00:00:30You've been in this place long enough.
00:00:59The mountainside has been rough, but the word of God is the struggle is over for you.
00:01:07Repeat after me.
00:01:08The struggle is over.
00:01:11The Bible says in Luke chapter five, verse number one, and it came to pass that as the
00:01:15people pressed up on him, see that word press means urgent.
00:01:19I'm going to show you.
00:01:20I'm in a series this month called the principles of the kingdom.
00:01:23How many of y'all watch take action on Tuesday, our Bible study.
00:01:27I introduced a new series on Tuesday online.
00:01:32I need you to make me a promise.
00:01:34Look at me.
00:01:35I need you to make me a promise.
00:01:37I'm starting up series called the principles of the kingdom this month, and whether it's
00:01:42in person or online, I need you to make me a promise that you won't miss a Sunday or
00:01:47If you can make that promise.
00:01:48Let me just see your hands.
00:01:49If you're watching online, because what I am getting ready to tell you in the month
00:01:52of September will change your life until you breathe your last breath.
00:01:58This is the most important series I've ever preached in my life, and I've been preaching
00:02:0330 years.
00:02:06The most important series I've ever preached in my life.
00:02:10I'm getting ready to preach this September.
00:02:12The devil going to do everything he can to keep you from being committed.
00:02:17But every Sunday, every Tuesday, you're going to watch Bible study online and you're going
00:02:21to be in this place or watching online because I'm getting ready to give you the life hack
00:02:25on how to live the abundant life according to the kingdom.
00:02:28If you believe that, say, man, the Bible says they pressed up on him for the word of God.
00:02:35And he stood by the lake of Janessa red, which was the sea of Galilee and saw two ships standing
00:02:40by the lake.
00:02:41But the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their nets.
00:02:46And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would
00:02:51thrust out a little from the land.
00:02:53And he sat down and taught the people out of the ship.
00:02:57Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, launch out into the deep.
00:03:02Everybody say launch out.
00:03:04Can I tell you what your problem is?
00:03:07You scared.
00:03:09You keep doing everything on the shore.
00:03:12But I want to find 300 people in here to say, when I leave church today, everything I do
00:03:17is going to be big.
00:03:18Who am I talking to?
00:03:21I ain't doing nothing else small.
00:03:22Give your neighbor high fives.
00:03:23I ain't doing nothing else small.
00:03:27The next time I talk to you about my business, I'm going to talk to you like it made $5 million.
00:03:32It ain't made a dime yet.
00:03:36Tell your neighbor, do it big.
00:03:38He launched out into the deep.
00:03:40Because you can't catch small fish in the deep and you can't catch big ones on the shore.
00:03:46It doesn't make sense.
00:03:48The reason why everything is so small is you're too close to where you started.
00:03:55You know why they big out there?
00:03:57Because don't nobody mess with them.
00:04:00They get a chance to grow.
00:04:02But you're going to dare.
00:04:03I want you to go out as far as you can.
00:04:06When you bring in this catch, you're going to have enough to feed your family for the
00:04:10rest of your life.
00:04:15I know what some of y'all are going to say, because this is what Peter said.
00:04:17He says, Lord, I heard you, but I've been out there all night and nothing happened.
00:04:22Watch what he says.
00:04:23He says, but nevertheless, because you said so, I'm going to do it.
00:04:28Anybody got that kind of faith?
00:04:29God, I've been trying for five years, but if you tell me to do it one more time.
00:04:33Here's what the Lord told me to preach today.
00:04:35Anybody been confused lately?
00:04:37What do I do?
00:04:38Where do I go?
00:04:39God says, tell the people he's about to take you from chaos to clarity.
00:04:45He's about to take you from chaos to clarity.
00:04:48Before you sit down, high-five all of the people who've been talking to you all service.
00:04:51If they ain't talked to you, don't say nothing to them now, but high-five and tell them God's
00:04:54about to bring clarity to your situation.
00:04:56You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
00:05:05Almost everything you will ever know comes from one of two places.
00:05:10It either comes from the education you have or the culture you grew up in.
00:05:16That's where you're going to learn it.
00:05:17It's like, you ever heard that statement that says, there's bought sense, then there's taught
00:05:24Like, there's some people, do you have any friends, like, they educated, but they ain't
00:05:28got no streets, just, they don't know where to go, they don't know when trouble about
00:05:34to start, they don't know when to run, they don't know nothing, just, because you got
00:05:39taught sense and you got bought sense.
00:05:41And we learn either from our culture or from our education.
00:05:47Now, what I know, and I get this because I was just preaching in London, and the pastor
00:05:55and his wife were talking to us about the kingdom, and I started to think, this is what
00:06:01the church is missing.
00:06:04We're missing the concept of the kingdom.
00:06:07Well, we live in America, we don't live in London, so there is no Buckingham Palace.
00:06:13We live by legislative, judicial branches.
00:06:17We don't have kings and queens in our society, so the concept of kingdom has been lost in
00:06:25our mind because all prototypes have either been dissolved or abolished.
00:06:32So then here comes Jesus telling the greatest story ever told about the kingdom, and we
00:06:39miss it entirely because we're looking at religion and not kingdom.
00:06:45We think that the most important thing is, well, what denomination are you, or what church
00:06:51do you go to, or do you speak in tongues or not?
00:06:55Can you wear makeup in your church or not?
00:06:58Does your skirt have to be long or not?
00:07:00How many of you all remember growing up in a church where women had to wear skirts?
00:07:05And then they used some scripture that says, this is why, because the Bible says that a
00:07:09woman should not wear that which pertaineth to a man.
00:07:13But the problem is, is what Jesus wore looked more like a dress than anything.
00:07:19So then that scripture is used out of context, which is what we actually call religion.
00:07:27Religion has caused more problems than it has solved.
00:07:31When those guys flew those planes into the Twin Towers, they did it in the name of God.
00:07:37Wars have been started as a result of religion.
00:07:41But there is something that we, who are the blessed of God, the apple of His eye, the
00:07:47creation of God, we live in a different paradigm.
00:07:50We don't live in church.
00:07:51We don't live in religion.
00:07:53I say we live in kingdom.
00:07:55But we struggle with the concept because we have no prototypes.
00:07:59We have no examples.
00:08:01We live in a world where the greatest story that has ever been told cannot be understood
00:08:06by those of us in Western culture because we don't have a concept of kingdom.
00:08:11Now, what happens is, is in the close of chapter four, we find the evidence of Jesus being
00:08:18the Son of God.
00:08:19Everybody say the Son of God.
00:08:21And how does He do that?
00:08:23Well, He does that by a myriad of different things.
00:08:25Number one, people came up to Him sick with all manner of diseases.
00:08:28And if you read the scripture, the Bible says He healed them all.
00:08:32So somebody came to Him, they couldn't see, He gave them sight.
00:08:36They couldn't hear, what did He do?
00:08:38Gave them the ability to hear.
00:08:39They came demon-possessed, what did He do?
00:08:42He cast the demons out.
00:08:44So whatever their issue was, He came to them and God dealt with it.
00:08:49He even turned water to wine.
00:08:52Whatever the need was, He showed up and He did something about it.
00:08:55So that was chapter four.
00:08:57He was proving to us that He was the Son of God.
00:09:01Now once we get to chapter five, we find fishermen who are at a lake.
00:09:07Listen to me.
00:09:08They're at a lake and the Bible says that they have been out there all night fishing.
00:09:13Everybody say all night.
00:09:14All night.
00:09:15Come on, say it with some enthusiasm.
00:09:16Say, everybody say all night.
00:09:17All night.
00:09:18And the reason why I want you to hear that is because they have been out there all night
00:09:23and they have caught nothing.
00:09:26They started in the day, they put on their clothes, they got the bait ready, they got
00:09:32the hooks ready, they got the nets ready, they cleaned the boat, they did everything
00:09:37they could and they went out there and they fished all night and they found nothing.
00:09:43And the Lord gave me a revelation.
00:09:46Because you can have a lot of effort and no evidence.
00:09:50Because in government, they keep telling you, if you work harder, you'll get more.
00:09:58And it's true.
00:09:59If you want to get more, you've got to work more hours.
00:10:03If you want to get more, you've got to work another job.
00:10:06If you want to get more, you've got to find some passive source of income.
00:10:10You've got to make some sort of investment.
00:10:12If you want more in government, you've got to do more.
00:10:16But that isn't how it works in the kingdom.
00:10:20If Queen Elizabeth was still alive and she had said to her servants, somebody bring me
00:10:26some more tea, do you think they would say, Queen, get up and do it yourself?
00:10:31They would never say that, why?
00:10:33Because the position qualifies me to ask and expect whatever I want.
00:10:37Y'all better hear me.
00:10:39When I'm in the kingdom, because of my position, I have a right to expect that what I ask for
00:10:44will be brought to me.
00:10:46I want to get you out of your trauma.
00:10:48I want to get you out of your job.
00:10:50I want to even get you out of your surplus, and I want you to get into the kingdom.
00:10:55Because when you get into the kingdom, you have a right to ask, you have a right to seek,
00:11:00and you have a right to knock.
00:11:02And let me tell you something, Matthew 633, seek he first.
00:11:07Talk to me.
00:11:08The kingdom of God, and what?
00:11:11His righteousness, and what happens?
00:11:14All things shall be added unto you.
00:11:16This scripture taught me that failure isn't always connected to effort.
00:11:24This sermon will not tell you if you work harder, you're going to have more.
00:11:30I'm not going to do that today.
00:11:31Although that may be true in the natural, I want you in the kingdom, and what I want
00:11:34you to know is that as a result of not understanding this concept, most of us experience failure.
00:11:42And when you experience failure, you only can do two things.
00:11:47Either you pretend like you didn't fail, and how do people pretend like they don't fail?
00:11:53You can look online right now.
00:11:55People pretending like they didn't fail.
00:11:56They just come up with quotes, well, failure ain't nothing but people who just kept trying
00:12:01and started over.
00:12:02You know, just come up with something quick, quote, quote, you know, failure ain't nothing
00:12:05but the ability to get in again with increased intelligence.
00:12:08No, you failed.
00:12:11What's failure?
00:12:12You failed to do something?
00:12:13You didn't get it done.
00:12:14You failed.
00:12:15And it doesn't help us that we live in a society where kids can come in last place and get
00:12:20a ribbon.
00:12:21Oh, y'all ain't going to listen.
00:12:22Come here.
00:12:23Come here.
00:12:24I'm going to talk to you.
00:12:25So what we do is we reward effort as opposed to right effort, okay?
00:12:32So the kid who finishes last gets a ribbon, and the kid who finishes first gets a ribbon,
00:12:38and the only difference is the color.
00:12:40In the kingdom, the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.
00:12:46In the kingdom, only the righteous shall see God.
00:12:49Talk to me, somebody.
00:12:50In the kingdom, only those who lift up holy hands will hear the voice of the Lord.
00:12:55You're not going to get a ribbon for coming to church.
00:12:59I heard Pastor Darius Daniels say this.
00:13:01He said, you don't get credit for the sermon you hear.
00:13:04You get credit for the sermon you apply.
00:13:07Oh, God.
00:13:09It's going to be rough in here today.
00:13:10I can tell.
00:13:11See, most people want the same thing that you got because they came to church today,
00:13:16but I want you to tell your neighbor, say, if you don't praise like me, you ain't getting
00:13:19what I got.
00:13:20I'm just telling you right now.
00:13:21If you don't worship like I worship, you're not getting what I got.
00:13:24God is not handing out ribbons to everybody who showed up.
00:13:28He's giving them to people who show up and operate in the kingdom.
00:13:32Everybody say the kingdom.
00:13:33The kingdom.
00:13:34What I've learned about failure is failure teaches us more than success.
00:13:40Failure teaches us more than success, and failure gives you wisdom that success doesn't
00:13:45give you.
00:13:46If you're honest, raise your hand in here or online if you've ever failed at anything.
00:13:52How does it feel to fail?
00:13:54It feels horrible.
00:13:55You know why?
00:13:56Because in our culture, failure always has to have somebody to blame.
00:14:05So whenever we fail, we got to figure out, okay, take your son or your daughter.
00:14:08They failed their class.
00:14:10Did they not learn or was the teacher bad?
00:14:14Most times we're going to say, they just don't know how to teach my child.
00:14:19But they might know how to teach your child, but if your child is talking all class, I
00:14:23know y'all don't want to admit this because it ain't never your baby, it's everybody else's
00:14:27If your child is talking all class or are showing up late to class or are on their cell
00:14:32phone during class, and then they come home and tell you the teacher ain't teaching, yet
00:14:36maybe the teacher isn't teaching, but can it also be true that your child is not in
00:14:41a position to learn?
00:14:43So it's the same thing when we come to church today.
00:14:46There are people in here listening to me right now, there are people engaged, and then there
00:14:50are people who are on Instagram, and at the end of the sermon, everybody's going to expect
00:14:54the same thing.
00:14:55I am here to tell you right now, it's not going to happen.
00:14:58It's not going to happen.
00:14:59Only the people who are absolutely engaged in what I am saying today are going to receive
00:15:04the benefits of the kingdom.
00:15:05So I want you to identify yourself if you want the benefit of the kingdom.
00:15:09Let me see your hand.
00:15:10All right, we're getting ready to do this all month long.
00:15:13I need y'all to talk to me.
00:15:14Do you want the benefits of the kingdom?
00:15:16All right, so we're going to do this all month.
00:15:18Now watch this.
00:15:19All failures are not created equal.
00:15:23All failures are not created equal.
00:15:27There were fishermen that were out there that night and didn't catch anything either,
00:15:32but their chaos wasn't about to become clear.
00:15:36Only those who were with Simon were about to receive the clarity.
00:15:41See, sometimes it is your circle that makes things cloudy.
00:15:46I'm going to walk through this thing right here.
00:15:51Lord, give me the patience to walk through it in this valley of dry bones.
00:15:55You got to understand that sometimes you can't see things because your circle is blocking
00:16:02your vision.
00:16:05Every time you get enough courage to move forward, your negative friend pulls you back.
00:16:11You know that one and be like, it don't take all of that and I don't know, I tried and
00:16:18it don't work.
00:16:19You had a great idea.
00:16:20You gave it to them.
00:16:21Have you ever told somebody something and wish you didn't tell it to them?
00:16:25So they bring you back, your circle could be clouding your vision, but God is about
00:16:31to give Simon clarity and everybody with Simon is about to get clarity.
00:16:37I don't know who the Simon is on your row, but if you know that you're getting ready
00:16:41to walk into a season where chaos is about to become clarity, I want you to look down
00:16:46your row and tell everybody, it's about to be clear because you sit next to me.
00:16:51It's about to be clear because you sit next to me.
00:16:53If I don't have anybody on my row that's a Simon, if I was you, I'd go sit on somebody's
00:16:57lap or find another row where somebody is.
00:17:00Somebody like, nah, I'll pass it.
00:17:01That's too far.
00:17:02What I'm trying to get you to do is be so urgent about your situation that you refuse
00:17:07to sit in a circle that doesn't serve you.
00:17:10If you got to do it by yourself, do it by yourself.
00:17:13But for the next month, I'm looking for kingdom oriented people who are looking for God to
00:17:18take you to a level that you never thought you could make it to.
00:17:22If I'm talking to you, identify yourself.
00:17:27Somebody shout clarity.
00:17:29You about to find out why you have to be heartbroken.
00:17:35You about to find out why this month that no matter how hard you try, God never let
00:17:40that business get off the ground.
00:17:43You about to find out why you had to get fired from that job.
00:17:48You about to find out why you had to move to Houston.
00:17:54How many of y'all, I mean, you know you weren't supposed to come here.
00:17:57It's hot.
00:17:58You was worried about your edges.
00:17:59Come on.
00:18:00You ain't want your hair swelling up.
00:18:02You was like, Lord, I don't got time for this.
00:18:04But God says, I'm about to give you beautiful ashes.
00:18:07You are in the right place at the right time.
00:18:10And maybe it's humidity that made you not want to come.
00:18:13But I'm about to turn the temperature up on your life.
00:18:16It's about to get hot up in here.
00:18:18I need somebody in this place today.
00:18:20If you believe what I'm saying, identify yourself, I'm going to help you.
00:18:26I'm going to hear you.
00:18:27I'm going to help you.
00:18:28But you got to trust me and you got to follow me through this.
00:18:30Watch what happens.
00:18:31This is the first thing that happens in order for clarity to come in their life.
00:18:34They get into the presence of Jesus.
00:18:38Watch this.
00:18:39Look at me.
00:18:40Wake up.
00:18:41Y'all should see how many people had to look up at me when I said that.
00:18:46They saw Jesus and they pressed Him.
00:18:50All right.
00:18:54Rewind that.
00:18:57Press play.
00:18:58They saw Jesus and they pressed Him.
00:19:09They say the third time's the charm.
00:19:12They saw Jesus and they just weren't like, what's up in the spot, chilling.
00:19:20I'm in church.
00:19:22No, they saw Jesus and they was like, I got to have Him.
00:19:26I got to have Him.
00:19:28I don't even know what I need from Him, but I got to have Him.
00:19:32They were shouting when everybody else was sitting.
00:19:35They were giving God glory and didn't even know what they were shouting about.
00:19:38They made it urgent.
00:19:39When I tell you that one of your problems is you too cool in church, you just sitting
00:19:44back waiting on the Holy Spirit to do something.
00:19:46I'm looking for somebody to say, I don't even know why I'm shouting, but I'm about to do
00:19:49I don't even know what he's talking about, but I'm about to do it.
00:19:51I don't even understand because I do know when praises go up, blessings come down.
00:19:55You got to be urgent.
00:19:56Give three people a high five and say, you got to be urgent.
00:19:58You got to be urgent.
00:19:59You got to be urgent.
00:20:03Do you know what got the woman with the issue of blood healed?
00:20:09They told her, you ain't supposed to be out here, but whenever people talk bad to you,
00:20:16you got to talk good to you.
00:20:19They said, you ain't supposed to be here.
00:20:20She said, if I could just get to the hem of his garment.
00:20:26I need to find 500 pressers in here today.
00:20:29I need you to press until you set your section on fire.
00:20:32I need you to press until your cousin feels your prayer.
00:20:35Come on, somebody press, press, press, press.
00:20:38They said, she fine, she good, let her go, she fine.
00:20:45Press, press, press.
00:20:48Let me just give a spirit of protocol here.
00:20:51I understand when y'all try to protect me, but you also got to be sensitive and know
00:20:56when the Lord is moving.
00:20:58Right now, the Lord is moving.
00:20:59Everybody say the Lord is moving.
00:21:00Now, if they get froggy, you leap, but in this atmosphere, you might see some people
00:21:07running because we in the kingdom.
00:21:11Behavior might change because we're getting ready to move out of religion and we're getting
00:21:15ready to move into the kingdom.
00:21:18When you're in the kingdom, the king always has a guard.
00:21:23Watch this, watch this.
00:21:25They pressed on Jesus to do one thing.
00:21:29You want to know what it was?
00:21:34They pressed him, Mr. Vaughn, to do one thing.
00:21:39Anybody want to know what it is?
00:21:41You ain't acting like it because the way y'all sitting up there being all casual, I want
00:21:44some urgent people.
00:21:45I ain't giving you my pearls to no swine.
00:21:48Who wants to know what they did?
00:21:54They pressed on him for one reason, to get a word.
00:22:00You keep coming to get a worship.
00:22:03You keep coming to get a song.
00:22:06You keep coming to get a handshake or a booth.
00:22:09I ain't coming to church to get booed up, I came to get a word.
00:22:12Say I came to get a word, I came to get a word.
00:22:16I came to get a word, I can't to get a word.
00:22:17I came to get a word.
00:22:18If you ain't coming to get a word, you in my way.
00:22:20I came to get a word, that word have I hidden in my heart that I might-
00:22:27The church no longer desires a word from God.
00:22:33Now, I'm talking about the kingdom.
00:22:39What's happening in religion is we want every service to be full of worship so we can feel
00:22:44good about ourselves.
00:22:46But worship will make you feel good, but only the Word will keep you good.
00:22:51So the worship will make you act like there ain't nothing wrong, but the Word will make
00:22:55you speak to a devil and say, be thou removed.
00:22:59Somebody shout, I need a word.
00:23:00I need a word.
00:23:01I need a word.
00:23:02I need a word.
00:23:03Watch this, Bishop.
00:23:04I need a word.
00:23:06They knew something that we don't practice.
00:23:10They were listening to the Word.
00:23:13No, no, no, you missed it.
00:23:15No, they were listening to the Word.
00:23:24In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was with God.
00:23:31Imagine talking cars with Henry Ford.
00:23:38Imagine talking about music with Mozart or Beethoven.
00:23:45Imagine talking art with Leonardo da Vinci.
00:23:48Imagine talking to the word about the word next to a lake he made with his word.
00:24:04So now the word who made a lake with his word is about to use his word to give them fish
00:24:15that he created with his word.
00:24:20And he's doing it at the most holiest body of water in the world.
00:24:26For this is the lake, the Sea of Galilee.
00:24:30This is the sea that Peter walked on.
00:24:37The Jordan River runs into the Sea of Galilee.
00:24:43One is a body of fresh water.
00:24:46One is a body of salt water.
00:24:48They run into each other.
00:24:49And this is the only body of water that gets to say, I'm water, but I had living water
00:24:55in me.
00:24:58So living water is in H2O, G-O-D is in H2O.
00:25:04Living water is in water about to give them fish that he created with his voice.
00:25:11You're missing what I'm saying.
00:25:12Some things are only created by your voice.
00:25:18You keep trying to create stuff with your hands and your intellect, but there's some
00:25:22stuff you just got to...
00:25:24I ain't going no way.
00:25:27I came to fight the devil today.
00:25:29I'm going to give you three seconds to think about five things you need and speak it.
00:25:33I need peace.
00:25:34I need whatever you need, and nobody can speak it for you.
00:25:36And if you're going to say it that low, you don't want it.
00:25:38I'll just...
00:25:39Give me five people.
00:25:40I'll take one from this section, one from here, one from here.
00:25:42I need five people to speak those things that are not...
00:25:50This is point number one.
00:25:54If you're going to live in the kingdom, you got to start making things critical.
00:25:59Oh, you're just too cool.
00:26:02Y'all too cool.
00:26:04You'd be struggling and just crying.
00:26:07Lord, if you just come and sit down with Jesus.
00:26:12How many of y'all got kids?
00:26:15How they cry when they want some goldfish?
00:26:21I mean, some of y'all got kids that cry and don't even know tears be falling down.
00:26:26How many of y'all got one of them?
00:26:31But they cry.
00:26:33No tears coming.
00:26:34What do you do?
00:26:36Say it again.
00:26:37Get it.
00:26:38Because God ain't moved by tears.
00:26:39He moved by sound.
00:26:43So who going to get it?
00:26:44The person who's in service like this with real tears?
00:26:52Or the person who's saying, thou son of David, have mercy on me.
00:26:57And then when your neighbor looks at you like, oh, you're getting on my nerve.
00:27:00Thou son of David, have mercy on me.
00:27:04I just need 400 people to put an attitude with your worship.
00:27:08Just look at your neighbor and say, I bet I ain't going to shut up.
00:27:10Thou son of David, have mercy on me because I'm trying to create something in my life.
00:27:14I'm trying to create a future.
00:27:16I'm trying to create a destiny.
00:27:17I'm trying to leave my children something, and I'm going to use my voice to get it.
00:27:21Come on, activate the atmosphere.
00:27:24Can I ask you a question?
00:27:31Why you don't love them like you used to?
00:27:36Anybody ever been in a relationship where people do everything they can to get you?
00:27:43Oh, when they trying to get you, they'll drive from Dallas every Thursday.
00:27:50Some of y'all did it.
00:27:51That's why your car ain't working now.
00:27:52Come on.
00:27:537,000 miles on the car you bought yesterday.
00:27:57When you trying to get somebody, you'll drive further than you got.
00:28:01You want to go stay longer than you can, you'll leave at 5 o'clock in the morning to make
00:28:05it to work at 8.30, and it's a six-hour drive.
00:28:11Y'all ain't going to say amen, say ouch.
00:28:13You'll drive two days with no gas money.
00:28:19Tires need to have been rotated last month.
00:28:22Well, ain't got no gas in the car.
00:28:27Talking about, well, yeah, when that light come on, you still got 49 miles.
00:28:30You know how it go.
00:28:38But then when you get them, baby come to Dallas and see me, I got to go to work in the morning.
00:28:43Ain't nobody got time for all of that, that's too far.
00:28:50Anything you do to get God, you got to do to keep Him.
00:28:55You can't just praise Him when times are good.
00:28:59You got to praise Him whether happy or sad.
00:29:04They made it critical.
00:29:06They made it critical.
00:29:08They pressed upon Jesus as the deer pence for streams of water, so my soul thirst for
00:29:16you, O God.
00:29:17They were unsatisfied until God blessed him.
00:29:21That's what Jacob did when he says, Lord, I'm going to wrestle you, and I ain't going
00:29:24to let you go till you bless me.
00:29:27If you don't get nothing else, if you don't understand the words that are coming out of
00:29:31my mouth, you got to be more aggressive with God.
00:29:35You got to remind God about what He said.
00:29:37You got to tell Him, God, you said if I honored you, you said if I praised you, you said if
00:29:43I was faithful that you would be faithful to bless me.
00:29:46Can I get somebody to press God in this room?
00:29:49Press God for your son.
00:29:51Press God for your daughter.
00:29:53Press God for your husband.
00:29:54Press God for your wife, and if all else fails, press God for yourself.
00:30:05Somebody press for Him.
00:30:06See, because all of the other stuff that you keep pressing for ain't going to make you
00:30:13I'm going to tell you something.
00:30:15Go ahead and make all the money you want.
00:30:19You still not going to be happy.
00:30:22I know what people say.
00:30:26Money don't buy happiness.
00:30:27Now, it does put a down payment on it, but it don't buy happiness, because I'm going
00:30:34to tell you, there are a lot of people with a lot of money, miserable, miserable, miserable.
00:30:42People don't make you happy.
00:30:44Adolf Hitler blew his brains out.
00:30:49Julius Caesar conquered 800 cities and died from the blade of a best friend.
00:30:57It just doesn't matter.
00:31:00If you accomplish more houses, more cars, more purses, more belts, more rims, you can
00:31:06get all that stuff.
00:31:08But if you have no purpose—talk to me, church—you can be fly and depressed.
00:31:20You can have a Rolex and not know your identity.
00:31:25You can have a BMW and still look in the mirror and not like who you are.
00:31:33You can have two stories in your house with five bedrooms and be so depressed you can't
00:31:38come out of one of them.
00:31:43You can get so depressed you'll spend a night on your bathroom floor, have a closet full
00:31:49of clothes, and ain't got nowhere to go.
00:31:55Got a sealy, posturepedic mattress.
00:32:00You know that make black folks think they made it when they got one of them.
00:32:03I'm just going to tell y'all right now.
00:32:05They think they got something because they got—black people think they done made it
00:32:08when they get a good mattress and can't get no sleep.
00:32:17Food in the refrigerator, no appetite.
00:32:22Have you ever been to a restaurant with somebody you didn't want to be there with?
00:32:27The meal was $300.
00:32:29You ate $2 worth of food.
00:32:32I'm on a diet.
00:32:33No, you depressed.
00:32:36Because stuff won't make you happy.
00:32:41Oh, I hope you can hear me.
00:32:44I hope you can hear me.
00:32:46Alexander the Great conquered every nation that rose up against him, and yet he was unsatisfied.
00:32:55You're only going to be happy is if you seek the kingdom.
00:33:05The Bible says in Matthew 5 and 6, blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
00:33:09righteousness for they shall be filled.
00:33:13Now let me tell you why you don't understand that.
00:33:16Because for those of us who live in religion, when we hear the word righteous, what do you
00:33:23He ain't righteous.
00:33:25Let me ask you this question.
00:33:26If righteous means being right, then explain to me how God called Noah righteous.
00:33:35Now go check Noah's resume.
00:33:37Number one, he was a streaker.
00:33:43Noah was a nudist.
00:33:44He liked to walk around naked in public, just no clothes.
00:33:48And he had another problem.
00:33:49Now being naked wasn't his problem.
00:33:51It was the symptom.
00:33:53His real problem is he liked that bottle.
00:33:54You know Noah was an alcoholic.
00:33:57Now anybody got one in your family?
00:33:59Now alcoholics are different, okay?
00:34:02So he wakes up.
00:34:03He drinks.
00:34:04He goes to sleep.
00:34:05He drinks.
00:34:06He starts taking off his clothes, and then in the morning, he don't know.
00:34:11His sons find him out, and they expose him, going back to sometimes your issue is your
00:34:21You better make sure that you go to the next level in your life.
00:34:25You don't just find somebody who know how to like you.
00:34:27You better find somebody who know how to cover you.
00:34:34Noah is a righteous man.
00:34:36Why does the Bible say he's righteous?
00:34:37Because the word righteous doesn't mean perfect.
00:34:39The word righteous means I understand who's in authority.
00:34:46Righteous in the kingdom means I know who's in authority.
00:34:51I know who's in charge, and let me tell you, when it comes to the church, there is only
00:34:56one great head of the church, and his name is Jesus the Christ.
00:35:00Not me, not a deacon, not a person on staff.
00:35:04Up on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against
00:35:10Somebody shout, God is in charge.
00:35:14Noah was a righteous man because he did what God told him to do.
00:35:21Listen, in the season God told him to do it in.
00:35:24I could preach right there.
00:35:27I'm going to say it again.
00:35:29Noah did what God told him to do in the season that God told him to do it, because a lot
00:35:36of people do what God says do, but they do it after what they tried to do didn't work.
00:35:42So Noah builds a boat ... Oh, you didn't read the rest of it.
00:35:52It ain't never rained before.
00:35:55So what is he building a boat for?
00:35:57Now what's happening when he's building his boat?
00:35:59The same thing that's going to happen to you when you start operating according to what
00:36:02God told you to do.
00:36:05Look at Noah.
00:36:06Look at that fool.
00:36:10Building a boat, talking about it's going to rain.
00:36:15What's rain?
00:36:16Where rain come from?
00:36:17What are you going to do with this boat?
00:36:20They made fun of him.
00:36:21All of a sudden that lightning said, and it rained.
00:36:26We got you, mama.
00:36:27It rained 40 days and 40 nights.
00:36:31Now all of a sudden, what they doing?
00:36:36Noah, let me in here.
00:36:40Noah said, uh-uh.
00:36:41Back then, you ain't want me.
00:36:44Now I'm hot.
00:36:47You all want me.
00:36:48Do me a favor.
00:36:49Tell your neighbor, I'm about to praise God.
00:36:50Now, when I get my miracle ... Don't be up here talking about you cute.
00:36:53I wasn't cute before I got this stuff.
00:36:56I'm looking for somebody who will press God and praise God and make it urgent, because
00:37:02you ain't got time to waste.
00:37:04What you need from God has to be done in the right season.
00:37:11Now, I'm telling you, some of y'all about to go to the next level.
00:37:19When you go to the next level, Kirk, this is what's going to happen.
00:37:23Every time you do something big, you hear from somebody small.
00:37:28Man, I wish I was here by myself.
00:37:33My pastor would say, it's hard to preach in the Valley of Dry Bones.
00:37:36Y'all ain't here today.
00:37:37Tell your neighbor, this is not a cemetery, it's a sanctuary.
00:37:41Wake up.
00:37:42He's like, Noah, every time you do something big, you will hear the voices of the small,
00:37:53because big voices are too busy doing big things to talk about big projects.
00:37:57It is small people who do nothing who have something to say about big things.
00:38:01That's why they're always talking about you at work, because they know you about to replace
00:38:05Watch what he said, Noah, you building that boat, it ain't never been no rain before.
00:38:12You're going to hear from naysayers.
00:38:13Everybody say naysayers.
00:38:14Okay, I need you to write this down.
00:38:17Here is the first priority of the kingdom, the first principle of the kingdom.
00:38:21The first principle of the kingdom is priority.
00:38:27Your life will change when you find out what's important.
00:38:34Your life will change when you decide what's important.
00:38:39Let me tell you why we struggle with this.
00:38:41There is something in your brain called the reticular activator, and what it does is that
00:38:45it calls to memories things that you always see but never pay attention to.
00:38:49It's like you only see red cars after you get one.
00:38:54See, here's what we tell ourselves, now that I got a Range Rover, everybody get one.
00:38:58No, everybody had one before you got one.
00:39:01You ain't setting no trend, sit down somewhere.
00:39:03Now that I got my hair blonde, everybody blonde, no, all of a sudden, you dyed your hair, now
00:39:08you're recognizing.
00:39:11You ain't setting no trend, talking about, ooh, look, even the famous people doing what
00:39:15I'm doing, they don't know you.
00:39:19I started wearing braids, now everybody got braids.
00:39:21Look around, people got braids right now, and that ain't gonna change because you get
00:39:24braids next week.
00:39:31By my house, I drive past a billboard every day, never paid attention to it.
00:39:35I studied a word, and the Lord told me to talk about the first principle of the kingdom
00:39:40is priority, and all of a sudden, I look up at a billboard, and it says, prioritize yourself.
00:39:51That billboard didn't get there because I started studying.
00:39:55That billboard was there for God knows how long, and then the Lord showed me what the
00:40:00problem is.
00:40:02The problem is, is we prioritize ourself.
00:40:07Bishop Dale Bronner said something last week that blew my mind.
00:40:11He said 500 years ago, the word priority didn't have a T-I-E-S on the end.
00:40:19The original context in Latin for the word priority is a singular word, but because we
00:40:24want everything to be important, we changed it and changed the word to priorities.
00:40:29But by definition, if you have priorities, you have no priority, because if everything
00:40:36is important, you don't have time to make anything important.
00:40:39Y'all not listening to me.
00:40:41Seek ye first the kingdom of God.
00:40:45I'll take care of the priorities if you make me.
00:40:56So I'm going to hurt a lot of feelings today, but we're in the kingdom.
00:40:58Y'all ain't going to be mad.
00:40:59I'm in the kingdom.
00:41:00You can't be mad because we're in the kingdom.
00:41:02You can be mad at church, but you can't be mad in the kingdom.
00:41:04The problem with most of us is we're trying to make everything feel like it's a priority.
00:41:10Until you hear somebody say, uh-uh, my priorities is my wife and my kids.
00:41:15Well, both of them can't be.
00:41:20And by the way, the Bible doesn't tell you to make your kids your priority.
00:41:27I could do a whole series on that, because you don't have a covenant with your kids.
00:41:31You got one with your spouse.
00:41:35And God already took care of that.
00:41:36He says, because when that child grows up, I got instruction for them.
00:41:39Leave your mom and daddy and cleave unto somebody else, because there is no covenant
00:41:45Make your house the priority.
00:41:47Lord Jesus, y'all coming back next week?
00:41:56How many of y'all enjoying this?
00:41:57Anybody enjoying this?
00:41:59You got to make God.
00:42:01You got to thirst after God.
00:42:03And when you thirst after God, he takes care of your daddy.
00:42:05He takes care of your wife.
00:42:07He takes care of your husband.
00:42:08He takes care of your job.
00:42:09He takes care of your health.
00:42:10Seek ye first.
00:42:12He who thirsts and hungers after righteousness shall be filled.
00:42:18So the moment you prioritize yourself, you disappropriate God, because you can't be the
00:42:23priority and him be it too.
00:42:27You are never to be your priority.
00:42:30This is what's happening with the world.
00:42:32Self-love, you got too much of it.
00:42:35Self-care, I got to take a me day.
00:42:36All your days is me days.
00:42:44I'm just going to get away from everybody and just have me a me day.
00:42:48And then you wonder why don't nobody call you, because you make everything about me.
00:42:56Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you.
00:43:00In government, it's about you.
00:43:02In the kingdom, it's about him.
00:43:07It's about him.
00:43:08So when you come, that's why David said, I was glad when they said unto me, let us go
00:43:11into the house of the Lord, because no matter how many wars I've had, no matter how many
00:43:14battles I've had, no matter how long I've worked, no matter how frustrated I am, no
00:43:17matter how stressed out I am, no matter how many bills I have to pay, I came here to see
00:43:23And all of that will be fixed if I give him glory.
00:43:29Lord help me in this church today.
00:43:32Somebody shout kingdom.
00:43:34Now let me tell you about naysayers.
00:43:36Let me tell you about naysayers, because if you do anything big, small people are going
00:43:40to talk.
00:43:41If you do anything big, small people are going to talk.
00:43:44But the truth is, a naysayer is a person the enemy uses to get you distracted from your
00:43:49divine purpose, okay?
00:43:52Now the truth is, a naysayer can never be satisfied whether you hide or shine, whether
00:43:59you tuck your gift away or you live out loud, you're never going to satisfy them.
00:44:04Because they will always feel threatened by the fact that they don't feel like they are
00:44:09So when a person doesn't feel like they are enough, they have to devalue you so that they
00:44:13can get other people to feel like you are not enough.
00:44:17But I want you to tell somebody, say, I'm the head and not the tail.
00:44:19I don't care what you got.
00:44:20I'm above and never beneath.
00:44:21I'm the lender and not the borrower.
00:44:23Now did I make some mistakes?
00:44:24Yep, but I'm still anointed.
00:44:26Did I mess up?
00:44:27Yep, I still got favor.
00:44:29Because I operate in the kingdom.
00:44:35I was having lunch with a man, one of my good friends.
00:44:40I said, what is your goal?
00:44:41The man looked at me and said, my goal is to be in debt a billion dollars.
00:44:47I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, I said, what?
00:44:58He said, my goal, Mr. Jones, is to be in debt a billion dollars.
00:45:04I said, why?
00:45:07He said, imagine you have $100,000 in the bank.
00:45:12He used bigger numbers, but I got to bring it down so that people don't lose their mind.
00:45:17Let's use a bigger number.
00:45:18Say you got a million dollars in the bank.
00:45:20You got a million dollars in the bank and you're waiting on the interest from the bank.
00:45:24They're going to give you $90 a month from that million dollars.
00:45:29He says, or you can take that million dollars and go to the bank and get an 80-20 loan to
00:45:34value ratio and get four additional million and take the five million and go buy a five
00:45:41million dollar asset that pays you three, four, five, $600,000 a month.
00:45:46I was astonished, but see, I have to understand that when you first start coming up with money
00:45:51from people who didn't have money, they tell you to save it.
00:45:54Not because it's smart, but because it's safe.
00:45:57See, sometimes you get safe advice from people who've never done what you've done, but it's
00:46:00not smart advice.
00:46:04So he said, the reason why I want to be in debt a billion, because if I'm in debt a billion,
00:46:08that billion will be kicking off tens of billions.
00:46:12Are you listening to me?
00:46:14But when you're operating in a field that is outside of your scope, you feel confused,
00:46:21but your confusion doesn't make it wrong.
00:46:24It means that you've lived in chaos and God says, I'm about to come because you've been
00:46:30pressing against me.
00:46:32You've made it urgent.
00:46:34Now I'm about to give you clarity.
00:46:38I never knew what to do with money because I was always raised by people who didn't have
00:46:48That ain't an indictment.
00:46:49It's the truth.
00:46:50Most of y'all, like our parents, worked jobs, nine to five, and minimum wage back then.
00:46:59Oh my God.
00:47:00I mean, it ain't good now, but imagine back then when it was five and six dollars.
00:47:04They taught you to save.
00:47:07Because they couldn't get enough to get enough.
00:47:12What is a job?
00:47:13J-O-B, just over broke.
00:47:15So what they do is they pay you just enough so you got to come back tomorrow.
00:47:19No, y'all ain't going to say amen, say ouch.
00:47:25That's why you have to operate in the kingdom because when you operate in the kingdom and
00:47:30you're working for the kingdom and you have a kingdom job, God somehow opens up the windows
00:47:35of heaven and pours out on you a blessing you don't have room enough to receive.
00:47:41Is there 300 people in here that would say, I don't know how, but the Lord just, he keep
00:47:48on blessing me.
00:47:50I'm being honest.
00:47:51I don't know where it's coming from every single month.
00:47:55I think it's going to be short and somehow God shows up and makes a way.
00:48:00High five your neighbor and say he may not come when you want him to come, but he's always
00:48:06on time.
00:48:07Anybody know we serve our own time?
00:48:09If you believe it, shout, yes, he is.
00:48:18You got, you, you have to, you got to understand me.
00:48:21You must, everybody say you must, you must make it critical.
00:48:27But the second thing you got to do is you must make it clean.
00:48:33The Bible says that they were cleaning their nets because they were out there all night
00:48:39and caught nothing.
00:48:40Well, the truth is, is that they didn't catch nothing.
00:48:43They caught a lot.
00:48:44They just couldn't do anything with what they caught because the only reason why they're
00:48:47cleaning their nets is because that which they did catch was worthless.
00:48:53The debris, the rot, the mold, everything that's on the net.
00:48:57Now you got to clean the net because if you don't clean the net, it, the cord will weaken
00:49:01and it will break.
00:49:02So they're out cleaning the nets.
00:49:06Are you listening to me?
00:49:07Because they've been out there all night and caught nothing.
00:49:10So now they're out there cleaning the nets because if they don't get, listen to me, if
00:49:14they don't get the debris out of the net, then the net becomes unreliable.
00:49:21Can I just talk to you real quick?
00:49:24If you don't get rid of all of that debris in your heart, you're going to become worthless.
00:49:30You're going to break and you're going to crack and you're going to fracture.
00:49:34Because you carrying along a whole lot of stuff that can't feed you.
00:49:38Touch your neighbor and say, clean your net.
00:49:44Clean your net.
00:49:45Clean your inbox.
00:49:47Clean your net.
00:49:48Delete some numbers.
00:49:49Clean your net.
00:49:50You got to block some people.
00:49:52Clean, y'all ain't talking to your boy.
00:49:54Clean your net.
00:49:55I don't know what I'm talking to.
00:49:56You might have to take the app off of your phone for a week, but you got to clean your
00:49:59net because you got all this garbage on you holding you down.
00:50:03You can't build a boat and carry around debris.
00:50:09Clean your net because when you carry around too much garbage, your gift is unreliable.
00:50:21See because debris will make you say stuff you didn't mean.
00:50:26You ever had that stuff still in your heart before you know it, you just, and then it's
00:50:31just too late and now you become unreliable because you spoke out of your debris.
00:50:40Don't make me speak in tongues now because I feel the Holy Spirit moving in here.
00:50:43You're speaking out of your debris and so now you get into the next relationship.
00:50:47We call it baggage.
00:50:50And you carry it right into the next thing or you get fired from a job and now you walk
00:50:54in a job talking about, I ain't going to let these people overwork me because of what
00:50:56happened last time.
00:50:57And then you come in already defeated debris.
00:51:03You get into these things and you bring the debris and it makes you untrustworthy because
00:51:08you are not clean.
00:51:09And by the way, a net needs to be clean from the debris.
00:51:13Because the net is designed to be invisible on water.
00:51:16The reason why the enemy can see you coming is because of your debris.
00:51:22The way the fish ends up in the net is it doesn't see it when it doesn't have debris.
00:51:26But if you carry it around garbage, you identify yourself too quickly.
00:51:31Lord help me in this church today.
00:51:32I'm preaching better than y'all acting.
00:51:34Maybe I need to preach this one at a guest church.
00:51:37A net is nothing but a bunch of holes tied together.
00:51:44The truth is that's all life is.
00:51:49A bunch of holes tied together.
00:51:52Let's tell your neighbor, I'm just a bunch of nothing tied together.
00:51:57I know you think you can ask me to be your mentor, but I can try, but I'm just a bunch
00:52:02of holes.
00:52:05And these are the kind of conversations we need to have with our children because you
00:52:09know your children expect you to be perfect.
00:52:11The only time your children realize that you're not supposed to be perfect is when they become
00:52:15a parent themselves.
00:52:18So you need to say to your children early, I know I'm your mama, but I'm just a bunch
00:52:22of holes tied together.
00:52:26I know I'm your daddy, but I ain't meet my daddy till I was 16.
00:52:30I'm just a bunch of holes tied together.
00:52:33I know I told you not to do drugs and I used to do them myself, but that don't mean that
00:52:37you should do them because I did them.
00:52:39I'm just a bunch of holes tied together.
00:52:44I'm just trying to be effective.
00:52:46I'm just trying to be reliable.
00:52:48I've got some debris, but I need to clean it out.
00:52:51I got some baggage and I'm trying to get rid of it.
00:52:54I'm just trying to be enthusiastic about my assignment.
00:52:58I'm just, I'm just a bunch of holes.
00:53:02Help me Jesus Christ, tied together and because of that, it will make you show up to God wrong
00:53:09because he said to them, he said, go out there and drop your nets.
00:53:16Listen to me.
00:53:17Y'all still here?
00:53:19We would have been out of church if I didn't have to do so much in the beginning to get
00:53:22you ready.
00:53:23Y'all still here?
00:53:25That's the truth.
00:53:28You weren't urgent, so I had to pick it up.
00:53:32So don't be like the sermon long.
00:53:33No, the praise and worship was, holler back, tell your neighbor, don't make church long
00:53:39by being quiet.
00:53:40He crazy.
00:53:41Tell him.
00:53:43Got two responses.
00:53:46You can either comply or complain.
00:53:50Now, let me pull the house to see what all the honest people at, where all the honest
00:53:56people that your first reaction, oh, you going to complain.
00:54:01Come on.
00:54:02You going to complain.
00:54:04I ordered pepperoni pizza.
00:54:07It ain't but two pepperonis on here.
00:54:14I said, no tomato.
00:54:17And instead of your mean self, just taking the tomato, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh.
00:54:27I said.
00:54:32No tomato.
00:54:33Y'all going to have to get it right.
00:54:40With a whole bucket of ketchup right in front of you, don't you?
00:54:45Jesus entered into Peter's boat and said, push back.
00:54:51Everybody say push back.
00:54:55Push back.
00:54:56So I need to use your boat.
00:55:01This is the good thing.
00:55:03If Peter wasn't cleaning his nets, he would have been using his boat.
00:55:11And if he didn't take care of his priority, then he would not have given Jesus room to
00:55:19make him a priority.
00:55:23See because sometimes God can't use your boat because you using it.
00:55:29He can't use your life because he can't use your gift because you too busy trying to use
00:55:38your gift for you.
00:55:41But the only way you're going to get the most out of your gift is to stop using it for you
00:55:44and use it for the kingdom.
00:55:48Are y'all listening to me?
00:55:51Jesus said, because your boat is empty, I'm about to fill it.
00:55:56Push back.
00:55:59You with me?
00:56:00Peter says, all right, you can use my boat.
00:56:02You can use my boat.
00:56:03He says, now Peter, launch out.
00:56:05Now I put myself in this position and I just think that we ought to stick up for Peter
00:56:10a little bit because I'd be like, Lord, you are so insensitive.
00:56:15I've been out here all night.
00:56:16I'm tired.
00:56:17I ain't got time.
00:56:18Not only am I tired, I'm discouraged.
00:56:19I've been out here all night and I ain't caught nothing.
00:56:21Now you want me to go out here and then you want me to drop my net again?
00:56:26And God says, yes, because sometimes the blessing is at the same site as the last failure.
00:56:34Did you hear what I just said?
00:56:37Sometimes the blessing is at the last place of your failure.
00:56:42Sometimes you have to return to the crime scene to get the evidence.
00:56:48Sometimes you're so busy trying to get away from your failure, it can't teach you nothing.
00:56:56Go back.
00:56:58Go back to school and find out why you didn't finish.
00:57:02Who was that word for?
00:57:04Go back.
00:57:06Go back and talk to your parents and ask them about something you made an assumption about.
00:57:13Sometimes you got to go back to the site of your failure and drop your nets in the same
00:57:18place and you will get a different result because the last time you dropped your net,
00:57:22you were in religion.
00:57:25But this time when you drop your net, you will be where?
00:57:29In the kingdom.
00:57:30Life's greatest failure is being successful in the wrong assignment.
00:57:39Some of y'all think you successful, but you're in the wrong assignment.
00:57:44If you would take that effort that you're putting in doing your thing and put that same
00:57:50effort in doing something for God, you'll find out that you are not even successful.
00:57:58Are you hearing me?
00:58:01Peter wasn't born to catch fish.
00:58:02He was born to catch.
00:58:04He was fisher of men.
00:58:06He was born to catch disciples.
00:58:08He was, he was born to catch disciples.
00:58:10When you establish your priorities according to your purpose, then your progress is guaranteed.
00:58:19Did you hear what I said?
00:58:21Peter was tired and he was tired not from being out there all night.
00:58:27He was tired from being in the wrong assignment.
00:58:36I promise you, you ain't tired cause you worked eight hours.
00:58:41You tired cause you worked eight hours in the wrong place.
00:58:48Some of us been in here since six, seven o'clock this morning, and we're going to be here after
00:58:54you home and you're going to go home and take a nap and we're going to be wide awake.
00:58:59Because we're in purpose.
00:59:03When church is over, most people that I'm around need a nap.
00:59:07They think I'm some kind of superhuman asking me what vitamins I'm taking cause I'm still
00:59:12It ain't the vitamins.
00:59:13It's the purpose.
00:59:16I'm excited about doing what I do.
00:59:20I'm excited about doing what God created me to do.
00:59:23So it is not about supplements.
00:59:25It's about supplementation.
00:59:27It's about giving God who I am.
00:59:30It's about using my gift for the kingdom and when you give God who you are, he will
00:59:36give it back to you.
00:59:37Good measure.
00:59:38Press down.
00:59:39Shaking together and running over because correct priorities protect energy.
00:59:43Man, I wish y'all were here today.
00:59:47Is this the right sermon for the right crowd?
00:59:49Y'all hear me online cause I'm talking to somebody.
00:59:52Write that down.
00:59:53Correct priorities protect energy.
00:59:55You are tired because you're not in your assignment.
00:59:59Yes, ma'am.
01:00:05Correct priorities protect energy.
01:00:11You tired because you running around, picking them up from daycare, running around, picking
01:00:18them up from basketball practice, running around, doing the job, running around, going
01:00:23to the book club meeting, running around with the sorority sisters, running around
01:00:26with the fraternity brothers, running around, running around, running around.
01:00:29And then when it comes time to assignment, you got nothing left.
01:00:32Well, I can't make it to church because I got...
01:00:41Let me move on because that ain't going to work.
01:00:46Where are the people who say, I want to move from complaining to complying?
01:00:50All right.
01:00:52God says, if you move from complaint to comply, you won't be able to count it.
01:00:59He said, I'm going to be done when I tell you this.
01:01:03He says, he says, drop your nets.
01:01:10Peter said, Lord, we've been out here all night, but nevertheless, at thy will, we'll
01:01:12drop our net.
01:01:13I'm going to say it to this side of the room.
01:01:17Jesus says, Jesus says, drop your nets.
01:01:22Never, nevertheless, at thy word, drop thy net.
01:01:28See, the reason you're struggling is because you think God should give you credit for partial
01:01:35You hear me, bro?
01:01:41If you got two nets, drop two nets.
01:01:45Do you know when God was filling the widow's buckets with oil?
01:01:49The Bible says that she brought out her buckets and the Lord started to fill them supernaturally
01:01:55with oil.
01:01:56And when she ran out of buckets, the oil stopped.
01:02:00Sometimes you don't get all you can get from God because you didn't drop all your nets.
01:02:06You didn't bring all of your buckets.
01:02:07You played it safe.
01:02:10You don't want to be hurt again.
01:02:13Because the last time, it didn't work out so well.
01:02:16Because you don't want to sound like you got faith and then it don't work, you look stupid.
01:02:19God says sometimes faith makes you look ignorant.
01:02:22You have to build a boat when there's no water and expect that the rain is coming.
01:02:27And if you will do the right thing in the right season, I will give you more than you
01:02:31have room enough to receive.
01:02:33If anybody believes it, give God a praise in this place.
01:02:38Watch what happens.
01:02:43He says, come on Ty.
01:02:44He says, he says, all right, there's so many fish, I can't carry it.
01:02:53So he starts to say, Hey, Hey guys, will y'all come over here with me and help me pick up
01:03:00the fish?
01:03:02Because what God is getting ready to do, it's too big for you to do alone.
01:03:06You're going to have to have somebody to help you carry it.
01:03:09I don't know.
01:03:10And you don't need anybody who's going to be cutting the net, trying to steal from you.
01:03:15Watch this.
01:03:17You got to have people around and say, this is yours and I'll help you carry it.
01:03:24Even if I don't get nothing from it.
01:03:26Oh, y'all got to hear me.
01:03:31Because if you got the wrong circle, they're going to be saying, I'll help you carry it,
01:03:36but what you going to do for a brother?
01:03:42No, no, no, no.
01:03:46God send me some people who recognize that it's their responsibility, even if it ain't
01:03:52their fish.
01:03:58If you'll help somebody carry their fish, look at me in the eye, be not deceived.
01:04:04God is not mocked.
01:04:07Whatever you sow, you will reap.
01:04:10So if you sow help, you'll receive help.
01:04:18If you sow kindness, you will.
01:04:24You reaping what you sow.
01:04:30When the kingdom becomes our priority, listen, Lord help me in this place.
01:04:36When the kingdom becomes our priority, its impact becomes your reality.
01:04:46Write that down.
01:04:48When the kingdom becomes your priority, its impact becomes your reality.
01:04:56Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you.
01:05:10When I was growing up, I remember in the days early, we had like Nintendos, y'all remember
01:05:22And you remember you had to blow the cartridge because it wouldn't ever work?
01:05:26How many of y'all old enough to remember that?
01:05:32Some of you little young ThunderCats ain't never seen a Tendo.
01:05:36Sega Genesis, y'all remember Sega?
01:05:38Had to blow them cartridges.
01:05:40We had all kinds of games, but we had—oh no, I ain't had no Atari, now don't—I heard
01:05:50of it.
01:05:51I missed that one, but I've seen one before, but listen.
01:06:00We had a kind of mama though that even though we had inside games, she made us go outside
01:06:02to play.
01:06:03Like, you know, she just said, y'all go outside and do something.
01:06:08Y'all just get out and don't run in and out, and it wasn't no coming in to get no drink
01:06:14of water.
01:06:15You had to get it out of the water hose.
01:06:19So we had games, and I think kids miss this today because no creativity to just, like,
01:06:26they play video games, and if they don't win on a video game, they ready to kill people.
01:06:33The endorphins in the brain, they don't get that high, and it drives them crazy, but we
01:06:39had to play outside and be creative.
01:06:40We had a game called Simon Says.
01:06:44Simon says what?
01:06:53I need you to play a game with me just for a second.
01:06:58Because before his name was Peter, his name was Simon.
01:07:03And Simon says if you're going to get the benefits of the kingdom, you got to make it
01:07:08And Simon says if you're going to get the benefits of the kingdom, you gotta make it
01:07:13And Simon says if you're going to get what God has for you, you have to be willing to
01:07:17comply before you complain.
01:07:19And Simon says, if you comply before you complain, God will make it countless.
01:07:24And let me tell you something.
01:07:26If you don't do what Simon says, you out.
01:07:31If you don't do what Simon says, if you read Luke chapter 5 and you don't do what Simon
01:07:38says, you won't get the benefits of the kingdom.
01:07:44I bought a set of golf clubs, and you can stand because I'm done.
01:07:50I got a set of golf clubs, and you know, anybody who play golf, when you ain't playing good,
01:07:58you always blame the clubs.
01:08:02I start blaming the clubs, these clubs ain't for me.
01:08:06So they sat in the garage for a while, put them on eBay, tried to sell them.
01:08:12That didn't work.
01:08:16So my brother called me, and it just shocked me.
01:08:18My brother said he was going to start playing golf again, so I mailed my brother the golf
01:08:23clubs right out of the garage.
01:08:24Overnighted them, sent them the golf clubs, trying to surprise them.
01:08:31Called them the next day, said, man, how do you like your clubs?
01:08:34We sent them overnight.
01:08:35He said, oh, I didn't get them.
01:08:40I said, why didn't you get them?
01:08:42He said they didn't come.
01:08:43They said they missed the flight.
01:08:45I said, man, OK, well, you know, I sent them priority, so you should get them tomorrow.
01:08:53Except the next day, clubs ain't there.
01:08:55And I tell you, it's been seven days.
01:09:00They don't even know where the clubs are.
01:09:05I would be like you.
01:09:06I would be like, oh.
01:09:07But can I tell you why I ain't got no problem?
01:09:12Because I sent them priority.
01:09:16And whenever you send something priority, it comes with protection.
01:09:27The golf clubs cost $899.
01:09:31The protection is worth $2,000.
01:09:34So I hope they lost them, because your boy about to make $1,200, because they lost them.
01:09:45You don't understand the protection that priority gives you.
01:09:52When you operate in priority, that which you are operating is more valuable than when it
01:10:01Because the same golf clubs, listen to me.
01:10:04I hope y'all hearing your boy.
01:10:06The same golf clubs, what did I tell you I had them on sale at?
01:10:10That's what they offered me, $50.
01:10:16Because they didn't view them as a priority, they viewed it as an opportunity.
01:10:23And when people look at you as an opportunity, they try to take advantage of your desperation.
01:10:28But I would rather give my clubs to my brother for free than to devalue them for somebody
01:10:34who sees me as an opportunity.
01:10:37And now, those same clubs—Lord, let them lose them—will be worth—Lord, please.
01:10:52This one, I don't need you to recover all.
01:11:01I send them priority.
01:11:04Yes ma'am.
01:11:06Yes sir.
01:11:07If there's anybody in here, and I'm going to let you go, that knows you are having a
01:11:12priority issue.
01:11:16You're having a priority issue.
01:11:19You seek God, but it ain't first.
01:11:22You seek him after everything else doesn't work.
01:11:26And then you come running to him for him to save the day.
01:11:31I'm going to have them to raise these signs up.
01:11:34These signs mean, it says, I'm going to become a member, but what it really means is, I'm
01:11:39about to make him a priority.
01:11:43If you're here today.