Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 1 Like A Virgin

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Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 1 Like A Virgin


00:00See you shimmer in the mirror
00:05Take your time and see you champagne
00:09Heart of emeralds once was sadness
00:13Now the rubies come complain
00:16Better keep her under lock and key, yeah
00:22She's a precious memory coming in your world
00:31Her drooling, when you chug, saliva from sleep
00:39You're a very heavy breather, did you know that?
00:47What a scintillating conversationalist
00:50Just my luck
00:52What's in your lap?
00:56Not that
00:58Movie, what are you watching?
01:00Whiskey Business
01:03The one with Tom Cruise?
01:04I picked it this morning
01:06They do it on a train
01:08And it's unbelievably sweet and meaningful
01:10Even though he's a virgin and she's a metal scarred hooker who's slept with hundreds of men
01:17It's more of a modern myth
01:19Joseph Campbell meets Sigmund Freud meets Holden Caulfield
01:24Teenage boy passes into manhood by way of a sexual encounter with a beautiful woman who's essentially a fantasy character of his own creation
01:35You're adorable
01:39What's your name?
01:43Austin Leary
01:48You alright?
01:50My dad taught me
01:52When shaking hands, always make sure the other guy releases first
01:56Imparts a subtle yet powerful advantage in all human intercourse
02:04I actually, um
02:06I meant your skin, do you have a fever or something?
02:08Oh that's just me
02:10My temperature
02:12I run a few degrees hot
02:18When are you going to tell me about your girlfriend?
02:26My heart is in my hands
02:30My head is in the clouds
02:34My feet have left the ground
02:37My life is
02:39Turning around
02:43Every voice inside my head
02:47Is telling me to run like mad
02:51On poles and arrows
02:54Stars and sunsets
02:56Hey, hey, hey, yeah
02:58Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:00Every heartbeat
03:02Every kiss
03:04Just makes me wonder
03:06What all this is
03:09Suits of armor
03:11Hearts and arrows
03:13Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:25Early morning takes me
03:29I'll take you to your car
03:32Yeah, you were supposed to be here by 8 o'clock
03:35Isn't that sweet?
03:37Little girls never spell miss in the first day of school
03:40Oh the sound of this
03:42Yes, time runs it well
03:44You can spare me the Shakespeare role
03:46This is my last class and it's at 2.30 so I should be back here by 3
03:51Don't be late
03:54While my boat goes down again
04:02And my boat goes down again
04:10Oh and still I keep pretending
04:14That it's all not meaningless
04:18While my boat goes down again
04:24And I'm moaning through a hazel
04:29And how long have you two been married?
04:38What happened when you woke up?
04:40Ah, she'd morphed into an octogenarian Spanish woman with a hairy upper lip
04:44Oh, I hate it when that happens
04:46It was the weirdest thing though
04:48She was like this perfect girl
04:50One minute she's sitting right next to me
04:52The next minute, gone
04:54You know, usually when I have moments like that
04:56I gotta change the sheets afterwards
04:58I thought she wasn't real
05:01What about the one that is real?
05:05What about her?
05:07Well, today's the day
05:09Dawson Leary and Joey Potter have been apart for months now
05:12In fact, the whole summer has passed
05:14And the whole world is waiting to figure out what's going to happen
05:17Perhaps you and the whole world haven't heard me the last 50,000 times that I've said it's over
05:22Yeah, sure it's over until she speaks to you
05:26She won't
05:28I think you underestimate the healing powers of time, Dawson
05:32No time for Joey to forgive and forget
05:34You know, even if Joey came up to me today and said I forgive and I forget
05:38I wouldn't
05:40I wouldn't forget that most of the past year has been a hellish nightmare
05:44It's been verbalizing and angsting instead of living
05:47You need to just learn how to exist
05:50I'll ask questions later
05:52Ladies and gentlemen
05:54Capesidians of all ages
05:56New and improved and fresh from Philadelphia
05:59I bring you Dawson Leary
06:03Now, just to play devil's advocate here
06:07Let's say you go to school today
06:09And Joey comes up and starts apologizing to you
06:12She does that cute little hair flip thing she does
06:15And then she locks those truly, truly remarkable brown eyes of hers on you
06:20What do you do?
06:23I tell her that it's over
06:26And that it's been over and that we're both better off without each other
06:31Dawson, I'm off to my coaching conference
06:33Alright, I'll write down the number at the hotel where I'll be
06:39Coaching conference
06:41What, you haven't heard yet?
06:43Substitute Mitch as Capeside High School's newest varsity football coach
06:47Hey, congratulations Mr. Leary
06:49How are our trusted Minute Men doing?
06:51What's the streak at now?
06:52It's like 0 and 38, right?
06:540 and 39?
06:56You piece of little faith
06:58I can assure you as a former Minute Man myself
07:01That this season will be a winning one
07:05See you Sunday, Dad
07:10That's it, you gonna walk out just like that?
07:13No fatherly warnings, no rules and regulations
07:16No promises of impending doom should your sainted son here misbehave
07:21Good idea, keep Pacey out of the house
07:31If I start to fall asleep, don't mind me, alright?
07:35Jen Lindley, how was your summer? Post any gangbangs?
07:40You know Belinda, I could think of a really scathing comeback right now
07:44But I figure that I should show you a little sympathy
07:47Seems how the light bulb didn't take
07:56She should be here any minute
07:58I'm telling you, it's the Junior Assembly, man, she has to come
08:03Good morning, I'm Principal Green
08:05Like all of you, in my junior year of high school I had a new principal
08:10Our first day back he stood before us and imparted some earnest and touching words
08:15Words which were meant to usher us into what he called one of the best years of our lives
08:21This is not that speech
08:24We live in a different time
08:26You children are living and thinking like people twice your age
08:30And why shouldn't you?
08:32The rites of passage which once marked growing up are all but extinct
08:38In short, I'm on to you
08:44And I'm one step ahead of you
08:46For example, like that gentleman in the fifth row who's talking
08:55Please stand, sir
09:00What's your name, sir?
09:01I don't suppose you'd accept Che Guevara, would you?
09:06Casey Witter
09:07Mr. Witter
09:09Mr. Witter, I'd like to applaud you
09:11For being the first student I've met at Capeside who behaves like one
09:16It is my hope that someday you all will act as such
09:20Reclaim your youth
09:22Live, learn, screw up
09:26Keep up the good work, Mr. Witter
09:28Thank you, sir
09:33And, uh
09:35I'll see you on Saturday
09:37For detention
09:42Sally, who are we kidding?
09:45Lay off the hot dogs and try 4-H
09:47That's what they're looking for the prize, hogs
09:51She only came over here in the first place
09:53Because somebody may want to win pit stops at Krispy Kreme this summer
09:57Yeah, I know how anthropologists feel when they stumble across a lost tribe
10:02Whose ancient rituals have remained untouched by time
10:06Yeah, well
10:07I don't understand why anyone would want to become a cheerleader in the first place
10:14There's one way to find out
10:19Jen, what are you doing?
10:22I'm signing up for tryouts
10:25Let me think about that
10:27Come on, Belinda
10:29Haven't you ever wondered if I've got what it takes to hold up those pom-poms?
10:34Okay then, Lee
10:36You're on
10:37Tomorrow at three
10:39Be prompt
10:40Will do
10:42Mr. Green seemed like a pretty cool guy, you know?
10:44Good sense of humor
10:45He was kidding about that whole Saturday detention thing, right?
10:49No, but he seemed...
10:56Dawson, is there an ending to that sentence, or...?
11:00You're right, I'm going to break
11:02I'm going to crumble
11:04Joy Potter, three o'clock
11:07Just get me out of here, anywhere
11:11Anywhere that Joy Potter will not find me
11:14Well, for a mere $25, young sir, I think I have just the place
11:27Hey, Joe!
11:30Oh, it's not Joey
11:32It's the shell of her exhausted remains
11:35I swear, Bessie, if I have to work another hour for that nimrod of a boss...
11:39Look, it's just until the insurance check comes through
11:42and then we'll have enough to get a sitter in
11:44and I'll get a job
11:45No speech required, I remember the bargain
11:48You can call it that
11:49So, tell me everything
11:53We got a deal
11:55We got a new principal
11:57Not about school, about Dawson
12:00What was it like seeing him again?
12:06It was great
12:07So what'd he say?
12:10Come on, Joey
12:11I spent most of my conversations with a teething baby
12:14Your sister could use a little vicarious pleasure
12:17Come on
12:25Well, he, um...
12:28I mean, he looked at me, and, uh...
12:31I looked at him, and...
12:36In that split second, it was like...
12:39We forgave each other for everything
12:46And then, of course, we talked about it until we were blue in the face
12:49Just like old times
12:50I'm glad, Joe
12:51You two are meant for each other
12:53Now, if I'm sure of anything, that's it
13:06I think I'm having a religious experience
13:09That would be Wendy, who is a second-year marine biology student at Woods Hole
13:15How on earth do you know that?
13:17It's in her bio
13:19And according to this, she also likes small children, big men, snowboarding, and colored green
13:27What can I get you, gentlemen?
13:29Well, I would love a couple of beers, and my friend here will have a tall glass of milk
13:38You know, sitting here, something occurs to me, Dawson
13:44The meaning of life
13:45Specifically yours
13:47It's not another diet shop of my manhood, Black Theron
13:51I'm serious here
13:52I have just had a blinding vision of the purpose of your junior year
13:58You mean, besides massive and debilitating college exams, I believe?
14:03At some point during this year, you, my friend, are going to get laid
14:11Come on, Madison, keep him with this whole new attitude thing you got going
14:15I mean, you met that girl on the bus, didn't you?
14:18I put her to sleep by talking about my ex-girlfriend piece
14:21I think it's pretty safe to assume I'm not going to be hearing from her anytime soon
14:25Thank you
14:35This is actually root beer
14:37You don't remember me, do you?
14:40Should I?
14:42Feel this
14:46That's right
14:52It's me
15:05And as day number two folds on our quiet little creekside village
15:09Dawson Leary has once again proven himself successful in his endeavor to avoid Miss Joey Potter
15:15However, I am starting to question your commitment to the Vita Loca
15:18Why? Because I don't want to talk to my ex?
15:20No, man, because you didn't hook up with Bus Girl last night
15:23The patient she was...
15:24All right, number one, she was working
15:26You saw me give her my number, it's up to her to use it
15:29And if she does?
15:30She won't
15:31Dawson, I wouldn't be so sure about that
15:34What is the likelihood that a woman with that degree of life experience and sexual liberation
15:39Is going to regard seriously the interest of someone having to take those PSATs?
15:48I'd say about the same as the chances of her being here in your living room
15:53Hey, Dawson
15:57Um, what are you...
16:00I'm sorry, how did you...
16:04This is all overexcited teenage male for how did you get in
16:09I thought I'd surprise you and take you up on your offer for a date
16:13It was hot outside and the door was open so I let myself in
16:19It escapes how we don't exactly lock up
16:23Hmm, interesting
16:26What else don't you do?
16:30I need to talk to you for a second
16:33Okay, normally at this point in the plot the best friend exits Stitch
16:39Left leaving the brand new Dawson Leary all alone with the mystery woman in his parentless house
16:46I'm freezing up, this is a little too high in the too good to be true category
16:51I understand, but speaking as someone who's been there before
16:54I'm telling you all you need now is just a little bit of separation
16:58A little time to calm down, catch your breath
17:01And realize that you are in complete control of this situation
17:07I am not in complete control
17:10Oh, but you will be
17:14The boat
17:15What about it?
17:17Well, I think you should take it up for a little spin
17:20Basically that's my dad's boat
17:22Dad being the possessive in that sentence
17:25Dawson, given the circumstances
17:32I think you'd understand
17:47We don't want to wait for this game to be over
17:54Thank you, next
17:58Um, I didn't finish my cheer
18:03Um, Stacy, get a mitt and catch a clue
18:09It's your third year trying out for the minute girls
18:12Your waistline is thicker, your hairstyle is even more outdated
18:17The only reason we let you get this far in the first place
18:20Is because we wanted to see what lame song you picked to cheer to
18:28Next up is Jen Lindley
18:32You still want to do this?
18:34Are you kidding me? Now more than ever
18:39Good luck
18:44I'm sure you'll dazzle us, Jen
18:47After all, we all know how flexible you are
18:58When you see Belinda and her clique in the hallway
19:05You're desperately wishing that you were walking with them, aren't you?
19:08And thinking that maybe if you were wearing the right shoes
19:13Sporting the latest hairstyle
19:15And using the hottest shade of lipgloss
19:19Then maybe they would toss a glance in your direction
19:23Ever wonder why they force their narrow-minded opinions down our throats?
19:28Perhaps it's because they have an inkling of what the future has in store for them
19:32Beyond graduation
19:36Cut to 25 years from now
19:38Belinda McGovern wakes up one morning feeling empty
19:41Maybe it's because her Dartmouth-educated lawyer husband, Tad
19:46Has run off to Tijuana with her daughter's roommate from boarding school
19:51Or maybe it's because the twins, Timmy and Tommy
19:54Call her by her first name and their live-in housekeeper mom
19:58Or maybe it's Belinda's daily 2 o'clock, 5 o'clock, 7 o'clock
20:03And 9.15 showdown with her bottle of Prozac
20:06Her life has become a domestic wasteland
20:09Avoid this fate
20:12Don't let yourself become another cookie-cutter blonde
20:15On size for a rah-rah-sis-bam-boom
20:18Mindless, soulless, spineless wench
20:22Screw these auditions
20:24Screw cheerleading
20:26And screw Belinda McGovern
20:46I'm changing here
20:49I'm sorry, I didn't know you were back here
20:52I just wanted to cook
20:55Oh, you just happen to get thirsty right when I'm standing here half-naked?
21:00I, uh, had an offside coincidence
21:06You know, I think I'm in the mood for a 7-Up instead
21:16I will, uh, knock the next time
21:23I'll lock the door the next time
21:42What are you staring at?
21:45You should take off your shirt
21:50What's the matter?
21:52Too brazen for you?
21:54No, no
21:57I guess I'm just a little nervous
22:00How come you're nervous?
22:04For the same reason you're not
22:06Oh, but I am
22:09I am
22:13You are?
22:14Of course
22:17Listen, Dawson
22:19Anything that's worth anything is scary
22:22Or dangerous
22:24In one way or another
22:26That's a pretty extreme worldview
22:28Not at all
22:31Without fear, there'd be no accomplishments
22:34No testing of our limitations
22:37No fun
22:44A number of questions present themselves
22:47Fire away
22:48What's your name? Where do you live? Why on earth are you hanging out with me?
22:53Short, you know
22:56Who are you? Where do you come from?
22:59You said it yourself, Dawson
23:02I'm a fantasy
23:05Of your own creation
23:12I can feel your heart beating
23:17You can?
23:19It's going a million miles an hour
23:23Slow down
23:25I'm sorry?
23:27The boat
23:31That's better
23:34You're a virgin, aren't you, Dawson?
23:39What comes before virgin?
23:43Everything but
23:48Everything but what?
23:50That's what comes before
24:01Careful, I can't see
24:12At least tell me your name
24:17You can call me Eve
24:21It's a biblical name
24:24I'll try and live up to it
24:37Are you okay?
24:43I hope so
24:46Crashes are so intense
24:52Joey, this is Eve
24:55Eve, Joey
25:01Suddenly everything becomes clear
25:04Wait a minute, you know this moron?
25:08I thought I did
25:24Submerged charges
25:26Plus yard cost
25:28Plus carpentry and painting
25:30I'd say looking at about three grand easy
25:32And provided none of the gaskets leaked
25:34Or engine mounts crashed as a result of the collision
25:37Three thousand dollars
25:39Give or take
25:42Should have gone down with the ship
25:45No argument here
26:07Things could be worse
26:11He said he came here before he lost his mind
26:13His daughter killed herself
26:15Or was it the other way around?
26:17Come on, Dawson
26:19No one was hurt
26:21And you'll never forget this day as long as you live
26:26That's what I'm afraid of
26:28Everybody always wants life to go smoothly
26:31But the truth is
26:33It's mistakes that keep things interesting
26:37Another trick the truism
26:39I think my sweet tooth is going to start to ache
26:41Wait a second
26:43You're mad at me
26:48You made me crash my father's boat
26:50Made you what?
26:52I didn't make you do anything
26:57You know, maybe I'm just not ready for this friend of yours
27:01Dawson, I have only known you for 48 hours
27:04But I think it's safe to say
27:06You've got to stop living from the neck up
27:12We don't go
27:14You're going to have to do a lot better than that
27:18A man's character is his fate
27:23This isn't me
27:25I don't meet strange girls on buses
27:28I don't drive my father's boat without permission
27:31And look what happens when I do
27:33Unmitigated disaster
27:35Well, that's too bad
27:37Because this girl just wants to have fun
27:47Hey, Jack
27:49What's the matter? I thought your dog just died
27:51I don't have a dog
27:53Yeah, I know that
27:55Oh, yeah, you do know that
27:57Here's some real food
28:00Where did the girl go?
28:02No idea
28:11The unthinkable has happened
28:15Your job has ended
28:17What? Become butler?
28:23It was a coup d'etat
28:25A mutiny
28:26A slave revolt, really?
28:28Linda McGovern has been excommunicated by her brainless vicious
28:32You've got to help me out here, because I don't know what you're talking about
28:37They're the golden ones
28:40With the rhinestone studded handles
28:43Don't tell me they made you a cheerleader
28:46Oh, no
28:48Thank God
28:50They made me head cheerleader
28:53That's cool
28:59I thought you said that...
29:01Forget what I said, I was lying
29:03Or at least hoping for the best
29:06The truth is, Dawson has been dodging you for the past two days
29:09Dodging you?
29:11And crashing Mitch's pride and joy?
29:14It's like one Dawson left for Philadelphia, and another one came back
29:18Yeah, his evil twin
29:20That makes sense
29:22I just wish he would have told me, and then I wouldn't feel like such a...
29:27About the girl, you mean?
29:30One look at her, and I knew
29:33I mean, she's everything I'm not
29:36She's wild, and confident, and blonde
29:40I remember the time when there was another blonde in the picture
29:44Then look how well that turned out
29:49It's different now
29:52Yes, it is
29:58Two more nickels, shoelace, and a pair of sunglasses that I lost two years ago
30:04Unless you plan on finding a Rolex, Dawson, I think you're kind of wasting your time
30:10How about a combined total of $42.78?
30:14Even if I sell my DVD player, I'm still close to $2,000 short
30:18I'm still close to $2,000 short
30:39There's about $400 in here
30:42It's a collection
30:44A collection?
30:46the girls at the club the story. They thought it was so cute they took up a
30:49collection of last night's tips. Cute. I'm officially mortified. We'll never
30:56underestimate the kindness of strippers, Dawson. Lady Eve, on behalf of my luckless
31:01buddy right here, we will gladly accept your contribution. No, we gladly don't.
31:09Why? Because it's your money and it's my problem. Just take the money. I can't.
31:17Look, I feel responsible for what happened, and I don't feel responsible that often. It was still my fault.
31:30Hold on a sec. Perhaps these young women don't have to give of their wallets, but
31:36only of their time and considerable talents. I like where you're going with
31:42this. I don't. We'll throw a party here tonight. It's genius. It's insane. You'll make the cash you
31:49need in two hours tops. I'm not gonna turn my house into a strip club. Dawson, teenage boys will come, Dawson.
31:58They'll arrive at your house for reasons they can't even fathom. They'll turn up in
32:05your driveway, not really sure why they're doing it. They'll arrive at your door as innocent as
32:12children. Of course, we don't mind if you come in and look around, you'll say. It's only $20 per
32:20person, and they'll pass over that money without even looking at it, for it is money they have,
32:27and breasts they lack. Oh yes, Dawson. Teenage boys will come. They most definitely will come.
32:58Stand right up, gentlemen, and have the money in hands, for you are about to enter the dreary den of iniquity.
33:03Now, gentlemen, by Alcino here, strict orders to break any part of your body that touches the ladies, understood?
33:11Yes, sir. All right, step in.
33:27The Red Bird line will have something left over for Jerry's kids.
33:45Something so not right about this.
33:47Dude, so freaking awesome.
33:54Go right out.
34:32Right here downstairs, huh?
34:39You know me.
34:46I spent a week in Oregon a year, and already my life's a complete and utter upheaval.
34:53I'm probably the last person you want to see.
35:01A lot of things tell me that you're never the last person I want to see.
35:08And, um...
35:18I'm sorry.
35:23Not just about today. Everything.
35:28You know, about my dad.
35:32I was wrong.
35:34I mean, in a total moment of adolescent anguish and upset, I...
35:40I lashed out at the one person who cares about me the most, and who I care about the most.
35:49You should have called me, Joey.
35:53You should have written me. You should have contacted me.
35:55I should have done a lot of things.
35:58I was, um...
36:03I was ashamed.
36:09And I figured I would just ignore life for a while, but, um...
36:15You can't do that forever, can you?
36:20No, you can't.
36:33So, who is she?
36:36Eve? I just met her.
36:41Are you two...?
36:44We're a thing.
36:52So, did you miss me?
36:58You know I did.
37:06Because I miss you, too.
37:12Things aren't the same anymore, Joe.
37:17It doesn't have to be the same, Dawson.
37:23It's a new year.
37:26Things can be different.
37:29And they can be better.
37:59I don't know.
38:10What is it? What's wrong?
38:11Everything's wrong, Joey. This isn't you.
38:17I can be sexual, Dawson.
38:21I know you can.
38:23But we can't do this.
38:26No, no, not like this.
38:29We sure don't.
38:35What the hell?
38:37Joey, I'm sorry if you're hurt.
38:41Why would I be hurt, Dawson?
38:43I mean, I hope you're not delusional enough to think this is some embarrassing attempt at getting you back.
38:49Besides, sex is all you're about these days.
38:51Sex is not all I'm about, Joey. You more than anyone should know that.
38:54Don't blame me for your sexual inexperience, Dawson.
38:57I'm not blaming you.
38:58I never stopped you from being with anyone else.
39:00It was particularly clear when you dumped me twice.
39:02There was plenty of time for you to have all the fun you wanted, and it's not my fault if you're still a virgin.
39:07Joey, what happened between us or didn't happen was because we both wanted it that way.
39:18What's wrong?
39:27What's so wrong with me?
39:30It's not you. It's us.
39:35I can't go through it all again.
39:39And you say it'll be different, but it won't be.
39:42You don't know that.
39:44Yes, I do.
39:46And so do you.
39:49Joey, what am I year like last year?
39:53And I can promise you there will be no love left between us.
40:00Is there any now?
40:08So you love me.
40:14You just don't want me.
40:45Come on.
40:51Come here, baby.
40:54Come on.
40:57Come on.
41:00Come on.
41:07Everybody, everybody.
41:10All right.
41:12Gentlemen and esteemed exotic dancers.
41:16Now I'd like to present to you the man who made this all possible, Mr. Dawson Leary.
41:26All right.
41:28I think the preliminary results of our little pledge drive are in, so, Gino, if I could have the envelope, please.
41:36The unofficial tally for tonight's festivities comes to $3,162.
41:46Call me crazy.
41:49Call me insane.
41:51But I think it's time to open this thing up to the public.
41:54What do you say?
41:56Come on.
42:07Where are we going?
42:09I'm surprised.
42:11I should probably stay and make sure nobody breaks my house down, right?
42:15Why would you do that?
42:17Pretty much to avoid wondering whether or not I'm going to sleep with you.
42:21Follow me, Dawson, and all secrets will be revealed.
42:28Go ahead.
42:30Be right there.
42:50I'll be back.
42:53Shall we?
42:55And as we speak, the ever-tempting Eve stands waiting in the wings.
43:00Well, it always comes down to this, doesn't it, my friend?
43:03The Madonna or the Jezebel?
43:06Oh, God, you should have seen her face.
43:09She was standing before me as innocent and as beautiful as she's ever been, and I wanted her just as much as I ever have.
43:17I don't know.
43:18As large a part of me wanted her, there's a part of me just as large that knows that that was not the right time for us.
43:31I need to know that she's okay.
43:34Can you talk to her?
43:35Maybe watch out for her for the next couple of days?
43:38Oh, no.
43:39I see she needs somebody.
43:41She'd never, ever admit it, but she does, Dawson.
43:46Will you be doing it as a favor to me?
43:50Yes, please.
44:07You want to go for a ride?
44:10Is that yours?
44:12It's my boss's.
44:14Talked him into letting me borrow it.
44:21He's kind of hoping we'd graduate it from the open ocean and try land.
44:27If at first you don't succeed.
44:33Who's that?
44:35That's my father.
44:43Unexpectedly old from the hill.
44:46Listen, Dawson.
44:48You're one step away from the rest of your life.
44:54Get in.
44:59I crashed his boat and I wrecked his house.
45:03I can't just leave.
45:05There's nothing you can do tonight anyway.
45:08Be honest.
45:10What's going to change between now and tomorrow morning?
45:20Except maybe me.
45:25Last chance.
45:34I can't.
45:39You know what, Dawson?
45:42I don't know who's the bigger mystery.
45:45Me or you.
46:10So carefully.
46:13Slowly grooving.
46:16You make it your own.
46:19When you find where it fits well, you swing it wide.
46:24Ahoy there!
46:26Anyone ashore?
46:29What are you doing here?
46:32It's the damnedest thing.
46:33I just got into Dawson's rowboat and magically drifted towards your dominion.
46:39Yeah, well, magically drift any closer and I'll kill you.
46:44You know, I almost believe that.
47:02He told you, didn't he?
47:05Didn't he?
47:06Well, what do you think?
47:11I think I hate you both.
47:15Well, then you're really going to hate me when you hear what I have to say.
47:23He did the right thing.
47:27The two of you need to be apart right now.
47:32How would you know what I mean?
47:40You know you're probably right.
47:43How could I possibly know how hard it is to let somebody go, right?
47:50The pain of knowing
47:55that even though the two of you are right for each other,
47:59that doesn't necessarily mean that you're right for each other right now.
48:06What would I know about that, right?
48:12How could I possibly know that sometimes it just
48:16makes you want to scream,
48:19hate somebody,
48:23cry out at the end of the dark and cry?
48:31If all the people that see me like this, it had to be you.
48:38You know, it's a new year.
48:41Who knows?
48:43You and I might even become friends.
48:49I'm not sure I don't know if it's the best sign.
48:55It's gonna be okay.
49:18Hold on.
49:21Hold on.
49:48Hold on.
