Dawson's Creek Season 4 Episode 5 A Family Way

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Dawson's Creek Season 4 Episode 5 A Family Way


00:00I'm throwing up.
00:01But I'm fine now.
00:02Well, I'm not taking sides, but I'm afraid you're not going to do better in this case than us.
00:09I don't believe this. My own son.
00:14Um, Gail, the Guinness tap just ran dry, we're out of Stoli, and somebody just found a hair in the pretzels.
00:21Okay, call the beer distributor, tell him he's a week late, if he can't get his ass over here today, he's fired.
00:26Give the guy who found a hair a free drink, put out a fresh bowl of pretzels, and then tell my husband and my traitor son to get off my back.
00:33You heard the woman.
00:38For the sake of your business, go home.
00:40Before your customers catch a stomach flu, we have to rename the restaurant Leary's Pending Lawsuit.
00:47That's right.
00:51I... I give up.
00:56I promise we should go to the doctor last week.
00:58I thought she had the same thing you had, yours didn't keep coming back.
01:01Guys, Gail's been throwing up a lot, right?
01:04And she's still hungry and putting on some weight.
01:07She's tired all the time, her back hurts.
01:10Irritability, mood swings.
01:12Yeah, the worst. How'd you know?
01:15Sounds to me like she'll be feeling a lot better in about nine months.
02:26Hearts and Barrels
02:36How's it going in there?
02:37I can't concentrate when you're talking out there about what I'm doing in here.
02:44Okay, now it's way too quiet.
02:47Dawson, so have you started studying for your SATs yet?
02:52Took the SATs...
02:58I knew that.
03:05It's pink.
03:14Alright, alright, first thing we do is we get you to a doctor, ASAP, to confirm the results and make sure everything's okay.
03:22Where are you going?
03:24I'm late. It's my first day of painting Mr. Brooks' house.
03:28Aren't you going to say anything first?
03:34Mr. Brooks' House
03:52What's wrong with you, son?
03:54Well, because every afternoon we sit out here and we make out and then inevitably at some point you stop us and we just go inside and watch TV.
04:03So today I'm issuing a preemptive strike.
04:05I'm issuing a counter-offensive.
04:07No, stop right there.
04:09Haven't you ever heard the term no means no?
04:11I don't think I've ever heard that from you.
04:13Well, you're hearing it now.
04:18I'm serious. I think we should just go inside and watch some TV.
04:24Let me get this straight.
04:26Let me get this straight.
04:29Your girlfriend offers you her lips in the spirit of teenage lust and you'd rather sit here and watch the E! True Hollywood story on Danny Madducci for the fourth time?
04:38You always get to stop it. And I never get to stop it, so today I'm stopping it.
04:43Stop it, Pacey.
04:45I just did.
04:46You know what I mean.
04:48And you know how I feel.
04:50Are we having a fight?
04:52Not to the best of my knowledge.
04:56Feels like one of those times when you say that you're kidding around but really we're having a fight, Pace.
05:02I assure you, everything is perfectly alright.
05:09How did I get myself into this?
05:12I was a mediocre soccer player back in junior high.
05:15I know nothing about kids. I've never coached anything in my life.
05:20Come on. Coaching peewee soccer is a great opportunity to help mold young minds.
05:26Teach them about teamwork and sportsmanship.
05:30Okay. The only reason to do it is because it looks good on your college apps.
05:35But don't worry. I take full responsibility should it turn out to be disastrous.
05:39Yeah, straight.
05:42Here, ladies.
05:44Hey, kids.
05:46I'm Andy and this is my brother, Jack.
05:49And together, we are all about to embark upon a soccer experience that will enrich your lives for years to come.
06:00Okay. Everybody who wants to have some fun, raise their hands.
06:08What's your name?
06:10Her name is Molly, Coach Jack.
06:13You wanna talk, Molly?
06:16How come?
06:17Because she hates soccer. Shut up.
06:20She hates soccer? Why do you hate soccer, Molly?
06:25Okay. You don't wanna talk. That's fine. You don't have to talk.
06:28You don't wanna talk.
06:30Gee, thanks.
06:33I heard something. I think she talked.
06:35Anyway, what Molly doesn't know is that by the end of the season,
06:39no one is going to hate soccer because we're gonna have so much fun.
06:44Running around, winning some games, and eating plenty of pizza afterwards.
06:48So who's with me?
06:59I think you have that space covered, Mr. Lurie.
07:02Unless you'd like to be working off your debt into the next millennium.
07:05Sorry about that, Mr. Brooks.
07:07What might be prompting such a distracting performance?
07:10Worried which pom-pom girl to ask at the pep rally?
07:13I'd remind you that although I'm not paying you,
07:16it is you who owes me the debt of service.
07:18So I suggest you work it off to the best of your ability
07:21and leave the juvenile angst on the playground where it belongs.
07:25Will do, Mr. Brooks.
07:26Well, well. Let's just...
07:29Pants yourself a photographer, an artiste?
07:32Let's have a look at these.
07:34Could you leave my personal property alone, please?
07:36Surely the boy who stole and wrecked my boat
07:38is not giving me a lecture on the sanctity of personal property.
07:41That's just...
07:43wholly uninteresting.
07:47Amateurish and terrible composition, too.
07:52You didn't take this on purpose.
08:00As a photographer, you're a mediocre house painter, Mr. Lurie.
08:03Know what your problem is?
08:06Those photos are cold and emotional.
08:09There is no spark.
08:11Well, thank you for the cogent analysis.
08:13I will keep that in mind next time.
08:22Hey there.
08:26Looks like we were both robbed on that history test.
08:29B-minus my ass.
08:32What'd you get?
08:33I think I set the curve.
08:37Well, I can see how that would be aggravating.
08:46What's wrong?
08:51Mashed potatoes are cold.
08:53I got you, so it's just one tragedy after another today, huh?
09:00Mashed potatoes are cold and so am I.
09:03It's just about sex.
09:05Is it that obvious?
09:07No, not really.
09:08It's just...
09:09just that it always is.
09:14I think Pacey's starting to get impatient.
09:17Joey, he loves you.
09:19Don't worry.
09:20But Jim,
09:21Pacey's not the problem.
09:23It's me.
09:26I mean, let's face it,
09:27the waiting just goes on and on,
09:29and at this point even,
09:30I'm going to be the one waiting.
09:32I mean, even I'm getting impatient,
09:34but for some reason I just keep waiting.
09:37Joey, let me ask you something.
09:38Are you sure that you really want to have sex?
09:40Of course I want to have sex.
09:43The question is, am I ready?
09:46Because I don't know how you know.
09:48I mean,
09:49everyone just says that you just know,
09:52but what if that's just what they say
09:54and they never really know?
09:56Joey, I think that you'd feel more ready
09:58if you were actually prepared.
10:00What do you mean?
10:01For girls in New York,
10:02a visit to the free clinic
10:03to get birth control,
10:05safe sex advice,
10:06it's a rite of passage.
10:07It's like getting a bon mitzvah,
10:09or, you know, your learner's permit text.
10:11The free clinic?
10:15The truth is,
10:16I don't think that anybody ever really knows
10:18if they're ready.
10:19But you do know if you're prepared.
10:21And you're not.
10:24You're right.
10:26It's a responsible sexual gratification.
10:31It's womanhood.
10:41You okay?
10:43I'm fine.
10:47Look, I've been thinking about it.
10:50I know this is terrifying.
10:53There's so many cards stacked against us,
10:55but it's gonna be okay.
10:58Don't worry about Dawson.
11:00He's just shocked, but he'll be fine.
11:03It's a good shock.
11:07You know, Mitch,
11:08have you thought at all about
11:10how we can possibly send Dawson to college
11:13and raise another child?
11:17We're already in debt, as it is.
11:19And what about the fact
11:20we're not exactly 25-year-olds anymore?
11:22Do we even have the stamina
11:23to be parents all over again?
11:25That's 20 more years
11:26that we would have to commit to another child.
11:31Not to mention what we've put Dawson through
11:33these past few years.
11:36What if that happens again?
11:37That's not gonna happen again.
11:41I don't know.
11:42I can't help thinking
11:43that we should have thought about this before.
11:45Maybe that's true.
11:48But you're pregnant now.
11:51And you're pregnant now.
11:54And that's the reality.
11:59Mitch, you're avoiding one thing.
12:04Just because I'm pregnant
12:06doesn't mean that I have to stay that way.
12:10And if I were to make that decision
12:12right this second...
12:18I wouldn't.
12:24I wouldn't.
12:35It's so tragic.
12:38All these adults pushing their kids
12:40out onto the field
12:41in order to make one last grasp
12:43of vicarious glory.
12:47I'm Caroline, by the way.
12:49Caroline Say.
12:50Molly's older sister.
12:52Mom had me when she was 21.
12:54Molly when she was 40.
12:57That would make me 28,
12:59in case you were wondering.
13:03And how old would that make you?
13:05I'm 18.
13:09Have you ever played before?
13:12Uh, sister.
13:14What about you?
13:18Coach Jack,
13:19am I making you uncomfortable?
13:23Why would you say that?
13:24Well, I just thought maybe
13:25you thought I was flirting or something.
13:28Why would I think you're flirting?
13:29Because I am flirting.
13:33Um, Caroline.
13:36Look, I'm flattered and everything,
13:38but, uh...
13:39I'm coming on too strong.
13:42And you're shy.
13:43Yeah, see, I am.
13:45I'm shy, and I'm...
13:46Shy in what?
13:48Shy, and...
13:50All right.
13:52You mull that one over.
13:54And I'll just be seeing your sweet face tomorrow.
13:56Until then...
13:58Au revoir, Coach Jack.
14:11That old man is clearly nuts.
14:13These are great, Dustin.
14:15Actually, he's right.
14:17They suck.
14:19They most definitely do not suck.
14:21That's okay.
14:23It has to suck before you can stop sucking.
14:25Your genius begins in mediocrity.
14:29Oh, I appreciate the humble artist bit.
14:31It's way preferable to self-described genius.
14:35But even you cannot deny your natural abilities.
14:39Hey, if you don't stop taking my picture,
14:41I'm gonna smack you.
14:43Did I make you uncomfortable?
14:48Stop it.
14:49I mean it.
14:50Stop it.
14:51I'm just gonna finish this whole film.
14:54Come on.
15:15What are you writing about, my love?
15:18She's pregnant.
15:23I figured.
15:29Maybe you can help me.
15:32When I found out...
15:35I was upset.
15:37Really? Why?
15:38Come on.
15:39You're in your forties.
15:40You're about to send a kid to college.
15:42You have barely any money in the bank.
15:44The relationship festival of yours
15:47hasn't exactly been rock solid.
15:49Everything's so unstable.
15:51It just seems...
15:53completely irresponsible.
15:55It is.
15:56Yeah, but I can't feel that way.
15:58And I don't want to feel that way.
16:00I don't want to be happy for them.
16:02Any idea how I could swing that?
16:06You mean, how can you make yourself feel
16:08something that you're not?
16:10I don't know.
16:13All I know is I can't help but wonder
16:15about what's going on in the house right now.
16:18She's the one with the baby growing inside of her.
16:21The one who doesn't have any money in the bank.
16:24The one whose kid's about to go off to college.
16:27The one who just got back together with her husband.
16:29I, you know...
16:32I knew you were the right person to talk to.
16:36I'm starting to feel bad already.
16:41I gotta go.
16:44Greg's over.
16:45I'll see you later.
17:06Have a seat.
17:08Did you schedule a pelvic exam with the doctor?
17:15I'm going to ask you a few questions
17:17and I apologize ahead of time
17:19if they are a little bit unsettling.
17:23Are you ready?
17:26Are you currently sexually active?
17:31What do you mean?
17:32Are you currently having sex?
17:34What do you mean?
17:36Are you currently having intercourse?
17:39I'm sorry.
17:40I wasn't sure.
17:41Never mind.
17:43No, I...
17:44But I'm going to be having intercourse.
17:47That's why I'm here.
17:49Are you aware that there is a chlamydia epidemic
17:51and that syphilis cases are on the rise?
17:55Are you aware that there is currently
17:57no cure for the sexually transmitted diseases
17:59herpes, HIV, and HPV?
18:02And are you aware that while the pill
18:04offers excellent protection against pregnancy
18:06it does not protect against
18:08sexually transmitted diseases?
18:11Have you had sexual relations in the past
18:13and if so, were there any instances
18:15of unprotected sex?
18:19I'm a virgin, 100%.
18:22And are you currently in a monogamous relationship?
18:25As far as I know.
18:27Is there any reason why you think
18:29you have a sexual relationship?
18:32Do you think your partner is not being monogamous?
18:34Oh, no, no.
18:35I was just kidding.
18:36He's definitely monogamous.
18:37You know, Joey, sometimes we think our partner
18:39is being monogamous, but...
18:41No, he's definitely monogamous.
18:43There's really no doubt in my mind.
18:45Regardless, it's important to practice safe sex.
18:48Now, is your partner willing to wear condoms?
18:56Miss Potter,
18:57these aren't even the hard questions.
18:59What if you become pregnant?
19:01Or contract an STD?
19:03I mean, these are the potential consequences
19:05of sex.
19:11Maybe you should know the other side of the coin, Joey.
19:15I mean, sex can be
19:17a wonderful, fun, fulfilling
19:19part of life.
19:21There's nothing to be ashamed or afraid of.
19:23I just
19:25want you to approach it
19:27with a certain level of maturity
19:29and responsibility.
19:31That's all.
19:35So, you scheduled your
19:37pelvic exam for next week?
19:39In the meantime, here you go.
19:42Condoms, spermicide,
19:44some information about birth control,
19:48other birth control options.
19:54And, Joey...
20:07You know that girl Molly, the one that never wants to talk?
20:11I don't know, I feel like I'm bringing her out of her shell
20:13or making a difference or something.
20:15You think that's stupid?
20:17Nah, I think that's pretty awesome.
20:19There is one problem.
20:21You know that girl Caroline?
20:23Comes to practice with Molly.
20:25I think she propositioned
20:27me yesterday.
20:29What? No, okay.
20:31Was she just flirting?
20:33Maybe she was just flirting.
20:35No, no, no. She was one step away
20:37from reaching her hand down my pants
20:39and checking out the merchandise.
20:41Ew! Okay, I do not need
20:43to hear that. I know, but you gotta help me
20:45because she won't take no for an answer.
20:47I mean, I think the word no just turns her on even more.
20:49So just tell her you're gay.
20:54the word gay is kind of controversial
20:56when you're talking about working with kids.
20:58Oh, that's crap.
21:00I know it's crap, but it's reality.
21:02I mean, all I want to do right now is just put
21:04soccer coach on my college apps,
21:06not gay civil rights crusader.
21:08Alright, alright.
21:10I'll help you out with this.
21:14Oh, and, uh, Jack?
21:16You know, I just hope that you're a better coach than you are a player
21:18because you suck.
21:20Ha! Just another one.
21:49Hey, guys, you're home.
21:51I want to talk to you.
21:53What is it, Dose?
21:55It's about how
21:57I reacted when I found out
21:59that mom was pregnant.
22:03I was really shocked.
22:05And, um,
22:07maybe a little bit disappointed,
22:09but I've been thinking.
22:11I've realized that
22:15this is amazing.
22:18I mean,
22:20I'm going to have a little brother or sister.
22:22I mean, how cool is that?
22:26we're not going to have the baby.
22:32I know.
22:34Believe me,
22:36this isn't
22:38exactly the way that we wanted to tell you.
22:40Wait a second.
22:46like that?
22:48You make a decision like this in a day?
22:50Uh, well, no.
22:52Actually, Dose,
22:54it wasn't just like that.
22:56I had suspected
22:58that I was pregnant for some time.
23:00I just didn't want to deal with it
23:02because I knew what my decision would be
23:04if I was.
23:08I can't believe this.
23:10Well, honey, you should be happy.
23:13Your lackluster attempted excitement
23:15just now wasn't exactly Oscar-worthy.
23:17Mom, I meant everything that I said.
23:19I'm trying to be supportive.
23:27Dad, you actually
23:29agreed to this? Yes, I did.
23:31No, Dose,
23:33he's lying to protect me.
23:35It was my idea and my suggestion.
23:37And yes,
23:39I know. I'm a terrible mother,
23:41aren't I?
23:43That's not what I said.
23:45Well, let's not pretend it's not what you think, honey.
23:47It's no lie that I have
23:49messed up at being your mother at every turn,
23:51that I'm the one that tore your family apart.
23:53Wait a minute.
23:55Don't use me as the excuse
23:57for making this decision. That's not fair.
23:59It's not an excuse, Dawson.
24:01No, I sat down
24:03and I considered all the facts.
24:07And the fact is
24:09I can't do it again.
24:13I can't handle the mistakes.
24:15Now, you put that together
24:17with the money issues
24:19and my age and everything else
24:21and the only answer is
24:25I can't have the baby.
24:29Now, honey, maybe you're gonna hate me
24:31forever because of this
24:33or maybe you'll never be able to understand
24:35but the fact is
24:39this is my decision
24:41and I have made it.
24:45And now this discussion
24:49is over.
25:29Your mother wanted me to tell you
25:31that breakfast is ready.
25:35Well, tell my mother I'm not hungry.
25:39She also
25:41wanted me to tell you that she's sorry
25:43you're upset
25:45and I can personally attest
25:47to her not sleeping a wink last night.
25:53Is she really gonna do this?
25:59What about you?
26:03What do you want?
26:05I don't know what I want.
26:09But I do know
26:11that I don't want her going through with the pregnancy
26:13if it's not the right thing for her to do.
26:17Ultimately it's her body
26:19her decision
26:21and I respect that.
26:27What if it's the wrong decision?
26:39Did I ever tell you that we tried for three years
26:41to get pregnant before we had you?
26:45Just about giving up.
26:49And then after you were born
26:51we tried again.
26:55Five years of hope
26:57and disappointment.
26:59I'd always wanted a big family
27:03a house filled with love
27:05and all that
27:08admitting that it would never happen.
27:12That was devastating.
27:16But then one morning I woke up
27:18I realized
27:20that it did happen.
27:24My house is filled with love
27:26and my life is full.
27:30I don't know, maybe for the rest of my life
27:32I wonder what if
27:34but now
27:38I am just so grateful to have you
27:42and your mother
27:46makes all the rest easy to deal with.
28:08Joey, would you please tell your stupid boyfriend
28:10to stop sneaking his smelly clothes
28:12into our laundry?
28:14We're trying to run a business here.
28:20And I'm talking to an empty room.
28:22What are you doing?
28:26Just the laundry.
28:28I gotta go.
29:13You ready for the game this afternoon?
29:15Uh, well, defense sucks, and our offense is merely terrible.
29:22I'm sure they'll do great.
29:25So, Jack, listen, I was thinking maybe tonight we could get together...
29:30Oh, uh, Jack, we've got that thing we've gotta do tonight.
29:34And who are you?
29:36I'm Jack's girlfriend.
29:38Really? I thought you were his sister.
29:41Oh, yeah, um, well, actually, I am.
29:45I'm just making sure no one lays a hand on Jacker's here,
29:48because, uh, Natasha, that's his girlfriend,
29:51uh, she's a black belt. She'd get really pissed.
29:54Really? Natasha?
29:57Natasha who?
29:59Natasha Bwerdy?
30:02Natasha Bwerdy.
30:05Look, I really appreciate the overprotective sibling thing.
30:09I do, but I think Jack here can make his own decisions,
30:14and he's decided he's not interested.
30:17Or maybe he's decided that it's none of your business,
30:21and you should butt out and let him speak for himself.
30:24Okay, you know what? It's just not gonna happen, okay?
30:28And why is that?
30:31That's why? Because?
30:33Because I'm gay.
30:36All right.
30:42Wait a minute.
30:44Oh, no.
30:47You didn't think I meant...
30:50Because I knew that.
30:53Of course I knew that.
31:09Mom, thank you for meeting me here.
31:11I didn't want to go to your place for obvious reasons.
31:16What's up?
31:19My mom is having an abortion.
31:22And, uh, I'm not sure that I'm dealing with it too well.
31:28And on top of that, I feel awful about what they must be going through.
31:35Well, what's the problem really, Dawson?
31:39Are you worried about them,
31:41or is it that your illusions of parental infallibility are finally shattered?
31:47Well, they were pretty much shattered during the launch affair.
31:52But, um...
31:55What's your problem?
31:58What do you think my problem is, Dawson?
32:02I think you went through what my mom's going through.
32:08You're good.
32:12You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
32:14There's no way you called me here.
32:18I need to understand why she's doing it.
32:20And I know that your situation is probably completely different, but...
32:26I thought you might be able to help me.
32:28Otherwise, I never would have brought it up.
32:31It's okay. I get it.
32:41You're right.
32:44I did get pregnant last semester.
32:49In the backseat of my boyfriend's Geo Prism,
32:54in the dorm parking lot, while my roommate was studying for finals.
33:00Leonard Skinner was on the radio.
33:04And I hate Leonard Skinner.
33:07Which made me even madder when I found out that I was pregnant.
33:13So there I was, you know, 20 years old,
33:17piles of student loans, a 2.9 GPA.
33:24So I made a decision.
33:28It was the hardest decision that I ever made in my life.
33:35But it didn't matter because a week later, I woke up and it was over.
33:46I had a miscarriage.
33:50You'd think that I'd be happy, you know?
33:55But I wasn't. I felt really guilty.
34:00For getting off easy, for feeling relieved,
34:06and for putting myself in a position where I even had to make that kind of a decision.
34:15Does that mean that your decision was the same as my mom's?
34:23Does it really matter?
34:35For what?
34:36For trusting me.
34:39I won't tell anyone.
34:42I know you won't.
34:46I hope you're hungry.
34:50This is going to be delicious.
34:52Hey, I got an A on that English test.
34:54Good for you, Jill.
34:56That was a whole night's sitting at Pacey's. I'm exhausted.
35:00I'm sure you are.
35:02Excuse me?
35:04Nothing. Pass the potatoes.
35:07Not until you tell me what that meant.
35:10You'll get the potatoes when you tell me what that meant, Bess.
35:14You want to know what it meant? Fine.
35:16It meant either you were at Pacey's having sex all night,
35:20or you've started your own mail-order birth control business out of your bedroom.
35:24I knew it.
35:26I can't believe you snooped in my room.
35:28It was hard to miss, Jill.
35:30You've got enough in there to fill a warehouse,
35:32and I'll tell you what, I'd lock you in there if it was legal,
35:34because you're not ready to have sex.
35:36So now you're playing misresponsible caretaker?
35:39Bessie, you let me spend an entire summer
35:42sailing around in a boat with Pacey alone.
35:44I didn't let you. You just went.
35:47What could I have possibly said?
35:49Nothing. Just like there's nothing that you can say about this.
35:57There is one thing I can say about it.
36:01There is one thing I can say about it, young lady.
36:05You're making the biggest mistake of your life.
36:08Bessie, for your information, I'm not having sex, okay?
36:13But at some point, I probably will,
36:15and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
36:17You're a 17-year-old girl who doesn't understand
36:19the first thing about consequences and responsibility.
36:23You are not ready to have sex.
36:25I am the oldest 17-year-old in Cape Side, Bessie.
36:29My whole life is consequences and responsibility, okay?
36:32So if you'll excuse me,
36:34I think I'll go to my birth control warehouse.
36:42Who got him? Good luck.
36:50What's the matter, Molly? You nervous about the game?
36:53Billy and Todd aren't coming. We're definitely gonna lose.
36:57How are they coming? They're just a little late, that's all.
36:59Their dad's called my dad.
37:02They said they had to quit the team because you're dangerous.
37:05They're not coming.
37:11Okay, um...
37:15Molly, I want you to remember something.
37:19Whether or not Todd and Billy quit the team,
37:22or if, for that matter, everybody quits the team,
37:26you and me are gonna play some soccer,
37:29and then we're gonna go get some pizza.
37:38Don't worry, Coach Jack. They're all just jerks.
37:41I know you're not dangerous.
37:56Come on.
38:20Interesting floor show earlier.
38:23I'm not sure it's good for repeat business.
38:27Sometimes I don't get her.
38:30I mean, it's not like I'm perfect by any means,
38:34but there are a lot of kids out there doing a lot of stupid things,
38:38and I just think that she lucked out with me.
38:42I'd say you're right.
38:48So why is she being so irrational?
38:51Your sister worries about you, Joe.
38:54All the time, in fact.
38:56She doesn't want you to end up like her.
38:58She wants more for you.
39:00You know, you're the one who's supposed to get out of here.
39:03She just wants to make sure that happens.
39:08I haven't made my decision yet.
39:12About sex, I mean, I...
39:15I just thought that if I got prepared, then I would be ready,
39:19and then afterwards, I got really scared,
39:24and then this morning, I felt like I was ready again,
39:28and then this afternoon, I wasn't so sure.
39:34You know, Joe, I can't tell you what to do.
39:38No one can.
39:40For now, all I can say is,
39:42if you're not ready to be prepared for sex,
39:46then you're probably not ready for sex.
40:15I just got a few minutes before I gotta go to Mr. Brooks, but, um...
40:22I wanted to say something about how I feel about your situation.
40:27Mom, you said that when you sat down to make this decision
40:30that you considered all the facts.
40:33I think you're forgetting the most important one.
40:35I just want to make sure that you have it
40:37before you make your final decision.
40:41You are the best mother that I know,
40:44and you are wrong if you think you're disciplining me at every turn, Mom.
40:48All you've done is make me proud.
40:51You're not afraid to make mistakes,
40:54and then to pick up, and to keep going,
40:57and keep trying new things,
40:59and I, I mean, I owe so much of who I am to you.
41:04To both of you.
41:06I'm sorry.
41:15I used to idealize this perfect childhood,
41:19this perfect little house, and then...
41:24You guys gave me something so much better.
41:26You gave me something real.
41:29If I were to do it over again, I would not change a thing.
41:33You guys are even half the parents to your next kid.
41:36If you were to me, you'd be the luckiest kid in the whole world.
41:42Thank you, honey.
41:53Let's go, okay?
42:15You know, I think we should probably slow this down a notch.
42:24Slow it down a notch.
42:27If that's what you want. I respect that.
42:33Well, thanks.
42:39Perhaps you were hoping that if you turn the tables on me,
42:42I might get paranoid,
42:44because I'm always the one that's stopping things,
42:46and now suddenly you're stopping things,
42:48so maybe I need to go further.
42:50Maybe even, you know, pay a visit to the free clinic,
42:53stock up on goodies, and bring them back here,
42:55and then we'd have sex.
42:57Wait a minute.
42:59Did you actually go to the free clinic to stock up on goodies?
43:02I can neither confirm nor deny such reports.
43:05All right, hold on.
43:07Uh, Joe...
43:09I really... I was just kind of kidding about the whole thing.
43:13All I wanted to do was to jump-start the conversation.
43:17I'm actually really glad that I went.
43:21So it's...
43:23You know, it's fine.
43:25No, it's really not okay.
43:27I don't want to make you do anything that you're not ready to do.
43:31I know.
43:33Pacey, I get it.
43:36Just as long as you realize that if you do turn into
43:39some typical hormone-filled silly-ass boy
43:42and try to manipulate me again,
43:45I'm out the door.
43:47Joe, I'm sorry.
43:49I know.
43:52You know, Pace,
43:55just because we're not having sex yet,
44:00well, there are certain things that we can do.
44:05What kinds of things?
44:12I could kiss you.
44:17Or perhaps I could just come over there.
44:24No, no, Pacey, Pacey, no!
44:26Pacey, stop it!
44:28Stop it!
44:30What the hell was I thinking?
44:32Who possessed me just to blurt it out like that?
44:35Come on, Jack, it's not like it's a big secret.
44:38Anyone can find out if they want to.
44:40I know, I know, but it's naive to think that people aren't going to care.
44:44You know, it's naive to think that people aren't going to be small-minded
44:47and bigoted and ignorant,
44:49and this whole thing isn't going to just get worse from here on out.
44:53You're right. Maybe I should just quit.
44:56Well, okay, now that is ridiculous, Jack.
45:00Because you did the right thing.
45:02I mean, the alternative is not to tell people who you are.
45:05And who wants to live like that?
45:08And besides which, you are great with these kids.
45:12So what you need to do is stick with the coaching
45:15and just stop worrying about the parents and their stupid hang-ups, okay?
45:20Because it will blow over.
45:24I'm a good person, Andy.
45:27When people look at me, they see something awful.
45:31Do you know how that feels?
45:33Give it time. It will blow over, I swear.
45:37It never does.
45:39It will.
45:42Do you mind if I, um, finish up?
46:12Each time I step out onto this porch to watch you at work, Mr. Leary,
46:17I breathe a sigh of relief that I'm not paying you.
46:20This way I can still hire a professional to paint over your mess.
46:24You know, Mr. Brooks, I actually think I'm doing a pretty good job.
46:27We all have our illusions.
46:32It's even harder work adding to your collection.
46:38And make an attempt to evoke sentiment.
46:41Why not just shoot a photo of a puppy in a garbage can, huh?
46:53It's the best skating criticism you can muster.
46:55If that's honesty as skating dust, I can't help that with this last one.
47:00This last one is actually not bad.
47:03This is the first picture that makes a connection with the subject.
47:08As if you're not only shooting her melancholy, but your own.
47:12This is the first one I've seen with a bit of you in it.
47:16This one has potential.
47:22I don't see you fainting.
47:24Come here.
47:27I don't see you fainting.
47:29Come here.
47:56Lonely on the moon
48:09Lonely on the moon
48:17Lonely on the moon
48:22Lonely on the moon
48:35Lonely on the moon
48:43Lonely on the moon
48:54Lonely on the moon
49:01Lonely on the moon
49:07Lonely on the moon
