God, Spirituality, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Faith, Christian, Religion, Love, Word, Mercy,
00:00:00God says I'm not moving until you get so upset with your circumstance that you're
00:00:08willing to cry out and when you call on me I will answer
00:00:17what if I told you that a cry is the signal to God that I'm ready to be
00:00:36house fully came they were all on one accord in one place and suddenly there
00:00:47came the sound of a mighty Russian wind and it filled the house where they were
00:00:54and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like a fire and it sat up on
00:00:59each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak
00:01:07with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance if you don't know what
00:01:17Peter was doing before Pentecost you will miss the power of the story
00:01:24remember Peter had just committed a felony by cutting a man's ear off also
00:01:33remember that he denied even knowing who Jesus was and now the man who has
00:01:40denied knowing who he was is getting ready to tell everybody else that they
00:01:44need to know him
00:01:49there was an about-face coming to your life ministry God is about to change the
00:01:56level you operate on how many of you have felt like in the last year or so
00:02:02you've kind of lost your enthusiasm come on just show me your hands you lost
00:02:08you lost your fight your umph kind of got tired God says I'm about to give it
00:02:13back to you look at your neighbor say neighbor I finally found my voice that's
00:02:22what I want to talk about I found my voice you may be seated in the presence
00:02:28of the Lord and so church as I share with you very quickly that the day of
00:02:36Pentecost was a day of beginnings one of the most important things that happened
00:02:39on the day of Pentecost was the indwelling of the Holy Spirit was
00:02:44finally available to both the Jew and the Gentile are you with me amazingly
00:02:50enough when God was looking for a tool to use to fix this cachet he did not
00:02:58grab a prophet he did not grab a priest he did not grab a king when he got ready
00:03:07to change the church he grabbed a fisherman get some people think that in
00:03:13order for God to use you you got to be a CEO or maybe a deacon or maybe a minister
00:03:19or maybe a prayer warrior but but how many of you know God will pick a
00:03:22fisherman he'll pick somebody sitting in the back row to change the entire game
00:03:27he'll pick somebody whose name nobody knows and make sure that by the time is
00:03:33all over everybody knows their name somebody shout he grabbed a fisherman
00:03:37and despite his occupation and I got to get through this because I feel more
00:03:42worship coming despite his occupation despite the fact that the job that he
00:03:48now has requires a robe and a chain and a cross and all he has is some overalls
00:03:55in spite of it all he stood up in the uniform that he had and he said what God
00:04:01told him to say I don't know who I'm talking to but God says I'm going to use
00:04:06you in your current form I'm not waiting on you to change I'm not waiting on you
00:04:11to go back and get your degree I'm not waiting on you to come out of your old
00:04:15I'm gonna use you just like you are touch somebody say he's gonna use you
00:04:19just like you are I'm gonna use you just like you are I'm gonna use you in your
00:04:25current set of circumstances I'm gonna use you with that current set of mind
00:04:29I'm gonna change all of that but I want you to stand up in the position you are
00:04:33currently in Pentecost which means 50 means 50 because it comes 50 days after
00:04:40the resurrection of Christ seven weeks to be exact more important this is one
00:04:44of the most important Jewish holidays on the calendar it was called the Feast
00:04:49of Weeks and the Feast of Harvest and when Pentecost is mentioned today we
00:04:54don't think of it as a date on the Jewish calendar we think about Pentecost
00:04:58as it relates to the Holy Spirit and how it sat on the church in Acts chapter 2
00:05:04and filled everybody with the Holy Ghost now I want you to hear what I'm getting
00:05:10ready to say not only were they filled with the Spirit but they were given the
00:05:15ability are you listening to speak in a language they didn't previously know
00:05:21hear what I just said they were filled with the Spirit and given the ability to
00:05:26speak in the language they did not previously know how many people in the
00:05:30room know more than one language all right well then you can attest to the
00:05:35fact that in order to learn another language that is not native to you you
00:05:39have to read it you have to write it you have to listen to it and you have to
00:05:44recite it and if you do any one of those things without the other three
00:05:49supporting you will be handicapped as it relates to the totality of the language
00:05:53you have to read it you have to listen to it you have to speak it you have to
00:05:58do it over and over and over and over again and somehow God before Rosetta
00:06:04Stone somehow God before a translation app on an iPhone there's another phone
00:06:10out there I don't know the name of it but before God did any of those things
00:06:16before God did any of those things he was able to teach people a language
00:06:21without a mentor he was able to teach people a language without a crash course
00:06:25he was able to teach them the conjugation of verbs without a class
00:06:29which means that God was able to help them to do something that only he could
00:06:34help them do I feel like giving you something to shout about early God says
00:06:39I'm about to do something in your life where the only answer to how you got it
00:06:44done is the Holy Ghost that that's enough Arthur I knew you was gonna get
00:06:49it I knew you was gonna get it cuz I know you study other people they're
00:06:53gonna say because of my degree other people gonna say because I finally
00:06:57mature other people gonna say because I finally got married other people gonna
00:07:00say because I finally got a raise on a job what's getting ready to happen he's
00:07:04gonna be so crazy it's gonna be so amazing that when you have to explain
00:07:10how it happened the only thing you're gonna be able to say is I'm waiting on
00:07:19y'all to catch up the only thing you're gonna be able to say is it was the Holy
00:07:26Ghost just touch three people say it was the Holy Ghost it was the Holy Ghost in
00:07:29fact if you are honest the only reason why you're here today is because how
00:07:36many people almost lost your mind in the last two years but because of the Holy
00:07:41Ghost how many of you almost gave up on God gave up on the church gave up on
00:07:44dating gave up on relationships and if you're honest you almost gave up on your
00:07:48kids but because of the slap three people say the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost
00:07:51I promise you you don't want to know me without the Holy Ghost I promise you you
00:07:56wouldn't be able to sit next to me without the Holy Ghost I need somebody
00:07:59to say the Holy Ghost how did you get that job your degree the Holy Ghost how
00:08:10did you keep their relationship together the Holy Ghost how did you not pack
00:08:14those kids up and sit them outside the door and go back and sit down like you
00:08:18never met him the Holy Ghost there is coming a season in your life where the
00:08:25answer to everything you will experience is the Holy Ghost can I just
00:08:31stop right here we must learn this because the church is so Jesus heavy
00:08:39okay I know they might put this online too but I'm gonna say it anyway all we
00:08:44talk about is Jesus Jesus Jesus thank you Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus and while
00:08:50there is no salvation without Jesus and he is the propitiation for all of our
00:08:55sins and he is the high priest and he is the great head of the church he's not
00:08:59in the earth the Bible says that Jesus is at the right hand of the father
00:09:05waiting on us to come in fact when he comes again he won't even touch the
00:09:09earth he will hover above the earth because he can never touch the earth
00:09:14again what is leading us and guiding us in the earth realm today is the Holy
00:09:22Spirit so the next time you get in a car accident it ain't nothing wrong with
00:09:26saying thank you Jesus but more properly thank you oh y'all ain't gonna say
00:09:31nothing the next time you get a raise on your job that in it you can thank Jesus
00:09:35but please don't forget to thank the Holy Ghost I want to see if I can get
00:09:39anybody here over the next 15 seconds to come up with your back payment for how
00:09:44much you owe the Holy Ghost in worship I want you to go back you owe him with
00:09:50interest I need somebody get your back payment together and I want you to spend
00:09:54about 15 seconds thanking the Holy Ghost for everything that he's already done
00:09:59come on you got 15
00:10:11thank you Holy Spirit that the school shooting didn't happen at my child's
00:10:16school thank you Holy Ghost it wasn't a car seat that kept us in the car accident
00:10:23it was the hand of the Holy Spirit somebody shout he's a keeper every
00:10:30person that was present at the day of Pentecost they heard it in their own
00:10:34language are you listening to me now the unusual thing about this set of events
00:10:40the Bible says that the people who were outside of the church who always got
00:10:45something to say about the church were looking and saying they were perplexed
00:10:50they were amazed they said what does all of this mean what what why are they why
00:10:57are they shouting and dancing and screaming why are they following the
00:11:02praise leader around on the stage why why are they coming to the altar and
00:11:07falling out and and crying tears why because the people who don't know
00:11:11anything about it will criticize it so so what Peter does Peter says listen
00:11:17what do you all mean they said well well I think we got a reason I think we know
00:11:22why I think we know why everybody's acting crazy I think we know why they're
00:11:26jumping around I think we know why they are crying what's the reason here's the
00:11:31answer they're full of new wine in other words they were saying those people are
00:11:38drunk they're drunk something's wrong with them I know what's wrong with them
00:11:43they're drunk in the middle of fusion that's when Peter stands up and says I
00:11:48gotta say something he says these men are not drunk as you suppose now now
00:11:54watch this he says now they're not drunk and Peter said I'm not saying they don't
00:11:58drink come on church I'm just I'm just talking to y'all I'm not saying they
00:12:04don't drink I'm just saying they not drunk now watch this he says now let me
00:12:08prove to you that they're not drunk he said man you better know your Bible he
00:12:13said it is the third watch of the night which is equivalent to nine o'clock in
00:12:17the morning so what he said is I'm not saying they don't drink they just don't
00:12:20drink this early oh y'all ain't gonna say man in here today you can't say man
00:12:24say out you keep messing with me I'll name every drink in here till I get to
00:12:28yours you want me to be quiet you better say man he says I'm not saying they
00:12:34don't drink I'm just saying they don't wake up drinking I'm not saying that
00:12:38they're that they're not social drinkers I'm not even sure if alcoholism
00:12:42is a poem just saying that they don't wake up at nine o'clock in the morning
00:12:47and start drinking so you've got the wrong synopsis about what's happening he
00:12:52says I want you to know that they are not drunk as you suppose he stands up
00:12:57amidst chaos he stands up amidst confusion he stands up and speaks up
00:13:02when everybody wants him to shut up and here's what the Lord told me to tell you
00:13:06you're gonna find your voice in the storm not in your house you missed what
00:13:12I said you're gonna find your voice in the employment line not at the bank
00:13:16you're gonna find your voice with a decree a divorce decree in your hand and
00:13:21not when you got a ring on your finger why because it is in the chaos that God
00:13:25says stand up and let me hear your voice it is in the chaos where God says stand
00:13:29up and let me see if you can still worship me now let me see if you got a
00:13:32word now let me see if I'm still good now let me see if you still trust me now
00:13:36can I find five people to high-five somebody say I trusted them in spite of
00:13:40it all I trust them with money in my pocket I
00:13:43trust him when I don't I trust him when I got friends I trust him when I'm
00:13:47lonely I trust him when I'm happy I trust them when I'm sad I trusted when I
00:13:51got clarity I trust them when I confuse can I get anybody to say I'll trust him
00:13:55I'll trust him in the good I'll trust them in the bad I'll trust them when I'm
00:13:59happy, I'll trust him where I'm sad. You've got to speak in your circumstance.
00:14:04Peter says, I don't care what y'all got going on. I'm about to get my voice. I'm
00:14:10about to stand up while I'm being criticized and I'm gonna continue to say
00:14:15what God told me to say. He says, listen, these men are not drunk like you
00:14:20suppose. And then the Lord told me that Peter actually answered the question in
00:14:26three parts. You can write them down. I'm gonna give them to you. We'll be done.
00:14:29What he said was, he explained the situation, he exalted the Savior, and he
00:14:34encouraged the sinners. So he explains the situation. He starts off defending
00:14:39the disciples. He says, y'all brothers, they accusing y'all of being alcoholics.
00:14:45They're accusing you at best of being social drinkers. Peter said that I know
00:14:53y'all not drunk and I'm gonna tell them that. I just want you to know what
00:14:57they're saying. And then the Lord gave me a revelation. You have to think about
00:15:02all of these disciples. Thomas could have been canceled for doubting. Peter could
00:15:07have been canceled for denying. Judas took care of himself. But they all stayed
00:15:15disciples and the Lord kept using them. Then the Lord told me, he said, if he
00:15:20can't destroy you with sin, he'll destroy you with slander.
00:15:26Because sometimes you think that because you got your life together, the
00:15:29devil can't mess with you. If he can't get you with your sin, he'll try to
00:15:35destroy you with slander. So now, instead of being known as anointed men of God,
00:15:40everybody's around talking about how drunk they are. Y'all better listen to
00:15:43what I'm saying. But let me tell you how I know it comes from the devil. Revelation
00:15:48chapter 9, excuse me chapter 12 verse 9 through 11 should be one of your
00:15:52favorite scriptures in the Bible. Revelation chapter 12 verse 9 through 11
00:15:56the Bible says, that devil was cast out of heaven and out of anger he deceived
00:16:03the whole world. Y'all better hear me. I know my Bible. He will deceive the whole
00:16:08world. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation and
00:16:14strength and the kingdom of our God and the power of Christ. Watch this. For the
00:16:19devil is the accuser of the brethren. And that is not the best part of the text.
00:16:27Y'all ready for the best part of the text? The devil is the accuser of the
00:16:32brethren. Everybody say he's the accuser. And here is the last part of the verse.
00:16:36But they overcame by the blood of the Lamb. It's the month of words. And by the
00:16:44word. Can I get somebody who got a testimony in here to just start telling
00:16:50somebody you don't have any idea what he has brought me through. I have been
00:16:55through hell and high water. I have been through hell and high water. I've been
00:17:00through thick and thin but I overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of
00:17:06my testimony. I want to hear the testimony of the Saints in here that no
00:17:10weapon formed against you was able to prosper and every lying tongue that came
00:17:15up against you was condemned. Slap three people and say I got a testimony. I got a
00:17:19testimony. I got a testimony. I got a testimony. I got a testimony. I got a
00:17:23testimony. I paid my rent when I didn't have a job. I got a testimony. I got a
00:17:27testimony. My outgo was more than my income but I never lost anything. I got a
00:17:31testimony. I've been depressed. I've been despondent but I still got my faith. I've got a
00:17:36testimony. Slap three people and say I got a testimony. Don't sit down because
00:17:42I'm getting ready to help you. The Bible says that the disciples were called
00:17:47drunks. Don't sit down. I'm about to help you. If you're already sitting down, stay
00:17:52down. I'm just talking to those who were standing because I'm about to help you.
00:17:56Do you want to help or not? The Bible says y'all don't want to help
00:18:01because I'm about to help you. The Bible says that Peter defended the disciples.
00:18:08They have to defend themselves. He said of them for they are not drunk as ye
00:18:16suppose. Can I help somebody? God told me to tell you. You won't have to explain
00:18:23yourself. He's gonna send somebody to do it for you. You better hear what I said.
00:18:29You ain't gonna have to fight back. God's about to send you an army of people who
00:18:33will fight while you still work on the vision. Slap your neighbor. Say are you my
00:18:37help? Are you my help? Are you my help? Because if you'll defend me, I'll defend
00:18:41you. If you'll fight for me, I'll fight for you. In fact, if you'll praise with me,
00:18:45I'll praise. You got the wrong neighbor. Tell him get away from me. I knew you was
00:18:50tripping. Find somebody who already standing. Look, the person who's gonna
00:18:54help you, they look like this. The one who ain't gonna help you, they like this.
00:19:00The one who gonna help you, they already standing up. The one that's helping, they
00:19:03already clapping. Find somebody who's already in motion and tell them I got
00:19:07your back and you got mine because we about to send the devil back to hell
00:19:10where he belongs. Find you a praise partner and begin to shout, I found my
00:19:16I hear you Holy Ghost. God said don't worry about marketing your business. I'm
00:19:24gonna have somebody leave a review at the right place in the right time. That's
00:19:29gonna send your business all over the nation. Don't worry about your website.
00:19:33Don't worry about what you're doing. I'm gonna send the right person who's
00:19:36connected with the right people to tell everybody what you're doing. Y'all better
00:19:40get ready because God told me to tell you, you about to blow up. I don't know
00:19:43who that's for. You about to blow up. Your money about to go crazy. Your influence
00:19:48is about to be nuts. It's about to be insane. If you believe it, shout in this
00:19:52place today.
00:19:57Somebody shout, my anointing is going to the next level. Matter of fact, I feel the
00:20:02anointing on my life right now. If I lay hands on you, you gonna be healed and the
00:20:05sickness is gonna leave your body. Can I find somebody who knows you? Get ready to
00:20:09find your voice. You gonna lay hands on the sick and they gonna be healed. Every
00:20:22woman just just touch your purse and say fool. You better believe it. You see
00:20:28how she added, she said fool Jesus. You see how she put that extra on there? I
00:20:31want you every brother touch your pocket and say fool. Everybody touch your mind
00:20:36and say clarity. Everybody touch your heart and say healed. Everybody touch
00:20:40your body and say by his stripes, I am healed. What am I telling you to do? I'm
00:20:45trying to show you how to operate in your own anointing. So you don't have to
00:20:49wait on Sunday. You can heal yourself on Monday. Get a blessing on Tuesday. Have a
00:20:53word of peace on Wednesday because you're gonna find your...
00:20:59Some of y'all trying to figure out how much you need to spend on marketing. All
00:21:08you got to do is open your mouth. I hear you Holy Ghost. Some of y'all trying to
00:21:15worry about when is it gonna be my time? When is it gonna be my season? You're
00:21:19there because you're about to find your rhythm. Up until now they've been
00:21:25ignoring you. But now when you speak. Back then they didn't want you. Oh I got
00:21:34some thugs in the church. Back then they didn't want you but now you hot they all
00:21:39on you. I speak in the name of Jesus. That God is even gonna give you the kind of
00:21:44anointing that when you call a company they gonna skip you ahead in the
00:21:47customer service line. They gonna answer the phone on the first ring. Why? Because
00:21:51God's getting ready to give you your voice. Thank you Holy Ghost. Thank you
00:21:57Holy Ghost. I'm speaking to parents who have been speaking to your children. God
00:22:01says they're about to hear you in this season. Oh God I'm about to preach now
00:22:07because you've been speaking out of anger. God says now you're gonna speak in
00:22:10your voice. Oh my God. Some of y'all gonna get a meeting with the boss this week.
00:22:18When you sit down don't oversell yourself. Sit there with confidence
00:22:21because they're getting ready to give you a raise but they want to see how you
00:22:24operate under pressure. I want you to go in in your voice. Don't go in there trying
00:22:27to be anybody else. Don't lie about your resume. Don't act like you've done
00:22:30anything that you've done. God says I'm about to bless your voice. If you got a
00:22:33GED tell them I got a GED. God says I'm about to bless your voice. I'm about to
00:22:42bless your testimony. I'm about to bless your story. I'm about to bless you. Not
00:22:47who you pretend to be. You don't believe me?
00:22:56Remember Joseph who ended up second-in-command in Pharaoh's house but
00:23:03not before he had to spend some time in a pit. Oh and by the way slandered by
00:23:09Potiphar's wife who said that he raped her when he didn't even touch her and
00:23:14you would think that that accusation would stop his ministry but somehow he
00:23:17ascended. You remember when when Saul tried to say that David was guilty of
00:23:28treason and tried to kill him and Saul not only became king he took let's go
00:23:34David not only became king but he took Saul's job because sometimes God will
00:23:39give you the job of the one talking about you. Are you missing what I'm
00:23:45saying? Mephibosheth when he was slandered the Bible says that God put it
00:23:50on David's heart. Oh this is for somebody in here. I don't know if I'm preaching
00:23:54if I'm prophesying. The Bible said how many of y'all remember Mephibosheth when
00:23:58he was dropped and he couldn't walk at the age of five and he thought that his
00:24:01life was over but God sent David to give him everything that belonged to
00:24:09his father because his father was his friend. I don't know who dropped you but
00:24:15I do know that God's about to send somebody with everything that you
00:24:19thought that you would have not gotten. God says I'm about to give somebody the
00:24:23unction to deliver it to you. Do me a favor tell everybody on your row answer
00:24:28the door answer the door answer the door. There's a delivery coming. You
00:24:31can't be ducking you can't be depressed you can't be in the dark you can't be in
00:24:36the you gotta open the door there's a delivery coming. You got the wrong
00:24:39neighbor I feel the Holy Ghost in here. Tell somebody there's a delivery coming.
00:24:42Nope nope let me let me rephrase it let me rephrase it. There's a deliverance
00:24:47coming. God says I'm about to give you everything that the canker worm has
00:24:53stolen. I'm about to give you back the years. I'm about to give you back the
00:24:57happiness. I'm about to give you back the joy and you're gonna have to defend
00:25:05yourself. They're gonna make up all kind of stories about how you got it and you
00:25:11just gonna tell them the Holy Ghost. How you how you get a car like that? The Holy
00:25:21Ghost. How you how you start dressing in clothes like that?
00:25:28Holy Ghost. You look like you looking younger. What facial cream
00:25:33you using? This ain't no this ain't no Oliver Laye. This is. You got no makeup?
00:25:42Nope. So Holy Ghost you've been working out in the Spirit? I promise you you're
00:25:50gonna start looking better. They gonna be like you losing weight? Nope. But I'm losing
00:25:53weight. You missed it. You missed it. You missed it.
00:25:58Y'all gonna make me shout in here slap three people and say I'm losing weight.
00:26:03Every sin that doth easily beset me I'm laying it down because I got a fine mind.
00:26:13Let me just hear the sound of the people who found their voice. I found out that I
00:26:26can cast a thousand demons. I found out that I can lay hands on my children. I
00:26:33found out that I can speak life. I finally found my voice and the devil
00:26:39tried to make me think that because I denied him I couldn't speak. And because
00:26:44I cut a man's ear off I couldn't speak. Or because I've been through a divorce I
00:26:49couldn't speak. Or because I had a felony I couldn't speak. Y'all gonna talk to me
00:26:53in here. Or because they caught me doing something still and I was not supposed
00:26:56to speak. So the devil wants you to think that you can't do Pentecost because you
00:27:00did time. But God says I'm about to pull you out of that and I'm about to put you
00:27:06center stage and let everybody see that I picked you for such a time as this. I
00:27:14finally found my voice. And when you find your voice can't nobody make you be
00:27:21quiet. When you find your voice can't nobody make you insecure. When you find
00:27:27your voice you don't tuck away and get away from the strength that
00:27:32God is giving. When you find your voice you do it in chaos with your head up and your
00:27:38back straight. Because you know that God is about to do something through you
00:27:43that isn't just for you. Shh. But it's for the 3,000. You missed what I said. What you
00:27:54are about to say and do is gonna be so powerful that it's gonna make 3,000
00:28:00people change their mind. You miss it. You don't have no local anointing
00:28:10that only works on two or three people. When you speak your whole neighborhood
00:28:17gonna get saved. Right now while you're in here worshiping God you got family
00:28:23members who have not acknowledged Jesus Christ that feel a prick on their heart
00:28:27right now in this moment and you won't ever witness it. But when God gives you
00:28:33your voice, listen, the same way the Bible says my sheep know my voice, there are
00:28:38some things that will only activate in the earth when you speak. You hear me
00:28:45young lady? You got to find your voice. You flew all the way here just to leave
00:28:50here with your voice. Whatever you do don't let nobody take your voice. He says
00:29:01they are not drunk like you suppose and they may not be able to defend
00:29:08themselves but I'll do it for them. And he moves from there and he exalts the Savior.
00:29:20Watch what he says. He says, Peter says y'all harassing my friends but what you
00:29:26do not know is that the person, Jesus, who has given them the power to do what
00:29:32they're doing has been sanctioned by God. Yes sir. Because people don't
00:29:42understand that just because they don't understand doesn't mean it ain't
00:29:49happening. No, no. You'd be surprised how many people look at you and they say
00:29:57stuff like, oh she just standing up because she want attention. They say it
00:30:02don't they? Oh no, she's just dressing so she can be seen. Or he's just coming in
00:30:10here so he can leave here with... No, I'm here because I've been sanctioned by God.
00:30:23Yeah, I'm standing because life tried to pull me down and it didn't work. So pardon
00:30:31me if my level of worship irritates you but I've been sanctioned. Come on
00:30:37somebody, by God. If you can't see, I, you know, I see people in church the whole
00:30:41time. When y'all who stand up, the people who don't stand up they be like this
00:30:44behind y'all. Wish they'd sit down, look at you and say they'll be alright. Here's the
00:30:53Word of the Lord. If you got anybody who wants you to sit down and look at him
00:30:55tell him I bet you before I sit down you gonna stand up. Because when I think of
00:30:59the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me, I found my voice and I'm
00:31:03gonna exalt my Savior. I want somebody to lift the Savior up. I said lift the
00:31:10Savior up. Open up your mouth and shout I've been approved by God. This worship
00:31:16has been sealed by God. This ministry has been sealed by God. Watch this, Leon.
00:31:24Don't miss this when you go home and read it. The Bible says he does this by
00:31:31miracles, signs, wonders. Not miracle, sign, and wonder. Miracles. What you gonna do
00:31:50when your life is full of? Miracles. Signs and wonders. I speak a spirit of plural over
00:32:01your life. Y'all gonna make me run out of here and go I'm gonna run all the way
00:32:07home. I speak a spirit of plural. You're not gonna have a good day a week. You're
00:32:15not gonna have a great month this year. Every day you wake up. Every month you
00:32:24are alive. I speak over your life a spirit of pluralism. God is about to
00:32:30bless you with miracles, signs, and wonders. And you're gonna give him, not
00:32:41just a clap, see you can't ask for plural miracles and give him a singular praise.
00:32:48I want to find out if your praise can match what he's about to
00:32:52give you. Rejoice in the Lord. Again I say rejoice. There you go. Keep going. You got
00:33:0015 more seconds. I can't hear you, Lighthouse West. I said I can't hear you.
00:33:09You got to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. I speak the
00:33:14spirit of heaviness out of this room. I speak another dimension and glory over
00:33:18this room. Holy Ghost go up and down every row. Find every person who's trying
00:33:23to resist you and put an unknown language in their heart. I decree and
00:33:27declare that you will leave here speaking in tongues. I decree and declare
00:33:31that you will lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed. I speak another
00:33:36glory and dimension of glory. If you believe it, open up your mouth and begin
00:33:39to give him the glory.
00:33:46I need everybody on your, I need somebody on every row to take charge of your
00:33:50section. Just right now, right now, right now. Don't wait, don't wait on nobody to
00:33:55give you the job. If you believe you deserve it, take it. And I want you to
00:34:00tell everybody on row, say row. We are on assignment and I have been instructed
00:34:07by the Holy Ghost to tell you that when praises go up,
00:34:21y'all think I'm playing. I said when praises go up, blessings come down. I want
00:34:28you to set your entire section on fire and shout God has given us. Tell them I
00:34:40got my voice back. The devil tried to take it, but I got my voice back.
00:34:45Depression tried to take it, but I got my voice back. Anxiety tried to take it, but
00:34:50I got my voice back. Sickness tried to take it, but I got my voice back.
00:34:59Tell somebody I got my voice, I got my voice, I got my voice, I got my voice, I
00:35:06got my voice, I got my voice, I got my voice, I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it, I
00:35:11got it, I can speak to the winds. I got my voice back. I got it back. I was depressed,
00:35:26but I got it back. I had given up, but I got it back. I was embarrassed, but I got
00:35:33it back. I felt like quitting, but I felt unworthy, but I practiced self-hate, but I
00:35:44got it back. I'm done with self-deprivating behavior. I got it back.
00:35:50I'm gonna speak to myself. Do you know that the woman with the issue of blood
00:35:57said to herself, if I could touch the hem of his garment, you will never touch
00:36:02anything you don't speak to you first.
00:36:08John said, God is doing so much in this world, he said, that there are not enough
00:36:16books to contain it, and if there were enough books to contain it, the world
00:36:20could not contain the books thereof. Did you hear what I just said? He said, God
00:36:26has done so much good. See, the only miracles you know about are the ones
00:36:31that have been recorded. He performed so many more miracles that there are not
00:36:36enough books to put it in, and if there were enough books, the world could not
00:36:41contain. You sitting and standing next to a miracle, you don't know it. The only
00:36:48person that God healed was not the man that was laying on the bed for 38 years.
00:36:51He healed somebody next to you, mama, they daddy, they auntie, they uncle. God is
00:36:58about to give you so much that you won't have room enough. Man, come on, Holy Spirit.
00:37:06You won't have room enough to receive. Some of y'all don't realize that even
00:37:13though it isn't yet your season, you have been strategically placed next to
00:37:19somebody who has more than enough. I want everybody in here who has a generous
00:37:30spirit to look at your neighbor and tell him, I promise you, I won't leave you
00:37:33without. If I got it, you got it. If I learned it, you learned it. If I receive
00:37:40it, you receive it. If God gave it to me, I'll give it to you because I have more
00:37:46than I have room to receive. I speak a spirit of generosity in the room. I speak
00:37:58that God is just gonna send people to bless you. What do you want to do next?
00:38:03God told me to help you do it. Did you hear what I said? God's just gonna send
00:38:11people to bless you. I got a call from a city council member about three days ago
00:38:16and he put a group text in with about four of us pastors and he said, I just
00:38:22met a family that lost their house. Said they lost their house and
00:38:29they don't have any place to stay and they got to get to a hotel. Like right
00:38:35now, they don't have food to eat. He says, I just put together some
00:38:39food and I took it to them but I don't have what it takes to get them what they
00:38:45need. I said, well what's, I put in a group text, I said, what's the need? He told me
00:38:50what the need was. I said, check, tell the man who, who by the way, I don't know his
00:38:55name. I don't know his wife's name. I don't know his three children's name.
00:39:00They sent me a picture of him but I don't know who they are. I said, tell the
00:39:03man to check his account because there's enough in his account now. Watch this. Not
00:39:12to go to a hotel but go find a place to stay. I don't know him but the Lord
00:39:22pricked my heart and told me to do it. What I am telling you right now is that
00:39:26there is a need that you have. It's not coming from somebody you know. God is
00:39:30pricking the heart and the conscience of somebody who's getting ready to make a
00:39:34transfer and is going to put it in your name. I don't know who I'm talking to.
00:39:39They're not gonna bless you and keep a string attached to it so that they can
00:39:44take it back. God says they gonna bless you so you can put it in your name. So
00:39:52what I know is that if I continue to be a blessing, all blessings will abound to
00:39:57my account. All I'm doing to secure my future because as long as I make sure
00:40:00they have it, I'll never go without. I don't know his name. I don't know where
00:40:07he lives. Watch this. I don't even know if he used the money for the right
00:40:09purpose but my blessing is not connected to his usage.
00:40:14Oh God help me. See some of y'all won't give it because I don't know what they
00:40:17gonna do with it. Well what did you do with the money he gave you? It's not
00:40:22about what they gonna do with it. It's about what you did with what God gave
00:40:26you. I don't know his name. I don't know his wife's name. I don't know his
00:40:34children's name. I don't even know if he was telling me the truth but I do know
00:40:39what God told me to do and without hesitation. He put it in the group text
00:40:47so all four of us could do it together but I wanted all to bless it so I did it
00:40:55myself and if everybody else gets involved then that...
00:41:02Here's the next thing I speak in your life. Overcome and overflow. That's all I
00:41:09want you to do. Just touch three people and say overcome and overflow. Tell
00:41:14somebody else overcome and overflow. For the last time overcome and overflow.
00:41:23He said y'all acting like God ain't performed these miracles in front of
00:41:35you. See there are some people who have what we call willful ignorance. They
00:41:43don't want to see. Peter said he did all of these miracles underneath your nose
00:41:48and y'all gonna act like he ain't good? He's gonna act like oh they said
00:41:53he said well he was resurrected. Watch what they say Pastor Hammond because
00:41:57because I'm telling you people people people be peopling. Don't they be
00:42:03peopling? And he said he said watch this after all that Jesus gets out of the
00:42:10grave mama. And this is what he said he said oh I know what happened. He
00:42:15wasn't resurrected. Y'all stole his body. They always got something to say. They
00:42:23stole his body. Well well well then I just got a question. Y'all better help me
00:42:31preach this thing. If they stole his body the Bible says that the tomb was sealed.
00:42:40So how you steal from somebody and don't break in? By the way the Bible says that
00:42:46when they went in the tomb and finally broke the seal his clothes were folded.
00:42:52When the last time you seen a thief clean up after? Ever seen a thief say
00:42:58let me dust this wall before I steal this TV.
00:43:08His body was not stolen for he has risen just like he said. Let's exegete this
00:43:19because he has told his disciples. He says they're going to crucify me. He said
00:43:25but it's fine because they're going to tear the temple down. Talking about him.
00:43:32The earthly tabernacle but he says but in three days I'm going to go through a
00:43:37reconstruction process. Now the Bible says that the disciples were not there
00:43:42which obviously means that they did not believe him. But his enemies had two
00:43:48guards in front of the tomb because obviously his friends believed in him
00:43:52more than his his enemies believed in him more than his friends. So now he gets
00:43:56up out of the grave transcends through the tomb. Now showing us that he is the
00:44:03new tabernacle for he has moved from one desert to another. And now Jesus Christ
00:44:10the propitiation of sin has now availed himself so that whosoever believeth in
00:44:14him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Are y'all reading y'all
00:44:18Bible? The Bible says that he says to them he says I want you to understand
00:44:23that when God raised him up from the dead having loosed the pains of death
00:44:28because it was not possible listen to me that he could be held down. When I read
00:44:34it Tyrona almost ran. Some of us read the Bible we read at it but we don't read it
00:44:38he says he could not be held down. He got up because he could not be held down. He
00:44:44got up because he could not be held down. I'll say it again he got up because
00:44:50he could not be held down. Touch the neighbor say I don't know if you know it
00:44:54but I ain't gonna be down here for long. I ain't gonna be down here for long. I'm
00:44:58not gonna be broke for long. I'm not gonna be depressed for long. I'm not
00:45:02gonna be frustrated long. Tell somebody I will not be here for long. Let me finish
00:45:10it. Now when they heard this the Bible says their hearts were pricked and they
00:45:15said unto Peter and the rest of the apostles he said men and brothers what
00:45:19shall we do? The Bible says that their hearts were pricked. Well with the Word
00:45:24of God because the Word of God is sharper than what? Any two-edged sword. So
00:45:29Peter preaching the word has penetrated their hearts up until now they don't
00:45:34want to hear nothing Peter got to say because Peter had a bad habit of
00:45:39using profanity when he should be using spiritual things. Anybody got that Peter
00:45:46situation going on in your life right now?
00:45:51Anybody here before you know it you done said something. Oh y'all gonna I can't.
00:46:00My God I appreciate you. Everybody else gonna act like they always talking about
00:46:05her. Let me tell you how you know they be cussing because they got they got this
00:46:08on their voicemail. Thank you for calling the Holy Ghost headquarters you be
00:46:10cussing. I already know you be cussing. He said he says Peter you you you you
00:46:17gonna use your voice but we don't want to hear what Peter got to say cuz Peter
00:46:21act like he didn't know him. Peter denied him. Peter Peter he has a record. How he
00:46:28gonna preach to us? Bible says watch this that the Holy Ghost filled Peter to
00:46:35speak and when I saw this it shocked me because typically in the Church of Jesus
00:46:42Christ we say this that in verse 4 they were filled with the Holy Spirit and
00:46:47they spoke in unknown tongues. But you got to go to verse 38 to see something
00:46:52that actually happened that we don't talk about afterwards. He says to them
00:46:58after they spoke in tongues he said the job isn't finished. He said in order
00:47:04watch this to receive the Holy Ghost. Now see at first the Holy Ghost sat on them
00:47:10so the Holy Ghost is on them. They spoke in tongues because the Holy Ghost was on
00:47:16them. But in order for him to be in them watch what he says in verse 38 repent and
00:47:25be baptized. Which means that every sound you hear ain't the Holy Ghost. The
00:47:38receiving of the Holy Ghost comes upon repentance and baptism. Not just
00:47:45baptized in the water but baptized in the fire of the Holy Ghost. What does
00:47:51repentance mean? Repentance means that I turn away from sin and I walk in the
00:47:58newness of life. Forgiveness means God I'm sorry but I don't know if I'm gonna
00:48:04not be able to do this again tomorrow. Now anybody ever prayed this prayer Lord
00:48:08if you get me out of this I just need about five honest people. Lord if you
00:48:14get me out of this I promise you I won't ever do it again.
00:48:18Forgiveness. Repentance is you turn and you walk away from it. Baptism. What is
00:48:29baptism? Baptism when we're baptized in the water it is an outward show of an
00:48:34inward change. Why are we baptized? Not to become saved. I'm teaching you now. Not to
00:48:40become saved. We are baptized because Jesus was baptized and we're baptized in
00:48:45the water baptism because we're saying we're dying to our old self and we're
00:48:52coming up a new creation. That's what baptism means. It means that you're
00:48:57leaving your old self in the watery grave. That's why the baptism pool looks
00:49:02like a grave because you are baptized in a watery grave with the intention of
00:49:07coming up a new regenerate person. But when I'm baptized in the Holy Spirit I
00:49:13have to have already been baptized in the water. Now I'm baptized in the Holy
00:49:18Ghost. I received the gift of the Holy Ghost upon my acceptance of Jesus Christ
00:49:23as my Lord and Savior. So now what we're looking for the church to do in this
00:49:28next dispensation before we go back to heaven is not to just have a church full
00:49:33of people who've been in the water. But we're looking for a church full of
00:49:38people who've been in the fire. See people who've been baptized in the water
00:49:46only say amen when the person they want to hear speaks. People who've been
00:49:52baptized in the fire don't even see the personality in the pulpit. All they hear
00:49:56is the Word of God and their soul is connected. Come on y'all. Their soul is
00:50:01connected. I see people in church all the time. They shout when some people
00:50:05preach and then they sit down and be bored and be on their phone the whole
00:50:08time somebody else preach. That's water baptism. When the Holy Spirit is in the
00:50:12room you don't care if it's female or male. You don't care if it's old or young.
00:50:16You don't care if it's your favorite preacher or the one who sat you down out
00:50:19of the choir when you was 12. When you are connected to the Holy Ghost
00:50:24something happens inside of you that disconnects you from the person who's
00:50:29doing it. It's the same way when people are singing. You only worship when your
00:50:33favorite singer is singing or do you worship because the words of the song
00:50:37are talking about a Savior that has given you your voice back. I can't get
00:50:41any help in here. Somebody shout baptism by the Holy Spirit. I know they taught us
00:50:49this in the church of old but you don't have to come down to the altar and have
00:50:54somebody lay their hand on your belly and clap for 75 minutes. Come on talk to
00:51:00me church and I'm not making fun of any denomination. I think it all has its
00:51:04place in the world. I thank God my mama was Kojic. I was Baptist. Our uncle was
00:51:09Pentecostal. We was we called ourselves Bapticostals. We was everything. I believe
00:51:15in theology. I believe in the gift of the Holy Spirit. I believe in all of that but
00:51:19you don't have to come to the altar and let somebody tarry and clap for you to
00:51:23receive the Holy Ghost. All you have to do is confess with your mouth the Lord
00:51:28Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised his son from the dead and
00:51:32based on that thou shalt be saved and when you repent and be baptized you
00:51:36shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and then speaking in tongues and
00:51:43forgiveness and the fruit of the Spirit is a result of accepting Jesus Christ
00:51:49and being baptized in the fruit of the Spirit. Are you with me so far? Are you
00:51:55listening to me? Don't miss this because this is a important tenet of your faith.
00:52:00You don't catch the Holy Ghost. I remember y'all remember growing up and
00:52:07somebody's shouting say oh they caught the Holy Ghost. If you can catch him you
00:52:11can lose him. We don't catch the Holy Ghost we receive him. I want you to lift
00:52:19your hands right now. I pray that you will receive the Holy Ghost. The reason
00:52:25why I have your hands up is because this is a receptive posture. I pray that you
00:52:29will receive the Holy Ghost and when you receive the Holy Ghost he is the one who
00:52:34changes your heart. He is the one who renews your mind. He is the one that
00:52:40drains your spirit of toxicity. He's the one that gives you joy unspeakable joy.
00:52:45He's the one that makes you forgive when you want to hold a grudge. He's the one
00:52:49that makes you smile when you feel angry. He's the one that makes you hug
00:52:53people when you know they don't like you. He's the one that gives you peace in the
00:52:59time of a storm. He's the one that tells you your peace is not worth the grudge.
00:53:04He's the one. Come on receive the Holy Ghost. You can do whatever you want. I
00:53:10want you to receive the Holy Ghost. Come on just talk. Say Lord come into my heart.
00:53:14Come into my heart. Come into my heart. Come into my spirit. Receive ye the Holy
00:53:19Ghost. Lighthouse Church online receive ye the Holy Ghost. The noise wasn't the
00:53:24evidence it was the repentance. Receive ye the Holy Ghost and when he came 3,000
00:53:29people joined the church. You'd be surprised at how many people in your
00:53:36family would join you if you receive the Holy Ghost. Some of y'all are struggling
00:53:41to get people in your household to walk with you and to go to church with
00:53:45you. Receive the Holy Ghost and you will see a transformation happening in your
00:53:51house and in your family that you've never seen before. Listen to me as I
00:53:56close and when you find your voice there is something that happens automatically.
00:54:02You become Satan's target. This is why people run away from the anointing
00:54:11because when you speak for God the devil comes after you. I'm getting ready to
00:54:18pray for you right now because as you find your voice the devil is gonna do
00:54:21everything he can to silence it and it's easy to shut us up because we don't like
00:54:25criticism. It's easy to shut us up because we want everybody to like us. It's
00:54:31easy to shut us up because we don't want nobody looking at us funny in church and
00:54:35if somebody looks at us funny in church we leave and go out the door because we
00:54:38want everybody to agree with what we have to say but you're getting ready to
00:54:42find your voice. Your sisters are going to be confused about you praising God
00:54:49openly at a family function. They're gonna say stuff like we don't do that
00:54:56here. They're gonna do all kinds of things. I'm telling you because
00:55:01most people think the only place worship is supposed to be is in the sanctuary.
00:55:05Some of y'all gonna be at work and the Holy Ghost gonna hit you. I'm telling you.
00:55:09Some of y'all gonna be walking in the park and the Holy Ghost is gonna hit you.
00:55:13My assignment today was to help you to find your voice so that when you speak
00:55:20in this next season, listen, I speak that thousands will move when you speak in
00:55:26the name of Jesus. I speak that God will put you in the position of a supervisor
00:55:32and a manager so that when you speak they will not only hear company policy
00:55:36but they will hear the Holy Ghost. I pray that God is getting ready to anoint you
00:55:41at the top of your field. He's getting ready to give you a business and an idea
00:55:45and a company and when you speak your voice is going to reverberate around the
00:55:49world. God is about to give you your voice. I speak that when you write down
00:55:53what you want in your vision board on your vision board and in your book, I
00:55:58speak that when you speak over it God will begin to make it happen in the
00:56:02spirit realm. I speak that everything that your hands touch and every place
00:56:06your feet shall tread, God will give it to you. I'm going to help you to find
00:56:09your voice. Stand on your feet. We're on our way home. I pray that God would help
00:56:12you to find your voice. I pray that you would not be silent in this season. I
00:56:16pray that God would help you to find your voice, that you will speak to the
00:56:19winds and the winds will obey you. Peace be still. I want you to open up your
00:56:24mouth right now and begin to speak in the spirit. I'm the head and not the tail.
00:56:28I'm above and never beneath. I'm a lender not a borrower. I'm not sick. I am
00:56:33healed. I am a magnet for blessings. Come on, speak the affirmative. Affirm yourself.
00:56:40When I lay hands on the sick they are healed. I will never have depression as
00:56:46an issue. I am not insecure. I am bold. I am faithful. I am loved and I am loving.
00:56:56No weapon formed against you shall prosper. I speak the spirit of calamity
00:57:03and peace will come up on you so much that the atmosphere of your house will
00:57:06change. Hallelujah, Holy Spirit. I pray that people will feel peace when
00:57:11they're close to you. I pray that your aura will be evangelism, that people will
00:57:16ask you, what is it that has you so calm and peaceful? You will say it's nothing
00:57:23but the Holy Ghost. I pray a hedge of protection around your house, around your
00:57:29children, around your spouse, your husband, your wife, your significant other. I pray
00:57:35a spirit of protection around them in the name of Jesus. I speak that
00:57:40everything you speak will come to pass. I speak that anger would leave your tongue.
00:57:47I speak that God will rob you of the ability to hold grudges. I speak a spirit
00:57:57of forgiveness over you. Hallelujah, in the name of Jesus. Everybody who found
00:58:04your voice begin to worship him in this place.
00:58:10Come on, if you found your voice begin to worship him in this place.
00:58:16Come on, get rid of your fear. Come on, open up your mouth and begin to worship
00:58:19him in this place. My house shall be called of all nations the house of
00:58:25prayer. Spirit of the Living God, I speak that you would voice activate this house.
00:58:37I pray God that you would allow them to know that you're always listening and
00:58:43you are near to the brokenhearted. Speak to us that we will say what you want us
00:58:49to say. Activate our voices so that just like on the day of Pentecost when we
00:58:54open our mouth, men and women, boys and girls, the rich, the poor, the agnostic,
00:59:01the atheist, the believer will hear the sound of the mighty Russian wind and
00:59:06that souls would be saved because of the glory that you've placed over our lives.
00:59:11In Jesus name we pray. Come on somebody give him praise in this place today.
00:59:20How many of y'all, seriously I'm not being funny, how many of y'all have an iPhone?
00:59:23Be honest, just iPhone. How many of y'all have ever noticed you'll be sitting it
00:59:29down? It'll just be sitting there and Siri will say something to you and
00:59:37you haven't asked her anything because the phone is always listening. I want you
00:59:47to know that it, how do I know it's always listening? Because for it to hear
00:59:51hey Siri had to be listening. That's why when you are on certain websites, things
00:59:59like how did they know you said it? Even the algorithm knows to give you what you
01:00:04speak. Know that right? You could do, go to dictionary.com, all those websites
01:00:15that don't cost you but they receive money from advertisers to stay free like
01:00:22Wikipedia. Go to any one of those sites and you'll start to see a camera
01:00:29that you've been talking about. A shirt, a dress, a pair of shoes. Why do you think
01:00:37the car of your dreams keeps popping up everywhere you go? You talking about, oh
01:00:40the Holy Ghost is speaking. No, it's the algorithm. Because you've been speaking
01:00:48it so much that it knows to give you what you say.
01:00:55Pastor Raymond says this all the time. It's such a, it's such a true point. All
01:00:58miracles are voice activated and this is, if Siri's listening, what do you think
01:01:05God is doing? God is waiting on you to say what it is that you want so he can
01:01:18deliver it to you. I'm gonna give you 38 seconds to jump-start God's algorithm. I
01:01:27want you to speak it and I want you to watch him do it. Open up your mouth.