Dawson's Creek Season 4 Episode 1 Coming Home

  • 2 days ago
Dawson's Creek Season 4 Episode 1 Coming Home


00:00Hey, just got some dinner.
00:03Ah, seafood.
00:06Great change of pace, Pace.
00:08Was that a note of disgust I detected at our sustenance of the oceanborn?
00:12After this trip, if I never eat another thing that breathes two gills again, it'll be too soon.
00:22So the Harsha blows, huh? Capeside Mass, our first and last port of call.
00:27Doesn't look much different than when we left it, does it?
00:31Well, that's because it ain't, frontline.
00:36I mean, no more of a race than you are to get back there, but it's not like we have another choice in the matter.
00:42We don't have to go home.
00:44We've survived three months taking odd jobs. We can survive as long as we want.
00:49Just as long as we're happy.
00:53Pacey, if you're so serious about this, then why bring it up now?
00:57Two hours from home.
00:59Twelve hours from home.
01:01See, I think we should probably drop back here, have a bite to eat, and then we can debate whether or not to scrap this whole mission home.
01:13No. I don't believe you, Pacey Whitter.
01:18I mean, as truant as your natural instinct may be, you'd never really suggest us skipping our senior year entirely.
01:24Just what would we be missing from the land of poorly scripted melodramas, huh?
01:28Recycle plotlines, tiresome self-realizations, you throw in the occasional downward spiral of a dear friend and maybe a baby here and a death there,
01:37and all you've really got is a recipe for some soul-sucking, mind-numbing ennui.
01:43And I for one could skip it.
01:46You know what continually amazes me, Pace?
01:49What's that?
01:51How long it'd last without being thrown off this boat.
01:55Well, finally. That's something we can both agree upon.
02:15My head is in the clouds My feet have left the ground
02:25My life is churning around and around
02:31Every voice inside my head is telling me to run like mad
02:39Oh, balls and arrows, stars and sunsets, hey, hey, hey, yeah, hey, hey, hey, yeah
02:48Every heartbeat, every kiss just makes me wonder
02:54What all this is
02:57Soaps of armor, hearts and arrows, hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:09Oh, balls and arrows, stars and sunsets, hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:15I'd kick off Jack.
03:18You kick me off the isle before you kick off Andy.
03:22Andy's very resourceful.
03:23All right, give it up for girl power.
03:25Yeah, ruthless alliance.
03:27Oh, come on, Jack. It's not like we kicked you off first or anything. I mean, we've already kicked off Graham.
03:33Yeah, that comparison just bathes me in relief.
03:37You guys should go in. The water's warm.
03:39Yeah, right. And reapply the 20 minutes of lotion I just put on? No, thanks.
03:45We gotta go. We gotta pay Mrs. Hammock out at 2 o'clock.
03:50Hmm, sounds kinky.
03:52Needs her house. It's her last one of the season. And we sleep an owl before we have to leave it.
03:57Yeah, but we gotta stop by the hardware store. We gotta get paint. We gotta get some rollers.
04:01All right, well, hold on. It's her last beach day of the season. I want to get this on record.
04:05Dustin, please. No pictures. I look awful.
04:08Well, now you're going to look awful for posterity. Ready?
04:11Ready. One, two, three.
04:16We'll see you guys at the dive in tonight?
04:18Yep. Dustin, I hear they're playing Jaws.
04:21Oh, good. I haven't seen that one yet.
04:24See you guys later.
04:25See ya.
04:28Ooh. Cute boys, 2 o'clock.
04:37Like it even matters.
04:39Oh, come on. One of us is single.
04:41In theory. But in practice, Andy, let's face it, your sex life this summer has been an episode of abstinence in the city.
04:48Well, is it my fault if this one-horse hamlet hasn't offered a suitable summer fling?
04:53Oh, Andy, there are plenty of guys. Face it, you're just not old enough to go up and talk to one.
04:58And if you were in my shoes, you would.
05:00Yes. I mean, come on. I think that my resume speaks for itself.
05:06Fine. I'm going to go talk to them.
05:09I am.
05:10You go.
05:11I am.
05:13Well, I am just negotiating the proper approach.
05:19Well, excuse me. Well, I negotiate the proper approach to the snack bar.
05:23Scaredy cat.
05:24I am not.
05:25Are so.
05:26Am not.
05:27Are so.
05:42That's a little on the heavy side. Who's that one for?
05:45Uh, my sister, I think. Is that everything?
05:48Yeah, for right now, I figure we just leave the rest of the stuff on the boat and pick it up tomorrow.
05:55Before we leave, though, there is one other thing we should cover.
05:59What's that?
06:01Well, they're going to ask.
06:03Who's going to ask what?
06:05The masses. They're going to ask what happened on the boat.
06:10Somewhere between you and I, you know, sexually speaking.
06:16No one cares, Basie.
06:19Okay, maybe they care, but they're not going to ask. It's too crass.
06:24We live in a crass age.
06:27Okay, so what are you going to say?
06:30That really depends.
06:32On what you're going to say.
06:34Well, I guess I'm going to say nothing because it's no one's business.
06:39That's good.
06:40Nothing sounds perfect.
06:43Besides, they're not going to ask.
06:45Or they'll ask.
06:53Well, this is it.
06:57The rest of our summer.
06:59I go left, you go right, and we spend the next full 24 hours away from each other.
07:05If you're curious as to why I'm not currently awash in sadness,
07:08it's only because, to be perfectly honest, you are starting to get on my nerves, Jo.
07:18Because, you know, I'd hate to think that after all of our intimate talks,
07:22you were actually covering up your aching heart with false bravado.
07:26Well, put your mind at ease.
07:29I don't know, I guess I'll call you tomorrow, maybe?
07:33You think about it.
07:36Good luck out there.
07:52Excuse me.
07:53Do you know where the light bulbs are?
07:55Uh, usually up.
07:57I meant which aisle.
07:58I'm sorry, I don't work here.
08:00I'm lucky for management.
08:03Um, I've had help, I think, through an aisle four.
08:13How are you?
08:14I, I'm, I'm just damp at the moment.
08:19And in the grander scheme of things?
08:22I sort of heard through the family about last spring.
08:26That, uh, I'm fine.
08:28I'm fine.
08:29And, uh, what about you?
08:30Still home from college for the summer?
08:32A little bit longer than that.
08:34It's no biggie, I'm just, uh, taking some time off.
08:39Well, at the risk of sounding trite, it's, it's nice to see you again.
08:45At the risk of sounding redundant, it's nice to see you too.
08:49Damp and all.
08:50Damp and all.
08:57Okay, I got the paint, you got the rollers.
09:00Who's the girl?
09:01Uh, what girl?
09:03The girl you're gonna pretend to have no knowledge of until I annoy you with the question over and over and over again.
09:10That girl.
09:11Uh, long story.
09:13Good, because we got the whole north side of Mrs. Havocots to paint.
09:21I can't believe you.
09:22I'm your sister. I'm entitled to know.
09:25No, you're not.
09:26I'll rephrase, I'm your sister whom you ditched high and dry last June.
09:30I'm entitled to know.
09:34Open your gift.
09:39A plant.
09:40It's a Carolina jasmine.
09:42At night, if the wind hit right, we could smell them two miles out on the water.
09:48At night, while you and Pacey were...
09:51Quit it.
09:52I haven't even unpacked yet.
09:55Oh, hey, Joey, wait.
10:01Why is there an underwear-clad stranger in my bedroom?
10:04This is where he lives.
10:05You rented out my room?
10:07Until Tuesday.
10:09Come over here.
10:11It's my turn to give you a gift.
10:14Accounting book.
10:17You're so kind.
10:20Look at that number.
10:22Pacey, I'm sorry. I didn't realize how difficult it would be.
10:27Joey, it has a plus next to it, not a minus.
10:31Welcome to one of the most successful bed and breakfasts in the state, Joey.
10:35We've doubled our rates and we're still booked well through the fall.
10:40But when I called, you never mentioned it.
10:42I wanted it to be a surprise.
10:47I'm helping my brother with his numerous problems.
10:50Oh, why, there you are, Jennifer.
10:53I was just chatting with the guys.
10:56I'd like you to meet Jean and Jean-Jean.
10:59Oh, hello.
11:03They're French.
11:04Good on dodge.
11:06And they're backpacking through the east coast for the summer.
11:11Just stopped in Cape Side yesterday.
11:13Tell me they are not adorable, plus 10 times 10 to the 10th power.
11:19Andy, they can hear you.
11:20Doesn't matter. One of them barely speaks any English.
11:22The other one knows hello, goodbye, and lyrics to an instant song.
11:25We would like very much for you to tour us the city.
11:29We'd love to.
11:31Sorry, boys, I'm going to have to catch up with you on the Riviera.
11:35Okay, Frenchies, let's go tour Cape Side.
11:37And we'll see you there.
11:39The Riviera.
11:40Okay, Frenchies, let's go tour Cape Side.
11:42And any other terrain you're interested in covering?
11:50It's a Florida snowman.
11:51Get it?
11:52Notice my fits of laughter.
11:56Oh, yeah.
11:57How's my favorite couch been?
11:58You been keeping it warm for me?
12:00Well, you know, it's funny you should bring that up.
12:04Oh, come on now, Dougie.
12:05You're not going to cast me out to the wolves, are you?
12:07Oh, it seems I have to.
12:08Somebody's already moved in.
12:11Uh, you and Rupert finally decide to tie the knot?
12:13I see three months in the water's done absolutely nothing to improve your sense of humor.
12:18Don't tell me this is a girl or something.
12:20Well, yes, as a matter of fact, it is.
12:22Oh, well, that's just fantastic.
12:24Just as I need a place to sleep, you decide to get all hetero on me.
12:28As much as I would love to put an end to your inaccurate comments regarding my sexuality,
12:33I assure you that this relationship is purely platonic.
12:38And I'm sure whoever Miss Mystery Guest is couldn't possibly be as important as your baby bro, bro.
12:43That's where you're wrong, because she's equally important and equally related.
12:50Sorry I'm late, Doug.
12:51I stopped by the hardware store to get some light bulbs.
12:56Nice hair, loser.
12:58Come give your big sis a hug.
13:03I could let you slip away.
13:08Just wait for rainy days.
13:14Find the perfect coffee house.
13:19Stay for hours.
13:24Wouldn't that be famous?
13:28Letting go too soon.
13:39Mrs. Leary?
13:42Mr. Leary?
14:03I'm really somewhere down the road.
14:16I know.
14:24But I'm still stranded here.
14:31Holding all these souvenirs.
14:41She's my first crush.
14:43I was, uh, ten or eleven, so she must have been, well, thirteen.
14:48I was spending the evening at the Witter's house, and Gretcher and two of her friends were out in the backyard.
14:53Casey had the brilliant idea of water ballooning the whole lot of them.
14:57We went to work for about two hours, filling water balloons.
15:00By the time we'd gotten outside, Gretcher and her friends were already in their bathing suits.
15:05They'd heard the plot through an open bathroom window.
15:09And, uh, of course, Casey decided to balloon them anyway.
15:12But I remember just staring at Gretcher like I'd never seen a girl in a bathing suit before.
15:20It just hit me, without warning, right then and there.
15:25And from then on, any money that would have formerly gone to baseball cards or action figures
15:31was now being spent on chocolates and five dollar tulips that I would leave anonymously on Gretcher and Witter's stoop.
15:43It wasn't until years later that I realized that my crush had been a running family joke.
15:47Yeah, right. So what happened?
15:50Simply that I pulled all adolescent crushes.
15:54Absolutely nothing.
15:58I will simply not be replaced.
16:00It's too damaging to my fragile ego.
16:03Get over yourself.
16:04Why don't you get over yourself, okay?
16:07Aren't you a college student or something?
16:09It's called taking time off.
16:11Sure it is. I'm the only other Witter that you've met, you old fool.
16:15Mind your own business, little brother.
16:17I've got living quarters and maybe I won't dig up whatever sordid mess it was that landed you in this remote corner of the world.
16:22Alright, alright, alright. That's enough, you two.
16:25Now, Pacey, you currently have other living options. Gretchen does not.
16:30Really? And what might those living options be, Dougie?
16:33Well, for starters, there's your boat.
16:35Are you joking? I've spent the last hundred days living on that thing.
16:39Okay, fine. Carrie and the No-Neck Monsters are still at mom and dad's, but I believe there is a couch there. Am I wrong?
16:46Oh, no, you're not wrong. I'd just sooner take a cut on Death Row.
16:50Hey, there's always the zoo.
16:52Duh, Gretzilla.
16:54As usual, your level of maturity astounds.
16:58I know. Why don't you stay with Joey?
17:02What's that supposed to mean?
17:04Well, you have a girlfriend now. I'm sure she'd be more than happy to set you up with a little bed. Or share hers.
17:10You know, honestly, I don't appreciate that suggestion or the tone that accompanies it.
17:15You know, Gretchen's got a point. I mean, if any place has extra rooms, it's a B&B.
17:21I'm not going to impose upon that family.
17:23Yeah, why should you when you have your own to impose on?
17:26Ah, Gretchen. So good to have you home.
17:29Oh, no. Whoops. Silly me. I don't have a home anymore.
17:32Hey, it pains me to see you this way. It really does.
17:36Pass the iced tea.
17:39So, football camp led to an unexpected scholarship at Hanover Academy.
17:43And Henry and his parents decided that attending would double his college options.
17:48So, next thing you know, I'm dating a guy who goes to boarding school four hours away.
17:52They're doing what Jennifer terms the long-distance thing.
17:57Which, ironically, Grams disapproves of.
18:00Youth is a time to be spent in the now, not pining away for a solitary weekend every other month or so.
18:08Isn't there a pair of knitting needles calling your name somewhere?
18:11I suppose they are.
18:14Goodbye, Josephine. Nice to have you back, safe and sound.
18:22Okay, enough me. You're the one fresh from the world excursion? So?
18:28We had the time of our lives. I honestly wouldn't even know where to begin talking about it.
18:35Well, I'll help you out. Cut to the sordid stuff.
18:39Come on, Joey. I wouldn't be human if I didn't want to know.
18:41You and Pacey alone on a boat for three months. Everybody's going to ask.
18:46We're not talking about it.
18:47With my experience with that particular yes or no question, no means no, and we're not talking about it means you did it.
18:56You got me. We did it. All day, all night, 24-7.
19:02Are you aware that there are at least 38 known differing sexual positions? And 42 if you're flexible enough.
19:09Okay, it's none of my business.
19:21Jen, how is everyone else doing?
19:24Good. Yeah, everybody's good.
19:32I should probably be going. I promised Bessie I'd help with dinner.
19:36What are you doing tonight? You and Pacey just laying low?
19:40No, we're not doing anything. We're taking our first official night off from each other.
19:44Well, we are going to the dive-in. Why don't you join us?
19:48I don't know that that's such a good idea.
19:50Eight o'clock, stop in McCove, and I'm going to tell everybody that you'll be there.
19:59And on your right, we have a very historic building where many historic events occurred.
20:04Sorry, hope I'm not boring you with all the specifics.
20:07Oh, no, no, no. You're beautiful when you speak.
20:10Well, stop. No, I didn't really mean stop.
20:16I am sorry. I don't understand.
20:20Never mind. So, uh, do you ever speak?
20:25Hey, c'est pas de parler un petit mot. Je peux parler when you want.
20:34So, anyway, what's your town like?
20:37I come from Paris. Have you been?
20:40No, but I want to go desperately.
20:45Because it's the city of romance.
20:48It's the city of love lost and found.
20:52It's Degas and Cezanne and Molay and Van Gogh.
20:56I mean, even though I've never been there, it's like I know it better than my own home.
21:04What did he say?
21:05He said you know it so well because it's in your heart.
21:20So, how'd she look?
21:25That's a question.
21:28She looked great.
21:30Great. Great.
21:34You sure the fight wasn't in your eyes?
21:36She didn't go a hump? Maybe some hideous skin disorders?
21:41Does this mean that you don't want to see her?
21:44I didn't say that.
21:46Good, because I invited her to come with us to the dive-in tonight.
21:54How very thoughtful of you.
21:56Dawson, come on. You're going to have to dispense with the awkward intro sooner or later, so why not?
22:01What happened to the natural progression of things?
22:05Joey naturally came over, and I naturally invited her. I don't know.
22:11So, is what's-his-name going to be there?
22:13No. No, they're taking the night off.
22:16Which would make this the perfect opportunity for the two of you to have your inevitable Geneva conference
22:21where you decide to remain friends forever, no matter what happens.
22:25Why are you so resolute about this?
22:28I don't know. I guess I've just been thinking back to the way everything went down last year, you know.
22:35How you found out and all, and I...
22:37What, you feel responsible?
22:39Yes, I do. Wouldn't you?
22:44Look, the only thing you're responsible for is helping me have arguably the best time of my life.
22:55Dawson and Jen.
22:57Welcome to the Leary house where it's deja screw all over again.
23:01No, no, no, no, no. We were just going over the, uh...
23:05the, uh...
23:06the, uh...
23:07the, uh...
23:08the, uh...
23:12the, uh...
23:15the, uh...
23:24you're dying on the find dear!
23:28Later, Mrs. Leary. Mr. Leary.
23:33You, ah, you said you checked the room.
23:35I did.
23:36Well, you didn't check the dark room.
23:38I didn't count the dark room.
23:40From now on, the dark room counts.
23:49Yeah, that was before he found out he was homeless and needed to blow him a couch for
24:07the night.
24:09Try again.
24:10B&B's booked.
24:11I'm going to couch myself until Tuesday.
24:15Is it just me?
24:16I'm starting to get the distinct feeling that this town really didn't miss us all that much.
24:23It's like the reverse of It's a Wonderful Life.
24:25Everyone's better off without us.
24:27Except for each other.
24:28So what do you want to do tonight?
24:29Want to grab some pizza, hang out on the boat, or I was thinking maybe we could go catch
24:35a bad summer movie at the Dollar Fifty theater, what do you say?
24:40Well, uh, actually, uh, Jen invited me to the diving.
24:43Everybody from school's going to be at the dive-in.
24:49To be perfectly honest, I don't think I'm prepared for that quite yet.
25:00Will you go without me?
25:04We can just go together.
25:05I think it'd be fun and healthy, you know, to see everyone.
25:12To see Dawson.
25:14To see Dawson, which we've talked about, you see, and it's no secret that I'm anxious to
25:20get things squared away with.
25:21No, it's no secret.
25:22And to be perfectly honest, look, I don't really care where we go or what we do, so
25:28long as we do it together.
26:14Now let's come on and get it in.
26:23I hope we're taking turns.
26:28Who's going to try and pull the cheese?
26:31I want to be free, okay?
26:33Be cheap on everything.
26:35I can go slow ahead.
26:38Come on down and jump some of this.
26:42Hey, you guys go on in.
26:49I'll be in in a second.
26:52Looks like somebody found some new friends.
26:55Don't forget, Andy, it was the French who coined the term ménage à trois.
26:59Ménage, I don't think so.
27:01Besides, I only like the one who speaks English.
27:04The other one just stands there looking like a dolt.
27:07So do you know if he's single yet?
27:09I'm working on it.
27:11Give me an hour.
27:28I bet you said he wasn't going to be here, John.
27:33He wasn't, Dawson.
27:35Then why is he here, John?
27:39Good question, Dawson.
27:46Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
27:49It wasn't my idea in the first place.
27:55Do you think that, uh...
27:59That maybe I should go and get us something to drink
28:02while you go and say hi?
28:05I mean, I just think it'll be easier.
28:08No problem.
28:10I'll be back in a couple of minutes.
28:17Okay, where are you going?
28:19To get a better seat.
28:21Dawson, I don't mind seeing her, but I'm not going to go out of my way to talk to her.
28:24Can't you go out of my way to talk to her?
28:28You work him.
28:30You work her.
28:32You get it.
28:34Joey, hey.
28:36What's up? How are you?
28:38I'm good. How are you?
28:40I'm good. Come on in.
28:44It's good to see you.
28:46Good to see you.
28:48Oh, someone's been lifting this summer.
28:50Ah, yeah, well, what else is there to do in this town, right?
28:52So, where'd everyone go?
29:00You know, it's one thing to usurp the couch,
29:02but it's quite another to come back here
29:05Do you want to take a walk?
29:11Do you hate me for taking your spot?
29:15Try bed.
29:17You hate me.
29:19Marginally, yeah.
29:21Well, retribution is yours.
29:23Doug wakes me up every morning at seven,
29:25dust-bustering the kitchen.
29:27It's like living with Felix Unger on crack.
29:31Well, you're hardly an innocent.
29:34When we were in the playroom together,
29:36you were known to play rock music so loud,
29:38small nations were kept up.
29:40Not rock, Pacey.
29:44There's a difference.
29:46Yeah, there is a difference.
29:48Fans listen to rock music, pretentious fans
29:50listen to soul music.
29:52Is it possible you've actually grown
29:54more obnoxious over time?
29:56Well, it is the witter way.
30:00And somehow you still got the girl.
30:03Yes, I did.
30:07You never thought me and Joy would end up together, huh?
30:13You did not.
30:15It didn't take Nostradamus to call it.
30:17I mean, look at your similarities.
30:19You're both classic scrappy underdogs.
30:23She's sassy,
30:25and you're a legendary annoyance.
30:29She's beautiful,
30:32and you're lucky.
30:36There's a compliment in there somewhere, right?
30:38You're both lucky.
30:44And what about you, Gretchen?
30:48why would you come back here?
30:52I'm just taking a break.
30:54That's all.
30:58Well, as they say in non-dysfunctional families,
31:01welcome home, Gretchen.
31:03And speaking of home,
31:05I have a suggestion
31:07that I think you might find appealing.
31:23Ask me a question.
31:27I get it.
31:30Well, let's make small talk until he comes over, right?
31:32Precisely. Just ask me a question.
31:36Actually, I do have a question.
31:40Not that question.
31:42Come on!
31:46I won't tell anybody, I swear.
31:48Look, she's doing the official wait-for-Dawson-to-come-over thing.
31:50What do you mean?
31:52The official wait-in-vain-for-Dawson-to-come-over thing.
31:56One more joke like that
31:59and you're gonna know how hard this is for you.
32:01It's not hard.
32:03Come on.
32:05It's not. I mean, it's not easy, but it's not hard.
32:07Well, whatever it is, why don't you just go get it over with?
32:09I'll do it, but it's just a highly predictable moment.
32:13I'm gonna walk over there.
32:15Joey and I are gonna engage in some semi-casual conversation
32:17until the awkwardness overwhelms us both
32:19and then we're just gonna part.
32:23Each of us surprised at how surprisingly painless
32:25the whole encounter surprisingly was.
32:29Well, then, surprise me
32:31and go on over there.
32:53I'm gonna go find you.
32:59So, how's it going?
33:01Uh, great.
33:03Great. It's going great.
33:07How was your summer?
33:09Uh, it was brief, but good.
33:13And yours?
33:17Brief, but good.
33:21You look great.
33:23Hey, you too.
33:44School's in a couple days.
33:56It's good to see you.
34:02It's good to see you too.
34:26Oh, uh...
34:28Hold on a minute, guys.
34:30There's someone that I'm not quite ready to see yet.
34:38How do you say...
34:44Oh, don't start.
34:53Oh, don't start.
34:57So, do you happen to be in a, uh...
35:01Her name is Nicole.
35:03And I bet you're crazy about her, aren't you?
35:05To go your world,
35:07she's Monet, Degas, Cézanne.
35:09Okay, I get the point.
35:17Of course he has a girlfriend.
35:20He has an accent.
35:22And he tells me that I'm beautiful,
35:24so of course he has a girlfriend, right?
35:26I mean, you guys are all the same.
35:28It doesn't matter if you're French, American,
35:30English, German, Russian, Dutch, French.
35:32What are you looking at?
35:34A very rude girl.
35:36Okay, you don't even know me, so...
35:40You don't speak English.
35:42I have it on good authority that I do.
35:46Okay, but you guys told me...
35:49The name's JJ.
35:51Short for John John, not Jean Jean.
35:53So that means that
35:55all day you...
35:57Understood every word she said?
36:01Pardon moi.
36:03Just gonna go drown myself.
36:19Hey, you lot.
36:21And here we go.
36:23What are you doing?
36:25Both of us favorites, hey, goodness.
36:27Don't even ask me if I want to go.
36:29Do I have to?
36:33Maybe I'm having a fun time.
36:35If this is how you look when you're enjoying yourself,
36:37Joan, then you weren't having
36:39a very good time on the boat this summer,
36:41because you never once looked like this.
36:43And you never once behaved like this.
36:45And just how am I behaving?
36:48I don't know yet.
36:50Currently I'm deciding between
36:52asinine, immature child
36:54and arrogant, infantile boyfriend.
36:56You know, I didn't want to come here in the first...
36:58Well, then you shouldn't have come.
37:04Yeah, I guess you would love that, huh?
37:06What, are you giving you all the time in the world
37:08to square things away with Dawson?
37:10Those were your words, right?
37:12Square things away?
37:14Casey, dealing with Dawson is a reality for me.
37:17The guy hates me, okay? I can't fix that.
37:19Well, you could try.
37:21I don't want to.
37:23Well, I do, and I'm sorry if you have a problem with that.
37:25Oh, you're damn right I have a problem with that.
37:27You're not even unpacked yet.
37:29The first thing you think to do is...
37:31Look, I can't help it if he's been on my mind.
37:33But it doesn't mean what you think it means.
37:35I don't know what it means.
37:37I don't care what it means.
37:39I've just watched you grow more and more preoccupied
37:41every day this week, and I'm tired of it.
37:43And it better stop.
37:46We've been on the boat, and we haven't been for a day.
37:48Who are you kidding, Joe?
37:50Come on.
37:52You got off that boat long before the two of us did.
37:54What is that supposed to mean?
37:56You're a smart girl, Joe.
37:58You can figure it out.
38:16What the hell?
38:18What the hell?
38:20You're still here, huh?
38:24Yeah, I was just thinking...
38:26I'll be over right at X-ray D if you ask me.
38:32So you're heading home?
38:36Do you need a ride?
38:38I don't like that, Dawson.
38:48you are a wonderful host.
38:50If you come to Paris,
38:52you must be here.
38:54Okay, you have a deal, Jean.
39:04That goes for me, too, you know.
39:06I can't believe
39:08after everything you heard me say
39:10that you'd still want to hang out with me.
39:12Me neither.
39:15Okay, I think I liked you better
39:17before you spoke English.
39:23There's a question in French
39:25that's very popular.
39:27The English translation,
39:29if I can remember correctly,
39:31was something like this.
39:33Can I kiss you?
39:47tell me about this newly acquired
39:49love of photography
39:51that seems to have sprung up
39:53in my absence.
39:55I picked it up over the summer.
39:57I didn't think I'd like it
39:59nearly as much as I have,
40:01but, you know,
40:03because it's where it always is, huh?
40:05What's that?
40:07You choose what you love,
40:09it chooses you.
40:12Je t'en supplie.
40:18Je t'en supplie.
40:23I'm very sorry.
40:26I'm sorry for
40:28everything that happened last year
40:34for doing what I had to do.
40:38I know how difficult
40:40I know how difficult it was, and probably still must be.
40:48It wasn't easy.
40:51Thinking about the two of you together every day, every night.
41:00Actually, the only person who hasn't...
41:03...there to ask the big question...
41:06...I'm the only person the answer could potentially kill.
41:11Wait here.
41:21It's for you.
41:31It's my very own brick.
41:33It's not just a brick.
41:35It's from Hemingway's home in the Keys.
41:40No, Frank. Of course, Ernest.
41:44You know the guy shot himself, Jo.
41:46Aside from that, I would like to offer it to you as a...
41:52Please don't say symbol.
41:55As an emblematic artifact.
41:59Representing the foundation of...
42:03...of a new friendship.
42:05Well, I feel like I'm at the ribbon cutting of a new strip mall.
42:09We're joking.
42:11Truth is, Joey...
42:14...it's going to take a hell of a lot more than symbols for us to get back what we had.
42:18And right now, I'm not even sure that I want to.
42:28We're just going to have to take it one day at a time.
42:33I know.
42:35Hey, Dawson. For what it's worth...
42:59...the answer to that question everyone's been asking...
43:03...I wouldn't kill you.
43:34Something in the middle of time
43:41Only God knows why
43:48Well, I've decided something.
43:50And it is perhaps the singularly most important thing that I've realized in the last 45 minutes.
43:55So I must share it with you.
43:58This town has far too many stoplights for somebody who's not very good at driving stick.
44:03I saw it seven times coming over here.
44:08You better wouldn't have.
44:15I saw it seven times.
44:17And six out of the seven times...
44:21...you know what I thought about?
44:28It's this secret thing I do whenever I get really pissed off or confused or angry or upset or sad.
44:40I think of you and I immediately feel good inside.
44:45I guess it's kind of like taking a good mood pill or something.
44:52And I swore to myself that I would never tell you that I did this because it is so girly and stupid.
44:58And I just told you because I needed to score major points for not explaining what went down tonight.
45:09Or where I've been the last week when I haven't been on this boat.
45:13You're gone?
45:23I wanted to see Dawson tonight not because for four months of my life he was my boyfriend.
45:30Because for the better part of my life he was my friend.
45:34And as my friend I hurt him deeply.
45:37For the better part of my life he was my friend.
45:40And as my friend I hurt him deeply.
45:43And living with that fact has caused me no small amount of guilt over the past three months.
45:51So, yes, I have been preoccupied.
45:55And it has made my mind wander.
46:03...my heart...
46:08...that's a fixed point.
46:15Three months riding the open waters couldn't shake it.
46:20I'll be damned if I let your insecurity shake it.
46:28And my heart never left this boat.
46:33It's never left you.
46:37As far as I can see it's not going too many times soon.
46:44Okay, you got me.
46:48I do want to know one thing, though.
46:53What's that?
46:55I want to know what exactly it was you thought of the seventh time you stalled.
47:02That I was never going to drive stick again.
47:06How very practical.
47:23Hey, Pace.
47:28Do you think we could do that thing that we do sometimes?
47:36Do you want to do that thing?
47:50The little mermaid could not take her eyes from the ship or from the beautiful prince.
47:55The colored lanterns had been extinguished, no more rockets rose in the air, and the cannon had ceased firing.
48:02But the sea became restless and a moaning, grumbling sound could be heard beneath the waves.
48:16After a while, the sails were briefly unfurled.
48:20The noble ship continued her passage.
48:23But soon the wind rose and the clouds darkened for a time.
48:30A dreadful storm in the world came.
48:33One of the sails were briefly lifted and the ship proceeded.
49:29THE END
