00:00Family, I just finished the message that you're about to watch and it's a message
00:04called I'm going somewhere. Have you ever heard the term destiny? Well, do you know
00:10what destiny means? Because some people confuse and inflate destiny with purpose
00:14and purpose and destiny are similar but they are not the same. I explain that in
00:18this message and the role your decisions play in accomplishing your destiny. So I
00:24want you to lean in, lock in, take notes and I always have one request of you. If
00:29it blesses you, would you help me reach as many people as possible by sharing
00:33this message with somebody else? All right, enjoy the message. I'll see you
00:36soon. A series of sermons here on the book of Proverbs. It's called I'm too smart
00:41for this. It is shifting from earthly wisdom to godly wisdom. Our mission as a
00:46church is to help as many people as possible live lovingly like Jesus and
00:49Jesus was a person who grew according to Luke 2, Luke 2 52, grew in wisdom and so
00:57we want to grow in wisdom as well. So let's look at Proverbs chapter 4 verse
01:0126 and here's what Solomon says. He says give careful thought to the paths for
01:07your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. I want to stop the reading of
01:13scripture and talk from this subject in our time together family. I hope this is
01:17your testimony. I'm going somewhere. I'm going somewhere.
01:24All right family, well I want to start this sermon by communicating this quote
01:29that I recently came across. I read it and it stuck out to me and my prayer is
01:34it will add value to you. The quote is as follows. We make our choices but then our
01:43choices make us. We're born looking like our parents but we die looking like our
01:51decisions and all throughout scripture we see evidence that seems to suggest
01:57that decisions are not only important, listen to pastor, but decisions are
02:04destiny determinants. In other words, the decisions that we make are the steps
02:12that we take that either get us closer to or further away from our God-ordained
02:21destiny. So decisions aren't just about decisions. Decisions are about destiny.
02:29They are my opportunity to choose what God has chosen for me. Somebody say
02:37destiny. Destiny is a word that is often used but rarely explained. Many seem to
02:46confuse and conflate purpose and destiny and even though purpose and
02:53destiny are similar, they are not the same. Purpose is the reason for the
02:59creation or the existence of a thing. Purpose is my what and my why. Whereas
03:06destiny is my where. In other words, purpose is why I've been created and
03:15what I've been created to do but destiny is where I end up if I do it. And a
03:24biblical example of this is an individual in the Old Testament named
03:29Joseph who God gifted with the ability to see certain things before they would
03:37happen, prophetic gifting, and then gifted him with the know-how in terms of the
03:45intuition in regards to what he should do with what he saw. Because it's one
03:53thing to see a thing. It's another thing to know what to do with what you see.
03:57Come on. It's one thing to have discernment and you can see something
04:03regarding a relationship or an individual but I need more than
04:06discernment. I need wisdom because wisdom helps me know what to do with what I saw
04:13because I can see the right thing and respond to what I see the wrong way. So
04:20Joseph had this gift to see some things that other people couldn't see but he
04:25had the wisdom to know what to do with what he saw and God wanted him to use
04:31those gifts to save his people and ultimately save what we know as the seed
04:39of Abraham, the family of God. That was Joseph's what and why. He was born to see
04:46some things that other people couldn't see and to do some things with what he
04:51saw that other people couldn't do. To help some people that other people
04:57couldn't help. That was his purpose but his purpose led him to a place called
05:04Egypt and Egypt was where he was second in command to a governmental leader
05:11named Pharaoh. So seeing things and knowing what to do with what he saw was
05:16purpose but him ending up in Egypt sitting in a seat of authority as the
05:23second in command under the authority of Pharaoh was his destiny. His purpose led
05:31him to his destiny and I'm wondering why there isn't more enthusiasm and
05:37excitement. Maybe it's because we're assuming that Joseph is the only one
05:43that's got an Egypt but just in case you need reminding or encouraging you got an
05:50Egypt too. There's a place that God has ordained for you. Now I don't know where
05:59your Egypt is. I don't know what your Egypt is like. I don't know when you're
06:04gonna get to your Egypt but I do know you're gonna get there right on time.
06:09When is it gonna happen? On time. When is the door going to open? On time. So
06:19therefore family if I'm serious about my destiny I've got to be serious about my
06:27decisions because my decisions actually impact my destiny. If I'm serious about
06:36my destiny I've got to be serious about my decisions because my decisions impact
06:43my destiny. If I'm serious about my destiny I need to be serious about my
06:50decisions because my decisions are what actually impact my destiny. If I don't
06:56play about my destiny then I shouldn't play about my decisions because my
07:05decisions impact my destiny. If I don't want you in control of my destiny then I
07:20can't let you have control over my decisions because my decisions impact my
07:32destiny. And what's interesting is that there are decisions that impact destiny
07:44that don't look like or feel like they decisions that impact destiny. So I got
07:53to treat all my decisions like they impact destiny because I don't know
08:00which one of my decisions is gonna impact my destiny. Yeah let's use the
08:06same biblical character Joseph. When did Joseph choose to end up being second in
08:12command in Egypt? He didn't. He chose to run away from Potiphar's wife. And when
08:26he chose to run away from Potiphar's wife he was choosing Egypt. When he was
08:35unjustly accused, falsely imprisoned, and imprisoned in prison with a butler and
08:42a baker. He's handled unjustly. He's been done wrong. He's been betrayed. He should
08:49be bitter because life is lifing. He's been presumed guilty when he's actually
08:56innocent. He should have his arms folded. He should be mad at God and he should be
09:01through with people. Not through with people, through with people. Because people, Potiphar's wife, is the reason he's in this
09:09condition. Come on here. Don't allow the details of the text to cause you to miss
09:16the message of the text. Don't just look at Potiphar and Joseph man and woman. Look
09:21at Potiphar's wife representing somebody who wants something and Joseph
09:27representing somebody who refuses to give them what they want. Are you hearing
09:33what I'm saying? So you may not have a literal Potiphar's wife experience but
09:38metaphorically you got some Potiphar's wife experiences because some people
09:42will feel like or treat you like you did them wrong when you won't give them what
09:48they want. I didn't do you wrong for not giving you what doesn't belong to you.
09:53Let me go over here. And he could have been in that prison and he could have
10:01been upset. He could have been bitter but there were two people in the prison with
10:05him. There was a butler and there was a baker and they started dreaming dreams.
10:10Come on here. And so Joseph could have sat there and just let them dream dreams
10:16but Joseph used his gift even when he was in prison. He used his gift even when
10:28he was in a season where he had been handled unjustly. He used his gift on
10:34people that could do nothing for him.
10:40So when he chose to use his gift in a season when he chose to help others in a
10:49season when he needed help himself he was choosing Egypt. Pastor how can you
10:58say that because I read the end of the matter. And one of those men got out of
11:05prison. And one of those men started working for Pharaoh. And one of those
11:11men got a word that Pharaoh was dreaming dreams and needed somebody to interpret
11:16his dream. And that same man that was in prison with Joseph is the same man that
11:22told Pharaoh I know somebody that can interpret your dream. Don't miss this.
11:30Because Joseph helped him when he was in prison. He helped Joseph when he got
11:37in the palace. And this is where some people make missteps. They
11:45fail to realize and recognize that God will connect you with some people in the
11:53prison. Not for where they are but for where they're going. And that's some
12:03people's greatest mistake. They left you too soon. They walked out too soon. Their
12:10opportunism got exposed. They left you in the prison but they're gonna need you in
12:16the palace. So when he chose to help people in a season that he needed help
12:31he was choosing Egypt. So it's an accumulation of our decisions that lead
12:40us to destiny. And if I knew how important, how consequential, how
12:49interconnected, seemingly disconnected decisions are I probably take seriously
12:56what a wise man named Solomon said here in Proverbs chapter 4. Listen to what he
13:02says in verse 20. He says we're gonna read our foundational text of verse 26
13:07but verse 20 gives us some context. Listen to what he says here. He says my
13:12son pay attention to what I say. Listen to this. Turn your ear to my words.
13:24Listen to what he's saying. He's saying pay attention. Turn your ear. Which
13:35meaning, which means your ear is turned in one direction. But if you're gonna
13:44turn your life you need to know when to turn your ear. Because whatever has your
13:53ear has your future. So when you look at where your life is look at where your
14:00ear is. And if I don't like where my life is I got to change where my ear is.
14:08Because the information I'm being exposed to and the voices that I am
14:13submitting to is contributing to who I'm becoming and where I am. He says son turn
14:19your ear. If you turn your ear I'll turn your life. If you turn your ear I'll turn
14:25your joy. If you turn your ear I'll turn your peace. If you turn your ear around
14:29I'll turn your whole relationship around. Turn your ear. Listen to what he says
14:36here. He says turn your ear. This is this is an encouragement to arrest apathy.
14:50Pay attention. Turn your ear. Don't be reckless with your ear. Don't have
14:58apathy with your ear. Don't just expose yourself to any and everything. Y'all
15:05aren't talking to me. I said y'all aren't talking to me. I was doing a mastermind
15:09yesterday I talked to some of them about the importance of negativity fast.
15:14Y'all aren't talking to me. He said your emotions are too fragile in this season
15:20for you to keep exposing yourself to too much negativity. You got to be able to
15:25discern the fragility of the season that you're in and be honest enough to admit
15:32I am NOT in a season where I can be exposed to negativity externally and did
15:37not affect me internally. I'm fighting too much. I'm going through too much. My
15:42faith is too fragile right now. I got people depending on me and I got to be
15:47strong for everybody else. I need to turn my ear.
15:57Somebody say apathy. See apathy is not evil. Apathy is a state of indifference
16:09and some of our issues will be a result of our apathy. In other words some things
16:21will go wrong not because I'm doing wrong things but some things will go
16:28wrong because I'm not doing enough right things. Apathy. It's indifference
16:37but apathy is not the sickness. Apathy is the symptom. Whenever there is apathy
16:50that's the symptom of something else and sometimes apathy is the symptom of
16:57disappointment. Did you hear what I just said? So apathy now becomes a defense
17:06mechanism to keep me from being disappointed about something that I
17:12worked on in the past, invested in in the past and tried to have success in in the
17:19past and it did not work out in the past and the enemy wants to use the pain of
17:24the past to cause me to do the right thing, protect myself the wrong way with
17:28apathy. So because you care so much now you don't care enough. Did you hear what
17:43I just said? He says pay attention. Turn your ear. You can't have apathy and if
17:54you look at the flow of this conversation we don't have time to deal
17:58with this but you'll see that he says in verse 3, 23 he gives them something not
18:03to have apathy about. He says above all else guard your heart for everything in
18:07life flows from it. Don't you have apathy there? Don't you be reckless when it
18:13comes to the distribution of your heart because the quality of your life is
18:18determined by the condition of your heart. He says you're gonna be that
18:21reckless with your heart. He says guard it. Don't put a wall, put a fence. Walls
18:27come on here. Fences let the wrong thing out and the right thing in. You can open
18:32the fence. Come on here. Right? So he goes in a flow of logic here and he
18:37gets to verse 26 and he mentions something we can't have apathy about. He
18:43says now give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in
18:50all your ways. He says okay give careful thought to the
18:57paths for your feet. He said I need you to think about how you think it.
19:04Don't just think. Think about how you're thinking. Give careful, give
19:17careful thought. He says I want you to think about how you've been thinking.
19:24Watch this. Give careful thought and he says to the paths for your feet.
19:33I taught you this two weeks ago. Your feet in the Bible represent your
19:37decisions. Steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. He says I need you
19:42to be thinking about how you're thinking about your decisions. I need you, I need
19:49you to consider the path. Gosh I don't have time but Jesus uses imagery of the
19:54path in the New Testament. Wide and one narrow. One leads to destruction. The
20:04other leads to life. Many are gonna go the wide way. A few are gonna go the
20:09narrow way. So he says if you're gonna win you got to be okay being the
20:14minority. Come on here. That if you want to live like no one else you got to be
20:21willing to live like no one else. So he says I need you give careful thought to
20:28the paths. Like is this earthly wisdom or is this godly wisdom? Not just is it
20:37right or wrong. Did you hear what I just said? I need to ask is it right or wrong
20:44but I can't stop at is it right or wrong because some stuff that's not wrong
20:48still isn't wise. Come on here. So he says I need you give careful thought. Don't
21:02have apathy when it comes to the way you're thinking about some of the
21:06decisions that you're making in this area and here in Proverbs there
21:10are three of them I just want to lift up to you today. Do I have your permission
21:14to give you these three? Okay. Here it is. Here it is. Give careful thought.
21:18Come on. Give careful thought to your paths, to how you're handling, to the
21:25decisions that you're making regarding your wrath. My Lord. Yeah. Somebody say
21:35wrath. Wrath is intense anger or fury in response to perceived wrongdoing or
21:42injustice. Now here's the issue about wrath. We shouldn't confuse wrath with
21:46rage because when some people don't have a rage they think they don't have wrath
21:53but what you need to know about wrath is it is the accumulation of unaddressed
21:57anger. Come on. It is the accumulation of unaddressed anger. Okay. So this is the
22:04accumulation of unaddressed anger. What happens is some people's wrath express
22:09itself in shouting but shouting isn't the only expression of wrath. Wrath can
22:13be expressed with silence. Where is my? I like this. Okay. Right here. I feel. Yes sir.
22:22Here it is. One, two, third row. Right here. I'm preaching to you. Here it is. Listen.
22:26Some of us don't shout but you are a gangster with that silence. I like, I'm
22:37preaching to the real silence. I said, you, that's silent treatment. You can act like they
22:49don't even exist. Y'all are in the same room and you can act like they don't
22:56even exist.
23:08Just because I don't have rage doesn't mean I don't have wrath. So I need wisdom
23:20for my wrath because here's what Proverbs says, whoever is slow to anger
23:24has great understanding but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly. So slow to
23:32anger has great understanding but who's who has a hasty temper you increase
23:39folly. You increase the likelihood of being wrong. That anger is an
23:47intoxicating emotion and when one is intoxicated it removes sometimes
23:53restrictions and inhibitions that you need in place to protect you. Come on. So
24:01people say things they would normally say when they're intoxicated and do
24:05things that they would normally do when they're intoxicated because some
24:09inhibition is for your protection and anger exalts folly. Are you here? So slow
24:22to anger refers to the ability to exercise restraint so that you don't
24:27respond to hurt in a way that hurts you.
24:35I'm getting ready to come preach. I'm getting ready to take your seat
24:39and sit right on this third row right here and preach. Did y'all hear what I
24:43just said? Slow to anger is the ability to exercise restraint so I don't respond
24:50to hurt in a way that hurts me. Everybody listen to pastor. Don't hurt
24:56yourself trying to hurt those that hurt you.
25:09Spiritual strength is revealed in restraint. Spiritual strength is revealed
25:16in restraint. You strong spiritually when you got restraint. Come here. You are
25:24strong spiritually when you got restraint. This is what the Bible would
25:29call meekness and people who don't understand spiritual truths will
25:34mislabel you and mislabel that as weakness. Weakness is the absence of the
25:40ability to do a thing. It is I can't do it. Meekness is ability that is governed
25:47by wisdom. It is I could. Oh I could. You have no idea how I could. Oh you have no
25:58idea how I could but I'm strong enough not to have to prove my strength to you.
26:07That strength when you're strong enough to not have to prove your strength to
26:21them. I know I can and that's all I need to know. I don't have to prove to you
26:25that I can. I know I can. I don't want to respond to hurt in a way to hurt me.
26:40So I need to be slow to anger. Watch this. But the text says whoever
26:46slow to anger has great understanding. So being slow to anger is an expression of
26:51great understanding and it also gives me great understanding because remember
26:55wrath is a response to a perceived injustice. It doesn't mean there's always
27:00an actual injustice. So being slow to anger gives you time to understand if
27:05you actually should be angry about what you angry about. Talk. I feel Pentecostal
27:11today. Talk. Holy Ghost. Come on. Come on. A perceived injustice isn't an actual
27:21injustice. Just because your feelings are real doesn't mean the facts are right.
27:30You can be walking around not liking somebody who you think don't like you
27:36and that person isn't even thinking about you. I'm not even thinking about
27:43you. Are you here? And so what can end up happening is anger can have you walking
27:55away from relationships you can't replace. See it's amazing how we
28:03recognize the rarity of everything but people. So you can look at a watch and
28:10say that's a one-on-one. When every one of us has a...there's one thing of this,
28:18our fingerprint is unique. So we can recognize the rarity of houses, cars,
28:24but not recognize the rarity of people. And in John 6, this is what happened.
28:31Jesus makes a statement to a group of people. He says,
28:33unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no parts of me.
28:36The Bible says from this time, many of his disciples turned back and
28:39no longer follow him. Do you see that? I said, do you see that?
28:46Okay. Now, I'm going to deal with that, but let me just deal with verse 67.
28:50Can I deal with verse 67? I said, can I deal with verse 67?
28:53Okay. You do not want to leave two, do you? Jesus asked the 12.
29:00Give me verse 68, guys. Give me verse 68. It's not in the notes.
29:03Give me verse 68. Let me tell you what it says.
29:13There's a disciple named Peter who speaks up. And Peter says,
29:19where can we go? You have the words of eternal life.
29:26I'm praying for verse 68 relationships. I don't understand,
29:36but I got enough history with you to give you the benefit of the doubt.
29:41Peter didn't know what he meant either, but Peter knew. I seen you raise the dead.
29:46I seen you open blind eyes. I seen you fill my net with fish.
29:50And I got enough history with you to give you the benefit of the doubt when I don't
29:56understand. Jesus could have been like, so y'all going to question me after one
30:05sentence in one chapter? Because people will write a book on your failure,
30:17write a sentence on your success. Because Jesus said, unless you eat my flesh,
30:27drink my blood, you have no part of me. So many left because they're like,
30:30that's why I don't fool with preachers right now. That's why I don't like them.
30:33That's why I don't fool with them. He's starting to call.
30:36He wants somebody to chew on his calf muscle and drink his blood.
30:40And that's not even what Jesus was talking about. He's talking about unity,
30:44a common union. We call it communion, the body and the blood of Jesus, right?
30:49So he's using metaphorical language. So they abandoned a relationship because
30:54they're in offense about what they misunderstood. When all they had to do was
31:01get clarity, and they could have kept a relationship they couldn't replace.
31:07Try to find another Jesus. I'm done. Number two, give careful thought,
31:21not just to how I'm handling my wrath. Say, Lord, give me wisdom for my wrath.
31:30Number two, we need it for our relationships. Proverbs 13.20 says,
31:35walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.
31:40Okay. Everybody listen to Pastor here. What Solomon is getting here is the
31:48importance of evaluating the quality of our relational circle and making sure
31:55you're intentional about pursuing relationships with people that actually
31:59add value. Here's what the Bible says about this. Proverbs 18.24,
32:04a man of many companions may come to ruin. So it means you can have many companions
32:10and still come to ruin because it's not the amount. It's not the quantity,
32:17it's the quality. Now, listen to this. But there is a friend who's closer,
32:24that there are some friends that are actually in action more like family
32:29than family. And here's where some people get stuck. They become too particular and
32:43they become too, and excuse my terminology here, they become too reductionistic
32:49and entitled. So if they can get what they need from who they think they should get
32:59it from, they reject it from those that God is sending to give it to them.
33:08And some of us are waiting on family to give you what's not in them to give.
33:19And you think you got to do without it because you can't get it from them.
33:24And God said, I can send you a friend that acts more like your brother than your brother.
33:34And if you wouldn't be so entitled, and if you wouldn't be so reductionistic
33:40in how you think I get stuff to you. Do you want the box or the present?
33:58Should you be able to get it from them? Yes. But do you always get it from them?
34:05No. So are you going to live the rest of your life without it?
34:11Are you going to let God send you a sister that's like one?
34:26God will get it to you. I know you wanted it from them, but he'll get it to you.
34:36I know they should have gave it to you, but he'll give it to you.
34:42I know you went a long time without it, but he's a God of restoration.
34:50He'll make it up to you. The Bible says I got Bible for everything.
34:59The Bible says doesn't this biblical character named Joseph,
35:02who didn't get what he should have got from his dad.
35:06He didn't get what he should have got from his brothers.
35:12But he got married and he gave birth to two boys Ephraim and Manasseh.
35:20And when he named Manasseh, he said I'm calling you Manasseh
35:24because you have made me forget all the pain of my father's house.
35:33He said you bring me so much joy that the joy I have in this season
35:40overrides and overwhelms the pain that I had in a previous season.
35:49So I remember that it hurt, but I don't remember what it felt like.
35:56Because this joy that I have. Let me speak this prophetically over somebody.
36:07I'm not naive. It's not for everybody.
36:09I don't know who it's for, but let me speak this. Manasseh is on the way.
36:20Here's what I hear. Some of you he's not sending.
36:25He's showing. They already there.
36:37Somebody say Lord, give me wisdom for my relationships.
36:45Number three, we're out of here. Our work.
36:54I'm giving you verse four. I don't have time to unpack this,
36:58but all my notes will be in the Change Church app and on
37:02Lazy hands make for poverty. But diligent hands bring wealth.
37:12Somebody say Lord, give me wisdom with my work.
37:21Pastor, what do you mean there? Work is the exchange of your skills and talents for value.
37:26It is the way God cares for his creation.
37:29So if other people don't work, we don't have what we need.
37:32It's called the doctrine of vocation. Work existed before sin.
37:37Adam had to tend to the garden. After sin,
37:40work became harder than it should have been.
37:43So now you got to work with the sweat of your brow.
37:49So the doctrine of vocation affirms that all work is sacred
37:52and believers are called to serve God
37:54and their neighbors through their daily tasks regardless of their professions.
37:58The theologian, not Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King Jr.
38:01was named after a theologian named Martin Luther.
38:03His dad named him after a theologian named Martin Luther who was who talked about,
38:08who was asked the question, how does God fulfill the part of the prayer
38:11where Jesus says give us this day our daily bread
38:13and God fulfills that prayer through work.
38:16He fulfills it through the person that buys the field.
38:18He fulfills it through the person that applies the rose.
38:22He fulfills it through the person that plants the seed.
38:25He fulfills it through the person that harvests the food.
38:27He fulfills it through the stores that stock the food.
38:30He fulfills it through the clerks that sell the food.
38:32He fulfills it through the transportation companies that transport the food.
38:35God cares for creation through work.
38:42But wisdom with work being careful
38:44and giving thought to my ways is not just working harder.
38:47Listen to this. Lazy hands make for poverty.
38:51Lazy hands refer to a work ethic that translates
38:55and shows up in their unwillingness to work
38:57or the unwillingness to work on themselves to develop the skills
39:01and traits necessary to increase their value in the marketplace.
39:09It is when you're confusing your value in the eyes of God
39:12with a value you bring to the marketplace.
39:15It's not the same.
39:19So wisdom says I not only need to work hard on my job.
39:24I need to work hard on me.
39:27So it doesn't make me more valuable in the eyes of God,
39:31but it makes me more valuable in the marketplace.
39:33So now the more skilled I become the more value I add
39:38and the more I'm able to serve people
39:40and the more I'm able to help change people's lives
39:42and now I get a certificate of appreciation for the contribution.
39:45I've made in people's life
39:46and that certificate of appreciation is compensation.
39:55We don't just work hard on ourselves in the King work hard at work in the kingdom.
39:59We work hard on ourselves leaders.
40:02What are you reading on leadership?
40:06Specialists, what are you reading in your area of expertise?
40:11Do you have an amazing gift that's underdeveloped for Egypt?
40:18I don't have time because we're introduced to Joseph dreaming dreams.
40:25He gets to the second seat of Pharaoh because he can interpret them.
40:31So the the dreams is a gift from God,
40:35but the development of that gift is what put him in a place called destiny.
40:40He didn't just work hard at work.
40:42He worked hard on himself.
40:46Somebody say Lord give me wisdom with my work.
40:55A destiny depends on this.
41:11Your legacies in your destiny.
41:17Is what you remember for?
41:20It's the unique imprint you leave on this Earth.
41:32Lord. Give me wisdom.
41:40With my wrath with my relationships and with my work.
41:46Show me what the work on in this season.
41:50Father, would you do this for your people?
41:59I pray in Jesus name.
42:03Amen. Let me just do let me do this.
42:14I want you to just fact-check me.
42:15It's in first Corinthians 12 over 14.
42:17Just fact-check me. There's a spiritual gift called the gift of wisdom.
42:22And I every now and then I'm prompted to pray Romans 1 11.
42:26I long to see that I might lay hands on you and impart to you some spiritual gift.
42:29I want to pray for that because somebody I think we all need wisdom in some way,
42:35but I want to pray for an impartation.
42:42Of the spiritual gift of wisdom.
42:43Now the Bible says the Holy Spirit distributes gifts as he chooses.
42:47I can't tell you who gonna get it.
42:51I can tell you he's prompting me to pray for it because somebody you're like Joseph.
42:55You're calling and your season requires it.
43:01Unique wisdom. Where your instinct becomes wise choices.
43:08Some of us know that's not my instinct PD.
43:10That's not my instinct is not.
43:14We got to go. I'm sorry.
43:17I'm gonna pray this over you.
43:22As a sign of surrender just lift your hands if to the level that you comfortable.
43:28Father according to Romans 1 11.
43:33According to Timothy you impart spiritual gifts.
43:38You distribute and release them as we need them.
43:41So I pray for an impartation of the spiritual gift of wisdom
43:47that our instinct from this day forward would be inclined toward wisdom in Jesus name.
43:57Amen. And a man.
44:04Well, I hope you were blessed by encouraged by challenge by stretch by that message
44:10and I pray that you're on path to making decisions
44:14that are getting you closer to the destiny God's chosen for you.
44:17Hey, if this blesses you would you send it to somebody else press that share button
44:22and if your heart is stirred
44:24and you want to bless the ministry that's blessing you ways to give on the screen
44:29for you to sow back into the field you're harvesting from love you.
44:32See you next time. Take care.