Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 22 Parental Discretion Advised

  • 2 days ago
Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 22 Parental Discretion Advised


00:00He's taking us back to Providence.
00:01I love you, and I'm so proud of you, and proud to be with you.
00:06I'm taking you back to my place.
00:09It's pretty empty, and, uh, I could use a roommate.
00:14You'll get better, actually.
00:17Then you'll hurry back to me, OK?
00:23Good times roll.
00:25Is it your idea I should live with you as your mistress?
00:28I want to.
00:30Somehow, I want to get away with you
00:32and find a world where words like that don't exist.
00:36Oh, my dear.
00:41Where is that country?
00:43Have you ever been there?
00:48Gee, they're abrupt.
00:49I've heard enough unrecorded about 40.
00:53It's too torturous.
00:59I wonder what sick part it is about me
01:01that thrives off of these kinds of love stories.
01:04The kinds that end unhappily?
01:07I mean, the kinds that never really end.
01:10I mean, think about it.
01:11To continue loving somebody when there's
01:13no promise of that love ever thriving,
01:16that is romantic.
01:20Oh, that is tragedy.
01:22Not all love stories have a built-in happy ending,
01:26True, but do I revel in the ones that don't?
01:31I'm sorry.
01:32Sad stories are just more powerful.
01:35I prefer them.
01:39But then, do you think that...
01:53Do you think that kind of preference
01:54has some kind of effect in your own love story?
01:57It absolutely does.
02:00And that doesn't worry you?
02:02Because the effect is positive.
02:05I mean, it's movies like these
02:06that remind me of how unmovable
02:08and strong love can be.
02:10But they don't end happily.
02:12I mean, Daniel Day-Lewis never gets Michelle Pfeiffer.
02:15It's not their fault.
02:17But what good is their love
02:18if it's not strong enough
02:19to overcome those circumstances?
02:21Because in spite of the circumstances,
02:24they never stop loving.
02:36So tell me, Joey Potter.
02:41Will you always love me?
02:44No matter what the circumstances?
02:59It doesn't matter.
03:02We get the happy ending.
03:14My heart is in my hands
03:18My head is in the clouds
03:22My feet have left the ground
03:25My life is turning around
03:31Every voice inside my head
03:35Is telling me to run like mad
03:40Bowls and arrows
03:42Stars and sunsets
03:44Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:46Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:48Every heartbeat
03:50Every kiss
03:52Just makes me wonder
03:55What all this is
03:57Suits of armor
03:59Hearts and arrows
04:01Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:04I need some father-son advice.
04:06What do you do when you know something really bad
04:08about someone who's really close
04:10to someone you care about?
04:12Do you tell the someone that you care about
04:14or do you just try to forget
04:16that you know the bad thing?
04:18How bad is bad?
04:20Let's say beyond bad.
04:22Well, then you have two choices.
04:24You can either tell the someone
04:26that you really care about
04:28what the someone they really care about
04:30is telling you.
04:33Or you can go straight to the someone
04:35who's done the bad thing
04:37and confront them directly
04:39in the hopes that they'll do the right thing.
04:43That's got nothing on you.
04:45And, um,
04:49about your dad.
04:53I've decided
04:55to take the job in Philly.
04:57I'm gonna fly down there tomorrow
04:59and officially accept
05:02sign the contract
05:04and firm up my plans to relocate.
05:06Is this really what you want?
05:08Well, the someone that I really care about
05:10has done nothing to even remotely
05:12suggest he may care about me.
05:20I just need a minute.
05:24good morning.
05:28do you have a review for geometry?
05:30I was counting on you.
05:32Two minutes.
05:34How's it going, Dawson?
05:38Ready for exams?
05:40Hope so.
05:42How about you?
05:44Doing good. Doing real good.
05:46And legal?
05:50I hate exams.
05:52You know, you guys,
05:54since the ice house is closed
05:56for the last stage of renovations,
05:59there are plenty of old menu items
06:01to eat up. Invite your friends.
06:03Sounds cool. Dawson?
06:05Sounds good.
06:09I'll see ya.
06:13See ya, Mr. Potter.
06:17See ya, Dawson.
06:29Well, if this doesn't help me survive the morning,
06:31I don't know what will.
06:33You're gonna need a lot more than coffee
06:35after that all-nighter you pulled in the den last night.
06:37I need some study geek,
06:39and even that much I've heard on paper.
06:41Yeah, well, I had a lot to say.
06:45What's it about?
06:47Teen suicide.
06:49You have a lot to say about teen suicide?
06:51Should I start to plan the intervention?
06:53Well, not just yet.
06:55I mean, I'm not on the window ledge
06:58right now.
07:00Right now?
07:02This conversation just took a decidedly gruesome turn.
07:04No, it's just realistic.
07:06Realistic to who?
07:08Well, to most teenagers.
07:10The materials that I read
07:12cite a high percentage as having considered
07:14suicide at least once.
07:16Come on, haven't you ever?
07:20maybe one time, yeah, but
07:22since I'm
07:24dealing with everything, it hasn't really crossed my mind.
07:27Well, if it doesn't scare me as much as it used to,
07:29then, uh, what's your answer?
07:41Hi, Gramps.
07:43How are you?
07:45Late for class.
07:47Jennifer, wait.
07:49I thought about
07:51how we ended things,
07:53and I've given it a great deal
07:55of consideration, and
07:57despite our differences,
07:59I want you to come home.
08:01I have
08:03to home now.
08:05Jennifer, I know you want your independence,
08:07but this situation
08:09isn't right.
08:11Jack is used to taking care of himself,
08:13and that's something that I'm determined
08:15to learn how. Together, we're gonna be fine.
08:17No, Jack has no alternative.
08:19You do.
08:21You come here to welcome me home,
08:24but you haven't even addressed why I left.
08:26And to be quite honest,
08:28I don't want to get into it right now with you.
08:42Unit 7, continuing surveillance at
08:44Cooper Avenue.
08:46That's the ISS.
08:48You guys taking it out?
08:50As far as you're concerned.
08:53Pop, if this means you're gonna start harassing Joey's dad...
08:55I'm not harassing anybody.
08:57I wear a badge, and I do a job.
08:59Mr. Potter's
09:01finally putting his family's life back together.
09:03The guy deserves a break.
09:05I'll be the judge of that.
09:07In the meantime, you got a final gift,
09:09and now don't screw it up.
09:13Is there any possibility that your advice will ever
09:15take on a positive tone?
09:17I'm positive.
09:19You better not screw it up.
09:21Gee, Dad, you know, it's really great that we can
09:23have these talks every morning.
09:28Since your little girlfriend left,
09:30your attitude has gone from bad to worse,
09:32and I don't approve of it.
09:34No girl is worth messing up your life over.
09:36You hear me?
09:39May I go now, sir?
09:51You trying to run your own with the car this morning?
09:53May as well have the bastard.
09:55What's wrong?
09:57You heard Commander yet?
09:59Uh, no.
10:01No, I haven't.
10:03You know, she'll call.
10:05Your favorite guidance counselor will be
10:07proctoring this exam today.
10:09If you have any questions,
10:11please raise your hand,
10:13and I will come to you.
10:15And I will come to you.
10:46What is it?
10:52I suppose you, uh,
10:56want to know what the hell I think I'm doing.
11:00Not really.
11:02I'm just
11:04here to tell you that whatever it is,
11:06I don't believe it.
11:08I saw you in the backroom
11:10at the P.E. the other day when I was returning
11:12your tools.
11:15I don't believe it.
11:17I don't believe
11:19that a man who claims to love his children
11:21with all his heart and all his soul
11:23would traffic cocaine through the family business
11:25thought and do believe
11:27that anyone engaged
11:29in such a blatant criminal activity
11:31would put the well-being
11:33of his family ahead of his own selfishness
11:35and remove himself
11:37from the situation.
11:41What if that man found himself stuck?
11:43Could you believe that?
11:45If that were true, a smart man
11:47would do absolutely
11:49everything in his power for the sake
11:51of the people who love him
11:53to unstick himself.
11:57And he'd do it fast.
12:13So now I say...
12:15So Dawson will stay here with you.
12:17I think it's a mistake to uproot him now
12:19with school and everything.
12:21I agree.
12:23And I was hoping that you'd move back into the house
12:25and this summer he can come down to Philadelphia
12:27and maybe intern at the station.
12:29If he wants to.
12:31If he wants to, yes.
12:33Mitchell, I know he's happy here.
12:35But you're obviously not.
12:37I didn't say that.
12:39I have a job opportunity
12:42I want to take.
12:44You know that I have outgrown my career here.
12:46What you're saying is that your decision
12:48is based on what's best for you
12:50and not what's best for our son.
12:52What I'm saying is
12:54what's best for me is ultimately
12:56what's best for our son.
12:58And he, believe it or not, understands this.
13:00Which is more than I could hope.
13:04Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?
13:08Just that I'm leaving tomorrow.
13:12Are we really just two satellites?
13:18Two satellites.
13:28Reaching across the porcelain line.
13:36What are you doing here, patient?
13:39We're signing a peace treaty.
13:44Studying, Pop. Studying.
13:48Joey, is your father around?
13:50Hello, John.
13:52Restaurant's closed.
13:54Hi, Mike.
13:56Can I speak to you for a moment?
13:58In private?
14:00Sure. Come on back.
14:05What's going on?
14:07Don't look at me.
14:09My father's crusades are his own deal.
14:11Hey, Mike. How you been?
14:13Good. And you?
14:15Good. Thanks.
14:17Listen, uh,
14:19seen this guy around?
14:21Pete Lewis.
14:23He's an old friend.
14:25Yeah, with alleged history in narcotics, Mike.
14:27I wouldn't know, John.
14:29We have a strictly social relationship.
14:31He stopped by for a visit. Catch up.
14:33That's all.
14:38Find everything you need, Mr. Witter?
14:40Sure did, Joey. Thank you.
14:42Need any more help back here, Dad?
14:46No. We're done.
14:48Listen, have a good night.
14:50The place is looking great, Mike.
14:52Thanks. Hey, stop by next week when we're open.
14:54I'll get you a free dinner.
14:56I'll do that. Thanks.
15:01What's going on?
15:03He's just giving me an official welcome.
15:05That's all, Joe.
15:07Go back to your friends.
15:09They're never gonna leave us alone, are they?
15:11Not for a while.
15:15I guess we'll just have to ignore them.
15:33Why is Facey's dad doing this?
15:37Because it's his job.
15:39No, it's his job to serve and protect Capeside
15:41from criminals, not my dad.
15:43I mean, he doesn't belong in that category anymore.
15:47Look, I know you're mad.
15:49Well, you should be mad, too.
15:51You're part of his family now.
15:57When you say it like that, I'm furious.
16:01I'm furious.
16:37You know, it sounds like she wants to reconcile your differences.
16:41She's the untrained here, maybe,
16:43but to me it's just the same
16:47and I'm not the girl she wants around.
16:49She did ask you back.
16:53I don't want to go back.
16:55Well, no one's saying
16:57that you have to, but
17:00she is right.
17:02Your situation isn't mine.
17:08What, you don't think that I've been under the same kind of scrutiny?
17:10You have a rough hour, as Jed.
17:16I thought that we had developed a closeness.
17:20We have.
17:22So then why do you want me to go?
17:26I never said that I wanted you to go.
17:29You did. I mean, bringing up my grandmother,
17:31talking about me moving back,
17:33it's obvious where that leads.
17:35Is this what you did with her?
17:37You turned her words all around
17:39until you're convinced that she wants you to go.
17:41I don't have any idea what you're talking about.
17:43No, I think I do.
17:45You act like moving in with me
17:47is going to be some great salvation.
17:49Let me tell you something. It isn't.
17:51Because my dad's going to have to sell the house soon
17:53and then we're both going to be homeless.
17:55By then I will have put myself out of my misery.
17:59Don't say that.
18:01Don't worry, Jack. Statistics are on my side.
18:03But I'll be gone a bit tonight.
18:21Stay out of this, Casey.
18:23You and I got a whole other problem to deal with.
18:25Of course we do.
18:29Mr. Milo, he's worried about you.
18:31He told me you've blown two of your finals.
18:33I got it under control, okay?
18:35Casey, he said you didn't write word one
18:37on either exam. That true?
18:41What were you thinking?
18:43I was thinking that it doesn't really matter, okay?
18:45The hell it doesn't.
18:47You get your things. You're coming home.
18:51I don't want you hanging out here, Casey.
18:53Mr. Potter's a known felon. It doesn't make me look good.
18:57Is that what this is about?
18:59Get your stuff.
19:01I said no!
19:03I said get your stuff!
19:05Hands off!
19:11I'll be in the car.
19:27I know you smell that.
19:31What's it come in for?
19:33There's a fire!
19:35What's wrong with you?
19:45I'm trying to get you to get rid of it.
20:02Dad! Joey!
20:06I'm trying to get you out of here!
20:24Come on, let's get out of here!
20:28Let's get out of here!
20:39I can't get that!
20:55Come on!
21:09Oh, my God!
21:24Oh, my God!
21:55Oh, my God!
21:57Oh, my God!
22:02Is this your idea of taking care of things?
22:05It's not that simple, Dawson.
22:07You need to go to the police and tell them everything you know.
22:10I can't. It's too dangerous.
22:12This is too dangerous.
22:14I'll check it out.
22:17They asked for the hero next.
22:19I'll be him.
22:22I'm not a hero, Joey.
22:24Don't be modest, Dawson.
22:26You saved my life. You're the hero.
22:29Some situations are too tragic to be heroes.
22:33This is one of them.
22:51Come on.
23:01That bastard was lying to me.
23:03He's in it up through his neck and he knows it.
23:06Come on. You don't even know if this has anything to do with him.
23:10A random arson incident in the middle of Cape Sign?
23:13Let's consider the likelihood of that, basically.
23:17If God hadn't blessed you with my good looks,
23:19I would know whose son you were.
23:21Why don't you drive yourself home
23:23before you make another embarrassing comment?
23:26I think I'll walk.
23:28As if I care.
23:29I know who you assumed you did, Pop.
23:34You'll have to excuse my son, boys.
23:36His girlfriend moves away and suddenly it's his time of month.
23:40Screw you, okay?
23:47Get your hands off me or you don't touch me again, ever!
23:50Finally, my boy gets a pair.
23:53All it took was getting his heart broke by some little girl with a few screws.
24:02Andy did more for my life in six months than you did in 16 years, you rotten son of a bitch.
24:07So if you want to make fun of me,
24:09and you want to bust on me, that's fine.
24:12But you so much as make one more even slightly disparaging comment
24:15about the woman I love,
24:17then I swear to God you're going to be policing this town from a hospital bed.
24:20You understand me?
24:23Now, one more thing.
24:26Even if Mr. Potter was involved in all this,
24:30he's still ten times the father you ever were.
24:33There's no reason if we can get an inspector out there tomorrow
24:36that we can't file a claim.
24:38We'll start the procedure.
24:39What's going on?
24:40Your sister and I are going over the insurance papers.
24:43No, I mean with the police.
24:44Why is the ice house taped off?
24:47The fire was arson-related.
24:48It's a typical investigative procedure.
24:50So there's nothing else going on?
24:52Joey, what are you saying?
24:53I mean, what are you talking about?
24:55I mean, what are you talking about?
24:57I mean, what are you talking about?
24:58I mean, what are you talking about?
24:59I mean, what are you talking about?
25:00I mean, what are you talking about?
25:01Joey, what are you saying?
25:02I'm just asking Dad if he knows why the police are so interested in the fire
25:06or why there was even a fire in the first place.
25:09As God as my witness, I have no idea.
25:12You're positive.
25:13Josephine Potter, you stop it right now.
25:15No, I want him to swear.
25:21I just swore to you, Joey.
25:24I know.
25:25I need you to swear again.
25:27I need to know that you're telling me the truth.
25:30Do you have any idea who started that fire?
25:47There's no question.
25:48You have to go to the police.
25:50And immediately.
25:52Whoever Joey's dad is dealing with,
25:54they are capable of burning down a building, honey.
25:56They are capable of much worse.
25:59I realize that, but how can I do this to Joey?
26:01I mean, she finally gets her family back.
26:03I'm going to be the one who's going to take it away from her?
26:05Well, Joey's father is responsible here, not you.
26:09But what if I just gave him some time?
26:11I mean, maybe he could fix things.
26:13The man just got out of prison less than a month ago,
26:15and he's already committed the same crime that put him there in the first place.
26:19I just wish I never saw what I saw.
26:22There's a reason that you did, honey.
26:25Joey's in danger, and she needs your strength.
26:28Even if that strength doesn't come in the way she may want.
26:31You have to go to the police.
26:34There's really nothing else left to do.
26:40There is one thing.
26:44You didn't make a move tonight.
26:46You stood there, and you watched that fire,
26:48and you didn't run away from it. Why?
26:50Because I was just in shock, all right?
26:52No, I don't believe you.
26:55I don't remember what happened, Jack.
27:01All the truth, Jen.
27:06All your little comments.
27:08How much do you mean?
27:12I'm not the kind of person that would take their own life,
27:15if that's what you're thinking, Jack, but...
27:18But when I was standing there,
27:23staring at that fire,
27:25I just kept thinking that maybe...
27:30maybe this is fate's way of providing me with an out.
27:38Jack, I don't want to die, but I just don't want to die.
27:41I don't want to die.
27:43I don't want to die.
27:45Jack, I don't want to die, but I just didn't...
27:50care enough to run.
28:00I understand what you're going through.
28:07I know how numbing the pain of hating yourself is.
28:13You know, it makes you want to just push everybody away,
28:17especially the people that care about you the most.
28:24But you can't.
28:27How do you plan on ever being happy?
28:42I don't know.
29:07Hey, you called.
29:15I'm gonna have to tell you you're not gonna like it.
29:18So, um, I'm just gonna say it really quickly.
29:22Joe, your father's dealing drugs again.
29:28You don't know that.
29:30Yes, I do. I caught him.
29:33And that's not all this fire tonight was not
29:36all but partially his responsibility.
29:40I talked to him about it. I talked to my parents about it.
29:44I didn't want to talk to you about it
29:46because I didn't want you to have to know,
29:48but now it's gone too far.
29:51He told me he had nothing to do with the fire.
29:53He swore to me.
29:55He's lying to you.
29:56Well, I believe him.
29:58I know you want to believe him.
29:59No, I do.
30:00Why would I lie about this?
30:02Why are you doing this?
30:03Because you need to know the truth.
30:05All right, this is a very dangerous situation now.
30:09That your father can help apprehend
30:11the people who are responsible for this.
30:13If we went to the police,
30:14maybe you could work something out for your dad.
30:18You want me to turn my father in?
30:19What kind of a person do you think I am?
30:21Why are you doing this?
30:22Joe, this isn't my fault.
30:23Yes, it is!
30:24There's no other option.
30:25Look, you just couldn't leave well enough alone.
30:27You had to get involved.
30:29Joe, I love you, all right?
30:30I'm not gonna let you risk your life
30:31to protect somebody who isn't protecting you.
30:33Dawson, this is my father.
30:35I am begging you.
30:36Please, just stay out of it.
30:38I can't.
30:39Yes, you can.
30:41I mean, not just for me,
30:42and not just for my family's sake,
30:44but for us.
30:45I'm telling you, Dawson.
30:47We won't survive this.
30:49That's a risk that I'm willing to take.
30:53Because I care about you more than I care about myself.
30:58And somebody has to do the right thing.
31:01If you can't, then I will.
31:22If I have to wait until I have enough proof to arrest your father,
31:25he's going away for life.
31:27He's going away for life.
31:29You don't even have proof.
31:32So why should I go along with this?
31:38Joey, the men who tipped me off to your father's dealing
31:40are his competitors.
31:42They're also responsible for that fire last night.
31:45Now, if your father doesn't help me get them,
31:48they're gonna keep helping me until I get him.
31:52You guys have no idea what you're asking me to do.
31:55He is putting your entire family in danger, Joey.
32:00Well, it's my family, Mr. Whitter.
32:03And what benefits my family is being together and trusting each other.
32:11Do you think your father's betrayed that trust?
32:19Not right now. I think I trust him a lot more than I trust any of you.
32:25You know, could we just have a couple minutes alone?
32:47He wants to help, Joey. He cares. We all do.
32:51I appreciate the concern, Dawson.
32:54What I don't appreciate is having the solution forced down my throat.
32:57Joey, I tried to talk to your father.
32:59Yeah, that's just it, Dawson. You tried.
33:02But he's not your father, Dawson.
33:04It doesn't matter if he goes off to prison for the rest of your life, does it?
33:07That's why I came to you.
33:08Yeah, with the decision already made.
33:10I wish there was another option. There isn't. You have to understand that.
33:16I understand, Dawson, that in that black and white world in which you live,
33:21you didn't see any choices.
33:23But that's not my world.
33:25I see things in grey, and that's what makes us different,
33:28and that's what made me fall in love with you,
33:30and that is what is tearing us apart.
33:54We did well with our son.
33:58Our one success.
34:02But we've had more success than that, Gail.
34:08The past 24 hours
34:12have reminded me what I love so much about being part of our family.
34:16Dawson was able to count on us when he needed to,
34:19and I felt like a father again, you know.
34:26And if you didn't believe it, a husband.
34:32Oh, man.
34:46Stay here with me.
34:49With us.
34:56You see,
34:59ever since you left, I have prayed for the day that you'd come back.
35:04I mean, that didn't happen.
35:07I started seeing Philly for what it was.
35:10And oddly enough, it felt more right than anything had in a long time.
35:16We can be right again too, Gail.
35:20I want my old life back. I want us.
35:23No, you want what we had.
35:28We'll never have that again, Mitch.
35:33I'm gonna do something that's right for both of us.
35:37I'm gonna take the unplanned route for a little while,
35:41in the hopes that
35:44whatever we lost
35:47we'll be able to stumble upon again.
36:06Did Dawson understand?
36:10He understands how much I love him.
36:15That's enough, I think.
36:54I have three conditions.
37:01that we address the reality of why this didn't work out before.
37:07I know that I made some mistakes, but
37:11but even on my best behavior, I never felt like I was comfortable living here with you.
37:18I never felt like I was good enough.
37:25I need you to acknowledge that I've been through a lot in my life,
37:30more than most girls my age, and
37:34and what I need is your support, not your judgment.
37:39Especially not biblical judgment.
37:42I think I can manage that.
37:46What you need to understand, Ramsey, is that
37:52I don't need a legal guardian to be able to survive.
37:57And that I can handle a lot more than you might think, but
38:04but that what I want
38:07is to live here with you.
38:10I want a family.
38:12I want us to take care of each other.
38:19And I don't want to be alone anymore.
38:24Neither do I.
38:34I'm sorry.
38:40Was there a third?
38:47There's somebody else who doesn't want to be alone anymore.
39:04I've been meaning to clear out your grandfather's room for a while.
39:30What are you doing?
39:32For starters, you punched me.
39:35If you came looking for an apology, you might have got the wrong tree.
39:39No, I don't need one.
39:41I deserved it.
39:44Good for you for doing it.
39:52You had another phone call today, from Andy.
39:58He talked for a long time.
39:59She's, uh
40:03She's kind of chatty, that one.
40:06Yeah, she is.
40:10She sounded sweet as hell, Mason.
40:17So, I'm sorry what I said yesterday. I really don't know anything about her.
40:24Apology accepted.
40:26I'm not done.
40:30As little as I know about her, I
40:35know even less about you, my own son.
40:41I realized that as Andy was trying to fill me in on what you two have been through.
40:50I didn't know about any of that.
41:00She said you were her hero.
41:07It was nice to hear.
41:16Anyway, I called the school and I
41:19explained things to them. They're going to let you make up the finals next week when you feel up to it.
41:34It's the least I could do.
41:45I'm sorry I haven't been the kind of father that you felt you could share your story with.
42:00It is one other thing, you know.
42:06Andy wanted me to give you something.
42:30I miss her so much.
42:33I miss her so much, it's killing me, Pop.
42:36I know you do, son. I know.
43:02Joey, where'd you run off to this morning?
43:05I cooked you breakfast.
43:12It was with...
43:15It was with the police.
43:22I don't know.
43:23The police.
43:32Are you doing drugs again?
43:54Come on.
43:56Joey, I wish I had an answer for you.
44:00I wanted to provide for my family.
44:03Not just survive, but provide.
44:06I thought if I just made a little extra money,
44:10get ahead,
44:12then maybe there'd be a chance for us.
44:14Yeah, but you served your time. I mean, you were supposed to start a new life.
44:18I wanted to, Joey.
44:19But what you don't understand is the burden that I felt.
44:22We were a burden?
44:23Not you. You girls are my gift.
44:26The burden was self-inflicted.
44:29Ever since I moved back in here with you, I have been haunted
44:34by the knowledge that I have failed you.
44:38Then why didn't you tell me about this?
44:41I mean, we could have found a way. We could have done something.
44:45I was just too weak, Joey.
44:47I was just too weak, Joey.
44:58I have been up
45:00night after night after night
45:03wondering what compelled me to take that road both times.
45:07And I just don't have the answer for you.
45:10But I trusted you.
45:12And you lied.
45:13And you lied.
45:15And you ruined everything that Bessie and I have worked so hard for.
45:19I mean, we could have died in that fire, and it would have been your fault.
45:23I know, I know, I know.
45:25And I hate myself for it so much that I wish I had died in that fire.
45:30I just
45:32don't know what to do.
45:35I don't know how to fix this.
45:39All I know is that I am so, so sorry.
45:44I'm so sorry.
45:58I'm sorry too.
46:01I took care of it for you.
46:04I'm sorry.
46:11I'm so sorry.
46:16Don't cry.
46:33Don't cry.
47:03Don't cry.
47:33Don't cry.
48:04How are you feeling?
48:08Like hell.
48:12Is there anything I can do?
48:15No, thank you.
48:22You did the right thing, Joey.
48:25No, Dawson.
48:27You did the right thing.
48:29You did the right thing.
48:30No, Dawson.
48:32You did the right thing.
48:35What I did
48:39Borderite doesn't even come close to.
48:45We both did what we had to do.
48:55What I have to say, you're not going to like, so I'll say it quickly.
49:01I hope one day that I will be able to forgive my father for all of this.
49:08And I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive myself.
49:15But I know
49:18that I will never
49:20forgive him.
49:24You see, Dawson,
49:26there are certain circumstances that love cannot overcome.
49:30And from now on,
49:35I don't want to know you.
49:53See you, Joey.
50:00See you, Joey.
50:30See you, Joey.
51:00See you, Joey.
