It was years ago at my sister's Fourth of July picnic.
09:00And you were chasing this one around and teasing her mercilessly.
09:07And when I went to intervene, you said to me,
09:09Hey lady, step on my buzz, why don't ya?
09:16That sounds about right.
09:18Which would make you Andy?
09:21Nice to meet you, Aunt Gwen.
09:26And this has got to be Jack, right?
09:30Uh, no.
09:31Jackers couldn't make it this weekend.
09:33So Aunt Gwen, please allow me to introduce my friend Will Krutzke.
09:37How ya doin'?
09:38Ah, friend of Paisley's.
09:41Not a good sign.
09:57Tommy Paisley, is our conversation this week going to consist solely of monosyllabic grunts?
10:03Joe, this is neither the time nor the place to be discussing events of weeks past.
10:09Look, who wants to discuss? I thought we agreed that it was no big deal.
10:14It isn't.
10:18So, there should be no weirdness between us?
10:23Right. You're right.
10:25But I think we may have a small problem.
10:34You've got to be kidding me.
10:37Paisley, do something about this.
10:50Uh, Dawson.
10:52Hey, Dawson.
10:58Look, uh, what do you hop up and give Joey in your sleeping bag, huh?
11:03What, did he hop in the sack with you?
11:05Essentially, yeah.
11:08Good night, Paisley.
11:23I'm not sleeping with you, Paisley.
11:26And, Joey, I don't think we know each other well enough.
11:31No offense.
11:32Not taken.
11:35Okay, look, we're just going to have to make the best of this, alright?
11:44But if I so much as feel anything...
11:46Joe, get in bed.
11:48While you're at it, get over yourself.
11:57Paisley, get your butt away from me.
12:01My butt wants nothing to do with your butt, okay?
12:05Give me some of these collars, man.
12:57Sleepyheads, breakfast!
13:08So glad you could join us, you two.
13:11I have a spectacular dinner planned for this evening.
13:15But first, I must shop.
13:18I'm going to steal Dawson and Joey to help me.
13:21The rest of you, I encourage to explore the somewhat limited charms of my humble little podunk town.
13:29We don't have much in the way of entertainment.
13:31There's no multiplex, no monster truck show.
13:35But we do have this kickass little pool hall.
13:38I love to play pool.
13:40Yeah, I'm always down for some billiard action.
13:42What is it with guys on pool?
13:44It's a phallic thing, right?
13:46I'll teach you.
13:48Okay, you're going to teach me how to hit a ball with a stick.
13:52There's an arc to it, you know.
13:54Oh, okay, I get it.
13:56So you're like Tom Cruise, Color of Money?
14:06You don't have to do that, you know.
14:08I'm just trying to help out.
14:12Are you okay? Do you want to talk?
14:17What do you think?
14:20A friend of ours died, Gail.
14:23It really sucks, but it happened.
14:27And it's really sad, but I don't know what there is to talk about.
14:34Well, it must make you feel this way. I know it does me.
14:41I wish I called him more.
14:43I wish he called me more.
14:46I wish a lot of things.
14:51You should read this.
14:57Because it's beautiful, his words.
15:00I didn't remember.
15:02It was nice to go back and see us through his eyes for a moment.
15:08I'd rather not.
15:12What is wrong, Gail?
15:14Nothing, I just don't feel like a trip down memory lane right now, that's all.
15:34Hey, Jen.
15:36How adorable is this boy, can you tell me?
15:39Yeah, he's dreamy.
15:41Listen, Shel, I need you to cover sections five and six today.
15:44Five and six? Lindley, that's crazy talk.
15:47Sorry, hon, we're a little short-staffed. I need you to be a team player here.
15:53Bye, Henry.
16:02You know we were just talking, right?
16:05Of course you were.
16:07You just seemed a little jealous.
16:14Please, Henry, I'm so not in touch with that emotion.
16:17I wouldn't even know what that would feel like.
16:20Jealous? It's ridiculous.
16:23What, it's ridiculous to think that someone else might find me to be a decent, worthwhile human being?
16:29That's not what I meant.
16:41Okay, Tom Cruise, scholar of money?
16:45You suck.
16:46Easy, McPhee, them's fighting words.
16:49I thought he was supposed to be this amazing pool player.
16:53I never claimed to be anything.
16:55I just said I liked to play.
16:58And you said in a somewhat condescending fashion that you'd teach me.
17:04Ah, looks like I should be the one giving the lessons.
17:08What do you say, Pacey?
17:10Maybe you should cut the guy some slack.
17:12It might just be some method to his madness.
17:20Okay, all I have to say right now is little old me is wiping up the floor with the two of you.
17:27I'm sorry, man, I just can't seem to keep those things on the table.
17:31You guys interested in a game?
17:33Uh, no, look, mister, these two, they're seriously deluded and totally lame,
17:39so I'm going to set the record straight right here and now.
17:42It would be both sick and wrong to take their money.
17:46We'll play.
17:52What are you looking for?
17:53Something from the wall.
17:56Ah, which if I recall correctly is plastered in wall-to-wall movie posters.
18:01You know, somehow I don't think this is going to go with that whole film geek aesthetic you've got going on.
18:07The posters are gone, actually.
18:09I took them all down.
18:11Homestead wasn't that bad, honey.
18:14We're in a crisis of faith, actually.
18:16What do you mean?
18:18What do you mean?
18:20Well, I guess I got tired of having this larger-than-life dream to compensate for my smaller-than-life life.
18:27Okay, so the movie posters are down, film has lost its luster,
18:34and I'm detecting a significant lack of smooching, hand-holding, general all-around cuddliness between the two of you.
18:46So? Come on, tell me everything.
18:50Okay, well, to make a long story short, we got together.
18:54Which was so completely overwhelming that it forced me to retreat into this long, protracted period of soul-searching.
18:59Which sent me into a dizzying downward spiral of depression.
19:02Then I finally managed to get her back.
19:04It was exceptionally bad timing.
19:06And then he got back from summer vacation.
19:08The possibility of having my heart ripped out of my chest once again didn't sound as appealing as it once had,
19:13so I decided that it would be best just to be friends.
19:16And then he asked Pacey to look out for me.
19:19What does Pacey have to do with this?
19:23Uh, nothing.
19:25Just, there you have it.
19:28Well, then I have just one question.
19:31Why aren't the two of you together now?
19:35You hustled them!
19:37And this is the big deal why?
19:39Because I find it morally wrong and offensive and disgusting.
19:44I mean, I didn't come here with you guys to be, you know, an accomplice to your little seedy scam.
19:49Andy, Will's a shark. He always has been.
19:52What are you gonna do?
19:55I mean, you let me think that I was good.
19:59You are good.
20:01Am I?
20:05Okay, you're hustling me right now, aren't you?
20:10What's this?
20:12It's your show of take.
20:27Oh, no!
20:36Joy, do I seem different to you?
20:39What do you mean?
20:42As a result, it's energy to reinventing myself.
20:47And to be honest, I don't see where it's gotten me.
20:52I don't feel any different.
20:56Actually, you are different, Dawson.
20:59Once upon a time, you had to be the center of attention.
21:03Life revolved around you and your dreams.
21:06And recently, I watched you fade into the background and let others shine.
21:13You're different.
21:19This trip this week is reminding me of what we're good at.
21:27What's that?
21:30We make sense of each other's lives.
21:36Always have.
21:39Things are changing, Dawson.
21:44People evolve and some things drop away.
21:49Yeah, but things don't have to be any certain way, Joy.
21:53Growing up does not have to equal growing apart.
21:57No, it does.
22:01But you gotta find some faith.
22:04Faith that whatever sent us off in different directions is the same thing that'll bring us back together.
22:14I take it back.
22:17You haven't changed a bit.
22:21You're still an eternal optimist, Dawson.
22:29I'm starting to forget why.
22:32Why what?
22:34That we're not together.
22:39Hey, you guys wanna come down and give us a hand?
22:44This must be so much fun!
22:47I can't see!
22:49I can't see!
23:00That one's my favorite, I think.
23:03When I was married, I was taking this art class.
23:07And the first thing the teacher said was,
23:10close your eyes and paint your future,
23:13and the rest will take care of itself.
23:18And it did.
23:21You painted this before you lived here?
23:33Do you have any regrets?
23:35About the way in which you and Richard came together?
23:43You know, Joey,
23:46I got married too young.
23:48And I sold out in a big way.
23:51I stayed in a relationship that was safe and comfortable,
23:55and then I met this man who made me feel alive for the very first time.
24:02Those kinds of feelings just won't be ignored, you know?
24:05I owed it to myself to explore them.
24:10Come here.
24:16Now, this one.
24:20This one is my favorite.
24:32Come on.
24:52Party of seven, we will have your table at eight.
24:55Thank you. Bye.
25:00Shelly just offered me sex.
25:03I just thought I thought you should know about it.
25:06She what?
25:08She basically said I could have sex with her anytime I wanted.
25:12Apparently she likes younger guys.
25:17Henry, your hands are shaking.
25:21Strange girl just offered me sex.
25:25This has never happened to me before.
25:28What did you tell her?
25:30I think I said I had a girlfriend.
25:32Do you find her attractive?
25:36Do you or don't you?
25:42You know what, Henry?
25:44Go have sex with her.
25:46Go off and make a million babies, because I don't care anymore.
25:49Don't you dare tell me that I'm jealous.
26:03Might I have found the hustler in a contemplative moment?
26:08Contemplating my next big score.
26:11There are massive contradictions, Wilkretzky.
26:15How's that?
26:17Oh, come on.
26:19The well-read pool shark, the blue-collar academic.
26:24You read the color of my collar pretty quickly.
26:27Is it that obvious?
26:29Yeah, about as obvious as the fact that you're pretty darn smart.
26:33That's nice of you to say.
26:37So, uh, what makes you so unhappy?
26:43What do you mean?
26:44Well, you said that all you want to do when you grow up is be happy,
26:48so what makes you so unhappy now?
26:51Too many things to mention, I guess.
26:55Okay, so how about trying wood?
27:00My father.
27:02What's he like?
27:04He's a jerk.
27:07He works at the factory, so he's just total downy.
27:11Treats my mother like crap.
27:14Can't wait to get the hell away from him.
27:17I came to hang out with Pacey because I just couldn't take it anymore.
27:22I had to get out of that house.
27:27Sorry, Wilk.
27:37Too mushy.
27:38Too crunchy.
27:40You actually have an opinion.
27:42Last conversation we had, you didn't want to be involved.
27:45Just because I'm not talking doesn't mean I'm not thinking.
27:48And just because we're not married doesn't mean we can't talk.
27:52Maybe that's what it does mean.
27:55I can't believe you're saying this much.
27:57Why not?
27:59Why would I want to rely on you?
28:02Trust you?
28:04Because if nothing else, I am your friend.
28:07If we were such great friends,
28:10then we'd be married right now.
28:17We gotta go
28:26We gotta go
28:28Child, things are gonna get easier
28:33Child, things are gonna get brighter
28:38Some things don't
28:44You make my heart sink
28:49And now I'd like to bring up two of my very favorite people to perform their very own
29:05special number, Dawson and Joey, let's go.
29:08I'm not going to sing.
29:10Get up here.
29:11Come on, Joey.
29:14Oh, I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
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31:01The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:02I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
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31:04I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
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31:09The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:10I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:11The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:12I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:14I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:15The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:16I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:17The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:18I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:19The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:20I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:21The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:22I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:23The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:24I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:25The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:26I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:27The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:28I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:29The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:30I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:31The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:32I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:33The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:34I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:35The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:36I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:37The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:38I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:39The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:40I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:41The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:42I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:43The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:44I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:45The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:46I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:47The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:48I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:49The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:50I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:51The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:52I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:53The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:54I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:55The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:56I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:57The six o'clock alarm goes off.
31:58I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
31:59The six o'clock alarm goes off.
32:00I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
32:01The six o'clock alarm goes off.
32:02I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
32:03The six o'clock alarm goes off.
32:04I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
32:05The six o'clock alarm goes off.
32:06I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
32:07The six o'clock alarm goes off.
32:08I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
32:09The six o'clock alarm goes off.
32:10I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
32:11The six o'clock alarm goes off.
32:12I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
32:13The six o'clock alarm goes off.
32:14I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
32:36I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
32:57I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:26I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:27The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:28I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:29The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:30I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:31The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:32I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:33The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:34I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:35The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:36I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:37The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:38I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:39The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:40I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:42I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:43The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:44I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:45The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:46I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:47The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:48I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:49The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:50I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:51The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:52I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:53The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:54I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:55The six o'clock alarm goes off.
33:56I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:58I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
33:59The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:00I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:01The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:02I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:03The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:04I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:05The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:06I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:07The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:08I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:09The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:10I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:11The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:12I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:14I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:15The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:16I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:17The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:18I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:19The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:20I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:21The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:22I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:23The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:24I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:25The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:26I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:27The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:28I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:29I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:30The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:31I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:32The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:33I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:34The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:35I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:36The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:37I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:38The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:39I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:40The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:41I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:42The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:43I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:44The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:45I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:46The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:47I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:48The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:49I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:50The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:51I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:52The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:53I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:54The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:55I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:56The six o'clock alarm goes off.
34:57I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
34:58The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:00I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:01The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:02I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:03The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:04I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:05The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:06I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:07The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:08I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:09The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:10I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:11The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:12I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:13The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:14I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:15The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:16I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:17The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:18I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:19The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:20I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:21The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:22I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:23The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:24I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:25The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:26I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:27The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:28I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:29The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:30I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:31The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:32I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:33The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:34I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:35The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:36I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:37The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:38I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:39The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:40I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:41The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:42I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:43The six o'clock alarm goes off.
35:44I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
35:45I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:14The six o'clock alarm goes off.
36:15I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:16The six o'clock alarm goes off.
36:17I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:18The six o'clock alarm goes off.
36:19I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:20The six o'clock alarm goes off.
36:21I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:22The six o'clock alarm goes off.
36:23I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:24The six o'clock alarm goes off.
36:25I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:26The six o'clock alarm goes off.
36:27I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:28The six o'clock alarm goes off.
36:29I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:51I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:52The six o'clock alarm goes off.
36:53I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:54The six o'clock alarm goes off.
36:55I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:56The six o'clock alarm goes off.
36:57I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
36:58The six o'clock alarm goes off.
36:59I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:00The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:01I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:02The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:03I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:04The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:05I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:06The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:07I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:08The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:09I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:10The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:11I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:12The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:13I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:14The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:15I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:16The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:17I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:18The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:19I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:20The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:22I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:23The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:24I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:25The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:26I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:27The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:28I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:29The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:30I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:31The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:32I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:33The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:34I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:35The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:36I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:37I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:38The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:39I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:40The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:41I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:42The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:43I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:44The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:45I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:46The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:47I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:48The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:49I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:50The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:51I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:53I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:54The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:55I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:56The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:57I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
37:58The six o'clock alarm goes off.
37:59I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:00The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:01I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:02The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:03I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:04The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:05I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:06The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:07I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:09I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:10The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:11I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:12The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:13I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:14The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:15I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:16The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:17I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:18The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:19I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:20The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:21I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:22The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:23I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:25I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:26The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:27I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:28The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:29I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:30The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:31I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:32The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:33I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:34The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:35I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:36The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:37I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:38The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:39I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:40The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:41I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:42The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:43I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:44The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:45I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:46The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:47I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:48The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:49I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:50The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:51I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:52The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:53I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
38:54The six o'clock alarm goes off.
38:55I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:17I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:18The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:19I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:20The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:21I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:22The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:23I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:24The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:25I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:26The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:27I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:28The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:29I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:30The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:31I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:32The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:33I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:34The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:35I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:36The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:37I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:38The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:39I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:40The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:41I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:42The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:43I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:44The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:45I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:46The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:47I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:48The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:49I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:50The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:51I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:52The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:53I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:54The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:55I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:56The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:57I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
39:58The six o'clock alarm goes off.
39:59I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:00The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:01I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:03I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:04The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:05I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:06The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:07I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:08The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:09I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:10The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:11I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:12The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:13I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:14The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:15I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:16The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:17I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:19I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:20The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:21I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:22The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:23I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:24The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:25I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:26The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:27I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:28The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:29I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:30The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:31I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:32The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:33I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:35I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:36The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:37I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:38The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:39I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:40The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:41I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:42The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:43I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:44The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:45I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:46The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:47I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:48The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:49I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:50I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:51The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:52I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:53The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:54I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:55The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:56I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:57The six o'clock alarm goes off.
40:58I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
40:59The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:00I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:01The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:02I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:03The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:04I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:05I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:26The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:27I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:28The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:29I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:30The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:31I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:32The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:33I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:34The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:35I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:36The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:37I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:38The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:39I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:40The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:41I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:42The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:43I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:44The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:45I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:46The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:47I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:48The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:50I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:51The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:52I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:53The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:54I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:55The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:56I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:57The six o'clock alarm goes off.
41:58I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
41:59The six o'clock alarm goes off.
42:00I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
42:01The six o'clock alarm goes off.
42:02I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
42:03The six o'clock alarm goes off.
42:04I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
42:05The six o'clock alarm goes off.
42:06I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
42:07The six o'clock alarm goes off.
42:08I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
42:09The six o'clock alarm goes off.
42:10I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
42:11The six o'clock alarm goes off.
42:12I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
42:13The six o'clock alarm goes off.
42:14I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
42:15The six o'clock alarm goes off.
42:16I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
42:17The six o'clock alarm goes off.
42:18I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
42:19The six o'clock alarm goes off.
42:20I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
42:41I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:11I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:12The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:13I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:14The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:15I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:16The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:17I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:18The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:19I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:20The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:21I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:22The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:23I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:24The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:25I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:27I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:28The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:29I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:30The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:31I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:32The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:33I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:34The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:35I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:36The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:37I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:38The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:39I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:40The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:41I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:42The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:43I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:44The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:45I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:46The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:47I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:48The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:49I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:50The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:51I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:52The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:53I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:54The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:55I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
43:56The six o'clock alarm goes off.
43:57I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
44:18I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
44:47I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
44:48The six o'clock alarm goes off.
44:49I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
44:50The six o'clock alarm goes off.
44:51I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
44:52The six o'clock alarm goes off.
44:53I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
44:54The six o'clock alarm goes off.
44:55I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
44:56The six o'clock alarm goes off.
44:57I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
44:58The six o'clock alarm goes off.
44:59I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:00The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:01I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:03I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:04The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:05I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:06The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:07I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:08The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:09I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:10The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:11I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:12The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:13I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:14The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:15I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:16The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:17I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:18The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:19I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:20The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:21I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:22The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:23I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:24The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:25I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:26The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:27I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:28The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:29I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:30The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:31I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:32The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:33I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:55I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:56The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:57I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
45:58The six o'clock alarm goes off.
45:59I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:00The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:01I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:02The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:03I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:04The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:05I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:06The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:07I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:08The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:09I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:11I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:12The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:13I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:14The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:15I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:16The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:17I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:18The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:19I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:20The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:21I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:22The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:23I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:24The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:25I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:26I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:27The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:28I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:29The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:30I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:31The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:32I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:33The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:34I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:35The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:36I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:37The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:38I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:39The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:40I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:41The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:42I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:43The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:44I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:45The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:46I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:47The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:48I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:49The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:50I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:51The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:52I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:53The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:54I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:55The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:56I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:57The six o'clock alarm goes off.
46:58I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
46:59The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:00I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:01The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:02I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:03The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:04I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:05The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:06I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:07The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:08I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:09The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:10I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:12I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:13The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:14I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:15The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:16I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:17The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:18I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:19The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:20I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:21The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:22I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:23The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:24I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:25The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:26I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:27The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:28I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:29The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:30I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:31The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:32I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:33The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:34I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:35The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:36I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:37The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:38I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:39The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:40I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:41The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:42I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:43The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:44I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:45The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:46I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:47The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:48I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:49The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:50I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:51The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:52I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:53The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:54I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:55The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:56I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:57The six o'clock alarm goes off.
47:58I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
47:59The six o'clock alarm goes off.
48:00I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
48:01The six o'clock alarm goes off.
48:02I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
48:03The six o'clock alarm goes off.
48:04I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
48:05The six o'clock alarm goes off.
48:06I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
48:07The six o'clock alarm goes off.
48:08I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
48:09The six o'clock alarm goes off.
48:10I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
48:11The six o'clock alarm goes off.
48:12I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
48:33I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:02I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:03The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:04I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:05The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:06I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:07The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:08I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:09The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:10I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:11The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:12I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:13The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:14I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:15The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:16I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:17I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:18The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:19I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:20The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:21I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:22The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:23I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:24The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:25I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:26The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:27I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:28The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:29I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:30The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:31I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:32I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:33The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:34I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:35The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:36I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:37The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:38I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:39The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:40I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:41The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:42I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:43The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:44I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:45The six o'clock alarm goes off.
49:46I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
49:47I could hide beneath the wings of the bluebird as she snooze.
