Bible Review: The Sacred Scriptures Bethel Edition

  • 2 days ago
Here is an honest review about this sacred names Bible translation by Jacob O. Meyer.
For a further study about this subject, I present a biography on Jacob O. Meyer. Please follow this link
00:00Hey, Shabbat Shalom brothers and sisters, welcome back, I thank you again for joining
00:04me today.
00:05Well, today I want to do, first off, I want to thank you guys for tuning in, watching
00:10my videos, and my subscribers, and those who are not subscribed, I encourage you to subscribe
00:17and watch some of my other videos, you'd like that.
00:20Anyways, I'm going to do a Bible review right now, and this Bible is a good addition to
00:28my collection, and if you guys are into collecting different translations of Bibles, this is
00:33one for your bookshelves.
00:35It's called the Sacred Scriptures, it's the Bethel edition right here.
00:41Now let me tell you, I'll tell you a little story about this, a man had a show a long
00:47time ago, it was called Jacob O. Meyer, had a broadcast out of Bethel, Pennsylvania,
00:57and he's the one that actually translated, this is like a sacred names Bible, took out
01:02the names like God, Lord, and other things like that, I encourage you to check it out.
01:07I'll show you, get this open here, I'll show you how it looks, how the print looks on it.
01:16Here it is right here, take a look at that, I know it's covering my face here, yeah, okay,
01:24we got it, right there.
01:27I got this off of, it was a bookstore, an online bookstore, because this Bible is hard
01:35to find, it's really hard to find.
01:37I was on eBay, I went to Amazon, I went around other places, I finally found me a copy, I
01:42got the copy, I'm proud I've got it.
01:45The only one issue I have about this, is there is actually some missing verses out
01:51of this, believe it or not.
01:54For example, it's like Mark chapter 9, verses 44 and 46 are not in it, Luke chapter 23,
02:06verse 17 is missing, and also Acts 15 verse 34, they're missing from this, and I don't
02:14know why, don't ask me why, I just don't know why, but besides that, it is a good addition
02:18to have, and if you look for it, I don't know if you'll find it, hopefully you will, and
02:25if you do, pick it up, because they are hard to find, like I said, it took me a while to
02:30find this, and I'm glad I found it, because I like collecting Bible translations.
02:37And here's the font in it, the printing, the font, it's little words on it, and you
02:43have to squint your eyes, but besides that, it's a good translation, it really is.
02:48Like I said, Jacob O'Meara was the one, he was an elder, a pastor elder from the assemblies
02:57of Yahweh, in Bethel, Pennsylvania, I'll let you read this right here, real quick, right
03:12So this is it right here, and I got other Bibles I want to introduce that are on my
03:22bookshelves that are worth mentioning, that you may be unaware that they exist.
03:29You know, we all know about the New Revised Standard Version, the King James Version,
03:35New King James Version, the New Living Translation, all that, we know the common ones, but these
03:41are the good ones, because they restore the names of Yahweh, Yahshua, and that is a very
03:47very important thing.
03:49So anyways, I encourage you to get this, I mean, I can't get enough of this, and you
04:00know, the printing, for me, besides it being small words, the printing's good, the cover
04:07is beautiful, look at that, it's beautiful there, but it don't have no, in the back it
04:14don't have no indexes, glossaries, there ain't no maps in this, charts or anything, diagrams,
04:21it's just a straight up Bible translation.
04:25So anyways, I encourage you to get this, and Jacob O. Meyer, in the past I did a biography
04:35about his life, he passed away in 2010, unfortunately, but I did a biography, and if I remember I'm
04:43going to put that in the description box below, and you can hit the link and watch that, and
04:49you know, see for yourself the story about this remarkable man.
04:53But anyways, that's all I have to say right now, oh no I don't, no I don't, there's one
04:58other thing I want to say.
05:00My better half went out, she has to go do something real quick, she went out but she
05:05come back in, and she brought something, she brought something here.
05:10I want to show you this.
05:12I was like, oh no, I was like oh no, you didn't, oh, watch this, come on, I don't want to hurt
05:21you, little, little girl, little guy, a little baby kitten, a little baby kitten right here.
05:29Oh, yeah she went out, she went out and grabbed some, those little things to feed it, feed
05:37this little baby, little, I don't know, little drop things, but I was like, oh no, a little
05:44baby, but anyways, such beautiful creatures, so, let's see how things turn out, but anyways,
05:53that's all I got to say, and thank you again for joining me, and please hit that notification
05:58bell, subscribe, and do all that stuff for me, I'll really, really appreciate that.
06:04Until we meet again brothers and sisters, peace out, and shalom.