7 Key Principles To Proper Bible Study

  • 3 months ago
Here are some helpful tips when studying the Word.
00:00Hey Shalom brothers and sisters welcome back I thank you again for joining me
00:04well today I want to give a lesson about a five principles to proper Bible study
00:09this should come in handy it's a handy tool and recommendations so please take
00:15heed and also thank you guys for tuning in watching my video here so I'm just
00:21gonna get to it right now and put your uh you know take your earphones out and
00:28everything and just listen to what I have to say and and hopefully you know
00:34it'll come in handy and help you out in your Bible studies many ways some will
00:38go for number one right here number one take it at face value the first
00:44principle of Bible understanding is to take the passage just as it reads look
00:50first at the literal meaning a symbolic or deeper sense of the passage will
00:55often be evident especially in combination with other related verses
01:00other related don't just rely on one verse just go for other verses to that
01:04are related to it number two here read the passage in context when faced with a
01:12difficult verse read all the verses surrounding it read what comes
01:17immediately before and after the passage read the entire chapter if necessary
01:22often often this will reveal the true meaning number three right here is let
01:28the scripture explain itself a failure to harmonize the scriptures can lead to
01:35a myriad of contradictory teachings a verse will never disagree with any other
01:41passage in the word so number four here know the context that's very important
01:49know the context you often need to know the reason a passage was written in
01:54order to understand it properly it may it may also be very helpful to know to
02:02whom the passage was written and why so you got know all that stuff who and why
02:07why was this passage written and why and also who's this message in a Bible who's
02:14this message forced on or who they talking to what group of people what's
02:21the circumstances is it about marital infidelities for instance sexual
02:28immorality what is it you know false teachings heretics something like that
02:35but anyways here's number five language and grammar anyone who has studied a
02:41foreign language knows the nuisances of meaning are often lost in the
02:46translation by returning to the original languages as closely as possible one can
02:52come to a more accurate sense of the passage so they could come to the sense
03:00of the passage passage you know it's it's very important to go back to the
03:04original language and you know you have your like concordances where it kind of
03:11tells you what the meaning is what the word was in another language and there's
03:17other helpful tools out there to teach you and number six number six here is
03:26before before you basically start doing this Bible study pray pray go ahead and
03:35pray for it you know and and pray for guidance wisdom with a whole heart and
03:41and it'll come in handy and then afterwards to afterwards give thanks and
03:46praises to your maker giving thanks and praises and still don't understand it
03:50just keep praying and the answer come to you so yeah that was a number six and
03:59number seven here number seven is not the least not least you know important
04:05or anything like that but falls in the category and that's when you're when
04:12you're studying make sure it's in a quiet environment quiet environment
04:18where you have your total concentration and attention will be on what you're
04:23examining the scriptures you're examining so peace and quiet turn off
04:27your TV's your electronic equipment make sure you're not being you know have some
04:33alone time or try to get away from the kids spouses whoever and just concentrate
04:38fully on that and that will greatly help you out it will but anyways these are
04:45the seven principles to proper Bible study and and if you guys have any other
04:49tips or anything put down in the comments below you know because other
04:53people will find it helpful and handy and it's like I said Bible study it's
05:01got the Holy Spirit in you to be a lot better and less confusing for you to
05:09learn and understand and take in take in all this holy knowledge but uh
05:16anyways that's all I wanted to say right now about that and I do thank you guys
05:20for joining me like I've always said in my other videos and please comment below
05:24let me know what you think and also give me a shout out you know hit the
05:32notification bell subscribe and also just be smiley and happy that's all I
05:39want I just want you guys to be happy and content with life and Holy
05:43Scriptures and the faith will help you out sure there's gonna be speed bumps
05:48and some roadblocks here and air troubles here but having the faith and
05:53everything you even pretty much over overcome it don't let it overcome you
05:57overcome it so that's all I really want to say about that and I thank you guys
06:01again for joining me until we meet again brothers and sisters peace out
06:05and Shalom