Los Espías Que me Amaban Cap 10 en Español Latino part 1/1

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Dorama en Español Latino
00:00:37I'm about to do the hardest thing
00:00:40I've ever done in my life.
00:00:44I'd rather go blind
00:00:46than see you with someone else.
00:00:50I'm burning inside,
00:00:52but I have to do something to protect you.
00:00:55I know how hard it was for you
00:00:57when we got married.
00:00:59But this time, I'll be the one
00:01:02to carry the pain.
00:01:05I promise.
00:01:14When did you find out?
00:01:16More or less when Rome found out.
00:01:19How could something like this happen?
00:01:26Rome is smart, but when it comes to men,
00:01:29he usually fails.
00:01:33I'll meet with her.
00:01:35Call her now.
00:01:37She won't accept your offer.
00:01:39Will you do it?
00:01:41I'm very good at these things.
00:01:43Sir, I couldn't understand why Rome
00:01:45always knew about our affairs,
00:01:47but now I understand.
00:01:54She was the key that connected everything.
00:02:01It just happened that way.
00:02:04It's not easy for everything to happen that way.
00:02:07Yes, it is.
00:02:09Ah, those two men are bastards.
00:02:12I can see how they lied to you.
00:02:15Ah, how terrible.
00:02:16One will catch the other and make him suffer.
00:02:19It's like Akil Gatotomi and Ratonjeri.
00:02:22That's why I'll set up a trap.
00:02:27Who's Jerry?
00:02:29That doesn't matter,
00:02:31as long as Tom eats Jerry
00:02:33once he falls into the trap.
00:02:39That's amazing!
00:02:41But, hey, you really had no idea?
00:02:51I'll make sure to persuade Derek
00:02:54to cooperate with you.
00:02:58I know you can't forgive what he did,
00:03:01especially since he's a diplomat,
00:03:04but just give him a second chance.
00:03:08So you still don't know anything about Gion?
00:03:11No, not yet.
00:03:13Ah, he'll go crazy when he finds out.
00:03:17All right.
00:03:19Let's get those two out of your life.
00:03:25they say I divorced Gion
00:03:27because when we got married
00:03:29I was still young and naïve.
00:03:31But that's not the reason.
00:03:34We didn't divorce because we were naïve.
00:03:37It's just...
00:03:40that back then I only surrendered.
00:03:44I didn't want to be responsible for him.
00:03:50Because I saw that our future would be difficult.
00:03:54I knew I had...
00:03:57to suffer.
00:04:00But this time,
00:04:02Derek is the one who will suffer the consequences.
00:04:05You must be very in love with him.
00:04:11To be honest,
00:04:17I hate him.
00:04:21But I still want to give my best.
00:04:24Not for him, but for me.
00:04:28The fact that I didn't give my best for Gion
00:04:32made me regret it.
00:04:37And those regrets have haunted me
00:04:41for years, causing us to hate each other.
00:04:47So this time, I want to give my best.
00:04:51No matter what happens.
00:04:54So I won't have to regret it.
00:04:59But your husband is not an easy person.
00:05:02How long does it take for you to ask him to get the trash out?
00:05:06He does it without even asking.
00:05:09I'm sure he also puts his socks and underwear in the washing machine.
00:05:13I'm the only one who loses his socks at home.
00:05:16It's impossible. We can't control guys like him.
00:05:19Please, I guarantee it.
00:05:21That kind of thing ruins the country.
00:05:23I beg you.
00:05:25Do you trust him?
00:05:34Then it's the only way for you to join us.
00:05:48Sarron seems to be firm.
00:05:51But I'm against this plan.
00:05:53Think how desperate you must be to ask this guy for a favor.
00:05:56You must be reasonable.
00:05:58How can you trust a bastard like him?
00:06:01That's right.
00:06:03Just use it.
00:06:25I found out your identity.
00:06:31I'm sorry.
00:06:50Tell us who you really are, Hyundai Hyundai.
00:07:01Derek, don't let anyone know who you are.
00:07:06Derek, don't let anyone know who you are.
00:07:31Derek, don't let anyone know who you are.
00:08:02I trained for this.
00:08:07From the first day I became a spy.
00:08:12I trained for this.
00:08:17From the first day I became a spy.
00:08:22I trained for this.
00:08:28From the first day I became a spy.
00:08:32Until now that I have been exposed.
00:08:36I remember countless cases in my mind.
00:08:40But I was never prepared for something like this.
00:08:43To be discovered.
00:08:45By the worst person possible.
00:08:49How could I not realize who he was?
00:08:53Before he discovered me.
00:08:57Was I so blinded by her
00:09:02that I couldn't even realize?
00:09:07Spies go blind when they fall in love.
00:09:12I have no excuses for what I did.
00:09:14I failed.
00:09:16Although you already know each other, I will introduce you.
00:09:20He is my ex-husband, John Jihun.
00:09:22Interpol agent.
00:09:25And he is my current husband.
00:09:27The spy, Derek.
00:09:35Being your worst enemy,
00:09:38interrogating you will be a lot of fun.
00:09:41John Jihun.
00:09:46This is crazy.
00:09:48It's him. I can't believe it.
00:09:51This time, Jihun has it complicated.
00:09:55He must have suffered alone all this time.
00:10:00Sir, I don't think it's right for Jihun to be in charge of interrogating Derek.
00:10:05Well, it seems this time it's more complicated than before.
00:10:09The great Gatsby will collaborate with Tom Buchanan.
00:10:12Of course. Derek could be Tom Buchanan.
00:10:15Tom Buchanan is the rich man Daisy falls in love with.
00:10:20If Jihun is the great Gatsby, that makes Rom Daisy.
00:10:24But Daisy ended up hating Gatsby.
00:10:27Shut up.
00:10:31Derek is the one who recruited Sophie.
00:10:33So, in a way,
00:10:35he could be closer to Helmers than Peter, the pursuer.
00:10:40Derek is meticulous.
00:10:42He puts his own underwear and underwear in the washing machine.
00:10:45And he also takes out the trash.
00:10:47The good thing about this is that he loves his wife.
00:10:52He will cooperate for Rom. Let's put it against him.
00:10:58Now listen to me very well.
00:11:00We just have to see how Derek Jihun is exposed,
00:11:03layer by layer, until he is completely naked.
00:11:09There he comes. Act normal.
00:11:12Let's go.
00:11:20Prepare the pen.
00:11:27Mr. Derek Jihun, it is a pleasure to meet you.
00:11:31I am Mr. Van, director of Interpol in Asia. Nice to meet you.
00:11:40I'm sure it's not easy to be the whistleblower, right?
00:11:44Let's both win with this situation.
00:11:49Before we start, I think we should ask the formal questions.
00:11:53You know, the usual protocol. It should never be missing.
00:11:58All right, what do we have here?
00:12:00I see a man who is familiar to us.
00:12:02Ah, Harrison Young.
00:12:05So he is the reason why you became a spy?
00:12:11Harrison Young and I met in New York.
00:12:16I translated a document in Japanese for Harrison,
00:12:19as a personal favor in Sicily.
00:12:22But for that favor I got involved in this case.
00:12:26Sicily of 2013.
00:12:28Do you mean the Shirabu case?
00:12:30Everything I did was a simple translation.
00:12:33But Harrison Young used it against me.
00:12:35At that time, the diplomacy between Italy and the United States was tense.
00:12:39I made the wrong decision.
00:12:41I remained silent because I did not want my career to be affected.
00:12:45But he used it to control me.
00:12:47At first he began to ask me to leak some documents,
00:12:51which led to major lawsuits.
00:12:53We need to investigate if they are simple documents or are relevant.
00:12:57We need to investigate if they are simple documents or are relevant.
00:13:00But if you were dragged into that by an inoffensive mistake,
00:13:03now you have to clarify it.
00:13:05I hope you can cooperate with us in this important case.
00:13:09Shouldn't we protect the hard work of the investigators?
00:13:12Of the theft of industrial spies?
00:13:14That will bring the peace the world needs.
00:13:18I will do my best.
00:13:20You consider your career and your family as your priorities,
00:13:23and I really respect that.
00:13:25So you can be sure that we will keep it a secret.
00:13:28You can count on it.
00:13:30I give you my word that it will be so.
00:13:32I appreciate it.
00:13:33I think this conversation has come this far.
00:13:42Hey, what are you doing?
00:13:44Can you offer the man even a glass of water?
00:13:51Well, see you later.
00:13:56Kill him.
00:14:08Very well.
00:14:11Let's begin.
00:14:18He didn't just come as an industrial spy.
00:14:21We must analyze him in detail.
00:14:23The spies are even trained to control the movement of their eyes.
00:14:28I'm sure they are. Don't worry.
00:14:31What's wrong with you? Have you already started?
00:14:35So far, everything looks good. It will get very good.
00:14:41You were brought to this through the Shirabu case, right?
00:14:44Kion was also in Italy at that time.
00:14:47He was.
00:14:48They were both destined to meet.
00:14:54Kion Shirabu
00:15:00Could you trust me a little?
00:15:03Answer with a yes or a no.
00:15:08Are you a man?
00:15:13Are you an old man?
00:15:14Of course not.
00:15:20Do you work as a diplomat?
00:15:23Are you a psychopath?
00:15:25No, I am not.
00:15:33Have you clogged the toilet in Casagena?
00:15:38Very well.
00:15:40Have you ever pretended to cough to cover a flatulence?
00:15:43Of course not.
00:15:50Have you ever been in a group of girls?
00:15:58Have you turned to see another woman being with your wife?
00:16:01Hey, what's wrong with you?
00:16:02Answer with a yes or a no.
00:16:05Of course not.
00:16:11What's wrong with him?
00:16:13I don't know. He's embarrassing me.
00:16:16Try to make him angry.
00:16:18He does it well.
00:16:19I don't understand why Kion is so upset.
00:16:22But doesn't he have something better to wear?
00:16:25Look how elegant he looks compared to him.
00:16:27I bet his clothes are imported.
00:16:31Anyway, you can't use this as evidence.
00:16:35If you do, do it as it should be.
00:16:39And tell me.
00:16:40Tell me.
00:16:45Have you ever lied?
00:16:55Have you ever stolen?
00:17:03Have you ever killed someone?
00:17:33Mr. Kion.
00:17:35I'm sitting here with my life hanging by a thread.
00:17:38But that doesn't mean I'm going to beg you for it.
00:17:42If you really want to use me as your informant,
00:17:46prove to me that I can trust you.
00:17:51It's hard.
00:17:53Because I don't trust you.
00:17:55Then do whatever you want and take this off me.
00:18:02Do you know why I hate idiots like you?
00:18:04To have morals.
00:18:06To be patriotic or fair.
00:18:08I wouldn't expect that from you.
00:18:10You enjoy this, don't you?
00:18:12You don't do it for money.
00:18:15You deceive people.
00:18:17You enjoy deceiving them.
00:18:22You like stabbing the people around you in the back,
00:18:25even if it's...
00:18:29your beloved wife.
00:18:33I'm disappointed in you, Mr. Kion.
00:18:36I thought you were a sniper.
00:18:38You can't even shoot a target in front of you.
00:18:43Can I really trust you with my life?
00:18:47In the end,
00:18:48Sophie was also your informant.
00:19:02That hurts.
00:19:18You were there that day.
00:19:32Can you prove that you didn't do it?
00:19:35Who killed her?
00:19:38I already answered that.
00:19:39If it were me, would you believe me?
00:19:42If it were you, I would believe me.
00:19:44I would.
00:19:45I know you can't solve it by yourself.
00:19:47You can't do it without me.
00:19:50You're just an incompetent who let his informant die.
00:19:55Maybe it's not the first time either.
00:19:59Oh, shit.
00:20:00He did it.
00:20:01Are you trying to torture him?
00:20:04Kion Jihun, control yourself.
00:20:05Don't let him play with you.
00:20:07Don't try to lie to me.
00:20:08You were there that day.
00:20:10Answer me!
00:20:11Let go of me!
00:20:12Let's go!
00:20:13What are you doing?
00:20:14Let go of me!
00:20:28Let go of me!
00:20:54The secret you lost your life for.
00:20:58What am I supposed to do with it?
00:21:34Did you fight until you hit each other?
00:21:37Is that what he told you?
00:21:41That idiot.
00:21:42He's my mother-in-law's valiant son.
00:21:44Watch your mouth.
00:21:45He's not keeping his promise.
00:21:47He said he'd cooperate.
00:21:49That idiot.
00:21:58He has no intention of cooperating.
00:22:01Or is it because you tortured him?
00:22:03We don't do that anymore.
00:22:05Do you remember what you promised?
00:22:07Even if you were a terrible husband,
00:22:09you'd prove to me that you're a good cop.
00:22:11What's wrong?
00:22:12You don't remember?
00:22:17I'm just doing my job.
00:22:21I don't know anything about Derek.
00:22:22But time is running.
00:22:24It'll be too late.
00:22:26I have to gather the information he gave me.
00:22:30Just trust him.
00:22:32You should see him too.
00:22:34He'll want to talk.
00:22:39Because I don't understand him.
00:22:41Knowing he couldn't find me
00:22:43makes him a low-level spy.
00:22:47He only steals documents.
00:22:50But knowing he lied to you
00:22:52makes him a first-class spy.
00:22:56It's my job to consider all that.
00:22:58Don't worry.
00:23:01In the end, everything will be as you want.
00:23:05I'm leaving.
00:23:13You still can't trust him.
00:23:26I can't trust Derek anymore.
00:23:28You can't?
00:23:30It's been a long time.
00:23:32He's looking for a Korean cop
00:23:33who retired in Los Angeles.
00:23:35I think this will lead to something.
00:23:37I'll have news soon.
00:23:40When Derek finds out,
00:23:41let me know.
00:23:43This time, he won't get what he wants.
00:23:56What are you doing here?
00:23:57I had to come.
00:23:59After what happened.
00:24:01What are you going to do
00:24:03to calm Kim Dong-tak down?
00:24:14It's broken.
00:24:16Are you still playing with these things?
00:24:19We're not that different.
00:24:28You could die.
00:24:33Thanks for telling me.
00:24:43I'm sorry.
00:25:08Why should I help you?
00:25:25It's sharp. Be careful.
00:25:27At least I won't die because of this.
00:25:31I have to go.
00:25:35Take care.
00:25:49What's wrong?
00:25:50Did you get hurt?
00:25:52I slipped while I was walking.
00:25:58Be careful.
00:26:01We'll see each other again.
00:26:03Take care.
00:26:05I thought I'd feel better
00:26:06after telling me everything.
00:26:09Now that I know,
00:26:10it makes me uncomfortable too.
00:26:12I can't believe they lied to you twice.
00:26:15It's impossible.
00:26:17How could you not realize
00:26:18your husband was working?
00:26:21Wait until you get married.
00:26:23A husband is never the man you divorced.
00:26:26What did Derek say?
00:26:28Did he find out who killed Sophie?
00:26:33A rival organization must have done it.
00:26:35It must have been that.
00:26:37The bastard who ruined our dresses
00:26:39must have been a member of a rival organization.
00:26:42Did they plan a group wedding?
00:26:45There's nothing here.
00:26:48Ever since you were in the place where Sophie died,
00:26:50you've become the center of this case.
00:26:52Can't you see?
00:26:54You're the problem.
00:26:55You're the cause.
00:26:56Be responsible!
00:26:58Why do I have to do that?
00:27:00Because we're about to collapse
00:27:01and it's all thanks to you.
00:27:03We lost King Dong Ran because of you.
00:27:06At this rate,
00:27:07we won't be able to pay our debts.
00:27:08Will you eat Jianmian while you cry again?
00:27:30I spent my wallet again to pay my taxes.
00:27:34I didn't think I'd have to go so far.
00:27:38Those who are moving in will be here in about an hour.
00:27:40They'll be here after another job,
00:27:41since they have a discount.
00:27:43They have a full schedule because they're lucky.
00:27:45And we're here after losing everything?
00:27:52I'm here for the delivery.
00:28:05Jianmian is the best place to move in.
00:28:08We couldn't eat noodles
00:28:11because we couldn't stand the smell.
00:28:14Next time,
00:28:15let's rent a bigger place.
00:28:17That way, there won't be a problem.
00:28:18Of course,
00:28:19with a big parking lot
00:28:20and lots of rooms.
00:28:22It'll be such a big place
00:28:23that we can eat whatever we want.
00:28:25Yes, yes.
00:28:26Next time,
00:28:27we'll order something spicy.
00:28:29And a dessert too.
00:28:38I'm sorry.
00:28:51Why are you crying?
00:28:55It's nothing.
00:28:57don't forget who we are.
00:28:59You're the heir
00:29:00to our 100-year wedding.
00:29:04And remember
00:29:05that I'm the daughter
00:29:06of a great businesswoman.
00:29:07With your machine
00:29:09and my sales skills,
00:29:10we can be successful anywhere.
00:29:14and this is nothing.
00:29:15Of course.
00:29:16Luck doesn't smile yet.
00:29:17Or tell me,
00:29:18how did my mom get her savings
00:29:19just in the month we broke up?
00:29:24You didn't...
00:29:26your mom?
00:29:29Don't worry.
00:29:30Mom will look at that money,
00:29:32but she won't need it
00:29:33because she'll be very upset with me.
00:29:38Let's go eat then.
00:29:40First we eat,
00:29:41and then we work.
00:29:43We'll do it!
00:29:44We'll do it!
00:29:46Do you want to be the laughingstock
00:29:47of the people again
00:29:48eating jajangmyeon on the street?
00:29:50No way.
00:29:52We've come too far for that.
00:29:53We've come too far.
00:29:55Now we must ask
00:29:56Kim Dong-ran to forgive us.
00:29:59We've knelt down
00:30:00in front of the collectors many times.
00:30:02This must not be the exception.
00:30:03There's no other way.
00:30:04No, it's just...
00:30:05Why does she hate me so much?
00:30:07Everything got worse
00:30:08when I found her in the hospital.
00:30:10When her mother was in the other room?
00:30:13She got very nervous.
00:30:15As if she had found her
00:30:19Well, I heard
00:30:20that her mother
00:30:21is her greatest weakness.
00:30:23She can't even attend
00:30:24her wedding
00:30:25because she's the other woman.
00:30:26She can't attend the wedding?
00:30:28I heard that.
00:30:32I heard that.
00:30:37One moment.
00:30:51Try it.
00:30:54What's this?
00:30:55Just do it.
00:31:04You look better than 007.
00:31:07But you don't have any money.
00:31:09Well, that's not new.
00:31:11When was the last time
00:31:12you dressed like that?
00:31:16I remember that you also
00:31:17bought me one for my wedding.
00:31:19That's the least I can do for you.
00:31:21I remember that you took
00:31:22this job for me.
00:31:25You should have continued
00:31:26training snipers.
00:31:28I was very stupid
00:31:29to make you give up.
00:31:33I'm really sorry
00:31:34for worrying you.
00:31:39you can't fool me.
00:31:41I know you feel
00:31:42too lonely.
00:31:44Isn't that right?
00:31:45In the end,
00:31:46we're all lonely.
00:31:50Never give up.
00:31:59It'll be much better
00:32:00if you fix your hair.
00:32:03Where's the hair wax?
00:32:05Have you seen it?
00:32:12I always eat ramen.
00:32:33Yes, Dolan.
00:32:45What are you doing here?
00:32:46Tell me.
00:32:48I have personal matters.
00:32:50Personal matters?
00:32:52I don't like it when you
00:32:53tell me what to do.
00:32:55I don't like it when you
00:32:56tell me what to do.
00:32:57I don't like it when you
00:32:58tell me what to do.
00:33:00I don't like it when you
00:33:01tell me what to do.
00:33:02You're being nice to me.
00:33:04I asked what you're doing here.
00:33:07I'm here to see a woman.
00:33:12I'm this woman.
00:33:17Arum isn't in right now.
00:33:22Are you okay?
00:33:24Both of you.
00:33:26Come with me.
00:33:30Dulae, why didn't you tell me before?
00:33:33Arron, I didn't want to.
00:33:34I was against you finding out.
00:33:36I didn't want to worry you.
00:33:38It's so considered that I can't believe it.
00:33:41Or maybe you don't trust him very much.
00:33:44You haven't changed the camera yet.
00:33:47That one's already changed.
00:33:49I don't trust him.
00:33:51I don't trust him.
00:33:53I don't trust him.
00:33:55I don't trust him.
00:33:57You haven't changed the camera yet.
00:33:59That one's already changed.
00:34:01What are you saying?
00:34:03You've been here before.
00:34:04You probably live here now.
00:34:05Concentrate! Look!
00:34:08Did this happen that day?
00:34:09We lost a lot of money because of this.
00:34:11That's a clean cut.
00:34:13It's the work of a professional.
00:34:16Or it could be a psychopath.
00:34:20I bet it's a butcher.
00:34:21Who was the idiot?
00:34:25She fought the thief with a pair of scissors.
00:34:28She did that?
00:34:29And she said she stabbed him in the leg.
00:34:32She's crazy.
00:34:33A leg?
00:34:34She stabbed the masked man right here.
00:34:36She's crazy.
00:34:37She used scissors.
00:34:39What's wrong? Did you get hurt?
00:34:41I slipped as I was walking.
00:34:43Be careful.
00:34:46The truth is, I'm scared.
00:34:50Don't worry.
00:34:53I mean, I'm worried about you two.
00:35:01Arron fills this up every time she's worried.
00:35:05Every time you two show up,
00:35:07she spends all night filling this up.
00:35:10That's how stressed she is.
00:35:23I'm sorry.
00:35:53I'm sorry.
00:36:23I'm sorry.
00:36:24I'm sorry.
00:36:25I'm sorry.
00:36:51Get me Arron.
00:36:56Get me Arron.
00:37:10Call Arron.
00:37:17Why isn't she answering?
00:37:25Call Arron.
00:37:55Call Arron.
00:38:25Call Arron.
00:38:56You're happy.
00:39:02You are.
00:39:26I knew it was you.
00:39:39What are you doing here?
00:39:40I'm watching your wife.
00:39:44I'm only watching her because she's my wife.
00:39:47You're a pervert.
00:39:48You're a pervert.
00:39:49You're a pervert.
00:39:50You're a pervert.
00:39:51You're a pervert.
00:39:52You're a pervert.
00:39:53You're a pervert.
00:39:54I'm only protecting her.
00:39:55Of course.
00:39:58You represent the greatest danger to her.
00:40:03Whether you like it or not, that's the way it is.
00:40:06While you were doing your job, you put her in danger.
00:40:10Someone wants to take her.
00:40:11So what have you done?
00:40:14Have you done anything to protect her?
00:40:24Cell phone.
00:40:46Can you hear me?
00:40:47Where are you?
00:40:48My cell phone has low battery.
00:40:56Why don't you want me to change the design?
00:40:59The photo shoot is in the morning.
00:41:05I don't know.
00:41:07Not the color.
00:41:09We have to go white.
00:41:11It can be a ivory tone.
00:41:18As for this,
00:41:19he said he didn't like the cords.
00:41:21Check with him in the morning.
00:41:27Why did he call me so many times?
00:41:38Turn it off.
00:41:39Turn it off.
00:41:41Something else.
00:41:42He can't find us.
00:41:45Do you think I love to do it?
00:41:49Come on.
00:41:51Let's go.
00:41:52Come on.
00:41:53Let's go.
00:42:06Let's go.
00:42:51That's horrible.
00:42:52It's better this way.
00:43:15Did you see me?
00:43:17Why are you hiding?
00:43:21I didn't want you to find out.
00:43:26Let's not talk about this, okay?
00:43:28We finally agree.
00:43:30I think it's great.
00:43:32For now,
00:43:34I'll be very good.
00:43:38Are you serious?
00:43:41And you?
00:43:44Of course.
00:43:52Step aside.
00:43:57Now that I think about it,
00:43:59Aron had a fake wedding twice.
00:44:04It's like buying a cell phone
00:44:06in a second-hand store on the Internet.
00:44:09If he hadn't discovered
00:44:10the identity of his husband,
00:44:12he would have always been deceived.
00:44:14It would have been much better
00:44:16if he hadn't discovered
00:44:17that he had been lied to.
00:44:18He would have had a normal,
00:44:19peaceful life.
00:44:20But since he loves him,
00:44:21he should have forgiven him.
00:44:25is love that important?
00:44:27Love lies and makes you stupid.
00:44:30Once love is over,
00:44:31no one is deceived.
00:44:34It's sad to have to lie
00:44:35in order to be loved.
00:44:38Love is nothing more than lies
00:44:39when your feelings deceive you.
00:44:44In that case,
00:44:45when it comes to love,
00:44:46I'll be honest.
00:44:53The Shirabu case?
00:44:55It's that case, right?
00:44:58The diplomatic event
00:44:59never revealed
00:45:00of an industrial spy
00:45:01that shook the United States,
00:45:02Italy, and Japan.
00:45:05I'm sorry.
00:45:06In 2013,
00:45:07a high-ranking official
00:45:08of an Italian pharmaceutical company
00:45:10was surprised
00:45:11by selling medical technology to Japan
00:45:13to get rid of him.
00:45:15So he agreed
00:45:16to send us the Japanese spy.
00:45:18The alias of the spy
00:45:19was Shirabu.
00:45:21We made a raid
00:45:22on the crime scene
00:45:23when the officer
00:45:24was selling the technology
00:45:25to Shirabu.
00:45:26John was also there,
00:45:27since he speaks Japanese.
00:45:30We caught Shirabu,
00:45:31but the evidence disappeared.
00:45:34The Italian official
00:45:35said he gave it to him,
00:45:37but Shirabu refused to receive it.
00:45:40We didn't know
00:45:41who was lying.
00:45:42The problem is that
00:45:43Shirabu was a high-ranking official
00:45:44and a nobleman in Japan.
00:45:46It could have been
00:45:47a complicated diplomatic situation.
00:45:49Then something happened.
00:45:53The desperate Italian official,
00:45:55who thought he had lost everything,
00:45:57led an important member
00:45:59of the Japanese royal family
00:46:01to Shirabu.
00:46:03And he died?
00:46:04What happened to Shirabu?
00:46:07Two months later,
00:46:08the American pharmaceutical company
00:46:10presented the technology.
00:46:12So someone
00:46:13stole the technology that day.
00:46:17Harrison Young?
00:46:19Everything points to
00:46:20that he was in Italy
00:46:22at that time.
00:46:24Shirabu wasn't good
00:46:25at English,
00:46:26so Derek translated
00:46:28the Korean into Japanese
00:46:29and was dragged into this.
00:46:33This is the opportunity
00:46:34to clear his name.
00:46:36So it's good for Derek,
00:46:39the opportunity to get out of jail.
00:46:40Too bad he got involved
00:46:41with his wife's ex.
00:46:45Do you think they can
00:46:46work together?
00:46:48We can work together.
00:47:12Help me catch Kim Dong-tak
00:47:13in Flaganza.
00:47:15And the boss.
00:47:18Nobody knows anything about the boss.
00:47:21Do you communicate with him
00:47:22by telepathy?
00:47:25They give us orders
00:47:26through a special phone
00:47:27that Helmes gives us.
00:47:30And who's in charge of that?
00:47:47If we manage to catch Tinker,
00:47:50we'll get to the boss.
00:47:53I think
00:47:55you're very close to him.
00:47:57I was.
00:48:01But when good times
00:48:02are over,
00:48:03the good times are over.
00:48:05The only well-known
00:48:06Helmese agents
00:48:07are Derek Hume,
00:48:08the famous diplomat,
00:48:10the general director
00:48:11of the Tinker workshop,
00:48:13and Dr. Sofiane,
00:48:14who was murdered.
00:48:16The person who was
00:48:17on the scene of the crime
00:48:18was your opponent,
00:48:20And the most important
00:48:21of all is...
00:48:24Even between us,
00:48:25we don't share
00:48:26details of our missions.
00:48:28Nor do we give
00:48:29the indications
00:48:30they've given us.
00:48:32The only thing
00:48:33I'm sure of
00:48:34is that Tinker
00:48:35will leave for Japan
00:48:36in a few days.
00:48:37The wealthy person
00:48:38caused this mess,
00:48:39so Tinker
00:48:40must take care of it.
00:48:42All emergency calls
00:48:43are made by Tinker,
00:48:44the general director
00:48:45of the classic cars
00:48:46of South Korea.
00:48:48he may not be in Korea
00:48:49on the day of the operation.
00:48:50The person who asked
00:48:51to steal the technology
00:48:52from Echo Zone
00:48:53was Kim Dong-tak
00:48:54from DDK.
00:48:56The reason seems
00:48:57to be that he wants
00:48:58to smuggle
00:48:59the technology to Japan.
00:49:00Derek will lie to him
00:49:01that he has the technology,
00:49:03and when Kim Dong-tak
00:49:04gets it,
00:49:05we'll catch him.
00:49:06The boss is the most important.
00:49:07That's very interesting.
00:49:09And the direct line?
00:49:12He only receives calls,
00:49:13but even in the records
00:49:14it doesn't seem
00:49:15like anything at all.
00:49:17Maybe he has
00:49:18his own communication network.
00:49:20Or he owns
00:49:21a telecommunications company.
00:49:23He has his own network?
00:49:26When I was a kid,
00:49:27my mother wouldn't let me play,
00:49:28so I used to create
00:49:29my own network.
00:49:30You created your own network?
00:49:33You can do it
00:49:34by looking for
00:49:35abandoned frequencies
00:49:36from failed emissions
00:49:37from companies.
00:49:38You can only use them
00:49:39for a maximum
00:49:40of three minutes.
00:49:41It's possible.
00:49:43Three minutes
00:49:44is enough time
00:49:45to cook ramen,
00:49:46eat it,
00:49:47fill your stomach,
00:49:48and work to protect
00:49:49your country.
00:49:50You, little scientist,
00:49:52I want you to find
00:49:53that hidden network
00:49:54at all costs.
00:49:55You only have three days
00:49:56to find it.
00:49:57Is that clear?
00:49:58Yes, sir.
00:49:59When can we
00:50:00catch the traitor?
00:50:02In a few weeks,
00:50:03Kim Dong-ran,
00:50:04the daughter of DDK's owner,
00:50:05will get married.
00:50:06Kim Dong-tak
00:50:07is on the radar,
00:50:08but he will still
00:50:09make an appearance
00:50:10at the wedding.
00:50:11That way,
00:50:12I suppose,
00:50:13he won't upset his father.
00:50:14We have to catch him
00:50:15that day,
00:50:16whatever the cost.
00:50:18At the wedding?
00:50:19Won't it be easy
00:50:20for us to get in?
00:50:22That's why
00:50:24I was able to hire
00:50:25a professional.
00:50:28Oh, heavens,
00:50:29why did he ask me
00:50:30to come all the way here?
00:50:32If he thinks
00:50:33I'm scared.
00:50:37To be continued...
00:51:07A round of applause.
00:51:38Worry about yourself.
00:51:42Don't worry.
00:51:44I'll help you.
00:51:45They seem
00:51:46very close friends.
00:51:47They're known
00:51:48as bromance.
00:51:53We'll cooperate.
00:51:54Are you okay?
00:51:57It's not like
00:51:58I'm physically
00:51:59torturing him,
00:52:00don't you think?
00:52:01Let's go eat.
00:52:02You're invited.
00:52:03I don't know
00:52:04what you mean by that.
00:52:05Just follow your path.
00:52:06Very well.
00:52:08What would you like to eat?
00:52:16as long as
00:52:17it's not spicy.
00:52:19The thing is...
00:52:24Derek can't eat
00:52:25anything spicy.
00:52:26He can't even
00:52:27eat a small portion.
00:52:29I see you have
00:52:30the palate of a child.
00:52:31I knew it.
00:52:33I'm not surprised
00:52:34you're so immature.
00:52:36Since you don't
00:52:37live with men,
00:52:38you don't know
00:52:39how to be one.
00:52:41But why am I
00:52:42using chopsticks?
00:52:43I'll use my hands.
00:52:52It's perfect.
00:52:56Don't resist.
00:52:57It's hard.
00:52:58Open it
00:52:59with your hands.
00:53:37What does this mean?
00:53:40Did you expect me
00:53:41to wear this?
00:53:43It's old-fashioned.
00:53:44My mother would like it.
00:53:50It's for her mother.
00:53:54I didn't know
00:53:55if she would like it.
00:53:56While she was designing
00:53:57her dress,
00:53:58I made this
00:53:59gift for her mother.
00:54:01But I didn't know
00:54:02if she would like it.
00:54:03It's so moving
00:54:04to see a mother
00:54:05and daughter
00:54:06dressed in similar
00:54:07styles for the
00:54:08photo shoot.
00:54:10I wanted her to have
00:54:11a good memory
00:54:12of her wedding.
00:54:16I'm sorry.
00:54:18I did it
00:54:19out of impulse.
00:54:20I didn't think about it.
00:54:21But I didn't even
00:54:22ask her before doing it.
00:54:28I'm sorry.
00:54:30I'm sorry.
00:54:31I'm sorry.
00:55:02It's for you, Mom.
00:55:03Let's take some pictures
00:55:05I love you.
00:55:14It's very basic.
00:55:17allow me
00:55:18to serve you
00:55:19on your wedding day.
00:55:21In designing
00:55:22your wedding dress
00:55:23and the party dress.
00:55:25I thought
00:55:26it was a fact.
00:55:29I'm very honored
00:55:30to serve you.
00:55:32And one more thing.
00:55:34I would like
00:55:35my husband
00:55:36to come with me.
00:55:37I heard he was
00:55:38invited by
00:55:39the director,
00:55:40Kim Dong Tak.
00:55:41But I think
00:55:43he couldn't
00:55:44receive the invitation.
00:55:45Let Secretary Kim
00:55:48your husband
00:55:49can't communicate
00:55:50with my brother?
00:55:51He must be busy.
00:55:53Although I know
00:55:54he will attend the wedding.
00:55:55Do you know
00:55:56any idiot
00:55:57who didn't go
00:55:58to his sister's wedding?
00:55:59Of course not.
00:56:00Kim Dong Tak
00:56:01is one of them.
00:56:03I see.
00:56:04Even so,
00:56:06Or my father
00:56:07will be angry with him.
00:56:18we can finally
00:56:19catch Kim Dong Tak.
00:56:21Tell me,
00:56:22what are you doing here?
00:56:25Boss Ban.
00:56:27After tomorrow's mission,
00:56:28I want to retire.
00:56:30What do you mean, Sira?
00:56:33Let me go to the United States.
00:56:35I'll finish what I started there.
00:56:38Is Aron the reason?
00:56:40Just let me go.
00:56:44I don't understand.
00:56:45Why are you so miserable?
00:56:49I'll take care of both.
00:56:53and Derechion.
00:56:54Ji Yong Ji Hong.
00:56:55I always thought
00:56:56you were a terrible spy.
00:56:58But when you're in front of her,
00:57:00you become
00:57:01a great professional.
00:57:04You hide your identity
00:57:05until the end.
00:57:07And you also hide
00:57:08your feelings.
00:57:16Listen, Ji Yong.
00:57:17You must change.
00:57:20you'll be caught.
00:57:22You're just delaying
00:57:23what is inevitable.
00:57:28It's okay.
00:57:58Ji Yong.
00:58:28I'm sorry.
00:58:45Where is Kim Dong Ran?
00:58:47I have everything under control.
00:58:49I went to the wedding place
00:58:50on an occasion.
00:58:56They booked two rooms.
00:58:57Kim Dong Tak will be
00:59:00Just above the bride's waiting room.
00:59:03I'll be an hour before the wedding.
00:59:06I'll have enough time
00:59:07to set cameras and microphones.
00:59:09What about Kim Dong Tak?
00:59:11He'll attend.
00:59:12I guess he has to go for his father.
00:59:14I have Derech on the guest list.
00:59:19Thank you
00:59:21for believing in Derech.
00:59:25Once we catch Derech,
00:59:26once we catch Kim Dong Tak,
00:59:28the boss will help him.
00:59:29You'll be able to get out of jail.
00:59:31It seems you won't be here
00:59:32when it happens.
00:59:40A man fixed your tie.
00:59:44How do you know?
00:59:45I just
00:59:49Excuse me.
00:59:51The ties I give my clients
00:59:52are much better.
00:59:56I'm sorry.
01:00:26Where is that blue silk tie?
01:00:30It's fine.
01:00:33I have a new one.
01:00:34I'll give it to you.
01:00:35It's better this way.
01:00:37Keep it.
01:00:40Or throw it away.
01:00:43See you.
01:01:27The wedding venue
01:01:29is designed to confuse
01:01:30the journalists
01:01:31who have not been invited.
01:01:33The place is especially
01:01:34for rich and powerful families
01:01:36since D.D.K. designed it
01:01:37and managed it like this.
01:01:39Kim Dong Tak
01:01:40knows the place very well.
01:01:42In case he tries to escape,
01:01:44we'll have to block
01:01:45all exits
01:01:47so he can't escape.
01:01:51Stop looking at me
01:01:52like that.
01:01:54I'm not looking at you.
01:01:57And focus on doing things right.
01:01:59We're close.
01:02:00I'm doing my best.
01:02:01Someone told me
01:02:02to make my performance
01:02:04Who said that?
01:02:05Was it me?
01:02:10Can I see your invitation,
01:02:19If your name
01:02:20isn't on the list,
01:02:21you won't be able
01:02:22to put a foot in the place.
01:02:25I have the same agent
01:02:26who will direct
01:02:27the operation's core.
01:02:31Should we go now, ma'am?
01:02:33The same agent
01:02:34who will set the date
01:02:35for the wedding
01:02:36and who will be
01:02:37at the center of the scene
01:02:38is vital.
01:02:42What's going on?
01:02:46Kim Dong won't be attending.
01:02:48Did my father
01:02:49allow it?
01:02:51Give me the phone.
01:02:55Kim Dong Tak.
01:02:56How dare you
01:02:57not attend
01:02:58your sister's wedding?
01:03:02blood is thicker
01:03:03than water.
01:03:04I'm about to get married.
01:03:05I want you
01:03:06to give me your blessing.
01:03:07I suppose
01:03:08I finally matured.
01:03:09You'll be there,
01:03:10won't you?
01:03:11After all,
01:03:12I'm your only sister.
01:03:13This is what he wrote.
01:03:15I'm disgusted.
01:03:16I'm the one
01:03:17who takes drugs.
01:03:18Why do I act like this?
01:03:19I don't know.
01:03:20I don't know.
01:03:21I don't know.
01:03:22I don't know.
01:03:23I don't know.
01:03:24So, I'm going to act like this.
01:03:25I hope I won't
01:03:26have to come back to see you.
01:03:28That's all I want.
01:03:29If you want to play,
01:03:30I'll teach you.
01:03:34You come forward today,
01:03:35I'll let you do
01:03:36the decartification.
01:03:38Who do you think you are?
01:03:40You were always mine.
01:03:44Daniela Kim,
01:03:45is there
01:03:47a problem
01:03:50with the wedding?
01:04:24Terrible person as muy anima
01:04:30It's doing Camino la boda de tu hermana
01:04:38Salio todo como lo planeo claro que si
01:04:46Kim don't a kira la boda
01:05:24Kim don't a kira la dos el objetivo de retraso 10 minutos entendido
01:05:48Su vestido es hermoso quien lo hizo lo diseñó a rom aquí presente es mucho mejor de que uso son el año pasado
01:05:56De hecho me gustaría mencionar que vi su vestido de novia en el mismo desfile de modas en Bélgica
01:06:54Nos vemos en tu habitación
01:07:04El objetivo
01:07:39Pero porque está huyendo que está pasando que no está huyendo
01:07:49Esta información se filtró
01:08:03Kim don't a cuyo creo que alguien
01:08:08Le advirtió que
