Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 7 Escape From Witch Island

  • 2 days ago
Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 7 Escape From Witch Island


00:00Dawson, please tell me you guys have the Crucible.
00:04Belinda checked it out about an hour ago.
00:10Well, serves me right, I guess, for being that girl.
00:13What girl?
00:14The girl who runs the movie the night before in all important papers, too,
00:17because her debilitating attention deficit disorder has gotten in the way of her actually reading the book.
00:22This is one of you, that girl.
00:24Well, between taking care of baby Alexander and getting the B&B up and running,
00:29I haven't had a whole lot of time for that pesky endeavor and all this schoolwork.
00:34B&B? I thought you worked at the marina.
00:39What happened?
00:40That's a long and exceedingly soapy story, Dawson.
00:50So, what's up with you?
00:52Does Eve help you add any more crimes and misdemeanors to your record?
00:56Eve left town, actually.
01:08Well, thanks a lot, Dawson.
01:12I guess I'll see you around school.
01:14All right.
01:16I'll be the one cloaked in failure.
01:19You know what, Joey? What if I told you you didn't have to do the paper?
01:23I'm listening.
01:27After we got the assignment, I went up to Green and I said,
01:29look, do you really want the standard five pages of footnotes and cribbed encyclopedia passages
01:34chronicling the statement of witch trials, or...
01:37Well, I may guess. You sold him on the idea of making a movie instead?
01:43Classic Dawson Leary.
01:44Here's the best part.
01:46Jen and Pacey are also excused from doing the paper as long as they lend me a hand tomorrow.
01:51I guess my invitation got lost in the mail.
01:55I would have invited you, it's just...
01:57Forget about it.
02:00So, what's it about? Your movie?
02:03Well, since we're reading The Crucible and we're studying the same number of witch trials,
02:08I figured why not do a documentary based on something that happened right in your own backyard?
02:13Witch Island.
02:15So, basically, you're ripping off the Blair Witch Project.
02:18I am.
02:20I am making a real documentary.
02:24I want to try and use the myth of Witch Island to tell a larger story about hypocrisy and religious persecution.
02:33Are you in?
02:37Well, you know...
02:40I mean, if I blow off the paper, then I'll probably fail the class.
02:44And if I fail the class, well, that could be the beginning of a long and tragic downward spiral
02:49that dooms me to wait at the tables of Capeshead's greasy spoons for eternity.
02:55Count me in.
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08:08I don't know why.
08:09Yeah, like I've been able to recapture the feeling that I lost somewhere along the way.
08:10I know what you mean, it's like—
08:11I mean, granted, you know, it's only a first school project, but it just—it feels good
08:12to be making movies again.
08:15I thought you were talking about us.
08:24You and me.
08:25Well, that's who—
08:28Obviously, I mean, it's, you know, I miss the whole let's make a movie bug thing we had before things got so terminally angsty, but it's...
08:41I'm really glad we're friends again.
08:55300 years ago, harlots who were practicing witchcraft were banished to that island.
09:01And what happened there is proof positive that the good lord doesn't take lightly to those who dabble in the black arts.
09:07One time in high school, this kid disappeared there.
09:10He was a big stoner.
09:12One of those guys that has Led Zeppelin IV playing in his head at all times, so...
09:17Everybody said he probably got wasted and drowned.
09:20I don't know.
09:22Some people say the witches got him.
09:25Yeah, well, kids just mysteriously disappear there over the years, and they say it's the witches or whatever.
09:32But I think the CIA or the NSA had something to do with it.
09:36It's just like our government to come up with some occult backstory to cover up their malfeasance.
09:42Nobody brought snacks?
09:44Oh, come on, guys, what is a field trip without the snacks?
09:47Nobody brought the Doritos, the Homos, my kingdom.
09:51Or Coke wrapped in tinfoil.
09:53It's the, uh, Dawson Leary party, right?
09:57There's an unaccounted for.
09:59Mind if I ask you a couple questions? I'm making a movie.
10:02Only if you return the favor.
10:09So, uh...
10:12What's your movie about?
10:15I'm making a documentary on Wichelin. What's your movie about?
10:18I'm making a documentary about all the people making a documentary about Wichelin.
10:23Ever since Blair Witch hit, every geek with a camcorder in their dreams has been out here, so...
10:28A little luck, this baby will get me on the festival circuit, right?
10:33Yeah. What can you tell me about Wichelin?
10:36I know you kids think it's all spooky fun and kitschy cool and all that, but...
10:42Just don't get so caught up in your little Scooby-Doo adventure that you get stuck out there past dark.
10:46Oh, come on. We don't scare that easy.
10:49You calling me a liar? You calling me a liar? Is that what you're saying? Huh?
10:53Listen, girls died out there.
10:55You don't think they're a little, uh, ticked off about what happened all those years ago?
10:59You think they're above, uh, taking their anger out on an errant teeny-bopper or two every once in a full moon? Huh?
11:05These girls, sometimes they just, uh, they can't control their natural urges, you know?
11:09Alright, all aboard. Let's go.
11:46Let's go.
11:56Hey, gang! Welcome to Wich Island.
11:59I'm Wendy Dalrymple of the Capeside Historical Society, and I'm here to answer any questions that you may have about Wich Island.
12:07Wich, I'm ashamed to say, represents a particularly dark period of our nation's history.
12:12Oh, good God.
12:13You wouldn't happen to have a snack bar or anything up here, would you?
12:16Because I'm famished, and Cameron over there decided to cancel the 7-Eleven run before we got on the boat.
12:21You will find some refreshments at our gift shop, young man, along with a lovely selection of our Wich-themed souvenirs.
12:26Oh, I like souvenirs.
12:29Come on.
12:33Making a little movie, are we?
12:35He's zooping off the Blair Witch Project.
12:38I've seen it.
12:39Come with me. I'll take you to the cemetery.
12:42It goes over real well with you filmmaker types. It's got a lot of atmosphere.
12:48Hey, Joey, you realize Blair Witch was fake, right?
12:53Whereas my documentary is real.
13:10Okay, so check this out.
13:13Has that wicked crush got you down?
13:16Do you stare at him for hours without getting so much as a glance in return?
13:19Do you ever call and hang up, rifle through his garbage?
13:23Has the thought of disfiguring his girlfriend ever crossed your mind?
13:27Stock no more.
13:29Ladies, this handy-dandy incantation will turn the object of all your sugary affections into a lovesick puppy dog.
13:34Dream on, Lindley.
13:36What, you don't think it'll work?
13:38Well, not to be a naysayer.
13:40No, actually to be a naysayer.
13:42My belief in the power of spells is somewhere up there with my belief in the validity of sea monkeys.
13:48I'm going to try it.
13:50Really? On whom?
13:54Who better? You're not attracted to me in the slightest.
13:57Not in the least.
14:01No, no, no. I didn't mean that.
14:03No, no, no. I didn't mean it like that.
14:05You are certainly quite the little uber-vixen, and I am nothing if not fond of you, but you're just not my type.
14:12Right back at you, man.
14:14I'm brooding and comely.
14:17I'm sure that you score way high on some girl's cute-o-meter pace. It's just not mine.
14:22Oh, better catch than Ty the Bible-Beater or that skirt-chasing Neanderthal Chris Wolf.
14:27This coming from a guy whose past relationships have ended with the girl either leaving town to avoid prosecution or cool out in crazy camp for the summer.
14:45There are only twelve.
14:48There were thirteen witches, Dawson. Thirteen girls were sent here, and there are only twelve graves.
14:54Smart girl. Nobody ever picks up on that. Her name is Mary Waldack.
15:00What happened to her?
15:02Her body was never found. No one knows for sure what happened, but there are two distinct schools of thought.
15:09For those that like a good ghost story, well, they believe that she really was a witch and she haunts the island to this day, but for those romantics out there,
15:18they believe that her lover came and took her away from this awful place.
15:25Her lover?
15:27Yeah. I'll give you the cliff notes.
15:31Mary was an orphan. She was taken in by a family called the Bennetts and raised alongside their own son, William.
15:38William and Mary got along famously, so much so, in fact, that in time, they fell in love.
15:49One night, Mary and William were found in bed together.
15:54This did not go over well with the God-fearing Bennetts, and in the blink of an eye, Mary was no longer their daughter.
16:02She was a witch.
16:06It's horrible.
16:08Can you imagine what this poor girl had to go through?
16:11This is a young girl, no older than you, put on trial, banished to some God-forsaken island for crimes that she didn't even understand, much less commit.
16:21She was separated from the love of her life.
16:26I think that that's what makes this island such a charged place.
16:32Because if you've ever loved somebody that you couldn't be with,
16:36you can feel it in the air.
16:47Are you taking this down, Dawson?
16:50What do you mean?
16:52Soulmates torn apart by circumstances beyond their control, doomed to wonder what might have been.
17:00Doomed to wonder what might have been.
17:07There's your movie.
17:12What about the fire? Where did that happen?
17:15Through the woods, at the church.
17:18Can you take us there? I'd love to get some footage.
17:20No. Because I never, ever go into the woods.
17:25And if you kids are smart, you won't either.
17:33But if you do decide to go, we have some maps in the gift shop.
17:37With lights low and feet on the floor, chant these words to make him yours.
17:42Dar Sabalith.
17:47Demotiva Ranacheca Blith.
18:01Your turn.
18:04Excuse me? I'm sorry, it sounded like you said something about me going to the woods.
18:10It sounded like you said something about me consuming that god-awful muck.
18:14It says right here that both myself and the object of my affection must ingest of the potion in order for the spell to work.
18:21No, no, no, no, no.
18:25Please? Pretty, pretty, pretty, please? You don't have to swallow the branches, I promise.
18:35Fine. Fine. But Lindley...
18:40Payback is gonna be a bitch.
18:47How do you feel?
18:50Less than fresh.
18:52What is going on in here?
18:54Just a couple of crazy kids practicing a little bit of black magic.
18:58You know, you shouldn't mess with things that you don't understand.
19:09Here. This will take you through the woods and to the church.
19:12And, oh yeah, don't get lost because it's very dark, it's very dangerous,
19:17and there is an excellent chance that you will never be seen or heard from ever again.
19:26Take that Mary Waldeck girl, for example. Was she a witch?
19:29I think not. Sounds like she just had a bad case of the warm and fuzzies.
19:33Huh. It's too heartbreaking for words.
19:36I couldn't disagree more.
19:38What do you think you're...
19:40It clearly illustrates how love can thrive in even the worst of circumstances.
19:45Yeah, and look what happened to her.
19:47Nobody knows what happened to her.
19:49Well, I think it's safe to assume that Mary Waldeck is a witch.
19:52Nobody knows what happened to her.
19:54Well, I think it's safe to assume that Mary died a very sad and lonely death,
19:58separated from the one boy she ever loved.
20:01No, I don't buy that.
20:02If two people are truly, madly, deeply in love, they'll figure out a way to be with each other.
20:06They were young. They were split up for a long time.
20:08Maybe he forgot about her. Maybe he met someone else.
20:12If he did meet somebody else and forgot about her,
20:15then obviously they were never meant to be in the first place. See my point?
20:19Could you be any more naive?
20:21Could you be any more cynical?
20:22Could you be any more irritating?
20:24Pipe down, you guys. We're here.
20:28What do you think the chances are that I got a men's room in there?
20:31I think I went a little heavy on the witch's brew.
20:43Did you get any straps and open-toed shoes?
20:46Not on my watch.
20:52Inappropriate display of the female form. Statute 97.1. Offensive and disgusting.
21:06Excuse me. Excuse me.
21:08In case you didn't know, Elvis has most definitely left the building.
21:12And in his absence, there will be no sideburns creeping past the earlobes.
21:16Rules of conduct, baby. Read them, learn them, live them.
21:21You're cheating again.
21:25Uh, be a horse, you know?
21:52Listen to this. The townspeople built a church because they thought it would help the girls find God.
21:59They'd send a minister over every Sunday, but the girls would just tease him so mercilessly,
22:03eventually he gave up and stopped coming.
22:05I could hang with those girls.
22:11I wonder if Pacey loves me yet.
22:18They were murdered.
22:21Beg your pardon?
22:23It says here that a group of men from the mainland treated the island like their own personal brothel.
22:29When word got out, the Bible-thumpers got together and decided enough was enough.
22:34And then an angry mob came, crawled the girls into this church, set it on fire.
22:41And that's when William must have run off with Mary.
22:43Hold on, Romeo. Why are you reading into this all of a sudden?
22:47How do you know that William didn't light the torch?
22:49Uh, I don't know, maybe because he loved her?
22:53How do you know he was such the enlightened male, Boston?
22:56I mean, if the whole town thinks your girlfriend's a witch, maybe it's just easier to go with the flow.
23:02That's not the story I'm interested in telling.
23:04Well, a good documentarian looks at the story from all possible angles, Boston.
23:08Not just from the perspective of his cloying and annoying worldview.
23:15Hey, is Pacey showing up again?
23:19Not since he went in search for the perfect tree.
23:22We gotta get back, it's starting to get dark.
23:24You know what, I'll go find him. You two go back to that boat guy and make sure he doesn't leave without us.
23:28We'll meet you back at the docks.
23:39Joey, why does my optimism have you so hurt?
23:45That's not what's hurting me, Dawson.
23:47What is it?
23:51What's going on with us?
23:53Oh, God, Joey, this is not the time or the place to run through an exhaustive dissertation on the state of our relationship.
23:59Right. You know, we should just stand back and watch it crumble around us.
24:03We'll deal with it later when it's more convenient.
24:05We're friends, why can't we just leave it at that?
24:11Yeah, you take away everything else that we are, and that's what we are, we're friends.
24:17Dawson, you can't just will a friendship into existence.
24:24You know, I give up. For the first time in my life, I have no idea what you're talking about.
24:28Of course you don't.
24:30Well, explain yourself.
24:32Dawson, what exactly do you know about my life these days? I mean, think about it.
24:37I mean, do you know how I lost my job, how I did on my PSATs, how the Potter sisters are eking out their meager living?
24:47And you know, I don't know a thing about your life either.
24:51Joey, I'm sorry if I've been distant, but I thought that's what we needed.
24:57You know what?
25:00The last year of my life has been this wide-awake nightmare of conflicting emotions.
25:07And no matter how bad it got, there was always one thing that kept me going.
25:13And that was us.
25:15Our bond, our connection, whatever you want to call it.
25:20You know, it made me feel like I wasn't alone, that I was part of something special.
25:27So, I'm not standing here whining about being friends or not being friends.
25:34It's just, for the first time in my life, I'm not feeling that connection, Dawson.
25:45It scares me.
26:00There you are. Great. Get in, let's go.
26:04No, we can't leave yet. We got split up from our friends.
26:07Stupid, stupid, stupid.
26:09Stupid. Didn't I warn you guys about getting stuck out here past dark? I'm pretty sure that I did.
26:14You'll be here any minute.
26:15No. Uh-uh. No way. I'm not staying.
26:18Weird things happen out here at night, man.
26:21So, you can come with me now, or I can come back in the morning and find out who's still alive.
26:31We're not going to leave without our friends.
26:33Fine. I warned you guys.
26:37I told you.
26:39Whatever you do, don't go in the woods!
27:02So, you feel anything yet?
27:04Feel what exactly?
27:07The spell.
27:11Yeah. Yeah, I am actually starting to feel something.
27:14I think I'm starting to feel a little lost. That's what it is, lost.
27:19Yeah, I know.
27:23Chris, I gotta say, the idea of a wholesome, biblically-themed meal this evening with grams isn't sounding too gosh darn unappealing.
27:31I'd even consider saying grace, but instead, I am traipsing around some haunted forest with the likes of you.
27:40Why am I always the bad guy? Huh? Do I deserve this? I don't think so.
27:46What is it about me that inspires such vitriolic diatribes?
27:51Take Andy, for example.
27:54She goes away for the summer and sleeps with a mental patient.
27:59So I break up with her for conduct on becoming a girlfriend, something which I think that I was pretty justified in,
28:05yet somehow, she manages to turn it around so that I feel like the creep at the end of the day.
28:10How does that happen?
28:12Wait, you think you're the creep?
28:14Just wait until some sweet, innocent freshman gets a crush on you,
28:19and then you accidentally, on purpose, break his smitten little heart, thus derailing his nascent love life forever.
28:29Love has this horrible habit of messing everything up.
28:33That it does.
28:36But sex is nice.
28:40Yes, it is.
28:41Yes, it is.
28:43Sex, good. Love, bad. You toss it into the wok, it messes the whole thing up.
28:48This is true.
28:50I'm starting to think that maybe casual sex is the way to go.
28:54But sex is never casual, Pacey.
28:56Perhaps. But what if both partners agreed to the terms beforehand?
29:02Like a prenup?
29:03Yes, exactly. Like a pre-getting-busy agreement.
29:07I'm just thinking out loud here, but the concept of two horny teenagers coming together for some gleefully nasty coitus
29:14and partying as friends is positively revolutionary in this day and age.
29:19Sounds killer in theory.
29:21No guilt.
29:23No shame.
29:24No head games.
29:25No bed mixtapes.
29:27I hate those.
29:30You know, this may be the witch's brood talking, Lily, but you are starting to look all kinds of cute.
29:52Another day goes by without word from William.
29:55It's been but a few weeks' time since I arrived on the island, yet it feels like an eternity.
30:00This time apart has me wondering if our bond was but an illusion.
30:04Is that what you think, Joey?
30:08That our relationship was some sleight-of-hand magic trick you made to fill up some hole in your life?
30:13Look, I didn't say that, Dawson. Don't put words into my mouth.
30:16I don't have to.
30:18Dawson, don't you ever wonder, you know, where this is going, where we are exactly?
30:25I mean, is this just the first act, or is our story ended and we're just too stupid to realize it?
30:31Why do we have to figure all that out right now, and what's wrong with just living the present for once?
30:36Because the present sucks, Dawson.
30:39I mean, excuse me for thinking back and looking forward, but I'm just trying to make sense of what's happened to us.
30:55Joey, you yourself once told me that some love stories never end.
31:02What happened to that girl?
31:06She offered herself to the boy she loved.
31:11The boy she thought loved her back.
31:18And he rejected her.
31:21Joey, listen to me. If we are truly meant to be, then we will find our way back to each other.
31:30It's as simple as that.
31:33Are you so sure about that, Dawson?
31:43I fill my days with memories of him.
31:46I fill my days with memories of him.
31:50I remember how he used to look at me, as if I was his most valuable treasure.
31:57Has he found a new treasure?
32:00I can't help but wonder if we will be able to find our way back to each other.
32:04The road before us seems so very long, and my head is clouded with such dark thoughts.
32:10I feel our bond grows weaker by the day, and I'm powerless to stop it.
32:23That's probably them.
32:40Hey. You rang?
32:43Are you guys all right?
32:45We didn't ring. Somebody rang.
32:54This is mighty peculiar, people.
32:57It's a strange place.
32:59It's a strange place.
33:01It's a strange place.
33:03It's a strange place.
33:05It's a strange place.
33:07This is mighty peculiar, people.
33:12There's no bell.
33:21Okay. I'm now sufficiently late.
33:37How goes the 17th century, sir?
33:41She just got a letter from William.
33:44Since how?
33:47November 10th, 1693.
33:50Is this us today?
33:52That's also the anniversary of the fire.
33:59A letter today from my beloved William.
34:01He has made me so happy.
34:03He says he's coming tonight to take me away from this godforsaken prison.
34:07Yet I am scared.
34:09He says there are those in town who feel we should be punished further for our crimes.
34:14It's lost entry.
34:17So, you think he's come back for it?
34:24He probably played it for a fool and took up with some well-bred hussy from the mainland.
34:30Come on, Joey. Hop on the happy train.
34:34Sounds to me like those two are madly in love.
34:40You know, I hate to be one of those girls who mistakes pop lyrics for profound thought.
34:45But sometimes, love just ain't enough.
34:50And I hate to be the one to burst this whole subtextual bubble that you're living in.
34:55But do me a favor, Joey.
34:57Don't let somebody else's love life dictate your own.
35:16You're not filming anymore, hombre?
35:20Not for me particularly visionary at the moment.
35:32Let me ask you something, Casey. Do you think I made a mistake?
35:37Why and where?
35:42I told Joey that we needed some time apart.
35:45Do you think you made a mistake?
35:49Not at first, but...
35:51When I look at her now, I see how far apart we drifted and I...
35:58I don't know. What if I was wrong?
36:02What if we don't end up together? It's all my fault.
36:09You want to know what I see when I look at you, Dawson?
36:13For better or for worse, I see a guy who consistently wears his heart on his sleeve.
36:21So no matter how harsh it may seem in retrospect when you decided to put some distance between yourself and Joey...
36:29I know all you were doing was just following your heart.
36:33With that in mind, I really don't think it's possible for you to have made a mistake.
36:51So you honestly think we can pull this one off?
36:55I don't see why not.
36:59You don't have any feelings for me, right?
37:01None whatsoever. No offense, of course.
37:05I'll take it. Of course.
37:08You don't have any feelings for me, right?
37:10None whatsoever. No offense, of course.
37:13I'll take it. Of course.
37:16You don't have any feelings for me, right?
37:18You don't have any feelings for me? Feelings?
37:20Hardly ever think about you. You gotta love that.
37:24So what do we do now?
37:29Should I take my pants off?
37:31Maybe we should kiss first.
37:35Yeah. That's a good idea.
37:48Is this the smell?
37:50I don't know.
37:52I don't know. I don't care.
37:55All I know is that in November of 1999,
37:59four hyper-verbal teenagers wandered off into the woods on Witch Island to film some ridiculous documentary for history class.
38:06And eight hours later,
38:09two of them started making out.
38:19That one's sweet.
38:25Try again.
38:38How about that one?
38:41Not so much.
39:16Open the door!
39:17Open the door!
39:18Break it down!
39:19Break it!
39:20Break it down!
39:21Open the door!
39:22Open the door!
39:23Break it down!
39:24Break it!
39:25Break it!
39:26Break it down!
39:27Open the door!
39:28Break it!
39:29Break it!
39:30Break it down!
39:31Open the door!
39:32Break it!
39:33Break it!
39:34Break it!
39:35Break it!
39:36Break it!
39:37Break it!
39:38Break it!
39:39Break it!
39:40Break it!
39:41Break it!
39:42Break it!
39:43Break it!
39:44Break it!
39:45Break it!
39:47Break it!
39:49Break it!
39:51Break it!
39:53Break it!
39:55Break it!
39:57Break it!
39:59Break it!
40:01Break it!
40:03Your hands shouldn't be here!
40:13because I, for one, am not sticking around to find out.
40:15Come on.
40:20Let's go.
40:30Hey, the boat's here.
40:31Get in, get in.
40:32Come on.
40:33All right.
40:36Watch it.
40:37All right.
40:38Get in, get in, get in.
40:40Go, go, go, go, go.
40:41Come on.
40:44Get in, get in, get in.
40:50Quite honest, I had envisioned a much more straightforward documentary
40:53on the history of which island, but
40:56I was surprised by what I found there.
40:59A love story.
41:01Pure and simple.
41:03Two soulmates torn apart by the social climate of their time,
41:06and while what happened to a Sunny Island is certainly open to interpretation,
41:09there's no disputing the fact the island
41:11and embodies the emotional turmoil of a girl who didn't know what the future held for her and the boy she loved.
41:17It's nice work, Mr. Leary.
41:19A tad derivative in the wake of the whole Blair Witch phenomenon,
41:24but inspired work nonetheless.
41:27I particularly like the part where-
41:29Hey, ma'am, what's that all about?
41:33It looks like two people standing on the dock watching you go.
41:39See? We're close.
42:10Oh, tomorrow
42:13will be another day.
42:17Principal Green.
42:19We've got a situation here.
42:23Milling and making a filthy den in the library.
42:28One week's detention.
42:31Miss McPhee, you care to explain what's going on here?
42:35Principal Green, I took your advice and I ran with it.
42:38I've teamed up with Belinda,
42:40and we've taken the first steps towards improving the quality of life at Capeside.
42:44What could all of these students have possibly done wrong?
42:47Each and every one of them was in direct violation of the rules of conduct.
42:52The rules of conduct were prepared in 1957.
42:55Of course they're going to be in violation.
42:57Now, after you've dismissed these students, I'd like you to stop by my office.
43:25So when are we going to talk about it?
43:28Talk about what exactly?
43:30What happened out there.
43:32What did happen out there, Lindley?
43:35I don't have any idea.
43:37But I would just prefer if it didn't get in the way of our experiment.
43:43Perhaps we should take the shadowy, ill-explained events of our brief sojourn in the woods as something of an omen.
43:56If nothing else, that gooey little melodrama only proves that love just mucks everything up.
44:02So then your thinking would be that we should still have sex?
44:09Well, alright then.
44:21Do you want to do it right now?
44:30Do you?
44:32I'm kind of tired, actually.
44:34Oh, fine.
44:37Roz was on in five minutes anyway, so...
44:40You just let me know when you want to do it, and I'll do it, too.
44:46Okay, so let me get this straight.
44:50If I am ever in the need of a release, you're just going to help me out?
45:01But keep in mind it's a two-way street.
45:03Of course.
45:06Well, that sounds fantastic.
45:09Doesn't it?
45:10It does.
45:12Should we, uh, I don't know, should we kiss on that?
45:17No, kissing is intimate, and we're not about intimacy.
45:22Perhaps we should just shake on it, then.
45:28Shake it.
45:31It's a good scene, yeah?
45:32I mean, who else could it be other than Wendy and that boat guy?
45:35I mean, he's a guy, she's a girl, they both had access to the island,
45:39they left the boat out there for us.
45:41I mean, it's the only possible explanation.
45:44The only possible explanation?
45:49Interior version.
45:53The girl is Mary Waldack and the guy is William Bennett.
45:57Look at those clothes.
45:58Those are 17th century clothes, I've never seen them.
46:01I think the crack habit has definitely come between you and your cognitive powers, Dawson.
46:06Obviously, Wendy and the boat guy were screwing with us the whole time.
46:19I don't know, maybe you're right.
46:21Maybe we've seen the world according to Dawson one too many times.
46:26Maybe we should just step out of the movie theater into the harsh light of day.
46:33I don't know, Dawson.
46:34I mean, maybe you're right.
46:36Maybe William and Mary found their way back to each other after all.
46:45You think?
46:48It's just a thought.
46:54Oh, I want to apologize.
46:57For what?
46:59For taking our friendship for granted.
47:03I was wrong to think that we could just pick up right where we left off.
47:11Well, it's not entirely your fault, Dawson.
47:14I mean, look at us.
47:16We've spent years intellectualizing every little feeling, and...
47:21It doesn't count for anything.
47:23All that matters is what we do.
47:27You know?
47:28How we take care of each other, so...
47:33So let's not talk this to death.
47:37Let's take it slow, and...
47:42Check in with each other every once in a while.
47:47That sounds immensely doable.
48:01I think this is one X-file we're never gonna close.
48:06Well, not unless we go back.
48:13Come on, Joey. A sequel?
48:17Let's just see how this one opens first.
48:26By the way, how did you do on your PSATs?
