Scripture Studies: Rev. 17

  • 2 months ago
Looking into the Book of Revelation and the scarlet woman.
00:00Shalom brothers and sisters thank you for stopping by again today I want to
00:05talk about the harlot I want to talk about the harlot and the scarlet beast
00:10of Revelations I have a little study on that because I think it's very
00:15imperative that you know we'd be informed so please get your Bibles out
00:22check up on me read along study along or or just put a note down and check it out
00:29at your own convenient time just study it so I'm gonna read read this I'm gonna
00:35read this is chapter 17 and there came one of the seven angels which had the
00:43seven vials and talked with me saying unto me come here I will show show unto
00:50thee the judgment of the great whore that setteth upon many waters so of
00:58course of course harlot or means means false church it's a false church and
01:04waters actually means people people's nations tongues the with whom the kings
01:13of the earth have committed fornication in and inhabitants of the earth have
01:17made drunk with the wine of her fornication so he carried me away in the
01:23spirit unto the wilderness and I saw a woman set upon a scarlet colored beast
01:29full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns and the woman was
01:37arrayed in purple and and scarlet collar and decked with gold and precious stones
01:43and pearls having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness
01:49of her fornication does that sound familiar when it comes to false churches
01:55and you know this decorations of riches and gold and everything and upon her
02:01forehead was the name written mystery Babylon the great the mother of harlots
02:07and abominations of the earth so this false church is considered a mother a
02:12mother of one mother who you know I mean it's like you know she has daughters
02:18around you know that's probably you know estranged daughters but still the
02:23clinging on these other other churches are clinging on to her heard so many of
02:29her doctrines and stuff like that belief and I saw the woman drunken with the
02:34blood of the Saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Yeshua and when I saw
02:39her I wandered with great admiration so John was kind of like he was kind of
02:46like awestruck with seeing this vision he was awestruck but you know this
02:53church actually tortured and put to death Yeshua's true disciples and not
02:59just in the future this is the past you know history when you know the Saints
03:04were martyred for standing up to the truth and the angel said come unto me
03:10wherefore didst thou marvel I will tell thee a mystery of the woman and the
03:16beast that carried her which hath the seven heads and ten horns now seven
03:21head and ten horns could be nations kingdoms Kings empires whatever aligned
03:29with her the beast that thou saw'st was and is not and shall ascend out of the
03:38bottomless pit and go into perdition and they that dwell on the earth shall
03:43wander whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of
03:49the world when they beheld the beast it was and is not and yet is so there's
03:58gonna be people not written in the book of life because they're following this
04:02false church in this you know false prophet then you got the you know the
04:06leader the beast man got them and here is the mind which hath wisdom the seven
04:14heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth and there are seven kings
04:20five have fallen one is and the other has not come and when he cometh he must
04:26continue for a short space so that's last one he's gonna be he and he comes
04:31he's gonna be just me for a short time it ain't gonna be a very very long
04:35duration and the beast that was and is not even he is the eighth and is of the
04:43seven and goeth into perdition so he's gone perdition he's gone to destruction
04:48that's where that's plans for him he's gone straight to destruction and the ten
04:54horns which thou saw'st are ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet
05:00but received power as the kings one hour with the beast that's the leader
05:05that's the the world leader you know that we're talking about these have one
05:12mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast so these other
05:16kings they're gonna line up with this world leader they're gonna line up with
05:22him and and they're gonna be guided by this false church you know they're good
05:27yeah these Kings won't give allegiance to both both entities these shall make
05:33war with the lamb and the lamb shall overcome them for he is sovereign of
05:37sovereigns and king of kings and they that are with him are called and chosen
05:45and faithful and he saith unto me the waters which thou saw'st where the horse
05:54are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues and the ten horns which thou
06:00saw'st upon the beast these these shall hate the whore and shall make war
06:05desolate naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire so after a while
06:13by scripture standard but after a while the beast man and these nations are
06:18gonna actually turn on the whore the church the harlot church you know they're
06:23gonna and I think you know like history records Hitler and the Catholics you
06:29know they got along for a while but Hitler's shortly started turning on the
06:33Catholic Church and history is gonna repeat itself because the scripture
06:37plainly says it right here for Elohim has put in their hearts to fulfill these
06:42his will and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast until the words
06:48of Elohim shall be fulfilled shall be it will be fulfilled but until then you
06:54know all this is going to transpire and the woman which thou saw'st is the great
07:00city which reigneth over the kings of the earth so this woman's gonna have
07:07great influential power over people and other nations all nations and and it's
07:19gonna be like a symbiotic relationship between the secular of the beast powers
07:23and the kingdoms and and the church you know the false church and there's gonna
07:30be great power and everything but later on the beast the beast is going to turn
07:35on that church they're gonna turn on them because he wants to be recognized
07:40as absolute God ruler of the world and you can't have anybody competing against
07:47him like some false prophet you know can't have any competition you got a you
07:52got to eliminate all all possibilities of you know any competition that's uh
07:59you know that's just how that's just how it is he's gonna be this beast man's
08:03gonna be so pumped up and full of pride and everything he's gonna think he's
08:07above anybody and everybody's he's gonna think he is literally Yahweh you know
08:12he thinks he's on Yahweh's throne and everything else you know but I just
08:19wanted to share these this this chapter with you it's very important you know
08:23very enlightening and hopefully you know you got to pray this stuff is it's coming
08:31you know we don't we don't want no bad anything bad to happen but it's going to
08:35happen the bad comes before the good the bad news comes before the good news of
08:39the gospel the gospel of the kingdom of Yahweh finally being being put back
08:45where it's supposed to be so anyways I just want to thank you again for you
08:51know tuning in to me and you know please subscribe hit the notification bell you
08:57know like like this video will look at my watch my other videos I encourage you
09:00to comment below and oh yeah and please just keep praying guided by the Holy
09:10Spirit and proper scripture study that comes in handy you know you got to keep
09:16keep refresh and keep running that marathon that spiritual marathon because
09:21you know you can't waver you can't sit there and stop take a breath or anything
09:26you might lose out on something so hey with that said and done thank you and
09:31thank you again until we meet again peace out shalom