• l’année dernière


00:00:00 God says I'm not moving until you get so upset with your circumstance that you're
00:00:08 willing to cry out and when you call on me I will answer. What if I told you that
00:00:19 a cry is the signal to God that I'm ready to be delivered?
00:00:25 So we're in a month of words. We're in the month of words and everybody's been
00:00:34 saying that you heard Minister Senegal said today your words you have to be
00:00:37 impeccable with your words. Touch your name say don't waste your words. Don't you
00:00:43 spend time talking to people who ain't gonna understand you. You know there are
00:00:48 some people who are committed to being confused after clarity. So you have to
00:00:54 use your words impeccably and make sure that that you are a sniper with your
00:00:58 words not a shotgun. You don't want to spread them everywhere you want to be
00:01:02 right on it. We're going to go to the gospel according to
00:01:06 Saint Mark chapter number 11. I'm gonna read verse 12, 13, and 14 and then we're
00:01:16 going to skip down to verse 22 through 25. Mark chapter 11 verse 12, 13, 14 then
00:01:24 we're going to skip down to verse 22 through 25. Y'all feel like having church?
00:01:32 Let's see what we can do. "And on the morrow," which simply means tomorrow. The
00:01:42 Bible just go a long way to say stuff don't it? "And on the morrow," tomorrow man.
00:01:48 "When they were come out of Bethany," when they had come from Bethany, he meaning
00:01:57 Jesus, "was hungry." Look at the humanity of the divinity that the God who created
00:02:07 food has need of it. He doesn't have to be hungry. He decided to be hungry so
00:02:14 that when we say we are hungry he will know what we mean when we say we are
00:02:20 hungry. Look at verse 13. "And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came,
00:02:27 if happily he might find anything thereon. And when he came to it, he found
00:02:36 nothing but leaves, for the time of the figs was not yet. And Jesus answered and
00:02:45 said unto the fig tree," look at the other side of God, "No man eat
00:02:52 fruit from this tree ever again." He said, "Because you didn't have it when I came."
00:03:02 I'm gonna talk about this in a message because the only part of God most of us
00:03:06 know is the one that suffers and not the children. The God who, you know,
00:03:10 everybody's, he's so loving, he's so loving, but he's the same God that came to a tree
00:03:15 it couldn't feed him. He said, "I'll tell you what, I bet you won't feed nobody
00:03:18 else." That's harsh. Skip down to verse 22. "And Jesus answering said unto them, 'Have
00:03:32 faith in God, for verily I say unto you that whatsoever shall say unto this
00:03:38 mountain, 'Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea,' and shall not doubt in his
00:03:46 heart, but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass,
00:03:52 he shall have.'"
00:03:58 "Whatsoever." He said. I'm gonna stop right there because this is what the Lord told
00:04:09 me to talk about. For those of y'all who are waiting on your miracle, waiting on
00:04:17 your change, waiting on that vision from God, whatever you're waiting on, it's what
00:04:23 the Lord told me to tell you. Waiting won't get it. You're gonna be waiting
00:04:34 until he returns. It's not about what you wait on, it's about what you say. The Lord
00:04:45 told me to speak on these words. It's whatever you say. Just touch your neighbor
00:04:51 and say, "Whatever you say." You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
00:04:56 Whatever you say.
00:05:02 I can hear everything. I heard y'all. Have you ever… Y'all got time today?
00:05:20 Because I just… I ain't got nothing to do, so I just want to know if y'all…
00:05:29 Have you ever considered how dangerous it is to only look at one side of a thing?
00:05:47 Imagine driving on a Houston freeway, which is dangerous already, and only
00:06:04 using the left side view mirror. Just imagine ignoring that there is even one
00:06:13 on the right side. Imagine just brushing your top teeth, completely ignoring the
00:06:32 bottom.
00:06:41 Imagine going to the restroom and only washing your left hand and never
00:06:50 washing the right. What would your feet look like if you only got a pedicure on
00:06:59 one foot? Imagine going to the beautician and saying, "I want you to do the left
00:07:09 side of my hair so dope, but don't touch the right side." Because when a thing has
00:07:17 multiple sides, all dimensions must be considered. If we care about the sky, we
00:07:30 have to also care about the water, because both dimensions are imperative
00:07:40 for our survival. See, the problem with most of us is we don't consider both
00:07:47 sides. Most of us feed our bodies while we let our spirits starve. When you
00:07:59 eat three times a day and study no times a day, you end up dying from spiritual
00:08:07 malnutrition, which makes you physically ill. Did you know that most people go to
00:08:15 the doctor and the doctor can't find anything because spiritual diseases
00:08:19 don't show up on CAT scans? You know you're in pain, but they can't find it
00:08:27 because the instrument that they're using doesn't read your issue. It is the
00:08:32 result of feeding one dimension and starving the other. Imagine how weak you
00:08:41 would be if you work your muscles but you never work your mind. Here you are,
00:08:48 can lift up a couch but can't handle a burden. Because you have to consider that
00:08:58 anytime something has multiple dimensions, you have to be able to use
00:09:04 both sides. See, your brain has multiple hemispheres. There's a left brain and a
00:09:13 right brain. Frontal lobes. Your brain is not monolithic. It has multiple
00:09:18 dimensions. If you use one side of your brain, you'll be able to read
00:09:28 and write, but if you don't use the other side, you won't be able to see, taste, or
00:09:32 smell. Because God didn't even put all of our senses on the same side of the brain.
00:09:38 He gave us a left brain and the right brain, and we have to make sure that it
00:09:43 is holistically healthy because when anytime a thing has multiple dimensions,
00:09:48 you have to attend to all sides. Are y'all still here with me? The brain is a
00:09:56 powerful machine. It must be adhered to. Both sides are necessary. Even if
00:10:03 you pick up your cell phone right now, it's got cameras on both sides. Imagine
00:10:10 taking a selfie with the back side and trying to take a picture from a distance
00:10:16 with the selfie camera. See, they both have their usages. One is used for one
00:10:23 thing. The other is used for the other, and you have to know which one can do
00:10:30 what because if you use the wrong side for the wrong thing, you will be
00:10:36 disappointed with the outcome. Are y'all still with me? Now remember, my opening
00:10:43 question was, have you ever considered how dangerous it is to only see one side
00:10:48 of a thing? All of your arguments with your spouse, all arguments with your
00:10:55 loved ones is because both of you all only see one side of the story. You're
00:11:02 arguing because you believe that the side you see is correct. They're arguing
00:11:07 because the side that they see is correct, and very rarely is any of us
00:11:13 right because the truth is actually in the middle of both perspectives because
00:11:19 you have to consider. Are y'all still listening? You have to consider both sides,
00:11:25 to that end. I thought it was important to get us into this idea of both sides
00:11:35 because decay can set in and you won't know where the smell is coming from. When
00:11:43 the water came in as a result of the flood, we had mold remediation to come in
00:11:50 to find out if we had mold or mildew, and in one area we had to do some
00:11:54 remediation. Anybody's ever been through this? You can smell it. There's a certain
00:11:59 smell. We walked in a room and we were smelling it and they were pulling
00:12:03 up the floor and they were pulling up the carpet and they were saying, "It's dry."
00:12:07 Nobody thought to look above for the damage was above our head, and sometimes
00:12:14 we missed the damage because we don't have the energy to look high enough.
00:12:18 So we're always trying to pull up and unearth, but sometimes we have to reach
00:12:23 because sometimes the danger is above your head and not beneath your feet. Are
00:12:28 you still with me so far? I'm going somewhere. To that end, top, bottom, in, out,
00:12:33 left brain, right brain, top teeth, bottom teeth, left rear view, side view,
00:12:38 left side view, right side view. You've got all of these different dimensions and
00:12:42 yet somehow spiritually we stay in the consistent focus of only one side of God.
00:12:52 He's a loving God. He's a kind God. He's a gracious God. He pays my bills. He eases
00:13:03 my heart. Oh, he's just a loving God. Oh, the love of God, the love of God. But what
00:13:08 about the God who comes to a tree and says, "Oh, you ain't got no fruit? Well, you
00:13:15 ain't gonna never have no more again." What about the other side of God? Because
00:13:20 if we don't start to consider both sides of God, we're going to be disappointed
00:13:25 when he shows us his other side. Oh, y'all not gonna talk to me today. And see, I
00:13:29 see it online right now because anytime anything is harsh, anytime anything has
00:13:36 authority, anytime it ain't soft and weak, we think it ain't God. But what about the
00:13:42 God who turns over the tables? What about the God in this very text who walks in
00:13:48 the church and says, "You have turned my house into a den of thieves and my house
00:13:54 shall be called of all nations the house of prayer." Touch your name and say, "The
00:14:02 other side of God." Say it again, "The other side of God." The scripture we are
00:14:08 studying today occurs during what the Bible calls passion weeks. It's the seven
00:14:12 days in between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday. Listen to me. I want
00:14:18 you to hear something. It lasted seven days. Palm Sunday was filled with all of
00:14:23 this appreciation, but the rest of the week was full of crucifixion. He
00:14:29 eventually gets to the resurrection. Appreciation, crucifixion, resurrection.
00:14:35 The only way he made it to the resurrection is he did not quit during
00:14:39 the crucifixion. See, this is what the Lord told me to tell you. Most of us quit
00:14:45 at the crucifixion, but you have to stay with it during the crucifixion so you
00:14:52 can make it to the resurrection. Most of us are happy when the appreciation of
00:14:59 Palm Sunday comes, but then there is a time in between resurrection where you
00:15:04 got to go through the valley of the shadow of death, and most of us quit in
00:15:08 the valley. Here is my first prayer for you today, and I need you to help
00:15:12 somebody because God assigned you to the person you are next to. Tell them,
00:15:16 "I'm assigned to you. I'm assigned to you." Here is my first assignment for you.
00:15:20 God told me to tell you to stay with it. Look at them. Look at somebody else. Tell
00:15:26 them to stay with it. I know it's hard, but stay with it. I know it is difficult,
00:15:31 but stay with it. I know you want to give up, but stay with it. I know you feel
00:15:36 weak and alone, but stay with it. I know you feel like it's too much, but stay
00:15:42 with it. I know you feel abandoned, but stay with it. I know it is confusing, but
00:15:47 stay with it. I know it doesn't make sense, but stick with it. Touch three
00:15:51 people and say, "Stay with it. Stay with it." He who has began a good work in you
00:15:56 will establish it until the day of Jesus Christ. You got to stay with it. I'm
00:16:01 talking to somebody. You got to stay with it. You cannot quit. Must Jesus bear the
00:16:05 cross alone and all the world go free? No, there's a cross for you and there's a
00:16:09 cross for me, a consecrated cross I bear until death shall set me free. In other
00:16:16 words, you got to stay with it. When they fire you, stay with it. When they decrease
00:16:20 your pay, stay with it. When they walk out the front door, stay with it. When they
00:16:25 block you on Instagram, stay with it. When they stop speaking to you, stay with it.
00:16:30 When they lie on you, stay with it. When they roll their eyes at you, stay with it.
00:16:34 Everybody's shot, I'm going to stay with it.
00:16:39 You got to stay with it. You got to stay with it. You got to stay with it when you
00:16:47 feel lonely. Watch this. You got to stay with it when you feel angry. You got to
00:16:54 stay with it when you have grace and you got to stay with it when your grace has
00:16:58 run out. You know, sometimes you feel like saying, "It's all right. Don't worry about
00:17:03 it next time." And sometimes you want to say, "If you come across me the wrong way
00:17:07 again, I'm going to forget that I know God." Why? Because you got to stay with it. High-five
00:17:12 somebody and say, "Stay with it." You got to stay with it when you're broke. You got
00:17:17 to stay with it when your gas tank is almost empty. You got to stay with it
00:17:21 when you don't have food in the refrigerator. You got to stay with it
00:17:24 when you look at somebody you used to love and now you can't stand the sight of
00:17:27 them. You got to stay with it. Touch somebody and say, "Stay with it." But most of us
00:17:37 quit during Passion Week because we love the appreciation. We want the
00:17:43 resurrection, but we can't handle the crucifixion. But you got to stay with it.
00:17:50 You got to stay with it when you look at your bank account and you got more
00:17:54 outgo than you got income. How many of y'all have ever been paid and the check
00:17:59 was spent before it got deposited? Come on, raise your hand. Like you ain't even
00:18:03 looking forward to Friday because you know when it come, it ain't going to be
00:18:07 enough anyway. What you going to do the next time you got more bills than you
00:18:15 got money? You going to stay with it. What are you going to do the next time you
00:18:21 thought that you could depend on somebody and you went to go extract from
00:18:25 them what you thought you had deposited but it wasn't there when you went to go
00:18:29 get it? What you going to do? What are you going to do the next time you pray and it
00:18:34 doesn't happen in the time frame you wanted it to happen? You going to stay with
00:18:39 it. I just need somebody to say, "Stay with it." I'm going to keep praying. I'm going to keep
00:18:43 fasting. I'm going to keep singing my favorite song in the wrong key. I'm going to keep
00:18:47 clapping. I'm going to keep praising. I'm going to keep worshiping because I'm going to stay
00:18:52 with it because if I stay with it I'm going to get from appreciation through
00:18:57 crucifixion to a resurrection. I speak a resurrection in your life. What does that
00:19:03 mean? It means that what the devil meant for evil, God is going to make it for your
00:19:09 good. What does that mean? That you should have killed me when you had the chance
00:19:13 but I've got enough life to live. Somebody shout, "Stay."
00:19:20 I'm going to stay with it. I'm going to stay with it. I'm stuck. I'm going to stay with it.
00:19:28 I'm trying to move on but I'm going to stay with it. See some of y'all praising God
00:19:31 right now and you sitting next to them one of the people, it's too early. I'm
00:19:34 going to stay with it. I'm going to keep praising. I'm going to keep worshiping. I'm going to keep
00:19:38 standing. I'm going to keep crying. Matter of fact, somebody give me some tissue because
00:19:42 this mascara is done. I'm not worried about these edges. They can come out
00:19:47 because I got something I'm after and I got to stay with it.
00:19:52 I'll reapply the whole when I get home. Right now they can come out because I
00:19:58 got to stay with it. Don't you quit? I don't care how hard to get you, better
00:20:07 not quit. Why would you go this long to turn around? Here's the thing about being
00:20:12 in the middle. It's the same distance back to where you came from. Oh God, I
00:20:18 wish I had somebody. The thing about the middle, it takes as much effort to go
00:20:23 where you're going as it takes to go back where you came from. God never
00:20:28 told me to go back where I came from. He told me to press toward the mark, for the
00:20:33 prize of the upper call. I need somebody in the balcony to shout, "Stay with it."
00:20:42 Stay with it. I'm depressed, stay with it. I have imposter syndrome, stay with it. I'm
00:20:53 not enough, stay with it. I'm weak, stay with it. I'm lonely, stay with it. I'm
00:20:58 confused, stay with it. I'm getting too old, stay with it.
00:21:04 Somebody say, "Stay with it." Don't shut down. How many of y'all good for that?
00:21:20 I quit. I'm tired of trying. Everything I do, they just keep on overlooking me.
00:21:31 I'm so sick of being walked over and I don't bother nobody and I'm always
00:21:37 helping people and people can't help me.
00:21:44 Lord, why you make me so good? Why you make my heart so big? Why you make me so
00:21:50 kind? Stay with it. Don't let nobody evil make you evil with them, stay with it.
00:21:56 Don't make nobody negative make you negative, stay with it. Don't let a hater
00:22:02 turn you into a hater, stay with it. I want you to be the kind of person that's
00:22:11 so happy all the time you irritate the people who hate happiness. I want them to
00:22:15 see you coming, "Uh-uh, she too happy." Stay with it. Touch three people,
00:22:23 say, "Don't shut down, don't shut down." Why can't you shut down?
00:22:30 Because John said it in Revelation 3, he said, "I sat before you an open door."
00:22:36 The door is open, but if you don't stay with it, you won't walk through it.
00:22:46 I see this all the time and ladies, you all going to have to help me out.
00:22:49 Why you all do this? Why when somebody open a door, you still got to put your
00:22:53 hand on it? Just open that hole in the door. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:22:59 Why you all do that? Fellas, you all know what I'm talking about.
00:23:03 You got the door off the hinge, just wide open. It's just the door over here.
00:23:08 And ladies, you'll walk through the door, he got the door open, you got to go over
00:23:11 there and touch it. Thank you. God says, "You're not going to have to touch this
00:23:17 door. I set it open. I set it open. It's going to stay open.
00:23:22 It ain't going to shut even if the man takes his hand off the door.
00:23:26 It's going to stay open because God set it open." I prophesy that you're getting
00:23:31 ready to walk through open doors. God says, "I set before you an open door
00:23:42 and no man can shut it." Did you know that no matter how much they
00:23:51 hate you, they can't close your doors? Did you hear what I just said?
00:23:58 No matter how much they hate you and they're trying to push the door closed, but no weapon
00:24:03 formed against you will prosper. What God did is he made the load on the door
00:24:09 to be more than they can handle. Even if they use all of their strength, the
00:24:14 door needs more strength than they have to close because God has set before you an open
00:24:19 door. If you don't give up and you stay with it,
00:24:23 you're going to walk through open doors, open seasons, and open opportunities.
00:24:29 How many of you know that the secret to winning is to simply stay with it?
00:24:43 How many of y'all started working out lately, trying to lose weight, trying to get in better
00:24:46 shape? It ain't going to work if you don't.
00:24:51 You ain't going in that gym talking about, "I'm about to start working out.
00:24:53 One, two." Then you're looking in the mirror, "Ain't
00:24:55 nothing happened yet." You got to stay with it.
00:25:01 It's going to be six to eight weeks before you even see a glimmer of hope.
00:25:05 Why? Because you went six to nine months without
00:25:07 doing anything. But if you stay with it, your body is going
00:25:11 to say to you, "Oh, this is what we're doing?" The body is going to say, "Okay, this is what
00:25:15 we're doing?" Then it's going to fight you.
00:25:17 "I'm going to be sore. I'm going to let the lactic acid build up.
00:25:20 I'm going to make sure that you don't want to go back."
00:25:22 But if you keep fighting through that pain, then the body is going to say, "This is what
00:25:26 we're doing? Let me help you do it." Stay with it.
00:25:35 You're going to be a vegan, be one for a long time, not just April.
00:25:42 Stop just being a vegan because you saw a video on TikTok that you ain't like.
00:25:45 If you're going to do it, do it. If you ain't going to do it ... I know a lot of vegans
00:25:51 that have died early and I know a lot of people who eat bacon and they lived a long time.
00:25:55 It's up to God. I ain't going to eat no bacon, be dead at
00:26:01 41. Bacon ain't pork anyway.
00:26:11 I don't know who told you that. Bacon is bacon.
00:26:15 All that other stuff is pork, but not bacon. Bacon is bacon.
00:26:19 I believe that in my heart. Bacon is bacon.
00:26:22 Pork chops, no. Ribs, no.
00:26:24 But bacon don't ... It ain't pork.
00:26:25 It's bacon. Bacon in the morning, bacon in the noonday.
00:26:39 Can I give you a scripture? "I know thy works.
00:26:44 Behold, I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it."
00:26:48 That's where we typically stop with that verse, but if you stay with it, there's another part
00:26:54 of that verse that'll set you free. Here's the next part.
00:26:57 Watch this. "For thou hast a little strength and hast
00:27:02 kept my words and hast not denied me."
00:27:06 Did you not know that it ain't even going to take you much to get into this next level?
00:27:13 All you need is a little strength. Listen.
00:27:17 This is a word for somebody, because some of y'all, you don't go because you don't have
00:27:21 your full strength. God says, "I don't need everything you got.
00:27:26 I'm going to help you do big things with a little strength."
00:27:29 How many of y'all just barely hanging on? I mean, you got like one more prayer left
00:27:33 in you. You got like one more day of grace.
00:27:37 If somebody else do something, you might lose your mind, but you might be able to hold it.
00:27:41 Listen, I want you to touch three people and say, "All it takes is a little bit."
00:27:46 I got a couple of hood people that almost finished the song for me.
00:27:49 All you need is a little bit. It ain't going to take a lot, just a little
00:27:52 bit. All you need is a little bit.
00:27:53 A little faith. Come on, talk to me, somebody.
00:27:57 I speak right now that you're getting ready to do big things with a little money.
00:28:02 That's why Solomon said, "A little leaven, leaveneth the whole loaf."
00:28:06 In other words, just the introduction of yeast makes the entire loaf rise.
00:28:11 God says, "You're not going to have to have it all.
00:28:13 All I want you to do is bring a little bit, just a little."
00:28:16 Talk with Jesus. "We'll make everything all right, just a
00:28:19 little praise might set you free." I'm looking for somebody in here that'll
00:28:25 praise God over the next 30 seconds, because you know that God's about to take your little
00:28:31 bit. I just need a few people to give God a little
00:28:37 bit of praise. When praises go up…
00:28:47 Slap somebody and say, "Just a little bit." Just a little bit.
00:28:53 Just a little strength. That's all you need, just a little bit.
00:28:57 Just a little bit. All the widow had was a little oil.
00:29:01 See, you keep not trusting God because you don't have a lot.
00:29:05 God says, "The reason why I wait until it's a little, so that when it is a lot, you'll
00:29:10 know where a lot came from. If I show up when you got a lot, you'll thank
00:29:17 God some other time, or you'll thank other people, or you'll think it was you.
00:29:21 So I wait until the barrel runs dry. Then I step in so you will remember that it
00:29:27 was a little bit until I showed up." God ain't trying to starve you. He's trying
00:29:35 to get you to trust him, because it is only in your weakness that he is made strong.
00:29:40 The problem with most of us is we're too strong for God to help. You've got too many answers.
00:29:48 You don't want to break. You don't want to cry. You don't want to fold. You don't want
00:29:51 to break down. But let me tell you something. Sometimes you can't get the breakthrough because
00:29:55 you won't break down. You've got to let God break you all the way down. Then God will
00:30:02 come and say, "That's exactly where I wanted you."
00:30:09 Just a little bit. All it's going to take to get this next thing done? Just a little
00:30:15 bit. Just a little bit. Just stay with it. Just tell somebody, "Stay with it. Stay with
00:30:19 it." Just stay with it. I don't know. I can finish the sermon right there if you all will
00:30:23 get that point. I want you to look at somebody who looks like they've been struggling this
00:30:27 week. Look them right in their face and tell them, "Stay with it." See, what they don't
00:30:34 know is just because you're smiling, it don't mean you didn't think about giving up. This
00:30:39 smile on my face is not a representation of my weak. It is a representation of me knowing
00:30:45 that he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me that I belong to him. If I
00:30:51 give him my little bit, God… You can't even beat God's giving. No matter how hard you
00:30:56 try, the more you give to him.
00:31:03 Somebody who got the Holy Ghost shout, "Stay with it." I really hear God saying, "I'm
00:31:12 going to make everything all right." That's what I hear. How many of you all walked in
00:31:17 here struggling today? You got about 25 minutes. That thing is going to be over with. Go ahead
00:31:31 and cry. Go ahead and fight the air. Go and do whatever you got to do because by the time
00:31:36 12, 15 get here, this whole thing is going to be a wrap. I decree and declare you got
00:31:41 25 more minutes to cry over what you've been crying about. It'll be all over in the morning.
00:31:55 I feel the spirit of heaven is lifting right now in the name of Jesus. Whoa. What I really
00:32:01 feel in the spirit is that the devil's attack on you just got stifled. It was almost about
00:32:07 to work, and it wasn't going to work because of him; it was going to work because you were
00:32:13 going to quit. But because you're not going to shut down and you're going to keep fighting
00:32:19 with that little bit…
00:32:26 For those of you who are standing, don't sit down yet, because I'm about to tell you something.
00:32:31 What happened in verse 12? The Bible says he left Bethany. He left Bethany. See, if
00:32:38 you don't study the Bible, that means nothing to you. If all you do is read it, you say,
00:32:45 "He left Houston. He left Baton Rouge." Where did y'all leave from? He left Chicago.
00:32:54 He left Missouri. I speak a "leaving the city" spirit in this section right here.
00:33:03 I speak a Houston spirit over you right now. While some of y'all are going to get home
00:33:09 and you're going to confirm this word, you're going to be like, "That's the day the Lord
00:33:12 told me to leave the city I was leaving in." You came here trying to test this city out.
00:33:17 Some of y'all were looking at apartments this week. You were looking at apartments
00:33:20 and you knew… How many of you were looking at apartments this week? Go ahead and show
00:33:24 me a shout, because that's what he's telling you to do. You better do it. He left Bethany.
00:33:34 You've got to understand, Bethany is special to him. Don't sit down. The rest of them,
00:33:38 don't even try to stand up when we start shouting at you. You sit your butt right where
00:33:41 you at. He left Bethany. Now, Bethany is a place that he frequents. Remember, Simon the
00:33:47 leper, the one that he had healed. What's from there? He spent the night in Bethany
00:33:51 before the crucifixion. More notably, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus lived in Bethany. That's
00:33:59 where he went to raise his friend out of the grave. The Bible says he left Bethany. If
00:34:05 you read the Bible, you'll miss it. If you'll study it, you'll catch it, because the word
00:34:09 Bethany means misery. Here is what the Lord told me to tell you. Some of y'all are waiting
00:34:20 on misery to leave you, but you've got to leave. Oh, God, I wish I had somebody. You're
00:34:30 sitting up here waiting on misery to leave you. Why would misery love you when misery
00:34:35 loves? Misery ain't going to leave you. You've got to get up, pack your bags, and if you
00:34:45 ain't got enough time, do like Joseph and leave the road behind. You've got to go where
00:34:51 God told you to go. Here is the word of the Lord. Everything you leave in misery, God
00:34:57 will have a duplicate. Slap your brother, slap your sister, and say, "I'm leaving misery.
00:35:07 Ain't nobody going to have me depressed the rest of this year. Ain't nobody going to have
00:35:11 me trying to kill myself. Ain't no relationship worth me swallowing the whole bottle of pills.
00:35:18 I'm leaving misery." Somebody shout, "I'm leaving misery." Pack your bags, get your
00:35:30 confidence, and leave Bethany. You have to walk away from misery. Watch this. Misery
00:35:38 is not a state of mind. Misery is a location. Misery is a location, and people refuse to
00:35:48 leave it because of how much they have invested in the location. Don't act like you ain't
00:35:55 ever been ready to move on, but you start thinking about how much you've got, and, "Oh,
00:35:59 I paid this furniture, and I paid the first and last month, and I can't leave my investment
00:36:04 behind." But if you're miserable, why go back to a city you're never happy in? "Because
00:36:19 my mama there." Well, tell her, "Mama, I'm leaving misery, and if you want to see me
00:36:24 often, you need to leave misery. Stop staying in misery because you're related to the people
00:36:32 who can't leave." Some of y'all playing. I'm not playing today. I came to preach. Somebody
00:36:43 shout, "I'm leaving misery." You better stop watching me and find out what you need to
00:36:48 do. What he's doing is leaving misery. Somebody shout, "I'm leaving misery behind." Hold on.
00:37:05 Let's see if they post that. Touch your neighbor and say, "I'm not leaving misery." See if
00:37:10 they post that. I didn't tell them to sit down. See if they post that. They won't. They
00:37:17 won't. You have to decide. Watch this. Let me use them as an example. Sometimes when
00:37:28 you leave misery, you've got to look stupid because joy looks funny to people who are
00:37:39 angry. Some of y'all sitting there, "What is he doing? Why are you sitting up there
00:37:44 looking at me?" I would never go in front of the church and do that. That's because
00:37:52 you ain't got enough courage to leave misery. You can sit right where you are and stay miserable
00:37:57 if you want to, but I'm looking for 200 people. This is my last day being miserable. Somebody
00:38:13 say, "I'm leaving misery. I'm leaving misery. I'm leaving misery." Matter of fact, grab
00:38:17 your praise partner's hand and say, "We leaving misery." I want you to drag somebody out of
00:38:22 misery. Pull them. Pull them. Get your head up. Get your head up. Bring those dreams back.
00:38:34 Wipe those tears off of your face. Get your butt up. Tell them, "I'm leaving. I'm leaving.
00:38:54 I'm leaving." Get out the application. Go do the interview. Show up. What's the worst
00:39:05 that can happen? You've got to leave misery. "God, take it away." God says, "Why would
00:39:16 I take it away if you're going to carry it and go get it back?" You have to leave misery.
00:39:23 By the way, he left misery, and he was hungry. Now, I don't know about you, but my attitude
00:39:34 is a lot different when I have sustenance than when I have been deprived. So, Jesus
00:39:48 has misery pains and hunger pains. You are not you when you're hungry. So, now he's miserable
00:40:05 and hungry. He finally comes to an answer. Fig tree. I know I can eat now. Now, you've
00:40:20 got to understand how important a fig tree was in those days and time. Remember, when
00:40:25 Eve found out she was naked, she grabbed a leaf from a fig tree. When Jesus was talking
00:40:31 about the prosperity of the land of Jerusalem, he said that they were as prosperous as the
00:40:36 figs. So, this is a big deal. He comes to a tree that he made, and it ain't got nothing
00:40:44 for him. Now, hold on. I can understand if the devil made this tree, but the God who
00:40:50 gave it its roots, its bark, its limbs, its fruit, and its leaves has need of the tree,
00:40:56 and now the one that gave it everything it has doesn't have anything to give him back.
00:41:03 And then the Lord showed me that you will often need something from somebody you gave
00:41:08 everything to, and they will not have it. Oh, God. I'm talking to somebody. You're going
00:41:17 to be disappointed because you're going to finally get to the person that you prayed
00:41:23 for when they needed prayer, that you loaned money to when they needed money. You babysat
00:41:29 their children when they have to go to work, and now it's your turn to need them, and they
00:41:36 ain't got no fruit. And what are you going to do when the person you gave the fruit to
00:41:50 doesn't have the fruit to give back to you? This is where most of us fail, because we
00:41:57 get disappointed when we cannot make a withdrawal where we made a deposit. If ever there was
00:42:07 a time it was hard to stick with it, it's when you get to the tree you gave everything
00:42:14 to, and now the tree can feed you back.
00:42:27 You're walking around disappointed. I hope I don't hurt your feelings, but I have to
00:42:35 tell you the truth. Your problem is you keep expecting something from somebody who doesn't
00:42:41 have it to give. You're going to have to find out that when you're expecting something from
00:42:54 something that doesn't have it to give, it isn't the tree's fault; it's yours. How is
00:43:07 your mother going to tell you she loved you and her mother never told her? What ends up
00:43:17 happening is we look at our parents or we look at our loved ones and we say, "Well,
00:43:23 I ain't never going to be like that." You think you're a better person because you overcame
00:43:31 the one thing you didn't get, but what you don't recognize is that people are coming
00:43:36 to you for another kind of fruit that you don't have to give. You think you're better
00:43:43 than your mama because you got figs, but you don't got no roots. You think you're better
00:43:53 than your daddy because you pay child support, but you don't spend no time with him. What
00:44:11 you going to do when you go to the thing where you have a right to have an expectation, but
00:44:21 it don't have nothing to give you? You going to give up? You going to shut down? Or are
00:44:28 you going to stick with it? Now, the truth is if you read this story and you don't study
00:44:36 this story, you're going to miss what God is saying, because this story ain't about
00:44:39 a tree at all. This isn't about a tree. It's about the temple. Right after he walks past
00:44:50 the tree, Jesus says to the tree, "Oh, okay. You taking my kindness for weakness? I tell
00:45:01 you what, you ain't never going to have fruit again." The Bible says that they went to sleep,
00:45:07 woke up the next day. Peter walks past the tree and said, "Lord, that tree that you spoke
00:45:11 to that had leaves, it's now dead. It has withered up completely." They walked past
00:45:23 the tree. Jesus said, "Peter, let me tell you something, boy. You been around me all
00:45:28 this time and don't know what I'm doing? Come on, cuz. Let me show you something." They
00:45:34 walk in the temple, and instead of praising God, they're in there shooting dice. Six.
00:45:42 Point. Oh, I don't know the word. Lord Jesus, forgive me. Oh, Jesus, I almost let my roots
00:45:50 out. In that shooting dice, he says, "Oh, you have turned the temple into a den of thieves."
00:46:09 Jesus starts turning over the tables. "Yo, little nice Jesus." He says, "Everybody, get
00:46:17 out. You have turned the temple into a den of thieves, but my house shall be called of
00:46:27 all nations the house of prayer." It wasn't about a temple, a tree, it was about the temple,
00:46:36 because what he was showing the disciples is that the temple was a shadow of the tree,
00:46:43 and that the temple had lost its fruit. A church with no power. Performance, but no
00:46:53 power. Leaves, but no fruit. That's why people keep leaving church as sick as they were when
00:47:02 they walked in, because we've got a lot of performers, but no power.
00:47:19 A tree withers. Jesus, that was a harsh response. Why do you do that tree like that? It wasn't
00:47:32 even a season for figs. Jesus, I don't know if I can stay in this relationship, dog. I
00:47:42 don't know. But those whom he loves, he also chastises. So, the Bible says the tree dies,
00:47:53 and then Peter comes to Jesus and says, "Jesus, the tree is dead." God says to Peter, he says,
00:48:01 "Can I really teach you the real lesson?" The real lesson is I was trying to teach you
00:48:09 that whatsoever you say, if you believe it, it will happen. I can raise that tree back
00:48:20 up because I've got resurrection power, but what I am trying to show you is if there is
00:48:25 a dead thing in your life, if there is something that is not performing in your life, you can
00:48:34 speak to it too. He says, "If you speak to this mountain and tell it to go into the sea
00:48:42 and not disbelieve it in your heart, then the mountain will actually have to uproot
00:48:49 itself and walk into the sea because anything you say connected to your belief will also
00:48:57 happen the same way it did when God said to the tree it should never bear fruit." What
00:49:02 I am trying to get you to see is that in this next season of your life, it is not whatever
00:49:07 you complain about; it is whatever you say. I want you in the next 30 seconds to get something
00:49:19 in your mouth that you are believing God for. I want you to shout it out loud, and I don't
00:49:26 want you to care what nobody around you has to say. I want you to use your mouth because
00:49:33 whatever you say God shall bring to pass. Open up your mouth and declare the Word of
00:49:38 the Lord. That's all you got? That sounds like all you want is a television. That sounds
00:49:51 like all you want is some new furniture. No, I'm talking about the kind of sound that says,
00:49:56 "God bless my children and my children's children for a thousand generations. I end
00:50:04 cancer in my family. I end diabetes in my family. I put away addiction in my family."
00:50:11 Come on, open up your mouth. This is the season for you to be fruitful. Your days of being
00:50:29 barren and fruitless are over. Not because you stopped sinning, not because you're going
00:50:38 to leave church today and be the best version of yourself, although all of that is possible.
00:50:44 You never see any change in the text except for the vocalization of what God told him
00:50:52 he had the power to do. All you have to do is just say it.
00:50:59 I'm going to tell you something I see most people doing, and I'm going to close this
00:51:04 thing down. Listen to this. Most people say what they have. A few of us have what we say.
00:51:18 I'm going to say that again. Man, y'all missed all of that. You're sleeping. Most people
00:51:27 spend all of their time talking about, speaking about what they have. "I got cancer. I got
00:51:34 anxiety. I overthink. I got trust issues. I got, I got…" You know why you got it?
00:51:44 Because you keep saying you got it. Some of us say what we have, but I'm only looking
00:51:58 for a few of y'all who will have… Was I confusing or was that clear? All right. For
00:52:09 all of y'all who are going to keep saying what you have, sit down. Church is over. God
00:52:14 bless you real good. It's over. For the rest of y'all who over the next six months
00:52:20 who are going to have what you say, I want you to start saying stuff you don't even
00:52:30 have yet. Touch your neighbor and say, "I got money." Tell them, "I got millions.
00:52:42 I have a healthy body. I have great relationships. I'm free from anxiety. I have no depression."
00:52:51 Speak it. I can't get nobody in here today. It's just me and me. It's just me and me.
00:53:03 Tell somebody to say, "Words are important." How did God create the heavens and the earth?
00:53:11 Did he get a hammer and nail? He said, "All right. I'm going to build a sun. Let me get
00:53:18 a level. Let me see what's the circumference." No, he just said, "Let there be light."
00:53:27 If you read Hebrews 3, it says that we understand by faith that the world was framed by his
00:53:35 words. Did you know you can frame your life with your words? All right. Let me help some
00:53:41 of y'all since you don't have an imagination. Bank account full. House paid off. Look at
00:53:46 me framing my life. No card notes. I give $100,000 to the ministry a year. I have a
00:53:53 house for my mother. I have a house for my siblings. I've got money for generations.
00:53:58 My body done. I won't be sick for five years straight. I dare somebody to just start speaking
00:54:04 it. Come on. Frame your world with your words. I'm trying to get you to open up your mouth.
00:54:09 I'm not trying to get you to clap your hands. Your hands ain't going to make this happen.
00:54:13 I said open up your mouth and frame your world. You've got to speak to your obstacles.
00:54:25 The Bible says in Isaiah 55, it says, "So shall my word go forth out of my mouth, and
00:54:32 it shall not return unto me void." Watch this. "It shall accomplish that which I please,
00:54:37 and it shall prosper wherever I send it." I'm in this season of my life where if I want
00:54:47 it, I just say it. You ain't got that kind of faith? Say it. Say it. I said say it. I
00:55:04 don't know what you need, so I can't say it for you. I said say it. How many of y'all
00:55:10 ever been in one of them real good arguments? Show me your hand. Don't get in here trying
00:55:16 to get holy. How many of y'all been in one of them good knock down, drag out arguments
00:55:21 where you said stuff that you wish you wouldn't have said and all that? Now, how many of y'all
00:55:28 have ever got tired of arguing with somebody and you already made up in your mind that
00:55:32 the next time it was time to argue, you wasn't going to do it? How many of y'all ever…
00:55:39 How many of y'all… Listen, fellas. If she ever say this, the game is over. Imagine you
00:55:43 coming there, you talking, "Da, da, da, da," and another thing, "I'm sick of this, and
00:55:48 you're going to have to change this, and I'm tired of this, da, da, da." If she say, "Whatever
00:55:53 you say," go to your drawers and just start taking out stuff. Put them in plastic bags
00:56:02 because you ain't got time to even zip the bag. Whenever somebody says, "Whatever you
00:56:07 say," it means that they are no longer engaging in the combative conversation because they
00:56:14 recognize talking to you… The next time the devil come in your house trying to make
00:56:24 you believe that God is not on your side, the next time he speaks to your body trying
00:56:30 to make you feel like healing isn't your portion, the next time he speaks to your finances and
00:56:35 trying to make you think that you're going to be broke the rest of your life, I want
00:56:39 you to look at the devil and say, "Devil, whatever you say," because I believe in the
00:56:49 Word of the Lord. I want about 500 people in here to start opening up your mouth and
00:56:56 start speaking those things that are not… Oh, I'm going to wait on y'all. I'm waiting
00:57:01 on you. Open up your mouth. I'm going to wait on you because what we're going to do over
00:57:09 the next 50 seconds, I'm going to give you an exercise. I want you to begin to practice
00:57:14 saying things that you don't have. You have talked about what you don't have long enough,
00:57:21 but I want you over the next minute to start speaking those things that are not as though
00:57:27 they were and recognize that if you believe it by faith, it will not return unto him void.
00:57:33 Open up your mouth and speak. I can't say it for you. You're going to have to do this
00:57:41 one on your own. Open up your mouth.
00:57:45 "Lord, I put these kids in your hand. My grown children are yours. I put my ministry in your
00:57:55 hand. I put my health in your hand. I put my brother in your hand. I put my sister in
00:58:00 your hand. I put my mother in your hand. I put this relationship in your hand. I put
00:58:04 this marriage in your hand. God, I put this anxiety in your hand. I put this quit spirit
00:58:09 in your hand. I put this fearful spirit in your hand."
00:58:11 Come on. Place it on them, because it's going to be whatever you say. Now, if somebody's
00:58:22 faith starts to rise while you're speaking, I want you to begin to open up your mouth
00:58:26 and give God the glory. Give your neighbor a high five and shout, "Neighbor, it ain't
00:58:32 going to be what you think. It's going to be what you say."
00:58:37 If your neighbor didn't say nothing, you find somebody else, because I promise you, one
00:58:40 can chase a thousand, but two can put 10,000 to flight. I want you to locate. You know
00:58:44 what? Your praise partner might not even be on your road. You done tried them the last
00:58:48 40 minutes. You might have to go over there somewhere.
00:58:51 I got a couple of people over here looking like they looking for somebody to help. There's
00:58:55 a couple of people over here that look like if you connect with them by faith, they'll
00:58:58 help you. I want you to find somebody and grab them by the hand and say, "Neighbor,
00:59:02 I'm getting ready to speak into your life. You shall inherit the earth and have the fat
00:59:09 of the land." Y'all missed it. I'm going to find somebody else. I want you to find somebody
00:59:15 and shout, "Neighbor, God told me to tell you that your future is brighter than your
00:59:23 past and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper."
00:59:31 Did they say anything to you? Look like you might have to do this one by yourself. "Let
00:59:39 God arise and his enemies be scattered." I need 1,000 people to shout like it's already
00:59:50 done. Shout like it's already done. Open up your mouth. Pat yourself on the back. Give
01:00:01 yourself a high five and say, "Self is whatever you say." Stop looking for healing in the
01:00:15 doctors. They don't have it, but my doctor has never lost a patient. Open up your mouth.
01:00:26 Scream real loud. It's whatever you say. I'm the lender. I'm not the borrower. It's whatever
01:00:40 you say. I'm above and not beneath. It's whatever you say. Now, if you believe it, if you receive
01:00:53 it, I'm going to release you to shout like it's already done. Shout! Shout! I hear the
01:01:20 walls coming down. I hear the walls of Jericho falling down. There goes your depression.
01:01:28 There goes your anxiety. There goes your tension. Shout until it's false. And at midnight, call
01:01:37 and silence. Shout it in the Roman jail. I don't know what time it is wherever you are,
01:01:44 but I want you to shout like it's midnight. It's whatever you say. It's whatever you say.
01:02:00 I said it's whatever you say. If you don't say nothing, it won't be nothing. It's whatever
01:02:06 you say. It's whatever you say. If it's a good day, it's whatever you say. If it's a
01:02:27 bad day, it's whatever you say. It's whatever. That's why you got to stop waking up in the
01:02:35 morning talking about, "Oh, what kind of day is it?" It's going to be that. If you start
01:02:38 out like that, it's going to be that way. Because it's whatever you say. Whomever will
01:02:46 speak to this mountain and tell the mountain to go into the sea, the mountain has to move,
01:02:52 because the mountain is no match for my mouth. Stop speaking about your obstacles and speak
01:03:03 to them. It's whatever you say. Who will admit that your speech is negative? You see the
01:03:19 negative first, and then you have to be convinced about the positive. You start off down here,
01:03:26 but you want God to have your experience here. You will never live higher than you talk.
01:03:39 You feel how you speak. You know why you always need encouragement? Because you don't ever
01:03:47 encourage yourself. Because you don't speak positively. Your subconscious doesn't even
01:03:53 hear positive words, so it always has to come from affirmation outside of you, because you
01:03:57 don't speak positively. How are you going to live? How are you going to handle your
01:04:12 mountains? What are you going to do when you go to the tree and there's no fruit? Are you
01:04:22 going to start having a pity party? See, the trees don't never be ready for me. The tree
01:04:28 is always ready for everybody else, but when it comes to me, the tree don't… Okay, tree,
01:04:35 you ain't my tree, but there is another one. Because the Bible doesn't say he died of starvation,
01:04:42 so that means he got something to eat somewhere. In fact, by the time he got to the cross,
01:04:50 he was so full he refused what they gave him. See, because when you are full of the right
01:04:56 thing, you have no appetite for the wrong thing. I'm going to stay right there. The
01:05:13 one thing we do in church, especially in moments like this, we come out of our own experience.
01:05:21 Start being stimulized by all the things that are happening around us. Stay within yourself
01:05:25 right now. Stay within yourself. What are you dealing with? Don't you let the devil
01:05:34 distract you. What are you dealing with right now? What mountains have you not spoken to?
01:05:47 So, I guarantee you, me included, you are more like the people you said you would never
01:05:56 be like than you can ever imagine. You think you're different. You might not be a carbon
01:06:08 copy, but you're a Xerox copy. So now, as you look internally, instead of trying to
01:06:22 climb the mountain, what probably would take you the rest of your life, just tell it to
01:06:30 move. Get out of my way. I want to be like this for the next 20 years. Got to take medicine
01:06:48 to get up, pills to go to sleep, pills to get through the day. Sleep eight hours, still
01:06:57 wake up tired, irritated by everybody and everything. It's going to be whatever you
01:07:05 say. I am the righteousness of God. I deserve this because I am his son. Not because of
01:07:21 any goodness of my own, but because I belong to him. I won't be sick, not because I do
01:07:35 everything right. I won't be sick because he says by his stripes I am healed. I won't
01:07:45 die, not because I don't deserve it, but because he has satisfied me with long life. You see
01:07:51 the difference? It's going to be whatever you say. Do you know you heal in the mind
01:08:00 before you heal in the body? That's why I want the doctors to say, in order to heal
01:08:09 from this, have you ever heard this? It's going to take three to six months. You know
01:08:15 what the difference in the three to six months is? It's how you were thinking in the three
01:08:23 to six months. If you sit in the bed and you think, "Oh my God, how did this happen to
01:08:29 me?" It's going to be six months for you. Some other people come out of surgery and
01:08:35 they're like, "Nah, not me. This thing ain't going to get me." And they start healing the
01:08:42 day. Some people get a hip replacement and 12 months later they're still struggling.
01:08:51 Some people get it and they're walking in four days. Tell me the difference. It's mine.
01:09:01 No doubt it hurts, but how you think about it?
01:09:05 God bless you.
01:09:09 (whooshing)
01:09:11 [BLANK_AUDIO]
