Dawson's Creek Season 4 Episode 4 Future Tense

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Dawson's Creek Season 4 Episode 4 Future Tense


00:00I thought you were supposed to be concerned about me, in light of the recent tragedy I've suffered.
00:04Pacey, it's precisely because of the recent tragedy you suffered that you could use a little boredom. Now keep reading.
00:10I'm serious here, Jo. What's the point of reading a book about the future when the future in the book is already the past?
00:15Everybody's future eventually becomes the past, Pacey.
00:18Yeah, but in 1984? Big whoop. It happened. It's over. It was no big deal.
00:23And how would you know? You were in diapers at the time.
00:25VH1 behind the music, thank you very much.
00:27The point is, these people in the 50s, they spend their whole lives worrying about what the future is going to be like,
00:32and when it gets here, turns out it's okay.
00:35Except for that whole Boy George thing, but who could have predicted that, huh?
00:40What's this stuff?
00:43Oh, okay, it's just junk mail.
00:46Junk mail?
00:47It's just college mail that came over this summer.
00:50You get junk mail from Princeton University?
00:54It doesn't mean anything. It comes from everywhere.
00:57I mean, like for instance, I'm going to go to St. Olaf College, or University of Hawaii, or Valparaiso University.
01:07Where is it? It's like in Brazil or something.
01:10But you are going to go somewhere.
01:18I'll write this second.
01:21I mean, it's early yet anyway.
01:23I mean, you know, maybe I'll just, maybe I'll just go to one of those fictional colleges, you know?
01:31Like on those lame high school TV shows that go on for way too long, and then just in time to save the franchise,
01:39all of a sudden it turns out that there's this amazing world-class college just right around the corner,
01:45where all the principal characters are accepted.
01:50Just to be safe, we should probably start the application process.
02:20Telling me to run like metal
02:24Balls and arrows
02:26Stars and sunsets
02:28Hey, hey, hey, yeah
02:30Hey, hey, hey, yeah
02:32Every heartbeat
02:34Every kiss
02:36Just makes me wonder
02:39What all this is
02:41Suits of armor
02:43Hearts and arrows
02:45Hey, hey, hey, yeah
02:51Hey, hey, hey, yeah
02:53Hey, hey, hey, yeah
02:55Hey, hey, hey, yeah
02:57Hey, hey, hey, yeah
02:59Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:01Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:03Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:05Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:07Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:09Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:11Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:13Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:15Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:17Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:19Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:21Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:23Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:25Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:27Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:29Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:31Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:33Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:35Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:37Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:39Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:41Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:43Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:45Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:47Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:49Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:51Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:53Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:55Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:57Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:59Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:01Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:03Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:05Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:07Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:09Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:11Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:13Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:15Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:17Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:19Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:21Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:23Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:25Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:27Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:29Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:31Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:33Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:35Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:37Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:39Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:41Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:43It's a crapshoot. And do I think
04:45that you're smart and talented enough to be one
04:47of those people that gets in? Yes.
04:49Do I think that you should prepare
04:51yourself for the possibility
04:53that you might
04:55not be one of those people
04:57that couldn't hurt?
05:03Jenny! Jenny!
05:05What, you no longer answer to Jenny?
05:07Not since I left the
05:09two-in-two area, Coach. So fast.
05:11Can I walk you home?
05:13Carry your books?
05:15Sort out the mall shop?
05:17That's what people do for fun around here in Pleasantville, right?
05:19Drew, I'm going to say this as nice as possible.
05:21Go away.
05:23If I didn't know better, I'd think
05:25maybe you weren't exactly happy to see me.
05:27Not really.
05:29Here I am, your old chum from the big city,
05:31cast adrift in a one-horse town
05:33with no decent Chinese food.
05:35You don't roll out the red carpet.
05:37You don't sit with me at the bar in Chinatown.
05:39I'm not your friend.
05:41Well, that's because you already seem to know my friends.
05:43They knew that you were here before I did,
05:45and they didn't warn me. I wonder why that is, huh?
05:47Okay. Busted.
05:49I didn't tell them I knew you.
05:51I wanted to lay low,
05:53soak up some second-hand impressions
05:55of Jen Lin Lee version 2.0.
05:57So, what do you say?
05:59You and me, one milkshake,
06:01two straws,
06:03ketchup on all times.
06:05I missed these past few years.
06:07You didn't miss me.
06:09You missed my idiotic willingness
06:11to try out any and all illegal substances
06:13that you happened to purchase in Washington Square Park, remember?
06:15Hey, come on.
06:17Not all that ecstasy turned out to be sinus headache medication.
06:19You make it sound like you never had any fun.
06:21You're the kind of fun that we had I don't have anymore.
06:23So, I don't know what you're hoping to gain
06:25by this little trip down memory lane,
06:27but it won't get you anywhere.
06:29Hey, look, it's not that I don't dig this whole
06:31hip-to-be-square thing you got going on, because I do.
06:33I just think that we should hang out.
06:35That's all.
06:37Excuse me.
06:39No way. Not ever.
06:41Never gonna happen.
06:43Oh, they're closed.
06:45Um, it's okay.
06:47I know the owner.
06:49Oh, hey.
06:51Your mom's in the back.
06:53Some fish-related crisis.
06:55It's the only kind there is around here.
06:57What, are you sticking out at sea
06:59for the early bird special or what?
07:01No, interviewing for a job.
07:03A bar-tending job?
07:05Hey, I may not be coyote-ugly material,
07:07but I can make a seven-and-seven
07:09with the best of them.
07:11I believe you.
07:13So, uh, how's it going,
07:15the interview?
07:17Okay, I guess, or at least I hope so.
07:19I really need this job.
07:21I was tending bar all summer up in Provincetown,
07:23and now that the tourists are gone,
07:25bye-bye job.
07:27C'est la vie.
07:29Hey, sorry about that.
07:31Red snapper to ahi tuna.
07:33Hey, honey.
07:37You know, Gretchen,
07:39everything certainly looks great on paper,
07:41but I do have one more question.
07:43What are your plans for school?
07:49Are you going back anytime soon?
07:51Because I was really hoping to find somebody
07:53who was willing to stick around for a while.
07:55No, I, um, I'm on break.
07:57You know, indefinitely.
08:01Is there a reason for that?
08:03Not a very interesting one.
08:05So, Mom,
08:07do you want me to, uh, set tables or what?
08:09Uh, yeah, honey, it is getting late.
08:11Um, you know what, Gretchen?
08:13Instant decision time here.
08:15Can you start tomorrow?
08:17Yes. Tomorrow, today,
08:21That's great.
08:25Whenever you're ready, gentlemen.
08:27You got Jack inside.
08:31Good catch, Jack.
08:33Take five, men.
08:35Not too much water.
08:37Don't want you cramping up out there.
08:39What's up?
08:41You are not gonna believe
08:43what happened.
08:45Something good, something bad, what?
08:47Something good.
08:49Okay, you know Miss Watson,
08:51the college advisor?
08:55She actually called Harford for me.
08:59And the woman she spoke to
09:01not only said that everything
09:03looked good,
09:05but she remembered my essay.
09:07My essay out of thousands.
09:11That's great, Andy.
09:15Break's over. Let's go.
09:17Duty calls.
09:21Go team.
09:23Go team.
09:29Go to Jack.
09:37I got it.
09:39You got it?
09:41I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry.
09:43Jack, Jack,
09:45that looks a lot worse than what you led me to believe.
09:47You weren't even gonna be in school today.
09:49It's fine.
09:51The worst part about it
09:53was the sound that it made.
09:55I popped it back in.
09:57It was so gross.
09:59You guys, ER does not prepare you
10:01for that kind of stuff.
10:03McPhee, sorry about the shoulder.
10:05Yeah, thanks.
10:11Anything else we can help you with?
10:13Yeah, a bunch of us were just kind of wondering
10:15if the party was still on.
10:17What party?
10:19Hey, Millie.
10:21Happy birthday.
10:23Party tonight so you don't do it.
10:25Okay, Dad, you did not tell me
10:27it was your birthday. Happy birthday!
10:29No, no, no, it's not.
10:31It's not. Our birthday's in May,
10:33so it's not your birthday.
10:35And yet people who call each other dudes
10:37seem to be attending your birthday party.
10:39You might want to look into that.
10:49Can I ask you a question?
10:51What does it mean
10:53when you dream that your teeth
10:55are slowly receding back into your head
10:57and the world's leading experts
10:59are powerless to stop it?
11:01It means you shouldn't
11:03stay up all night
11:05stressing about college.
11:07You'll get in someplace great.
11:09They'll give you tons of financial aid,
11:11and everything will be perfect.
11:13Yeah, that's what I thought, too,
11:15until yesterday.
11:17What happened yesterday?
11:21I had a meeting with a new college advisor.
11:25I'm fourth.
11:29Fourth in your class?
11:33That's amazing!
11:37It's amazing, but...
11:43I see all of the places that I thought
11:45I wanted to apply to.
11:47They're looking for people
11:49who are number four
11:51and they're, you know,
11:53concert violinist,
11:55or they won the Westinghouse Science Prize,
11:57or they're legacies like Andy.
11:59I mean...
12:01Maybe I shouldn't even bother.
12:03I mean, I'd probably just be
12:05wasting the obligation fees.
12:07Your defeatist attitude
12:09has got to go.
12:11What does Pacey say?
12:13Pacey's barely gonna graduate.
12:15I can't exactly cry on his shoulder
12:17about my tragic lack of
12:19extracurricular activities.
12:21If I tell Pacey how stressed I am,
12:23he's just gonna think that I'm this
12:25pathetic, whiny crybaby,
12:27you know?
12:29Look, going to one of these schools
12:31could open up opportunities
12:33you've always dreamed about,
12:39So your dreams are your dreams, Joey.
12:41He's got his eyes full of them.
12:43Just talk to him.
12:45You'll probably find out they're his dreams, too.
12:59Excuse me?
13:01You throwing me a birthday party, unacceptable.
13:03So you found out about that.
13:05Yeah, well, how could I not?
13:07I've spent the entire morning
13:09fielding birthday wishes from complete
13:11strangers. My French class
13:13sang to me in French.
13:15Hey, Palmer!
13:17Jason, we'll see you there, right, dude?
13:19Oh, yeah, you know it, man.
13:21I didn't even know that guy
13:23from a hole in the wall today.
13:25Honey, this party's really been a great way
13:27for me to get to know people.
13:29Good, but the fact that it's not my birthday,
13:31that puts no damper on the festivities, huh?
13:33I like to think of tonight as an
13:35omnibus, retroactive birthday celebration.
13:37Now, it covers all those parties we miss
13:39when we were apart, plus I'm doing
13:41the public service. You need to get you
13:43out of this funk you've been in since
13:45the Phantom Freshman dumped you.
13:47Okay, first of all, he didn't dump me, I dumped him.
13:51Second, this isn't a funk, it's my personality.
13:53Third, it's not my birthday.
13:55Another technicality. Look, I'm gonna let you in
13:57on a little secret, okay? Something the old gentleman
13:59Lee used to know. People are sheep.
14:01They need a reason to celebrate, okay?
14:03And that's where I come in. I give them something
14:05to celebrate. You. Answer me one thing.
14:07Why on earth would I actually attend this little
14:09shit day?
14:11Because it's your own birthday. But it's not
14:13my birthday. I know, I know. And everyone here thinks
14:15it's your birthday. So work with me,
14:17okay? It's your birthday, and you don't show up.
14:19I guess that makes you sort of a stud.
14:21You know what? Don't say it, Drew. I'd hate for
14:23endangered turtles to die while they're dragging the crate
14:25for your body.
14:27Starts at eight. Dress is casual.
14:29But, uh, not that casual.
14:31Might want to go home first. Spit yourself off a little.
14:33Okay. See you later.
14:39You know, Jack, things aren't as bad
14:41as you think they are. In fact,
14:43this whole injury could be a really
14:45good thing. Oh, yeah. Let me guess.
14:47To give me more time to work on my
14:49applications? Exactly.
14:51Yeah. Because you don't want to get behind.
14:53Not like you already aren't.
14:55Look, Andy, I am in some serious
14:57pain here.
14:59Just lay off the lectures for a little bit
15:01so I get some pills in me.
15:03Sure thing.
15:09you might want to consider
15:11that this whole experience
15:13could make a really great
15:15essay topic.
15:17Yeah. Yeah, that's
15:19good. I'm gonna get working on
15:21that as soon as I get home.
15:23We doing this little shopping excursion of ours?
15:27I just want to go in the bookstore and get a present for Jen
15:29for her birthday.
15:31You know it's not actually her birthday.
15:33I know. It just seems kind of rude to show up
15:47I haven't never eaten a Hobes
15:49meal again, have I? Yeah, looks like
15:51you're stuck yet again with four-star karma,
15:53ain't you?
15:55So, uh,
15:57you sure you're working out?
15:59Uh, yeah, so far.
16:01I just wish I knew that she was gonna be around for more than a few
16:03months. You know, why would this
16:05incredibly beautiful and bright and
16:07talented young woman who could be off of college
16:09furthering her education
16:11choose to be back in Capeside to Nimbar?
16:13Because maybe college isn't the be-all and
16:15end-all that parents make it out to be.
16:17You know, I mean, maybe once you get
16:19past the rhetoric of all these great books that nobody
16:21reads, college is basically
16:23just a holding pen for 18 to
16:2522-year-olds. Like one of those airports that
16:27everybody has to stop at on their way to someplace
16:29else. Kind of like prison with a better meal plan.
16:31Please tell me you're saying these things for the
16:33adolescent thrill of getting a rise out
16:35of your mother. It's true. Most people aren't
16:37in college to learn. They're there to kill brain cells
16:39and co-women with the opposite sex.
16:41Well, not that I'm complaining, but how
16:43did I end up with the only 17-year-old
16:45in the country who thinks that sounds like
16:47a bad idea? Well, I'm
16:49not opposed to those things. I'm just saying
16:51I think the whole idea of higher education
16:53is a little bit of a misnomer.
16:55You know, I think people should call things what they are.
16:57Like when
16:59people are running away from their problems, they
17:01should admit they're running away from their
17:05Are we talking
17:07about somebody I know?
17:11honey, your father and I couldn't help but notice
17:13that all of the college applications arriving
17:15in the mailbox seem to be coming from
17:17zip codes more than a thousand
17:19miles away. Right.
17:21And you and Dad never
17:23suspected that your movie-obsessed son might
17:25want to go to school in California.
17:27Honey, we don't have a problem if you want
17:29to go to California or New Mexico or
17:31Alaska, if that's what you really want.
17:33We just don't want you to make
17:35a decision that's going to affect the rest of your life
17:37based on the wrong criteria.
17:45Like the desire to put an entire continent
17:47between you and a certain
17:49girl we both know?
17:53If I tell you what's bothering
17:55me, will you promise not to laugh at me
17:57or tell me I'm insane or insist that I should
17:59just get over myself?
18:01I think I can probably do that, yeah.
18:07I found out yesterday that I'm fourth.
18:11My class rank.
18:13I'm fourth.
18:17your problem?
18:19That's not a problem.
18:21If anything, that's a reason to quit studying.
18:25I don't even know why I bother. I knew you wouldn't
18:27understand. Okay, I'm sorry.
18:29That was bad. Can we try that again?
18:31Yeah? Well, this time you've got to cut out
18:33all that stuff about being number four
18:35because I know that can't possibly be
18:37the reason you're so bothered.
18:39Well, no, it's...
18:41It's just that I
18:43always thought that if I did well in school
18:45that these doors
18:47would open for me, you know?
18:49And maybe I was just
18:51being naive. Maybe I've just set
18:53these goals that are really unrealistic
18:55and, you know, certain people
18:57get into certain places because of
18:59who their parents are.
19:03You're not even listening.
19:05No, I was listening.
19:09Look, we should just all have
19:11your problems, you know?
19:13You're sitting here as a girl with one of the brightest futures
19:15on the face of the planet talking to a guy
19:17who's not going to get into any school where they don't give him
19:19his own tools.
19:27Put your shoes on. Let's go out.
19:29Out? We can't go out.
19:31Yeah. You know,
19:33just when this conversation starts to get emotionally
19:35complex, you want to bail.
19:37Who's the guy in this relationship?
19:39And ask the guy you have a choice.
19:41You can either stay here and prove how sensitive you aren't,
19:43or we can go to Jen's
19:45own birthday party.
19:49I'll get my shoes.
20:07I want your phone number.
20:09I want your phone number.
20:11I want your phone number.
20:15look at that. There he is, our host.
20:17You know, on a good day,
20:19it'll ruin your chances of getting into the college
20:21of your choice, convince you he's the sausage
20:23king of Chicago, and wreck your father's car,
20:25but somehow you'll end up
20:27thanking him.
20:29Can I ask the inevitable question?
20:33Was he my boyfriend? No.
20:37Wasn't he in discretion? Yes.
20:43But to be quite honest, I'm not quite sure what he remembers.
20:45We were both
20:47chemically altered at the time.
20:53I don't think I need to
20:55go any further than that.
21:05Maybe you couldn't resist a party.
21:07I see you brought the trim reaper.
21:09We came for your immortal soul.
21:11That is, if you have one.
21:13Actually, I'd just like a drink.
21:17This one's for you.
21:19Oh, but no, no, no.
21:21I don't think so.
21:23It is a proven fact that you, madam,
21:25cannot hold your alcohol.
21:27Just let me get this straight. You can drink at parties
21:29and I can't? Yes, because as
21:31you so rightly pointed out, I am a guy.
21:33And if I'm going to get in trouble for being
21:35a guy, I think I should at least get to act like
21:37one every once in a while.
21:40You know, with
21:42your advance permission
21:44and approval,
21:46of course I wouldn't, you know,
21:48do it without asking at first.
21:52That's fine.
21:55That's fine?
21:59We'll both be guys tonight.
22:19So, I guess the Bonner
22:21finally decides to honor me with her presence.
22:23Well, unavoidable.
22:25Listen, I'm working on a little
22:29This isn't your house, is it?
22:31I'm shocked.
22:33Here I welcome you with
22:3565 of your closest friends into my home
22:37and this is how you repay me?
22:39By accusing me of
22:41what exactly is representing
22:43my place of residence?
22:45What could I possibly gain by such a tactic?
22:47Well, plausible deniability.
22:49I know what you're doing.
22:51See, if you throw a wild, raucous party
22:53at your own house, chances are
22:55you will get caught. But
22:57if you throw the same party at some
22:59stranger's summer house, there's nothing to link you
23:01to the scene of the crime and voila!
23:03Plausible deniability?
23:05Hey, you know,
23:07that's a pretty sophisticated theory you got going on there.
23:09Well, I'm a pretty sophisticated kind of girl.
23:13and I almost forgot the best part.
23:15The thing that really elevates
23:17this whole happy birthday Jen thing
23:19from a mildly amusing runner
23:21to a potentially ingenious little plot twist.
23:23And that would be?
23:25Should the cops happen to show up
23:27and ask who's responsible for this mess,
23:29all the drunken masses are going to remember
23:31is that it was Jen Lindley's birthday party.
23:33So it's just absolutely impossible
23:35that my intentions are pure. If all I wanted
23:37tonight was for you to have a good time.
23:39Well, I wouldn't say
23:41that it's absolutely impossible, but I'd put
23:43the chances somewhere around 3%.
23:45You know what?
23:47I have a theory about your theory.
23:49I think the first half is right.
23:51I think this isn't my house.
23:53Because maybe my house isn't the type of house
23:55that would impress anyone in this town, least of all you.
23:57Maybe my house
23:59isn't even a house.
24:01What's this? Some sort of riddle?
24:03Party calls.
24:05It's a new birthday girl.
24:17So, uh, number 4
24:19was a bullet, huh?
24:23How do you know that, Dawson?
24:25Any reeling in friends have already established
24:27a betting pool.
24:29Kind of pathetic, isn't it?
24:31I mean, 12 years
24:33of being a total control freak
24:35about school, practically giving myself
24:37an ulcer, hunting snails
24:39and building balsa wood bridges for extra
24:41credit, and where does that get me?
24:49Joey, this is amazing.
24:53The race isn't even over yet.
24:55Is that what you're doing
24:57tonight, celebrating?
25:01The future.
25:05Joey, everything's working
25:07out exactly the way you always wanted.
25:09Between your grades
25:11and your SAT scores, you can go anywhere.
25:13Not you too, Dawson.
25:15I mean, can't two people
25:17sit down and make small talk
25:19without the subject of college coming up?
25:21I mean, isn't that possible?
25:23I mean, what's next?
25:25Are you gonna ask me where I see myself
25:27in five years?
25:29I don't have to. Aren't you the same girl
25:31who wanted to be an anthropologist and oceanographer?
25:41do you have any idea how much money
25:43anthropologists make?
25:45Besides, I was just saying that
25:47to get your goat.
25:49I mean, your buttons are so easy to push.
25:51Well, worse than easy.
25:53So you never really had any
25:55desire to do great and heroic things with your life?
25:57See faraway places?
25:59Uncover lost civilizations?
26:01When it comes right down to it, you'd be just as
26:03happy hanging out here in Capeside?
26:05Look, I didn't
26:07say that.
26:09Don't put words in my mouth.
26:11I'm just trying to figure out why someone who's about to reap
26:13the benefits of something she's worked for her
26:15entire life
26:17is trying to drown herself with some
26:19leggy proof for a punch.
26:21Look, don't do this, Dawson.
26:35Okay, that looks good.
26:37Poker time, gentlemen. Who's playing?
26:39Hey, how about you, Whittier?
26:41You up for a little game of cards, or
26:43need to ask permission from the old ball and chain?
26:45I'd be happy to just find the old ball and chain
26:47right now.
26:49We're talking to Dawson.
26:51No wait, that's wrong.
26:53She's a Glock. Birthday girl.
26:55Which is why you should stay here and play cards with us.
26:57What do you say?
26:59Five card draw, you and her out.
27:01Well, see you tomorrow.
27:05Alright, Jerry.
27:07I think we've walked far enough. Now what did you
27:09need to tell me?
27:11Is here good?
27:13Yes, here is good.
27:15Because I...
27:19would like to make a toast.
27:21All the love
27:23and happiness in the world to my
27:25friend, Jenlyn,
27:27on her birthday.
27:31thank you very much, Joey, but
27:33um, you do
27:35know it's really not my birthday.
27:37That's alright.
27:39I mean, we're not really friends.
27:41I'm just kidding.
27:43I'm kidding.
27:45I'm kidding.
27:47We are.
27:49I think we are.
27:51Do you think we are?
27:53I can't really even pinpoint
27:55exactly when we became friends.
27:57You know what, Joey? Let's not delve too far into it
27:59because then we'll just remember why we're supposed to
28:01hate each other.
28:03I don't hate you.
28:05I love you.
28:07I love you.
28:09I love you.
28:11Joey, you love everybody tonight.
28:17Drew, let me ask you something.
28:19Do you think that you can summon up enough
28:21brainpower to answer one little question?
28:23Is it about our future?
28:25No. No, it's purely
28:27about the present.
28:31Do you happen to know where Drew lives?
28:33Ding, ding, ding.
28:35I do know the answer to that one.
28:37Drew lives in an apartment
28:39at the outclub with his mother.
28:45Okay, and what
28:47about his father?
28:51Taos, New Mexico, I think.
28:53I guess he ran off
28:55with some new age chippy.
28:57Nice, huh?
28:59Left him high and dry.
29:01Left him high and dry.
29:03You two can get into the college
29:05of your choice.
29:07Please tell me
29:09that it's a private joke between the two of you.
29:11It's not a joke. It's a very
29:13helpful book.
29:15Maybe so, but as a birthday present or an
29:17unbirthday present, it pretty much
29:21Okay, and what's your problem?
29:25My problem
29:27is that
29:29not everyone wants to spend every waking
29:31moment of life thinking about college.
29:33Some of us want to actually
29:35enjoy the remainder of our senior year, Andy.
29:37And I don't.
29:39No, you don't.
29:41Because ever since you finished your
29:43applications, all you've been doing is getting on my case
29:45about mine, Andy.
29:47Don't get me wrong, okay? I'm happy
29:49for you. I'm glad that everything's going
29:51so well and that you've got everything
29:53under control.
29:55But I
29:57don't need you to control my life.
29:59And you
30:01certainly don't need to branch out into
30:03gens. Oh, so you want me to just stand there
30:05and watch as you back yourself into a corner
30:07and totally ruin your entire future?
30:09Andy, it is not my future that I'm concerned
30:11about at the moment. It's the present.
30:13But 24 hours ago, my senior
30:15year officially began to
30:17suck. The only thing I was looking forward to
30:19this year, the only reason I fit into this damn high
30:21school was because of football. I don't even
30:23have that anymore. So can we
30:25please just forget about the future for now?
30:27Just for tonight?
30:47There you guys are!
30:49I've been looking all over for you!
30:51Well, except here.
30:53Because if you would have looked here, you would have found us.
30:55Because this, Andy,
30:57is where we are.
30:59Ignore her.
31:01So where's Jack? He's avoiding
31:03me. Am I too controlling?
31:07Thanks for the vote of confidence.
31:09Andy, it's not a judgment. Some people
31:11like salad dressing on the salad.
31:13And some people like it
31:15on the side.
31:21you know, it's just, I want
31:23everyone that I know to be able
31:25to live up to his or her potential.
31:29I have great potential
31:31as a waitress.
31:33That's great, Shirley.
31:35What do you say
31:37that we get out of here?
31:39I've got somebody that I owe an apology to.
31:41No, no, no.
31:43Stay here.
31:45Stay here.
31:47Before anyone leaves this spot,
31:49we have a very important
31:51question to answer.
31:55Where do we really see ourselves in five years?
31:57And not the version that you
31:59answer to your college advisor.
32:01Come on.
32:03Alright, um, I plan to be starting work
32:05on my master's thesis on
32:07Men Necessary.
32:11I guess I'll be in PR.
32:13Because, I mean, that's all I've really ever been good at
32:15in life, is painting a happy face
32:17on disaster.
32:19Well, you know,
32:21think about it.
32:23Okay, you're up.
32:31You tell me?
32:33Alright, alright,
32:35that's an easy one.
32:37Um, you will have graduated
32:39from a ridiculously expensive
32:41Ivy League school,
32:43moved to New York, where you will
32:45have taken a job in a funky
32:47SoHo art gallery where your starting
32:49salary is actually less than a year's tuition.
32:55Why New York?
32:59New York is finishing school for cynics
33:01like us. I'm not a cynic.
33:05Okay, you're not exactly
33:07sunshine personified, Joey.
33:11okay, you guys, come on.
33:13Right here, right now, let's make a deal.
33:15In five years, we'll get back together and we'll see
33:17if any of these predictions actually came true.
33:25Shall we?
33:37I'll wait.
33:39You guys, how are we gonna remember the date?
33:41It's not really Jen's birthday.
33:43I'll remember.
33:45Do you promise?
33:47So you think we're the only
33:49two people not having fun at this thing?
33:51It's hard to tell. Everybody else could be having fun
33:53or they could just be imitating it from
33:55some people I have in movies.
34:05all the guards, they're slow as hell.
34:07They'll never catch us.
34:09I forget you actually know these people.
34:11Yeah, well, it's all part of
34:13being on a team, I guess.
34:15Sidelines and
34:17big brands.
34:19I don't know, you know, it's funny.
34:21You think something's making your life a living hell
34:23and it's gone.
34:25You really missed it.
34:35But then again,
34:37I guess you probably know that feeling.
34:47I love this girl. It's like she's trying to win this.
34:53Strip poker?
34:55I leave you alone for two seconds
34:57and you end up playing strip poker?
35:01this was just poker poker.
35:03Until I start kicking his ass
35:05and your friendly neighborhood co-worker
35:07decides to change the stakes on me.
35:09But I'm finished now
35:11and we can just leave.
35:13Why leave?
35:15There's a half-naked chick in the room.
35:17It's just a game.
35:19Up until now, nobody's taken off anything other than socks.
35:21So it's just all good, clean fun?
35:23Yeah, exactly.
35:25Just good, clean American guy fun.
35:31Deal me in.
35:33Excuse me?
35:35You heard me.
35:37Now, what does the girl have to take off
35:39in order to play this game?
35:41Okay, that's enough.
35:43It's time for us to leave now
35:45because you see, you're drunk,
35:47you're bordering on disorderly,
35:49and you are definitely insane.
35:51Get up, Lisco.
35:53Show me.
35:57Stand up, Lisco.
35:59You want me to stand up?
36:01Yes, I'd like for you to stand up now.
36:05And why would I do that?
36:07Because you're forcing me
36:09to make the ultimate guy maneuver.
36:15You can put me down, Lisco.
36:19You can put me down, Lisco.
36:25You know, I can't believe
36:27I'm saying this, but thank you
36:29for the party.
36:31Turned out not to be so horrible.
36:33Well, thank you for coming.
36:37I hope I got the number of candles right.
36:39It'll do.
36:43So, should I make my wish?
36:45First, your present.
36:47I'd hate for you to squander it
36:49on something that may actually be
36:51in this box.
36:57Jerome, I'm sorry
36:59about your parents.
37:01Joey told me.
37:03And I'm sorry
37:05that I just assumed everything would be the same.
37:07That was stupid of me.
37:09It was.
37:11What are you waiting for? Open your present.
37:13All right.
37:15But you didn't have to do this.
37:17No. No, I didn't have to.
37:19I wanted to.
37:21Fuck you.
37:27What the hell is this?
37:29I think you know what it is.
37:35Drew, I thought that I made my feelings
37:37perfectly clear on this subject.
37:39You did.
37:41Too clear.
37:43The old lady was protesting too much.
37:47I am really an idiot.
37:49You haven't changed a bit.
37:51Oh, and you have. Please.
37:53Your hairstyle, maybe.
37:55But people don't change.
37:57Not that much.
37:59Yes, they do.
38:01They grow up. They accept responsibility.
38:03They realize that dying young
38:05and leave a good-looking corpse
38:07is not all it's cracked up to be.
38:09I don't want your present, Drew.
38:11But since you've become
38:13such a paragon of responsibility,
38:15I guess it won't bother you
38:17if I just leave it, right?
38:21For safekeeping.
38:37I just wanted to make sure
38:39I'm okay.
38:41Yeah, I hitched a ride with my
38:43one good arm.
38:45Oh. I thought maybe
38:47Dawson gave you a lift.
38:49Not that I care
38:51one way or the other. I'm not going to get
38:53too involved in your life or anything.
38:55You know,
38:57this is all your fault.
38:59I know. That's why I'm here apologizing.
39:01I'm not
39:03copying the apology part.
39:05I'm sorry.
39:07I really am.
39:09I'm sorry that I wasn't more understanding
39:11with football, and I'm really
39:13sorry that I got all over your case
39:15on college.
39:17Keep going.
39:19You want me to abase myself further?
39:21Abasically, yeah.
39:23Okay, Jack, you seem to think
39:25that I am, like,
39:27really obsessed with the future,
39:29and I'm not.
39:31I mean, really, I don't want it to get here
39:33any quicker than you do.
39:35You have a funny way of showing it.
39:39in less than a year,
39:41my life is going to be completely changed.
39:43I mean, everything
39:45is going to be different. I'm going to live
39:47somewhere different. I'm going to have
39:49different friends. I mean, everything is going to
39:51be different, and, you know, in times of
39:53uncertainty, I look for things that I
39:55can fix. You can't fix
39:57me, Andy.
39:59I mean, you've got to let me make my own mistakes
40:01in my own way, in my own time.
40:03And it's not
40:05just for me. I mean, you've got to work on
40:07letting go of things you can't control,
40:09like where you're going to go to college
40:11or where I'm going
40:13to go to college.
40:17But do you
40:19realize that next year is going to be the first year
40:21ever that we're not going to be in the same school
40:27I tried to start kindergarten without you.
40:31That is such a story that Mom and Dad
40:33told you. And besides, how could your version
40:35of the story possibly be true
40:37when everybody knows it's a fact
40:39that I, the more
40:41responsible one, am definitely the
40:43older sibling in this relationship?
40:47All right.
40:49I can't walk,
40:53Before, I have to
40:55drag you kicking and screaming,
40:57but now you want to be
41:05It's a woman's prerogative
41:07to change her mind.
41:09Ah, but tonight you're one of the guys, remember?
41:11And guys walk.
41:13So come on, number four.
41:15Watch your head.
41:19I don't really
41:21feel so good.
41:23Well, guess what? You're going to feel even worse tomorrow morning.
41:25And you still won't be
41:27closer to getting into the ivy-covered
41:29institution of your choice.
41:37I've been doing
41:39some thinking.
41:41Yeah, drunk thinking.
41:49maybe that's
41:51not what I really want.
41:53Maybe I just want to
41:55stay here.
41:57You know, I mean,
41:59I mean,
42:01look, it's really beautiful
42:03here, and
42:05and I could just...
42:07Just what?
42:09Stay here and work as a waitress all your life?
42:11Come on. I mean, forgive me if you
42:13lose me here, Joe, but to be perfectly honest,
42:15you haven't made the slightest bit of sense all night,
42:17even before you were drunk.
42:19I want to be with you, Pacey. I want to stay
42:21and be with you.
42:25Well, if you want to be with me,
42:27then staying here would be
42:29a really stupid idea,
42:31considering I don't plan to be here.
42:33I plan
42:35to be wherever you are.
42:43Yes, really.
42:47Not that you deserve to hear such things
42:49right now.
42:51I know.
42:53I know.
42:55It was a very stupid thing
42:57to get drunk.
42:59Yes, it was.
43:01I mean, let's face it here, Joe,
43:03you are destined for academic glory,
43:05and your boyfriend is
43:07circling the drain, which is a problem.
43:09In fact, that is a very big
43:11problem, but you couldn't possibly
43:13have thought that you could solve all of your
43:15problems in one night, with alcohol
43:17of all things.
43:23No. No.
43:25Because alcohol, you know,
43:27it has that effect on problems,
43:29it just never solves them, ever.
43:31And I would hate to think that I fell in love
43:33with a moron.
43:45So you're in love with me, huh?
43:47Well, not currently, no.
43:49Right now, you're just some crazy drunk girl
43:51I gotta get in that door without waking up
43:53all the paying customers at her sister's
43:55B&B, but generally speaking,
44:03May I kiss you right now?
44:17But I'm still
44:19not carrying you.
44:35You can give me the eyes, it's just not
44:37gonna work.
44:39Oh, come on, honestly,
44:41you don't think we're working on it?
44:43It's been a while since I've heard you
44:45shut off the camp truck.
44:48You know I'm gonna fall for this?
44:53Halfway, that's it, I swear.
44:55I'm scared.
44:57I'm not kidding, my back's killing me here.
45:01Well, I guess
45:03since you're up for it.
45:17I'm sorry, I saw the lights and I thought
45:19you were my mom.
45:21It's okay, she went home early.
45:25So, uh,
45:27congratulations on the job.
45:29Thanks. I feel like I owe you one.
45:49Can I take a rain check?
45:51No, we're not gonna drink.
45:53But for every quarter
45:55that I bounce into that glass,
45:57you're gonna tell me one thing
45:59that's bothering you.
46:01How do you know something's bothering me?
46:04Oh, there.
46:06See? Perfect.
46:09It's a spill.
46:15All right.
46:18Earlier this evening,
46:22my mother accused me of wanting to go to school
46:24in California so that I could run away
46:26from my problems.
46:28And you think she's right.
46:34I don't know.
46:37I mean,
46:39the past few weeks,
46:41I've seen plenty of things that would make me want to run
46:43scramming to the opposite coast.
46:52Don't make me answer this.
46:54Come on.
46:56This is much more therapeutic than drinking.
47:04I've seen how much she loves him.
47:09I've seen it in her face.
47:12I've seen them hold hands.
47:14I've seen them kiss.
47:16And tonight, I saw them fight,
47:18which is something I've basically seen them do
47:20every day of my life since the first grade.
47:24But not like this.
47:28I think it was actually worse than kissing.
47:33You know, Dawson,
47:35it might interest you to know
47:37that I did take one film class in college.
47:39Was it a monumental waste of time?
47:41No, it was great, actually.
47:44But you know what my teacher said
47:46was the most bogus line in Hollywood cinema?
47:50There's no place like home.
47:52Was it ours?
47:56It's what everybody remembers.
47:58It's what they remember.
48:00Was it Oz?
48:04It's what everybody remembers about the movie,
48:06but it doesn't resonate with the rest of the story.
48:08Think about it.
48:10You know, home is this desolate,
48:12gray dust bowl of a place
48:14where some nasty old lady is trying to kill your dog.
48:16And Oz is...
48:18The color.
48:20And sure, it has its problems.
48:22You know, poppy fields, flying monkeys...
48:24Talking trees.
48:26But along the way, you make friends.
48:28Good friends.
48:30With people that you never even knew existed
48:32when you were growing up.
48:34Straw people,
48:36tin people...
48:38And lions.
48:42And you help each other realize
48:44that all the things you want to be,
48:46you already are.
48:48And it's fun.
48:52Well, if it's so much fun...
48:54What are you doing here?
48:58I don't recall you getting to ask any questions
49:00as part of our deal.
49:02What if I could bounce a quarter in that class?
49:04Never happen.
49:06You're not even going to let me try?
49:08Oh, you can try,
49:10but you're going to have to use your own money
49:12because I worked very hard to earn these quarters.
49:14You're not going to loan me one lousy quarter?
49:18I don't think that's fair.
49:20Well, I'm not going to let you.
49:22I don't think that's fair.
49:24Well, that's too bad.
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