00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:33 - I would like you to look with me for a few minutes
00:35 at 2 Peter chapter one.
00:37 2 Peter chapter one,
00:40 and to begin at verse three.
00:46 According as his divine power
00:54 hath given unto us all things that pertain
00:58 unto life and godliness,
01:02 through the knowledge of him that hath called us
01:07 to glory and virtue,
01:09 whereby are given unto us exceeding great
01:14 and precious promises,
01:16 that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature,
01:22 having escaped the corruption that is in the world
01:28 through lust, and beside this giving all diligence
01:33 add to your faith virtue,
01:34 to virtue knowledge,
01:37 to knowledge temperance,
01:41 to temperance patience,
01:42 to patience godliness,
01:46 to godliness brotherly kindness,
01:49 and to brotherly kindness charity.
01:52 For if these things be in you
01:58 and abound,
01:59 oh my goodness,
02:02 if these things be in you
02:05 (audience applauding)
02:08 and abound,
02:11 they make you that ye shall neither be barren
02:16 nor unfruitful
02:19 in the knowledge of our Christ,
02:22 of the Lord Jesus Christ.
02:23 But he that lacketh these things
02:27 (audience cheering)
02:28 is blind and cannot see afar off
02:32 and hath forgotten that he was purged
02:35 from his old sins.
02:37 I want you to look at somebody very quietly
02:41 and just tell them I'm ready.
02:44 I didn't hear you.
02:47 - I'm ready.
02:48 - I am ready.
02:53 Ready.
02:56 - Ready.
02:57 - I'm ready to produce.
03:00 - I'm ready to produce.
03:02 - We are living in a time,
03:05 and I'm sure you have noticed,
03:09 and you cannot turn your back
03:14 to the circumstances of our day.
03:18 I was doing in a leadership conference the other day,
03:22 not too long ago,
03:23 and I thought about the principles of leadership,
03:28 but then I thought also about the contemporary environment
03:32 in which we are living.
03:34 And if you have not noticed,
03:38 when you operate within the parameters
03:41 of the physical church,
03:44 you will find that
03:48 there is a lot of confusion
03:54 and to the point where I could say
03:57 that the atmosphere in the visible church
04:01 is extremely toxic.
04:05 I think that when we understand theology
04:14 and just the position to psychology,
04:20 we can come to the conclusion that based on the fact
04:23 that all of us can now express how we feel
04:29 because social media has allowed us
04:34 to come from out of the dark,
04:36 out of the place of silence,
04:41 because now all of us can express how we feel.
04:48 And it is really interesting that I've discovered
04:51 that toxicity seems to reign among humanity
04:56 instead of that spirit of encouragement
05:03 and lifting and supporting.
05:07 It seems as if people are more negative towards you
05:12 than they are positive.
05:14 (audience laughing)
05:17 And it is quite expressive
05:22 that your enemies are more vociferous than your friends.
05:29 When people tell you everybody's talking,
05:34 it ain't everybody.
05:35 It's just a few loud mouths
05:41 who drown out the people who are around you.
05:45 But what it has done is it's raised,
05:49 in my thinking,
05:53 the question of grace
05:59 and Christian behavior.
06:04 On the one hand, you have the Lord
06:08 who operates within the parameters of grace
06:11 and when you understand grace in its fullness,
06:15 it is one of the most brilliant things
06:17 that God has done for us.
06:20 It's brilliant.
06:23 Because if you check through the Bible
06:27 to the Old Testament, you will find
06:30 that no matter what God did for man after sin,
06:35 man never requited or reciprocated on the same level.
06:41 And so the mystery and the wonder of grace
06:46 is that God understood that we would bring
06:52 nothing to the table
06:54 and whatever we would bring to the table
06:58 would be contaminated because of our own
07:02 narcissistic, egomaniacal attitudes.
07:07 So God put together a system that simply goes like this.
07:12 Since you're not going to bring anything to the table,
07:18 what I'm going to do is make it a requisite
07:23 for your weakness to qualify you for salvation.
07:29 Should I go over that again?
07:32 Was I too verbose?
07:35 What he is saying essentially is
07:37 you're not gonna bring anything credible to the table
07:41 because as good as you can get,
07:45 your righteousness is as filthy rag.
07:49 So what I'm going to do in grace
07:53 is what I'm going to do is real simple
07:56 and that is you bring your weakness
08:00 and your weakness will qualify you for salvation.
08:05 That's what grace is on merited faith.
08:11 Now he, in Romans, he takes a theological situation
08:17 to another dimension when he says,
08:20 shall we continue in sin that grace shall abound?
08:27 Because he was answering rhetorically
08:31 the accusation that he said,
08:35 where sin doth abound,
08:39 grace doth much more abound.
08:45 So what he was saying essentially,
08:46 and it is a fact,
08:48 that you cannot out sin God's grace.
08:52 (audience applauding)
08:55 No matter how bad you are,
09:00 you cannot out bad God's goodness.
09:06 So because he made that statement,
09:10 somebody says, well, should we continue in sin
09:15 that grace shall abound?
09:17 And then his answer is,
09:22 how can you continue in sin
09:25 if you are dead to sin?
09:30 So what is that telling me?
09:33 That saying now that in this modern time,
09:37 when you have some people going after everybody
09:40 who they feel has a weakness,
09:43 and those with the weakness are acting
09:47 as if they can just get through it
09:51 without any kind of recompense,
09:55 the question now to the city of refuge
09:58 is how can we reconcile the grace of God
10:03 with the proper behavior of the child of God?
10:08 Have I lost you?
10:10 Amen, if I'm gonna lose you, I'm gonna sit down.
10:14 Amen, 'cause I'm working hard with my back pain.
10:19 The question now is,
10:22 if I am righteous,
10:26 do I have a confirmation by expression?
10:32 How do you know that I have received the grace of God?
10:40 And what is my behavior after I receive the grace of God
10:47 and become dead to sin?
10:50 You see, the problem now is that in the visible church,
10:56 and I emphasize the visible church
10:58 because the body of Christ, which is the real church,
11:03 will always operate according to the principles
11:08 that God has declared.
11:09 The problem we're having is
11:13 we got a whole lot of folk in church,
11:17 but they don't have the church in them.
11:19 (audience laughing)
11:22 Where are all my musicians?
11:27 They went to sleep or something.
11:29 It's a critical piece,
11:31 and I think it's essential for us to approach it,
11:35 and that is that there is certain behavior
11:40 that comes with being saved.
11:42 I wanna take it a little bit deeper,
11:46 but I don't wanna go too far,
11:48 but there is a controversy between Paul and James.
11:53 When you read the book of James,
11:56 you have what Zadiotes calls,
11:59 Spirus Zadiotes calls the behavior of belief.
12:04 If I believe God,
12:07 there is a certain behavior that goes with believing God.
12:12 That's why James puts it like this.
12:14 He says faith without works is dead,
12:19 but Paul says, and here's the controversy,
12:23 Paul says that you are justified by faith
12:28 and not by works.
12:32 James says show me your faith
12:35 through your works.
12:39 Paul says, and they both use the same examples,
12:43 they use Rahab, they use Abraham,
12:47 and Paul says Abraham believed God,
12:52 and it brought to pass his movement
12:56 or his mobility in the things of God.
12:59 James says Abraham made some moves,
13:04 and that's what made him powerful.
13:07 You see, the problem here is solved easily
13:10 when you understand that you don't do right
13:15 to get in Christ,
13:18 but you do right after you are in Christ.
13:23 You see, Paul is dealing with justification
13:27 on getting into Christ.
13:31 James is dealing on works after you are in Christ.
13:36 You can't tell me you are in Christ
13:40 and behave like you don't know Christ,
13:44 because once you get in Christ,
13:47 he changes your behavior.
13:50 I feel like shouting.
13:53 I don't think I'm on hoop, but I might.
13:56 Now, it is critical then to understand
13:59 that there are certain behaviors
14:03 that you associate with somebody
14:06 who claims they know the Lord,
14:10 and I will tell you this.
14:12 That does not mean that people
14:14 who are powerful spiritually
14:17 and in position don't make mistakes.
14:21 Ah, I might as well preach it.
14:23 I feel it.
14:24 I'm human like everybody else,
14:26 but let me put it this way.
14:27 To whom little is given,
14:30 little is required.
14:36 To whom much is given,
14:40 much is required,
14:43 but you missed one.
14:44 To whom much is given,
14:52 all is not required.
14:54 Should I go over that again?
14:58 To whom little is given,
15:00 you can give back little.
15:02 To whom much is given,
15:04 you give back much,
15:06 but to whom much is given,
15:08 you can't give back all,
15:10 because in order to give back all,
15:13 you gotta receive all,
15:15 and the only one who's got all
15:17 is the Almighty.
15:19 I wish somebody'd understand me.
15:22 It's critical to understand then
15:25 that no matter how powerful individuals may be,
15:29 there is still something they gotta get over.
15:33 This is why Paul writes,
15:35 or the Hebrew writer says,
15:37 "There is a sin that so easily besets."
15:42 The problem we have is
15:45 when you're down under the radar,
15:49 you can do a whole lot to get yourself together,
15:52 but when you are flying high above the radar,
15:56 it is a difficult place for you to be
15:59 if you get in trouble.
16:01 Uh-huh, I pray for a lot of folk under the radar
16:06 who have failed in their marriages,
16:08 who have stolen our money,
16:11 who have treated other people with indignity.
16:14 I prayed for a lot of folk to be recovered,
16:17 but they were under the radar.
16:20 The same folk that are finding fault with you
16:24 because you are above the radar
16:27 are doing the same things, if not worse.
16:31 I feel like having church here today.
16:36 And so now we've got to come to the place
16:38 where we can reconcile grace with proper behavior.
16:43 Bring me that chair.
16:53 (congregation laughing)
16:55 Since the saints aren't standing,
16:57 I'm not gonna stand either.
16:59 (congregation laughing)
17:02 I want you to understand this,
17:04 that the unconditional love of God
17:10 is unconditional for a certain reason.
17:22 I don't need to holler.
17:23 74 years old, I'm gonna holler all my life.
17:27 The unconditional love.
17:34 Now I've come down here to see the white of your eyes
17:38 because many of you say you love unconditional.
17:42 And when you got married, you said for better or worse,
17:48 but you didn't define what worse was.
17:51 (congregation laughing)
17:54 Amen.
17:56 You didn't define worse.
18:00 So you've discovered now
18:06 that some people have gone through a whole lot more
18:10 than what you have gone through.
18:12 And you quit.
18:19 But you didn't define what worse was.
18:22 When you argue with people and some of the ministers
18:26 want to take you apart because you have had a divorce,
18:31 and they confuse the whole scriptural thing
18:37 with you not being able to remarry
18:40 because you've had a divorce.
18:46 And so you were living in adultery
18:50 and they press guilt upon you
18:55 because you've had a divorce and remarried.
18:57 Everybody who has ever been married
19:03 should understand that I need to repent
19:10 because I made a vow.
19:15 And I said for better or worse,
19:18 which means worse is if he has a gun to your head every day.
19:23 You did say for better or worse.
19:30 Worse is if he beats you every day
19:33 or you attempt to poison him every day.
19:42 You did say for better or worse.
19:46 So the question now becomes how do I receive forgiveness?
19:51 Because somebody's gonna suggest
19:56 that I gotta get away from the second wife,
19:59 go back to the first wife.
20:01 But what they fail to understand
20:04 is that the Old Testament declared
20:06 if you leave and you have one,
20:11 you can't go back to the first one.
20:13 That's Old Testament truth.
20:16 So now the question is how do I get forgiveness?
20:22 Does my first wife have to die
20:24 in order for me to be free?
20:28 I wanna talk to everybody here that's divorced and remarried.
20:36 I don't care what they say.
20:40 At the end of the day, what you have to do is repent
20:44 for the vow you took
20:47 because you did say for better or worse,
20:53 which means that you're liable for the vow you made
20:58 when you didn't define what worse was.
21:02 You should have said I do until he hits me.
21:08 (congregation laughing)
21:12 I do until she stops cooking
21:16 because now you have defined what the limit of your vow is.
21:25 But if you have not defined the limit of your vow,
21:29 you now have to repent for making the vow.
21:33 Once you repent for making the vow sincerely from your heart,
21:37 the blood of Jesus covers you,
21:40 which means then that he already died for your sin
21:45 so somebody else don't have to die to set you free.
21:50 (congregation applauding)
21:54 I feel like having church here today.
22:00 You see, folk will make you feel like
22:03 you have always got to live in guilt
22:06 in order to serve the Lord.
22:08 But the truth is that Jesus died to remove guilt
22:12 and you can't live feeling guilty
22:16 and appropriate the forgiveness of the Lord Jesus Christ
22:20 because if I believe that the Lord has forgiven me,
22:25 I have to forgive myself.
22:27 (congregation applauding)
22:34 I wanna talk to somebody here who's been burdened down
22:38 with the negatives of people
22:40 who don't understand the scriptures
22:43 and that is that you are free
22:45 through the power of the blood of Christ Jesus.
22:50 I talked to somebody the other day
22:51 and I told a young man that there is the permissive will
22:56 and the divine will of God.
22:59 He said, "Give me an example."
23:01 I said, "The example is right there in scripture."
23:04 And that is in the beginning, it was not so.
23:08 God would believe that one woman, one man.
23:12 That was in the beginning.
23:14 But because of the hardness of their hearts,
23:17 he moved from divine to permissive.
23:21 He said, "All right, Moses permitted you to have a divorce."
23:25 Here's why.
23:26 One, you would have a woman that you don't wanna be with
23:31 and you'd kill her if you couldn't divorce her.
23:35 Number two, if you didn't wanna kill her,
23:37 you'd make her life miserable.
23:40 Number three, you would put her out of your house
23:46 without a bill of divorcement
23:48 and because she is either in her father's house
23:51 or your house or she's a prostitute.
23:54 So because your hardness of your heart,
23:58 God moves from divine will to permissive will
24:03 to allow people to be set free
24:06 from people who don't wanna be with them.
24:08 (congregation applauding)
24:10 I feel like preaching here.
24:12 And I'm gonna tell you this too.
24:14 When you go to hell, it's because God loves you.
24:20 (congregation chattering)
24:25 (congregation laughing)
24:28 Who in here would wanna be with somebody
24:33 for five or six, seven years you didn't love?
24:38 (congregation applauding)
24:41 Amen.
24:47 Now, I know you might need the money.
24:48 You might hang for the money.
24:50 (congregation laughing)
24:51 But most people who hang in for the money
24:54 have an exit strategy.
24:55 Amen, you got somebody with you already gone.
24:59 Who wants to be with somebody for 10 years they don't love?
25:09 And I'm gonna get real serious now, we all grown.
25:14 When your mama told you, make sure he loves you,
25:19 you ain't got to love him, make sure he loves you.
25:24 That's bad advice.
25:25 Because if he loves you like that,
25:30 and if he's sexy like that,
25:34 he's coming for you every night,
25:37 and you don't want him to touch you.
25:40 That's bad advice.
25:46 Because you're gonna live there miserable
25:51 with somebody you don't wanna touch you
25:54 because you don't love him like that.
25:56 It's better to love him because he's coming for you.
26:05 And when you love him, you can handle whatever it is
26:13 because that's in your heart for him.
26:15 But you don't wanna be with somebody you don't love
26:21 who's coming for you every night.
26:24 And it goes both ways, man and woman.
26:29 Because you can be in a house with a woman
26:31 you don't wanna touch.
26:32 So here is the point, if you don't love God
26:48 and don't enjoy praising and worshiping God,
26:53 don't enjoy walking with God,
26:55 he blessed you when he put you in hell.
26:59 Because you'd have hell in heaven
27:02 if you don't wanna be with God.
27:05 I wish somebody would get one of them.
27:08 You see, the wonderful thing is when you love God,
27:13 you love God no matter what the situation is.
27:17 So if I don't wanna be with somebody I don't love
27:21 for five years or six years or seven years or eight years,
27:25 then why would I wanna be with somebody
27:27 I don't love for eternity?
27:30 He did me a favor when he separated me from him
27:40 because I don't love him anyway.
27:44 Give somebody a high five, say I love God.
27:47 And when this life is over,
27:50 I'm gonna be with him forever and ever.
27:54 And when that's over, ever and ever.
27:58 And when that's over, ever and ever and ever.
28:02 And when that's over, ever and ever.
28:17 The critical thing then is
28:19 why he can love us unconditionally.
28:25 And I know you wanna brag,
28:30 but you don't love anybody unconditionally.
28:34 Amen.
28:44 He can love unconditionally
28:46 because he has the power to change people.
28:52 One of the problems we have,
28:59 and I think it's best that you mark this,
29:03 is that whenever you get in a relationship with somebody
29:08 to the point of marriage,
29:11 you have to marry somebody
29:13 who is as close to what you want as you can find.
29:18 Now, you've got a problem if you don't know what you want.
29:21 Because in order to know what you want,
29:24 you have to know yourself.
29:26 And if you don't know yourself,
29:29 then you can't figure out what it is you want.
29:35 Can I go deeper before I go higher?
29:41 The heart is desperately wicked.
29:44 Above all,
29:47 who can know it?
29:51 And that is a rhetorical question
29:56 because what he is indicating is
29:59 that you don't know what you want
30:04 because your heart is deceitful, I left that off,
30:09 and desperately wicked.
30:12 So the deceitfulness of your heart means
30:16 that whatever your heart is telling you
30:19 is not accurate because your heart is deceitful.
30:23 And most of us choose out of subjectivity, not objectivity.
30:29 Most men choose out of package,
30:38 the packaging.
30:39 But you can have a great package
30:44 and don't have much of a gift.
30:47 I'm like Bishop Ulmer, I gotta talk to him.
30:58 And because of the deceitfulness of our hearts,
31:05 we have a proclivity, oh, maybe a stronger word,
31:09 we have a predilection to choose based on outward appearance
31:14 and not choose based on the heart
31:19 because my heart is corrupted.
31:22 I can't choose properly
31:27 when I'm choosing out of broken mechanism.
31:32 I'm broken.
31:36 So how can I choose properly when the mechanics
31:39 by which I'm choosing is already flawed?
31:43 Now he points out then, who can know it?
31:53 So when God said to Adam, I'll make you a helpmate,
32:02 it means from the Hebrew, somebody on your level.
32:06 Because he said, it's not good for man to be alone.
32:10 Well, Lord, how can I be alone if you're there?
32:13 Because God does not relate to you physically,
32:20 socially, intellectually.
32:22 He relates to you spiritually.
32:26 It don't matter how smart you are,
32:30 that doesn't give you an inroad with God.
32:32 I don't care whether you went to theological school
32:36 in Harvard or Yale, you could be intoxicated
32:39 with the exuberance of your verbosity,
32:41 that does not make you closer to God.
32:43 (audience laughing)
32:46 Are you with me?
32:48 All right, since you're holding out on me,
32:51 there were two boys in separate mothers' wombs.
32:57 One was in Mary's womb and the other was in Elizabeth's womb.
33:01 The two mothers came together, they were separated
33:04 by two thin layers of cutaneous tissue.
33:06 And the child John leapt in his mother's womb
33:12 when he came close to Mary with Jesus in his mother's womb.
33:19 Jesus was not reading the Jerusalem Tribune
33:22 while he was in his mother's womb.
33:24 He was unconscious in his mother's womb.
33:28 And John was unconscious.
33:32 There was no Aristotelian logic,
33:35 there was no critical thinking,
33:38 there was no intellectual cognitive energy going off
33:41 while he was in his mother's womb.
33:44 They were unconscious.
33:48 Yet the unconscious John had a revelation
33:52 of who Jesus is while he was in his mother's womb
33:57 and received the Holy Spirit without saying Jesus,
34:04 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
34:08 He was filled with the Holy Ghost while he was unconscious
34:12 because he got a revelation of who Jesus is.
34:15 Yet years later, the conscious John sent word to Jesus.
34:20 Sent word to Jesus and asked, "Are you the one?"
34:25 (congregation cheering)
34:29 Or should we look for another?
34:33 The unconscious John knew who Jesus is
34:38 when the conscious John had trouble trying to figure him out.
34:43 Give somebody a high five and say,
34:46 "Don't ever let your mind
34:50 talk you out of your revelation."
34:53 (congregation cheering)
34:57 It is not intellectual.
35:02 It is not physical.
35:06 It is not social.
35:12 So God said, "I gotta get you a help meet,"
35:18 which means somebody on your level.
35:21 Which means if you're with somebody right now
35:31 and they're not on your level, you still alone.
35:37 (congregation cheering)
35:40 (congregation applauding)
35:44 He can love unconditionally
35:52 because he can change who he loves.
35:57 You have to get somebody as close to what you want
36:02 because you're trying to change somebody
36:10 and that somebody is gonna make you miserable
36:14 because you're gonna drive them crazy.
36:18 And people will wanna change you
36:22 into something that you don't like yourself.
36:28 (congregation cheering)
36:32 (congregation chattering)
36:35 You knew what I was when you met me.
36:45 (congregation laughing)
36:47 You were attracted to what I was when you met me.
36:50 Now you wanna twist me.
36:53 (congregation cheering)
36:56 (congregation chattering)
36:59 To where I don't even like myself.
37:04 Then because your heart is so deceitful
37:08 and your heart is deceiving you into thinking
37:11 that you need to make me what your deceiving heart
37:14 wants me to be, and then when you finally make me
37:17 what your deceiving heart wants to be,
37:19 your heart gets smart.
37:20 Then you don't like me no more.
37:23 (congregation cheering)
37:26 It's a critical piece here
37:32 because there is an expression that goes with being changed.
37:39 So now what the Christian world has to do,
37:45 the visible church, is to reconcile grace
37:52 with proper behavior and still have forgiveness
37:57 because we have raised people to a level
38:02 and we have made gods out of individuals.
38:07 And then when they don't live up to the standard
38:14 we expect that we don't live up to,
38:18 (congregation chattering)
38:21 we waste them.
38:24 Are y'all still with me?
38:29 - Yes, sir.
38:30 - What Peter says is there's certain things
38:34 that you have to add.
38:36 And if you say you're a child of God,
38:39 then you are constantly building yourself.
38:45 What we have done is, and I'm about to close,
38:49 what we have done is we have made a relationship
38:53 with God material.
38:54 And because we have become so material
39:02 in our church experience, we now have to fight with envy.
39:14 And somehow we have expostulated faith
39:18 at the expense of love, where faith worketh by love.
39:24 But we've expostulated faith at the expense of love.
39:28 So why do I have to be kind to you?
39:31 If you had my faith, you could have what I have.
39:37 So I don't need to help you out because of your poor faith.
39:42 (congregation chattering)
39:46 And we've made it look like,
39:48 and we have preached Americanism for gospel.
39:52 I fell out with Jan and Paul, you know, at TBN.
40:00 It wasn't CNN, it was TBN.
40:01 Because I told them, if you can't preach it in Somalia,
40:09 if you can't preach it in Darfur, Mozambique,
40:14 if you can't preach it there, it's not the gospel.
40:17 You can get rich overnight in America,
40:23 but you ain't gonna get rich overnight
40:25 in some of them countries.
40:27 And if you can't preach it, it ain't the gospel.
40:30 The gospel is not concerned about what you drive,
40:36 where you live, or the clothes you wear.
40:40 The gospel is concerned about your soul.
40:43 (congregation applauding)
40:46 And so because we've made it material,
40:53 we're now full of envy.
40:57 And we look at what people have to decide
41:03 whether they're close to God.
41:05 And then we've allowed the negative psychological effect,
41:10 because if somebody is not up to speed
41:14 in terms of where they live, what they drive,
41:16 what they wear, they feel as if they're not close to God.
41:20 (congregation applauding)
41:24 'Cause if you had my faith, you could have a private jet,
41:30 you could drive in a car that I drive in,
41:33 and that's $250,000 if you had my faith.
41:36 So why should I be kind to you?
41:39 Because you got a lack of faith.
41:41 And so we've distorted the gospel.
41:48 And let me say this.
41:52 Well, I'm in charge, I can go as long as I want.
41:55 (congregation laughing)
41:59 So the intent determines the content.
42:04 Whatever your intent is, you can find in a book
42:14 as diverse as the Bible,
42:17 you can find the content to support your intent.
42:20 So if your intent is corrupted,
42:25 you will corrupt the scriptures.
42:27 (congregation cheering)
42:29 In order to match your intent.
42:32 So you'll come up with some content
42:35 that matches your intent.
42:38 So instead of preaching to win souls,
42:42 you're preaching to get an offering.
42:43 (congregation cheering)
42:47 But it's not exploitation.
42:57 It's manipulation.
42:58 There's a difference.
43:01 Exploitation is what the cowboys did to the Indians.
43:06 Do you have an Indian in the Senate?
43:08 Do you have an Indian in Congress?
43:10 Where's the last Indian in football, Indian in basketball?
43:15 Come up, there's a few, but miniscule, little bit.
43:23 Because we have exploited the Indians.
43:27 The French is still exploiting the Africans.
43:31 Amen.
43:35 You migrate to their country and you take everything out.
43:38 And yet you turn the boats back
43:40 when they're crossing the Mediterranean
43:42 coming to your country.
43:43 We take the Cubans, but we get rid of the Haitians.
43:48 - That's right, that's right.
43:50 (congregation chattering)
43:53 - May I?
43:53 It's manipulation, not exploitation.
44:01 Because when Paul said they will heap to their teachers
44:07 because they have itching ears.
44:19 It's not the teacher's ears that's itching.
44:22 It's the people ears that are itching.
44:31 So based upon the fact that their ears are itching,
44:34 they choose teachers who scratch it.
44:39 Now what I have discovered is that when that word was given,
44:49 it was a prophetic word that spoke of social media,
44:53 but the writer didn't know it
44:56 and I didn't know it until just recently.
44:59 I got a revelatory experience.
45:01 Because now you can choose who you wanna hear.
45:14 On any given Sunday, you can go through
45:18 20 or 30 ministries and stop where you want.
45:24 So it becomes manipulation
45:29 because you're listening to somebody
45:33 that you want something out of the deal.
45:35 I'm getting ready to close.
45:44 For the third time.
45:45 I went to a little Christmas dinner
45:51 and I drove one of my exotic cars
45:55 and the other preacher drove his car.
45:58 Well, I was in the car business for years,
46:01 so whatever I have, when the dollar was bullish
46:06 against the mark, I bought it.
46:08 I was in the car business, Grace Jones Enterprises,
46:11 check it out.
46:13 And one of the preachers said,
46:16 well, do you drive that car to church?
46:19 I said, no, I don't drive to church.
46:21 This car is not safe.
46:24 I ain't rolling up in no 550 Maranello at the church.
46:37 And I didn't know that the preacher's wife
46:40 had all of my tapes.
46:42 So she said to me, well,
46:45 but Bishop, you're living beneath your privilege
46:48 if you can't drive it anywhere you want.
46:51 I said, well, and then her husband said,
46:55 well, you should drive it to church
46:57 so that young people can see
46:59 that you can have these things legitimately.
47:02 I said, I don't have to do that.
47:04 I said, there's so many of my members
47:07 who pull up in Ferraris, pull up in Mercedes Benz,
47:10 pull up at the time, Will Jada, they were coming.
47:15 So they pull up in everything.
47:16 They got ballplayers pulling up.
47:18 I said, I ain't got to do that.
47:19 I said, there was a man who drove a VW to church.
47:25 Yeah, there's a VW.
47:27 And the man said, you can afford to buy anything
47:29 while you have that.
47:30 So the other preacher, I won't call his name,
47:33 my good friend, he was stoking the flame.
47:37 (audience laughing)
47:40 He was stoking the fire
47:42 'cause he was liking the discussion.
47:44 And then he finally said, he said,
47:50 your message and Nobel's message,
47:54 the content is different.
47:57 Your message is health, wealth, and prosperity.
48:04 You have to pull up.
48:06 In a Rolls Royce or a Bentley,
48:13 you got to show what you talk about.
48:17 So Noel ain't doing that.
48:20 He's preaching to the souls of people
48:22 who are struggling to make it into glory
48:24 so he don't have to drive nothing.
48:26 He can walk into the house coming out of an Uber
48:34 because the truth is you cannot preach Americanism
48:38 for the gospel.
48:40 The gospel is based on the death, burial,
48:44 and resurrection of Jesus Christ
48:46 and human beings have to repent.
48:49 And that's why when you like God for what he's done for you,
48:54 you don't live any kind of life.
48:57 You straighten out your walk
49:00 and you add to him yourself everything God says
49:05 because I want to tell the Lord,
49:06 thank you for saving my soul.
49:10 And when this life is over,
49:13 I want to be saved.
49:17 I can't bring no U-Haul behind my coffin
49:22 because I've never seen a U-Haul behind a hearse.
49:27 I'm not leaving here with anything.
49:30 That's why I give God glory
49:32 for everything he's done for me while I'm here.
49:36 I'm getting ready to close,
49:38 but I feel like giving God the glory.
49:42 Give somebody a high five and say I walk right
49:46 because God has done me right.
49:49 I live right because he brought me out of darkness
49:54 into this marvelous life.
49:56 The only reason I'm still sane
49:59 is because God laid his hand on my mind
50:03 when the devil was trying to drive me crazy.
50:06 The only reason I can lift up the name
50:09 of the Lord Jesus Christ
50:12 is because I would have been lost, dead in my grave,
50:17 but I just rose to tell you,
50:19 can't nobody do you like Jesus?
50:24 Can't nobody do you like the Lord?
50:28 Praise him for your walk.
50:30 Praise him for your talk.
50:33 Praise him for bringing you out.
50:35 Praise, praise the name of the Lord.
50:40 Thank him for your mate.
50:43 Thank him for your wife.
50:45 Thank him for your husband
50:47 because if God didn't do it,
50:52 you wouldn't be here.
50:54 (upbeat music)
50:56 Somebody ought to praise him.
51:02 Somebody ought to lift him up.
51:05 Give somebody a high five for the last time
51:08 and say I know you're saved.
51:11 I know you're saved.
51:13 I know you're saved
51:15 because God is moving in your life.
51:19 (upbeat music)
51:22 God's calling somebody.
51:27 God's reaching for you right now
51:34 and if you're in this building,
51:37 we're gonna close in a minute.
51:40 The Holy Spirit is drawing people this way,
51:44 so please don't go that way.
51:49 Because if you're going that way,
51:51 you're going against the drawing of the Holy Spirit.
51:56 Come on man, come on lady.
51:59 Time to be saved.
52:02 And if you're online watching me around the world,
52:05 1-800-267-7729.
52:13 Come on, come on.
52:15 Come on.
52:18 (upbeat music)
52:20 For everybody that's been living in guilt,
52:23 for whatever reason, the blood of Jesus,
52:26 just come.
52:29 One of my elders will lay hands on you.
52:32 Just now, 1-800-267-7729.
52:39 Come on, give God praise.
52:44 Somebody's coming.
52:46 ♪ Jesus, just now ♪
52:51 ♪ Just now ♪
52:55 ♪ Come to Jesus ♪
52:59 ♪ Come to Jesus ♪
53:03 ♪ Just now ♪
53:05 Somebody said he will save you.
53:09 Come on, come on.
53:10 ♪ He will save you ♪
53:14 ♪ He will save you ♪
53:16 844, sorry.
53:17 ♪ Just now ♪
53:20 844-267-7729.
53:25 ♪ He will save you ♪
53:26 844-267-7729.
53:31 Somebody's reaching in their spirit for you right now.
53:35 ♪ Only trust him still ♪
53:39 ♪ Only trust him ♪
53:42 ♪ Only trust him ♪
53:46 ♪ Just now ♪
53:49 ♪ Just now ♪
53:50 ♪ Just now ♪
53:52 ♪ Oh, only trust him ♪
53:57 ♪ Only trust him ♪
54:00 ♪ Just now ♪
54:02 One more time, Patrick.
54:04 ♪ Come to Jesus ♪
54:07 Everybody's standing.
54:08 ♪ Come to Jesus ♪
54:09 Everybody's standing.
54:11 ♪ Come to Jesus ♪
54:15 ♪ Just now ♪
54:18 ♪ Just now ♪
54:22 ♪ Come to Jesus ♪
54:24 (upbeat music)
54:27 (upbeat music)
54:29 (upbeat music)
54:33 (upbeat music)
54:36 (upbeat music)
54:38 (upbeat music)
54:41 (upbeat music)