• l’année dernière


01:00I was prepared last week to go to the book of Romans chapter 1 and since I was
01:11prepared last week to go to Romans chapter 1 I'm prepared this week to go
01:18to Romans chapter 1 and he the book of Romans is regarded as you know as Paul's
01:28treatise of the gospel and whenever I approach the book of Romans this is
01:36pretty much a standard opening and that is that the book of Romans is regarded
01:44as Paul's presentation of the gospel the question has to arise and that is how
01:52can it be a presentation of the gospel when he doesn't deal with the
02:01historicity of Jesus Christ he doesn't deal with the event Christ from an
02:09historical perspective neither does he give us any stories of his operation in
02:20Israel and yet still it is called his treatise of the gospel even though it
02:27does not have the characteristics of Matthew Mark Luke and John what Paul
02:34actually does is give us behind the scenes he gives us the theological
02:44philosophy that surrounds the historical event of Jesus Christ so in
02:52the book of Romans you will find propitiation, sanctification, redemption,
02:57adoption, you will find all of the philosophical things that happened at
03:06Calvary all of the things that gave significance to the appearance of our
03:13Savior without dealing with any historical fact so he opens up and he
03:23gives he describes himself in three ways actually the first he says Paul a
03:30servant of Jesus Christ second called to be an apostle third separated unto the
03:41gospel of God which he had promised to for by his prophets in the holy
03:48scriptures concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord which was made of the
03:54seed of David according to the flesh and declared to be the Son of God with power
04:01according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead by whom
04:09we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all
04:16nations for his name among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ to all
04:29that be in Rome beloved of God called to be saints grace to you and peace from
04:37our God from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ first I thank my God
04:45through Jesus Christ and what I'm doing here is for you all that your faith is
04:53spoken of throughout the whole world and of course it should be spoken of
04:57throughout the whole world because Rome was the center of the whole world for
05:04God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his son that
05:10without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers making requests if
05:17by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God
05:21to come unto you for I long to see that I may impart unto you some spiritual
05:28gift to the end ye may be established that is that I may be comforted together
05:34with you by the mutual faith both of you and me now I would not have you
05:42ignorant brethren at all times I purpose to come unto you but was let hitherto
05:47I'm reading from the King James Version and a couple of things I would like to
05:52say to you about it before I finish that is that the sentences are extremely long
05:59that's one and he uses words that we no longer use was let hitherto I just simply
06:13was hindered now in Thessalonians you'll find another he who let death will let
06:20until he be taken out of the way then shall that wicked be revealed shall be
06:27a falling away first he who now let death will let till he be taken out of
06:34the way that's a whole nother teaching there and I don't want to go there we'll
06:39be all day here I might have some fruit among you even as among other Gentiles I
06:47am debtor both to the Greeks and to the barbarians both to the wise and unwise
06:55so as much as is in me is I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are in
07:01Rome also for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of
07:09God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to
07:16the Greek for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith
07:20faith as is written the just shall live by faith look at your neighbor and say
07:25after 30 years the gospel is still powerful is still the power of God
07:38whether they preach it or not it is still the power of God if you have
07:52noticed his ebullience his drive his energy if you've noticed that his energy
08:03is centered around blessing others and it seems as if he's saying that God has
08:15made a deposit in me that I would like to make a withdrawal for your benefit
08:27God has put something in me that is so significant for your strength and for
08:38your growth that I can't keep it within the parameters of my being I have to
08:48express it I gotta get it out I don't know if God has ever put a burden on
08:57your heart for someone and it was so poignant it was so sharp and so powerful
09:06that you would search through the streets you would call over and over and
09:13over again but it was a message that you just had to deliver there were times
09:21when God places people in our spirits and forces us literally to rise out of
09:28our sleep out of our slumber roll over on our knees I see your hand acknowledging
09:35to pray for or reach for that individual because God through his divine unction
09:44and power has placed them in your spirit it is here then that Paul in declaring
09:55to the Romans and to us that he was separated to the gospel of God he is
10:04saying to me then that the fact that I am declaring the Word of God is not
10:11something that happened during my lifetime it happened before I was here
10:20because if I'm separated by God then it wasn't just when I was born he
10:27separated me from eternity it is significant to understand that if you
10:34are a blessing to anybody it is because God has set you up in order to be a
10:43blessing to somebody else I'm feeling good today I'm feeling very good it's
10:52critical to understand this that there is a separation that has come from God
10:59before you even were thought of by your parents I give some thought to that and
11:06I think about Jeremiah and the Lord said to him he said before you were born I
11:12formed you in the womb and that means that many of us are not born for
11:20ourselves that God did not bring us into the world for ourselves but he
11:29separated us in his declare and decree before we were even thought of in this
11:38world and what I'm saying to you simply is this that many of us are frustrated
11:45because we're not living according to the purpose that God has ordained for us
11:52and I got news for you you will never be comfortable doing your own thing when
12:01God has separated you to do his thing I feel like shouting here that's why you
12:11can't lift that burden that's why you can't get around how you feel that's why
12:18you can't go your way and ignore his way because he separated you for the gospel
12:28he separated you to be a blessing to somebody else this is why you ask
12:36yourself why is it that some people can mistreat you every way they can and
12:43still you can't find it in your heart to mistreat them the way they treat you
12:51because God has separated you for his purpose and he separated you to be a
13:01blessing even to the folk who would not bless you I don't want to stay there too
13:08long but I think of Joseph for instance I can't help but think of Joseph and
13:14Joseph's mission God is sending Joseph actually into Egypt not because of
13:22himself God is not just elevating Joseph for Joseph to sit back and feel as if
13:29he's the cat's meow and the dog's bow wow God is not separating him for
13:35self-aggrandizement and egomaniacal attitudes the reason God is putting him
13:42in Egypt is to bless his Israel his brothers do you see the conundrum he is
13:55set in Egypt in a place of power so that when the famine comes he can
14:03protect Israel well who is Israel his brothers but it was his brothers who
14:14through their hatred put him in Egypt sold him as a slave and he was sold
14:28twice before he got to Egypt he ended up in prison and all of it began with his
14:36brothers if he didn't have the right attitude when he came to power instead
14:45of blessing his brothers he would have brought retribution on them because of
14:52how they behaved I've got news for you God has got you blessing folk who don't
14:58even like you when he separates you and Paul is using the Greek word off from
15:09which is apt and Lorazo to mark the boundaries to a point to set one apart
15:16for some purpose and that means God has outlined your boundaries you can go so
15:24far but no further because God puts the stop you can go crazy but not too crazy
15:30because God puts a stop you can be discouraged but not too discouraged
15:36because God puts a stop you can go down but you can't go down too far because
15:42God has put a stop you can feel mad but you can't get too mad because God has
15:50marked out your boundaries you can be broke but only so broke because God is
15:58going to move somebody ought to give God about five seconds of praise thousand
16:07one thousand and two thousand and three thousand and four thousand and five when
16:14we come to verse nine he is praying without intermission and because he
16:21declares to them not only continually but I pray without ceasing now it's
16:28important to understand that nobody there could have witnessed his praying
16:35and as Denny puts it and I quote he says at a distance the Apostle cannot directly
16:43prove his love but he appeals to God who hears his ceaseless prayers for the
16:51Romans as a witness to it if unquote if you remember in verse 9 he says God
16:58being my witness because notice now he's a far away he has never been to Rome and
17:06he is telling them that I have prayed for you ceaselessly now who is there to
17:16corroborate the fact that he has been praying if none of them in Rome had ever
17:23seen him nor heard him praying and what he does now he says to them God being my
17:31witness so he's saying to a group of people that I've been praying for you
17:38but you don't know it but God is my witness that I have been praying for you
17:46I suggest to you that it's easy for him to say that to a group of people who are
17:53filled with the Spirit of God because he is telling them if you want to know
18:01whether I was praying for you or not then just check with the God you serve
18:06because he's the same God I serve I have preached around the world and I can go
18:13into a congregation now and I can know whether or not I'm preaching to spirit
18:21filled people or people who just stop by church there is a difference when you're
18:28dealing with spirit filled people when you are filled of the Holy Spirit
18:35yourself there is a connection I wish I wish I could preach this thing there is
18:42a connection that you have with somebody who has the Spirit of God that you have
18:49that you can say something to them and they hear it for the first time yet they
18:56know it is the truth they have never seen you before they have never heard
19:02you before but when you speak something your spirit testifies with their spirit
19:10that this is of God I don't have to tell you can I preach like I feel it I don't
19:18have to tell you you can know in your spirit let me put it another way many
19:26times you're connected with people I am connected now very definitely with the
19:33spirit of my wife and I can be in New York and all of a sudden or the other
19:39day I was somewhere across the Atlantic and when I talked to her she said is
19:45everything all right and I'm saying
19:50and but immediately there was a congeniality because we call it
19:57telepathy but the truth is if you have the spirit and I have the spirit there
20:03is no distance between us that ignores the move of the Holy Ghost somebody can
20:13see you in the spirit and know that the devil is on your case and when they see
20:22it in the spirit they don't have to call you they just roll over on their knees
20:27and call on God to send deliverance Bengal puts it another way and I quote he
20:37says there could be no other witness to his practice in secret prayers but God
20:45praying for the Roman Christians whom he had never seen unquote so what he's
20:51saying to them is check with God and he will tell you what I've been doing I'd
20:59like to preach to people who were filled with the Holy Ghost because it makes
21:04preaching easy it makes declaring truth easy when you're preaching the people
21:12who aren't messed up with some foul spirit but when you're talking to folk
21:19who are moving in the joy of the Holy Ghost and happy moving in the power of
21:25the Spirit of God and not delusional but having a love for the truth I feel
21:34something happening I'm almost there it's critical then to understand that
21:39now he is loaded with a spiritual gift and when he uses that word spiritual gift
21:48from the Greek it's pneumaticus charisma and what that word simply means is a
21:56spiritual gift I'm not bringing you money I'm not bringing you a house I'm
22:06not bringing you anything material I'm bringing you a pneumaticus charisma I'm
22:13bringing you a spiritual gift and this gift is a favor received without merit
22:23on the recipients part let me tell you something I don't care how many offerings
22:30you bring looking for a blessing there is a blessing you can't buy I wish I
22:40could preach really really really if you can buy it it is pretty much man-made
22:49because what God has for you is too superlative for money to get it I feel
23:00like shouting in here I heard Peter say to some fella Simon back in the book of
23:08Acts he says you and your money will soon perish what was he trying to do buy
23:15the Holy Ghost you can't buy the Holy Ghost there is no can I preach like I
23:22feel it what should it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul
23:32one soul is more valuable than all the Rolls Royces all the yachts all the
23:44houses all the clothes if money can buy it it's man-made but if it's God made
23:55money can't buy it only faith can get it and when you have faith you have power
24:05over anything the world has to offer I want to bring you a spiritual gift I
24:13want to bring you a gift and he uses that word in two senses in the ordinary
24:19sense it's just the gift of grace but then in an extraordinary sense it is
24:27that power that God bestows upon individuals for special functions so he
24:34uses it as a general gift and then he uses it as a special gift like the gift
24:43of healing like the gift of prophecy like the gift of knowledge he gives that
24:49same word to mean those two different things ordinary every one of us has the
24:57ordinary gift of God through grace but some of us have particular gifts that he
25:06uses us to perform things within the body of Christ and that's why he says
25:15now I need you when he talked to Timothy he says to discharge the office of an
25:22evangelist you need to stir up the gift I've got news for you all of us are
25:28gifted but all of us don't stir our gifts this is why some people wonder how
25:36somebody over there is let me put another way there is an individual who
25:43has been pastoring for 40 years and he has 10 members and somebody said God is
25:50doing that there's another individual who's been pastoring for five years and
25:56there's 4,000 people saved under his ministry and somebody said well God is
26:03doing that now which one is he doing is that the same God that's dealing with
26:08somebody who's been there for 30 years with 10 members and the same God dealing
26:12with somebody there five years with 4,000 members well the issue now becomes
26:19really a simple fact and that is that God is not a respecter of persons so
26:28what's the difference the difference is like you have a tap at home and you have
26:35a valve on your tap now you can open that valve partially and the water just
26:43drip or you can open it fully and the water flow God is the same God but he
26:52deals with human beings who are different and some people don't mind
26:59dripping with God they're satisfied to drip but other people put the work in
27:06in order to pour with God I wonder do you get it it's the same God but
27:15different people so he says you're gifted stir it don't sit around and
27:22wait for somebody else to make your calling work get up and get down roll up
27:29your sleeves get on your prayer bones get in the word of God know what you're
27:36talking about so you can defeat the enemy on all sides I feel like
27:42preaching here I don't worry about my enemies when I'm walking in his purpose
27:47because can't nobody touch me when I'm walking in his purpose the only time I
27:54worry about my enemies is when I'm walking outside of his wheel but when
28:01I'm walking in his wheel if something happens it's a job experience I feel
28:08like preaching here all you gotta do is stay in your purpose give somebody high
28:15five first time and tell him watch your place stay in your place there's power
28:22in your place you don't have power in my place because in my place that's my
28:29power in your place that's your power my power isn't greater than your power
28:35so you need to stay in your place so God can move you according to his grace if
28:44this sense then this purpose of the impartation of these gifts was that they
28:52might be established both in the Christian character and in service it's
29:00critical now that when you have received the power of God you move in character
29:09to a higher level because Satan attacks character to break down gifts he can't
29:17get to your gift because your gift was given before the foundation of the
29:24world but what he does is he messes with your character so he messes with your
29:30mind that so it blocks the function of your gift that's why you can't let folk
29:38move you into a place of revenge where you're trying to get back at them
29:44because of their evil ways you gotta cut folk off hear me when I tell you
29:50when they start messing with your anointing you gotta cut them off I heard
29:55David when he said and he said it he said you can take anything from me but
30:01Lord please don't take your Holy Spirit because that's where I live that's where
30:10I live that's where the power comes from I feel the Holy Ghost in this
30:18place give somebody a high-five second time and say neighbor you gotta keep
30:25your anointing you gotta guard your anointing you gotta steadfastly watch
30:33your anointing because that's where your power comes from the anointing
30:41destroys I feel the power of God in here give somebody a high-five third time say
30:51after 30 years it's still powerful I want you to notice now how careful Paul
31:00is because it would seem as if in the opening of the text that he was
31:06promoting the fact that he and he alone had something to bring he was saying
31:14when you read it you would see that it's sound as if he was saying I've got a
31:21gift to impart and it implied a sort of reproach or the fact that there was
31:27weakness or instability in Rome so now I'm coming to get you all straight and
31:35so but notice how subtle he is because now he doesn't just lay that out like
31:42that but then he suggests very carefully that I with you may be comforted so now
31:51he includes them as having something to give him he's not saying I'm the big
31:59cheese here and I'm coming in there to straighten you all out because you all
32:04have some instability in your walk with God and I've got a gift to establish you
32:10but then he subtly shows us that even though I got the message I've got to
32:18massage the method I feel like preaching here I hope you get it let me
32:25talk Bishop Palmer let me talk to this and you see it's critical to understand
32:31this that your approach many times determines whether or not you will be
32:39successful this is why the scripture says he that winneth souls is wise it is
32:49not wise to walk into this room in the city of refuge and act like you're the
32:55only one who's anointed it is not wise to walk in here and act like you're the
33:02only one who God talks to it's not wise because you're gonna cut off the
33:09listener if you put them down can I go another way you know we have won many an
33:17argument and lost the soul uh-huh yeah yeah we have proven how smart we are at
33:25the expense of making somebody look ignorant let me make it plain if I pull
33:35my Cadillac up to the Lexus dealer to buy a Lexus he better not tell me my
33:43Cadillac ain't no good I'll buy a Lexus but I ain't gonna buy it from him I'm
33:49gonna go somewhere else and get it you can't put my car down in order to sell
33:54yours you can't make me look bad in order for you to look good and so Paul
34:01says I'm coming down there but I'm looking for something from you that we
34:09may be comforted together this is why I heard Paul when he said he said I become
34:17all things to all men that I might win some to Christ stop acting like you ain't
34:25never been in the street stop acting like you don't know what it is to have a
34:31broken marriage stop acting like your children are the best in the world stop
34:39acting like you were somebody's judge judge not that ye be not judged for
34:47whatever you measure out is coming back to you so when you restore somebody
34:53restore them in the spirit of meekness lest ye also be tempted I feel I'm
35:02almost there it's critical to understand this that your approach to
35:09other people should be we have something in common I'm just a sinner saved by
35:17grace if it wasn't for the grace of God where would I be not only do I know who
35:26I am I also know whose I am and if I didn't belong to God my life would be a
35:35mess I thank God for grace give somebody a high-five for the third time and say
35:42thank God for grace thank God he brought me out thank God he made a way for me
35:51thank God I'm noticing this man and is a man without distinction of nation or
35:59culture and he gives Paul gives them credit he says I owe my life and I'm
36:08indebted by the virtue of grace bestowed upon me yeah I'm indebted to certain
36:14people how is it that Paul a man of his educational status a man of his
36:23intellectual renown a man that is full of revelatory experiences that we are
36:30still trying to interpret today how can he say I'm a debtor to a barbarian I
36:39wish you'd understand get off your high horse stop acting like you always been
36:46saved stop acting like you always have been clean stop acting like you don't
36:51know what it is to wallow in the gutter of sin stop acting like you have never
36:56experienced somebody who mistreated and misused you time all of a sudden you
37:03misusing everybody else sometimes God put you through certain things in order
37:08to bless other people I haven't been broken twice if you break somebody twice
37:15they can only feed two people if you break them three times three people when
37:20you look out and see a great audience of people it's because somebody been broken
37:25many times I've been broken as an alcoholic broken as a drug dealer broken
37:32as a drug user broken as an abused person broken broken broken broken broken broken
37:40broken broken broken so when you get up and talk somebody knows you know what you talking about
37:49I feel a breakthrough that's why he said I'm debted to the barbarian I'm debted to the weak
38:00I'm debted to the ignorant I didn't come to show off I came to declare that you have something to
38:09give me because as powerful as the anointing is no one person has it all I need your testimony
38:18I need to hear where God brought you from we might as well have church give somebody a high
38:25five for the fourth time and say neighbor I haven't always been good but I thank God for
38:35the power of the gospel he said in spite of all that's going on in Rome and I know this is a
38:43philosophical center I know you got Heraclitus you've got Plato you've got all kinds of philosophers
38:53moving through here but I've got something that I want to bring here and that is something that
39:00is so powerful that nobody can match it I want to talk to the church people in here because there's
39:10something the world needs that nobody can give it but us and that's the power of the gospel I feel
39:20like preaching here the power of the Roman Empire the power of its military might the power of its
39:29philosophical background the power of every culture is in the city of Rome but I've got
39:38something that you don't have I've got something that you can't declare and that is the power of
39:49the gospel of Jesus Christ I feel like preaching in here I don't care Jesus being preached much
39:59anymore I don't hear the gospel being presented anymore people are preaching money let me rephrase
40:09that people are talking about money people are talking about morality but if Jesus is not being
40:20mentioned it ain't preaching it's just talking because the Holy Ghost declared to me that I
40:31know nothing but Jesus and Jesus declared when the Holy Spirit comes he will testify of me I feel
40:44like lifting him up he said I'm not ashamed of the dunamis of Jesus Christ I am not ashamed to
40:56declare his death burial and resurrection I am not ashamed to speak in other tongues and to
41:07lift up holy hands and give God the glory in my life I am not ashamed to say that there is a hell
41:18and there is a heaven and if you don't meet him you're gonna lose your way to lift up holy hands
41:31and give God the glory in the middle of a pagan world I am not ashamed to say to somebody silver
41:42and gold have I none but such as I have give I thee in the name
41:59rise up I feel like preaching in here give somebody high five for the fifth time and say
42:08neighbor do you still plead the blood neighbor do you still cast out devils
42:20do you still call on the name of the Lord do you still lift him up in front of your relatives
42:33in front of your friends in front of the folk all around you I am not ashamed because I'm holy
42:43I'm not ashamed because I walk right I'm not ashamed because I love my enemies
42:52I'm not ashamed to lift up the name of the Lord
43:05give somebody high five for the last time and say neighbor the gospel still works still delivers
43:16still heals still changes lives still turn people around after 30 years
43:31I will bless the Lord
43:45power power wonder working
44:08praise him for the gospel
44:10you're here because of the gospel you're saved because of the gospel
44:18get saved because of the gospel you're clothed and in your right mind
44:37you're still married because of the gospel
45:09I'm not ashamed
45:13I'm not ashamed
45:19I'm not ashamed
45:28I'm not ashamed it's still delivering it's still healing it's still breaking
45:38the yoke that the devil has placed on our life I'm not ashamed
46:03one writer said
46:06one writer said that the gospel is not only a tool
46:10a tool that God uses but that the gospel is divine in and of itself
46:21I need I need one person on this side to run down here and tell me tell us what the gospel
46:31has done for them I need one person here I need one person there one person there
46:36I want you to come now right now
46:48give him a mic
46:50Reverend I used to run with Freeway I live with him Freeway Rick I used to live with him
46:55but now I run with Yahweh and I run with his seasons his son he got a nickname he's called
47:01the only way yeah me and Rick live together I'm in his autobiography but no more yes
47:12the gospel and I work at city hall with LAPD I'm a custodian
47:19what happened yes sir Yahweh the only way God turned it around
47:34I would stay in church I've been in church now for four years
47:51I'm not ashamed
47:57praise the lord praise the lord about 14 years ago back when the ministerial alliance first
48:03started I was one of the original members members of the ministerial alliance I went out I've been
48:09through two drug relapses three prison terms I have been through a cancer diagnosis a divorce
48:18double hip replacement lost eight hundred thousand dollars worth of property amen
48:24and I'm still here and I'm back
48:37I want to share with y'all this past Monday I was getting off work I was getting on Freeway
48:44and I was just going my way home and I just seen a truck behind me he was like way behind me
48:51and I was already like minding my business to marvel staff never would have made it
48:56and uh truck came full speed like behind me like boom and I felt the Lord hand holding me
49:04like boom I should have had I should have been in the hospital that day
49:08and uh I couldn't have been put my body broke it would have been broken and uh the police and
49:15ambulance came and they was like you hurt you hurt I said no I'm not hurt I ain't they you
49:20are they were taking my paws and everything and I said no I'm not hurt I'm fine God got me I'm not
49:26ashamed and they were like they was looking at me puzzled they were like they say who is your
49:31God I said God is Jesus Christ who died for my sin and they they still getting me puzzled they
49:35were like uh can I have your number so I can keep in contact with you I said yeah sure and they told
49:40a family about what the miracle they saw through me for God did to me that day and now I thank God
49:47that I'm still alive I'm not ashamed today that's it praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord I
49:58just want to say that 30 years ago Bishop you preached I'm ready for my inheritance you know
50:03this but y'all don't know it I was on my way to prison I was the dope man's girl I was dating
50:09an A-tray gangster had a baby by him the whole nine but because you preached you said to me in
50:15that message imagine being a Gates and all you have to do is open your eyes and know that the
50:21world is available to you but if you open your eyes to who Jesus is you'll never be lost and I
50:27have never been lost because of that gospel I'm not ashamed of the gospel God's calling somebody
50:38if you're not born again and to those of you who are in the prisons
50:45this word is to you that the gospel doesn't lose its power because of where you are
50:53and if you have a chaplain you have somebody that knows the Lord I want you to get to that
51:01person right now wherever you are whatever prison you're in right now God will save you right there
51:11there in that place and maybe he just pulled you off the street for you to have this opportunity
51:23to give your life to him so that your future will be way better than your past if you're in
51:29this building and you're not born again God is calling you I am not ashamed
