Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 4 Home Movies

  • 2 days ago
Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 4 Home Movies


00:00Thor, the long dart, the rakum-sakum robots, the super-sugar crisp, the laser disc, and now, back from the halls of obsolescence, the Betamax machine, your lifesaver.
00:13It must have been 40 hours to become an expert documentarian on my mommy's old movie reels for a beta.
00:19What? Dawson Lear is showing the ephemeral world of make-believe for the gritty realities of real life?
00:27As the world spun off course, was the Dalai Lama spotted at Black Angus?
00:31Well, like my mother's been dangling a big fat carrot.
00:34From the infrastore, she's working at the network for a lot of the last minute.
00:39And, she says that if I can get her some raw footage by Friday morning, there's a chance she could rip it into shape and be on the air that night.
00:45Hey, chance of a lifetime. That'll make a guy change his vision.
00:49Well, it's a temporary change. As soon as I get my foot in that proverbial door, I'll be right back to the magical land of make-believe.
00:55I don't know, Dawson. You've got an amazing opportunity here to change your whole genre.
01:00Real life stories are always more compelling than anything you could possibly dream up.
01:05Real life is interesting, but it'll never be as dramatic as a well-conceived narrative.
01:09Look at everything that's been happening in your life lately.
01:12Are you honestly telling me that you could conceive of something more thrilling?
01:16More sexy? More far-fetched?
01:20All right, fine. Who's your guinea pig?
01:23It's Jack McPhee.
01:25I get it.
01:26Gay kid joins losing high school football team, overcomes adversity, battles antiquated stereotypes, and ends up becoming the star.
01:33If you were to mess with that story, you'd just be gilding the lily, Dawson.
01:36It's a great story, but you can't just turn the camera on and let it run.
01:40Why not?
01:42That's exactly what's happening here. It seems pretty interesting to me.
01:46Honey, this is Dawson. Can you say hi?
01:52Is that who I think it is?
01:55All right.
01:57Joey's going to say hi.
02:01Hi, Joey.
02:04Joey's going to say hi.
02:08Hi, Joey.
02:17What's up, big bro? What's up, big bro? I'm Dawson.
02:33What's up, big bro?
02:35What's up, big bro?
02:37What's up, big bro?
02:39What's up, big bro?
02:41What's up, big bro?
02:43What's up, big bro?
02:45What's up, big bro?
02:47What's up, big bro?
02:49What's up, big bro?
02:51What's up, big bro?
02:53What's up, big bro?
02:55What's up, big bro?
02:57What's up, big bro?
02:59What's up, big bro?
03:01What's up, big bro?
03:03What's up, big bro?
03:05What's up, big bro?
03:07What's up, big bro?
03:09What's up, big bro?
03:11What's up, big bro?
03:13What's up, big bro?
03:15What's up, big bro?
03:17What's up, big bro?
03:19What's up, big bro?
03:21What's up, big bro?
03:23What's up, big bro?
03:25What's up, big bro?
03:27What's up, big bro?
03:29What's up, big bro?
03:31What's up, big bro?
03:33What's up, big bro?
03:35What's up, big bro?
03:37What's up, big bro?
03:39What's up, big bro?
03:41What's up, big bro?
03:43What's up, big bro?
03:45What's up, big bro?
03:47What's up, big bro?
03:49What's up, big bro?
03:51What's up, big bro?
03:53What's up, big bro?
03:57Come on, Gramps. The entire notion of cheerleading is just a sexist attempt to try and objectify the female body.
04:04I'm making a statement.
04:06You're making a mockery.
04:08The mockery has been made.
04:10I am simply pointing it out.
04:12But I gotta tell you, I don't know how many more pep rallies and spirit cookies I can actually stomach.
04:18Your school has an important game coming up.
04:22Right now, they need your leadership and verve.
04:27Back when I was on the pep squad, we relished the opportunity to show off our team spirit by wearing our uniforms to school.
04:39Gramps, I hate to break it to you, but you were showing off a bit more than just team spirit.
05:11Oh my god, go team!
05:14For a minute, I thought you had been possessed with these school spirit creatures from Planet Overzealous.
05:19Not quite yet, but I am thinking about making a run for it before the pods hatch.
05:23What do you say, Scully?
05:25Got class with you? Sounds selectable.
05:28I'll pass.
05:30What if I told you that there was a mission to my madness?
05:34Are you serious?
05:36But of course, the monsieur and the stallion should request the presence of the madame for a very oppressing appointment, yeah?
05:43What is it?
05:45Well, that would be the surprise part.
05:47You won't tell me, Pacey.
05:49Let me think about that. Nope.
05:51Well, fine. If you won't tell me, then I'm not going anywhere.
05:54Oh, little Jo, you're so cute, but friend of friend.
05:58Honestly, you should check into some more of those feigning disinterest classes.
06:02Oh, thanks. But trust me, Pacey, I couldn't care less.
06:07Well, okay.
06:09Whether or not you're actually interested, you have about ten seconds to make up your mind after I round that corner, starting now.
06:29Six seconds?
06:31Six? I mean, come on, had you no pride, you'd last at least eight.
06:36I loathe you.
06:38People have been shocked at how well you've taken to the game.
06:41Did you love football as a child?
06:44I've only been playing football for a few weeks.
06:46I think the only subject that I know less about is being gay, actually.
06:50I don't know.
06:53Some things are just instinct, maybe.
06:55Well, one thing Jack has learned is the importance of starting practice on time.
06:59No stretch out to earn your 40, sir.
07:01And taking a tenth off yesterday doesn't mean you can coast.
07:05Thank you, Tulsa.
07:07No problem. We can take care of the Coach Leary interview.
07:10Did you say that?
07:12No, no, no, Tulsa. That's due tomorrow.
07:15Tulsa, you can get an extension.
07:18Me, I've got a game on Saturday, and I need these guys completely focused on football.
07:25Pick it up!
07:29He wore it in the B.C. Miami game.
07:31Spit it out right after throwing the Hail Mary.
07:34Right when the whistle blew, my brother, he ran onto the field and grabbed it.
07:38Well, the dude's got some big molars.
07:41Crowns, actually. Check out the number two by Cuspids.
07:45Mind you, anyone?
07:48Hey, what's everybody looking at?
07:53Oh, um, well, apparently we're looking at Doug Faludi's old mouthpiece.
07:57A mouthpiece?
08:01That was actually in his mouth?
08:05Well, that's disgusting.
08:08Henry says it's his good luck charm.
08:12Henry needs his head examined.
08:19What am I gonna do, Jack?
08:21I gotta do something.
08:23Jen Lindley, her voice is the sweetest music.
08:28Her very name is fire in my loins.
08:31Fire in my loins.
08:33Uh, just a thought, Henry, but next time you might want to just start by saying hello.
08:45Hey! We missed you this morning at the spirit table.
08:48Where were you? We were worried about you.
08:50Look, guys, I stayed really late at that pep rally yesterday. I have limits.
08:55It's a low iron day.
08:57Try not to let anyone else see, because it might hurt the auction.
09:03The silent auction.
09:04Yeah, you should be really proud.
09:06It's like the most successful one we've ever had.
09:09Like, half the senior guys have already put in their bids.
09:13What are you auctioning off?
09:15Well, the winner gets to ride in on the Minuteman mule at the end of the game.
09:20Uh-huh, and receive a kiss from the head cheerleader.
09:24Oh, no, they don't.
09:27No, Jenny!
09:29Jen! Okay, it's Jen.
09:32You know, this whole thing just started as a bad joke.
09:35An excuse to get out of biology, but do you see what it's turned into?
09:39I have pranced around in front of this entire school of pep rallies without even knowing what the hell pep is.
09:46I have listened to clack and prattle about car washes, dance-a-thons, and dog-sitting
09:51until I think I'm going to puke up my homemade spirit cooking.
09:55And despite the itch I am getting on my ass with this polyester molestomy skirt,
09:59I've done it all with a smile on my face.
10:01But you know what, ladies? The smile is gone.
10:04I'm sorry, but there is no way I'm going to be sold off like some harem girl to the highest bidder.
10:09Everyone has a limit, and I've reached mine.
10:12I quit.
10:27Drop that folder backwards in the material.
10:30Yes, sir.
10:32Keep your hands in plain sight.
10:36Are you with the Educational Testing Service?
10:40That's confidential.
10:41I just hope that nobody at Capeside High has done anything wrong.
10:45Broken any rules? Compromised the integrity?
10:48Broken any rules? Compromised the integrity of the exam?
10:51Passing along that information would constitute a breach of security.
10:55Of course.
10:56Do you know where Principal Green is?
10:58No, sir.
11:00But before you go, let me express my regret and recalcitrance at this incident.
11:07Um, I mean, repentance.
11:10Repentance as in contrition? Compunction?
11:14You know, contriteness.
11:18Good day, ma'am.
11:20Watch yourself.
11:30This isn't a surprise, PC. It's a death march on a deserted road.
11:35We're almost there.
11:37Why didn't we just drive?
11:39Because, but on occasion, my father actually likes to use his car.
11:44So I risk my future to cut class so that I can stand in line at the post office
11:48and then traipse five miles through the wilderness carrying some stupid package.
11:52You know, did you ever stop to think about how much hormonally charged energy you waste
11:57on these quick quips and the biting banter?
12:00Your life would be considerably more productive if you would just take some more, uh,
12:05oh, what is that?
12:07Some more, uh, action.
12:09If you took more action.
12:10Like voluntary manslaughter?
12:12Well, how about like sticking out your thumb, huh?
12:16Oh, yeah? And what else?
12:18Maybe hike up my skirt, pout my lips, strike some sexy pose for a horndog trucker?
12:25Stick out your own thumb, you sexist toad.
12:27I am not a sexist. I am a pragmatist, okay?
12:31You ever seen The Sure Thing?
12:33That film elegantly portrays one of life's simple truths.
12:36That a female standing on the side of the road, even one with a perpetual scowl such as yourself,
12:41has a better chance of flagging down a car than a guy.
12:43Since I'm the only one here with an opposable thumb, I guess it's up to me to use it.
12:48And here's your chance.
13:11Today's your lucky day, Miss Potter.
13:13Need a ride back to school?
13:23Oh, Principal Green.
13:27Thank God you are here.
13:29In preparing for our botany assignment, it appears that Josephine and I,
13:32we wandered significantly farther away from the school than we had anticipated.
13:35Frankly, I was beginning to worry that we weren't going to make it home by nightfall.
13:42That's a good one, Basie.
13:46Well, you know, let it never be said that I'm lacking in the creativity department.
13:50Let's hope you're not lacking in the calamine lotion department either.
13:53Now put down the poison oak and get your butts in my car.
13:57Now put down the poison oak and get your butts in my car.
14:03After you, Josephine.
14:10All right, Dad.
14:18I know you're busy, I just need ten minutes of your time.
14:20I'll be out of your hair.
14:21Can't I just wait till after the game?
14:24I promise I'll have plenty of time for you after Saturday.
14:26Dad, I gotta fix this thing out.
14:30Yeah, tomorrow I'm at the station.
14:36What are you talking about?
14:38The story I'm doing on Jack?
14:40Your mother wants to do a story on Jack?
14:43I want to do a story on Jack.
14:44I am doing a story on Jack.
14:46This is going to go on television.
14:49Hopefully tomorrow. Dad, we talked about this.
14:51I thought this was just one of your school projects.
14:54This is a project.
14:55Remember last night in your kitchen, the blonde haired kid who was moving his lips?
14:58That was actually me telling you this.
15:00No, listen.
15:01This is the last thing that I need right now.
15:04Why is that?
15:05Because football is a hit game.
15:07And I can't risk my best player, or any player for that matter, losing focus.
15:11I've worked too damn hard.
15:13Forgive me if my entire future conflicts with your precious football team.
15:18Don't be so theatrical.
15:21I'm the one with the football-loving principle breathing down my neck.
15:25I am trying to build something here.
15:27What do you think I'm doing? Dabbling in a hobby?
15:32That's the kind of opportunity I've waited for my entire life.
15:35All 16 years of it.
15:39Plus the importance of a person's dreams is measured by their age.
15:42There will be plenty of other opportunities, believe me.
15:50Are you telling me not to do this?
15:52I don't have to.
15:55Because I know you'll make the right choice.
16:21I need to know
16:24Even when you lie
16:27I hear a cry
16:33You must be lost.
16:34Wimblecone was up the creek right past Brainless Bay.
16:38I can save your ammunition, Joy. Even I run on speaking terms.
16:41I mean, you guys actually talk?
16:44Among other things, yes.
16:48I need some advice.
16:51What else are Dumb Dick's girlfriends for?
16:55This is about my father.
16:57Your father? What about him?
16:59He told me not to do the story on Jack and the football team.
17:03He did?
17:04Well, in so many words, he thinks it might jeopardize his career.
17:09His chances against Woodward.
17:13No offense, Dawson, but
17:15doesn't a nationally televised broadcast kind of overshadow a high school football rivalry?
17:20He thought.
17:22I don't know. I mean, look at it from his point of view.
17:24You know, in the last couple of years, his cup hasn't exactly been full.
17:28I mean, Andy gave up his dream of a restaurant idea.
17:30His wife stepped out on him on a capeside equivalent of Ted Knight.
17:34He's not even a pretty shiny substitute teacher.
17:40So if you go ahead with this story, he could lose more than the game.
17:43He could lose his self-respect.
17:48What do you think?
17:51Well, I think that the swords that are the father and the son have finally crossed in conflict.
17:57Embase it, Dawson. This is the stuff of Greek drama.
18:01Yeah, but is this tragedy or comedy?
18:05Sometimes we fight our fathers and they respect us.
18:10sometimes we fight them and...
18:15we lose them forever.
18:21You have to decide how you want to live your life.
18:24You know, what you can tolerate and...
18:28what you're willing to lose.
18:34This is so important to me, but if I do it, it's going to kill him.
18:40I hate to break it to you, Dawson, but according to Freud,
18:43that's exactly what sons are supposed to do.
18:54I've got this for you.
18:56What's this?
18:59Something I found.
19:01It'll make you smile.
19:07I guess now you're going to thank him.
19:19It must be dried saliva.
19:22No, it's a zipper mark from the pillow.
19:26Yes, that bright sensation in your eyes is indeed sunlight.
19:30Rise and shine, dear girl.
19:32These lovely young ladies have an urgent matter to discuss with you.
19:36I told you that I was finished with cheerleading and...
19:40unless one of you is hiding a very large cup of black coffee under her pom-poms,
19:45I suggest you leave.
19:46Oh no, we respect your decision to resign from the squad.
19:50Madison has accepted the leadership challenge.
19:53But please, you must reconsider the kiss.
19:56Someone has paid $500.
19:59But they've specifically stipulated that the kiss must come from you.
20:03I don't care if they bid the kingdom of Brunei, I'm not for sale.
20:08What are we going to tell the children at the CCHPC?
20:12The what?
20:14The Capeside County Home for Parentless Children.
20:21That's what the auction is for?
20:28Beautiful summertime
20:34I love you.
20:40Miss McQueen, I'm looking for you.
20:44Yes. Listen, a critical problem has been brought to my attention and I need to talk to you about it.
20:50What sort of problem, sir?
20:52It's a disciplinary matter.
20:56Yes. I'm unable to discuss it with you at length now, but if you come to my office Monday,
21:01we'll sit down and go over all of our options in detail.
21:06Options? Yes, sir.
21:08Monday morning. Be there.
21:19Now, since Mr. Witter's attempt at lying to me was so creative,
21:23I've come up with a little creative response in kind.
21:27Well, coming from a just-minded soul such as yourself,
21:30I'm sure your punishment will be nothing but fair, sir.
21:33Oh, thank you, Eddie Haskell.
21:35Where is your school spirit, Josephine?
21:37I think I left it cowering in the bushes.
21:39Now, that is a gross misconception.
21:41I hurled myself upon the flames of responsibility.
21:44I hope a deer tick crawled near your ear and laid eggs.
21:50Honestly, I am not sure how to get through to the two of you.
21:54But since you obviously have an affinity for one another,
21:57here's what I have in mind.
22:01No way.
22:02Oh, that's not going to happen.
22:04Oh, I'm glad to see we're all in agreement here.
22:12I can't believe he caught the thing and took it way over his head.
22:18What's wrong?
22:19Nothing's wrong, Marge. What do you think's wrong?
22:22Because you're sitting in the stairwell of a public high school?
22:25Unless you're smoking or making out,
22:28there's some cause for concern.
22:32Come on, let me meet Dawson.
22:33Check out the footage from my interview.
22:35You went through with it?
22:36Yeah. It was cool. It went great.
22:38Well, it may seem that way today,
22:40but anything could happen tomorrow to rock your safe little world.
22:44Jack, maybe you overlooked something.
22:47Maybe you didn't see every angle.
22:49Maybe you had a terrible moment of weakness.
22:52Maybe without even realizing it, you totally irreversibly screwed up.
22:56Annie, it's not that big a deal.
22:58Why are you being so paranoid?
23:00Look, Jack, you could live your entire life on the straight and narrow,
23:04driving towards something you believe in.
23:06Then what?
23:07One tiny little mistake,
23:10one little error in judgment,
23:12and the next thing you know,
23:13your car's on the side of the road, flipped over,
23:15wheels still spinning, and the radio on.
23:17What the hell are you talking about?
23:18I'm talking about being publicly shamed,
23:21exposed for what you really are.
23:23I'm talking about a life being ruined,
23:25cut short, nipped in the butt.
23:26I'm talking about breaking Dad's heart.
23:29Think about how he's going to feel, Jack.
23:31His disappointment, his humiliation.
23:34I mean, we are his pride and joy, Jack.
23:36Think about how hard he's worked for us over the years,
23:39how much he's sacrificed,
23:40and now this, out in the open, for everyone to see.
23:42Just calm down, all right?
23:44I mean, it's not like I'm still in the closet.
23:46Dad already knows I'm gay.
23:48I know, yeah, I know, I know.
23:52I just want you to be careful, Jack.
23:54Every action has a consequence.
23:57Be sure you think this thing through.
24:03No one really seems to care
24:05what I may or may not do off the field.
24:07So you have no problem playing against someone who's openly gay?
24:11If a kid wants to come out wearing lipstick and rouge,
24:14we're going to infringe on him.
24:16The way we infringe on anybody else.
24:18No difference.
24:29I just lost the first game of my coaching career.
24:35If you say so.
24:38Dawson, I just went out to three million people.
24:42Not to mention,
24:44you interviewed the opposing coach.
24:50So two days ago, nobody knew how good Jack was or who he is.
24:55Now the whole world knows.
24:58You might as well have gone out and painted a bullseye on his back.
25:03You never explained that to me, Dad.
25:04I didn't think I had to. It's pretty damn obvious.
25:07To me it isn't.
25:09So instead of celebrating my first professional success in the world,
25:12you're sitting here worrying about a football game.
25:14Hey, don't make me out to be the bad guy here, Dawson.
25:17Yes, I'm angry.
25:18Just like you knew I would be.
25:20Dad, we're talking about a team that hasn't put a notch in the wind column in three years.
25:24Now what are we saying? That I'm wasting my time?
25:27No, and I want you to have some perspective.
25:29I can't even discuss this with you right now.
25:31You have no idea what you're talking about.
25:34Thanks to you I don't.
25:36But ever since you took this job, you haven't spoken to me.
25:39I talk to you.
25:40Is that why you talk to the guys on your team?
25:43Well, you know what? They respect me.
25:45I respect you, Dad.
25:48It's just they're more the kind of son you wish you'd had.
25:50That is not true.
25:53Dawson, I hum the theme from Close Encounters in my sleep.
25:58I reach out to you.
26:00And when we can't find common ground, I give you your space.
26:03I take it you get pissed off at me.
26:07I'm just trying to break you out of your self-centered, self-righteous fantasy world long enough to look out for other people.
26:13When is it my responsibility to look out for you?
26:16What are you saying?
26:17I'm saying I parent you, Dad.
26:19I walk in on you having sex.
26:21I give you advice.
26:22I'm the kid around here and sometimes I might even act like it.
26:37Let's go!
26:50Come on, let's hit him! Hit him!
26:54Cover! Cover! Cover!
27:14Go back to Tetherball, you limp, bristled hobo.
27:19This is getting ugly.
27:20Right back, damn it! Right back! Right back!
27:23White guard walks down, loopback takes out the end.
27:31You know, Jack, he's getting killed out there.
27:34I don't want to be his DOA.
27:36Walk it off, McPhee!
27:38Good man, walk it off!
27:40Walk it off? I am walking it off.
27:42Walk it off.
27:43You alright?
27:45Let's go!
27:48Don't tell me the truth. Is this all my fault?
27:53In a word, yes.
27:58I'm on the bright side, Dawson.
28:00At least when this is all over, win or lose,
28:02you won't be on the cookie yard line puckering your lips
28:05for some spoiled brat with furry teeth and halitosis.
28:10Just think of it as meth, Jack.
28:12Think of it as out of the question.
28:14Flippin' for it?
28:15Not a chance.
28:16Die die mo.
28:17Forget it.
28:18Fine, I'll just cut to the chase and beg you,
28:20please, Joey, please, please, please, please,
28:22don't make me go out there.
28:24Look, I'm supposed to be at work right now
28:27making much needed money,
28:28but instead, because of you,
28:29I'm standing on a football field
28:31fighting over the rear end of a mule.
28:33Fine, fine.
28:34It's just giving you fair warning.
28:39Well, I tend to get a little carsick in back seats.
28:51Principal Green?
28:54I made a mistake.
28:56Well, a terrible error in judgment, really.
28:59I know that there's no excuse for what I've done,
29:02so I won't waste your time,
29:04but there is an explanation,
29:06one that I can only pray you'll find in your heart to understand.
29:11See, there's this guy.
29:13And when I met him,
29:15it was like, like a shade going up in a dark room
29:19light suddenly pouring in.
29:22He understood me in a way that no one ever did or could.
29:27And then, just as suddenly,
29:29the room got dark again.
29:32In my mind, I mean.
29:38over the summer,
29:40I was treated at a psychiatric hospital.
29:44I didn't have to stay long because I got better.
29:50But when I came back,
29:53I had lost the guy.
29:56He was my soulmate.
30:00It was like having an organ.
30:04My heart literally ripped from my body.
30:09And all I could feel was cold and empty.
30:12My future slipping away.
30:16And I had lost the love.
30:19So I was determined not to lose my life,
30:22and that's why I stole the test,
30:25and that's why I cheated.
30:27Because I wanted to try to keep it from all getting away from me,
30:31and I know that I only made things worse.
30:38now all I can ask for is your compassion.
30:43Now all I can ask for is your compassion.
31:08Let's go.
31:10Where are we going?
31:11You didn't score.
31:14Come on, guys.
31:16Can't let them get to you.
31:18They are psyching you out.
31:20Get us out of our game first.
31:21The truth is,
31:22we're not moving the ball.
31:23We're not firing out on defense.
31:25Fuck in that gut and go harder.
31:27A long time ago,
31:30there was a Chinese warrior philosopher,
31:33General Sun Tzu.
31:36A brilliant military strategist who lived about 2,000 years ago.
31:42Dad's been telling me about him ever since I was a kid.
31:48What's with the bucket?
31:50We're going to turn our weakness into a strength,
31:52just like the General said.
31:54We're going to start by obscuring everyone's numbers
31:56so that the other team can't find Jack.
31:58That might work for a couple of plays.
32:01That's why it's only phase one.
32:03So what's phase two?
32:06Let's go.
32:23All right, let's get up there.
32:24Let's get up there and hit somebody now.
32:26Hit somebody.
32:27Here we go.
32:30Push, baby.
32:32All right.
32:36Right now.
32:43Hey, coach, what's this?
32:57Turn right.
32:59Double slide.
33:02Try and find the homo now.
33:06Hit it.
33:1524 to 21, with seven seconds left.
33:18The Minutemen have one last chance.
33:20Can we get a step on them, Jack?
33:22One more time. What do you think?
33:24I think my mascara's running.
33:27I'm just throwing the ball.
33:29I'll catch it.
33:30Consider it done.
33:31All right, cradle out.
33:32Jewel nine, shiver.
33:33Broadside option.
33:34Flow and go.
33:35On two.
33:37It's fours and 14.
33:39The ball's sitting on the 25-yard line.
34:03Ooh, victory has it.
34:05Come on, let's hit it.
34:06Grab the hill.
34:13Touchdown, touchdown.
34:15Kingside wins.
34:17Kingside wins.
34:22What an incredible comeback.
34:24After a long drive down, Kingside is victorious.
34:29Final scorer, Kingside 27, War Eagle 24.
34:36Outstanding. Outstanding.
34:42Yes, sir?
34:43That was one of the most irreverent
34:46and imaginative game plans I've ever seen.
34:49Congratulations, coach.
34:55One good deep down, one good go.
34:59And for them, they once again evict them all wrong big hard.
35:03Don't push it, buddy.
35:07Principal Green, I need to talk to you.
35:09Not right now, Angie.
35:10No, sir, it's important.
35:11I cannot wait for me to clear this up.
35:15Okay, what is it?
35:16Well, I made a mistake.
35:18Well, a terrible error in judgment, really.
35:20What kind of mistake?
35:23Well, I know there's no excuse for what I've done, so I...
35:25What are you talking about, Angie?
35:28Didn't you want to talk to me?
35:30It was Monday.
35:31I was going to discuss it with you on Monday,
35:33but if you must know now,
35:34I'm forming a new student disciplinary committee,
35:37and I want you to be in charge of it.
35:42Well, I could do that.
35:44I mean, I would be honored to do that.
35:47Now, what was this mistake you were talking about?
35:51I shouldn't have interrupted you.
35:53It's a mistake to be so impatient.
35:57But I'm working on it, sir.
36:01I'll talk to you later.
36:04I'm working on it.
36:16All right, okay, okay!
36:19And now,
36:21ladies and gentlemen,
36:23the moment that you've all been waiting for,
36:26the winner of the silent auction,
36:29who is entitled to one ride on the Minuteman Mule
36:33and one heart-stopping kiss from our head cheerleader.
36:37Ex-head cheerleader?
36:39And here he is!
36:53That's the way, rookie!
37:03How the hell did you get $500?
37:15Wait a minute, you sold your-your
37:18Good-luck Doug Flutie Memorial mouthpiece just to kiss me?
37:22Come on, Henry! You gonna kiss her or what, huh?
37:25Come on!
37:27I don't know whether to gag or be incredibly touched.
37:31Kiss her!
37:33Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
37:35Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
37:37Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
37:39Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
37:41You-you don't have to.
37:44Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
37:46Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
37:48Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
37:50Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
37:52Come on!
37:54Come here, foolish one.
37:56Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
37:58Okay, okay. Everybody go home. Show's over, folks. Go home.
38:19No, no, not quite yet. We have a little unfinished business yet here.
38:26Ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you your choice for Capeside's 1999 homecoming queen, Miss Jennifer Middley.
38:50This isn't happening.
38:55See, I told you everything would work out fine.
39:05Yeah, everything usually works out for the best as long as you keep a positive attitude.
39:09Positive attitude. Okay, is this before or after I disgraced the family's good name and forever humiliated our father, huh?
39:20Oh, I wouldn't worry about Dad. I'm sure he's over it. He's probably out sailing or golfing or wherever he is. I wouldn't give it another thought.
39:26Andy, you're making my head spin.
39:29Look, Jack, I am just glad it's over. I can't tell you how relieved I am.
39:37Hey, so who won the game anyway?
39:43Somebody was so sweaty I couldn't even breathe.
39:46Well, somebody wouldn't let me take my shirt off.
39:48Well, somebody forgot to open the air vents.
39:51Well, somebody forgot to mention there were air vents in the first place.
39:54I told you we never should have listened to those two slackers.
40:00This is it? This is the surprise?
40:06Isn't she beautiful?
40:08Yeah, in a Titanic post-iceberg sort of way. Where did you get this?
40:14This friend of my brother's. He works down in the marina. He rescued her after the last hurricane.
40:18The guy who owns her didn't want her anymore, so I convinced him to sell me for like 200 bucks.
40:24When I finish with this boat, it is going to be sheer perfection. Look at that.
40:29I see. Do you know how much money and time it will take you to even get this boat to float?
40:35Yeah, not a minute more or less than as long as it takes me.
40:40Will you watch, Potter? A couple months, I'll be sailing this baby around the world.
40:46Well, I hate to break it to you, Captain Stubing, but you can't sail around the world in a 20-foot boat.
40:51Sure I can.
40:53Where are you going to put the supplies?
40:54Hey, the USS Minnow was no bigger than this, and they found room for all of Mr. Howell's money,
40:58all of the professor's tools, all of Ginger's clothes, and where can you sink your line?
41:06Permission to come aboard?
41:09Permission granted.
41:16And now, the purpose for our little foray into truancy.
41:24What do you say?
41:27True love?
41:28Yeah, that's my girl's name. It's kind of high on the schmaltz factor, huh?
41:37That's sweet.
41:39Remember, I told you I needed you to help me with something.
41:42With what?
41:47Start sanding.
41:51You are so rude, Lord.
42:09You are so rude, Lord.
42:40I wish I never felt this way
42:46Because sometimes it hurts
42:49When you break the chain
42:53The night you were born, I bawled like a baby.
42:59Someone's gonna hurt you
43:02Did you really?
43:03When you break the chain
43:07I didn't know that.
43:09And I think I cried for 24 hours straight
43:16Holding you so small in my arms
43:25I never knew I could love anything so much
43:29So fast
43:32So utterly
43:35Part of me was terrified
43:40Raising a son is more a matter of faith than most people know
43:46So is being one
43:50You're right
43:57I think I realized something today
44:04That my job as a father
44:07Isn't to give you the whole picture
44:09Because the truth is, I can't see it myself
44:13My job is to try and help
44:17Every now and then, with a piece of the puzzle
44:25You have helped me, Dad
44:27I hope so
44:32But your future, your expectations, they belong to you
44:40Don't let anybody stand in the way
44:46Not even me
44:49You always push me to be my own person
44:54To think for myself
44:57I just did what you taught me
45:08So what do you say we go home, pop in a little, close encounters or something?
45:17I was thinking
45:21About a game of catch
45:23About a game of catch
45:31Give me that
45:35Leave the football here on the field where it belongs
45:40I got a letter today
45:44An invitation
45:47And the writing looked like you
45:54Hello, how are you?
45:57And by the way
46:01Please RSVP, I do
46:08I thought of writing sad words
46:12Of how it used to be
46:15But I didn't want to bring you down
46:22I guess the bells will ring pretty well
46:25There without me
46:27Don't worry about me, baby
46:30I'll wear the thorny crown
46:33I will play the clown
46:36You think that I don't love you
46:40You're just wrong
46:44That don't matter now anyway
46:50I couldn't bear to see you up there
46:54With the white dress on
46:58Here's my body
47:00I'll stay away
47:02Time rolls on
47:06Dreams, they die
47:08And I've thrown out the pictures I had
47:13Of you and I
47:15And if you're ever wondering if love can be true
47:22Well, think of me, remember darling
47:27Like I, like I do
47:38Bye Joey, bye Dawson
