00:09after Genesis you gonna find it Exodus chapter 18 if you'll give me just a
00:19little bit more in the monitor I'll live to fight another day Exodus chapter 18
00:24you almost there man Exodus chapter 18 thank you verses 17 and 18 Exodus 18
00:36verses 17 and 18 would you read silently as I read aloud Moses his father-in-law
00:46replied what you are doing is not good you and these people who come to you
00:53will only weigh yourselves out the work is too heavy for you you can't handle it
01:01alone I need you to read the scripture to the person beside you would you look
01:07at the person beside you don't worry about the Bible I'm gonna tell you what
01:10to say look look look at the person beside you and tell them what you were
01:15doing is not good look at me now say if you keep doing it like that you gonna
01:24burn yourself out you got too much to do to do it by yourself you may be say you
01:34preach good today you preach good today you preach good today I want to preach
01:42for a little while this morning I want to preach using as a subject I can't do
01:48this by myself I can't do this by myself a lot of you just gonna be freed by
01:56making that declaration would you shout that out loud I can't do this by myself
02:02I can't do this by myself not since the scandal involving Lance Armstrong have I
02:12paid much attention to competitive cycling but what I do remember and I
02:19want you to write this down what I do remember is a principle in cycling
02:23called the echelon principle the echelon principle e-c-h-e-l-o-n the echelon
02:33principle an echelon is when riders on a team form a line here it is they form a
02:42line right behind each other in order to break or to cut the opposing wind the
02:52leader who is in front of the line the leader who is in front of the line watch
02:57this takes the wind so that the person people behind him will not have to fight
03:03it he takes their opposing wind for him ladies and gentlemen when he becomes
03:12wearied from the blistering wind the person who is the leader falls to the
03:18back of the line falls to the back of the line and the person who was second
03:23then becomes the leader he will take on the wind here it is the person who was
03:29second in line was not the leader but is taking the position of the onslaught of
03:35wind until the leader can rest and the leader takes himself out of the line and
03:42goes to the back because he has taken the onslaught of wind for his team when
03:49it is that the wind is coming from the side and not head-on they shift the
03:54dynamics and the line is now diagonal so that the wind does not find itself
04:01gusting anybody inordinately they take turns dea-de-endearing and all of the
04:09weight and the burden of the wind it's amazing how people can do this on wheels
04:17but can't do it walking they don't know how to turn back or to step back or to
04:25step aside when the wind of life is too much the winds are relentless and so you
04:32got to find somebody in your life in your space who you can trust to steer
04:37but you have got to be humble enough to acknowledge what I have been dealing
04:43with is too much for me need you to hear this somebody need to write it down
04:49somebody please somebody please tweet this for me letting go is hard when we
04:56are in a culture that celebrates holding on letting go is hard when we are in a
05:04culture that celebrates holding on. Delegation is dangerous when it's left
05:13to a dictator but delegation is difficult when you think you are anointed
05:24delegation is dangerous when you serve under dictator delegation is hard for
05:31somebody who thinks they are anointed. The Harvard Business Review published a
05:38quote that I wanted to share with you here's what the Harvard Business Review
05:41said a classic sign of insufficient delegation is that you are working long
05:48hours and feel totally indispensable while your team is passionately passive
05:56about being passe. In other words you're the only one that cares you're the only
06:04one that's invested you're the only one who's going overtime Jesus died for us
06:11so why are you laying on a cross that you built nobody put you on that cross
06:19you laid down on it Jesus is the Savior of the world hear this he is omniscient
06:28he knows everything he is omnipresent he is everywhere he is omnipotent he has
06:35all power hear this Jesus had all power and still had somebody else carry his
06:42cross and here you are throwing your shoulder out trying to hoist your cross
06:49by yourself when you know you don't have all power. Today friends I'm preaching to
06:57you a sermon I plagiarized this sermon I didn't even write this sermon does not
07:05come from chat AI it comes from Moses his father-in-law Jethro he preached
07:12this sermon before I ever did and when we are introduced to Jethro in Exodus
07:18the second chapter Moses is a fugitive of the law he is a wanted unconvicted
07:26felon for murdering an Egyptian in the desert he worked 40 years under the
07:33protective custody of his soon-to-be father-in-law Jethro while he's out
07:41there working for 40 years people don't know here it is what he's working
07:47through and they don't know what he's working up against I want to say to
07:52somebody you got to keep working because you don't even understand that while
07:56you're working God is working some things out in you
08:01he's working some things out of you because there's a perfect work that he
08:05wants to do in you. Moses has an outstanding warrant for his arrest
08:13because he's committed murder but even while it is that he is in a wanted
08:19fugitive he becomes so in dear to the family that Jethro allows Moses to
08:27marry his daughter Miriam while he's working on himself God is working on a
08:35plan I want somebody to say well not somebody I want everybody to say it I
08:40need you to lay hands on yourself and declare out loud while I'm working on
08:43myself God is working on a plan come on say it again while I'm working on myself
08:51God is working on a plan the Lord met him on a mountain and mandated that
08:59Moses here this while being a fugitive was gonna be a mouthpiece that would
09:06liberate the children of Israel from Pharaoh I'm not even talking to you
09:11right now I'm talking to somebody behind you you have no idea what God is gonna
09:17use you to do stop disqualifying yourself when your disqualifications
09:25are actually your certification for God to be able to use you last Sunday last
09:33Sunday after church I went to a black-owned restaurant called grits and
09:39eggs right here in Atlanta went to a black-owned restaurant called grits and
09:43eggs and halfway through the meal the executive chef and part proprietor
09:50Rasul York came to my table said pastor I hate to interrupt your breakfast but
09:57do you mind if I testify say chef testify if you don't cook my food I
10:02won't hear what you got to say there's something you need to confess say it now
10:07before I finish so pastor I got to tell you I've cooked for President Obama I
10:14need you to know I'm president of the National Black Chef Association said I
10:20want you to know I won top chef want you to know I won chopped I want you to know
10:27I've been on the food network I want you to know that I mentor inner-city kids to
10:33become chefs I want you to know that I now have a restaurant with four locations
10:39I want you to know that I can't even believe where God has me pastor a whole
10:45lot of people don't know this but the reason why I was convicted to come talk
10:49to you today is I saw you from the kitchen and I needed to give you my
10:53testimony that yes I've cooked for Obama yes I've won top chef yes I've been on
10:58chop but in 2011 I was quickly I was cooking in jail y'all ain't saying
11:05nothing to me I was cooking in my cell and God turned my life around and I
11:12can't believe what God has done I said Rasul that's an amazing testimony
11:17thank you for sharing it with me but I got to ask you a question he said yes
11:22pastor what's your question I said tell me where do you go to church he said
11:27pastor I got to be honest with you I got four locations I got four
11:31restaurants I've got a staff of over 65 people it's hard for me to make it to
11:37church because I'm trying to run my business I said him Russell did you tell
11:42me that God brought you out of jail did you tell me that God got you cooking for
11:47presidents did you tell me even with blemishes on your record God allowed you
11:53to open up for different locations I said Russell don't you get so busy that
11:59you can't give God the glory for what God has done for you I better pause
12:04right here I know y'all got a whole lot of stuff that you got going on I know
12:09you dealing with a lot but don't you get so puffed up in your accomplishments and
12:14in your schedule that you ain't got time to give God this is a good time for a
12:20praise break can you give God glory for where God has brought you and for how
12:26God has made a way
12:33that there is somebody watching online right now who has allowed your work
12:39schedule to become so consumed and so busy that now God no longer fits in your
12:45schedule seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other
12:52things will be added unto you I'm telling you when you make God first in
12:57your life God will make everything else easy I got some witnesses in here you
13:04cannot make God a back burner or a backup dancer do not make God a side
13:11chick or jump off but early in the morning will I seek him I I want to talk
13:17to him before I talk to anybody else before I scroll through Instagram or
13:22tick-tock before I read my text messages I want to say Lord thank you you've been
13:29better to me than I've been to myself
13:35you have to make God your priority as a consequence you got to make sure Sunday
13:41mornings I'm in church Tuesday night I'm in Bible study with everything else that
13:47I got to do I've got to make God a priority in my life when Moses finds
13:55himself by a mountainside he hears the voice of God and God starts talking to
14:03him and says Moses I want to I want to use you I want to use you when I know
14:09you want to run I want to use you even though I know you got blood on your
14:14hands I want to use you even though you got an anger management issue I want to
14:21use you even after you killed somebody and after God called Moses Moses his
14:28life forever changed and he becomes the great mouthpiece and Oracle and the
14:35liberator and the civil rights activist that God needed for the children of
14:39Israel and many years have passed by years have passed by and Moses finally
14:46reunites with Jethro and when he reunites with Jethro he tells him how
14:52the Lord used him said Jethro you ain't gonna believe it is the Lord used
14:58somebody as broken as me to stop plagues God used somebody like me to part the
15:07Red Sea God used somebody like me to send uber eats to the desert he used
15:15somebody like me to bring water out of a rock I'm telling you don't you dare sit
15:21on your testimony like God ain't never used you to do something great folk can
15:27not treat you any kind of regular way you are extraordinary if they don't
15:33believe you don't judge me by my clothes or my car or my career judge me on my
15:39testimony that I'm able to say look at me I'm a testimony I that's why you can't
15:46tell everybody what you've been through cuz everybody can't handle it cuz you
15:50don't look like your testimony you you came out of the fire but you don't
15:55smell like smoke because of the grace of God that's on your life but I wanted you
16:04to see something of that preachers long before me have ignored that commentators
16:10have not paid attention to how that theologians did not think it warranted
16:15any explanation but I needed you to pay attention in the home in on Exodus
16:21chapter 18 verse number 2 and in Exodus chapter 18 verse number 2 it is
16:27something that is absolutely mind-blowing it's mind-blowing because
16:32what I found in Exodus 18 verse number 2 y'all ain't gonna believe it is Moses
16:37is anointed and Moses is called by God Moses is being used Moses is performing
16:45miracles watch this and Moses is separated from his wife I'm in Exodus
16:5318 verse number 2 they didn't talk about this in vacation Bible school is he's
17:00busy delivering all these people and is losing his family the Bible says Moses
17:08sends his wife away and the children cuz he's so busy being a liberator I got to
17:18have a transparent moment with you got to have a transparent moment with you I
17:21lost my family not just through infidelity but I lost my family on the
17:27altar of ministry with a misplaced priority
17:34my first call is not to new birth my first call is to my family and it
17:43matters nothing if I preach to thousands of people all over the world and my
17:48family can't see the glory of God or my life some of you are losing your family
17:55cuz you so filled with religion that you ain't relatable to the people that are
18:00in your house your children don't believe your witness your spouse don't
18:06believe your testimony it ain't that much Holy Ghost in you that you can't
18:12speak to your wife you ain't got that much fire on your life that you don't
18:17know how to be respectable to your offspring
18:22he mismanaged home raising a nation God y'all don't like this here you got a
18:32makeup in your mind I know you busy I know you making money I know you making
18:37moves I know you rising and grinding but you got a makeup in your mind my family
18:42is my priority you can die on your job on Monday and they will post for your
18:49replacement on Tuesday you better get your family as a priority
18:57John Kennedy John Kennedy when he was president told the Secret Service I
19:04don't care what meeting I'm in if my kids need to see me let them come in
19:10y'all ain't saying nothing I'm telling you your kids will not remember gifts
19:16your kids will remember time your Commission can't compensate for your
19:24spouse's companionship you gotta get your house under holy authority Adam
19:31only had one member and lost his wife to a snake y'all ain't saying nothing you
19:38gotta make up in your mind God before I get the corner office before I pray for
19:43six figures before I go to a new house let my whole family be saved let
19:50everybody in my house see my witness and give your glory I know all of y'all want
19:57a ball to your fall but if you want to see your whole family walking in the
20:02alignment of the Holy Ghost would you give God glory for it right now
20:10I got the wrong church you don't want to see your family say it don't matter to
20:15you what happened to your son or what happens to your daughter you gotta get
20:20your family in order and to show you Moses dysfunction to show you Moses
20:29dysfunction I needed you to see something is that he'd been busy parting
20:35Red Seas he'd been busy build building a bridge to the promised land and Jethro
20:44his father-in-law I need you to read the Bible his father-in-law brings his wife
20:50and kids to see him he's so busy being a liberator so busy being a leader that he
21:00finally reconnects with his kids and sees his wife after an extended
21:07separation and I want you to see the broken dysfunction of somebody anointed
21:15like Moses he finally gets to see his wife and his kids and what does Moses do
21:22he goes to work he doesn't spend time to find out what's going on with his
21:29daughter who's she dating got no idea what's happening with his son who is he
21:36hanging out with what what are his habits what is his proclivities what is
21:41his desire what is his life goals he don't spend here this not one night with
21:47his wife rekindling intimacy finding where is their connection but as soon as
21:55the wife and the kids come back home watch what happens he then goes to the
21:59city square and two million people under his leadership are sitting all day
22:07waiting for an appointment they're waiting for an appointment and his
22:13father-in-law is looking in the corner how he ain't playing football with his
22:18son he's not giving any admonition to his daughter on what kind of men to look
22:23out for and what a trap she's got a sidestep he's been in all his day
22:29curating kingdom business and his father-in-law says to him what you were
22:36doing is out of order it ain't good you are burning yourself out it's too happy
22:45for you and I don't know who I'm preaching to today I know not many y'all
22:50gonna shout over this message how about somebody God told me to tell you what
22:54you are doing ain't good I know you're making more money I know the business is
23:00going in the direction that you want I know the contracts are starting to come
23:04in I know that you're networking but what you are doing ain't good
23:09says if you keep doing this this way you gonna burn yourself out you are about to
23:16hit a wall you are about to run out of gas you are already spent you are
23:23already tapped out you are already scraping the bottom you need somebody in
23:29your life who can love you enough to pull you up to tell you you gotta pull
23:36over for a minute you gotta take some time for yourself this ain't even who
23:42you are and I know you trying to keep a straight face but I feel like I'm
23:47talking to 500 of y'all who have hit a brick wall and you know in your heart
23:53aha I can't keep doing this can't keep doing this I'm burning the candle on
24:03both ends I ain't got nothing left I'm going to bed thinking about work I'm
24:10waking up responding to text messages I ain't got nothing left cuz I'm
24:15frustrated on the job I'm taking it out on my kids I ain't got nothing left I
24:20ain't even got a spouse I now got a roommate God you gonna have to do
24:24something I don't even know how we coexisting in this space we barely even
24:28speak we don't even make eye contact her foot don't even touch my foot no more
24:33God I need you to be able to do something and God says I'm gonna do
24:37something but the first thing you got to do is acknowledge that I can't keep
24:41living the way I've been living because this is not healthy for where I need to
24:47be if I'm talking to somebody in this room just blink at me twice because God
24:52says I ain't gonna let you burn yourself out you got no idea why you came to
24:58church today is I need to give you a refill so that you can go back with
25:04greater focus and understanding that this is not my life paying bills and
25:10going to work and answering the email but God said I don't want you to have a
25:15regular life I want you to have a life more abundantly.
25:24Jethro said to Moses you can't keep doing this I don't need you to look at
25:33your neighbor I don't need you to turn to them it ain't none of their business
25:40but if I'm talking to you and you are convicted and you are challenged I need
25:44you to just shout out loud I can't keep doing this by myself
25:51Jethro told Moses in verse 21 there are some capable people in the camp he
26:01didn't say there are lawyers in the camp he didn't say that there are judges in the
26:06camp he said I have put people around you they may not have degrees or tenure
26:12but I have put some people around you and don't ask what school they went to
26:19don't ask them where they pledged don't ask them do they have an Ivy League
26:24education he said this is how you gonna know they are my people for your life he
26:31said you gonna know they are the people I have assigned you here it is when they
26:36fear God it done got crazy right through here and it's a whole lot of people that
26:43come to church but it ain't that many people that still fear God I need to
26:49know how you're getting God's presence and you're still arrogant and still
26:53puffed up and still got pride where are those that fear God know that I can't
27:04live any kind of raggedy lifestyle that I've got to have some honor and have
27:09some integrity he said I'm gonna raise up some people that will pray for you
27:14when you ain't got the strength to pray for yourself I'm putting people in your
27:18life who will check you when you are out of order and remind you God expects
27:24more for you than where it is that you are says I got to put people around you
27:31who fear God I got to put people around you who got integrity you ain't got to
27:37worry about them trying to steal money or take away your clients or break your
27:41your business in half you need some integrous people in your life he said
27:48I'm sending people that are going to help you who are gonna help you achieve
27:53what it is that you were born to do everybody ain't jealous of you everybody
27:58ain't in competition with you everybody ain't threatened by you but God told me
28:05to tell you I sent some folks who you don't even know pray for you when you
28:11don't even know you need prayer there's some folk that are cheering for you who
28:17are not jealous of what God is getting ready to do
28:22you would think you would think you would actually think I was preaching to
28:32you I'm not I don't even know why you thought this word was for you look at
28:41you with your self-absorbed self this sermon ain't got nothing to do with you
28:48God preached this to me said Jamal you are getting ready to burn out I didn't
28:58put an incredible anointing on your life and a vision that is so much further
29:04than you but if you try to carry all of this by yourself there's no way you're
29:11gonna get it accomplished but I'm raising up some people around you who
29:17see the vision and they not there just for the show but they understand pastor
29:22I got it you you ain't got to do all of this by yourself
29:28must must Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free no there's a cross
29:39for everyone and I'm telling you there's a cross for you as well you may be seated
29:45my time is almost up yes do you know how tiring it is to have to do everything to
29:52have to do everybody's job do you know how wearying it is when folk only do the
29:59minimum but they want to be paid at the maximum do do you know how draining it
30:04is to have to over explain and then they get offended at correction do do you
30:11know what it feels like to have a passion to get something done but they
30:16got a spirit of procrastination and they don't care how it gets handled do you
30:21know what it's like to have a spirit of excellence but you got folk around you
30:26who are comfortable with mediocrity but God said watch what I'm getting ready to
30:31do I'm gonna raise up some people that's gonna help you get it off the ground
30:37some people that got my heart and got my vision and got my passion and got my
30:44ear you may be seated I'm almost finished hallelujah the hardest thing
30:57for strong people to ever do the hardest thing for strong people to ever do is to
31:06admit I need help because we've been made to think that asking for help is
31:14weakness but you don't even understand that when you ask for help it's a sign
31:19of how strong you are that you see that what you are called to do is so much
31:24bigger than you but you need somebody who's gonna help push you through it I
31:29need somebody to shout is bigger than me and I want to tell you that what I am
31:35declaring over your life is not for something that's gonna happen about the
31:39end of the year but God said this week I'm gonna give you evidence that I'm
31:44raising up people around you who gonna help you get to the top he's raising up
31:51somebody around you here this who was called I better say it another way they
31:57were born to assist you that their assignment in this life is to help you
32:03perform what it is that God has for you I can't do it I can't do it by myself
32:12it's too heavy it's too much it's too stressful it's too expensive I don't
32:23have the expertise in every area but I got a vision for what it's supposed to
32:28look like God said take your hand off the wheel and watch me raise up some
32:34people hear this because I need you to make sure that your family is healthy
32:39that your marriage is strong that your children are balanced so I'm gonna let
32:45you ride in the back because you're gonna have a competent team who's gonna
32:51ride in front of you hear this and they're not gonna try to steal the
32:55business from you but they just gonna stay in position until you get your
33:01strength back together and Jethro says to Moses I'm gonna raise up judges who
33:12are in the camp and they're gonna help you preside and Moses that doesn't mean
33:18that you're any less anointed I'm just gonna make you more effective because
33:25I'm gonna call some gifts in them that they don't even know that they have here
33:30it is they are anointed but they'll never be the spokesperson they are
33:36anointed and they may never meet Pharaoh but their greatest delight is knowing
33:41I'm a part of a team that is gonna set people free do you know if you are
33:48sitting in this room today you ain't no regular anybody but God is getting ready
33:54to pull out an anointing in your life that is gonna turn this ministry upside
34:00down the devil was hoping you were never gonna say it because to carnal ears it
34:06sounds arrogant but I need somebody who's in the alignment of the Holy Ghost
34:12would you shout out loud this church needs me this ministry needs me my
34:19pastor needs me
34:26and all I need is some help it's all I need is some help
34:38it's all I need is some help I went to Morehouse I went to Duke I went to
34:44Oxford I need some help I'm a third-generation preacher but I need
34:49some help God knows I got vision oozing out of my
34:53pores but I need some help and I don't know what you came to do but I need
34:59somebody who can help me lift him up because he said if two or three are
35:06gathered together in my name then there I will be also look at the person
35:13beside him tell him can I be honest with you I'm a little tired I'm a little
35:19burnout I'm a little fatigued and I just need a little help look at him and tell
35:27him I got you when I give God glory I'm not gonna shout for me I'm shouting
35:33cuz I want to help you out I can't hear nobody would you do me a favor you don't
35:39even know how much strength you getting ready to give up for one minute would
35:44you give God glory for the people who are sitting on your row they need your
35:56I need your help I need your help to lift up that hand I'm finished I'm just
36:04not through lift up that hand for me please I need some help I need some help
36:13I can't do all of this people don't know that you juggling chainsaws I'm sick and
36:25tired of being sick and tired I didn't crash but I refused to burn I know the
36:35Holy Ghost is with me cuz I'm not drunk right now I know God is with me cuz I'm
36:44not high under a bridge right now I know God must be fighting for me cuz I
36:50haven't sought out revenge by now God said watch me watch me help you and I'm
37:01getting ready to send humans to do it get ready to send people into your life
37:08it's gonna cover you in an incredible way how much you lift up that hand for
37:13me please I'm praying for God to send you help hallelujah I need help it's me
37:23it's me O Lord standing in the need of prayer it ain't my mother it ain't my
37:33father yes it's me O Lord I'm standing in the need of prayer hallelujah lift up
37:43that hand open up your mouth for just ten seconds please hallelujah help is on
37:51the way
37:54hallelujah hallelujah
38:10come on both hands you are my strength
38:24Strength like no other reaches to me.
38:37In the goodness of your grace, in the power of your grace,
38:49you lift me up.
38:52Send me help to you today.
38:56You lift me up.
38:59In the fullness of your grace, in the power of your grace,
39:14you lift me up.
39:17Help is on the way.
39:18Help is on the way.
39:21You lift me up.
39:25Thank you.
39:26Stretch your right hand to faith toward this altar.
39:29Bring this young lady to me, please.
39:32Bring her to me.
39:33Bring her to me.
39:37Now, just give me your hand.
39:38Just give me your hand.
39:41Thank you.
39:46If y'all will step two, take two steps away from her.
39:56Listen to me.
40:01Listen to me.
40:04Listen to me.
40:06Sometimes you need help, and it ain't with your business.
40:10It ain't with your marriage.
40:12Sometimes you need help fighting your demons.
40:19You don't have to go through spiritual warfare by yourself.
40:30I break every demonic stronghold,
40:35every demon from the pit of hell when
40:39there's a scream in this room.
40:42Every satanic principality is getting ready to be broken.
40:50Without any music, I need to hear
40:52the sound of a worshiper.
40:54Would you open up your mouth?
40:57Come on, I can't hear you.
40:59Open up your mouth.
41:11Hi-ya, hi-ya, hi-ya.
41:17Hi-ya, hi-ya, hi-ya.
41:24I need you to open up your mouth.
41:26Thank you, holy God.
41:28Come on, open up your mouth.
41:31Thank you, holy God.
41:37I cancel the spirit of witchcraft.
41:41Every demonic entity that has illegally
41:46come into this building, you are served eviction.
41:51Every demon that has invaded the body of your son,
41:57the body of your daughter, not by tomorrow, by 12 noon,
42:04I cast it out of the very pit of hell.
42:09Let God arise.
42:13My mouth's shut.
42:23Lift up that hand right where you are.
42:26Lift up that hand right where you are.
42:31Thank you.
42:34Thank you, holy God.
42:37Oh, hallelujah.
42:41Oh, hallelujah.
42:47Y'all came to play, church.
42:51I dare you to lay hands right on your womb right there.
42:55Open up your mouth and just travail for it.
42:58Come on, I need you to cry for it.
42:59Cry for it.
43:01Come on, cry for it.
43:04Come right here.
43:06Come right here.
43:07Lift up both of those hands.
43:09Lift up both of those hands.
43:16Oh, hallelujah.
43:24I'm not playing with the mic.
43:26I'm breaking chains.
43:31Every chain that was on your mother, every chain that was on your nasty uncle, I break
43:40the trauma of molestation.
43:42I break the trauma of a rape at 16.
43:47I break the trauma of a confliction of identity.
43:59Thank you, holy God.
44:00Thank you, holy God.
44:08Thank you, holy God.
44:20Lift up that hand.
44:22Open up your mouth.
44:26Thank you, holy God.
44:30Ma'ams, come here.
44:32Ma'am, come here.
44:34Come here.
44:36Lift up that hand, please.
44:38Tell me your name.
44:40Tell me your name.
44:42Tell me your name.
44:44Just tell me your name.
44:46Tell me the name that's on your birth certificate.
44:52Yes, thank you.
44:54Back up for me.
44:58Thank you.
45:02Thank you.
45:06Thank you.
45:08Lift up that hand as high as you can.
45:12Thank you, holy God.
45:16Thank you, holy God.
45:18Bless your holy name.
45:56Thank you.