Dawson's Creek Season 4 Episode 6 Great Xpectations

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Dawson's Creek Season 4 Episode 6 Great Xpectations


00:00Having sex yet? Well, there are certain things that we can do.
00:04Perhaps I could...
00:05No, no, Paisley! Paisley, no! Paisley, stop!
00:08You know Miss Watson, the college advisor?
00:11She actually called Harvard for me!
00:13Your mother and I made a decision.
00:15I can't have the baby.
00:17I can't believe this.
00:19Ecstasy. I thought that I made my feelings perfectly clear on this subject.
00:23Which led me to suspect the lady was protesting too much.
00:28Look, I know how overwhelming the college application thing can be,
00:32but the way I got through it is to take it step by step.
00:35So, let's just take a step over to the college brand reference section
00:39and start pulling down a few books.
00:41Hey, you know what might be fun?
00:43Yeah, what?
00:44Start focusing on schools that are in New York since it's your old hood.
00:47Oh, I don't know.
00:49I just spent three years trying to push the thing up a lot with my sister.
00:52Yeah, but haven't you recently decided you might want to go back?
00:55Well, as you're so fond of pointing out, I haven't recently decided anything.
00:59Well, what about your rush to rejoin the gang at the Haunt?
01:04Has Drew been whispering in your ear?
01:06Well, actually, we did have a little confab at the Yacht Club last week.
01:10He was telling me all about you and your social set
01:12and how you guys used to spend all of your time at the Haunt
01:14dancing and drinking until the wee hours of the morning.
01:17According to him, it was a non-stop ball of fun.
01:20Well, according to him, it would be great.
01:22It was a non-stop ball of fun.
01:24Well, according to him, it would be the key phrase.
01:26He's the dark prince of revisionist history.
01:30I found you. I'm glad you're still here.
01:32Why? What's going on?
01:34Nothing much, actually. It's just...
01:36Well, there's this one thing.
01:38There's something waiting at the house for you all day.
01:41Actually, you know what? It's not really that important.
01:43It's just a little letter from a no-nothing northeastern school.
01:47So, you know, you might want to take a glance at it.
01:49It's from some place called, um, Harvard.
01:52Oh, Harvard. Oh. Oh, my gosh. Okay.
01:56Um, this is future in an envelope.
02:00Oh, God. Or not.
02:02If it was a yes, it would be bigger, right?
02:04I mean, this is a case where size really does matter, right?
02:08Well, I think that size only matters
02:10when you have a full view of the entire package, really.
02:14So I have to open it in order to find out.
02:18Come on. They'd be fools not to take it.
02:20They would, wouldn't they?
02:21Will you open it?
02:30Dear Ms. McPhee,
02:32Harvard College is pleased to inform you
02:35that your application for early action for the fall of 2001
02:37has been accepted, and we are looking forward
02:39to having you as a member of the freshman class.
02:42Yes! You're in! You're in!
02:44You're in!
02:46I'm in!
02:49Oh, my God!
02:51Oh, my God!
02:53Hey, everybody, my sister just got into Harvard!
02:57Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:00Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:02My heart is in my hands
03:06My head is in the clouds
03:10My feet have left the ground
03:13My life is turning around
03:19Every voice inside my head
03:23Is telling me to run like mad
03:27On balls and barrels, stars and sunsets
03:32Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:34Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:36Every heartbeat, every kiss
03:40Just makes me wonder
03:43What all this is
03:45Soon, so far, apart, sundown
03:49Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:55Well, it's 3 a.m.
03:57I'm out here riding again
04:00Through the wicked winding streets of my world
04:05I make a wrong turn
04:08Now I'm too far gone
04:10I got a siren on my tail
04:13And that ain't the fight I'm looking for
04:17If you're looking for something new and different,
04:19may I suggest more Chiba?
04:21More Chiba?
04:22There are a little Herbie Hancock,
04:24a little Biz Marquis,
04:25and just a touch of Poe Tostin for good measure.
04:27Except for more,
04:28it's not currently represented in my CD collection.
04:31You've at least heard of them.
04:35Oh, Tostin.
04:43A party invite?
04:45Oh, not just a party, a rave.
04:47A rave in Capeside?
04:49Well, I guess even Suburban Rhythm and Period
04:51used me as an outlet, right?
04:54Hey, it does a body good
04:55to just let loose once in a while.
04:57Besides, raves aren't just an outlet for dancing.
05:00They're sort of a declaration of independence.
05:03Yeah, right up there, the Boston Tea Party.
05:05Hey, every generation has its rebel subculture experience,
05:09and this is ours.
05:11You know, our attempt to define who and what we are
05:14and to make a statement
05:15about how we're going to live our lives.
05:17And our statement is that we can keep titty midday
05:19by wearing glitter and jumping around at Technopop?
05:21It's called fun,
05:22and I think you need to come with me and check it out.
05:25To a rave?
05:26It's not really my scene.
05:27Well, I'm guessing that you haven't actually been to one,
05:30so how would you know?
05:32You know, I've never been two-stepping either,
05:34but yet somehow I know better than to run out
05:36and buy a pair of cowboy boots.
05:37Yeah, well, two-stepping isn't all the rage
05:40with the nation's youth.
05:42But if you were so inclined,
05:44I would love to intro you to something that...
05:46She's completely formed everything
05:48I've ever known in my entire life.
05:50Okay, well, consider it one of the terms and conditions
05:54of our new friend agreement.
05:55You know, must challenge and expose other party
05:58to experiences he or she would otherwise not indulge in.
06:02Does this agreement have a raincheck clause?
06:04Yes, but just this once.
06:05Okay, I promise I will take you up on it next time,
06:08if and when I'm ready for you to see
06:10how insufferably uncool I can be.
06:12Oh, you don't give yourself enough credit.
06:15I mean, at worst, you're just mildly uncool.
06:21Will you at least give this disc a try?
06:24Yeah, right now?
06:26Come on.
06:28This town is sorely lacking in post-Meridian activities.
06:32We could always do it Bonnie and Clyde.
06:36What, like hit a bank and go on the lam?
06:39Well, it's a practical solution
06:41to two of our biggest problems, you know?
06:43Money and boredom.
06:46That's good, actually.
06:47You know, we could get ourselves
06:48one of those big honking sedans.
06:49I could get myself a fedora.
06:50You could get yourself one of those Kodak box cameras,
06:53and we'd just head out across the heartland.
06:55You know, someone knows their stories.
06:57Stopping occasionally, I guess,
06:58to take cute pictures of the loving gangsta couple.
07:06Do you want to burn some time spinning some discs?
07:10Oh, nah, not right now.
07:13Come on.
07:14My father gave that to me the summer I got in,
07:18and I've been saving it, hoping for this moment.
07:22You look perfect in it.
07:24Daddy, I'm not perfect.
07:26Not by a long shot.
07:28You know, Andy, wearing the crimson signifies excellence.
07:32In fact, I remember when the boys and I
07:34first got to the yard.
07:36All right, you take this as excited,
07:38you wait till the horse book arrives.
07:40See, we're going to see
07:41as some of the old war horses are lecturing this fall,
07:43and then, you know, there's a summer session.
07:47All right, all right, I'm getting ahead of myself.
07:50It's just, this is the greatest moment
07:53of your life, Andy.
07:55I have never been more proud of you than I am right now.
08:00I'll just remember I want that same speech
08:04when I get into clown college.
08:07All right, you have to excuse me.
08:10I have a phone book full of calls to make
08:13to some of my fellow alum.
08:18It's a big sweater to fill, huh?
08:22Well, don't let them get to you.
08:25But don't freak yourself out, either.
08:27I'm not freaked out.
08:29I'm not anything in a way I wish I were.
08:32You heard him.
08:33This is supposed to be the greatest moment of my life.
08:37You know, I mean, I should feel amazing
08:40or happy or something.
08:42You're telling me you don't feel anything?
08:46No, one big fat empty.
08:49It's probably just the medication, you know.
08:51It keeps me from feeling the lows,
08:53but the side effect is
08:54it keeps me from feeling the highs, too.
08:56But you don't have to worry about me.
08:58I'm sure I'll be bouncing off the walls in a few days.
09:01Uh, I totally forgot.
09:03Speaking of bouncing off the walls,
09:05I got this email invite.
09:06There's a rave going on tonight.
09:08What better way to celebrate, right?
09:09You just got into Harvard.
09:10I think you deserve a night of wild, reckless abandon.
09:14What do you say?
09:22You've got mail.
09:32Cheer one more time,
09:33and I'm going to feel compelled
09:35to accidentally smash your fingers in the doorjamb.
09:38Come on.
09:39Think back to your house in Hay Day.
09:41You were the Uber raver.
09:43Your love for the scene was well-known.
09:46You were the Uber raver.
09:48Your love for the scene was well-known.
09:52Another part of my reputation I was really proud of.
09:55You, my dear, are a pod person.
09:57A Jedi once knew thrived on that reputation.
10:00She personified fun.
10:02That Jedi is M.I.A.
10:10Come on, Jedi.
10:11The bottom of the ninth is...
10:12Oh, it's coming back to me.
10:14Yeah, I remember why my skin crawls
10:15every time you're around me.
10:17Your skin crawls because I remind you
10:18of what you're missing.
10:19Come on, Jedi, face it.
10:20You need stimuli.
10:21It's long without it now.
10:23Little voices inside start to ask for it.
10:25You've been here for a while,
10:27and I bet your little voices are screaming.
10:30Well, bye-bye.
10:32Uh, that night I went back for the, uh,
10:35ecstasy I gave you.
10:37It's a funny thing.
10:39Both you and it were gone.
10:42Now, I know where you are.
10:44You're such a bastard.
10:46You know, it's not surprising to me
10:47that you wavered.
10:48I mean, here it is.
10:50Fall quarter, senior year,
10:51and you still don't know
10:52what you want to do with your life,
10:53where you want to go,
10:54who you want to be.
10:56You know, it just would be nice
10:57to escape those questions
10:58for a little while, wouldn't it?
10:59Jedi, I'm no longer 14 and naive.
11:02And if you're gonna try and convince me
11:03to screw up my life again,
11:04you're gonna have to do
11:05a hell of a lot better than that.
11:07Okay, how's this?
11:08You're afraid that if you admit to yourself
11:10how much you love feeling good,
11:13you'd have to admit that you want
11:14to feel that good again.
11:19I'm gonna take one.
11:21Tonight's the perfect night.
11:29Can you see my head is reeling?
11:36There's so many things I'm feeling.
11:43And, uh, Publisher's Clearinghouse stop by today?
11:47Uh, Dawson, no.
11:48Uh, honey, I thought you were gonna be
11:50working at the restaurant tonight.
11:51It was a little slow.
11:52They said they didn't need me.
11:54Well, we're glad you're here,
11:55because, um, we have something to tell you.
12:00Uh, we have spent a lot of time
12:03thinking about this,
12:04and, uh, despite all the logical reasons
12:08why we shouldn't, our, uh, hearts
12:12say that we should have this baby.
12:17Ha ha!
12:19Ha ha!
12:20I'm so happy for you.
12:22This is, this is amazing.
12:25This is really how you feel, huh?
12:27Yes, absolutely.
12:32But, wow.
12:35Yeah, wow.
12:38Oh, honey, we were just gonna sit down
12:39and have dinner.
12:40Let me get your plate.
12:41Uh, you know what?
12:42Don't worry about it.
12:43I already ate.
12:44And, uh, here's this thing I was invited to.
12:47So I think I'm gonna go upstairs, change,
12:50and then I will be out of your hair.
12:52You guys have a good night.
12:54You know what I love about that kid?
12:58Well, yeah, that, and
13:00he can totally take a hint.
13:02I've been to at least a dozen raves,
13:04and they've all been great.
13:05Oh, yeah, hundreds of sweaty strangers
13:07packed together being blasted
13:09with potentially ear-damaging decimals?
13:12Sounds great.
13:14Hey, I thought you were gonna give this a chance.
13:19I am.
13:21I'm, I'm actually really excited
13:23to check out this new revolution.
13:29Army is just like high school dances,
13:31but ten times longer.
13:33Oh, I used to love high school dances.
13:35Well, duh.
13:36You were the queen of everyone you ever went to.
13:39Well, duh.
13:40Why do you think I love them?
13:42Hey, if you don't want to come,
13:44we are totally fine leaving you here.
13:46You'll finally have time to clean the bathroom.
13:48Did I say I didn't want to come?
13:50All of a sudden, I'm starting to see the upside here.
13:58Wow, you actually decided to come.
14:01Uh, yeah, I'm cashing my rent check.
14:07Hey, guys, look who's joining us.
14:14All right, Mr. Fabio is gassed and ready to go.
14:18Who's coming?
14:21We're going to be late picking up Jack.
14:23His meeting ends by ten.
14:25I know, I know.
14:27I just got to find directions to the map point.
14:30What's a map point?
14:32Um, it's, uh, it's like a buffer zone for undesirables.
14:36If they don't like the way that you look,
14:39you might not get directions to the actual location.
14:42But, but how do you know if you're undesirable?
14:45I don't know.
14:48But, but how do you know if you're undesirable?
14:51Andy, it's a rave on the outer banks of civilization.
14:54Anybody who shows up with money is desirable.
14:57Oh, there we go. Don't worry.
15:00Within an hour, you will be grooving to the point of exhaustion
15:03with the Cape's version of its disenfranchised youth.
15:06Are you sure you want to go?
15:08Because I'm starting to feel really guilty about twisting your arm,
15:11and if you don't want to go, I totally understand.
15:13Mm-mm. No, no, I want to celebrate with you.
15:16Because I think we are going to have so much fun,
15:18and I think that's exactly what we need, is to have fun.
15:21But first, the facilities.
15:47I figure while I've been there,
15:49I might as well slap on a little bit of that lip.
15:52Are those some kind of pills?
15:55Yeah. Some kind of pills.
15:58We're not talking aspirin, are we?
16:17You know what just went through my mind?
16:19That 4th of July in Cohasset.
16:22That was the last time all of us were in a car together.
16:25God, you guys were such babies.
16:27How old were you, Pacey?
16:29I don't remember.
16:31We were 11. You were 14.
16:33And you were wearing something red.
16:35Is it possible that I remember that?
16:38Unfortunately, yeah.
16:47Ecstasy, wow.
16:50So have you done a lot of it?
16:54Yeah, in New York.
16:57I never went to a rave without it,
16:59and I went to a lot of raves.
17:02So you must have liked what it did for you.
17:05I mean, otherwise you wouldn't have kept taking it, right?
17:08Oh, yeah. I mean, the first few times, it's amazing.
17:14It's hard not to love the X effect.
17:17Which is what, exactly?
17:20Ooh, what's with all the questions?
17:23I'm just curious.
17:25You know, a way to pass the time
17:27until Jack gets out of that never-ending meeting.
17:32All right, um...
17:37First time you do X, it's really good.
17:43You get this feeling of loving everybody and everything,
17:48and everybody loves you,
17:50and that can be really powerful.
17:52X just made me happy.
17:54It just provided a pleasant vacation
17:57from my usual spot under the bell jar.
18:00So X makes you happy.
18:04All kinds of wonderful.
18:07That doesn't sound so bad.
18:09No, it's not at first.
18:12See, it lasts about six hours, and then it's gone.
18:16And afterward, ironically,
18:18you're more depressed than when you started.
18:21The worst thing, though, with X,
18:23well, with any drug,
18:25is you lose your inhibitions.
18:27That's why I stopped.
18:29I just...
18:31I just didn't know who I was anymore.
18:38Can I see it?
18:40Come on, I'm just, you know, curious.
18:42I want to see what they look like.
18:48Enda, you're way too interested.
18:51I'm just interested in feeling happy.
18:54Wait a minute, didn't you just get into Harvard?
18:59One would think that
19:01finally getting the one thing that you wanted your entire life,
19:05you experience one moment of sheer joy,
19:08but no moment?
19:14You want to talk about what you are feeling?
19:19Because that's all I ever do, is talk and talk.
19:22Tonight, I just want to have fun.
19:24I want to leave my problems behind in a little field
19:27and pick them up tomorrow.
19:32I don't know, I...
19:34I'm sure it's just some kind of weird, delayed reaction thing,
19:38and I'm going to feel happy soon.
19:42It's just...
19:44You will.
19:46Oh, my God.
19:50I cannot wait to dance this soccer stuff right out of my head.
19:56What, did I interrupt something?
20:02Just girl talk.
20:06Well, I'm glad you stopped when I got here.
20:08Shall we, uh, reminisce?
20:17Okay, come on.
20:19Not here. Later, later.
20:22You think there's any trip here?
20:24I'll be your mouth point, buddy.
20:26Come on.
20:33Why do they become going-out-together buddies?
20:37I believe this is the inaugural event.
20:41So, then, of all the guys in Cape Side
20:43that want to be frienders, she picks Dawson.
20:45That doesn't bother you at all?
20:48Pace is the only person close to her age working at the restaurant.
20:52Makes perfect sense that they've become friends.
20:54Well, I asked if it bothered you.
20:57No, it doesn't bother me.
21:00No, it doesn't bother me.
21:03It bothers you.
21:05No, it doesn't bother me.
21:10bothers you.
21:12You just want it to bother me, too.
21:14So, then, what's bothering you?
21:24Now, why are you here?
21:28To have a great night?
21:30Exactly. Right on.
21:33All right, um, five bucks a body.
21:35We'll take the four.
21:40Follow the old brick road.
21:47Now that I have you alone, tell me.
21:50Is it just a front, or are you really okay
21:52with the Joey-Pacey component of the evening?
21:54Uh, it's a little awkward.
21:56I'm not gonna lie, but you know what?
21:58I'm in too good of a mood to let it bother me.
22:00Is that why you changed your mind?
22:04Yeah, actually.
22:08My parents decided to have the baby.
22:11Wow! Oh, Dawson, that's incredible!
22:14Good, good. I wanted to tell you right away,
22:16but, you know, in light of...
22:18You know, I didn't want to ruin the evening.
22:20Oh, no. No, you can absolutely talk to me about this.
22:23You have to.
22:25Good, because I've been wanting to share it with somebody,
22:28and I don't know.
22:30I'm so excited about this.
22:32As you should be.
22:34I mean, hey, you know, as irritating as they are,
22:36younger siblings do have their pluses.
22:38You know, they're good for doing chores,
22:40and there's always someone to blame
22:42if anything gets broken.
22:46Thank you for sharing what you went through.
22:50It really helped me understand
22:52what my parents were going through
22:54from the right perspective.
22:56Yeah, well, if there's anything I'm good for,
22:58it's a little attitude adjustment.
23:00Ha, ha, ha.
23:02Come on.
23:05Daddy, come over here!
23:07Ha, ha, ha!
23:09Yeah, I think I'll see you in there.
23:13All right, let's go.
23:15Oh, man, look at this!
23:17How is it?
23:19Oh, man, this is awesome.
23:21Wraithton has arrived!
23:24Andy, um,
23:26were we done back there at the park?
23:28Totally done.
23:30So you're okay?
23:32I am so okay.
23:34Actually, I feel really great.
23:36Well, why don't you give me back the ex-checklist?
23:38Um, Jen,
23:40don't be mad,
23:42but I sort of took one.
23:44Andy, no.
23:46What? When?
23:48Well, before we got back to the car,
23:50I just decided, you know,
23:52carpe diem.
23:54Andy, no, this is so not good for you.
23:56But you said it was amazing the first few times,
23:58and I think I've earned
24:00an amazing night, right?
24:02I'll pay you back,
24:04I mean, whatever it costs us a lot.
24:06No, Andy, I don't care about the money.
24:08I care about you.
24:10That's so sweet, Jen.
24:12But I told you I'm feeling fine.
24:16look, can we not tell Jack about this?
24:18Because I don't think he'd approve.
24:22Okay, come on.
24:30Oh, right on.
24:32You guys are so not as
24:34square as I thought you were.
24:36Hi there. You have a mask?
24:38I don't have a problem with that.
24:40Oh, ho, ho, ho.
24:44Hey, guys.
24:46Is it weird that we're all here, or what?
24:48Somebody sounds celebrating.
24:50Here we go.
24:52Yeah, congratulations.
24:54What are we celebrating?
24:56Andy got into Harvard.
25:00She explains her sudden desperate need
25:02to focus on your future.
25:04I really don't need you tonight.
25:06You did it.
25:08Just like you always said you would.
25:12Oh, Potter, how cool are you?
25:14Don't mind if that lasts just a split second
25:16longer than the X guidelines allow.
25:20Who is that guy?
25:22Would you bring me to
25:24Happy Morgan?
25:26Never mind.
25:28Let's just go in.
25:30Oh, Jan,
25:32this place is
25:34so beautiful.
26:04Andy, cutting Joey,
26:06not a good way to maintain a low profile.
26:08I want you to enjoy this, but you're going to have to
26:10try and maintain it, especially around the people
26:12that you're going to see come Monday morning.
26:14I'm okay, Jan, really.
26:16You don't have to worry about me. I'm feeling fine.
26:18I'm sure you are.
26:20Listen, Andy, I really want to keep an eye on you tonight,
26:22so you're going to have to work with me
26:24and stick by me.
26:26You're the best, Jan.
26:30Oh, I never knew your
26:32hair was so soft.
26:34Okay, Andy, again, not in the realm
26:36of maintaining. You've got to try harder for me,
26:40There are wild people everywhere.
26:42That's exactly the kind of reckless abandonment
26:44you need.
26:46You, McPhee's is going to dance.
26:48Me? I want to.
26:50Come this way.
26:52Jack, I need to get some water,
26:54so do me a big favor. I want you to keep an eye on Dream
26:56and Andy for me, all right?
26:58Just trust me. He's not the kind of guy
27:00that you need for sister.
27:16I'm sorry about the Dawson stuff, Bill,
27:18but when I invited him, he said no,
27:20and it didn't even occur to me that he would change his mind.
27:22That's okay.
27:24I'm kind of glad that we all ended up together.
27:26I mean, accidental or not,
27:28things have been getting better,
27:32I'm glad to hear that.
27:34The three of you have so much history.
27:36And Dawson's such a great guy.
27:38He's a great guy.
27:40He's a great guy.
27:42He's a great guy.
27:44He's a great guy.
27:48Speaking of Dawson,
27:50and I know this is none of my business,
27:52but is there possibly,
27:54even in the Vegas way,
27:56something happening with you and Dawson?
27:58Where exactly
28:00did that come from?
28:02Obviously you're aware of his incredibly infamous
28:04crush on you.
28:06Yeah, the one that ended when he was like 12.
28:08But, um,
28:12question, um,
28:14Dawson has this, uh,
28:16way of hanging on to things
28:18since he was like 12.
28:20You know, I mean, sure, he outgrows them,
28:22puts them in their proper perspective,
28:24but that doesn't always mean that they're gone.
28:26Sometimes I think they're just waiting around
28:28for the right moment to come out again,
28:30and, well,
28:32maybe if he thinks
28:34there's the slightest chance
28:36You know what I think?
28:38If Dawson's waiting for some childhood crush
28:40to come around again,
28:42he's not waiting on me.
28:44He's waiting on me.
28:46He's waiting on me.
28:48He's waiting on me.
28:50He's waiting on me.
28:52He's waiting on me.
28:54He's waiting on me.
28:56He's waiting on me.
28:58Annie McPhee, you are so high.
29:00Me? No, I'm not.
29:02Yeah. Really?
29:06This is good, don't it?
29:08Yes, it is.
29:10I'm supposed to be maintaining.
29:12Nobody knows
29:14except Jen, and she's gonna make sure
29:16I'm okay tonight.
29:18Annie, look, honey, take my words for this, okay?
29:20I am a far, far
29:22better guide to the looking glass
29:24than Jen Lindley could ever be.
29:28Come on, Ivy League, let's have fun.
29:30Come on.
29:46You know, you're violating
29:48the Sacred Buddy System.
29:50No adventures out alone, remember?
29:52Yeah, yeah.
29:54Well, I would have stayed in there,
29:56but I was really intimidated
29:58by what was necessary to enjoy
30:00the most tuneless music known to man.
30:02I, too, felt a little out of place.
30:04You know, not having dressed
30:06in what could only be described
30:08as an homage to Japanese animation.
30:12why are we here?
30:16We're trying something new.
30:20Yeah, which
30:22only really serves to let me know
30:24how much I enjoyed the old.
30:28Me, too.
30:30But I am glad we came.
30:32I mean, there's nothing else to witness
30:34the wasted youth of America
30:38And it ain't pretty.
30:42And you, madam, most certainly are.
30:56Remember how we used to play
30:58Barnacle for your thoughts?
31:02Well, I don't exactly have a barnacle on me,
31:04but I could offer you
31:06this lovely glow necklace.
31:08Oh, which I would gladly accept.
31:12Gives you that whole Caesar look
31:18So, I did my part,
31:20and I think now you're supposed
31:22to tell me something
31:24deep and profound.
31:28You want to hear something
31:30deep and profound, huh?
31:36I miss true love, Jo.
31:38I mean, right now,
31:40sitting on the stars
31:42all around you,
31:44let me tell you,
31:46I miss true love
31:48some fierce.
31:52I miss her, too, Pacey.
32:04The necklace?
32:06All the cool kids see me wearing it.
32:10If you don't like the color,
32:12I'd be more than happy to exchange it.
32:14They've got others.
32:16No, it's great. Thanks.
32:18Is something wrong?
32:22There's no easy way to say this,
32:24so I'm just going to put it out there.
32:26Is it possible, even in the vaguest way,
32:28that you're here
32:30because you think there's a chance
32:32something might be happening between us?
32:34I think there is something
32:36happening between us.
32:38It's called tension.
32:40And that's all you expect?
32:42Did I do something to make you think I expected more?
32:46No, sorry.
32:48This is so out of the blue, I feel ridiculous
32:50that I even mentioned it.
32:52But don't feel ridiculous.
32:54It's no secret that at one point in my life
32:56I would have killed for you to acknowledge
32:58that I was in a room,
33:00that I'll hang out with you,
33:02but I don't think that's where either one of us
33:04are at right now.
33:06So where are we at?
33:12Didn't that boat
33:14sail last summer?
33:16I didn't just lose Joey.
33:18I lost my two best friends.
33:20But, you know,
33:22you move on, and if you're lucky
33:24you make new friends like you.
33:26They're easy to talk to, you give really good advice.
33:28But, uh...
33:30I don't expect anything.
33:32You know, it's just the opposite, really.
33:34It's just...
33:36It's really nice to just be in the
33:38presence of somebody.
33:44Dance or bounce?
33:52Oh my god, hi!
33:54It's you guys! I love you guys!
33:56It's you guys!
34:02She's feeling the love?
34:06Yeah, Andy, I think
34:08you've done enough hugging tonight.
34:10I just wanted to show you guys how much I love you both.
34:12You guys are so good together.
34:14And Joey, you are so nice.
34:16Well, except for the time
34:18when you dumped Dawson for Pacey.
34:20That was pretty cold.
34:22But really, who can blame you?
34:26I pretend
34:28not to care, but I have to
34:30admit, Pace,
34:32you are the love of my
34:34life, and I am so
34:36not over you.
34:38I hope it's okay that I said that.
34:40I mean, we're all really good friends, so it shouldn't be that big of a secret, right?
34:42Miss me, Andy.
34:44You totally don't have to worry.
34:46I mean, Pacey is so
34:48over me, and
34:50such the faithful type.
34:52If only I had done.
34:54Maybe we'd still be together.
34:56Andy, are you feeling okay?
34:58Oh, yeah.
35:00I feel great.
35:02And I just got into Harvard.
35:06Oh, we're gonna go bounce.
35:08Come with us.
35:10No, you guys go ahead.
35:14Okay, let's go.
35:30Jack! Jack!
35:32Jack! What? What? Hey!
35:34Hey, where'd everybody go?
35:36I want you to meet Holly and Liz.
35:38Right. Hi.
35:40Um, listen, can you just point me to where Andy went,
35:42general direction? I don't know. I lost track of
35:44where I started hanging out with these guys. I don't know where they went.
35:46Jack, what do you mean? I asked you to warn King one little thing.
35:48I... I don't know.
35:50Come on. We're gonna go find her.
35:52I'll see you guys
35:56Hey, what, uh, what is with you?
35:58I thought you were, like, this major waver.
36:00I mean, all you seem to be doing is monitoring
36:02Andy. I'm just making sure she's all right.
36:04Why wouldn't she be?
36:08Let's just find her.
36:28I just ran into a no-parking zone.
36:30Bloody stupid.
36:32Hey, you guys,
36:34can we come out?
36:36Yeah. Plenty of room.
36:44Oh, yeah.
36:46Wow, this is so much fun!
36:48It's like a big game, Jack!
36:50I'm having so much fun with you
36:52and you and Dustin!
37:04You okay?
37:06You don't look so good, Andy.
37:08I'm getting...
37:10a little bit of a headache.
37:12Take this one out.
37:16Especially when you're crying.
37:24Dustin, I'm not feeling so...
37:28You all right?
37:32Andy! Andy!
37:34Dustin, what happened?
37:36I don't know. I just collapsed.
37:38Andy, come on! Wake up!
37:40Andy, come on!
37:44Is somebody out there?
37:54Hey, we need some help here.
37:58This is my sister.
38:00We were in the moon passage.
38:02She just collapsed.
38:04What is she on?
38:08She took a type of ecstasy.
38:10With Nardo? How bad is it?
38:12Her temp's 103. BP 190 over 110.
38:14Look, we gotta get her to the hospital
38:16like ten minutes ago. On my count.
38:18One, two, three.
38:30If anyone's gonna ride, get in.
38:32Yeah, yeah, that's me.
38:34Jack, please let me come with you.
38:36I think you've done enough for your night.
38:38No, you don't understand.
38:40I didn't know that she was on her medication.
38:42I would have been more...
38:44What does it matter?
38:46Give my sister drugs, Jed.
38:48It should be you in the ceilings.
38:50Come on, buddy.
39:02You, uh...
39:04You ready to go to the hospital?
39:12No, I should probably just go home.
39:17Let's go, guys.
39:34How is she?
39:36Not good.
39:40Really not good.
39:42Come on, sweetheart.
39:46Come on.
39:50At the park, all the warning signs were there.
39:52I don't know why I didn't see it.
39:54She took the stuff.
39:56It's not your fault.
39:58Drew, I practically stamped AMA-approved on it.
40:00I should have known better.
40:02I mean, forget her medication.
40:04She could have gone down for any number of reasons,
40:06and it still would have been my fault.
40:08Andy is responsible for her own choices,
40:10even her bad ones.
40:12Why are you so interested in playing the martyr here?
40:14Andy's my friend, and she's in the hospital right now
40:16because of something that she got from me,
40:18and you don't think that I should feel bad?
40:20You want something to feel bad about?
40:22How about the way your quote-unquote friends iced you?
40:26I hate...
40:28I hate the way you twist everything.
40:30Well, hate it all you want.
40:32The truth still is, no matter what Andy tells them,
40:34one day at school,
40:36they're gonna treat you like this is your fault.
40:38You came here to banish bad C-Gen,
40:40and that's all you'll ever be to them.
40:42You know what? They want you to play that role
40:44so they can feel better about their pathetic,
40:46plastic, Mayberry existence they're living.
40:48And I thought that I was damaged.
40:50You are, and so am I.
40:52And that's why we need each other.
40:54We're coming from the same place here, Jen.
40:56No, Drew.
40:58We came from the same place,
41:00but now we're miles apart,
41:02and I intend to keep it that way.
41:04I'm gonna call my friend
41:06and see how she's doing.
41:14He's taken care of, yeah.
41:18How's Andy?
41:20Oh, she's, uh...
41:22She's stable now.
41:24They said that she went into
41:26some kind of hypertensive crisis.
41:28See, Andy's on this
41:30older type of antidepressant,
41:32and it turns out it's,
41:34you know, it's a good time bomb
41:36when it's mixed with the wrong thing.
41:38So, uh...
41:40In a way, I guess,
41:42we're lucky the way things turned out.
41:44She didn't, um...
41:48God, she could have died.
42:00But they want to, um...
42:02They want to keep her overnight,
42:04so, uh, I know she appreciates you guys
42:06being here and everything,
42:08but I don't know.
42:10Like, she's in the mood for visitors right now,
42:12so maybe she should just go home,
42:14keep her cool tomorrow,
42:16and see how she's feeling.
42:18You're right. I'm sure she needs her rest.
42:20I think we do, too.
42:22Yeah, so...
42:24So I'll see you guys tomorrow.
42:32You okay, Bass?
42:38I should have known that something was wrong.
42:40I mean, I knew it.
42:42I just didn't know how bad it was.
42:44Even if you had realized
42:46there's nothing you could have done?
42:52I think I want to stay here tonight,
42:54if that's okay.
43:00You want company?
43:02No, I'll just give you a call
43:04when I get home, okay?
43:14You should get some rest, son.
43:38Not exactly
43:40the evening I had in mind
43:42when I invited you.
43:44I don't think anybody had this evening in mind.
43:48But, uh...
43:50I'm glad I went.
43:52Me, too.
43:54Well, uh...
43:56Good night.
43:58See you at work.
44:00All right.
44:06Your friendship
44:08means a lot to me, too.
44:10Coming back here has been really hard,
44:12and somehow you've made the transition
44:14a lot more enjoyable than I ever thought
44:16it could be.
44:20That's what friends are for.
44:22Good night.
44:24Good night.
44:36Weird night, huh?
44:42Not even tired.
44:46How about hungry?
44:56I'm sorry, Daddy.
44:58I really am.
45:00I'm sorry, Daddy.
45:02I really am.
45:06I'm not mad, Andy.
45:08I am.
45:14The three of us, we, um...
45:16We need each other.
45:18You can't do stupid things like this, Andy.
45:20You just can't.
45:22I mean, think about what our family's been through already.
45:24I'm sorry.
45:26I know it was stupid.
45:28I know it's something I've never done.
45:30I don't know, it's just...
45:34I wanted to feel something, you know?
45:38It's okay.
45:40We'll get through this.
45:42As long as we can communicate.
45:44You know, as...
45:46a family.
45:48You have to tell us what you're going through.
45:52No more secrets.
46:02It's, uh...
46:0425-cent coffee from the machine,
46:06so don't get your hopes up.
46:10I stayed.
46:14Well, you know, I didn't have anything better to do,
46:16so I figured I'd just stay and bug you.
46:18I'm not bugging you.
46:22But the things that I said, Pete...
46:24Hey, don't worry about what you said.
46:26It doesn't matter.
46:28What matters now is that you're okay.
46:44It doesn't seem right to have such a beautiful sunrise
46:46after the night we just had.
46:48And I can't shake the way
46:50that Andy looked when they put her in that ambulance.
46:52It's scary how things can turn so bad
46:54at so fast.
46:56It's scary how real everything's been this year,
46:58you know?
47:00Jen and Pacey and the storm
47:02and Andy tonight.
47:06It does make you kind of realize
47:08that any one of us could go at any moment
47:10for the stupidest of reasons.
47:16I remember when parties used to be
47:18bowling and birthday cakes,
47:20you know?
47:22I mean, now they're high-risk adventures
47:24that could actually kill you.
47:28Another burger growing up in the new millennium.
47:38You know, less than a year, Dawson,
47:40and we'll all be out of here.
47:46It's really sad to think that
47:48after 18 years of living down the creek
47:50from each other,
47:52there's going to be no one rowing our boats anymore.
47:54Well, I wouldn't put our boats
47:56in the dry dock just yet.
47:58Do you have plans for our boats?
48:00I do.
48:02I think you should give yours to Alexander
48:04because I'm going to be giving mine
48:06to my new brother or sister.
48:08That's why Gail's been so sick lately?
48:10She's pregnant?
48:18Oh, my God.
48:20Well, you know...
48:24Cape Side wouldn't be Cape Side
48:26without a little eerie running around.
48:28How are we going to cross the creek
48:30to get to your house?
48:32It sounds weird,
48:34but hearing that
48:36makes me feel...
48:40How'd you know that?
48:42It's the way I feel.
48:44Nothing propels you in adulthood
48:46faster than the next generation
48:48nipping at your heels.
48:58You know, Dustin,
49:02I think about it sometimes
49:06and wherever we go next,
49:10it's hard to imagine life without you.
49:18These are pretty well for three months.
49:26I think you know what I mean.
49:38I do.
49:44I do.
50:14I do.
50:44I do.
