Unreasonable Doubt?

  • 3 months ago
A valuable lesson about doubt and the Bible.
00:00Hey, shalom brothers and sisters, welcome back.
00:03Thank you for joining me again today.
00:05Today's episode, I want to talk about unreasonable doubt, doubt in the scriptures, you know.
00:11You know, there's been heroes of the scripture who had their doubts, you know, and I want
00:18to talk about that and share some scripture with you.
00:22First, remember, of course, you recall in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve was, you
00:28know, forbidden to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you know,
00:32Yahweh said, said, you know, if you eat that, you will surely die.
00:36So that was said and done.
00:38So one day Eve, of course, was out there by the fruit and a serpent come up, talked to
00:44her and basically called, blatantly called Yahweh a liar and said, you will not die if
00:52you eat this.
00:53You will live and you, your eyes will be open and you will, you know, be like a Elohim.
00:59You'd be like, you know, by the creator and Eve, that caused Eve to have some doubts.
01:06So Eve just, you know, started looking at it with her eyes.
01:09She touched it, smelled it, and then she finally ate it.
01:12Adam, Adam, though, Adam came along, he didn't really have any doubt, the only doubts Adam
01:17had was if he didn't eat, eat from it, he'd be sleeping in the doghouse.
01:22He didn't have no pants.
01:23He wasn't wearing the pants in the group.
01:25So he just followed along, you know, because of the female, you know, and that's, that
01:30was a downfall of mankind, you know, the fall of man.
01:34Now we can talk about, talk about the children of Israel.
01:38You know, they had their doubts too, you know, after they were miraculously saved and brought
01:44up to the mountain of Yahweh, you know, and throughout the thing, they was all grumbling.
01:50They had their doubts about, you know, about being sustained, you know, and they'd cry
01:56and say stuff like, take us back to Egypt, we're going to die out here and things like
02:02They had their doubts too.
02:03And also remember Isaiah chapter six, verse five, I believe, Isaiah, you know, he had
02:12doubts too.
02:13He said, I'm a man of unclean lips.
02:15You know, that's when he was being called, he was having doubts.
02:18So I think he, he did have unclean lips, but I think he also didn't think he was up
02:23to the par and Jeremiah, you know, I think it was a chapter one, five through eight.
02:30He said, he, you know, I'm too young, I'm too young to be, you know, be a representative
02:35of your prophet or whatever, you know, Yahweh, he, you know, said him right, you know, talk
02:40to him, said him right.
02:41But anyways, I want to go to Matthew right here.
02:47This is a story about Peter, of course, Peter and 28 through 31.
02:54This is when Yeshua was walking on the water and the apostles seen him and it says here
03:00on 1428 starting and Peter answered him and said, master, if it be thou bid me come unto
03:08thee unto the water.
03:10And he said, come.
03:12And when Peter was come down out of the ship and he walked on the water to go to Yeshua.
03:20But when he saw the wind bolstering, he was afraid and then began to sink.
03:25He cried saying, master, save me.
03:28And immediately Yeshua stretched forth his hand and caught him and said unto him, O thou
03:34of little faith, wherefore did thou doubt?
03:39He's asking, where did he doubt, you know, like doubting is, you know, you kind of have
03:44a lack of belief or faith, you know, either or even both, you know, and that's what happened
03:50to Peter.
03:51You know, he had, he was doing all right when he had the faith, but he looked around, he
03:54saw the storms, the wind and everything, he started getting frightened and started losing
03:58faith and he started sinking.
04:00But I'm going to go to Matthew 21 now.
04:04Matthew 21, and this is about the cursed, the cursed fig tree, 21 and, uh, I have the
04:1421 and 20, 21 verse, uh, 21, 22, let's see, 21 to 22, Yeshua answered and said unto them,
04:27Verily I say unto you, if you have faith and doubt not, you shall not only do this,
04:34which is done to the fig tree, but also if you shall say unto this mountain, be thou
04:41removed and be thou cast into the sea, it shall be done.
04:46And all things whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing you shall receive.
04:54That's the big thing right here, it says doubt, you know, again, the word doubt comes
04:58back up and doubt not, uh, see, we'll jump over a couple more chapters of, uh, the 28,
05:09Matthew 28, Matthew 28, 16, chapter 16 to, uh, verses 16 to 20, then the 11 disciples
05:28went away unto Galilee, unto a mountain where Yeshua had appointed them.
05:34And when they saw him, they worshiped him, but some doubted and Yeshua came and spoke
05:40unto them saying, all power is given unto me in the heaven and in the earth, go you
05:47therefore and, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, son, Holy
05:53Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am
05:59with you always, even until the end of the world.
06:05So by then, you know, by then they didn't have no doubts, but, you know, of course somebody
06:10had a doubt, you know, remember, uh, uh, doubting Thomas would talk about him in a second, uh,
06:19we'll jump over to Romans right now, book of Romans, let's see, book of Romans 14 and
06:34it'd be 14, uh, 23, yeah, 14, 23.
06:43It would be that he that doubteth is judged if he eat, because he eateth not of faith
06:53for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
06:56And what is sin?
06:59What is, you know, sin is, uh, you missed the mark, you know, it's the transgression
07:04of the law.
07:05And what's the law?
07:06The 10 commandments, you know, there can't be no law, the law without sin, there can't
07:11be no sin without a law, you know, that's his common knowledge right there.
07:16Now I'm going to go back and conclude this with a doubting Thomas, let's see, that'd
07:23be, uh, John chapter 20, a little too far there, chapter John 20, 24 to 29, 24 to 29.
07:42But Thomas, one of the 12 called Didymus was not with them when Yeshua came, when he appeared.
07:49The other disciples therefore said unto him, we have seen the master, but he said unto
07:53them, except I see him in his hands, the print of the nails and put my finger into the print
08:01of his nails and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.
08:07But after eight days, again, his disciples were within, within and Thomas was with them.
08:13Then came Yeshua and the doors being shut and stood in the midst of them saying, peace
08:18be unto you or Shalom.
08:23Then he, then say, Thomas, say he to Thomas, reach here by finger and behold my hands and
08:30reach here by hand and thrust it into my side and be not faithless, but believing.
08:38And Thomas answered and said unto him, my master and my Elohim, Yeshua saith unto him,
08:45Thomas, because thou has seen me, thou has believed, blessed are those that have not
08:51seen and yet have believed.
08:55So Thomas, Thomas, he, you know, he asked, he asked for proof.
09:00He had doubts.
09:01He asked for proof.
09:02And when Yeshua was there, you know, I'd love to see the look on his face.
09:06He's probably dropped to the ground.
09:10You know, flies are going in his tongue, you know, on his tongue.
09:14He probably, he's probably like, oh my, oh my, you know, I'm in trouble now for doubting.
09:19But anyways, I hope that lesson was profitable for you.
09:24And I thank you again for joining me and, you know, please get hit that notification
09:30bell and give me a big thumbs up.
09:33And I appreciate if you subscribe to my channel, I plan on having some more content coming
09:39out, but that's all I really want to say right now.
09:42Thank you again for joining me till we meet again, peace out and Shalom.