Who Hates Us? Come On, Really?

  • last month
Taken from the words of the Master Messiah.
00:00Hey, shalom brothers and sisters, welcome back again.
00:04Today I want to talk about a very important subject, and it's something we need to, as
00:08messianics, Christians, whatever, we need to remember, and that's about how the world
00:14hates us.
00:16You know, Yeshua said it time and time again, the world hates us because of our faith and
00:22who we are and everything else.
00:24You know, you have professing Christians out there that have good lives and everything,
00:30they go to church on Sunday, really no problems, you might have a little bit here and there,
00:35but you know, they're not looked down on, they're not, you know, because they're not
00:42looked down on, I mean, they're looked down on because of the prosperity gospel, they
00:48look down, people, you know, people laugh about the prosperity gospel because of the
00:51crooks that actually do this stuff, that's one thing, but people that don't like you
00:58because you got the faith and you outwardly show your faith, you know, by good deeds and
01:06sound advice and a sound mind, but I just want to share some verses with you about how
01:13the world hates us, you know, the fleshly, modern world today, the evil world hates us,
01:20and I'm going to start out with John 15, chapters 18 to 19, 15, 18, 19, and right here it says,
01:30if the world hate you, you know that it hated me before it hated you, that's what Yeshua
01:37says, if you are of the world, the world would love his own, but because you are not of this
01:43world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you, so that's
01:51coming from the mouth of Yeshua, plain and simple, the world hated him before they hated
01:56us, you know, he was like the prototype of hatred for the world, the worldly world, but
02:04I'm going to skip to John 17 now, 17, 14 to 17, and it says right here, Yeshua again,
02:17I have given them thy word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the
02:24world, even as I am not of this world, I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the
02:33world, but that thou should keep them from the evil, they are not of the world, even as I am not
02:40of the world, sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth, and that's Yeshua's prayer,
02:49that was a prayer he did, he's praying for, you know, not just, you know, his, you know,
02:55the apostles and them, but the future generations of his believers, you know, his followers, his
03:01believers, I'm going to jump over to Matthew now, back to Matthew, I'm going to go to chapter 10,
03:1034 and 35, 10, 34, 35, think not that I come to send peace unto the earth, I came not to
03:31send peace, but a sword, for I have come to set a man at variance against his father, and his daughter
03:37against his mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, so Yeshua, he didn't
03:47come to bring exactly peace, he's calling people out, you got to make a choice, and that's why the
03:52world would hate you, you know, because, you know, you pick it, choosing him over an evil, evil world,
03:58and evil people are wicked, deceived, delusional people, and that's one reason why people would
04:07hate you, you know, the world would hate you, because we don't go by their political correctness,
04:12that's one thing, there's political correctness all around, and if you're not with it, you know,
04:17you could be canceled, you could be ridiculed, and everything else, and it's just not right.
04:22I'm going to go to Mark 13, jump over to Mark 13, and now I'm going to encourage you to read the
04:34whole chapter of Mark 13, just read the whole, you know, just read that, and I'm going to go to John,
04:40first John now, this time, see what John has to say, first John,
04:49first John, and sticky pages here,
04:59okay, I'm going to go to chapter 3, 1 through 3,
05:04behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of
05:12Yahweh, therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not, beloved now are we the sons of
05:20Yahweh, and it doeth not yet appear what we shall be, but we, but we know that when he shall
05:30appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is, at that moment we will see him as he is,
05:39although like I said here, the world doesn't know us or anything, you know, and just for the
05:48side note here, I just want to do a verse 9 here, whosoever is born of Elohim doeth not commit sin,
05:55for his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin, because he was born of Elohim, so he was,
06:05he's the son of, you know, the father Yahweh, I'm going to go to 2 Peter now,
06:14try 2 Peter here, oops, 2 Peter and what, chapter 2, 2 Peter chapter 2, and was that 1 through 3,
06:30let's see, chapter 2, 1 through 3, but there were false prophets among the people, even as it shall
06:40be false teachers among you, who privately shall bring destructive heresies, even denying the
06:47master that bought them, and bring them unto themselves swift destruction, and many shall
06:54follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of,
07:01and through covenantedness shall be the fiend, words make merchants merchandise of you,
07:09whose judgment now of the long time lingereth not, and their condemnation slumbereth not,
07:17so it doesn't help the world hates us, and you get these false preachers and false whatever
07:23prophets coming in, you know, denying, you know, Yeshua and all kinds of things, you know, and
07:29they're worldly, and they try to, you know, say smooth things, you know, to the masses,
07:39because people don't want to hear bad news, they never want to hear bad news,
07:42they always want to hear good news, and we'll go to Jude, we'll go to Jude 3,
07:59let's see, Jude 3, excuse me, 3 and 4, Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of
08:10the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort that you that you
08:18should earnestly contend to the faith, which is once delivered to the saints, remember that,
08:24for there is, there are certain men crept unawares, who were before you of old ordained
08:31to this condemnation, wicked men turning the grace of our Elohim into lawlessness,
08:37and denying the only sovereign Yahweh and our master Yeshua, so it's again, it's these evil
08:44people, you know, they're just throwing a monkey wrench into the faithful and everything, they're
08:48trying to rattle them, and they're trying to drag us back into this world, this carnal world,
08:53they're trying to deceive, and we gotta, we gotta remember, we gotta have the faith,
08:57we got the Holy Spirit to guide us, we got scriptures, scriptures tells us, we always
09:02have to go by scriptures before we go by what people say, tradition, man's tradition, everything,
09:08we have to, but, and I'm gonna go to John again, back to John chapter 16,
09:21John chapter 16, and it'll be chapter 2,
09:29they shall put you out of the synagogues or churches, yeah the time cometh that whosoever
09:36killeth you will think he is doing Elohim a service, so these people, the false people,
09:44the false Christians or whatever they are, and this also goes for Gentiles, you know,
09:50the people don't believe, you know, just say atheist or something, they won't throw you in
09:55prison for what you say or what you stand for, your faith, you know, your testimony of Yeshua
10:00Messiah, you know, HaMashiach, you know, that's who it is, you know, Yeshua HaMashiach,
10:07that's who we're standing up for, He stood up for us on the cross, on the stake, and it's our time
10:12to stick up for big brother, I mean, that's plain and simple, these people, not just the fake
10:19fake Christians, you know, but also Gentiles, they think, they think, you know, they're doing
10:27service to their God, their God, which could be money or reputation, political correctness,
10:34you know, acclaim, everything like that, so you got to think of it that way too,
10:39so I'm gonna go conclude this with Matthew, go back to Matthew, gonna be Matthew 10,
10:47almost there, Matthew 10, and what verse was that again? 16, Matthew 10, 16,
11:05see if I could find that, Matthew 10, 16,
11:09Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of the wolves, be you therefore wise as serpents
11:19and harmless as doves, we got to be wise as serpents, you know, and harmless as doves,
11:27we got to beware, we got to be keen, we got to, we got to be on guard, you know,
11:32that's what, that's what Yeshua is saying right here, we've got to be like that, I mean,
11:38these are the end times, there's no doubt, look around us, you know, you know, technology's going
11:43up, you know, political correctness is out of control, everything, it's, it's pointing to it,
11:48I'm not saying it's going to happen today, tomorrow, a couple years from now, I don't,
11:53you know, nobody exactly knows when Yeshua is going to return, we have an idea about, you know,
12:00some signs, you know, and what's in the scriptures, a little bit of clues here and there,
12:03but we don't know the exact time, we've got to be prepared, we got prepared for all this stuff,
12:09I mean, the world hates us, and they're going to really increase in their hatred towards us,
12:14it's going to be, it's going to be like a, you know, a new age modern inquisition,
12:19it's what it's going to be, and, you know, you got to stop and think for a second,
12:25if your life is on the line, and the only way to get out, possibly get out of it, is renounce Yeshua
12:31as the son of Yahweh, you know, you got to think about that, what would you do,
12:37you know, I mean, it's, it's very scary, I mean, what if they have your children,
12:41or your loved ones there, they say renounce, or we're going to dispatch them, you know,
12:47you got to have faith, got to have faith in Yahweh, you know, you might, you know, if you
12:52renounce him, you might save him for decades or something, but your salvation, your eternal life
12:59salvation, to be really put in jeopardy, you got to think about that, but I just wanted to share
13:06with you about this lesson, I think it's very important, you know, the world hates us, hates
13:11the true, hates the true believers of Yeshua, that's who it is, the world hates them, you know,
13:18so that's all I really wanted to say, and, you know, it does, I hope I put a little bit of fear
13:23into you about this, and anyways, please, please give me a big likes, and hit the notification bells,
13:32and thumbs up, all that stuff, and please watch my other videos, and that's all I really wanted
13:38to say, and I humbly thank you again, you know, for watching my videos, and please watch the other
13:43ones, and I thank you again for your support and everything, till we meet again, peace out, and shalom.