Who Or What Is The Holy Spirit?

  • 2 weeks ago
Many people of the faith have many different opinions about this topic. An open mind can and will open many doors. Remember that..
00:00All right, shalom brothers and sisters.
00:04Nice for you to come back and join me again.
00:07Today I want to get down to it and I want to talk about facts about the Holy Spirit.
00:13Yes, the Holy Spirit.
00:15I've got a little list here, I've got Bible quotes, verses, stuff like that.
00:22Let's get going here.
00:25First one is, the Holy Spirit first appears in Genesis 1 verse 2 as the Spirit of Elohim.
00:36Number two, the term Holy Spirit is found in Psalms 51 verse 11, the first time.
00:48Next one is the Hebrew, the Holy Spirit was active and imparted upon certain people in
00:54the Old Testament including Joseph, Genesis 41, 38, Bezazel, Exodus 31 verse 2, 3, Joshua
01:08Numbers 27 verse 18, Gideon, Judges chapter 6, 34, Samson, Judges 13, 25, and David.
01:23First Chronicles 28 verses 11 through 12.
01:29Next one, the Holy Spirit is described as being poured.
01:34You look at that, you still find that in Isaiah 32 verse 15, 44 verse 3 and Acts 2 verse 17.
01:44Shad, Shad, you can find it part of Shad, Titus 3, 5 through 8 and Acts 2 verse 33, stir it up.
02:00Second Timothy chapter 1 verse 6, quenched.
02:05Find that in first Thessalonians 5 verse 19 and renewed.
02:13Second Corinthians 4 verse 16.
02:18Next one is the Messiah was conceived through the Holy Spirit.
02:22Matthew chapter 1 verse 18, Yeshua the Messiah called the Holy Spirit, the Comforter in John
02:3214 verse 26 and verified that He had to depart before the Spirit could come down.
02:43The next one of the Spirit is the conduit by which Yahweh works and convicts the world of sins.
02:50John 16 verse 8, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit occurred 50 days after Yeshua's
02:58ascension and on the day of Pentecost, Acts chapter 2, 1 through 4.
03:06A person receives the Holy Spirit upon baptism into Yeshua's name, Acts chapter 2, 38 and the
03:13laying on the hands by the elders, Acts chapter 8 verse 16, 17.
03:22Next one, there are specific attributes known as fruits associated with the Holy Spirit.
03:29You know, you got love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.
03:36Galatians chapter 5 verses 22 to 23.
03:42The Holy Spirit imparts different gifts upon believers.
03:46That's in Romans 12 verse 6 through 8 and 1 Corinthians chapter 12 verses 8 through 10,
03:54including wisdom, knowledge, faith, healings, miracles, prophecies, discernment and tongues.
04:03Next one, the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit,
04:09which is in Matthew 12 verses 31 to 32.
04:15The Holy Spirit requires obedience and is withdrawn from an unrepentant sinner.
04:20You can look that up in Psalms chapter 51 verse 3, Jeremiah 7 verse 29, Hosea 5 verse 6,
04:32Matthew 15 verse 14, Acts chapter 5 verse 32, Romans first chapter 24 to 28.
04:44So just hopefully, you know, you can take note and study up on this,
04:50you know, from the show, just study up on it.
04:54Next one is, Paul addresses both the Father and Son in his salutations, but never the Holy Spirit.
05:00And I'll get to that, I'll read these scriptures to you in a second.
05:05But the last one is, the original Nicene Creed, it was in 325 CE, did not include the Holy Spirit.
05:15It was not included until 381 CE in what became known as the Nicene Constantinoplean Creed.
05:27So it didn't, it took several decades after that to be incorporated.
05:31But going back to Paul, going back to Paul, when it comes to Noah, there's a reason why there's no,
05:42there's no mention of the Holy Spirit, you know, the greetings of Paul,
05:46because, you know, people, you know, I'm not a Trinitarian,
05:49and the Bible doesn't say anything about a trinity.
05:52A trinity, you know, some people might disagree with me, that's fine, I gotta go by the Bible,
05:59you know, the Bible doesn't mention that.
06:01It's not what's just in scripture, it's not, it's what's not in scripture.
06:06And there's so many, so many, you know, good points.
06:10I mean, compared to the pro-Trinitarian people, they got one little small,
06:15you know, verse that they take out of context to say that the Holy Spirit is a person.
06:21But here, let me, let me recite some of this.
06:25Grace to you and peace from Yahweh our Father and the Master Yeshua Himself.
06:32That's in Romans, the first chapter, verse 7.
06:38All these are going to be first chapters, so I'm just going to, you know, just say the verse.
06:42Next one, grace and peace from Yahweh our Father and from the Master Yeshua Messiah.
06:49That's in first Corinthians and verse 3.
06:53Grace and peace from Yahweh our Father and from the Master Yeshua Messiah.
06:59Second Corinthians, verse 2.
07:02Grace and peace from Yahweh the Father and from our Master Yeshua Messiah.
07:08Galatians, verse 3.
07:11Now I got more down here, I got more down here I could recite,
07:15but yeah, I'm sure you get the picture.
07:17And so yeah, in other words, you know, if the Holy Spirit was part of a Godhead,
07:26then why wasn't He addressed in there, given full honors just as a Father and Son?
07:33And so there's other good points too.
07:37I want to read some quotes from historians and encyclopedias and stuff about ancient
07:46trinities, you know, like in addition to Christianity, the concept of a trinity
07:52is found in many ancient religions around the world, even before this, you know,
07:59before, you know, paganized or Christianity or worldly Christianity, you know, took root.
08:05Let's see, the two, this is from the two Babylons, Alexander Hislop on page 51.
08:13The trinity got its start in ancient Babylon with Nimrod, Tammuz, and Ceramimus.
08:21There's Samarimus, shoot, Samarimus.
08:25Shoot, Samarimus.
08:29Ceramimus demanded worship from both her husband and her son, as well as herself.
08:36She claimed that her son was both the Father and Son.
08:40Yes, he was God the Father, God the Son, the first divine and comprehensible trinity.
08:50So, he did a lot of research on this, you know, he did exhaustive research on this.
08:58Now, I go to another book, Old Truths in the New Light, 1876, page 382.
09:06It is generally, although erroneously, supposed that the doctrine of the trinity is a Christian
09:12origin. Nearly every nation of antiquity possessed a similar doctrine.
09:17So, it was all around the world, you know, just different names, different,
09:22you know, languages, circumstances, things like that.
09:27The next one here is Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics under the guise of Trinity, page 458.
09:36Although the notion of the divine triad or trinity is characteristic of the Christian religion,
09:44it is by no means peculiar to it. In Indian religion, we meet with a trinitarian group
09:50of Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu. In Egyptian religion, with the trinitarian group of
09:58Osiris, Isis, and Horus, constituting a divine family like the Father, Mother,
10:05and Son in medieval Christian pictures.
10:09So, Christianity borrowed this from ancient pagan religions.
10:16Okay, next one would be
10:20Laurosi, Encyclopedia of Mythology, page 54 to 55. The universe, based on Sumer mythology,
10:31was divided into three regions, each which became the domain of a god. A new share was
10:40the sky. The earth was given to Enlil. Ea became the ruler of the waters. Together,
10:47they constituted the triad of the great gods.
10:51There's another one. Paganism in our Christianity, Arthur Weigel, page 197 to 98.
11:01All things are three, and thrice is all, and let us use this number in the worship of our gods,
11:11for as the Pythagoreans say, everything and all things are bounded by threes, for the end,
11:23the middle, and the beginning have this number in everything, and they compose the number of
11:29the trinity. Now, here's another one. The Story of Civilization, volume 3. This last quote I'm
11:37going to do, Christianity did not destroy paganism, it adopted it. The Greek language,
11:42having reigned for centuries over philosophy, became the vehicle of Christian literature and
11:48ritual. The Greek mysteries passed down into the impressive mystery of the mass. Other pagan
11:56cultures contributed to the synchronistic result, the blending in of different beliefs, religious
12:02beliefs. From Egypt came the ideas of the divine trinity. So, that's just a little snippet of
12:13ancient trinities, but if you want to do a thorough study about that, and other other
12:19stuff related to the, you know, go to, like I said, Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons,
12:27you can find books on there, you go online, look up stuff, you know, and archaeology also,
12:35you know, confirms a lot of this stuff. They find stuff every day, you know, and
12:41anyways, this is so much, you know, that it's not what, like I said, it's not what the Bible says
12:47exactly, but it's also what the Bible doesn't say about things, and it doesn't say there's a
12:54trinity in there. You know, you got one little cozy verse that could be taken completely out
13:02of context, and it has been. It's been, you know, taken out, but then the vast majority of the stuff
13:10in there opposing the trinity, or the stuff that the Trinitarians are lacking in Scripture,
13:17is, you know, it's just mind-boggling. I mean, it's the evidence is there, you know, I mean,
13:24some people are just afraid, you know, career-ending, career-ending moves, people write
13:29about the, you know, authors write about the trinity, the scholars, theologians, and endorse
13:34it, you know, and if they ever find out, you know, if it comes to light that, oh I made a mistake,
13:40it could be career-ending, or damaging to, you know, their sales and everything else, and they're
13:45not going to have that. It takes a real man to admit when they're wrong, you know, it takes a real
13:51man, and not feel bad about it, but you know, that's just, but you know, that's just my take on
14:00it, and what I, you know, I just looked right in the Scriptures, and when I read stuff, you know,
14:07like articles, booklets, whatever, I do give a fair shot, but the Bible is the final word, you
14:16know, it is, you know, I'll read something like, you know, when I was, when I got the call, calling,
14:22you know, 20 some years ago, you know, I did read books on, books on evolution, that side, and I,
14:30you know, of course, I went to the red stuff, you know, creation, the Bible, stuff like that, but
14:35even though I, you know, I don't agree with stuff, I still want to familiarize myself with it,
14:41I want to do that, and you know, I gave it a fair chance, I gave it a fair chance, but
14:48you know, or you know, certain doctrines, you know, like you said, the trinity against
14:53non-trinitarians, or you know, the rapture, or you know, things like that, you know,
14:58if you believe the rapture or not, or whatever, and you know, I do, I do give it a fair chance,
15:04you know, I read, read booklets, you know, people's work on it, you know, the scholars,
15:10but I go right to the, right to scriptures, and the scriptures is the final judge, it's the final
15:15word, you know, that's it, and that's the way it should be, but you know, that's all I want to say,
15:21I wish I could say a lot more on it, but you know, I just, I just got some things to do and everything,
15:27but I might revisit this in another episode, you know, the Holy Spirit and the Trinity,
15:32but anyways, with that said and done, please like, and like my channel, like my videos, hey,
15:39like me, and subscribe, hit the notification bell, comment below, you know, that'd be nice,
15:49and also, I was going to say one more thing, besides for shalom, I just want to say thank
15:55you again, I'm very humbled, appreciative that, you know, you watch my videos, and please share
16:01them with your friends, family, you know, you know, the gospel, the good news, pass it around,
16:07and with that said and done, thank you, and peace out, and shalom.
